Rifle Match on Eastern Shore 26 Oct 2013

Posted by: david poyer

Rifle Match on Eastern Shore 26 Oct 2013 - 09/10/13 12:04 PM


DATE: Saturday October 26, 2013. Clinic, 9 AM; match, 12 noon to about 3 PM.

LOCATION: NOAAWIVA Sportsmen Inc. Range at T’s Corner, Virginia. From Route 13 at T’s Corner turn east on Chincoteague Road. After 200 yds turn right into woods. Parking free.

REGISTRATION: Anyone 14 or older and a US citizen may attend. Submit name, address and entry fee to David Poyer, General Delivery, Franktown VA 23354 by October 25. Entries limited to 24 (three relays of 8 each). You may also just show up, but those pre-registered will have precedence. Fees: adults, $16.00 for clinic and/or match. Juniors under 18, $8. Make check or M.O. payable to: NOAAWIVA Rifle Team.

RULES AND AWARDS: CMP Rules govern. First, 2nd and 3rd place awards by rifle category. Pins of the same design as the medals awarded at the National John C. Garand Match. A Certificate of Competition fulfills the participation requirement for purchasing CMP rifles. Cut scores for 2012 were Garand: Gold, 281/300; Silver, 273; Bronze, 264. Springfield: Gold, 282; Silver, 274; Bronze, 264. Vintage Military: Gold, 277; Silver, 269; Bronze, 257.

SAFETY: Each shooter must wear eye and ear protection. A waiver must be signed before the match starts.We’ll inspect your rifle for safety before letting you shoot.

MINI-CLINIC: Starts promptly 9 AM. Contents: safety, match procedures, operation. Unless you’ve taken NOAAWIVA rifle training or equivalent, you MUST take clinic before competing.

COURSE OF FIRE: The John C. Garand Match, Course A will be fired at 100 yards:
Stage 1: Slow fire prone: 5 sighting shots with coaching in a time limit of 5 minutes
Stage 2: Slow fire prone: 10 record shots in a time limit of 10 minutes
Stage 3: Rapid fire prone: 10 record shots in a time limit of 70 (80 for bolt action rifles)
Stage 4: Standing: 10 record shots in a time limit of 10 minutes.

RIFLES, AMMO; As-issued U. S. Rifle cal..30 M1903/M1903A1/M1903A3 (“Springfield”), U. S. Rifle cal..30 M1 (“Garand”); as-issued bolt-action rifle of any armed force of any country (“Vintage Bolt-Action Rifle”). You may fire others such as carbines or AR-15s, but won’t receive pins. We’ll have Garands to rent to Club members. You may purchase up to 48 rounds of CMP-supplied HXP 30-06 in clips. Persons firing other calibers must provide their own ammunition.

LUNCH: There’ll be a break before the match begins. Water and cold drinks available.

QUESTIONS: Call (757) 442-3013 or contact <wildflower@esva.net>.