Ch 12 news gun poll

Posted by: VaGunTrader

Ch 12 news gun poll - 10/21/15 07:15 AM

The VCDL president Philip Van Cleave will be on channel 12 tonight.
If you are not a VCDL member you should really consider supporting them. They are the ones that fight for our gun rights here in Virginia.
Posted by: izymic

Re: Ch 12 news gun poll - 10/21/15 09:34 AM

Channel 12? where?
Posted by: Agent19

Re: Ch 12 news gun poll - 10/21/15 11:07 AM

Richmond area
Posted by: Mark S

Re: Ch 12 news gun poll - 10/21/15 03:38 PM

Look at the survey, the conclusions DO NOT match the answers. another one sided hack survey that even over sampled Dems making them larger than Reps and Indies combined.
Posted by: Agent19

Re: Ch 12 news gun poll - 10/22/15 12:56 PM

Not yet a Virginia Citizens Defense League member? Join VCDL at:
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I mistakenly believed was that tonight’s panel discussion was going to be run on television. I found out less than one minute before the cameras started rolling that it was going to be broadcast live on the internet. But it is now posted and can be watched at your leisure.

I know some of you patiently watched Inside Edition waiting for the show, I apologize and appreciate you having taken the time to do so.

Jim Reynolds did a great job in presenting the pro-gun side. He was measured, calm, and logical, made some powerful points.

Charles D. Willis, a preacher who heads up “Citizens Against Crime,” was a pleasant surprise for me and probably not as pleasant a surprise for Lori Haas. He spends a lot of time helping the families who have lost loved ones to violent crime. He sees the horror of deadly violence on a regular, too regular, a basis. But, it turns out he is a CHP holder and fully believes in the right to keep and bear arms. As the evening wore on, it was clear that he had a whole lot more in common with Jim and I than with Lori Haas.

I enjoyed the event and think it turned out really well. I thank NBC 12 for having the dialog.

You can watch the panel by clicking here (runs about 1 hour):


NOTE: The first video seems to stop at about 36 minutes into the panel, the rest is on the second video, but for some reason you may have to do some hunting for it in the second video. I was starting to make a point about Illinois gun laws when the first video ends.

VA-ALERT is a project of the Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc.
(VCDL). VCDL is an all-volunteer, non-partisan grassroots organization
dedicated to defending the human rights of all Virginians. The Right to
Keep and Bear Arms is a fundamental human right.

VCDL web page: []
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