Dems tell Washington Examiner they will use National Guard against 2nd Amendment sanctuary counties

Posted by: scott9050

Dems tell Washington Examiner they will use National Guard against 2nd Amendment sanctuary counties - 12/12/19 02:23 PM

"Democratic Virginia Rep. Donald McEachin suggested cutting off state funds to counties that do not comply with any gun control measures that pass in Richmond.

“They certainly risk funding, because if the sheriff's department is not going to enforce the law, they're going to lose money. The counties' attorneys offices are not going to have the money to prosecute because their prosecutions are going to go down,” he said.

McEachin also noted that Democratic Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam could call the National Guard, if necessary.

“And ultimately, I'm not the governor, but the governor may have to nationalize the National Guard to enforce the law,” he said. “That's his call, because I don't know how serious these counties are and how severe the violations of law will be. But that's obviously an option he has.”
Posted by: Sean M

Re: Dems tell Washington Examiner they will use National Guard against 2nd Amendment sanctuary counties - 12/12/19 03:51 PM

Tell him to Make sure they pack a BIG lunch.
Posted by: ssgs

Re: Dems tell Washington Examiner they will use National Guard against 2nd Amendment sanctuary counties - 12/12/19 04:01 PM

The govenor will never use the National Guard against anyone in the state of Va. They will use money as the weapon of choice, they will cut any to all state funding for those counties. In return the same counties will stop paying state taxes, where it ends no one knows.
I do know this if Northam sends people with guns to these counties they will be met by people with guns. It could end up like the standoff at the Bundy Ranch or the bridge in Lexington, who knows.
Again, if Northam sends thugs with guns to these counties he better send them to his families home in Onancock, Virginia first.
Posted by: ssgs

Re: Dems tell Washington Examiner they will use National Guard against 2nd Amendment sanctuary counties - 12/12/19 04:03 PM

Big lunch, thats funny. Is that from the "Big Poppies sketches" from SNL?
Posted by: Gnome

Re: Dems tell Washington Examiner they will use National Guard against 2nd Amendment sanctuary counties - 12/12/19 06:26 PM

I do NOT conceivably ever see a Spineless Governor, specifically one who can not even confess up to his medical college yearbook picture's blackface or KKK affiliation, ever being able to lead an army on a hunt to confiscate weapons, let alone able to lead children on an Easter Egg hunt with spoons.

The legality of using the National Guard to enforce unconstitutional anti-liberty regulations upon the law abiding peaceful citizenry of Virginia will NOT be tolerated. Royal Governor Dunmore of Virginia attempted this exact move, it did NOT end well for him.
The General Assembly and the Governor attempted to shove down measures in the Capitol that went against the will of the People in 55 counties before, that did NOT end well for the Southern Democrats either... we now have 55 Counties in West Virginia that declared themselves independent.
Posted by: Gnome

Re: Dems tell Washington Examiner they will use National Guard against 2nd Amendment sanctuary counties - 12/12/19 07:20 PM

Best everyone brush off the dust of history and read this, what happened to the Last Royal Governor of Virginia who attempted to confiscate the Powder and Guns.
Posted by: IrishIII

Re: Dems tell Washington Examiner they will use National Guard against 2nd Amendment sanctuary counties - 12/12/19 08:24 PM

Roger that
Posted by: Mark S

Re: Dems tell Washington Examiner they will use National Guard against 2nd Amendment sanctuary counties - 12/12/19 09:37 PM

I love it when the Dems 'get stupid' and say stuff that just irritates everyone but their hardcore followers.

"We'll call out the National Guard" - who do you think makes up the Guard...
"We'll cut off funding" - we'll stop paying taxes and enforcing other laws, secede from the state, create a county level electoral college

More please, more stupid comments...
Posted by: Schebishzt

Re: Dems tell Washington Examiner they will use National Guard against 2nd Amendment sanctuary counties - 12/12/19 09:58 PM

1. quality fighting rifle
2. quality fighting pistol
3. quality lvl 3/4 ceramic (not steel) armor
4. medical kit
5. ammo carrying kit
6. gas mask
7. radio/signal app for encrypting texts
8. get ready to put your money where your mouth is.
Posted by: wolfman

Re: Dems tell Washington Examiner they will use National Guard against 2nd Amendment sanctuary counties - 12/13/19 01:14 AM

I don't remember who said this, I think an Iraq/Afghanistan vet," send anyone you want long as you don't want them back". I think we have a LOT of the guard on our side. Just sayin.
Posted by: Gnome

Re: Dems tell Washington Examiner they will use National Guard against 2nd Amendment sanctuary counties - 12/13/19 05:11 AM


Re: Dems tell Washington Examiner they will use National Guard against 2nd Amendment sanctuary counties - 12/13/19 03:36 PM

I know Guardsmen and I don't think they will have enough troops in formation anymore if their orders were to conduct operations against American citizens who basically had done nothing wrong until this law, if passed. And no state or local enforcement has enough manpower, firepower" , or will to conduct such operations on a large scale.

So this nightmare scenario I'm certain will not happen.

It surely will be monetary sanctions for all. Complimented with minor jail time for repeat or more serious cases of non compliant individuals. The way child support enforcement is carried out.

Nobody wants the bloodshed. Even those screaming confiscating or guns. They haven't seriously been advised yet by their heads of departments that confiscation will with certainty start a civil war. When those conversations take place there will be no more loose threats of confiscation and soon will come the fines and "misdemeanor" jail sentences for "failure to pay your fines due to non compliance with SB16 etc". And all the legal mumbo jumbo that goes with that.
Posted by: Gnome

Re: Dems tell Washington Examiner they will use National Guard against 2nd Amendment sanctuary counties - 12/14/19 09:29 AM

Posted by: Gnome

Re: Dems tell Washington Examiner they will use National Guard against 2nd Amendment sanctuary counties - 12/14/19 09:30 AM

Governor Blackface Northam making plans to cut power, internet, fuel, roads, communications before sending in the VANG. Right out of the Soviet Union play book.
Posted by: MP3Mogul

Re: Dems tell Washington Examiner they will use National Guard against 2nd Amendment sanctuary counties - 12/14/19 07:45 PM

Okay, let's do the math:

Virginia National Guard: 7,500 members

Virginia Veterans: 780,000

Doesn't stack up well does it? I would also say, members of the guard, if that should happen would not follow an unlawful order that violates the Virginia or US Constitution.

Posted by: ssgs

Re: Dems tell Washington Examiner they will use National Guard against 2nd Amendment sanctuary counties - 12/15/19 09:30 AM

He's going to cut the power, internet and comunication? Wow, he is brilliant! Now everytime the lights go out people will grab their rifle. I am sure that Custer would have loved such a warning call.
Posted by: jlw1974

Re: Dems tell Washington Examiner they will use National Guard against 2nd Amendment sanctuary counties - 12/15/19 08:48 PM

He better make sure those EBT cards will still work after any kind of power/internet/radio downage or that would only tick off his own constituents...

Oh-yea, and all those FEDERAL government contracting jobs throughout Virginia that rely on same....

Or all those businesses that moved to Virginia....

Not really thinking of all the pitfalls he would create for himself. Do it please Gov.
Posted by: ssgs

Re: Dems tell Washington Examiner they will use National Guard against 2nd Amendment sanctuary counties - 01/02/20 03:43 PM

This guy puts and end to this arguement with some humor thrown in.]

I don't know why the link did not work just copy and paste the link to your browser, it is worth the trouble.
Posted by: Blackcloud

Re: Dems tell Washington Examiner they will use National Guard against 2nd Amendment sanctuary counties - 01/16/20 10:50 AM

The National Guard is on our side boys.. They ARE the protectors of the 2nd amendment. They are Virginians like us who have their own AR15s, Aks, and all other weapons under the sight of this rouge state government. They have been sent out of this country(some) and fought for us. I have heard that a great number will not violate their own rights and they will not war against themselves meaning US. The Governor thinks they will fight for him???? Trust me, they are with us. The rank and file NG are having the same discussions as us and we need to go forward knowing they ARE with us and Virginians will not stand against themselves.... Virginia will persevere this un-constitutional attack and we will stick together and the roaches will run when the lights come on! Think about this, do state troopers (who will obviously be exempt from these laws) or National Guardsman want their wives, parents, brothers, sisters, or children disarmed??? Are they prepared to allow these laws to take effect and leave their family unprotected without any resistance? Please dont make enemies of our fellow citizens. That is what the governor would want us to do. WE will all stand together and weather this storm. We still have courts and future elections to straighten this out, all is not lost and we need to embrace the State police and Guard and not ever let them think we dont see them as our fellow citizens. We need them to speak with us and stand with us so we need to recruit them to our side