
Posted by: Skelt11

pfomin - 05/11/15 09:31 PM

I made a deal with pformin on a handgun I am selling. He haggled for several days with me and then finally agrees to a price. While discussing meeting up he mentioned that he wanted to make sure the checkering and everything was ok before he spent the money on it. I asked him if he wasn't committed yet to think about it some more. I even offered to meet at a later date to give him some time to think about it since I had plans that day and didn't want to waste my time. He said that he would drive closer to me to meet (He is in Alexandria I think and I am in Fredericksburg) and wanted to come. I met him in Stafford over 30 miles from my house in Saturday morning traffic on 95 and delayed my plans with my friends. He gets there, looks the gun over, talks to me about class III stuff for a while, and just says "I'll pass, the checkering is too smooth and it will probably slip around in my hand. Thanks" and left. It took me over an hour to get home due to traffic. I offered him several times to wait and think about it. I told him I didn't want to meet unless he was committed yet he decided to waste my times to kick the tires on something anyway. I ended up delaying a large BBQ I had with friends due to this.

He appears very new to shooting and seems to think you can only shoot guns well if they fit your hand perfectly. I guess my 12 years in the Corps and being a PMI taught me all wrong, those useless fundamentals. I understand that if you think something doesn't work but you need to figure that out on your own time or in a store where people get paid for you to waste their time.
Posted by: BobVA

Re: pfomin - 05/12/15 01:28 AM

Message sent to pformin inviting him to respond.

Others not involved in this issue are NOT TO RESPOND.

BTW: His user name is pfomin NOT pformin.
Posted by: pfomin

Re: pfomin - 05/12/15 04:54 PM

After distilling the above text over and over, I have yet to find a single credible, valid, or logical comment that the member made. I don't control the traffic patterns on 95 nor do I deconflict ones internal private schedules. Believe it or not, the weather wasn't my fault either. All I can do is work with the inputs that you gave me.

If I could find a single logical response, it is as follows:

We inspect firearms at a FTF for several reasons;

If the inspection passes = buy
If the inspection fails = DO NOT buy

This is a clear cut case where the inspection instantly failed. I really wanted for this deal to work which is why I drove to him, had $3k with cash in hand, and was ready to deal. The member granted the inspection but didn't like the result.

That's all I have to say about that.
Posted by: BobVA

Re: pfomin - 05/12/15 05:43 PM

Both parties have commented. Thread locked.