For consideration: thoughts for emails to Elected Representatives on new firearm laws

Posted by: Jim24

For consideration: thoughts for emails to Elected Representatives on new firearm laws - 01/19/20 07:16 AM

The changes being made to firearms laws is to criminalize many, if not most, law-abiding Virginians for possessing the most popular, common, and modern firearms and firearm ammunition magazines in America. I believe that the changes to law will result in an immeasurable loss of individual and community well-being, security and safety across the Commonwealth.

I am deeply concerned that the imposition of new firearms and ammunition magazine limitations by our elected representatives signals a loss of faith, trust and confidence in all Virginians to live responsibly.

I believe that most Virginians are trustworthy, responsible, and good citizens. I believe that Virginia’s firearm owners demonstrate individual responsibility through lawful possession and use of the firearms and associated ammunition magazines in their hands today. These same Virginians are a cornerstone in the foundation and strength of personal, household, and community safety. Individual firearm ownership is a personal choice and an essential and positive part of making neighborhoods and the greater Commonwealth a more secure place to live and raise families.

Changes to Virginia firearm laws cannot stop mass murderers from obtaining and using firearms. In Virginia, and elsewhere in the United States, mass murders using firearms take a few of minutes to maximize death in ambush style attacks against unprotected people. Time and again, details of mass murder incidents show that lives are lost before effective law enforcement intervention may occur. God bless law enforcement and public safety members in responding as fast as possible to our community needs. Virginia’s firearm owners provide a significant measure of deterrence against criminal gun violence. I believe that Virginia’s law-abiding firearm owner each bear their weighty, individual responsibility as an integral part of being good and upstanding American citizens.

Law Enforcement and Public Safety members are also part of Virginia’s strength. However, heroic and selfless actions taken by civilians who are on scene during heinous acts of criminality often gets little notice. During the Virginia Tech mass murder shooting in 2007, Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets member, Matthew La Porte, tried to stop the shooter instead of running away when he had the chance. Cadet La Porte tried to stop the shooter with his bare hands in his classroom. Recognizing his heroism, the US Air Force posthumously awarded Cadet La Porte the US Air Force’s highest award for valor in peacetime, the Airman’s Medal. He was an Air Force ROTC Cadet. What is remarkable about Cadet La Porte’s actions as described in his award is that it reflects the highest of ideals of freedom-loving Virginians as Americans. It wasn’t his job to stop the shooter, but he took individual responsibility to try, and died in the attempt to do so. I know in my heart that had Cadet La Porte, or his professor, or others nearby to the murders in progress that day had the means, other than bare hands, they would have stopped the murderer and saved some of the lives lost by quickly stopping the shooter.

Thank you for considering this input from a fellow Virginian and deeply concerned citizen.
Posted by: Cash is King

Re: For consideration: thoughts for emails to Elected Representatives on new firearm laws - 01/19/20 11:08 AM

Nice... Very well said

What I have been sending below

I am gravely concerned about what truly seems like Fascist dogma coming out some new and ill conceived Democratic Party in Richmond.

What has happened our Nation's old Democratic party? There used to be discourse filled conversations with useful action as we met the needs of out citizens. We worked on real solutions to real problems, not dictated that citizens must do this or that... or disarm or else become felons. I have read most of the proposed bills. Many are very distasteful... like something being shoved down my throat.

I am also shocked by the wanton disregard for the self defense of women and families.

Women commit 0.0% of the violent gun and knife crime in the Virginia and 1 in 3 are sexually assaulted in their life. The same women are primary caregivers for our children. Many of these proposed bills seem like purposeful effort to ensure that MORE women are raped and assaulted and more children are victimized. I am dumbfound.

Gun free zone are a terrible idea... 90% of all violent gun and knife crime occurs in these DELIBERATELY manipulated "Target Rich Environments... It's like the Governor want people to die.

We all know (based on endless studies) that disarming lawful citizen will INCREASE crime and not lower it.

ENFORCE CURRENT LAWS and you will continue to have our support... turn your back on my wife, my family and me... and I assure you that you will lose it.

I will be watching your votes.

Sincerely, XYZ
Posted by: str870s

Re: For consideration: thoughts for emails to Elected Representatives on new firearm laws - 01/19/20 02:01 PM

EDIT: While SB16 was stricken, HB961 is the new beast.


Everybody, please be aware that while there are a lot of questionable or distasteful pieces of legislation still floating around out there, SB16 which would have banned nearly every semi-automatic firearm of every sort and criminalized anyone who still possessed them...

Has been stricken as of 1/13/2020. Strangely, Saslaw (the author) was among the unanimous voters who struck it. I don't understand that part.
Posted by: OSU84

Re: For consideration: thoughts for emails to Elected Representatives on new firearm laws - 01/23/20 08:33 AM

We definitely need to be barraging our representatives with the notice that they will be voted out of office come next election cycle.