Posted by: Cash is King


My guess is that when this thing has finally run it's course there will be far more deaths related to looting, rioting, mayhem, random King Cobra attacks and suicide then there will be from the actual virus.

The media is turning this into an absolute fanatic frenzy.

Relax fellas (and ladies)... enjoy this time with your friends and family.

Make some babies, teach the kids to shoot, change oil or build a bird house.

Turn OFF the damn TV and their poison.

They sound like masters owning slaves to me. Don't be a slave.

Think for yourself dammit.
Posted by: toughtom12

Re: CV-19... STOP DRINKING THE POISON DAMMIT! - 03/21/20 09:41 PM

Indeed Cash! Indeed! If we crash our economy and have 20% unemployment, Suicides and other deaths of despair will be astronomical. Unfortunately its near impossible to get away from the news, it's on practically every form of entertainment out there. Even all of the gun channels on youtube have talked about little else since this thing started. I've noticed films like Outbreak and Contagion are even on the front of the que on the streaming services.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: CV-19... STOP DRINKING THE POISON DAMMIT! - 03/22/20 03:00 AM

HighImpactVlogs - Pain is Coming

Some of the topics covered include:

-Small businesses aren't going to get government bailouts, big corporations however will survive the storm.
-If you stay open as a business, men with guns will come in and make you shut down.
-This is literally martial law
-Edicts backed Up with a barrel of a gun
-Cant have anyone who doesnt follow orders, comply or else.
- Goal is control
-American dream suspended
-If you dont comply, you must not care about your fellow citizens. If you do not comply, you are a bad person.

4th Dimension - We are just getting started

Topics covered include:

- Welcome to Communist USA
- Nationalizing everything, taking over businesses
- New World Order Takes Over US Government, Not One Shot Fired
- Declare Martial Law, Without Declaring Martial Law