What the future holds for us....

Posted by: Texasflyboy

What the future holds for us.... - 09/29/21 10:41 AM

In no order:

1. Smarter traffic lights that detect when a car is waiting for a light change and there is no traffic waiting at the other intersection. Saw a demo of this recently. Doesn't use ground sensors.

2. Warnings from built in vehicle navigation systems for the following: You are driving in a restricted area (school zone) and your speed will be adjusted automatically. You are driving in the left lane on a freeway, your speed will slowly drop until you return to the right lane. Your car will decelerate when emergency vehicles are nearby and your emergency lights will come on indicating you should pull over. VIP's moving in heavy traffic will have priority access to this new system in order for them to not be slowed by heavy traffic.

3. Virtually all grocery items will have a NFC or RFID unit attached and the Point of Sale will occur automatically when you remove the item from the shelf and place it in your smart shopping cart. If you replace the item on the shelf within 1 minute, no charge will occur. Even individual pieces of fruit are expected to be tagged. No idea on how they will do bulk items. Any items that are restricted temporarily (like TP or Paper Towels, etc..) will cause a message to your shopping unit (Smart Shopping Car) locking it until the item is returned to the shelf. As a bonus, you'll get a text or audio alert when your cart passes one of your favorites that's on your approved consumption list. *BEEP* You can eat all the KAle you want. Kale is on sale. *Alert courtesy of Blue Cross/Blue Shield.

4. SPAM/Ads/Commercials on your digital car radio while you listen to music. You're seeing it now, but the trend is to move to full audio/video ads when you are stopped at a traffic light or in traffic.

5. Links to your personal health care plan and your shopping. As you shop with your new digital shopping cart, you will be reminded to choose healthy items based on your last physical. Your insurance company will sponsor this system. If you buy too much red meat, or cheese, or booze, your insurance company will get a point based score on your shopping habits.

You can always use cash and a basket and shop the old fashioned way, but you won't get any discounts, which is pretty much how they do it these days.
Posted by: Big_Country

Re: What the future holds for us.... - 09/29/21 11:02 AM

I want none of that. Maybe I'll go and live under a bridge.
Posted by: P3Bill

Re: What the future holds for us.... - 10/03/21 12:25 PM

Affinity credit cards and "membership points" just accumulate marketable data on you. Unless you grow all your own food, make your own clothes and refine your own gasoline. Also, if you have a cell phone, smart or not, your whereabouts are known.
Posted by: Cash is King

Re: What the future holds for us.... - 10/05/21 08:46 PM