Loading buckshot into target/birdshot shells

Posted by: Ali

Loading buckshot into target/birdshot shells - 04/23/14 02:42 PM

Looking for a cost effective way to convert birdshot to buckshot.

Considering both the 20 gauge and 12 gauge platform, more of a focus on 20 gauge since affordable/low recoil is hard to get and costly. 12 gauge isn't as bad.

Looks like there are #4, 00 and 000 castings available.

My thought was to melt down the birdshot into buckshot but wondering what the community here recommends. I'm thinking 00 may not be as easy to get pellets in due to the size and the way they may stack in 20 gauge vs 12. Its fairly easy apparently to get 8 pellets 00 buck in a 12 gauge field load.

Has me considering #4 buck for both.

#3 buckshot has always patterened pretty well in 20 gauge. #1 buck patterened beautifully. I tried a 00 buck low recoil in 20 gauge and the patterning flat out sucked. recall trying an 18 pellet #4 and it did well too.

Thoughts? Goal is low recoililng 20 gauge buckshot ammo and maybe 12 gauge too. Generally the small light HD 20 gauge youth shotguns with normal loads kick harder than I'd like for noobs.