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#1576254 - 12/29/19 12:21 PM Matthew 24:36 and reasons not to go to lobby day
ssgs Offline

Registered: 03/22/12
Posts: 621
Loc: henrico/eastern
City or County: henrico/eastern
Matthew 24:36
But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

An article for 2020 Lobby Day protesters to consider.

Read the article and the links and the comments there are 5 comments as of me posting this. I think a total absence of protesters would speak louder being there. Let the Democraps make the first mistake.


Edited by ssgs (12/30/19 02:23 PM)

#1576263 - 12/29/19 12:54 PM Re: Matthew 24:36 and reasons not to go to lobby day [Re: ssgs]
ssgs Offline

Registered: 03/22/12
Posts: 621
Loc: henrico/eastern
City or County: henrico/eastern
Be Ready at Any Hour

(Genesis 6:1-7; Mark 13:32-37; Luke 12:35-48)

36But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. 37But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. 38For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, 39And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. 40Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. 41Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left.

42Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. 43But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up. 44Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.

45Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season? 46Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing. 47Verily I say unto you, That he shall make him ruler over all his goods. 48But and if that evil servant shall say in his heart, My lord delayeth his coming; 49And shall begin to smite his fellowservants, and to eat and drink with the drunken; 50The lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looketh not for him, and in an hour that he is not aware of, 51And shall cut him asunder, and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

#1576504 - 12/30/19 06:21 AM Re: Matthew 24:36 and reasons not to go to lobby day [Re: ssgs]
Swinger Offline

Registered: 06/23/14
Posts: 140
Loc: Smithfield
City or County: Smithfield
Originally Posted By: ssgs
I think a total absence of protesters would speak louder being there. Let the Democraps make the first mistake.

completely, utterly wrong. If we do that, they will see it as a total victory, the media will play us as giving up, and that we have no voice. Not going on lobby day, especially this year, is as bad as not voting.

There will not be a riot, there will not be a false flag or mass casualty event. Come on.
When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty

If your signature is filled with unneeded, unnecessary, self imposed requirements or restrictions with LOTS of CAPS for EMPHASIS, you are not helping the community and I will pass on you.

#1576560 - 12/30/19 09:46 AM Re: Matthew 24:36 and reasons not to go to lobby day [Re: ssgs]
v8unleashed Offline
Tactical Tommy Commando

Registered: 04/04/09
Posts: 2513
Loc: nova
City or County: nova
Originally Posted By: ssgs
I think a total absence of protesters would speak louder being there. Let the Democraps make the first mistake.

That's right, keeping quiet, reserved, and not protesting worked so well for, well, all of the victims of tyranny of the last century.

#1576570 - 12/30/19 09:55 AM Re: Matthew 24:36 and reasons not to go to lobby day [Re: ssgs]
ssgs Offline

Registered: 03/22/12
Posts: 621
Loc: henrico/eastern
City or County: henrico/eastern
It is funny how fast people forget history, even recent history. The dust up at Charlottesville August 2017 comes to mind. I have better things to do beside being a marter. At the very least the press will put every democratic label on those who attend this rally. At worst who knows what could happen. One thing I do know is the rally will change nothing.
Does anyone remember the Tea Party Movement? I was there in Washington,DC during that protest 10 years ago. Here is a link to th video I made of that day,


Guess what happened after that protest, nothing. Has the increase in taxes stopped? no. Did we get to keep our health plan? no. Has the swamp been drained? no Has the wall been build? no. Has illegal immigration stopped? no. Is Hillary in jail? no. Is any politician in jail? no. Has the 17 intelligence agencies stopped one terriorist attack anywhere around the world? no A million people ignored, media coverage was for one day and they reported the crowd at 100 thousand instead of one million. You had to be there to see the crowd. The protest route was for 1 street but it took 3 and one of those was the Mall. 100 thousand people my aunt sally.

Sorry one thing did change after that rally, the republican party got so affraid that they co-opted the Tea Party and went about crushing it. Does anyone remember Dave Brat, he was the Tea Party candidate that sent republican Eric Cantor packing. That was when the republican party knew it had to do something about the Tea Party.

So in conclusion, the VCDL rally, hell, all rallies are a waste of time nothing is going to change until the game moves to the next level. When the people stop letting lobbyists (VCDL/NRA/GOA) speak for them and do something, things will not change except the dues paying members of those groups will become poorer and politicians richer. There is an old saying "money can't buy you happiness".

Good luck and godspeed to you my friend.

#1576721 - 12/30/19 05:36 PM Re: Matthew 24:36 and reasons not to go to lobby day [Re: ssgs]
ssgs Offline

Registered: 03/22/12
Posts: 621
Loc: henrico/eastern
City or County: henrico/eastern

#1577536 - 01/02/20 08:17 AM Re: Matthew 24:36 and reasons not to go to lobby day [Re: ssgs]
ssgs Offline

Registered: 03/22/12
Posts: 621
Loc: henrico/eastern
City or County: henrico/eastern

#1578262 - 01/04/20 09:18 AM Re: Matthew 24:36 and reasons not to go to lobby day [Re: ssgs]
ssgs Offline

Registered: 03/22/12
Posts: 621
Loc: henrico/eastern
City or County: henrico/eastern
I think this guy may be reading this post. A good read.


#1578278 - 01/04/20 09:42 AM Re: Matthew 24:36 and reasons not to go to lobby day [Re: ssgs]
ssgs Offline

Registered: 03/22/12
Posts: 621
Loc: henrico/eastern
City or County: henrico/eastern
Now, if you want to announce phantom rallies, that no one's coming to, in places you'd never show up in a million years, to draw out the Antifatheads, embarrass them, wear them out, and give them the opportunity to show their **Be at LOBBY DAY - Jan. 20** by rioting, arson, and their usual jackassery, by all means, do that.

Edited by ssgs (01/04/20 09:47 AM)
Edit Reason: what I posted is not was published

#1578284 - 01/04/20 09:51 AM Re: Matthew 24:36 and reasons not to go to lobby day [Re: ssgs]
ssgs Offline

Registered: 03/22/12
Posts: 621
Loc: henrico/eastern
City or County: henrico/eastern
The part **Be at LOBBY DAY-JAN. 20** I did not write and I cannot delete it. How is that happening?

#1578890 - 01/05/20 09:47 PM Re: Matthew 24:36 and reasons not to go to lobby day [Re: ssgs]
Robert2888 Offline
Bolt action

Registered: 10/03/18
Posts: 171
Loc: WestMoreland
City or County: Colonial Beach
So are you coming at this from a accelerationist standpoint?

#1578961 - 01/06/20 07:21 AM Re: Matthew 24:36 and reasons not to go to lobby day [Re: ssgs]
Cash is King Offline
Nice guy... NO MORE

Registered: 09/15/11
Posts: 6205
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City or County: Various
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

I live for the Rapture, but daily embrace my Destiny as a child of God.

If I was to speculate... I would guess less than 50% of the members of this site actually voted in the last election.

These individuals neither seek the Rapture nor have a destiny.
IF you spend your lifetime acting the victim, your Participation Trophy will ALWAYS be a Busted Nose.

I-95 "Fast Lanes" solved NOTHING!!!

#1579707 - 01/08/20 10:02 AM Re: Matthew 24:36 and reasons not to go to lobby day [Re: ssgs]
ssgs Offline

Registered: 03/22/12
Posts: 621
Loc: henrico/eastern
City or County: henrico/eastern

#1579721 - 01/08/20 10:25 AM Re: Matthew 24:36 and reasons not to go to lobby day [Re: ssgs]
ssgs Offline

Registered: 03/22/12
Posts: 621
Loc: henrico/eastern
City or County: henrico/eastern
It's a trap! From the possible outcomes laid out by Bracken, possibly deadly trap. Use your head.

#1580256 - 01/09/20 07:51 PM Re: Matthew 24:36 and reasons not to go to lobby day [Re: ssgs]
Cash is King Offline
Nice guy... NO MORE

Registered: 09/15/11
Posts: 6205
Loc: Various
City or County: Various
Originally Posted By: ssgs

Same topic... different forum...


I disagree with many of Bracken's opinions.
IF you spend your lifetime acting the victim, your Participation Trophy will ALWAYS be a Busted Nose.

I-95 "Fast Lanes" solved NOTHING!!!

#1580538 - 01/10/20 05:17 PM Re: Matthew 24:36 and reasons not to go to lobby day [Re: Cash is King]
Swinger Offline

Registered: 06/23/14
Posts: 140
Loc: Smithfield
City or County: Smithfield
there have also been very good opinions debunking brakens thoughts, as posted on ar15.com:

I get his point, but the article reads like somebody is starting to believe a little too much of their own fiction. Law enforcement took out a motorcycle gang and locked them all up. How does that play out for 100,000 armed people? He talks about how LE will hold all the high ground, but then fantasizes about how Antifa or commies will have someone above and behind us. Tell me again how that works? The Antifa boogeyman thing is getting a little bit old. They'll be hiding in every playground, parking garage and closet waiting to get you! I'm not sure I'll ever sleep again without looking under my bed for antifa. He really thinks LE is going to set up roadblocks for every street that goes in to Richmond and shake us down? Again, this entire article sounds like something he's framing up for his new action adventure series rather than anything based in reality.

The problem, of course, is that his solution is even worse. His plan is to show up at meetings and try to win them over. Really? Does anyone really think we're going to talk them down at this stage? Then we're going to make YouTube videos? Oh, certainly that will impress people and make them supporters of the 2A. His suggestions are absurd. Bracken states: "It’s very likely that Virginia’s new gun bans, if passed by the legislature, will be challenged in the courts and overturned, so there is no rush to charge into Richmond with a show of force on January 20." Really? You think these laws will be overthrown in Court? Like they were in NY, CT, CO, and CA? Certainly the government will save us from overreaching government. That's worked out so well in the past.

Unfortunately, Bracken's fictional fantasies have gotten the best of him, and he's hell bent on finding reasons not to do anything risky or meaningful. Whatever helps him sleep better at night. There are certainly some interesting things to think about in his article, but "taken with a grain of salt" doesn't really do his article justice
. posted by 'blackfox'
When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty

If your signature is filled with unneeded, unnecessary, self imposed requirements or restrictions with LOTS of CAPS for EMPHASIS, you are not helping the community and I will pass on you.

#1580784 - 01/11/20 10:28 AM Re: Matthew 24:36 and reasons not to go to lobby day [Re: ssgs]
ssgs Offline

Registered: 03/22/12
Posts: 621
Loc: henrico/eastern
City or County: henrico/eastern
In the game of chess you can use many pieces each with different abilities. There are many options of play. Here is one below, while I don't like being on a list, I have to think I am already on that list from the Form 4473. Don't start the game by leading with your king. But I guess a man has got to do what a man has got to do.


#1581019 - 01/11/20 07:23 PM Re: Matthew 24:36 and reasons not to go to lobby day [Re: ssgs]
nvcdl Offline

Registered: 04/03/13
Posts: 1994
City or County: Orange
As usual people who live far away from Virginia posting nonnsense that has no effect but to discourage attendance,

Lobby Day will be perfectly fine - vast majority of LE in Virginia support gun rights.

#1581026 - 01/11/20 07:52 PM Re: Matthew 24:36 and reasons not to go to lobby day [Re: ssgs]
Ric_o Offline
Pea shooter

Registered: 12/27/12
Posts: 10
Loc: Northern Virginia, USA
City or County: Springfield
The NRA-ILA made an announcement calling for this Monday, January 13 as the day to go to Richmond. Is anyone else going?

~'v'~ Malo periculosam, libertatem quam quietam servitutem

#1581223 - 01/12/20 11:16 AM Re: Matthew 24:36 and reasons not to go to lobby day [Re: Ric_o]
nvcdl Offline

Registered: 04/03/13
Posts: 1994
City or County: Orange
Originally Posted By: Ric_o
The NRA-ILA made an announcement calling for this Monday, January 13 as the day to go to Richmond. Is anyone else going?


I plan to attend Monday the 13th in addition to the 20th.

#1581327 - 01/12/20 05:03 PM Re: Matthew 24:36 and reasons not to go to lobby day [Re: ssgs]
ssgs Offline

Registered: 03/22/12
Posts: 621
Loc: henrico/eastern
City or County: henrico/eastern
better places to go this week and next

Adams, Dawn M. DelDAdams@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 25331
Richmond, VA 23260 (804) 698-1068 D
Adams, Leslie R. (Les) DelLAdams@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box K, 4 North Main Street
Chatham, VA 24531 (434) 432-1600 R
Aird, Lashrecse D. DelLAird@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 3943
Petersburg, VA 23805 (804) 452-7076 D
Askew, Alex DelAAskew@house.virginia.gov
, D
Austin, Terry L. DelTAustin@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 400
Buchanan, VA 24066 (540) 254-1500 R
Avoli, G. John DelJAvoli@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 1942
Staunton, VA 24402 R
Ayala, Hala S. DelHAyala@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 7434
Woodbridge, VA 22195 (804) 698-1051 D
Bagby, Lamont DelLBagby@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 406
Richmond, VA 23218 (804) 698-1074 D
Batten, Amanda Etter DelABatten@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 194
Norge, VA 23127 (757) 741-7001 R
Bell, Robert B. DelRBell@house.virginia.gov 2309 Finch Court
Charlottesville, VA 22911 (434) 245-8900 R
Bloxom, Robert S., Jr. DelRBloxom@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 27
Mappsville, VA 23407 (757) 824-3456 R
Bourne, Jeffrey M. DelJBourne@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 406
Richmond, VA 23218 (804) 698-1071 D
Brewer, Emily M. DelEBrewer@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 5
Smithfield, VA 23431 (757) 239-1213 R
Bulova, David L. DelDBulova@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 106
Fairfax Station, VA 22039 (703) 310-6752 D
Byron, Kathy J. DelKByron@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 900
Forest, VA 24551 (434) 582-1592 R
Campbell, Jeffrey L. DelJCampbell@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 986
Marion, VA 24354 (276) 227-0247 R
Campbell, Ronnie R. DelRCampbell@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 366
Fairfield, VA 24435 (540) 280-0778 R
Carr, Betsy B. DelBCarr@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 406
Richmond, VA 23218 (804) 698-1069 D
Carroll Foy, Jennifer D. DelJCarrollFoy@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 5113
Woodbridge, VA 22194 (571) 989-1713 D
Carter, Lee J. DelLCarter@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 243
Manassas, VA 20108 (571) 606-7299 D
Cole, Joshua Gregory DelJCole@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 73
Fredericksburg, VA 22404 (540) 642-0165 D
Cole, Mark L. DelMCole@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 41965
Fredericksburg, VA 22404-1965 (540) 786-3402 R
Collins, Christopher E. DelCCollins@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 459
Winchester, VA 22604 (540) 539-1724 R
Convirs-Fowler, Kelly K. DelKConvirs-Fowler@house.virginia.gov 4588 S. Plaza Trail, Suite 105
Virginia Beach, VA 23462 (757) 364-8428 D
Cox, M. Kirkland DelKCox@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 1205
Colonial Heights, VA 23834 (804) 526-5135 R
Coyner, Carrie Emerson DelCCoyner@house.virginia.gov 9910 Wagners Way, P.O. Box 58
Chesterfield, VA 23832 (804) 748-3600 R
Davis, Glenn R., Jr. DelGDavis@house.virginia.gov One Columbus Center #695
Virginia Beach, VA 23462 (757) 802-4982 R
Delaney, Karrie K. DelKDelaney@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 231023
Centreville, VA 20120 (703) 996-9415 D
Edmunds, James E., II DelJEdmunds@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 1115
Halifax, VA 24558 (434) 476-0077 R
Fariss, C. Matthew DelMFariss@house.virginia.gov 243-C Livestock Road
Rustburg, VA 24588 (434) 821-5929 R
Filler-Corn, Eileen DelEFiller-Corn@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 523082
Springfield, VA 22152 (571) 249-3453 D
Fowler, Hyland F. (Buddy), Jr. DelBFowler@house.virginia.gov 10321 Washington Highway
Glen Allen, VA 23059 (804) 305-8867 R
Freitas, Nicholas J. (Nick) DelNFreitas@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 693
Culpeper, VA 22701 (540) 222-7706 R
Gilbert, C. Todd DelTGilbert@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 309
Woodstock, VA 22664 (540) 459-7550 R
Gooditis, Gwendolyn W. (Wendy) DelWGooditis@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 180
Boyce, VA 22620 (540) 300-3857 D
Guy, Nancy Dahlman DelNGuy@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 4563
Virginia Beach, VA 23454 (804) 689-1083 D
Guzman, Elizabeth R. DelEGuzman@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 1818
Woodbridge, VA 22195 (571) 403-1213 D
Hayes, C. E. (Cliff), Jr. DelCHayes@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 5142
Chesapeake, VA 23324 (757) 364-0272 D
Head, Christopher T. DelCHead@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 19130
Roanoke, VA 24019 (540) 283-2839 R
Helmer, Daniel Isaac DelDHelmer@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 7267
Fairfax Station, VA 22039 D
Heretick, Stephen E. DelSHeretick@house.virginia.gov 715 Loudoun Avenue
Portsmouth, Virginia 23707 (757) 397-9923 D
Herring, Charniele L. DelCHerring@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 11779
Alexandria, VA 22312 (703) 606-9705 D
Hodges, M. Keith DelKHodges@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 928
Urbanna, VA 23175 (804) 277-9801 R
Hope, Patrick A. DelPHope@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 3148
Arlington, VA 22203 (703) 486-1010 D
Hudson, Sally Lindquist DelSHudson@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 2375
Charlottesville, VA 22902 D
Hurst, Chris L. DelCHurst@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 11389
Blacksburg, VA 24062 (540) 739-2553 D
Jenkins, Clinton Leroy DelCJenkins@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 4305
Suffolk, VA 23439 (757) 809-0214 D
Jones, Jerrauld C. (Jay) DelJJones@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 2892
Norfolk, VA 23501 (757) 625-8989 D
Keam, Mark L. DelMKeam@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 1134
Vienna, VA 22183-1134 (703) 350-3911 D
Kilgore, Terry G. DelTKilgore@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 669
Gate City, VA 24251 (276) 386-7011 R
Knight, Barry D. DelBKnight@house.virginia.gov 1852 Mill Landing Road
Virginia Beach, VA 23457 (757) 426-6387 R
Kory, Kaye DelKKory@house.virginia.gov 6505 Waterway Drive
Falls Church, VA 22044 (703) 354-6024 D
Krizek, Paul E. DelPKrizek@house.virginia.gov 2201 Whiteoaks Drive
Alexandria, VA 22306 (703) 688-2983 D
LaRock, David A. DelDLaRock@house.virginia.gov P.O Box 6
Hamilton, VA 20159 (540) 751-8364 R
Leftwich, James A. (Jay), Jr. DelJLeftwich@house.virginia.gov 308 Cedar Lakes Drive, 2nd floor
Chesapeake, VA 23322 (757) 382-4156 R
Levine, Mark H. DelMLevine@house.virginia.gov 301 King Street
Alexandria, VA 22314 (571) 234-8481 D
Lindsey, Joseph C. DelJLindsey@house.virginia.gov 500 East Plume Street, Suite 105
Norfolk, VA 23510 (757) 623-6522 D
Lopez, Alfonso H. DelALopez@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 40366
Arlington, VA 22204 (571) 336-2147 D
Marshall, Daniel W., III DelDMarshall@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 439
Danville, VA 24543 (434) 797-5861 R
McGuire, John J. , III DelJMcGuire@house.virginia.gov 11357 Nuckols Road #156
Glen Allen, VA 23059 (804) 389-8601 R
McNamara, Joseph P. DelJMcNamara@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 21094
Roanoke, VA 24018 (540) 384-0276 R
McQuinn, Delores L. DelDMcQuinn@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 406
Richmond, VA 23218 (804) 698-1070 D
Miyares, Jason S. DelJMiyares@house.virginia.gov 618 Village Drive, Suite J
Virginia Beach, Virginia 23454 (757) 353-4696 R
Morefield, James W. (Will) DelJMorefield@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 828
North Tazewell, VA 24630 (276) 345-4300 R
Mugler, Martha Martin DelMMugler@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 1875
Hampton, VA 23669 D
Mullin, Michael P. DelMMullin@house.virginia.gov 566 Denbigh Boulevard, Suite C
Newport News, VA 23608 (757) 525-9526 D
Murphy, Kathleen J. DelKMurphy@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 146
McLean, VA 22101 (804) 698-1034 D
O'Quinn, Israel D. DelIOquinn@house.virginia.gov Physical Address:
101 Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard
Bristol, VA 24201

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 16325
Bristol, VA 24209 (276) 525-1311 R
Orrock, Robert D., Sr. DelBOrrock@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 458
Thornburg, VA 22565 (540) 891-1322 R
Plum, Kenneth R. DelKPlum@house.virginia.gov 2073 Cobblestone Lane
Reston, VA 20191 (703) 758-9733 D
Poindexter, Charles D. DelCPoindexter@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 117
Glade Hill, VA 24092 (540) 576-2600 R
Price, Marcia S. (Cia) DelMPrice@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 196
Newport News, VA 23607 (757) 266-5935 D
Ransone, Margaret B. DelMRansone@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 358
Kinsale, VA 22488 (804) 472-4181 R
Rasoul, Sam DelSRasoul@house.virginia.gov 1417 Peters Creek Road NW
Roanoke, Virginia 24017 D
Reid, David A. DelDReid@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 4132
Ashburn, VA 20148 (703) 662-1395 D
Robinson, Roxann L. DelRRobinson@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 4627
Midlothian, VA 23112 (804) 698-1027 R
Roem, Danica A. DelDRoem@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 726
Manassas, VA 20113 (571) 393-0242 D
Runion, Christopher Scott DelCRunion@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 202
Bridgewater, VA 22812 (540) 255-0504 R
Rush, L. Nick DelNRush@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 1591
Christiansburg, VA 24068 (540) 382-7731 R
Samirah, Ibraheem S. DeliSamirah@house.virginia.gov 397 Herndon Parkway, Suite 110

Herndon, Virginia 20170 (571) 324-2448 D
Scott, Don L., Jr. DelDScott@house.virginia.gov 355 Crawford Street Ste. 704
Portsmouth, VA 23704 (757) 966-5086 D
Sickles, Mark D. DelMSickles@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 10628
Franconia, VA 22310 (703) 922-6440 D
Simon, Marcus B. DelMSimon@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 958
Falls Church, VA 22040 (571) 327-0053 D
Simonds, Shelly Anne DelSSimonds@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 1952
Newport News, VA 23601 (757) 276-3022 D
Subramanyam, Suhas DelSSubramanyam@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 302
Sterling, VA 20164 (804) 698-1087 D
Sullivan, Richard C. (Rip), Jr. DelRSullivan@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 50753
Arlington, VA 22205 (571) 210-5876 D
Torian, Luke E. DelLTorian@house.virginia.gov 4222 Fortuna Plaza, Suite 659
Dumfries, VA 22025 (703) 785-2224 D
Tran, Kathy KL DelKTran@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 2731
Springfield, Virginia 22152 (703) 828-7173 D
Tyler, Roslyn C. DelRTyler@house.virginia.gov 25359 Blue Star Highway
Jarratt, VA 23867 (434) 336-1710 D
VanValkenburg, Schuyler T. DelSVanValkenburg@house.virginia.gov 900 E. Main Street
Richmond, VA 23219 (804) 698-1072 D
Walker, Wendell Scott DelWWalker@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 3331
Lynchburg, VA 24503 (434) 515-2293 R
Wampler, William Creed, III DelWWampler@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 1683
Abingdon, VA 24212 (276) 200-4007 R
Ward, Jeion A. DelJWard@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 7310
Hampton, VA 23666 (757) 827-5921 D
Ware, R. Lee DelLWare@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 689
Powhatan, VA 23139 (804) 598-6696 R
Watts, Vivian E. DelVWatts@house.virginia.gov 8717 Mary Lee Lane
Annandale, VA 22003 (703) 978-2989 D
Webert, Michael J. DelMWebert@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 631
Marshall, VA 20116 (540) 999-8218 R
Willett, Rodney Turner DelRWillett@house.virginia.gov PO Box 29428
Henrico, VA 23242 D
Wilt, Tony O. DelTWilt@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 1425
Harrisonburg, VA 22803 (540) 208-0735 R
Wright, Thomas C., Jr. DelTWright@house.virginia.gov 1415 8th Street
Victoria, VA 23974 (434) 696-3061 R
Wyatt, Scott Andrew DelSWyatt@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 365
Mechanicsville, VA 23111 (804) 442-2732 R

#1581330 - 01/12/20 05:09 PM Re: Matthew 24:36 and reasons not to go to lobby day [Re: ssgs]
ssgs Offline

Registered: 03/22/12
Posts: 621
Loc: henrico/eastern
City or County: henrico/eastern
More info

Adams, Dawn M. Director, Office of Integrated Health
Nurse Practitioner (DNP, ANP-BC)
Adjunct Professor, ODU P.O. Box 25331
Richmond, VA 23260 D
Adams, Leslie R. (Les) 45 Attorney P.O. Box K, 4 North Main Street
Chatham, VA 24531 R
Aird, Lashrecse D. 33 Higher Education Administration P.O. Box 3943
Petersburg, VA 23805 D
Askew, Alex
, D
Austin, Terry L. 64 President/CEO (Austin Electrical Construction) P.O. Box 400
Buchanan, VA 24066 R
Avoli, G. John 68 Retired P.O. Box 1942
Staunton, VA 24402 R
Ayala, Hala S. 46 Cyber Security Specialist P.O. Box 7434
Woodbridge, VA 22195 D
Bagby, Lamont 43 P.O. Box 406
Richmond, VA 23218 D
Batten, Amanda Etter 40 P.O. Box 194
Norge, VA 23127 R
Bell, Robert B. 52 Attorney 2309 Finch Court
Charlottesville, VA 22911 R
Bloxom, Robert S., Jr. 56 Sales/Aquaculturalist P.O. Box 27
Mappsville, VA 23407 R
Bourne, Jeffrey M. 43 Attorney P.O. Box 406
Richmond, VA 23218 D
Brewer, Emily M. Small Business Owner (wine shop) P.O. Box 5
Smithfield, VA 23431 R
Bulova, David L. 50 Project Manager/Environmental Planner P.O. Box 106
Fairfax Station, VA 22039 D
Byron, Kathy J. 66 Small business owner (retired) P.O. Box 900
Forest, VA 24551 R
Campbell, Jeffrey L. 53 Attorney P.O. Box 986
Marion, VA 24354 R
Campbell, Ronnie R. 65 Virginia State Trooper (retired) P.O. Box 366
Fairfield, VA 24435 R
Carr, Betsy B. 73 Outreach Director (St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Richmond, retired) P.O. Box 406
Richmond, VA 23218 D
Carroll Foy, Jennifer D. 38 Public Defender P.O. Box 5113
Woodbridge, VA 22194 D
Carter, Lee J. 32 IT Specialist P.O. Box 243
Manassas, VA 20108 D
Cole, Joshua Gregory 29 Pastor P.O. Box 73
Fredericksburg, VA 22404 D
Cole, Mark L. 61 Deputy County Administrator P.O. Box 41965
Fredericksburg, VA 22404-1965 R
Collins, Christopher E. 48 Lawyer P.O. Box 459
Winchester, VA 22604 R
Convirs-Fowler, Kelly K. Real Estate Broker 4588 S. Plaza Trail, Suite 105
Virginia Beach, VA 23462 D
Cox, M. Kirkland 62 Teacher (retired) P.O. Box 1205
Colonial Heights, VA 23834 R
Coyner, Carrie Emerson Attorney 9910 Wagners Way, P.O. Box 58
Chesterfield, VA 23832 R
Davis, Glenn R., Jr. 46 Telecommunications One Columbus Center #695
Virginia Beach, VA 23462 R
Delaney, Karrie K. 41 Communication Consultant P.O. Box 231023
Centreville, VA 20120 D
Edmunds, James E., II 49 Farmer P.O. Box 1115
Halifax, VA 24558 R
Fariss, C. Matthew 51 Business owner, farmer, realtor, and developer 243-C Livestock Road
Rustburg, VA 24588 R
Filler-Corn, Eileen 55 Attorney/government relations P.O. Box 523082
Springfield, VA 22152 D
Fowler, Hyland F. (Buddy), Jr. 64 Retired 10321 Washington Highway
Glen Allen, VA 23059 R
Freitas, Nicholas J. (Nick) 40 Independent Consultant P.O. Box 693
Culpeper, VA 22701 R
Gilbert, C. Todd 49 Attorney P.O. Box 309
Woodstock, VA 22664 R
Gooditis, Gwendolyn W. (Wendy) 59 Real Estate Agent P.O. Box 180
Boyce, VA 22620 D
Guy, Nancy Dahlman P.O. Box 4563
Virginia Beach, VA 23454 D
Guzman, Elizabeth R. Public Administrator and Social Worker P.O. Box 1818
Woodbridge, VA 22195 D
Hayes, C. E. (Cliff), Jr. CIO/Director of Technology P.O. Box 5142
Chesapeake, VA 23324 D
Head, Christopher T. 56 Franchise owner (Home Instead Senior Care) P.O. Box 19130
Roanoke, VA 24019 R
Helmer, Daniel Isaac 38 Management Consultant P.O. Box 7267
Fairfax Station, VA 22039 D
Heretick, Stephen E. 59 Attorney 715 Loudoun Avenue
Portsmouth, Virginia 23707 D
Herring, Charniele L. 50 Attorney P.O. Box 11779
Alexandria, VA 22312 D
Hodges, M. Keith 53 Pharmacist P.O. Box 928
Urbanna, VA 23175 R
Hope, Patrick A. 47 Attorney P.O. Box 3148
Arlington, VA 22203 D
Hudson, Sally Lindquist Professor P.O. Box 2375
Charlottesville, VA 22902 D
Hurst, Chris L. 32 Journalist P.O. Box 11389
Blacksburg, VA 24062 D
Jenkins, Clinton Leroy Property Manager P.O. Box 4305
Suffolk, VA 23439 D
Jones, Jerrauld C. (Jay) 30 Attorney P.O. Box 2892
Norfolk, VA 23501 D
Keam, Mark L. 53 Attorney P.O. Box 1134
Vienna, VA 22183-1134 D
Kilgore, Terry G. 58 Attorney P.O. Box 669
Gate City, VA 24251 R
Knight, Barry D. 65 Farmer 1852 Mill Landing Road
Virginia Beach, VA 23457 R
Kory, Kaye 72 Project Manager (retired) 6505 Waterway Drive
Falls Church, VA 22044 D
Krizek, Paul E. 58 Non-profit executive 2201 Whiteoaks Drive
Alexandria, VA 22306 D
LaRock, David A. 63 President (LaRock Builders, Inc.) P.O Box 6
Hamilton, VA 20159 R
Leftwich, James A. (Jay), Jr. 57 Attorney 308 Cedar Lakes Drive, 2nd floor
Chesapeake, VA 23322 R
Levine, Mark H. 53 Radio/TV pundit; attorney 301 King Street
Alexandria, VA 22314 D
Lindsey, Joseph C. 60 Attorney 500 East Plume Street, Suite 105
Norfolk, VA 23510 D
Lopez, Alfonso H. 49 Partner (public and government relations/services firm) P.O. Box 40366
Arlington, VA 22204 D
Marshall, Daniel W., III 67 P.O. Box 439
Danville, VA 24543 R
McGuire, John J. , III 51 Motivational speaker/team trainer 11357 Nuckols Road #156
Glen Allen, VA 23059 R
McNamara, Joseph P. 56 P.O. Box 21094
Roanoke, VA 24018 R
McQuinn, Delores L. 65 P.O. Box 406
Richmond, VA 23218 D
Miyares, Jason S. 43 Attorney 618 Village Drive, Suite J
Virginia Beach, Virginia 23454 R
Morefield, James W. (Will) 35 Small business owner P.O. Box 828
North Tazewell, VA 24630 R
Mugler, Martha Martin 58 Banking P.O. Box 1875
Hampton, VA 23669 D
Mullin, Michael P. 38 Criminal Prosecutor 566 Denbigh Boulevard, Suite C
Newport News, VA 23608 D
Murphy, Kathleen J. 71 Consultant P.O. Box 146
McLean, VA 22101 D
O'Quinn, Israel D. 39 Businessman Physical Address:
101 Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard
Bristol, VA 24201

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 16325
Bristol, VA 24209 R
Orrock, Robert D., Sr. 64 Teacher (semi-retired) P.O. Box 458
Thornburg, VA 22565 R
Plum, Kenneth R. 78 Educator (retired) 2073 Cobblestone Lane
Reston, VA 20191 D
Poindexter, Charles D. 77 Farmer; IT Systems Engineer (retired) P.O. Box 117
Glade Hill, VA 24092 R
Price, Marcia S. (Cia) 39 P.O. Box 196
Newport News, VA 23607 D
Ransone, Margaret B. 46 Sales management P.O. Box 358
Kinsale, VA 22488 R
Rasoul, Sam 38 Healthcare consultant 1417 Peters Creek Road NW
Roanoke, Virginia 24017 D
Reid, David A. 57 Chief Strategy Officer (Axiologic Solutions, LLC) P.O. Box 4132
Ashburn, VA 20148 D
Robinson, Roxann L. 63 Optometrist P.O. Box 4627
Midlothian, VA 23112 R
Roem, Danica A. 35 Journalist P.O. Box 726
Manassas, VA 20113 D
Runion, Christopher Scott 61 President/CEO (Eddie Edwards Signs, Inc.) P.O. Box 202
Bridgewater, VA 22812 R
Rush, L. Nick 51 Registered representative (Invest Financial Corporation) P.O. Box 1591
Christiansburg, VA 24068 R
Samirah, Ibraheem S. Dentist 397 Herndon Parkway, Suite 110

Herndon, Virginia 20170 D
Scott, Don L., Jr. Attorney 355 Crawford Street Ste. 704
Portsmouth, VA 23704 D
Sickles, Mark D. 62 Corporate affairs (Weeks Marine, Inc.) P.O. Box 10628
Franconia, VA 22310 D
Simon, Marcus B. 49 Attorney P.O. Box 958
Falls Church, VA 22040 D
Simonds, Shelly Anne 52 Family Property Manager P.O. Box 1952
Newport News, VA 23601 D
Subramanyam, Suhas 33 Attorney P.O. Box 302
Sterling, VA 20164 D
Sullivan, Richard C. (Rip), Jr. 60 Attorney P.O. Box 50753
Arlington, VA 22205 D
Torian, Luke E. 61 Minister/Pastor 4222 Fortuna Plaza, Suite 659
Dumfries, VA 22025 D
Tran, Kathy KL P.O. Box 2731
Springfield, Virginia 22152 D
Tyler, Roslyn C. 58 Clinical Coordinator of Rehabilitative Services, Southern Virginia Regional Medical Center 25359 Blue Star Highway
Jarratt, VA 23867 D
VanValkenburg, Schuyler T. 37 Teacher 900 E. Main Street
Richmond, VA 23219 D
Walker, Wendell Scott 67 Retired P.O. Box 3331
Lynchburg, VA 24503 R
Wampler, William Creed, III 28 Attorney P.O. Box 1683
Abingdon, VA 24212 R
Ward, Jeion A. 65 Middle school teacher P.O. Box 7310
Hampton, VA 23666 D
Ware, R. Lee 67 History and government teacher P.O. Box 689
Powhatan, VA 23139 R
Watts, Vivian E. 79 Retired 8717 Mary Lee Lane
Annandale, VA 22003 D
Webert, Michael J. 40 Farmer P.O. Box 631
Marshall, VA 20116 R
Willett, Rodney Turner Consultant PO Box 29428
Henrico, VA 23242 D
Wilt, Tony O. 58 President/General Manager (Superior Concrete, Inc.) P.O. Box 1425
Harrisonburg, VA 22803 R
Wright, Thomas C., Jr. 71 Grocer (retired) 1415 8th Street
Victoria, VA 23974 R
Wyatt, Scott Andrew Telecommunications Manager (retired) P.O. Box 365
Mechanicsville, VA 23111 R

#1581335 - 01/12/20 05:15 PM Re: Matthew 24:36 and reasons not to go to lobby day [Re: ssgs]
ssgs Offline

Registered: 03/22/12
Posts: 621
Loc: henrico/eastern
City or County: henrico/eastern
Va senate list just click on their names for more info.


#1581383 - 01/12/20 07:00 PM Re: Matthew 24:36 and reasons not to go to lobby day [Re: ssgs]
MP3Mogul Offline
VAGT Staff

Registered: 01/14/09
Posts: 6266
Loc: Salem, Virginia
City or County: Salem
I'll be there on Monday the 20th. This time is the most important time, more than any of years gone by.
USMC Retired

"We're surrounded. That simplifies the problem."
Chesty Puller

#1581473 - 01/13/20 05:36 AM Re: Matthew 24:36 and reasons not to go to lobby day [Re: ssgs]
Swinger Offline

Registered: 06/23/14
Posts: 140
Loc: Smithfield
City or County: Smithfield
Enough with the pearl clutching about the 20th. I'm going. Tens, possibly a hundred thousand are going. Period.
When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty

If your signature is filled with unneeded, unnecessary, self imposed requirements or restrictions with LOTS of CAPS for EMPHASIS, you are not helping the community and I will pass on you.

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