Guns and Gadgets - Communist China Says Americans owning guns is a serious problem

Above, the Guns and Gadgets YouTube channel, which is hosted by a current law enforcement officer and friend of Virginia, discusses the Commmunist Chinese and asks whether they are in fact behind the Bloomberg financing widely reported to have helped swing this recent election cycle in the Commmunists favor in Virginia.

For those who have followed my long standing work here at the forum, this is information that will sound familiar as I have discussed the Chinese Communists for a number of years now and their designs on the United States. A plan to replace the Constitution in the United States is discussed, echoing information CSM Dan Page has warned about in the past.

For those interested in reading more:

Communism in the United States Today

The Potential for Insurgency in the United States - As Peking See's Us

Chicago Communists and the New Black Panther Party - Ferguson Riots

Pro Chinese Communist Front Flips Virginia Blue

Marxism and the Chinese Communists Threat

Chinese Defense Minister Speech - Eye Opening Must Read Highly Recommended

Chinese Communists Front Flips VA Blue - New American Magazine YouTube

Chinese Espionage - 60 Minutes Australia

Command Sgt. Major Dan Pages Warning to America

Bloomberg Praises Communist Chinese

Bloomberg: China isnt a Dictatorship? - WaPo

Guns and Gadgets - VCDL President Interview with Technical Difficulties

Original YouTube Video of Dan Pages Warning to America - Highly Recommended