This is from a recent VCDL alert and wasnt sent to me.
Mountain out of a mole hill on military authorization of lethal force in U.S.?
A member sent me this on item #4 in last week’s Update (4. Biden/Harris authorize military to use lethal force on Americans! [VIDEO]):
Regarding item 4 below, the statement that the Biden/Harris administration has authorized the military to use lethal force against Americans is incorrect. Several pro-2A YouTubers are letting emotions and distrust of the government guide their social media commentary. Their motivations are good, but the info they're sharing on this topic is not. This is one of those topics that may make the pro-2A community look like a bunch of conspiracy theorists. While many (most?) conspiracy theories during the Biden/Harris reign have become conspiracy facts, this isn't one of them, and being vocal about it could backfire on us.
The DoD recently updated a DoD Directive (DoDD 5240.01) on Defense Intelligence Component assistance to law enforcement and civil agencies. One of the changes includes preventing lower echelon commanders from authorizing use of lethal force, restricting approval to the SECDEF. This is important because many Defense Intelligence Components have authorities beyond Title 10 USC, and some commanders may misinterpret the authorities granted to them through other intelligence community directives and mistakenly participate in support of intelligence activities that include lethal force, particularly use of lethal force by other agencies but not the DoD. For example, if lethal force can reasonably be expected, DoD cannot supply surveillance support.
The updated policy does not authorize use of lethal force, it says it's the SECDEF who must decide, in compliance with DoDD 5210.26 (Arming and Use of Force) which also specifies Federal law must be followed (eg., posse comitatus, etc.), and no delegation of this decision authority is allowed. Bottom line: Federal law must still be followed; DoD policy doesn't supersede Federal law.
Links to the policies (Have been removed by me)
so you can read them yourself rather than relying on second hand info:
DoD Directive 5240.01, "DoD Intelligence and Intelligence-Related Activities and Defense Intelligence Component Assistance to Law Enforcement Agencies and Other Civil Authorities," September 27, 2024 (
DoDD 5210.56, "Arming and the Use of Force," November 18, 2016; Incorporating Change 1 on November 6, 2020 (
Go to VCDL's page and sign up for the free alerts to stay informed and to find the links to the above.
Edited by Agent19 (10/26/24 12:22 PM)
You thought the "Deep State" could frame and imprison Donald Trump.
Now he's OUR President, again!
Hahaha, suck it you libtards!
I hear North Korea is accepting stoopids. Oh, I mean unhappy American