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#932255 - 08/07/15 04:05 AM Universal Background Checks
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
Posts: 611
Loc: Virginia, USA.
City or County: Vinton
Keep handguns out of the wrong hands by closing the gun show loophole

Under current Virginia Law, only Federally Licensed Firearms Dealers are required to conduct criminal background checks prior to selling or transferring firearms. At gun shows, private vendors are not required to conduct criminal background checks, creating an easy avenue for criminals to illegally gain access to guns. Governor McAuliffe’s legislative proposal changes that, requiring universal background checks for all purchases at gun shows.


Something all firearm owners should keep in mind is that the push for Universal/Expanded Background Checks has included an expanded record keeping and reporting clause which would report more detailed information on individuals with "major mental health problems" to the background check system. This clause alone is ripe for abuse and is little more than a backdoor push for more gun control in this country.

Even something like being prescribed insomnia or anti-anxiety medication could potentially lead to a loss of your rights to own firearms. The story of Virginia resident and veteran Brandon Raub is a glimpse of just how easily the government can get their foot in the door to legally bar you from owning a firearm. Violating your first, second and fourth amendment Constitutionally guaranteed rights.

Through a process of incrementalism , the further we let legislation like this creep into our collective governance, the narrower our freedoms become until eventually we're sitting in the same drivers seat as the United Kingdom or Australia. Stripped of a majority of our firearm rights and our hands tied much the same as they are now with Obamacare to do anything about it.

Many Republicans oppose background checks because they say any new record-keeping requirements would lead to a federal gun registry. Democrats say it’s necessary for licensed gun dealers to keep a record so the law can be enforced and weapons found at crime scenes can be tracked. It is against federal law for the Justice Department to maintain a central record-keeping system.

“Every part of this strategy will be a tough road,” said Senator Richard Blumenthal, a Connecticut Democrat who has been pressing for more restrictions on gun ownership since the Newtown shootings. “There are degrees. The steepness of the hill will vary, but every one of them is uphill.”

Schumer’s bill would also require states and federal agencies to do a better job of reporting the records on felons, individuals with major mental-health problems, and others to the background-check system.


The Obama administration was starting a process Friday aimed at removing barriers in health privacy laws that prevent some states from reporting information to the background check system. The action comes two days after the Senate rejected a measure that would have required buyers of firearms online and at gun shows to pass a background check. That's already required for shoppers at licensed gun dealers.


"According to one of the proposed actions, patient privacy laws would be pushed aside to allow increased government access to mental health records. Currently required to protect that information, states would now be exempt, instead encouraged to submit a patients private records into the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS).

A second proposal from the Department of Justice would “clarify” who is barred from owning firearms, which would include anyone involuntarily committed to an inpatient or outpatient mental institution. In an attempt to diminish concern, the administration claims that seeking help for mental issues does not prohibit a person from firearm ownership.


Something else to keep in mind about these Universal/Expanded Background Checks being pushed is the fact even if you're completely innocent of any crime or not subject to an involuntary committment to a mental health facility yourself your right to own a firearm legally could very well be in jeopardy if someone in your immediately family has been.

Wearing bulletproof vests and carrying 40-caliber Glock pistols, nine California Justice Department agents assembled outside a ranch-style house in a suburb east of Los Angeles. They were looking for a gun owner who’d recently spent two days in a mental hospital.

Special Agent Supervisor John Marsh who coordinates the operations around California, said: “We’re not contacting anybody who can legally own a gun. The only people we’re contacting are people who are prohibited from owning guns.”

Weapons and ammunition seized from the home of Lynette and David Philllips by agents with the California Department of Justice police in Upland, California.

Lynette Phillips, 48, and her husband, David Phillips, 51, sit in their home in Upland, California on March 5, 2013. Lynette, a nurse, had to surrender three guns after spending two days in a mental hospital in December.

Weapons with ammunition seized from the home of Lynette and David Phillips by agents with the California Department of Justice police in California Department of Justice police agents walk towards a house near Ontario, California on March 5, 2013.

Special Agent Supervisor John Marsh with the California Department of Justice drives out to seize illegal firearms near Ontario, California on March 5, 2013. Photographer: Patrick T. Fallon/Bloomberg

They knocked on the door and asked to come in. About 45 minutes later, they came away peacefully with three firearms.

California is the only state that tracks and disarms people with legally registered guns who have lost the right to own them, according to Attorney General Kamala Harris. Almost 20,000 gun owners in the state are prohibited from possessing firearms, including convicted felons, those under a domestic violence restraining order or deemed mentally unstable.

“What do we do about the guns that are already in the hands of persons who, by law, are considered too dangerous to possess them?” Harris said in a letter to Vice President Joe Biden after a Connecticut school shooting in December left 26 dead. She recommended that Biden, heading a White House review of gun policy, consider California as a national model.

As many as 200,000 people nationwide may no longer be qualified to own firearms, according to Garen Wintemute, director of the Violence Prevention Research Program at the University of California, Davis. Other states may lack confiscation programs because they don’t track purchases as closely as California, which requires most weapons sales go through a licensed dealer and be reported.

“Very, very few states have an archive of firearm owners like we have,” said Wintemute, who helped set up the program.

Harris, a 48-year-old Democrat, has asked California lawmakers to more than double the number of agents from the current 33. They seized about 2,000 weapons last year. Agents also took 117,000 rounds of ammunition and 11,000 high-capacity magazines, according to state data.

“We’re not contacting anybody who can legally own a gun,” said John Marsh, a supervising agent who coordinates the sometimes-contentious seizures. “I got called the Antichrist the other day. Every conspiracy theory you’ve heard of, take that times 10.”

The no-gun list is compiled by cross-referencing files on almost 1 million handgun and assault-weapon owners with databases of new criminal records and involuntary mental-health commitments. About 15 to 20 names are added each day, according to the attorney general’s office.

Probable Cause

Merely being in a database of registered gun owners and having a “disqualifying event,” such as a felony conviction or restraining order, isn’t sufficient evidence for a search warrant, Marsh said March 5 during raids in San Bernardino County. So the agents often must talk their way into a residence to look for weapons, he said.

At a house in Fontana, agents were looking for a gun owner with a criminal history of a sex offense, pimping, according to the attorney general’s office. Marsh said that while the woman appeared to be home, they got no answer at the door.Without a warrant, the agents couldn’t enter and had to leave empty- handed.

They had better luck in nearby Upland, where they seized three guns from the home of Lynette Phillips, 48, who’d been hospitalized for mental illness, and her husband, David. One gun was registered to her, two to him.

“The prohibited person can’t have access to a firearm,” regardless of who the registered owner is, said Michelle Gregory, a spokeswoman for the attorney general’s office.

Involuntarily Held

In an interview as agents inventoried the guns, Lynette Phillips said that while she’d been held involuntarily in a mental hospital in December, the nurse who admitted her had exaggerated the magnitude of her condition.

Todd Smith, chief executive officer of Aurora Charter Oak Hospital in Covina, where documents provided by Phillips show she was treated, didn’t respond to telephone and e-mail requests for comment on the circumstances of the treatment.

Phillips said her husband used the guns for recreation. She didn’t blame the attorney general’s agents for taking the guns based on the information they had, she said.

“I do feel I have every right to purchase a gun,” Phillips said. “I’m not a threat. We’re law-abiding citizens.”

No one was arrested. Most seized weapons are destroyed, Gregory said.
“It’s not unusual to not arrest a mental-health person because every county in the state handles those particular cases differently,” Gregory said by e-mail. “Unless there’s an extenuating need to arrest them on the spot, we refer the case” to the local district attorney’s office, she said.

Convicted Felons

Agents more often arrest convicted felons who are prohibited from buying, receiving, owning or possessing a firearm, Gregory said. Violation of the ban is itself a felony.

The state Senate agreed March 7 to expand the seizure program using $24 million in surplus funds from fees that gun dealers charge buyers for background checks.

Andrew Arulanandam, a spokesman for the National Rifle Association, a gun lobby based in Fairfax, Virginia, that says it has more than 4 million individuals as members, didn’t respond to a request for comment on the program.

Sam Paredes, executive director of the Folsom-based advocacy group Gun Owners of California, praised the program, though not how it is funded.

“We think that crime control instead of gun control is absolutely the way to go,” he said. “The issue we have is funding this program only from resources from law-abiding gun purchasers. This program has a benefit to the entire public and therefore the entire public should be paying through general- fund expenditures, and not just legal gun owners.”


Something very similar to what is discussed above, warrantless searches for firearms, is already a reality in places like Washington D.C. as well. Just a hop, skip and a jump from our own state.

This was the second police search of his home. Exactly one month earlier, Mr. Witaschek allowed members of the “Gun Recovery Unit” access to search without a warrant because he thought he had nothing to hide.


At the beginning of the exchange, Mattera identifies himself but tells Schakowsky that he “appreciated her remarks” (he does not indicate his conservative worldview and she appears not to recognize him). Considering these tactics, his introduction potentially gained her trust, leading the congresswoman to candidly share her views. He also repeatedly addressed her using “we” and it appears as though Schakowsky doesn’t realize she’s being recorded.

“I was wondering, is it time we have a serious conversation not just about assault rifles, but about handguns as well?,” Mattera asked.

“Well, that’s why if we have universal background checks, that will effect every single kind of weapon,” she replied. “The Brady Campaign thinks that of all the things that have been suggested, this may actually be the thing that does the most to prevent gun violence.”

The congressional leader went on to say that there is a “moment of opportunity” and that political leaders are “going to push as hard as we can and as far as we can.”


A bipartisan effort in the Senate in recent weeks to put together background check legislation crumbled prior to the committee vote. One sticking point concerned checks involving private sales and what records would be maintained once guns are purchased.

Schumer's bill would mandate background checks for all gun sales, including private transactions.

It would also require increased cooperation by states with the FBI's National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) and would prohibit people deemed by the courts as unfit to own guns from obtaining them.

The NRA has said increased checks are nothing more than an attempt to create a national gun registry, a move the group vehemently opposes.


As the push for an "assault weapons" ban loses steam and gun control advocates pool their resources to push for "universal background checks" instead, it's important to remember something--we already have background checks for gun purchases.

Ultimately, the push for "universal background checks" is an effort designed to end all private gun sales and gun transfers, and to create a paper trail on every gun in the country. Gun grabbers have estimated that 40% of the guns in America right now were sold pre-1993, and therefore have no paper trail on them. They want to change this.

As David Kopel said before the Sen. Judiciary Committee on Jan. 30, this will necessitate a gun registry if it is to be enforceable. And any student of history knows that gun registration leads to confiscation at some point.

The bottom line: the push for "universal background checks" is not so much about the background checks as it is about expanding government's knowledge of the precise whereabouts of every gun in the country. Like all gun control, the predominant goal is simply more control.


Below are more examples of what can happen to your right to own firearms based off of medical records alone. And with the Universal/Expanded Background Checks including clauses which share personal health information to the back ground check system, its easy to see just how easily millions of Americans could be subject to backdoor gun control at the hands of this legislation.

Consider how many Americans in 2011 alone were prescribed anti-psychotic medication and how easily something so small as needing medication to treat insomnia can turn into a knock at your door from law enforcement looking to take your firearms away. With literally tens of millions of Americans being prescribed various medications which could be enough to trigger a revocation of firearms rights, we need to very careful about what we consider "common sense" legislation that could strip us of Constitutionally protected rights which were obtained through hardship and experience with tyranny.

In 2011 alone, they and other antipsychotic drugs were prescribed to 3.1 million Americans at a cost of $18.2 billion, a 13 percent increase over the previous year, according to the market research firm IMS Health.


Apparently, New York State is searching medical records of firearm permit holders – in violation of Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPPA) and the 4th Amendment – without cause, and isolating those receiving psychiatric care and (at least) anti-anxiety medication. These individuals, a full tally of which is currently unknown, are thus having their firearm license revoked and firearms confiscated. All without any incident, violation of law, or other factor involved. All under the power of the NY Safe Act.

So what does this have to do with HR 4460 and H Amd 704? This is how it all ties together.

Since 2007, Congress has paid States that voluntarily add people to the NICS database. The reasoning is, as sponsor Rep. Mike Thompson (D-CA) states,

“Our states need more resources to get all their information into the NICS system,” Thompson said. “If we give them these resources, we can stop dangerous people from getting guns. And we can save lives.”


Gun confiscation at the hands of medical records sharing is now officially a reality, with serious consequences for the individuals involved.

Now, under ObamaCare, the United States is on pace to swiftly become a snitch society that would make East Germany and Soviet Russia blush.

One former Navy man and 30-year police force veteran is suing the relevant authorities in New York after four of his legally registered firearms were confiscated as a result of his seeking voluntary treatment for insomnia.

Nonetheless, the suit contends that five days after being discharged from the hospital, the local sheriff’s department showed up at Montgomery’s door and seized his four registered handguns, including his former duty sidearm, after the sheriff had been subjected to “repeated pressure” by the New York State Police, who claimed that Montgomery had been declared mentally defective and had been involuntarily committed to a mental institution.


As we see above, the push to end the "Gun Show Loophole", which is now rebranded as Universal/Expanded Background checks includes provisions to expand the background check process to include mental health records which could potentially affect tens of millions of Americans who have been prescribed various medication and/or been committed to mental health screenings or facilities.

Something as small as a post on facebook, or seeking help for insomnia, anxiety etc. can be enough to alter your legal ability to own firearms for the rest of your life. And it can also affect your spouse and other immediate family members from owning these firearms as well. Any legislation that further narrows the scope of our rights is little more than a process of incrementalization which will eventually drastically alter the landscape of our country.

None of this is by accident, but rather purposeful design. And the further we let it go the further our rights and national identity as Americans becomes skewed. So many Americans are willing to give up freedom in the name of safety, you will get neither if bills such as Universal Background Checks are allowed to go forward.

#933483 - 08/10/15 09:50 AM Re: Universal Background Checks [Re: lue-jones]
scott9050 Offline
Double barrel

Registered: 04/29/11
Posts: 75
Loc: West Virginia
City or County: West Virginia

#933514 - 08/10/15 11:27 AM Re: Universal Background Checks [Re: lue-jones]
halo Offline

Registered: 04/11/10
Posts: 3094
Loc: chesterfield va
City or County: n .chesterfield
Let not the blind morality of a self-serving few ,tarnish the dignity and valor of so many !Long Live America, land of my Fathers Father , land that I love and will die to protect.

#935124 - 08/14/15 03:27 PM Re: Universal Background Checks [Re: lue-jones]
Agent19 Offline
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Gun-grabbers are pushing hard to get what they call “Universal Background Check” (UBC) legislation passed at the state level. They have recently been successful in Washington State and Oregon.

Universal Background Checks (UBC) are where all gun sales, including private sales, must be run through a government background-check system.

While that seems innocent enough, it isn’t.

You will no longer be able to sell a gun at will to a relative, friend, or acquaintance in your living room, a parking lot, or anywhere else, except in a gun dealer’s business location during normal business hours, after you pay a fee and fill out paperwork. Oh, and a gun dealer can choose not to handle private sales at all!

In Washington State, under their new UBC law, a gun owner can’t loan someone a gun at a range without both persons going through a background check!

UBC legislation poses a very real threat to our right to keep and bear arms and, ultimately, to our liberty itself. Your ability to sell your guns will become cumbersome and more expensive. Worse, UBC laws will lead to gun registration schemes as a means of enforcement, home “compliance inspections” to ensure that those registration schemes have been followed, and, finally, confiscation (which has already occurred in other states).

The antis couch UBC laws as being "common sense” and as closing a “loophole used by criminals to get guns." Those who take that on face value and who don’t realize the full implications, including many gun owners, too often agree.

Of course criminals can easily get around any background check by simply stealing them or getting someone else to buy the gun for them (called a straw purchase).

Millions of dollars were poured into advertising in both Washington State and Oregon, by people like Michael Bloomberg and Bill Gates (Microsoft owner), to trick the population into supporting UBCs and, sadly, it worked.

(The antis in Washington State, lying as usual, bragged that the overwhelming majority of people in Washington wanted UBC laws. If that was so, why did they waste so many millions of dollars on a vast advertising campaign?)


The good news is:

1. While there have been many UBC bills introduced in the General Assembly, VCDL has been able to soundly defeat all of them so far.

2. SO FAR, no serious money from people like Michael Bloomberg has been used to buy television, radio, and newspaper ads in support of UBC bills in Virginia, as has happened in some other states.

3. Virginia does not have ballot initiatives like Washington State and some other states. Such initiatives allow an anti-gun media coupled with big money interests (Bloomberg, et al) to mislead the populace into overriding the state’s legislators and forcing passage of UBC laws.

The bad news is that Virginia is in the crosshairs and the attacks here will begin in earnest at some point and we need to prepare now if we are to prevail.


Right now, time is on our side. That is not so for some of our brethren in other states.

VCDL needs YOU to start educating all of your friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, and anybody else you interact with, be they gun owners or not. Do NOT let any comments about UBCs being acceptable stand unchallenged, including statements made in the media.

I am going to ask that our gun show coordinators pass out copies of the flyer, below, at all gun shows to make sure that gun owners, of all people, understand what is at stake.

Working together, NOW, to educate people, will allow us to stand strong and prevail on this issue.

To download the flyer, click here:


VA-ALERT is a project of the Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc.
(VCDL). VCDL is an all-volunteer, non-partisan grassroots organization
dedicated to defending the human rights of all Virginians. The Right to
Keep and Bear Arms is a fundamental human right.

VCDL web page: http://www.vcdl.org
I’ll gladly take questionable mean tweets, a strong economy, energy independence, and a Respected Country, over high inflation, millions of illegals aliens,mask/ vaccine mandates,Govt $ fixing, Marxist or dimwitted chicken head in chief.

#937953 - 08/21/15 08:27 PM Re: Universal Background Checks [Re: lue-jones]
JiveBunny Offline

Registered: 12/04/12
Posts: 509
Loc: North Carolina
City or County: Caldwell
I personally have no problem with universal background checks.IF implemented in a sane manner. I understand it will make things more difficult for one on one deals, but Honestly, how do any of us know for certain that the Voters card and or the Concealed Carry card we check are actually valid. And that some thing has not changed?

Not trying to stir up a firestorm, but maybe having to do everything through an FFL will in the long run be better for all.

#937974 - 08/21/15 09:38 PM Re: Universal Background Checks [Re: lue-jones]
Mark S Offline
Mark S

Registered: 04/29/10
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Loc: Rappahannock County, VA
City or County: Front Royal
Actually, there is no reason that the database is open source that anyone could check for any reason. It is all public info, I should have the same ability to access federal and state databases as anyone else even if there was a nominal fee for it. why should government only have access to the material?

#938260 - 08/22/15 03:26 PM Re: Universal Background Checks [Re: lue-jones]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
Posts: 611
Loc: Virginia, USA.
City or County: Vinton
Ignorance is the word most closely associated with the term Universal Background Checks (UBC's). Ignorance is what the Communist left is counting on while pushing for UBC's. When you ask the majority of Americans what UBC's mean, they will not know but will support it anyway based on ignorance.

They will naturally assume that background checks are a common sense approach to firearm ownership and will see no earthly reason to oppose it. Not knowing or understanding that there are already background checks in place and that UBC's are much broader in context than what is widely understood and known.

Further more, the majority who do have some kind of idea what UBC's are will simply say its a way of ending the "Gun Show Loophole." That is, assuring that private sales are vanquished and the necessity to register your firearms through any kind of "private" transaction would be ensured.

Again, they will see little reason to oppose this idea because the assumption is there is a connection between private firearm sales and crime. Some might even question why a need for UBC's exist if there isnt a connection between private transactions and crime/violence. Though any statistically significant data to support this notion is short on facts and long on hyperbole.

The extreme minority will be those informed enough about what UBC's are and actually mean. These individuals are few and far between, even in the firearms community where a majority will oppose UBC's for many reasons. But few will have an overall picture of exactly what UBC's encompass and the impact it could have on firearm ownership in the future.

That is what this thread was created for, an attempt to educate as many people as possible about what UBC's actually mean. There is nothing sane, common sense or anything else of the sort with UBC's. The California model of gun control is the model which they want to bring the entire United States under the control of. And we've already begun to see it creep into other area's of the country to include Washington, Colorado, New York etc. with what end in sight?

And that means many things, from abuse of the information contained in the health care system which would be used in the UBC model to warrantless confiscation of firearms. With a great deal many nuances in between.

We can see above that involuntary commitment to mental health facilities is a trigger for not only your loss of gun ownership rights but those in your immediate family as well. And the power to determine who is involuntarily commited rests on those barely fit to dress themselves in the morning much less determine who is in legitimate necessity of commitment. And that the ability to determine the necessity for commitment is ripe for abuse even among those with legitimate credentials.

We also see that the mental health aspect for determining loss of firearm ownership rights is also ripe for abuse, with those seeking extremely common prescriptions for everything from insomnia to anxiety being enough to trigger a loss of gun ownership rights.

With millions of Americans every year prescibed some kind of medication which could be associated with a mental health illness, under the UBC model which opens up private health care records a huge percentage of the population could come under the auspices of a loss of second amendment rights.

And as the NRA has pointed out, UBC's are also a back door means of creating a paper trail to every firearm legally owned in the United States and their exact whereabouts. As cited above, registration has lead to confiscation in the past and that is precisely the end game here. And I am willing to bet at some point in the future, based on the already bizarre direction our country is headed into that more gun control is all but a guarantee at some point in our future. Whether its a hundred years from now or sometime much sooner.

#938391 - 08/22/15 09:10 PM Re: Universal Background Checks [Re: lue-jones]
Mark S Offline
Mark S

Registered: 04/29/10
Posts: 4044
Loc: Rappahannock County, VA
City or County: Front Royal
I'm not for UBCs, I'm against the government having a monopoly on information. Arrest records are public as are other records on which background checks are based.

Why shouldn't individuals have access to that data? I might want to run it before I sell you weapon, or I might want to check it before I let babysit my children, or hire you into my company to work with sensitive information.

Why would anyone be against giving citizens the capability to make those decisions?

#940083 - 08/26/15 11:54 PM Re: Universal Background Checks [Re: lue-jones]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
Posts: 611
Loc: Virginia, USA.
City or County: Vinton
"I will continue to push [gun control] as I have in two legislative sessions so far," he said. "I put it up again last year. It never sees the light of day."

Most recently, McAuliffe's package of gun control measures failed to clear a state Senate committee in January.Currently, Virginia buyers don't have to undergo a background check for purchases made at gun shows.

A self-described hunter and a rifle and shotgun owner, McAuliffe said the background check process is brief and one that he himself has gone through three times.

Gov. McAuliffe calls for tougher gun restrictions after shooting

As former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanual is famous for stating, "you never want a serious crisis to go to waste." Capitalizing on tragedy, the Communists have wasted no time in a renewed and classless push to close "the gun show loophole" which is making headlines across the country in the wake of the shooting of two Virginia based journalists which occurred earlier this morning. As covered previously above, Universal/Expanded Background Checks is the newly minted phrase which is designed to phase out the old "gunshow loophole" rhetoric which was common for decades previously.

If we as Virginian's are not vigilant, we will lose our rights to conduct private transactions in this state much like they did in Washington state. The Communists will stop at nothing to target and eliminate the second amendment and it will not stop at barring private transactions. The push will only continue as the focus becomes narrower and narrower in scope before the entire second amendment is evaporated.

According to ABC news, the gun man acquired his hand gun from a Virginia gun store. Which would mean the shooter passed a background check and all of the rhetoric from the Governor and the mainstream media about the need for stricter gun control is little more than opportunistic propaganda from the Communists in order to get what they really want.

Which is a paper trail on every firearm bought and sold in the United States today and to narrow the scope of who can legally possess those firearms. Which as this thread has already documented, tens of millions of Americans could potentially stand to be stripped of their second amendment rights due to mental health concerns alone. When a facebook post, insomnia or anxiety medication can trigger a loss of firearm ownership rights and millions of Americans have been prescribed similar medications each year it is not hard to see exactly what the real goal is with these Universal/Expanded Background Checks. Its disarmament and confiscation. Its an assault on individual liberty and freedom with tyranny waiting in the wings.

#940127 - 08/27/15 07:01 AM Re: Universal Background Checks [Re: lue-jones]
scott9050 Offline
Double barrel

Registered: 04/29/11
Posts: 75
Loc: West Virginia
City or County: West Virginia
Yes, a background check would have helped greatly. Not. He passed one as did Dylan Roof. These clowns just want to turn all of America in to Baltimore and Chicago style slums.

#940182 - 08/27/15 09:28 AM Re: Universal Background Checks [Re: lue-jones]
Peabody Offline

Registered: 11/15/14
Posts: 239
Loc: Hanover
City or County: Hanover
I was watching NBC news this morning and the father of the woman reporter who was killed was being interviewed and I was shocked and surprised when he said he was going to "FIGHT" for universal background checks and eliminate the gun show loophole. As previously reported above, the KILLER purchased the pistol from a gun shop and DID pass a background check. I am sure that some POS politician got to the father and prompted him to say that. So, a cold blooded murder turns into the "gun show loop hole" again when in fact, it had NOTHING to do with the mis represented "loop hole".
Also, the news is reporting that the KILLER is gay and black and was fired/persecuted over 2 years ago causing him to commit the murders.
AGAIN, excuses are made for bad behavior and the gay and race card are played. Very little is being said that he was a bad employee that was coached to do his job more effectively but just could not perform as expected.
Now that we have a black and gay killer who murdered "whites", where is the outrage, demonstrations, marching, riots, new laws, hearings, investigations, Obama statement, DOJ investigation, civil rights violations, etc.???????
This world has become very upside down!

#940453 - 08/27/15 09:59 PM Re: Universal Background Checks [Re: lue-jones]
6.5x55 Offline
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Registered: 12/09/08
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Terry was DNC chair last time Hilderbeast ran. His taking points have always included universal record keeping/registration.

Maybe WE should endrun this dope of a politician. There have been no problems from the so-called loophole. We could propose what some other states do: you present a ccw card or equivlilent and no check needed for ffl or private sales. Check gets done every couple of years, shows you are good to go and record keeping is at a minimum. NO govt registration.

You just walk into any county office where you pay taxes, pay $5 and get your card on the spot. Hell, even a Walmart or a place that sells hunting licenses and prints them off could issue these. Just fill out a form, present I.D., shop or get an oil change and come back for your good guy paper.

Certainly the obama Nazis and their "just common sense" mantra would have a hard time arguing against it without admitting that they want total registration.
Biden freak show open 24/7.

#940467 - 08/27/15 10:21 PM Re: Universal Background Checks [Re: 6.5x55]
mbsw Offline
Pea shooter

Registered: 12/29/14
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Originally Posted By: 6.5x55

Maybe WE should endrun this dope of a politician. There have been no problems from the so-called loophole. We could propose what some other states do: you present a ccw card or equivlilent and no check needed for ffl or private sales. Check gets done every couple of years, shows you are good to go and record keeping is at a minimum. NO govt registration.

Great idea!

#940528 - 08/28/15 07:25 AM Re: Universal Background Checks [Re: lue-jones]
MP3Mogul Offline
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Registered: 01/14/09
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Loc: Salem, Virginia
City or County: Salem
A white guy shoots black people in a church and we ban a flag. A Black guy shoots white people on live TV and we want to ban guns.

I give up!
USMC Retired

"We're surrounded. That simplifies the problem."
Chesty Puller

#940546 - 08/28/15 08:27 AM Re: Universal Background Checks [Re: MP3Mogul]
scott9050 Offline
Double barrel

Registered: 04/29/11
Posts: 75
Loc: West Virginia
City or County: West Virginia
Originally Posted By: MP3Mogul
A white guy shoots black people in a church and we ban a flag. A Black guy shoots white people on live TV and we want to ban guns.

I give up!

They found a rainbow flag in the killers apartment and he had posed with it in pictures. By the Libatards definition, it must be banned and all traces of it must be destroyed.

#940992 - 08/29/15 10:03 AM Re: Universal Background Checks [Re: lue-jones]
6.5x55 Offline
Nature points out the folly of men

Registered: 12/09/08
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City or County: Hanover
Dad of the girl killed on TV is a McAuliffe shill

Parker, 62, is not a political novice. He is a former member of the Henry County Board of Supervisors and a failed Democratic candidate for the state legislature. He said Friday he would stand up to Virginia's legislators to demand change and issued a challenge to President Barack Obama to make a renewed push for gun control.
Yet it was unclear what measures would have prevented Vester Flanagan from buying the gun he used to kill reporter Alison Parker and cameraman Adam Ward as they conducted a live interview Wednesday morning. With no apparent criminal record or other disqualifying incidents in his past, Flanagan passed a background check to buy his weapon.
He wants to close loopholes for buying guns at gun shows. He also doesn't see why civilians need assault weapons: "Who the hell needs a machine gun to go hunt?"

If the dilwad took the time to read the DGIF hunting laws, he would read that you may not hunt with a machine gun in VA.
But why let the facts upset your little panywaist whining session?

AND a hypocrite!!!! Can't have it both ways Skippy.

Parker, perhaps in a sign of Southern pragmatism, said he was thinking about getting a gun himself now that he was in the public eye and taking on such a controversial issue.

"I don't own a gun. We don't have a gun in our family. I'm probably going to have to get one," he said.
Biden freak show open 24/7.

#941703 - 08/31/15 07:05 AM Re: Universal Background Checks [Re: 6.5x55]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
Posts: 611
Loc: Virginia, USA.
City or County: Vinton
Originally Posted By: 6.5x55
Dad of the girl killed on TV is a McAuliffe shill

Parker, 62, is not a political novice. He is a former member of the Henry County Board of Supervisors and a failed Democratic candidate for the state legislature.

I think its important to keep as many eyes on this thread and educated about the facts surrounding Universal Background Checks as possible. The more Virginians who understand what is being proposed the better because I am not quite sure how many people understand just how much the implementation of UBC's can change firearm culture in this state should we fall asleep at the wheel.

Behind every politician is an army of lobbiest who have contributed money to campaigns in exchange for bargaining power to get things accomplished which are beneficial to the lobbiests demands. Where lobbying stops and bribery begins seems to be a fine line, but as we've seen countless times in this country special interest groups invest in politicians in order to get things done.

Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, a gun control advocate, was a major donor to McAuliffe's 2013 gubernatorial campaign.

If we take a look at the hand McAuliffe has already played we can get a good idea of what may be pushed for in the future. Below is an article that ran in December 2014 which outlines some of McAuliffes stated goals.

Prohibit the possession of firearms for persons subject to protective orders

Prohibit the possession of firearms for misdemeanor domestic violence offenders

Curtail handgun trafficking by reinstating the one handgun a month law

Revoke concealed handgun permits for parents delinquent on child support payments

Keep handguns out of the wrong hands by closing the gun show loophole

Give Virginia State Police authority to process voluntary background check requests

Make unlawful purchases more difficult by clarifying what information can be displayed by gun show vendors


For those interested in learning more, please see the threads below:

January 2015: McAuliffes Gun Control Measures Fail in Senate Committee

Terry McAuliffe: We Need Universal Background Checks

Slain Virgina Reporters Father Vows to Fight for Gun Control

Virginia Republicans Upset with McAuliffes Call for Tighter Gun Control Measures

On-Air Killer Wanted Race War

Actors Andy and Alison Parker

#941776 - 08/31/15 10:42 AM Re: Universal Background Checks [Re: 6.5x55]
Bailey151 Offline
Double barrel

Registered: 08/19/15
Posts: 70
Loc: Virginia
City or County: Woodbridge
Originally Posted By: 6.5x55
.....Yet it was unclear what measures would have prevented Vester Flanagan from buying the gun..........

But why let the facts upset your little panywaist whining session?

Well that's pretty much the stock & trade of these folks - they never let facts cloud up their thinking. That would be my question to him & Duh-Bama.....exactly how do you propose to change the laws to prevent this type of person from buying a gun?

Her dad might also ask himself if the guy who video taped Flangan being removed from the workplace might have been the target & his daughter was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. I can see how it might be annoying to have some dillweed making a tape of being fired (not that it's a justification).
It's just my opinion & worth exactly what you paid for it.

#942924 - 09/03/15 04:58 AM Re: Universal Background Checks [Re: lue-jones]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
Posts: 611
Loc: Virginia, USA.
City or County: Vinton
Lets not forget the push to include Americans on social security among those whom are targeted for inclusion in potential background check refusals. When you start to put a list together of Americans whom may lose their right to own firearms you have to ask yourself where does it end?

Seeking tighter controls over firearm purchases, the Obama administration is pushing to ban Social Security beneficiaries from owning guns if they lack the mental capacity to manage their own affairs, a move that could affect millions whose monthly disability payments are handled by others.

Obama pushes to include Social Security Beneficiaries from owning guns

#945286 - 09/09/15 09:35 AM Re: Universal Background Checks [Re: lue-jones]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
Posts: 611
Loc: Virginia, USA.
City or County: Vinton
Less than two weeks after a heinous attack in which a Virginia TV reporter and her cameraman were killed by a gunman who passed a background check for his firearm, Senator Sen. Tim Kaine (C-VA)is pushing legislation to make “gun sellers” criminally liable for the misuse of guns they sell.

The bill is designed to “raise the bar” and require more “accountability” on the part of gun sellers. It also expands the federal net to open the door to criminal liability charges against private sellers too.

According to The Roanoke Times, Kaine’s bill is titled the Responsible Transfer of Firearms Act. It “would make gun sellers criminally liable for a bad sale if they didn’t take reasonable, affirmative steps to determine the customer met federal criteria.”


#945377 - 09/09/15 02:56 PM Re: Universal Background Checks [Re: lue-jones]
Mark S Offline
Mark S

Registered: 04/29/10
Posts: 4044
Loc: Rappahannock County, VA
City or County: Front Royal
He should have called the Firearms Act for Responsible Transfer or...FART...I hope I don't get a 'time out' for that one.

#945395 - 09/09/15 03:51 PM Re: Universal Background Checks [Re: lue-jones]
Agent19 Offline
2A 4 All

Registered: 01/12/09
Posts: 3745
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What these fools don't seem to get.
Vester signed and passed the 4473 background check as did Cho, the Navy yard shooter and Islamic terrorist Hasan..

What they really want is to strip folks of their rights without due process, because Mrs Kravis says she's scared of you... or your Physician thinks you might be depressed etc...

Hope to see all of the VAGT posters at Lobby Day 2016.
I’ll gladly take questionable mean tweets, a strong economy, energy independence, and a Respected Country, over high inflation, millions of illegals aliens,mask/ vaccine mandates,Govt $ fixing, Marxist or dimwitted chicken head in chief.

#945423 - 09/09/15 05:17 PM Re: Universal Background Checks [Re: lue-jones]
Mark S Offline
Mark S

Registered: 04/29/10
Posts: 4044
Loc: Rappahannock County, VA
City or County: Front Royal
And. let's get rid Kaine next time around too.

#953516 - 10/01/15 07:42 PM Re: Universal Background Checks [Re: lue-jones]
dls56 Offline
Double barrel

Registered: 07/12/09
Posts: 62
Loc: Virginia
City or County: Sterling
We shouldn't forget the "Blue ribbon panel" we had to pay for to get to a predetermined conclusion about the VT shooting. Kaine is all about lining his buddies pockets.
How convenient that "Gun free zone" never seems to be part of the equation in libtard land when mass shootings occur.

#954299 - 10/03/15 07:29 PM Re: Universal Background Checks [Re: lue-jones]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
Posts: 611
Loc: Virginia, USA.
City or County: Vinton
With the recent community college shooting, it was not long before calls for gun control were politicized in the media and in particular we are hearing more rhetoric for a Universal Back Ground Check (UBC) system to be put in place. I will not be surprised to see the mainstream media pick up steam on UBC's in the future in an effort to lead the charge on the issue. Media campaigns on issues such as gay marriage, the confederate flag etc. seem to convince many that there is public and social support for such issues and it would not surprise me to one day wake up to an America where nuances of UBC's are a reality for a majority of Americans.

The White House says it has made progress on all the measures, including those requiring federal agencies to share information on the background check system, to trace guns recovered in criminal investigations and to review standards for gun locks and safes.

Nevada has scheduled a ballot initiative in November 2016 which would require background checks and close loopholes on online sales and at gun shows. Maine is also expected to follow suit.

Such developments hint at the reality that political change is often the work of generations rather than years -- and can span a number of presidencies. For now, polling shows little consensus on the way forward.

"I think that what we need is a national movement," Clinton said Thursday.

"We're going to go at this from the top down, namely go back to the Congress, go back to try and put together a sensible, bipartisan position that was supported before in the Senate to get to universal background checks.

Gun-control advocates are also taking heart from other sweeping political transformations -- including the stunning shift of opinion on same-sex marriage -- which started in the states and left federal politicians racing to keep up.

"I think, I very much believe now, that on the gun issue we are going to have our Confederate flag or our gay-marriage moment, when there is a cultural break," Everitt said.

Obama Change Vow Hits Reality on Guns

Angered Obama Talks Gun Control

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