On Wednesday 18 November I will be teaching the Introduction to the AR15 class at Colonial Shooting Academy in Richmond, VA. This class begins at 5pm and ends at 9.

If you are new to the AR-15 Rifle, or want a great refresher, this class is for you!

Introduction to the AR-15/AK-47 provides a hands-on introduction to the safe handling and proper orientation of that type rifle. This course includes classroom and range time. Tuition covers targets, eye and ear protection, and classroom and range fees. Students MUST provide (or rent) a rifle and supply forty (40) rounds of ammunition.

Students will learn the NRA’s rules for safe gun handling; the particular rifle model parts and operation; ammunition; shooting fundamentals and cleaning.

In this 4 hour class, you will learn:

The fundamentals of Rifle Marksmanship using the AR-15/AK-47
How to Zero your AR-15 or AK-47
Characteristics of the Rifle
Choosing the right ammunition
Proper Cleaning and Lubrication
Optics and Accessories/Attaching Methods
Choosing quality gear and more….

Register in person at CSA's Richmond facility or online at:
Or you can register over the phone by calling (804) 266-2666 ext. 26.