Communism in the United States Today

Posted by: lue-jones

Communism in the United States Today - 02/16/15 01:36 PM

This is a subject which should be near and dear to every American because it has direct and far reaching meaning and consequences to our national identity. When the lines begin to be blurred between the capitalistic system the United States is based around and the hallmarks of communism we cease to be who we once were and begin to change into something we were never intended to be. Once that occurs, your national identity is skewed and the definition of what it means to be an American becomes perverted.

I first became aware of the issues facing our country after listening to retired Lt. General Jerry Boykin bravely discuss the issues he see's facing our nation. Not being satisfied with taking his word on the subject, I began to look into the subject closer and discovered he is absolutely correct.

Boykins elements of Marxist/Communist Insurgency

1. Nationalization

An example of nationalization in the United States is government bailouts of the automotive industry.

2. Wealth Redistribution

An example of wealth redistribution in the United States is Obamacare

3. Discrediting of the opposition

An example of discrediting the opposition in the United States is the labeling of returning veterans, patriots etc. as domestic terrorists.

4. Censorship

An example of censorship in the United States is hate crimes legislation which is designed to prevent pastors from talking to their parrish about homosexuality.

5. Control of Gun ownership

This is probably the last place I need to provide examples of gun control in the United States. Take a look at the recent rhetoric surrounding Universal Background Checks, bans on specific types of ammunition etc. There is a long list to go through.

6. Force to control the population

An example of a constable force in the United States is the creation of the Department of Homeland Security.

Below is a link to one of retired Lt. General Jerry Bokyins speech's on the Marxist/Communist problems plaguing our nation. Please take the time to listen to his words, though a great deal of what he is speaking about is highlighted above.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 02/16/15 01:45 PM

Listed below is what is commonly referred to as the Ten Planks of Communism as written by Communism co-founder Karl Marx. While some of these points have yet to come to fruition, and others are very much open for interpretation the fact remains we're dangerously close to a great number of these and other hallmarks of communism. And without informing and educating the American public on the issue, how long before we find ourselves in a position we do not wish to be in?

10 planks of communism by Karl Marx

1. Abolition of private property in land and application of all rents of land to public purpose.

This is where eminent domain comes into the picture, and even property taxes. Once you own your property outright by paying off your mortgage, you still don’t technically own it because the government could jack up property taxes so high that it makes it unaffordable to remain.

2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.

Marginal tax rates increasing as income goes up IS a graduated income tax. This is in opposition to a more fair tax like a national sales tax or flat tax where a person is not taxed at a higher rate the more income they earn.

3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance.

In the U.S. these can be seen as estate taxes (i.e. the death tax).

4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.

This is nothing more than government seizures, IRS property confiscation and the 1997 Crime/Terrorist bill which calls for the imprisonment of terrorists (not such a bad thing), but also for those who speak out against the government. Your LIFE is the most valuable property you have, but the government has the right to take it away because of things that you may say. Consider Senate Bill 3081, the “Enemy Belligerent, Interrogation, Detention, and Prosecution Act of 2010,” co-sponsored by Sens. John McCain and Joe Lieberman. The following is actual text from the bill that explains what a belligerent may be and the reasons they can be detained without due process: “(A) The potential threat the individual poses for an attack on civilians or civilian facilities within the United States or upon United States citizens or United States civilian facilities abroad at the time of capture or when coming under the custody or control of the United States… (B) The potential threat the individual poses to United States military personnel or United States military facilities at the time of capture or when coming under the custody or control of the United States…. (C) The potential intelligence value of the individual… (D) Membership in al-Qaida or in a terrorist group affiliated with al-Qaida… (E) Such other matters as the president considers appropriate. . .” [THIS IS WHERE THERE IS A MAJOR, MAJOR PROBLEM] This is very subjective and could include a multitude of things – even just disagreements on policy!

5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.

This is an easy one. The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 created the Federal Reserve, and now the government owns many of the country’s largest banks via bailout money. Government control of private industry is just a polite way of saying FASCISM!!!!

6. Centralization of the means of communication and transportation in the hands of the state.

The FAA, FCC, and the ICC (Interstate Commerce Commission) are all government entities that propose to regulate how we travel and what is said. There is nothing particularly disturbing about this now, but what about in the future? Could the government shut down communication or transportation for various people groups? Yes, they could pretty much do whatever they want. There is no competition here. There is no free market private entity as a choice. I thought the government made monopolies illegal? Oh, that’s right they did, except for where they have a monopoly.

7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state; the bringing into cultivation of waste lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.

Recent events have made this one very disturbing. On June 9, 2011 President Obama signed into law Executive Order 13575 in which the intent is to seize greater power over “food, fiber, and energy.” A great article explaining this was written by Raven Clabough and posted on the New American website.

8. Equal obligation of all to work and the establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.

Because of high inflation and higher taxes our society has been thrust into a dual income family at the minimum. In many instances both husband and wife have multiple jobs.

9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the population over the country.

I am not qualified to answer this question, as I don’t really know of any combination of the two industries. In fact it seems what we have in this country is opposite as there seems to be a corralling of people into the urban areas. However, Executive Order 13575 mentioned in Plank 7 may be related to this.

10. Free education for all children in government schools and abolition of children’s factory labor in its present form – combination of education with industrial production, etc.

The public school system and the department of education indoctrinate our kids into the agenda that the federal government wants for our children. Both the national department of education and the state level departments of education adhere to an outcome based education model where excellence in not rewarded and lackluster performance is not dealt with in the proper manner so kids don’t get their feelings hurt. The whole standard of “equalization” is drilled into our kids’ heads through the public school system so by the time they graduate they are “socialized.”

Analyzing where America is now

In the United States we fulfill Marx’s 10 planks of a complete communist state on 1-8, and 10, kind of on 7 and maybe on 9. So, according to Marx’s vision of communism we are about 90 percent there. Good grief! It’s time to wake up and take action now before it is too late and the freedoms that we have come to expect in our beloved country are stripped away from us.

Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 02/16/15 02:07 PM

This will actually be my forth attempt at posting this thread, with my previous three attempts having resulted in browser crashes with all information lost. My first attempt was a much more in depth analyses, but in the interest of K.I.S.S this is the abbreviated version.

Below you will read many points which sound frighteningly familiar, with examples coming to mind immediately that have brought these issues to fruition. Some will not sound so familiar, while others can easily be interpreted in numerous ways depending on your individual assessment and familiarization with the subject.

The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals

[From "The Naked Communist," by Cleon Skousen]

1. U.S. acceptance of coexistence as the only alternative to atomic war.

2. U.S. willingness to capitulate in preference to engaging in atomic war.

3. Develop the illusion that total disarmament [by] the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength.

4. Permit free trade between all nations regardless of Communist affiliation and regardless of whether or not items could be used for war.

5. Extension of long-term loans to Russia and Soviet satellites.

6. Provide American aid to all nations regardless of Communist domination.

7. Grant recognition of Red China. Admission of Red China to the U.N.

8. Set up East and West Germany as separate states in spite of Khrushchev's promise in 1955 to settle the German question by free elections under supervision of the U.N.

9. Prolong the conferences to ban atomic tests because the United States has agreed to suspend tests as long as negotiations are in progress.

10. Allow all Soviet satellites individual representation in the U.N.

11. Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces. (Some Communist leaders believe the world can be taken over as easily by the U.N. as by Moscow. Sometimes these two centers compete with each other as they are now doing in the Congo.)

12. Resist any attempt to outlaw the Communist Party.

13. Do away with all loyalty oaths.

14. Continue giving Russia access to the U.S. Patent Office.

15. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.

16. Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights.

17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.

18. Gain control of all student newspapers.

19. Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack.

20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policy-making positions.

21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.

22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to "eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms."

23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. "Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art."

24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press.

25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.

26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."

27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity, which does not need a "religious crutch."

28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of "separation of church and state."

29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.

30. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man."

31. Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of the "big picture." Give more emphasis to Russian history since the Communists took over.

32. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture--education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.

33. Eliminate all laws or procedures which interfere with the operation of the Communist apparatus.

34. Eliminate the House Committee on Un-American Activities.

35. Discredit and eventually dismantle the FBI.

36. Infiltrate and gain control of more unions.

37. Infiltrate and gain control of big business.

38. Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand [or treat].

39. Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals.

40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.

41. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.

42. Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use ["]united force["] to solve economic, political or social problems.

43. Overthrow all colonial governments before native populations are ready for self-government.

44. Internationalize the Panama Canal.

45. Repeal the Connally reservation so the United States cannot prevent the World Court from seizing jurisdiction [over domestic problems. Give the World Court jurisdiction] over nations and individuals alike.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 02/16/15 02:22 PM

Below is a documentary for those interested in learning more which highlights exactly what communism should mean to you.

The video below discusses social engineering, where 10% of society was killed in order to restructure the population into something much easier to control through fear, intimidation, propaganda and mass murder.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 02/16/15 02:41 PM

According to author John Sparrow, the terms socialism and marxism are practically synonomous with one another. It is common knowledge that Karl Marx is the co-author of the Communist Manifesto, which is required reading for anyone interested in learning more about the subject.

Marxism is a term which relates to the theoretical practice and implementation of communist doctrine and ideology. There are many people who will attempt to differentiate the terms, but for all intents and purposes a communist by any other name is still a communists.

The Influence of Karl Marx on Contemporary Socialism

The United States once took it upon itself to stamp out the flow of communism across the world due to the threat it posed to American society and its way of life. Many of our veterans here went to war under the impression they were helping to stop the flow of communism. Countless American lives have been lost in the name of freedom, yet sadly when we look at the state of our country now it would appear communism has came to the shores of the United States.

Many Americans today are all to willing to turn a blind eye to the plight of our country and are instead comfortable in going along with the circumvention of our nation and the perversion of what it means to be American due to a number of facts. A lack of education about the subject, a willingness to trade freedom in the name of safety, the convenience of doing nother and trusting others to handle the important work. Only, one only needs to look at the numerous examples of atrocity across the world in the name of communism to see putting your faith in others can be a grave mistake.
Posted by: scythefwd

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 02/17/15 04:32 PM

Well lue, lets take this line by line.

The General, while very much right on his assessment, appears to be mislabeling things or assigning attributes.

Specifically 5. Its not listed under one of the planks from marx's own list you put later.

The manifesto is of a group trying to overthrow the current form of government.. they're about taking power.. not idealists at that point.

Marx was a dictator. He used a perverted form of communism for control. If you look at the 10 planks of Karl Marx's version of communism, you'll not see disarmament of the citizenship or gun control. That is the only thing I argue... is that gun control is not a "plank" or tenant of communism. It IS a tool repressive governments use to enforce communism upon their subjects. That is the reason the disarmament is mention in the communist takeover of America.. cant force a change on an unwilling populace if they have the means to fight back. Its very much about control and subjugation.
The General was very much right on his appraisal of what is wrong, I agree with him completely.

The problem, is that everyone refers to communism/marxism. Why is that, communism existed LONG before Karl Marx. In its purest form, communism is an ideal that cannot exist... Communism is communal property, equal responsibility of all for all. Most every government that as set itself up on "communist" do it more as a method of controlling a lower caste. Thats where it gets perverted. Lenon, Marx, etc were all abut setting up a caste system, the controlling and the controlled (very similar to the way congress is running now...). If you look at the ideology of communism, its intent is to get rid of the caste system, which is antithetical to to setting up a controlling system. If you look at say a buddhist temple (frequently called a commune), you'll see a social system much closer to what the ideal of communism is. You'll also see why its not a viable governmental system.

The taking of the property isnt gun control.. its the total taking of everything, land, house, freedom, etc.

Our whole disagreement on this is whether gun control is a tenant of communism or not. I say it isn't, but a tool used by oppressive governments to enforce their rule.. which is seen in every government setup. Either by laws, force, etc.. gun control is the precursor to force.

Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 02/17/15 05:20 PM

Originally Posted By: scythefwd
Well lue, lets take this line by line.

The General, while very much right on his assessment, appears to be mislabeling things or assigning attributes.

Specifically 5. Its not listed under one of the planks from marx's own list you put later.

Hi Scy,
While the retired Lt. General certainly does not need me to defend him, this is really an easy one to clear up. I believe the General is absolutely correct in his assessment that gun control has very much been a part of Marxist insurgency with numerous examples throughout history to testify to this affect.

Indeed, the best testimony to the power of an armed populace is the vigor with which the Warsaw Pact dictatorships enforced gun control. When the Communists took over Bulgaria on September 9, 1944, they immediately confiscated every weapon in private possession.

In East Germany, private gun ownership was outlawed, although citizens were allowed to rent hunting guns for one-day periods.

Immediately after World War II, Hungary was governed by a coalition of democrats and Communists. Preparing the way for a total Communist takeover Laszlo Rajk, the Communist Minister of the Interior, ordered the dissolution of all pistol and hunting clubs, as well as of other organizations which might prove a threat to government power. Rajk claimed he acted "in order to more efficiently protect the democratic system of the state."

Nowhere was gun control fiercer than in Rumania. The dictatorship of Nicolai Ceausescu used registration lists to confiscate all firearms in private hands. The government also registered (but did not confiscate) typewriters.

It should come as no surprise that the Communist Party USA is on board with President Obama’s plan to attack Americans’ right to keep and bear arms as a means to “end gun violence.” A cardinal feature of communist regimes, like all dictatorships, is the prohibition of private ownership of arms, creating a monopoly of force in the hands of the State.

In a January 18 article, People’s World, an official publication of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA), declared that “the ability to live free from the fear or threat of gun violence is a fundamental democratic right — one that far supercedes any so-called personal gun rights allegedly contained in the Second Amendment.”

The most zealous gun rights supporters in America are those who had the misfortune to live under totalitarian regimes. One of those people is Manuel Martinez, who escaped Castro’s Cuba. In moving testimony given in Salem, Oregon, Martinez told Floyd Prozansky, who leads Oregon’s gun grabbing movement, “you don’t know what freedom is.”

Speaking in broken, impassioned English, Martinez recalled that the Castro government did what every other totalitarian government does as its first act of power: the government confiscated citizens’ weapons. Once disarmed, it was easy for Castro’s minions to arrest and execute citizens. Sounding much like the Founders themselves, Martinez said that individuals have the right to arm themselves in order to protect themselves from those who wish to take away their God-given freedoms. For this reason, the right to bear arms is itself a God given right:

My name is Manuel Martinez, born in Cuba, American citizen for more than 40 years. I oppose any manipulation, any regulation, elimination, or disturb (sic) of the Second Amendment of the Constitution of the United States. In 1959, (garbled) individuals, malicious individuals, masquerading as Democrats, revolutionaries, establish a regime, a dictatorial regime in my nation, called Communism, socialism, Stalinism, Marxism, and what the name “-ism” you want to call it. The reason was done to take away the guns from the people — the right of the people to wear guns. And that is a God-given right. It is not given by anybody. It is not given by any government. It is the same thing as freedom which is a God-given right and no one, absolutely no one, has the authority to take it away.

* In 1929, the Soviet Union established gun control. From 1929 to 1953, about 20 million dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated. This doesn't include the 30 million 'Uncle Joe' starved to death in the Ukraine.

“China established gun control in 1935. From 1948 to 1952, 20 million political dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were exterminated by their own government.

I've met many communist sympathizers over the years who have idealistic notions that if they could just enact the right form of communism their socialist eutopia could finally come to fruition. Many of these people I have encountered first hand learned about communism from sociology professors who sugar coat communism while almost always leaving out the real world application of Marxism which has literally left millions dead, imprisoned in their wake. A communist under any other name, is still a communist.
Posted by: scythefwd

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 02/17/15 05:42 PM

I'll agree its been a tool used by every marxist regime as well. Marxism isnt pure communism.. That is where I'm drawing the distinction. Disarming the populace is par for the course for any oppressive regime. I stand by that there has been no pure communist state, and at best it has been limited to small communes of hippies and monks out in fields and mountains.

And I agree, the Gen needs no defending. His points are on, nothing needing defending. Notice how he says a marxist/communist.. he uses them interchangeably, and I dont believe they are. What he describes is very much pure marxist tho...
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 02/17/15 06:37 PM

As I have previously laid out above, the term Marxism as defined by Google is, "the political and economic theories of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, later developed by their followers to form the basis for the theory and practice of communism."

Obviously, Marxism drawing its name sake from Communism co-founder Karl Marx.

I have always found it to be academically semantic to argue the differentiation between these and other like terms when they will be forever linked to one another despite the best efforts of communist sympathizers to draw differentiations between them. And believe me, there is no shortage of those who wish to separate terms which relate to meaning in language or logic.

So I am unsure how the retired Lt. General has mislabeled gun control as a part of Marxist insurgency when numerous examples exist throughout history to attest otherwise. Unless we're attempting to re-write history itself, in which case there is a mountain of widely accepted historical fact that says otherwise.

When we look at the 10 planks of communism, it does not take long to understand that in order to practice these tennants in area's of the world where they were not previously governed that one will either have to be a truly amazing speaker capable of convincing people to do just about anything, including giving up their private ownership of land, or take such things by force.

Obviously one of the 10 planks of communism as laid out in 'The Communist Manifesto' is the abolition of private land ownership.

Convincing people to adhere to a set of principles inherently foreign to them can be as easy or difficult as those who are forced to abide these rules make it. Should one decide they are not willing to go along with such doctrines as communism, it is not hard to understand that disarming the populace makes the communist plight much easier to accomplish than allowing them to have firearms, a traditional means of self-defense, and running into opposition which could put a wrench in your spokes.

And as most of us are aware with a cursory understanding of the history of communism, opposition is often met with imprisonment and or death. There is a great video on youtube where a former citizen under communist rule stops and discusses with American communist sympathizers handing out communist propaganda pamplets that they would not be able to dissiminate any kind of political oppositional information in his former communist nation.

Highlighting one of many problems with communism and the dangers that exist within.
Posted by: scythefwd

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 02/17/15 07:07 PM

Communism, the ideology predates Karl Marx..., unless we want to think that communism came about as recently as the 1900's. Been around a LOT longer than that..

The reason people separate terms.. is because words have specific meanings.

You are confusing correlation to causation. Yes, there has been gun control in every marxist government.. but is that because it was a marxist government or because the it was an oppressive government exerting control. Is Marxism the cause, or just happen to coincide with the oppressive government? I believe that its not tenant of communism, but its a requirement to implement it because communism cannot work without it being forced upon the populace. Much in the same way as the fundimentals of reloading.. reshape brass, prime, fill with powder, put in a bullet and crimp it in. Have to have the tools to do that.. In this case, the gun control is the tool.. and its a tool for facism, marxism, total dictatorships, etc. Actually, its a tool that is used in every government style for keeping the masses in check. Its also antithetical to a free and democratic nation, where its lack is to keep the government in check. I find it hard to argue that it is a tenant of ONE type of governmental system (as you use it, specifically marxism) when it is so thoroughly used as a tool by almost all forms of oppressive governments in order to enforce their will. Its a simple might makes right, which I dont think can be attributed to any single ideal or narrowed down to any single governmental system to claim it as a tenant of one... That is unless you want to claim it a tenant of all but democratic systems. At which point we'll just have to disagree.. I see it as a tool, you see it as a fundamental part and founding basis for the systems.

The communist manifesto, was written by folks trying to overthrow a government.. Thats a strategic document on how to take control..
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 02/17/15 07:37 PM

Originally Posted By: scythefwd
Yes, there has been gun control in every marxist government..

I'm glad we laid that disagreement to rest and you've had a public change in opinion. It was only a few short days ago that you wanted to argue this fact at the expense of an untold number of lives who would attest otherwise. I would recommend doing more research on the topic in the future in order to be better prepared to have an honest discussion on the topic instead of one which centers around an unwillingness to dilligently address the issue at hand.

At this very moment gun control is a hot topic around firearm boards just like this one. Unfortunately, hearing otherwise intelligent Americans attempt to make this issue a subject of tinfoil debate is all too common when in truth it is among the most serious topics facing our nation today.

Unfortunately though, the United States as we once knew it is in serious danger of turning into something else completely unless every American recognizes the problems within and heads to the voting booth to do something about it. Our Constitution and thus the American way of life is well underway of being attacked, circumvented and put into a permanent state of stasis unless every American understands the issue at hand and come together to do something about it.

We should all be Americans, not divided amongst ourselves to the point nothing can be accomplished. Together we stand, divided we fall.
Posted by: Mark S

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 02/17/15 07:57 PM

I was going to stay out of this but...

Marx was an economist not a dictator.

Communism is community ownership of the means of production. Communism as in communal living existed before Marx, but he and Engels are the modern theorist practitioners based on their critique of capitalism where owners make money off of the labors of the workers by owning the means of production.

When you say Marxist Communist or marxism communism the terms in current usage are relatively interchageable. What is not is Marxist Leninism which was a creation of Stalin and was neither.

Disarmament is a practice of any totalitarian regime to protect itself from the masses. FYI, most countries in Europe do not have a tradition of gun or even weapon ownership and most arms were kept away from what we might even consider a local militia, usually on the 'Lords grounds' and only accessed when he called them out. The rest of the time he had his own cadre of paid soldiers to protect him and that cadre was generally driven by his wealth, which was driven by the amount of land and peasants he had working for him.

We have very few true Communists here in the US, mainly college students, a few professors and some old hippies as well as some true believers. We do have a growing number of Socialists that mainly tie to the Democratic Party for electoral purposes and the growth public employee unions.

There are plenty of manifestos out there all meant to overthrow something or right some supposed wrong.
Posted by: scythefwd

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 02/17/15 07:59 PM

Lue, you appear to have misinterpreted my comment if you think my opinion has changed.

I said it has happened in every marxist government. I never denied that.. I said it wasn't a tenant of communism, which I also stand by.
Posted by: toughtom12

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 02/17/15 11:03 PM

Communism? What year is it? I think lue-jones fell into the Hot Tub Time Machine... LOL! WOLVERINES!!!!!!!
Posted by: Paratus

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 02/19/15 05:16 AM

Place the Ten Planks of Communism and the Bill of Rights side by side and see which of the two are being more closely followed in this country today.
Posted by: P3Bill

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 02/19/15 04:27 PM

Communism is one thing but the really scary thing is the progressive left's use of Saul Alinsky's "RULES FOR RADICALS."

Both Obama and Hillary are students of Alinsky. Google up some background and edumacate youself.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 02/19/15 11:20 PM

Hi P3,
Thanks for stopping in sir, always good to hear from Americans who are paying attention to the events unfolding in our country.

Below is some information I thought to share about Alinsky, his followers and a very recent example of community organizing which has taken place in the United States that is likely still fresh on many Americans minds.

Many people say that he dedicated Rules for Radicals to Lucifer, the Prince of Darkness. That is not technically true. Rather, he spoke fondly of him on the page preceding the Table of Contents. There he wrote, “Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins — or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”

Let’s say that if there is an afterlife, and I have anything to say about it, I will unreservedly choose to go to hell.


ALINSKY: Hell would be heaven for me. All my life I’ve been with the have-nots. Over here, if you’re a have-not, you’re short of dough. If you’re a have-not in hell, you’re short of virtue. Once I get into hell, I’ll start organizing the have-nots over there.

PLAYBOY: Why them?

ALINSKY: They’re my kind of people.“

Saul Alinsky (1909-1972), the son of Russian Jewish immigrants, wrote the book on community organizing and, as such, is the guru of all “community organizers” — a deceptively innocuous term for what Marxists used to call “agitprop” or agitators-propagandists. Alinsky was not the first to realize that successful Marxist revolutions depend on organizational prowess, but he was the first to write a “how to” organizational manual for aspiring Marxist revolutionaries in the United States — the now famous Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals (1971).

Alinsky biographer Sanford Horwitt claims that not only did Obama follow Alinsky’s teachings as a Chicago-based community organizer, Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign was influenced by those teachings. Alinsky’s rules are also wielded by Internet trolls.

Alinsky’s 13 Rules for the Left:

1. Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have.

2. Never go outside the experience of your people.

3. Whenever possible, go outside of the experience of the enemy.

4. Make the enemy live up to their own book of rules.

5. Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.

6. A good tactic is one that your people enjoy.

7. A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.

8. Keep the pressure on with different tactics and actions, and utilize all events of the period for your purpose.

9. The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.

10. The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition.

11. If you push a negative hard and deep enough, it will break through into its counterside.

12. The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.

13. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.

How many of you remember the rioting just a few short months ago all over the country? In particular, Ferguson, Missouri? For quite some time, "community organizers" in the area worked the neighborhoods, churches and other community centers to stir up discontent and organize protests, some violent, which made headlines across the world.

Little attention seemed to be given to the fact support from the highest offices in Washington, D.C. were given to these same community organizers. Take the time to think about the 13 rules for the left above and how they apply to the Michael Brown case and the events that followed.

Ferguson Protests in more than 170 cities across the U.S.

Obama met with AG Holder about Ferguson

Justice Department Prods Ferguson Police to Improve

Eric Holder to Ferguson Leakers: Shut Up

Obama met with Ferguson activists, concerned they stay the course

Ferguson Activist Hold Training Session

New Black Panther Party Wants to Arm Every Black Male

NAACP Urges Blacks To Take Up Arms
Posted by: Paratus

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 02/20/15 07:23 AM

I have "Rules for Radicals" at home. Interesting read. Explains a lot. I think perhaps we should use that book and fire those techniques back at the left.
Posted by: Mark S

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 02/20/15 07:48 AM

Originally Posted By: Paratus
I have "Rules for Radicals" at home. Interesting read. Explains a lot. I think perhaps we should use that book and fire those techniques back at the left.

We don't because we're generally people principal and integrity who believe that we can win an argument on merits and are willing to change our opinions based on facts and logic. None of those things matter(ed) to Alinsky or Democrats (yes, that is a cheap shot on Dems, it felt good, see Rules 5, 6 11, 13).

The bigger issue is finding the medium through which to transmit the message given the MSM are all on the other side of the argument and you want widespread transmittance. For instance, FBI stats show you are more likely to be shot by police if you are white than black. But, people, mostly black, marching and chanting 'black lives matter' is better press for those who want to push the racist America theme, because "America isn't as racist as xxx (name virtually every other country - not kidding go look at the stats)" doesn't sell papers.
Posted by: SeaCoaster

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 02/20/15 02:08 PM

Had the Honor of meeting this Author and see him speak....

*Quite long winded vids ---well worth it imho

A true LOVER OF liberty from NEW Zealand who Loves the USA and appreciates the WWII marines soldiers sailors and airmen that kept his homeland safe.

His book is well researched & documented....

Biggest Security Risk is upon Capital Hill
100 people in Congress and 20 in the Senate could not pass basic security clearance

THE ENEMIES WITHIN: Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the U.S. Congress

Published on Aug 22, 2014
Presented by Spokane Tea Party Patriots and produced by Northwest Grassroots, Trevor Loudon brought the house down with the most passionate plea for patriots to stand up - and actually take a stand against our government and demand that we turn back to our ‘rule of law’ and be the Republic we were founded to be.

I won’t take your time covering what was said here - if you want to know you must listen. However, Mr. Loudon (who not once said ‘uh’ or paused to catch his thoughts, blasted his clear and concise message ripping our elected leaders from top to bottom. Certainly once a political neophyte hears this message they would question the likes of the establishment cronies within the eastern Washington GOP political system.

This was truly a night to remember.

Biggest Security Risk is upon Capital Hill
100 people in Congress and 30 in the Senate could not pass basic security clearance


just listen @ 38.30 .... see if that does not raise your neck hairs up

Trevor Loudon

Trevor Loudon's New Zeal Blog
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 02/20/15 02:47 PM

Excellent post SeaCoaster, thanks for contributing. I highly recommend every red blooded American and lover of liberty take the time to listen to the New Zealander Trevor Loudon speak. Not long ago, I mentioned how Forest Gump was the story of my life, always seemingly treated like a fool. So imagine my surprise to see this thread bumped out of que with an off-topic response to another thread. Or various snarky comments made in threads (nice edit) around the board.

In my opinion, these "Americans" who would prefer to turn a blind eye to the problems in this country are the exact reason various forms of ideology and legislation are able to pass right under lady Libertys nose.

It is a shame a New Zealander is on top of things most Americans have no idea about or who simply refuse to look at the facts as laid out for them on a silver platter. When others do your research for you and you still refuse to drink from the cup of wisdom you become part of the problem instead of part of the solution.
Posted by: Mizzle

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 02/21/15 09:14 AM

Want to stop communism? Don't send your kids to their (public) schools.

Most people conform to their environments. Young children are around pro-communist and pro-socialist propaganda for the majority of the day. Kids that reject are punished or removed from the class. Children learn quickly they must conform to the prevailing ideology to accomplish what you (the parent) sent them to accomplish.
Posted by: Paratus

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 02/22/15 08:26 AM

Originally Posted By: Mark S
Originally Posted By: Paratus
I have "Rules for Radicals" at home. Interesting read. Explains a lot. I think perhaps we should use that book and fire those techniques back at the left.

We don't because we're generally people principal and integrity who believe that we can win an argument on merits and are willing to change our opinions based on facts and logic. None of those things matter(ed) to Alinsky or Democrats (yes, that is a cheap shot on Dems, it felt good, see Rules 5, 6 11, 13).

The bigger issue is finding the medium through which to transmit the message given the MSM are all on the other side of the argument and you want widespread transmittance. For instance, FBI stats show you are more likely to be shot by police if you are white than black. But, people, mostly black, marching and chanting 'black lives matter' is better press for those who want to push the racist America theme, because "America isn't as racist as xxx (name virtually every other country - not kidding go look at the stats)" doesn't sell papers.

I agree with you in principal however, look at the results.
Posted by: Mark S

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 02/22/15 09:10 AM

Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 02/23/15 05:03 PM

Below is a cursory glance and case history of the nation formerly known as Rhodesia. A nation which was once white minority ruled, but after declaring independence from the UK (doesnt that sound familiar?) was forced by the United Nations to hand over the rings to the black majority. Rhodesia no longer exists in its previous form, and is now known as something else.

In 1965 Rhodesia, led by its leader Ian Smith, declared independence from United Kingdom. The country was run by a minority of approximately a quarter million whites, who had both the political and economic power. This illegal declaration of independence led to economic sanctions against the new country, first from the United Kingdom, later from the United Nations. 1972 saw the beginning of a seven year long guerilla war between black nationalists and the Rhodesian security forces.

Why did Rhodesia experience guerilla warfare? Well, there were many factors behind the unrest. The black Africans lacked both economic and political influence, and there was also a wish for true democracy. In 1970 the mean income of blacks was 10 times lower than the corresponding white mean income. Another explanatory variable was the wave of Marxism that swept over the African continent. Knowledge of Marxist ideology and political and supply-wise support from the Soviet Union and China helped initiate the guerilla war. A third factor was a wish for power and influence by the two strong rebel leaders, Nkomo and Mugabe.

The Fall of Rhodesia

In 1966 the United Nations Security Council passed mandatory economic sanctions against the Rhodesian regime, treated it to diplomatic isolation, and announced that the international community would endorse only a settlement that provided for majority rule.

For years, black leaders had been calling for changes in the internal security apparatus, and the leaders of ZANU and ZAPU had frequently branded Rhodesia's security apparatus "despotic" and "fascist." As early as 1963, ZANU's policy platform declared: "ZANU shall repeal the Unlawful Organizations Act, the Law and Order Maintenance Act ... and all other repressive laws enacted by the white minority SettlerGovernments."

Transition To Majority Rule

Lasting from the mid-1960’s to 1980, the bush war in Rhodesia saw this tiny land locked nation surrounded by communist backed insurgents operating from the adjacent nations of Mozambique, Zambia, and Botswana. Robert Mugabe’s ZANU was supported by Red China while Joshua Nkomo’s ZAPU was a primarily a Soviet sponsored insurgency.

The Selous Scouts: A uniquely Rhodesian answer to counter insurgency

Thousands of Zimbabwe's white farmers must decide by midnight tonight whether to fight President Robert Mugabe's government and risk jail or to flee lands they have farmed for generations.

But Mugabe, Zimbabwe's sole ruler since the former Rhodesia gained independence in 1980, says his land seizures are meant to correct the wrongs of British colonialism which left 70 percent of the country's best farmland in white hands.

Zimbabwe white farmers must fight or flee

"We should be replanting these fields now, but I don't know who is going to benefit from the next harvest," he says, shaking his head. "I will probably do it anyway, but I do wonder whether it's worth it."

After an 11-year struggle in which their ranks have been murdered, beaten, jailed and bankrupted, the last of Zimbabwe's white farmers are finally facing defeat in their efforts to resist President Robert Mugabe's land-grab programme.

"They will probably give me about 24 hours to get off my land, as they will say I have dragged things out through the appeal process already," sighed Mr Cloete, whose fields supply British American Tobacco, makers of Dunhill's and Benson and Hedges.

"To be honest, I don't really fancy the idea of moving to Harare, and the idea of giving up farming is heart-rending. If I was going to serve a couple of years in jail and then get the farm back, it might be worth it, but that's not how it is."
A former head of the Commercial Farmers' Union, Mr Cloete has spent tens of thousands of dollars in legal bills fighting the land reform programme, which put Zimbabwe on the path to economic ruin a decade ago when black squatters were first encouraged to "invade" white-owned farms.

Purportedly to redress the injustices of white colonial rule, its effect has been largely to create a new landlord class: the pick of white-owned land has gone to Zanu-PF cronies, leaving an agricultural sector that was once the pride of Africa in the hands of people with no experience of farming.

The end of an era for Zimbabwe's white farmers
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 02/23/15 05:37 PM

Originally Posted By: lue-jones

How many of you remember the rioting just a few short months ago all over the country? In particular, Ferguson, Missouri? For quite some time, "community organizers" in the area worked the neighborhoods, churches and other community centers to stir up discontent and organize protests, some violent, which made headlines across the world.

Little attention seemed to be given to the fact support from the highest offices in Washington, D.C. were given to these same community organizers. Take the time to think about the 13 rules for the left above and how they apply to the Michael Brown case and the events that followed.

Below are some links to related reading to the information contained within this thread above for those interested in learning more.

Michael Browns parents testify before the United Nations

Why did Michael Browns parents testify before the United Nations on torture?

Obama raises Ferguson at United Nations

Violation of UN Torture Convention: U....olice brutality

U.N. torture watchdog urges U.S. crackdown on police brutality

UN Attacks U.S. Gun Rights and More, Citing Ferguson and Cops

Torture Fight Set Back by U.S. Failure to Prosecute, U.N. Official Says

U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees said... armed conflict

After CIA torture revelations, US must now recover moral high ground – UN expert

Never forget that the U.N. was formed by...nment agencies.

Detroit's Water Crisis: The Flood of Inequality
Posted by: aka-cyberman

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 02/23/15 07:34 PM

Ef the United Nations
Posted by: Cash is King

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 02/24/15 08:04 AM

Originally Posted By: lue-jones

2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.

Interesting... I own farms in Georgia and Ohio...

My Georgia taxes are about 3,000% of what they were in 1996.

My Ohio taxes just doubled (almost). CAUV (Ag. use) was terminated in legislature. Result... many small guys like me (but not me) will sell to the 1%.

Also... just bought a cheap 5'x8' trailer needing repairs. BOS was $50... tax was $75. Wrote my Delegate and he said is was a new law $75 minimum or 4.02% rate whichever is higher. (BTW... $1,865 will be my new BOS on all vehicles NOW!!! $1,865 x 4.02% =$75+/-).

He called the $75 the cost of providing the "service"... Don't even get me started on the "service" I am provided by the Commonwealth of turning my $$$ into the privilege of my owning my own trailer.

Carry that one 10% further... average DMV teller does 4-8 titles per hour... assuming ONLY $75 items (i.e. no new car etc.) that is $300-$600 per hour... no way I am buying that as a valid "cost of doing business".

So... is the plan to make you poor? Get you addicted to credit and mandatory $$$ obligations at every turn in the road?

So anyone wanna barter now?

Firewood for canned food?

Oyster for ammo?

Meat for medical supplies?

Chainsaws for roofing labor?

Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 02/24/15 01:16 PM

Originally Posted By: lue-jones

10 planks of communism by Karl Marx

2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.

Marginal tax rates increasing as income goes up IS a graduated income tax. This is in opposition to a more fair tax like a national sales tax or flat tax where a person is not taxed at a higher rate the more income they earn.

This is straight from the horses mouth.

Match the descriptions below to their correct answers by choosing an answer from the drop-down menu. Continue to Part 2 or, to assess your answers, click on the Check My Answers button at the bottom of the page.

A progressive tax is a tax whose rate _____ as the amount being taxed increases.

This is a progressive tax that people pay the federal government on their income.

In a progressive tax system, the higher your income, the _____ the amount of tax you pay.

The progressive principle also may be used for this kind of tax.

Many states use a _____ to tax the income of their residents.

Below is some more information for those interested in learning more:

The IRS is a bureau of the Department of the Treasury and one of the world's most efficient tax administrators.,-its-Mission-and-Statutory-Authority

The Treasury Department leads the U.S. Government's engagement in the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The IMF is an organization of 188 member countries that works to foster global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote high employment and sustainable economic growth, and reduce poverty around the world.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank are institutions in the United Nations system.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 02/24/15 03:06 PM

Most Americans who have went through the public school system have a working knowledge of the civil rights and other related movements in the United States. From the civil war to Jim Crow laws, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King etc. The plight of African Americans in the United States is common knowledge.

Most recently, the United States has seen widespread protests across the country centered around the shooting of "unarmed black teenager" Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri and surrounding area's with other similar incidents serving as justification for civil disobedience in various forms which has also included violence, murder, looting, arson etc. We've seen these protests in hundreds of cities across the United States, coast to coast. Some of these incidents have included crimes which could be characterized as terrorism from various fringe elements such as the New Black Panther Party.

Below is information from the book, "As Peking See's Us" which lays out data that would suggests the Chinese have for many years sought to exploit minority groups in the United States to their own benefit in order to systematically undermine the United States from within.

Take the time to digest this information above and review who was supporting the guerilla insurgency in Rhodesia. Red China and the Soviet Union. South Africa has a similar history to Rhodesia where apartheid, which has similarities to the American civil rights movement, exercised violence against whites as being justified in the name of social justice.

A Proclamation from the Revolution Club, Chicago

This is an important proclamation from Chicago. This effort was launched at the anti-July 4th picnic, “What to the Slave Is Your 4th of July?

We are declaring our intention to build up a REAL movement for revolution in Englewood and in other parts of Chicago as part of doing the same across the U.S. We are going to be active all summer building up the influence, the forces and the capacity of the movement for revolution.

And in October we will take another huge step nationally with a whole month of resistance to STOP mass incarceration. It is a world class crime that this system has put over 2½ million people, mainly Blacks and Latinos, in prison cages... Inner city youth demonized, turned into suspects and then shot down like Trayvon Martin. And hundreds of thousands of immigrants, even very small children, are jailed and deported. We say NO MORE to all of that.

Related reading:

Violence Erupts in Ferguson

Beat to Death with Hammer

Burn it down

Bombing Plot Thwarted

Holder Urges Police Restraint

DOJ Admonishes Ferguson Police

Holder: Communist Plan
Posted by: SeaCoaster

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 02/25/15 12:10 PM

Cut to the Chase

Here's a Great Book on this Topic

American Betrayal
The Secret Assault on Our Nation's Character
Diana West

A couple Reviews:
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 02/26/15 09:21 AM

Originally Posted By: toughtom12
Communism? What year is it? I think lue-jones fell into the Hot Tub Time Machine... LOL! WOLVERINES!!!!!!!

Speaking of 'Red Dawn', sometimes life immitates art. Consider the clip below from the original flick which depicts the opening of the U.S. and Mexican border where hostile forces took advantage of the lack of security and invaded.

Red Dawn


Sessions on Obama's deportation policy: ‘This is open borders’

Sheriff leading probe into murder of Border Patrol agent claims armed illegal immigrants in military fatigues have been spotted on Texas ranches

Cartels suspected as high-caliber gunfire sends Border Patrol scrambling on Rio Grande

"We don't have any armor that can stop a .50-caliber round, so our Border Patrol agents had to take cover when the rounds were richocheting around them," said Gohmert, who has been in the area for the last week to get a first-hand look at the border situation.

"When the shooting stopped, about 40 to 50 people came out on the U.S. side and turned themselves in. So clearly the rounds were being fired to suppress every effort to stop anybody intervening with anyone or anything coming across," Gohmert added. "We have no idea what or how many or whom came across with the other illegal immigrants."

Senate Budget Committee ranking member Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) has warned all of his colleagues in Congress that President Barack Obama’s new immigration strategy—his plans to legalize millions of illegal alien adults through executive power—could destroy America as we know it.

'This is an invasion': Towns brace for influx of illegals

In a news conference, Boehner faulted President Barack Obama.

"We’re seeing a humanitarian disaster, one of the administration’s own making," Boehner said.

Some of the president’s critics go much further. In a June 24 broadcast, conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh said the administration planned the surge at the border.

"You tell me this is not purposeful," Limbaugh said. "Listen. Six months ago, the regime began planning how to transport tens of thousands of undocumented children from the border."

For Limbaugh, the smoking gun is a Jan. 29, 2014, posting for contract work by the Homeland Security Department. The agency said it wanted a private company to take as many as 65,000 children in the course of the year and hand them over to the department of Health and Human Services.

"On Jan. 29, they knew," Limbaugh said. "Somebody had advance knowledge that these thousands of undocumented children would be flooding the border ... All these kids were planned in advance to show up."

Most Americans will remember September 11th, 2001 as a terrorist attack that took the life of 3,000 + Americans and was the catalyst for war. So ask yourself how much sense does it make to leave our borders open when the likely hood of unfriendlys crossing the border is a very real possibility? This is a National Security issue, yet where is our border security?

Below are excerpts from a very good movie which was recently on satellite television in its entirety. If you have the chance to catch this entire feature, I would highly recommend doing so.

Chinese crossing the border
They Come to America

Middle Easterners crossing the border
They Come to America

There are legal ways to become a United States citizen which are open to foreigners who seek a better life in this country. Yet, President Obama has offered amnesty to those who choose to come to this country illegally. While this subject seems to be very much open at this time, we currently have an untold number of illegal aliens flooding the country at this very moment.

With amnesty being a matter of public debate, many of these people see a free path to arrive in the United States with little to no consequences while putting an extreme economic burden on American citizens who both pay taxes which go to subsidize many of these illegal aliens and whom have to compete for jobs with these very same illegal aliens. This is a form of wealth redistribution, a hall mark of communism, and an attack on our nations identity and character.

Couple this with this administrations support of 'No-Voter Identication' laws, and we're seeing a very real attempt to stack the deck politically for the left with promises of amnesty for these illegal aliens, some of whom come from socialist countries who no doubt share very little if any common ideals with traditional American values. Fortunately many states have stood up against the 'No-Voter Identification' support from the White House but how long that will last is anyones guess?

Obama says voter rights threatened from ID laws

Obama administration blocks Texas voter ID law

Appeals Court Reinstates Texas Voter ID Law

Ginsburg Penns Scathing Dissent over Texas Voter ID Laws

Ginsburg was Right. Texas Voter ID Law is Stopping People from Voting

Supreme Court Blocks Wisconsin Voter ID Law

The U.S. Senate’s “Gang of Eight” immigration-reform plan, as well as a strikingly similar plan now being backed by Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., and a bi-partisan House “Gang,” both offer the “roadmap to citizenship” originally conceived and carefully developed by members of the Communist Party USA working within the Democratic Party

According to Loudon, the Communist Party USA has influenced U.S. policy toward illegals since at least the 1960s. He traces the history, showing how communists and communist-founded organizations slowly built the movement from the ground up. While other groups certainly joined the effort, the communists were always at the center.

For example, he tells the story of CPUSA member Bert Corona, the “Communist Father of the ‘Immigrants Rights’ movement.” In 1964, Corona, Cesar Chavez and future Democratic Socialists of America member Dolores Huerta forced Congress to end the guest worker “Bracero” program. Later, Corona sought ways to address “problems confronting Mexicans in the United States who had no visas or citizenship documents” – in other words, illegal aliens – including “how to defend persons detained by immigration authorities and how to help immigrants acquire disability and unemployment insurance and welfare.”

Today’s Communist Party USA cites the current amnesty effort as its top legislative priority. Its official position is virtually indistinguishable from that of the Democratic Party:

GOP Immigration Plan devised by Communist Party

Communist Party USA: Immigrant Rights is a Struggle for Democracy

Obama floats mandatory voting requirement

Obama retreats on mandatory voting amid backlash

Anti immigrant Jeff Sessions and Racist voter ID laws

The Real Cost of Voter ID Laws
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 02/26/15 02:39 PM

Originally Posted By: lue-jones

[b]6. Centralization of the means of communication and transportation in the hands of the state.

The FAA, FCC, and the ICC (Interstate Commerce Commission) are all government entities that propose to regulate how we travel and what is said. There is nothing particularly disturbing about this now, but what about in the future? Could the government shut down communication or transportation for various people groups? Yes, they could pretty much do whatever they want. There is no competition here. There is no free market private entity as a choice. I thought the government made monopolies illegal? Oh, that’s right they did, except for where they have a monopoly.

Above is part of Marx and Engels 10 Planks of Communism, hallmarks of a communist society and specific examples of such in the United States.

Today's front page headline on my browser is of particular interest because the FCC has approved tougher regulations on internet neutrality.

The plan, which puts the Internet in the same regulatory camp as the telephone and bans business practices that are "unjust or unreasonable," represents the biggest regulatory shakeup to the industry in almost two decades.

Net neutrality is the idea that websites or videos load at about the same speed. That means you won't be more inclined to watch a particular show on Amazon Prime instead of on Netflix because Amazon has struck a deal with your service provider to load its data faster.

Opponents, including many congressional Republicans, said the FCC plan constitutes dangerous government overreach that would eventually drive up consumer costs and discourage industry investment.

Republican FCC Commissioners Mike O'Rielly and Ajit Pai, who voted against the plan, alleged that President Barack Obama unfairly used his influence to push through the regulations, calling the plan a "half-baked, illogical, internally inconsistent and indefensible document."

Michael Powell, a former Republican FCC chairman who now runs the National Cable and Telecommunications Association, warned that consumers would almost immediately "bear the burden of new taxes and increased costs, and they will likely wait longer for faster and more innovative networks since investment will slow in the face of bureaucratic oversight."

It's not true that consumers would see new taxes right away. The Internet Tax Freedom Act bans taxes on Internet access, although that bill expires in October. While Congress is expected to renew that legislation, it's conceivable that states could eventually push Congress for the ability to tax Internet service now that it has been deemed a vital public utility.

"Read my lips. More Internet taxes are coming. It's just a matter of when," Commissioner Pai said.

By 2010, the FCC enacted open Internet rules, but the agency's legal approach was eventually struck down. FCC officials are hoping to erase the legal ambiguity by no longer classifying the Internet as an "information service" but a "telecommunications service" subject to Title II of the 1934 Communications Act.

That would dramatically expand regulators' power over the industry by requiring providers to act in the public's interest and enabling the FCC to fine companies found to be employing "unreasonable" business practices.

The FCC says it won't apply some sections of Title II, including price controls.

Regulators Approve Tougher Net Neutrality Rules

So why were we even considering Net Neutrality in the first place? Well these buzz words like “open” and “freedom” and “equal opportunity” promulgate the idea that we should be treating everybody equally, whether it’s profitable or not. Where is the fun in that? Treating all services and applications equally stand in the way of the top dogs’ freedom to make the money they deserve. Why should we let smalltime companies reap the same potential benefits as AT&T? I mean, really what we’re dealing with here is communism. These small, poor, stingy companies get to stand beside the victorious ISP leaders, regardless of who put in more work. First Obamacare and now Net Neutrality? Where is the capitalist America that won back-to-back world wars?
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 02/26/15 04:40 PM

Originally Posted By: lue-jones

3. Discrediting of the opposition

An example of discrediting the opposition in the United States is the labeling of returning veterans, patriots etc. as domestic terrorists.

5. Control of Gun ownership

This is probably the last place I need to provide examples of gun control in the United States. Take a look at the recent rhetoric surrounding Universal Background Checks, bans on specific types of ammunition etc. There is a long list to go through.

Above are two tennants of retired Lt. General Jerry Boykins elements of Marxist insurgency. Below is information attesting to the latest attempt at closing "The Gun Show Loophole" which has in recent times taken on the title of "Universal/Expanded Background Checks." Which is little more than an attempt to end private transactions in the United States and require all sales, trades to go through an FFL. This kind of legislation would have an immediate impact on states like Virginia and websites like Virginia Gun Trader. Notice the word "may" in the wording below. This is a dangerous slippery slope where precedent is being set to deny purchases for crimes which have not occurred and "may" not even occur.

Senators Introduce Bill to Stop Terrorists from Buying Firearms, Explosives

“Sadly, this situation isn’t rare,” she continued. “Individuals on the consolidated terrorist watch list who sought to purchase a weapon in 2013 and 2014 cleared the background check in 455 out of 486 attempts. We need to close this dangerous loophole and keep weapons out of the hands of terrorists.”

The bill would give the attorney general discretion to “deny the transfer of a firearm” if he or she “determines that the transferee is known (or appropriately suspected) to be or have been engaged in conduct constituting, in preparation for, in aid of, or related to terrorism, or providing material support or resources for terrorism” and “has a reasonable belief that the prospective transferee may use a firearm in connection with terrorism.”

It includes international and domestic terrorism.

Federal law already prohibits nine categories of dangerous persons from purchasing or possessing firearms, including the mentally ill and criminals,” he said. “Yet, after almost 14 years, we still allow suspected terrorists the ability to purchase firearms.”

Read more:

Senator Feinstein opposed the amendment (which didn’t pass) on the basis that veterans have PTSD and can’t be trusted with guns. Here are her exact words:

The problem with expanding this is that, you know, with the advent of PTSD, which I think is a new phenomenon as a product of the Iraq War, it’s not clear how the seller or transfer of a firearm covered by this bill would verify that an individual was a member or veteran and there was no impairment of that individual with respect to having a weapon like this.


I think we have to – if you’re going to do this, find a way that veterans who are incapacitated for one reason or another mentally, don’t have access to this kind of weapon.

Republicans said Wednesday that a Homeland Security Department intelligence assessment unfairly characterizes military veterans as right-wing extremists.

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said Wednesday that she was briefed before the release of a controversial intelligence assessment and that she stands by the report, which lists returning veterans among terrorist risks to the U.S.

Before his 1979 discharge for distributing racist literature, Mr. Miller served for 20 years in the Army, including two tours in Vietnam and service as a Green Beret. Later that year he took part (but was not charged) in a deadly shooting of Communist protesters in Greensboro, N.C.

In 2009, the Department of Homeland Security issued a nine-page report detailing the threat of domestic terrorism by the white power movement. This short document outlined no specific threats, but rather a set of historical factors that had predicted white-supremacist activity in the past — like economic pressure, opposition to immigration and gun-control legislation — and a new factor, the election of a black president.

But it would be irresponsible to overlook the high rates of combat trauma among the 2.4 million Americans who have served in our wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the full impact of which has not yet materialized. Veterans of those conflicts represent just 10 percent of those getting mental health services through the Department of Veterans Affairs, where the overwhelming majority of those in treatment are still Vietnam veterans.

That Mr. Miller was able to carry out an act of domestic terror at two locations despite his history of violent behavior should alarm anyone concerned about public safety. Would he have received greater scrutiny had he been a Muslim, a foreigner, not white, not a veteran? The answer is clear, and alarming.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said the assault weapons ban passing Congress is unlikely in an interview with the Denver Post Monday. Pelosi focused on another attainable goal—passing legislation requiring all gun buyers to get a background check.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 03/01/15 12:37 AM

On "Cashin' In" today, Eric Bolling said the president who promised to "fundamentally transform America" has been busy fulfilling that promise.

"If the president is able to take over our Second Amendment the way he took over the free market, health care, immigration and the Internet, we will be administering the last rights to our first rights: free speech, religion and liberty," Bolling asserted.

Fox News - Fabric of America Being Shredded
Posted by: Paratus

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 03/02/15 07:22 AM

"Above are two tennants of retired Lt. General Jerry Boykins elements of Marxist insurgency. Below is information attesting to the latest attempt at closing "The Gun Show Loophole" which has in recent times taken on the title of "Universal/Expanded Background Checks." Which is little more than an attempt to end private transactions in the United States and require all sales, trades to go through an FFL. This kind of legislation would have an immediate impact on states like Virginia and websites like Virginia Gun Trader. Notice the word "may" in the wording below. This is a dangerous slippery slope where precedent is being set to deny purchases for crimes which have not occurred and "may" not even occur. "

As lue-jones stated in his post, see above, gun control is about control not only of guns but of people. Unfettered firearm ownership = freedom. The government has no right, and no business, suppressing, in any manner, the inherent right to won firearms. I lived in Maryland most of my life. That state has very oppressive firearm laws regarding transfers. These laws were routinely violated. I am aware that there are board rules regarding the violating of applicable laws in this matter, however, these laws should be ignored. Jury nullification should be routinely practiced in this area. Gun owners should make a concerted effort to continue FTF transactions. While this is happening, extra effort should be made in education the public in the realities of firearms as well as replacement of legislators who support firearm limitations. We cannot, and should not, be willing to let our rights and safety be removed due to some Hitler wannabe thinking he/she knows best.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 03/02/15 11:24 PM

“This seems to be an area where everyone should agree that if there are armor-piercing bullets available that can fit into easily concealed weapons, that it puts our law enforcement at considerably more risk.”

Read more:

Josh Earnest: The president has long believed that there are some common sense steps that we can take to, and what I mean is the federal government including Congress, to ensure that we are protecting the Second Amendment rights of all law-abiding Americans while also some common sense steps to prevent people who shouldn’t have guns from getting them… It’s a common sense step we can take.

Obama White House: Banning ammo is a common sense step

White House: AR15 Ammo Ban 'Common Sense' way to save cops lives

Hammond said the timing is not a coincidence.

“There is a massive backlog of M855 ammunition from NATO, which was about to come onto the American market as a result of the fact NATO is being encouraged to go from lead to copper ammunition,” Hammond said.

Obama's Bullet Grab Sparks Rebellion

On Friday February 13 at 4:00 pm, the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms released a proposal to ban commonly used M855 "green tip" AR-15 ammunition under the guise of law enforcement safety. The same day the proposal was released, on a Friday of a three day holiday weekend, ATF opened up a shortened 30-day period for the public to submit comments about the new regulation.

But it turns out, ATF has been working on a ban of AR-15 "green-tip" ammunition for quite some time and has already issued the ban in its new, 2014 Regulation Guide.

BATFE already banned Green Tip Ammo in 2014 Guide

1-in-7 Inches
This is the twist chosen by the military since the switch was made to the M16A2—and the 62gr. M855 cartridge—in the 1980s. This twist is found on the M4 carbine, the M16A4, the Mk12 Special Purpose Rifle and even the HK416. Its ability to stabilize tracer rounds in-flight is one of the reasons that the military chose this twist rate.

This barrel will stabilize bullets of up to 90 grains, and can handle the 70- to 77-grain bullets at just about any velocity, which makes it well suited for carbines with very short barrels. If you want a Mil-Spec clone, the 1-in-7 twist is the way to go.

How to Pair Barrel Twist Rates with Bullets

Under intense pressure from majorities in the House and Senate, the National Rifle Association's huge membership, the Obama administration has abruptly changed course and is rescinding its push to ban popular and cheap ammo used by AR-15 owners.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives said 80,000 comments rolled in

ATF waives white flag, for now

"Any 5.56 round" is "a challenge for officer safety," he said. Jones asked lawmakers to help in a review of a 1986 bill written to protect police from so-called "cop killer" rounds that largely exempted rifle ammo like the 5.56 because it has been used by target shooters, not criminals.

ATF Raises New Concerns about Ammo

Rep. Eliot Engel (D-N.Y.) introduced the Armor Piercing Bullets Act, which he said would ban the sale of “.223-dervied, 5.56x45mm NATO ‘green tip’ rounds” that are commonly used on the AR-15 rifle.

The ATF's Ammo Ban is Back

Without citing caliber or type of firearm used, Israel cited “50 law enforcement” deaths in 2014 as a reason for reviving the M855 ammo ban.

Israel did not point to one single case where M855 ammo was used in an officer’s death, nor did he counter House Judiciary Committee chairman Robert Goodlatte’s (R-VA-6th Dist.) claim that, “Millions upon millions of M855 rounds have been sold and used in the U.S., yet the ATF has not even alleged, much less offered evidence, that even one such round has ever been fired from a handgun at a police officer.”

Instead, The Hill reports that Israel took up the same arguments that were made against the M855 round months ago.

Dem Rep: AR-15 ammo ban justified by law enforcement deaths
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 03/03/15 07:37 PM

President Barack Obama today introduced his plan for a progressive takeover of state and local policing. “We have a great opportunity… to really transform how we think about community law enforcement relations,” he said Monday. “We need to seize that opportunity… this is something that I’m going to stay very focused on in the months to come,” Obama said, as he touted a new interim report from his Task Force on 21st Century Policing. Obama also instructed his media allies to help a federalization of policing, and to sideline critics of centralized policing rules.

Obama Introduces Obama Law Plan

Along with retired Lt. General Jerry Boykin, retired Command Sgt. Major Dan Page has also been an individual whose efforts to warn the American people of a direction being taken in this country which could be described as ugly has served as one of my basis and inspirations for threads just like this one here at Virginia Gun Trader. Interestingly, retired Command Sgt. Major Page has warned anyone who would listen well in advance of "everything becoming one" in particular the nations police departments. With this information and others in mind, I can not say that I am surprised to see the yahoo headline above where a federalization of local and state police is discussed.

Interestingly, Command Sgt. Major Page was also front and center on CNN during the Ferguson, Missouri protests. One of the goals of the protestors was to target law enforcement tactics, where support from D.C. to these agitator propagandists included regular admonishment of the Ferguson police from Eric Holder of the Justice Department. .

Related Reading:

The people of the former Deutsche Demokratische Republik (DDR), the German Democratic Republic, as the state had called itself for forty years, were clamoring for instant revenge. Their wrath was directed primarily against the country's communist rulers—the upper echelon of the Sozialistische Einheitspartei (SED), the Socialist Unity Party. The tens of thousands of second-echelon party functionaries who had enriched themselves at the expense of their cocitizens were also prime targets for retribution.

Particularly singled out were the former members of the Stasi, the East German secret police, who previously had considered themselves the "shield and sword" of the party.

Stazi: The untold story of the East German Secret Police

The Stazi Files

“There were several of us who wanted to talk about the camps, but the agents made it clear we would be arrested,” a psychiatric counselor told me. “We were under orders not to say anything.”

The sources said workers were guarded by a security force from the BCFS, which the Department of Health and Human Services hired to run the Lackland Camp.

The sources say security forces called themselves the “Brown Shirts.”

“It was a very submissive atmosphere,” the counselor said. “Once you stepped onto the grounds, you abided by their laws – the Brown Shirt laws.”

Medical Staff Warned: Keep your mouth shut about illegal immigrants or face arrest

In 1921 Hitler set up a group within the NSDAP that would protect his political meetings from attacks by rivals. It gave a military look, feel and discipline to the party. This group was known as the ‘stormtroopers’ (Sturm Abteilung – SA) or ‘Brownshirts’.

The Role of the SA

The reputation of the Nazi police and the secret police lead by Himmler was such that no-one wished to cause offence. People kept their thoughts to themselves unless they wished to invite trouble. In this sense, Nazi Germany was a nation run on fear of the government. Hitler had created a one party state within months of being appointed chancellor.

His only remaining problem from his point of view was loyalty within his own party ranks. In June 1934, he overcame this with the Night of the Long Knives.

Nazi Germany Dictatorship

Life in Fascist Italy
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 03/03/15 10:16 PM

Originally Posted By: lue-jones

Today’s Communist Party USA cites the current amnesty effort as its top legislative priority. Its official position is virtually indistinguishable from that of the Democratic Party:

GOP Immigration Plan devised by Communist Party

Communist Party USA: Immigrant Rights is a Struggle for Democracy

“We were never going to win in Congress.”

That is the epitaph spoken by Speaker Boehner ally Representative Tom Cole on the collapse of House Leadership’s resolve to legislatively fight Executive Amnesty.

It may also be the final nail in the coffin for the notion of co-equal branches of government
, as President Obama has already announced that he is considering using unilateral executive actions to ban ammunition and raise corporate taxes, on top of his massive Internet regulation announced last week.

Boehner Caves: March 03, 2015 is day that will forever live in imfany
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 03/11/15 02:00 AM

We're beginning to see common theme's across the country in numerous protests involving police officer involved shootings. As demonstrated above in the thread, Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals' is playing a significant role in the targeting of police officer tactics. Which is one of the significant targets of the Marxists agitator propagandists, how police officers operate in the United States.

The latest shooting(s) in Wisconsin and elsewhere share very similar commonality's with one another. Notice the media plays up the "unarmed black teenager' angle while focusing on police procedure, training and the "white police officer" angle as well. These are tactics meant to divide the African American and white communitys.

The recipe for protests appears to be the same, pick an event where there is room to exploit an angle which can be used to the communists benefit and bang on it with a particular focus on the avenues which lead closests to the Marxist's goals and intentions. In this case its focusing on how police conduct themselves and their procedures and administration. In the past, we've seen similar tactics used by the communists in shaping the publics perception, Vietnam for example, where protests at home lead to widespread contempt for America's Marines, soldiers and alike where these men were labeled as baby killers, spit on in airports etc.

ATLANTA — The decision by police in Dekalb County, Ga., to hand an investigation into the officer-related shooting of an unarmed, and naked, black man to the state bureau of investigation is part of a dramatic re-think, amid continuing street protests, of how to adjudicate cases where unarmed civilians die at the hands of US police officers.

Before leaving office after six years, Attorney General Eric Holder has vowed to introduce changes that would lower the bar to make it easier to indict US police officers for civil rights violations.

The case, policing experts say, will be a test of a new state law in Wisconsin, the first one of its kind in the nation, which was implemented last year in the wake of a number of high-profile shootings. The law mandates that local police departments hand all investigations into officer-involved shootings to the state Division of Criminal Investigations.

Police shooting investigations are changing

Each new case of an African American person killed is a grim reminder of the urgent need for reform in the use of force against American citizens. Although excessive use of force disproportionately affects African Americans and people living in poverty, it can affect people everywhere regardless of race, age or gender.

Whenever this kind of tragedy occurs, questions arise about police training and appropriate use of force. We must remind the investigating authorizes of the need for transparency, that black lives do matter, and sadly, another family is now experiencing the pain of loss in Madison, Wisconsin.

We must push for solutions within our criminal justice system that will help keep our communities safe, our children protected and our officers properly trained.

NAACP Statement

Officer Matt Kenny, a 12-year veteran of the department, had responded to a complaint regarding a man "yelling and jumping in front of cars," authorities said.

Madison Tense as City Deals With Police Shooting of Unarmed Teen
Kenny followed the suspect into an apartment after hearing a disturbance, police said.

Inside, Kenny found Tony Robinson, a 19-year-old who had previously pleaded guilty to armed robbery charges in 2014. An altercation ensued and Kenny shot Robinson, who died in a nearby hospital that evening. Kenny was also injured, according to Koval, but a description of his wounds was not provided.

Robinson’s death sparked protests throughout Madison this weekend, where demonstrators carried banners saying “Black Lives Matter.”

Madison Police Shooting

That was a collaboration between Black Lives Matter and the Blackout Collective, which is a full-service direct action training collective. Most of us are folks who had some kind of connection to what is happening in Ferguson. Several of us had been to Ferguson and were working with local organizers.

But Black Lives Matter dates back to Trayvon Martin, right?

A. Garza:Very good! Yes, Black Lives Matter did start after George Zimmerman was acquitted after the murder of Trayvon Martin. Opal and Patrice and I were on pins and needles to see what the verdict would be. When the verdict was announced and George Zimmerman was acquitted, we saw a lot of things in our community — black folks, but also progressives across the country — that we thought needed to be shifted.

And then as the day goes on, people protest and hold a candlelight vigil and the police arrive with M16s and dogs. This juxtaposition of the black protestor up against these police officers — mostly white, male police officers

I think there’s obviously policy changes — you know, Michelle Alexander calls it the new Jim Crow. We would see less funding towards law enforcement. We would see more funding in black communities towards shelter and food and education.

But we have to do more than that. We have to shift culture. Darren Wilson killed Mike Brown because he thought he looked like a demon. Policy is not going to shift that. Jim Crow laws are gone, but we still have Jim Crow hate.

Obama just pushed for this hundred-something million dollars toward body cameras. OK, that’s an interesting first step. That was definitely one of the demands. But we can’t think that body cameras are going to change policing.

Black Lives Matter
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 03/12/15 08:19 AM

FERGUSON, Mo. (AP) - Two law enforcement officers were shot around midnight at a Ferguson, Missouri, protest outside of the city police department, St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar said.

Belmar said a 32-year-old officer from suburban Webster Groves was shot in the face and a 41-year-old officer from St. Louis County was shot in the shoulder. Both were taken to a local hospital, where Belmar said they were conscious. He said he did not have further details about their conditions but described their injuries as "very serious."

2 officers shot outside Ferguson Police Department

While most American's are busy with everything but what counts the most, the house is burning down in the United States. There is a very real movement in this country to fundamentally undermine our system in order to usher in something ugly and most are blissfully unaware at both what is actually occurring and what it will mean for future generations of "Americans" who are being lead down a path of socialist ruin.

The conversations around the United States should be focused squarely on protecting our republic and securing traditional American culture, ideals and social norms. Instead, most are busy with March Madness basketball brackets instead of putting out the fire which is being fed by the communists in Washington, D.C.

But for others, it was not enough. They demanded more changes, including disbanding the entire police department and the resignation of Mayor James Knowles.

Authorities believe a handgun was used to shoot the two officers, Belmar said, "based on the way the shots sounded and the injuries to the police officers."

He said that shell casings had been recovered in the area of the shooting, but "we don't know 100% yet if those are going to be the shell casings that are going to be attributed to this shooting."

Officers shot after chief resigns

"The shots came from a block away from the protests," she said. "It's incredibly dangerous to try to link the protesters to this without evidence. It could be someone trying to frame the protesters or someone who was aiming at the protesters and was a bad shot. Whoever shot put everyone's life in danger."

Officers shot were ambushed

Witnesses reported hearing as many as four shots and seeing the flash of a muzzle about 125 yards away from the police, but no arrests had been made as of Belmar's briefing. Police believe the shooter used a handgun, he said.

Attorney General Eric Holder, who had ordered an investigation of the Ferguson police department after a racially-charged shooting last August, condemned the shooting of "two brave law enforcement officers" as "inexcusable and repugnant."

Manhunt underway

One officer from Webster Groves, 32, was shot in the face and another from St. Louis County, 41, was hit in the shoulder. St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar said their injuries were considered “serious,” the Associated Press reported. By early Thursday afternoon, both were released from the hospital, St. Louis County Police Department spokesman Brian Schellman said, Reuters reported.

One witness told CNN the bullets, about four of them, came from a nearby hill, rather than from the crowd of protesters. Police still don’t have suspects or solid leads.

Manhunt for Sniper

Holder Prepared to Disband Ferguson Police

MSNBC Host: Disarm Police
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 03/19/15 05:56 PM

I was just listening to WSLS evening news and heard John Carlin utter two very dangerous words. Social Justice. This was in reference to the average pay scales of African Americans compared to white Americans. I immediately thought about Rhodesia, where social justice was a term used to justify communists actions against the 'white minority' to include murder, rape and confiscation of land to address British Colonial wrongs. Rhodesia no longer exists, and is now known as something else.

Posted by: aka-cyberman

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 03/19/15 06:45 PM

social justice comes in many forms. i believe the death penalty is a form of social justice.
Posted by: toughtom12

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 03/19/15 08:48 PM

Relax Lue! You are looking for a reason to link everything and anything to Communism... Like cyberman said, social justice has more than one meaning.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 03/19/15 09:08 PM

You do not strike me as someone who is particularly on top of things, notice your two comments in this thread are devoid of facts and are little more than snarky comments. The fact you think communism is connected to dates alone tells me all I need to know about your familiarization with the subject. Even when faced with a mountain of research to state otherwise, your comments reflect a casual attitude to a very serious subject.

I find "Americans" like yourself part of the problem, not part of the solution. Its time to pull your head out of your rear-end and face the music. Otherwise, while you're sitting on your behind in Margaritta-ville the far left is working hard to institute any number of commie ideals to this country. A great deal of which are laid out for you on a silver platter.

Todays headlines include a push from Obama to make voting mandatory, which is little more than a way to get around voter I.D. laws which are designed to give the left as many advantages as possible in the up coming elections. Chiefly, they want as many votes from the wave of illegal immigrants entering this country as possible. All of whom are seeking amnesty, itself one of the number one goals of the Communist Party USA agenda.
Posted by: toughtom12

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 03/19/15 10:36 PM

I admit that my comments referencing Red Dawn & Hot Tub Time Machine were indeed snarky. I was just playfully teasing you for saying that communism is a serious threat to the U.S. at the moment. I think that on the list of things we need to worry about in 2015, communism is pretty far down the list... Like below climate change down the list... Or alien invasion...
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 03/20/15 12:30 AM

Yet another empty, devoid of fact post? Why am I not surprised? See above about my thoughts on your familiarity with the subject at hand. With a mounting portfolio of evidence about the communist direction the United States is taking, I find it amusing to see you deny its danger to the U.S. in light of all the evidence to suggest communism is a very real threat to freedom. Of course, with your lack of content in three posts within this thread now I am not holding out hope you're even aware of the dangers communism has posed to any nation which has suffered as a result of communist ideology.

Millions of people have died as a result of communism. That is lives and families destroyed, people imprisoned, the people starved and populations put into perpetual states of fear should they speak out against the repressive regimes.

But what do facts matter to someone like yourself, who is little more than an internet troll when the goal is not an honest conversation but rather a personal playground to undermine the severity of the issue with red herrings, ad hominem positions and juvenile rebuttals. The only thing I have gathered from any of your posts is that you disagree lol. No reasons given why, only typical troll responses devoid of any content, wholely relying on denials and snarky comments alone.

By all means continue to post in the thread, as it puts more eyes on a very serious topic. The more people who are aware of the issue, the better. But forgive me if I fail to reply to you any further, as you've been afforded a handful of opportunities to legitimately discuss the issue and have failed miserably in doing so.

You will notice parts of this post written in crayon, that is only because it reflects my last resort in explaining something to someone who fails to see the obvious even when its spelled out for them like a child.

Some people in our country, just like some in the world, are unaware of the things that they might be facing and are claiming that there is no longer any danger of communism in our day. They assume that communism was simply a scourge of the 20th Century and that it had been lived through and ended in that period, and that it is no longer a threat. They are very much invested in that idea and they are neither aware of the dangers they are facing, nor able to take precautions against them. On the contrary, by saying that there is no danger of communism, they are dragging people around them into a state of complacency and thus drag themselves into that scourge as well. With such an approach, they give way to the communist mentality to easily become stronger and find a door with which to gain entry. That is because communism gains strength and expands at times when people are lulled into complacency as they say "There is no communist threat anymore" and do not take any precautions against this scourge.

People who say that "The danger of communism ended in the 20th Century" are in a grave deception. Communism has never ceased to exist. So long as Darwinism continues to exist, communism will continue to exist as well. That is because fundamentally both of these rest on a shared philosophy: Dialectic Materialism. Darwin adapted this thought to nature and Marx adapted it to history and society. Consequently, just like in the 20th Century, Marxism continues to exist today as well and so long as Darwinism continues to exist, it would never disappear from the world politics.

Those who say that communism isnt a threat

Ironically, even though the party's leaders were to go to jail in the 1950s because they had supposedly advocated the violent overthrow of the American government, no one in any position of responsibility seriously worried that the party would mount a successful revolution. A far more tangible danger was the possibility that individual Communists in sensitive positions could subtly influence the nation's foreign policy or undermine its ability to defend itself.

Communism and National Security

The passing of the former Communist dictator of Cambodia, Pol Pot, has been marked by a mixture of relief that he can no longer torment his countrymen by his loathsome presence and anger that he has escaped the bar of justice. As the head of the radical Maoist Khmer Rouge, Pol Pot was the architect of the "killing fields," a seemingly incomprehensible genocide where Cambodian cities were systematically depopulated and the entire Cambodian population enslaved on collective farms with a draconian equality imposed on all. Typically, the slightest dissent would be punished by the offender getting clubbed or starved to death, and so many Cambodians were dispatched by such methods (approximately 1.7 million between 1975 and 1979 according to one estimate) that fields filled with corpses became the macabre hallmark of the regime.

Pol Pot and the Marxist Ideal

On April 17, 1975, Pol Pot led the Communist forces of the Khmer Rouge into the capital city of Phnom Penh, beginning a vicious four-year regime in Cambodia. Approximately one million people were killed, or one-seventh of Cambodia’s population according to conservative estimates, in a country no bigger than the state of Missouri. Most died from starvation, malnutrition and mistreated or misdiagnosed illness. Another 200,000 were executed as enemies of the state. How did this happen?

Cambodian Genocide

With this understood, the Soviet Union appears the greatest megamurderer of all, apparently killing near 61,000,000 people. Stalin himself is responsible for almost 43,000,000 of these. Most of the deaths, perhaps around 39,000,000 are due to lethal forced labor in gulag and transit thereto. Communist China up to 1987, but mainly from 1949 through the cultural revolution, which alone may have seen over 1,000,000 murdered, is the second worst megamurderer. Then there are the lesser megamurderers, such as North Korea and Tito's Yugoslavia.

In sum the communist probably have murdered something like 110,000,000, or near two-thirds of all those killed by all governments, quasi-governments, and guerrillas from 1900 to 1987. Of course, the world total itself it shocking. It is several times the 38,000,000 battle-dead that have been killed in all this century's international and domestic wars. Yet the probable number of murders by the Soviet Union alone--one communist country-- well surpasses this cost of war. And those murders of communist China almost equal it.

Murder by Communism

Following its success in World War II, the United States faced the future with a sense of righteousness and confidence. The principal threat to U.S. security and that of struggling democracies was Communist aggression from the Soviet Union and its perceived ally, Red China. In order to contain the spread of Communism, any sign of aggressive action would be met quickly and forcefully.

The "police action" in Korea was the first test of America's resolve to support democracy in Asia, but was only another war in China's long struggle to eliminate Western influence. Although the Communist advance was stopped, it came at a great price - the death of 54,000 Americans. The Korean War also brought down a reigning American military hero, and signified the beginning of the Cold War era.

Chinese support to Communist strongholds south of its borders threatened the weak democracies of Indochina (Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia). After U.S. financial and military aid was increased throughout the 1950s - then alarmingly escalated in the 1960s and early 1970s - America was finally forced to admit defeat against the advancing tide of Communism. The price of The Vietnam War was extremely high, costing more than 58,000 lives and $140 billion dollars.

The Eagle and the Dragon

By my account alone, the above information details five academically acceptable sources detailing the threat of communism and the reasons why it should be taken extremely seriously within the United States. When variable after variable adds up and points to communist ideology, at what point do the majority of readers of this thread understand we're headed down a path which leads to national destruction? Most Americans seem to be under the impression that unless statues of Stalin are erected, that communism is not an issue to our national security. Even in the face of countless examples that say otherwise. And the scary part is the Obama administration is hardly finished, with recent headlines in the mainstream media detailing a rampage over the last two years of his tenure.

In closing, I will add one last academically acceptable source detailing a time when Americans did take the communist threat seriously. This was when America was still America. Unfortunately, with the complacency of "Americans" just like 'toughtom12' we're strolling straight down the communist path of national ruin. Notice how many good American men, women and families suffered as a result of attempting to stop the flow of communism. And that is only part of the tale, not the overall picture. Now it has came to our shores and their sacrifices are ignored for convenience, ignorance and the chance to play around on the internet instead of recognizing the severity of the issue.

As a result of the strikes and unrest, the strikers were branded as "Reds" and as being unpatriotic. Fear of strikes leading to a Communist revolution spread throughout the country. Hysteria took hold. "Red hunting" became the national obsession. Colleges were deemed to be hotbeds of Bolshevism, and professors were labeled as radicals. The hunt reached down to public secondary schools where many teachers were fired for current or prior membership in even the most mildly of leftist organizations. The American Legion was founded in St. Louis on May 8, 1919 "[t]o uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America; to maintain law and order; to foster and perpetuate a one hundred per cent Americanism." By the fall, the Legion had 650,000 members, and over a million by year's end. While most of the Legion engaged in such relatively innocuous activities as distributing pamphlets, the patriotic and anti-communist fervor of the Legion led many to engage in vigilante justice meted out against Reds both real and suspected. The Legion's prevalence in the country and reputation for anti-communism was so great that the phrase "Leave the Reds to the Legion" became the "Wazzzzup" of the late teens.

The Red Scare
Posted by: toughtom12

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 03/20/15 02:15 AM

I am not disputing the fact that communism is a real thing, and I appreciate you spelling out those facts in crayon. Yes communist regimes have murdered millions of innocent people, ruined countless lives, put people in fear of speaking out, etc. I am disputing your opinion that communism is a serious threat to our country. Every connection that you are making just is not there. You compare the Ferguson Anti Police protestors to communism!?! You post a link where Darwinism is criticized as being communist!?! I'm pretty sure that the people who are using their 1st amendment rights to protest Police Brutality are not commies, and I am pretty sure that most rational individuals who accept the fact of evolution (Darwinism) are not commies either. I am not on here " Trolling " like you claim I am. I am just pointing out that your arguments are paranoid delusions. I feel an obligation to voice my opinion when I see a fellow member of the Gun Trader that I happen to disagree with. I thank you for your invitation to continue posting on your thread, and I will not be offended if you choose not to respond to me. I will remain open minded, and I would happily change my mind if any real evidence were produced. Sincerely, Tom
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 03/20/15 03:32 AM

Originally Posted By: toughtom12
You compare the Ferguson Anti Police protestors to communism!?!

Did I? I think you will find that I said these protestors were being organized by agitator propagandists, community organizers. In essence, these protestors are being used by groups like the 'Revolutionary Club of Chicago' to further their communist agenda. They're only pawns in a very real game of chess waged by the communists.

Did you by chance miss the photographs I provided of the leaders of the 'Revolutionary Club of Chicago' taking notes and tallying data within the protest themselves? Or those same communists club members in amongst the protestors lighting Molotov Cocktails?

Let me provide you with a source from CNN detailing exactly that. That the communists are actively engaged in the protests in Ferguson.

HILL: They are anarchists. I mean, they are literally politically identified as anarchists, one person was. The other person, I was told by people in the crowd that they're from a revolutionary communist group from Illinois and both of them were in the crowd, both white. And both pushed out. And the crowd two people said go back to your neighborhood with that instead of coming in here and messing with us. They actually were asking the police to arrest them at some point. They didn't want to be lumped in with these two people.

CNN Transcripts

Communist Hand out Flyers

9 NY Communists Arrested in Ferguson

Communists Provide Protests Signs

Originally Posted By: toughtom12
You post a link where Darwinism is criticized as being communist!?!

You can't be serious? Are you trolling or is your reading comprehension that poor? I think you may want to go back and re-read that link again. It stated that both Darwinism and Communism are based off of Dialectic Materialism.Nowhere did it criticize Darwin as being communist lol.

Originally Posted By: toughtom12
I am not on here " Trolling " like you claim I am.

By your own admission you're in this thread making snarky comments, and "playfully teasing." That is the very definition of trolling. Usually its not a good idea to deny trolling after you've admitted to that very thing.

Originally Posted By: toughtom12
I admit that my comments referencing Red Dawn & Hot Tub Time Machine were indeed snarky. I was just playfully teasing you for saying that communism is a serious threat to the U.S. at the moment. I think that on the list of things we need to worry about in 2015, communism is pretty far down the list... Like below climate change down the list... Or alien invasion...

Originally Posted By: toughtom12
I am just pointing out that your arguments are paranoid delusions.

Based off your arguments above, its safe to assume one of us in indeed delusional. But I am pleased to have the chance to dismantle you based off the "snarky" comments and trolling you've contributed to this thread.
Posted by: 6.5x55

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 03/20/15 08:40 AM

It has been a fact for almost 100 years that the communist world party boys have plenty of sleepers here in the U.S.
Slush funds make sure that local agitators show up the same day that a news event occurs.
Does anybody think those drop-outs in Ferguson and L.A. have the skills to get professionally printed posters and t-shirts made in a day? The provocateurs buy the goods, wake up the drunks and dopers and pass out the "protest" signs.

Listen to audio of protestors. Most are so damn illiterate that they can't spell the word justice.
Posted by: aka-cyberman

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 03/20/15 11:24 AM

6.5 is 100% correct. none of them can afford to fly in from berkley on a short notice and conduct training classes for protesters without financial support. they've infiltrated the labor movement in the u.s.a. and canada too.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 04/10/15 11:23 AM

The Cold War is over and Communism is a non-issue for most Americans. Communism is such a non-issue that Communist plans to undermine American society have proceeded for years virtually undetected and unhindered. Recent events have aided this process, with President Obama's aggressive drive toward Socialism fitting neatly into decades of Communist strategy.[2]

Democrats may take offense at this assertion, but to do so they will have to counter the remarks of James Steele, Communist Party USA Legislative Director in the eighties. He said, "In the absence of a mass-based third party, it is possible and necessary for the people's movement to make use of the Democratic Party in the struggle for reforms...."[11] He then went on to suggest that the progressive wing of the Democratic Party was growing in importance and would eventually drive the party, signaling hope for his plan. Even a cursory glance at the recent policies of the present Democratic leadership make Steele's declaration prophetic. Forget the term "progressive"; the Democratic Party has become the party of Lenin.

The Perastroika Deception
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 04/24/15 10:49 AM

America, the land of the free, has become a marxist cesspool where communist ideology hides behind freedom of speech in a thin, veiled attempt to circumvent America from within. Freedom of speech is not freedom of stupidity however, communist ideology is not free from criticism because one has the right to say virtually whatever they want with some exceptions. America, land of the free is not America, land of tyranny. Where fear and mass murder are condoned because one has the right to believe in whatever political, economic or social system that they choose.

The United States is moving into a direction where tyranny is the final destination. Obamacare represents massive wealth redistribution, in fact as this thread lays out a number of communist variables are in play within the United States with the majority blind to its significance and even to its very existence.

Including the recently head lined 'Net Neutrality' which represents an anti-free market doctrine, itself hiding behind veiled socialist ideals which represent the antithesis of a capitalist based society. For a very long time, people came to America to escape oppression and to live on streets paved with gold. A place where one can work hard and get ahead in life. Not to be subject to anti-free market doctrines and wealth redistribution to those who choose not to work hard for what they have or have not while leaching off society with a free ride.

People came to America to have freedom of religion, which itself is under attack in this country with politically correct laws passed which undermine christian ideology and faith. In a society where freedom of speech and freedom of religion are constitutionally protected rights, what business do we have passing hate crimes legislation protecting homosexuals from criticism? Especially criticism which is levied behind thousands of years of biblical teachings?

The communist utopia is not and has not ever been a reality. In fact this thread relates a mountain of research that says anything but. Communism has represented oppression, fear and mass murder in societys throughout history who have attempted to adopt socialist, marxist, communist ideology. Three terms which will forever be linked to one another despite the best efforts of communist sympathizers who attempt to draw distinctions which represent little more than academic semantics to terms which are easily assigned to one another.

There are "Americans", who on a regular basis preach communist ideology and attempt to excuse it with any number of variables. Including being politically correct, all to willing to go along with the social trends in turning a blind eye to right in order to avoid being labeled wrong. Some of them will hide behind wikipedia links in an attempt to justify their positions with ad hominem positions or who will adhere to other fallacies like red herrings in order to avoid the cold hard truth. Preaching communist propaganda no matter the subject is anti-American at its core and is condoning tyranny, oppression, fear and mass murder throughout history while contributing to the subversion of our country from within.
Posted by: aka-cyberman

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 04/24/15 05:43 PM

The Pinkos have been parachuted in to Baltimore to throw gas on the fire.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 04/27/15 10:30 PM

Originally Posted By: aka-cyberman
The Pinkos have been parachuted in to Baltimore to throw gas on the fire.

The communist insurgency inside the United States grows. As I type this, Baltimore is burning much the same as Ferguson and St. Louis did. Not surprisingly, the Baltimore Police Department is blaming much of the chaos on outside agitators. These are the agitator propagandists whom are using Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" tactics to pour gasoline on the fire and make a bad situation worse.

It is easy to see a pattern emerging from numerous incidents of a similar nature, most notably Ferguson, where those same "community organizers" were invited to the White House and encouraged by President Obama to "stay on course." President Obama ran on "Change" and that exactly what we've had during this Presidents terms in office.

There are many Americans still completely ignorant of what is going on in this country, some of whom at this very forum think its funny or some kind of joke. These "Americans" turning a blind eye to the organized violence against innocents are complicit in what is going on simply by making a joke out of things instead of helping to open others eyes. I find it shameful, but no surprising considering the general atmosphere that permeates todays modern politically correct society. There is a long history of the communists using the plight of African Americans in order to undermine the capitalistic United States to help usher in communist idealogy.

Thousands of protesters took to the streets Saturday in the largest Freddie Gray rally yet, and after hours of peaceful demonstrations, pockets of protesters smashed out police car windows and storefronts.

"Groups of outside agitators led to small pockets of protesters engaged in criminal activity," police said in a statement released Sunday. "The Baltimore Police Department believes that outside agitators continue to be the instigators behind acts of violence and destruction."

Dozens of protesters arrested

The police did not become involved. “They just stood there,” said Alan Hastings, who was having a pregame beer with his wife.

People want justice. They want the officers to go to jail. But most of all, they want reform — sweeping reform,”Jordan said.

Larry Holmes, 63, who came from New York, objected to warnings about outsiders agitating violence.“Jesus was an outside agitator,” he told the crowd. “If I’m an outside agitator, guilty as charged. We need more outside agitators to reclaim our communities.

After peaceful start

"While the vast majority of arrests reflect local residency, the total number of arrests does not account for every incident of criminal activity," police said. "The Baltimore Police Department believes that outside agitators continue to be the instigators behind acts of violence and destruction."

Rawings-Blake said "outside forces" took advantage of the community's pain to incite violence. The out-of-towners' presence was "reflected more than just in the arrest numbers but what we saw on the streets," the mayor said.

"Many people who weren't from our community were, in essence, trying to hijack the very raw emotions of some of those who live in Baltimore and were expressing anger over the death of Mr. Gray," she said. "People from the outside were inciting some of the 'shut this city down' sort of messaging, and then just left."

Baltimore Police Arrest 35

Protest leader DeRay McKesson, from Ferguson, was in attendance and promoted local looters.

Ferguson protest leaders Deray and ShordeeDooWhop were flown in to help stir up the hatred and violence.

Deray McKesson and Johnetta Elzie (ShordeeDooWhop) who helped whip up the Ferguson mobs last year were recently named by Fortune Magazine as two of the world’s greatest leaders.

Mass Rioting in Baltimore

Ferguson exports radical activists to South Carolina to stir up the hate.

Deray McKesson, one of the lead agitators in Ferguson who is from Minnesota, is now training activists on street tactics in South Carolina

Radical activist from Ferguson flown in to South Carolina

On Sunday Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake told reporters that city officials gave the violent Freddie Gray protesters “space” to destroy property.

Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake told reporters:

“While we tried to make sure that they were protected from the cars and the other things that were going on. We also gave those who wished to destroy space to do that as well. And we work very hard to keep that balance and to put ourselves in the best position to deescalate, and that’s what you saw.”

Baltimore Mayor (C): Space to destroy


The White House says the head of President Obama's initiative for minority males will attend the funeral of a Baltimore man who died after sustaining serious injuries while in police custody.

Broderick Johnson, the chairman of the My Brother's Keeper Task Force, will represent the administration at Monday's funeral for Freddie Gray. Johnson is also the Cabinet secretary.

White House sends aid to Freddie Gray Funeral

BALTIMORE — Maryland’s governor activated the National Guard on Monday and the city of Baltimore announced a curfew for all residents as a turbulent day that began with the funeral of 25-year-old Freddie Gray, the nation’s latest symbol of police brutality, ended with rioting by rock-throwing youths, arson, looting and at least 15 police officers injured.

Baltimore Enlists National Guard

Nation of Islam activists said on Saturday they had brokered a “truce” between the long-time rivals Bloods and Crips, and posted a photo on social media showing the members of two gangs wearing their colors and posing together.

Gangs join forces to take out cops

A police source told Fox News several gangs, including Black Gorilla Family, Bloods and Crips all had “entered into a partnership to take out law enforcement officers.”

Activists from the Nation of Islam claimed responsibility for bringing the gangs together, telling reporters that they brokered a deal between the hated foes.

Gangs vow to target police

Baltimore Police fired what appeared to be smoke canisters at a crowd that ignored orders to be off city streets by 10:00 PM Tuesday night.

Baltimore Police Enforce Curfew

CNN reporter Brooke Baldwin blamed the Baltimore rioting on US veterans coming home from war.

Baldwin was talking with far left scandal-plagued Rep. Elijah Cummings when she made the outrageous remarks.

“A lot of these young people, and I love our nation’s veterans, but some of them are coming back from war, they don’t know the communities, and they’re ready to do battle.”

CNN Blames U.S. Veterans for Riots

The Ferguson demonstrations, to show solidarity with Baltimore protests against Freddie Gray's fatal injury in police custody there, began Tuesday, with hundreds gathered on West Florissant, the center of Ferguson protests last fall against the police killing of unarmed teenager Michael Brown. Once rocks began flying, a line of officers herded protesters away and warned on a loudspeaker that they may be subject to arrest and "chemical munitions.” Three people were hospitalized with gunshot wounds and a 20-year-old was arrested, police said.

Wednesday's protest was largely peaceful.

This week's demonstrations began as they did last fall, with chants, songs and blocked streets. But as Tuesday's protest wore into the evening, peacefulness gave way to turbulence, as have many Ferguson nights since Brown's killing in August.

The Ferguson outburst followed visits to the city by Obama administration officials and famed rapper

Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julián Castro on Wednesday stopped at the Ferguson community center to announce the government had designated North St. Louis and St. Louis County as a promise zone, which can prioritize federal grants.

Baltimore protests reignite Ferguson

A large group of black teens rampaged through Charleston neighborhoods, targeting innocent people early Sunday.
The Post and Courier reported:

As many as 60 teens were roaming Charleston streets attacking pedestrians and drivers early Sunday, witnesses told police dispatchers in 911 calls released Tuesday.

All the teens were black, according to witnesses, and all but one of the people attacked were white. Still, it’s unclear if the attacks were racially motivated or sparked by the unrest in Baltimore, which followed the recent shooting death of Walter Scott, a black man, by a white North Charleston police officer. [...]

Charleston, SC mob rampage

BALTIMORE — A prisoner sharing a police transport van with Freddie Gray told investigators that he could hear Gray “banging against the walls” of the vehicle and believed that he “was intentionally trying to injure himself,” according to a police document obtained by The Washington Post.

Prisoner: Freddie Gray injured himself

At one point in the march, Revolution Club members hand out whistles—and the streets resonate with the combined noise of marchers "blowing the whistle" on police brutality and murder. - Revolution: The Voice of the Communist Party USA

Update from Baltimore Protests -

"There were agitator groups from all over the country that came in and some of them are really radical anarchist groups and communist organizations," the governor said. He said many local residents tried to stop them but that "some young folks" were incited to violence.

Communist Agitators in Baltimore Protests-Baltimore Sun
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 05/02/15 12:55 AM

Change is what President Obama campaigned on and he has certainly delivered it. Change is in the air, for those of you who think the various riots and protests happening across the country is normal, sorry, but you're absolutely dead wrong. Members of this forum have made jokes in the shout box and other threads concerning the topic of this thread, its been described as a "diatribe" by those who have fooled themselves into thinking they're informed. This thread has been going well before the Baltimore Sun published reports of communist groups inciting violence in Baltimore, yet somehow there are those who believe this is funny or some kind of nut job conspiracy theory. Well it looks to me like the joke is on these "Americans" who are sitting back and down playing wide spread violence against innocents as people are being attacked, hurt , and legitimate businesses are being looted and burned to the ground.

We have the Mayor of Baltimore ordering the police to stand down as mobs riot and destroy property across the city, the Mayor who has proved to us all that her word is worthless. We're seeing protests and violence spread across the country and the sad part is we've seen it all before. And in recent memory too. Yet, its still some kind of joke that people ignore as the issue grows in severity.

BALTIMORE (CBS BALTIMORE) — A Maryland sheriff who traveled to Baltimore to help law enforcement stop Monday’s riots told 105.7 The Fan that he was stunned when officers alerted him of the orders to stand down.

Michael Lewis is the Sheriff in Wicomico County, and was also a Sergeant with the Maryland State Police. He joined Ed Norris and Steve Davis on Thursday to talk about the alleged controversial orders the police were given during the riots.

Lewis said it wasn’t his intention to come to Baltimore, a drive of about two hours, but he felt it was his duty to help.

“I hadn’t planned to go to Baltimore at all. I watched the events unfold Saturday night like we all did, and was very concerned about what I saw, and the the lack of response Saturday night,” he said. “I immediately rallied up the troops. We made sure our MRAP was prepared and ready. …

Sheriff: Sick to my stomach

Mayor Ordered Police Stand Down

As retired Command Sgt. Major Dan Page has said, the time to worry about people saying mean things about you is over. You either drop the silly fears of being labeled as non-politically correct or worse and become active or you sit and do nothing but make jokes about Bon-Chon and bacon as the house burns down. We've had the riots in Baltimore blamed on veterans, the same veterans the Department of Homeland Security has pre-emptively labeled as potential domestic terrorists. When I warn other Americans about this absurd position, these same "Americans" I refer too at this forum call me a broken record. This propaganda coming from the mainstream media and our own government is marginalizing Americans as American culture and society is under attack. Some of you want to down play the events happening in this country and turn a blind eye to what is occurring but you're only serving to show those Americans who do care about our great land exactly who you are and all about.

I know we have several politically active members at this forum, Brian (the owner of this website) routinely posts information emphasizing the numerous threats to the second amendment and the need to be active. This is part of the radical lefts agenda, along with a whole host of other party platforms which some of you seem all to willing to support.

You're shooting yourself and the rest of us in the foot when you attempt to play the politically correct part and march around the forum pretending you're a patriotic American while lending your support to the very party and people who wish to undermine what this forum is all about. Heaven forbid the Marxists commies manage to pass Universal Background Checks in Virginia, because it would put a huge dent in the private transactions that are a regular part of this forums identity and culture. By supporting these and other radical left policies and platforms you will be helping to ensure something just like Expanded Background Checks becomes a reality in Virginia. They didnt think it could happen in Washington state, and yet it did.

Below is part of an article that should serve as a warning about the dangers the communists pose to average American citizens who are caught up in the agitator propagandist rhetoric which incites others to violence. If you're not familiar with the firearm laws in Maryland, now is as good of a time as any to find out just how draconian they are and how it can, will and has lead to situations just like below where defense of your family and yourself is a major obstacle and hurdle to over come. Support these left wingers in any shape, form or fashion and you may find yourself or your fellow Americans in a similar situation. Because this is spreading across the country and this is hardly the end of the violence.

The crowd of protesters then stopped a blue station wagon carrying a white family as they tried to drive past Pickles, Bullpen and Sliders along a narrow one-way stretch between the bars and the main road. As a horde of them smashed their open and closed fists on the hood of the car—while impeding them by standing in front of them—the driver backed up on the one way pass in a desperate attempt to get out of dodge. Then, stopped on the other side with nowhere to go, protesters ripped open the passenger door of the car and began reaching around inside the vehicle. As hundreds of people looked on, including several police officers who didn’t engage the violent protesters, the white woman in the front seat—middle-aged and a little heavyset with dark hair—was visibly terrified. The group of black men who ripped open the car door suddenly realized they were separated from the larger group of protesters and abandoned their quest to seemingly either carjack the station wagon or rob the people inside in front of hundreds, driving out of the one-way street back onto the main road and presumably out of dodge.

As projectiles continued flying everywhere from each part of the crowd—like a war-zone—another black man then charged into the crowd of Red Sox and Orioles fans standing outside Pickles Pub and tore the metal barricades apart throwing them into the now-crowded one-way pass where the assaulted station wagon was a moment ago.

My brother, at this point, was screaming at the group of five or so police officers. “Why aren’t you doing anything? They’re hurting people! They’re hurting people! They’re violent!” he yelled at them as they continued ignoring him and not engaging or attempting to stop the violence.

Baltimore Erupts into Violence
Posted by: 6.5x55

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 05/02/15 06:52 AM

Its happening in Oregon, too.
World is upside down. 2nd amendment thrown in the trash and yet dohbama says to smoke pot even though we have signed international treaties to control pot. DEA doesn't know what to do with such a dithering idiot for a boss.

The white house is persecuting the straight Christian majority and promoting everything illegal, vile and perverse under the guise of inclusion. Our VA attorney general red Herring is 100% along for the ride. So a MD resident pays out of state tuition to attend VaTech, but an illegal alien from Mexico pays in state fees. And Herring prosecutes child porn (for now) but allows grown adults to have sex with 13 year olds.

RICHMOND (January 15, 2015)--Attorney General Mark R. Herring issued the following statement following a vote in the Senate Education and Health Committee to advance legislation to take away in-state tuition from Virginia students who have been declared "lawfully present" through acceptance into the federal "Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)" program.

Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring has issued a shocking ruling saying that abortion clinics do not have to report (statutory) rapes of teenage girls even though Planned Parenthood and other abortion clinics have a long history of doing abortions on rape victims without reporting the rapes to authorities. In an official opinion quietly issued two days before the last Board of Health meeting, the Attorney General determined that the Virginia Health Department, and abortion center staffs, can turn a blind eye to the rape of underage children.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 05/16/15 06:56 AM

What we're seeing from the communists are attempts to promote and encourage social change. This is why they are going into communities and stirring up racial divide and encouraging violence. This is also why agitator propagandists use Saul Alinskys "Rules for Radicals" in focusing on police administration and procedure. We've already seen a push from Washington for police to wear body camera's and we're hearing more and more about a federalization of law enforcement. Which as we've discussed previously in this thread is a common hallmark of previous communists societies and experiments.

It is not lost upon me that we're being divided as a society, but we're also being forced to choose between bad and/or worse. By that I mean we're seeing violence used as a means to necessitate change, but on the other side of the coin our other option is supporting an ever increasing militarized police who commonly use excessive force as a means to an end.

When we visit Cleon Skousens book "The Naked Communist" we find as a matter of U.S. Congressional record "The Communist Take Over of America-45 Declared Goals" cited by the Honorable A.S. Herlong Jr. (1963) in which an alarming number of those 45 Declared Goals have come to fruition since the book was published including the promotion of homosexuality as normal. Which in todays modern politically correct society is already a matter of fact. On a regular basis, we have members at this forum who attempt to justify homosexuality as normal and something we should all come to accept without questioning it.

Its alarming how many "Americans" play right into the hands of the communists goals to undermine traditional American values by implementing social change which in the process undermines the ideals this country was founded on. When we look at other politically correct issues in this country and the socially forbidden positions one is not suppose to espouse for fear of being labeled a racist, a biggot etc. we can find a number of variables which ultimately leads to the undermining of the country as social change seeps into the collective national identity and consciousness.

When you alter the way a society thinks and behaves, particularly one which in the past was considered very strong like the United States and promote idealogy, legislation, laws etc. which erode previously held social norms which made the country strong to begin with you're using psychological warfare on the population to erode that strong foundation through incrementalism in order to weaken the societies structure itself.

On a regular basis I find "Americans" all too willing to accomodate others at their own expense. We're creating a very different world for our children to live in than what many of us previously grew up in and I do not find the change to be for the better. Quite the contrary in fact. We're headed into unknown waters instead of relying upon what we already know to be safe and the back bone of our country itself. When we support communist ideology which has time and time again proven to be detrimental to the lives of those who lived under it one can only assume we're destined to repeat unfortunate realities of the past because we're either too stupid or simply do not care to learn from previous mistakes.

Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 06/25/15 12:43 PM

The communists rest on division. With the latest rhetoric of doing away with the Confederate flag , we're seeing yet another move by the communist/marxist/socialist in this country to divide the nation while attacking American culture and replacing it instead with a more communist friendly foundation. African Americans have long been used by the communist in order to push their ideaological goals, and its no coincidence we're seeing plights of African Americans in various forms used in order to further push communist ideology in the United States.

From Ferguson to Baltimore, South Carolina to New York, Wisconsin, Texas etc. we're seeing communist propaganda in the form of exploiting tragedy in order to further push marxist ideology.

One of the hallmarks of communism is division, without division to bring about change communist ideology struggles to take hold. This is why the traditional communist template involves the proleteriate and the bourgeoisie. In order to bring about social change, it is necessary to differentiate and exploit between the two classes in order to create a crack wide enough for communism to get its foot in the door.


Bourgeoisie and proletariat

Manifesto Of The Communists
Bourgeoisie And Proletariat

The History of Society in the past is the history of class struggles. Freemen and slaves, patricians and plebians, nobles and serfs, guild members and journeymen - in short, oppressors and oppressed, have always stood in direct opposition to each other. The struggle between them has sometimes been open, sometimes concealed, but always continuous. A never ceasing struggle, which has invariably ended, either in a revolutionary alteration of the social system, or in the common destruction of the contending classes.

Bourgeoisie and Proletariat

I have never seen a class so deeply demoralised, so incurably debased by selfishness, so corroded within, so incapable of progress, as the English bourgeoisie; and I mean by this, especially the bourgeoisie proper, particularly the Liberal, Corn Law repealing bourgeoisie. For it nothing exists in this world, except for the sake of money, itself not excluded. It knows no bliss save that of rapid gain, no pain save that of losing gold. In the presence of this avarice and lust of gain, it is not possible for a single human sentiment or opinion to remain untainted. True, these English bourgeois are good husbands and family men, and have all sorts of other private virtues, and appear, in ordinary intercourse, as decent and respectable as all other bourgeois; even in business they are better to deal with than the Germans; they do not higgle and haggle so much as our own pettifogging merchants; but how does this help matters? Ultimately it is self-interest, and especially money gain, which alone determines them.

I once went into Manchester with such a bourgeois, and spoke to him of the bad, unwholesome method of building, the frightful condition of the working-peoples quarters, and asserted that I had never seen so ill-built a city. The man listened quietly to the end, and said at the corner where we parted: "And yet there is a great deal of money made here, good morning, sir." It is utterly indifferent to the English bourgeois whether his working-men starve or not, if only he makes money.

The Attitude of the Bourgeoisie

With the latest round of propaganda centered around doing away with the Confederate flag, we're already seeing the division among the citizens of this country as those who see the flag as a sign of oppression dive under a rock in order to avoid being hit with the racism cody gun and divide/seperate themselves from those who see the flag as a symbol of any number of variables to include freedom, independence, heritage, states rights etc. We've all heard the term together we stand, divided we fall. Well, we're well on our way to becoming as divided of a nation as we have been since the civil war.

And in the process we're seeing traditional American culture and heritage under attack in order to further drive a wedge between our citizens and usher in a perverted, sociological idealogy with no room for debate other than their own position. Any differentiation quickly labeled as ignorant, backwards, wrong, racist, hate fueled etc. Insert any negative connotations in order to cement one ideology as correct and all others wrong.

Division must exist in order to further bring about ideological change in this country, and with the exploitation of numerous incidents around the nation on a consistent basis the seeds are being sewn in order to usher in the change that Obama campaigned on in order to fundamentally transform this country from what it once was to a new, communist vision of the future. It is promising to see more Americans recognizing exactly what is occurring in this country, yet there are still plenty of people whose eyes are not open to the communist direction we're headed into. One only needs to spend sometime in this thread alone to see exactly how dangerous communism truely is.

Posted by: toughtom12

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 06/26/15 01:47 PM

So now the Commies are coming after the rebel flag? Lol Lue! Is there no decency?
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 06/26/15 05:25 PM

Hilarious, get your stuff pushed in over your naive, simplistic and ignorant view of the Civil War and come to this thread to troll some more lol.

Funny how you elected not to respond to that thread, but instead elected to come to another thread completely with your fallacies . A smart man would have went and found an academic source backing up your simplistic view of the Civil War, but an ignorant man would do exactly as you did. Troll a different thread completely in response. And sadly, I even have to tell you how to make a legitimate response. Some people truly are lost in this world.
Posted by: 6.5x55

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 06/26/15 07:11 PM

Tough that your entire schooling came at the hands of left leaning Yankees.
You know less about the rise of the left in Europe and the states than you do about the CSA.

Pretend you are a U.S. citizen in East Germany under Stazi surveillance. Do you think you could go to any print shop and have pro-western posters made?

Now pretend you are a left wingnut funded by Putin living in Chicago. Do you think any print shop will turn you down when you pay a bonus for same day screenprint T-shirts and posters? Where the hell do you think all this professionally produced media point of sale type crap comes from?

The Chinese and the Russians know that they can create a lot more BS by sending money to U.S. homegrown leftists than by paying for Russian agitators to live and assimilate here.

Most liberals are so full of self loathing that they jump at the chance to spread the gospel of Marx if it doesn't affect their checkbook.

Next protest, check the shirts, posters, talking/screaming points and all the other instant rhetoric. It is simple canned schtick from outside this country.

Watch 'The year of living dangerously'. That's where and when nobama grew up and the reds getting hosed by the side of the road are his heroes. Somehow we got that commie punk foisted on us and the downhill slide of our great country just goes on and on.

Tough needs to learn history outside of the books aimed at generating a GED.
Posted by: toughtom12

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 06/27/15 02:32 AM

"Some people truly are lost in this world". Don't give up on me Lue! With your help I may yet find enlightenment!
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 06/27/15 04:48 AM

We're in the midst of a Communist Revolution in the United States. With the recent CNN headline of the Supreme Court upholding the communist plank of wealth redistribution (ObamaCare) also in the news is the Supreme Courts decision to legalize same sex marriage in all 50 states in America. As a matter of U.S. Congressional record, we have seen the promotion of homosexuality as normal being a declared goal of Marxist/communist followers.

We uphold the Leninist conception of a party of the proletariat as the ‘‘tribune of the people,’’ which seeks to lead the working class in the fight against all forms of oppression under capitalism, and to link the struggles of the oppressed to the struggle for working-class rule. Marxists oppose all capitalist oppression, and in that spirit clearly oppose the persecution of both male and female homosexuals and others who are oppressed on the basis of sexually related behaviour, such as transves-tites and transsexuals, sado-masochists, etc. As long as there is informed consent between participants, we ada-mantly oppose state intervention.

Marxism and the Struggle for Gay and Lesbian Rights

Following similar logic, taking support from different western scholarly works, Sharmilia Rege justified that gay and lesbian movements have the potentiality to "reorganize heterosexuality" and they could even pose a challenge to conventional capitalist system. Even though I am not in agreement with many of these and other conclusions which my critics have come to, I recognize that the issues they raised regarding sexuality, social control, sexual choice, womens emancipation and gender equality are relevant to the theory of practice of Marxism.

Marxism, Radical Feminism and Homosexuality

John D’Emilio writes: “As wage labour spread and production became socialised, then it became possible to release sexuality from the ‘imperative’ to procreate...[thus] capitalism has created conditions that allow some men and women to organise a personal life around their erotic/emotional attraction to their own sex.”

But capitalism is contradictory. While it makes it possible for a lesbian and gay identity to develop, on the other hand it still needs to push working class people into the family to continue reproducing the future labour force. “The elevation of the family to ideological pre-eminence guarantees that a capitalist society will reproduce not just children, but heterosexism and homophobia.

He concludes: “In the most profound sense, capitalism is the problem.[8]

As an individual, aspects of people’s lives were used to ‘identify’ them – gender, race, religion, sexuality. This entailed detailed studies of people to determine who fitted the norm and who didn’t. The term ‘homosexual’ – and hence the notion of the ‘heterosexual’ – was used for the first time in 1869, gaining currency in the English language around the 1890s. It was then that the great debate over whether homosexuals were sinful, criminal or sick developed with the clerics, lawyers, doctors and scientists vying with each other to claim the authority to determine an appropriate, frequently brutal, penalty or treatment[9]

And consequently it was only then that groups promoting homosexual rights and opposing repressive laws could exist.

Among those founding these groups, opposing the laws were the early Socialists, arguing not just for rights within capitalism, but a wholly different society. Utopian Socialists such as Charles Fourier, Henri Saint-Simon and Robert Owen, writing in the early 1800s, drew up visionary plans showing how their new societies would transform people’s lives.

By the late 1890s, as the homosexual rights movement was growing in strength, both Marx and Engels were dead. But the parties which had formed, based on Marxism, were taking up the cause of homosexual rights.

Sherry Wolf in her book Sexuality and Socialism writes: “The more revealing of the attitude and practice of Marxists toward gays is the position that organized socialists took once industrialized states accelerated their attacks on the earliest visible LGBT populations in urban centres. The first politician anywhere in the world to speak on record on the floor of a national legislature for the rights of gays was August Bebel, leader of the SPD, who addressed the German Reichstag on January 13, 1898.” [13]

Many leading members of the German Socialist Party (SPD) supported homosexual rights, signing the petition that Bebel was supporting, a petition against Paragraph 175, the anti-homosexual law.

Of course it is the Bolsheviks and the Russian Revolution that most people look to for inspiration about a new liberated society.

One of the first steps of the new regime was to decriminalise homosexuality. But it was more than just sweeping away the old, the new society was busy developing a new ‘morality’ or social practice. They turned to the latest science to frame their understanding to replace both the Church and capitalist social norms. The government also sent delegations to the international homosexuality congresses.

In the wake of the revolution, a leading Bolshevik, Dr A.L Berkovich sketched out the tasks ahead: “Our communist youth organisations should be the foundries in which are forged new relationships between the sexes; a new ideal of sexual love leading to free unions based on feelings of passion, friendship, respect; and the conscious acknowledgment of responsibility toward one another, one’s children, one’s comrades, one’s class and the cause of socialism.

Marxism and Homosexuality

State Forbids Pastors Calling Homosexuality Sinful
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 07/10/15 12:58 AM

Cultural Genocide is a term every red blooded American should become familiar with because it is the sociological concept being used to destroy the foundations of this country. In particular, it is the ideological concept being used to shame Americans into going along with their own destruction by justifying its action with any number of different propaganda techniques designed to undermine important key stones of American society which this country was built on.

Labels such as racist, conspiracy theorist etc. have become common place propaganda techniques designed to squash any type of dissent and individual thought in order to make Americans conform to one particular set of beliefs and all others labeled as fringe or worse.

Christianity is one such foundational cornerstone under attack, which emcompasses a number of facets in traditional American life to include religious beliefs that strike at the heart of how Americans think, act and behave. Its a set of morals and ethics which has driven this country ideologically for centuries. We have hate crimes legislation designed to prevent leaders in the christian communities from preaching their religious doctrines with tactics such as striking fear and intimidation into these communities should they preach the word of god as written in the bible.

The fear of legal retribution, public shaming, character defamation etc. are all being used to suppress traditional American ideology and usher in a perverted new definition of what it means to be American. The communist insurgency taking place in this country is very real and their goal is nothing short of destruction of the old America and ushering in something very different in its place. If you support such action it is my opinion you're nothing short of a pseudo-American. The antithesis of a true American who supports and defends what it has meant to be an American from the beginning.

Below is part of a post made by an excellent poster at this forum (Seacoaster) which I found particularly interesting and relevant to this thread and the topic at hand.

Political Correctness is cultural Marxism, Marxism translated from economic into cultural terms. Its history goes back not to the 1960s but to World War I. Before 1914, Marxist theory said that if a major war broke out in Europe, the workers of every country would join together in a revolution to overthrow capitalism and replace it with international socialism. But when war came, that did not happen. What had gone wrong?

Two Marxist theorists, Antonio Gramsci in Italy and Georg Lukacs in Hungary, independently came up with the same answer. They said that Western culture and the Christian religion had so “blinded” the working class to its true (Marxist) class interests that Communism was impossible in the West until traditional culture and Christianity were destroyed.

Political Correctness and Cultural Marxism
Posted by: SeaCoaster

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 07/10/15 11:24 AM

"Americans" are doing it to each other? What?

Confederate Flag?
Bruce Gender?
Supreme Court - Gay Marriage?
Redskins? What the...
New MTV documentary shames white privilege?

A conspiracy theory?

Leftist sources often dismiss cultural Marxism not by using factual arguments but instead by labeling it a "conspiracy theory". This can be seen as a form of guilt by association instead of a factual argument.

"A person who is demoralized is unable to access true information..the facts mean nothing..."

"Change the Perception of Reality of every American"
1. Demoralize
2. Destabilization
3. Crisis
4. Normalization

"....And now ,castrated by PC ,lobotomized...."

His accent reminds me of Boris (Bullwinkle)...and this would be funny but it's more like a Fricking Greek Tragedy

Origins of Left wing political correctness explained by ex KGB officer Yuri Bezmenov

Interesting ...very interesting

Yuri Bezmenov: Psychological Warfare Subversion & Control of Western Society (Complete)

Posted by: Cash is King

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 07/12/15 08:18 AM

Originally Posted By: SeaCoaster

New MTV documentary shames white privilege?

White Privilege?

I thought it was Height Privilege...

Dog gone it... now... I have to apologize for being white, tall and successful.

It just isn't fair.
Posted by: aka-cyberman

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 07/12/15 10:08 AM

I'm white, short and successful. I've been discriminated my whole life for being short. I want reparations for it now because it wasn't my fault.
Posted by: SeaCoaster

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 07/15/15 03:46 PM

To all Vietnam Vets -- I'm sorry to find and share this

Sobering to say the least

How do a Few People Create SO Much Change in America?
Answer is in video below. >>>

U.S. Congress'

View below:
45.41 minutes AND worth your time!

This author has done amazing research and is speaking in Ashburn in October
If anybody would like to hear him it will be sponsored by

Wed., Oct. 7th, 2015
Event: Ronald Reagan Lecture Series — Speaking Engagement/Confirmed
Time: 7:30 pm EST
Place: Ashburn, VA

Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 07/19/15 06:51 AM

As I was reading the article outlined below I could not help but think of the country formerly known as Rhodesia when reading about the social engineering plans outlined in this New York Post write up concerning the unprecedented data mining from the Obama administration.

Previously outlined in this thread is the plight of Rhodesia which is a subject I encourage others to look into for themselves. Because what happened in places like Rhodesia and South Africa is repeating itself in this country. Rhodesia no longer exists, and many Americans are starting to see the change President Obama campaigned on coming to fruition today in the United States. The more Americans who become aware of the exact situation and circumstances we find ourselves in the better. Whether some of you want to acknowledge it, believe it or not.

It is no coincidence the Communist Party USA lists amnesty for illegal aliens/immigrants as a declared goal because it ties into other subjects previously addressed in this thread such as social justice, cultural Marxism and the Obama administrations open borders policy. A blind man could see what is going on in this country, yet where is our mainstream media at in reporting the ideological basis for these policies? Simply put, they are clearly complicit in this strategy to destroy America and usher in something different in its wake.

A key part of President Obama’s legacy will be the fed’s unprecedented collection of sensitive data on Americans by race. The government is prying into our most personal information at the most local levels, all for the purpose of “racial and economic justice.”

...all to document “inequalities” between minorities and whites.

Federally funded cities deemed overly segregated will be pressured to change their zoning laws to allow construction of more subsidized housing in affluent areas in the suburbs, and relocate inner-city minorities to those predominantly white areas.

Such databases have never before existed. Obama is presiding over the largest consolidation of personal data in US history. He is creating a diversity police state where government race cops and civil-rights lawyers will micromanage demographic outcomes in virtually every aspect of society.

Obama collecting personal data

Additional reading for those interested in finding out more about this subject:

South Africa Holds The Key

S. Africa Evacuation Plan

The New African Genocide

Thousands of Illegals Bused Across the U.S.

DHS Caught Busing in Illegal Somali's from Mexican Border

Sanctuary Cities for Illegal Immigrants
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 07/23/15 06:03 AM

By now it should be relatively easy for most Americans to see a pattern forming. The mainstream media misses little opportunity to exploit any incident easily construed as bias against minorities in order to push their communist propaganda to divide the nation. Some of the most recent headlines this week are highlighted below.

Black Lives Matter Activists Outraged

Sovereign Citizen pulled over, reaches for firearm twice. Not dead.

So we once again see an incident involving law enforcement and minorities reported to the public as suspicious and we see headlines pointing out what we are suppose to believe is preferential, unfair treatment given to those evil "sovereign citizens" because they are still alive. Division. A lynch pin of communist ideaology which thrives on the division between the proletariat and bourgeoisie.

The term "sovereign citizen" is an interesting one. What one would normally describe as intelligence, the ability to defend ones beliefs with supporting information now has a much more nefarious sounding definition. Instead of calling them Americans, or intelligent, we now have a much more troubling sounding name for these individuals because they have the ability to think and defend their positions with corroberating facts and information.

If you’re a member of the sovereign citizen movement, your approach is a bit different. You start by looking for a combination of quotes, definitions, court cases, the Bible, Internet websites, and so on that justify how you can ignore the disliked law without any legal consequences.

Be imaginative. Pull a line from the 1215 version of the Magna Carta, a definition from a 1913 legal dictionary, a quote from a founding father or two, and put it in the blender with some official-sounding Supreme Court case excerpts you found on like-minded websites. Better yet, find someone else online who disliked that same law and pay them $150 for a three-ring binder filled with their word salad research.

What is a Sovereign Citizen

Apparently referencing Supreme Court cases, the highest court in the land who lay out what is and is not Constitutionally legal is a bad thing now? Interesting how this term was pre-emptively devised to describe those who may disagree with the very concerning direction our country is being taken into from Obama-care to the South Carolina decision to remove the Confederate flag from state/federal grounds. Intelligent Americans are now being described as "sovereign citizens" where as before we would have just described them with more mundane and less threatening words such as alive, intelligent, patriotic etc.

But then again, patriotic Americans are also one of the governments boogey-men. Along with christians, veterans and anyone else who prescribes to traditional American values instead of the new age progressive direction this country is headed into.

General Wesley Clarke on Radicalized Americans and Internment Camps

5. Those that are interested in “defeating the Communists”

Wait, if there isn't a communist threat in this country why would someone be considered a potential domestic terrorist for opposing them? I guess you would have to be a "sovereign citizen" to support reasons why communism is a bad thing, huh? Pre-emptively labeling people as boogey-men in order to discredit the opposition is something retired Lt. General Jerry Boykin has discussed at length. A hallmark of Marxist insurgency.

72 Types of Americans Considered Potential Terrorists
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 07/25/15 10:51 AM

Originally Posted By: lue-jones

There are "Americans", who on a regular basis preach communist ideology and attempt to excuse it with any number of variables. Including being politically correct, all to willing to go along with the social trends in turning a blind eye to right in order to avoid being labeled wrong.

Originally Posted By: lue-jones

You're shooting yourself and the rest of us in the foot when you attempt to play the politically correct part and march around the forum pretending you're a patriotic American while lending your support to the very party and people who wish to undermine what this forum is all about.

Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, nor to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity . To assent to obvious lies is to co-operate with evil, and in some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 08/01/15 01:51 PM

The attack on traditional American culture continues as cultural Marxism is sweeping across the nation. Whether its the marginalization of Christians, the Confederate flag, trophy hunting, law enforcement etc. the pillars of American culture are coming under attack as the communist insurgency grows right under our noses. Yet there are literally millions of Americans so ignorant and open to the power of suggestion that few can see what is going on right in front of our eyes. Below are just a few headlines in the news lately.

Hundreds Protest Cecil the Lions Killing

Zimbawbe seeks lion killers extradition

Miss Cecil the Lion? End trophy hunting

Major U.S. Airlines End Trophy Hunting Shipments

So in a country where white people have been hunted as trophys, forced off their land, raped, killed etc. in the name of social justice in Zimbabwe, we're protesting the killing of a lion?

I myself feel for this lion, but it is hard not to realize what the ultimate goal is in making this a topic of national discussion. Its the demonization of white America and culture and so few are willing to call it as it is. Instead, fearful of being labeled any number alienating terms for standing up for your culture, your country and way of life.

Below we see another example which should sound very familiar by now. A white police officer kills an unarmed black man. Why are these topics reported as such instead of other, more common sense approaches to describing the situation? Such as law enforcement officer defends himself from attempted murder? Ask yourself, why is the mainstream media constantly hammering the race issue in this country and making the criminal element out to be victims of unfair treatment?

Local activists are complaining the killing is similar to police slayings of black men or youth in other cities, like Tamir Rice in Cleveland and Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. Dubose was black and Tensing is white.

"These routine traffic stops turn fatal and are becoming a norm around the country," said Brian Taylor, an activist with Black Lives Matter: Cincinnati, who attended a community meeting on the killing. "We're at the end of our ropes."

Investigation finished in shooting of Samuel Debose

All white people must see themselves as the face of the oppressor? Its hard to believe this kind of non-sense is allowed in America's universitys where our children attend school. Yet, here it is right before our very eyes.

Rutgers Professor: All White People Need To See Themselves as the Face of the Oppressor

Rutgers Prefessor: All White People Must See Themselves as the Face of the Oppressor

Rutgers Professor Blames UCSB killing on White Privilege

And yet another example of cultural Marxism, we see a 10 Commandments statue ordered to be removed yet a Satanic monument is being erected? This is utterly bizarre, if it wasn't such a serious topic it would be outright comical. But there is absolutely nothing funny about any of this.

State Supreme Court says 10 Commandments Statue Must be Removed

State Supreme Court Reaffirms Order to Remove 10 Commandments Monument

Satanic Temple Statue Looking for a Home

Satanic Group Says Oklahoma Must Give Devil His Due

And of course, we have the President still harping on the need for more gun control in this country. When freedom and the ability to defend ones family and life are being targeted in a very bizarre pseudo-America, its time to wake up and start paying attention people.

Obama: Guns a Greater Threat Than Terrorism
Posted by: aka-cyberman

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 08/01/15 03:47 PM

Keep 'em coming lue-jones

Posted by: JiveBunny

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 08/04/15 12:49 PM

Feed the Troll.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 08/04/15 03:10 PM

Earlier in the shout box, one of many discussions took place surrounding the removal of cursive handwriting from many public school curriculums across the country. It is my position that this is just one of many examples of the perversion of traditional American culture at the hands of cultural Marxism. It was not long before members like eugnostos above, and others, thought this was the funniest thing they had heard in sometime and the rude comments and trolling commenced. A portion of which are highlighted below, though not in their entirety.

Fallacies are defined by google as a mistaken belief, especially one based on an unsound argument. One of many fallacy based arguments include ad hominem positions, which are also defined by google as an argument or reaction directed at a person rather than the position they are maintaining. Such as eugnostos's "feed the troll" comment above. The irony of the comment is not lost upon me, as this fallacy based reaction is devoid of any kind of intelligently designed content and is in itself, what one would expect from a troll.

Below is a quote from the NY Times on the significance of cursive handwriting in the history of American culture.

Cursive writing is a long-held cultural tradition in this country and should continue to be taught; not just for the sake of tradition, but also to preserve the history of our nation.

Cursive Handwriting is a Cultural Tradition Worth Preserving

Michael Hairston, president of the Fairfax Education Association, the largest teachers union in the county, called cursive “a dying art.”

Cursive writing is a traditional skill that has been replaced with technology,” Hairston said. “Educators are having to make choices about what they teach with a limited amount of time and little or no flexibility. Much of their instructional time is consumed with teaching to a standardized test.”

Since 2010, 45 states — including Maryland — and the District have adopted the Common Core standards, which do not require cursive instruction but leave it up to the individual states and districts to decide whether they want to teach it. A report the same year by the Miami-Dade public school system found that cursive instruction has been slowly declining nationwide since the 1970s.

Cursive Handwriting is Disappearing from our Schools

Cultural Marxism is the gradual process of destroying tradition, individuality, law etc. in order to re-assemble the ultimate outcome into a Communist utopia. Above, we see that cursive writing is a long standing tradition in this country, one which is gradually falling out of the favor and replaced with common core curriculums adopted throughout much of the United States.

When you have the removal of an American tradition such as cursive handwriting throughout much of the public school curriculum, you're indeed talking about the circumvention of traditional American culture which is very much a hallmark of the definition of cultural Marxism itself.

The same can be said about the revisionist history of the Civil War and the current political climate of demonizing the Confederate flag. Which is itself a long standing tenent of American culture which is being undermined in the mainstream media and made into a subject of national debate. Or the teaching of homosexuality as fine and acceptable in our public school systems while marginalizing Christians both legally and socially should they preach the word of god. Christianity is a long standing tradition in the United States, with churches found on a regular basis in nearly every community throughout the country. Much of the religion itself, its ideals, system of belief make up what it means to be an American and very much defines us as a nation.

Its also a Constitutionally protected right, yet we see it marginalized and undermined in todays society with very little being done by our politicians to protect its sanctity. There are untold numbers of examples to point to of cultural Marxism in the United States, yet we have so many Americans as highlighted below who refuse to see the writing on the wall. Its all one big joke to them as our culture is being destroyed one element at a time. Its shameful to see, yet unfortunately not to be unexpected considering how we even got here in the first place. Which is through not paying attention to what is has been incrementally pushed upon us for decades now. And will surely only grow worse as time passes by.

x] lue-jones: it use to be taboo to be gay, now you're expected accept it as normal and if you preach against it can expect legal and social back lash. The writing is on the wall
Dasu: so should we go back to using old style quills for writing too?
Dasu: i agree with about everything else. but just because the same folks are doing it doesnt mean its necessarily connected. technology is changing how we communicate.
Dasu: the problem is that there are public schools. and we are expected to pay for indoctrinating kids.
Dasu: the idea of ownership of kids, and the responsibility to care for them is gone.
[x] lue-jones: I dont really care who agree's or disagree's with me, I've got an entire thread on the subject with academic sources to back up my assertions. When all I see is internet trolls using fallacies, ad hominem positions and red herrings I just write them off
Tyeo098: "Buy me" [ Click Me ]
Dasu: ok, ill agree to disagree on this.
[x] lue-jones: The more people who know there is a communist insurgency taking place in the United States, the better. Whether they want to write it off as crazy or not. Most are truly ignorant, I will definitely agree with that
Shotz: stopped in to say hey and cruise the SB for a bit .. looks like I'll go ahead and take a walk outside instead..
Dasu: yeah get yourself all hot and sweaty
eugnostos: yup, he is on one of his rants again
scythefwd: common shotz.. lets find communism in every day occurances and behind every blade of grass.. its the new thing to do
Shotz: I just had to scroll up a bit ... there's now a conspiracy to eliminate cursive writing?
Dasu: ive got a lot of ants around. communists, all.
Dasu: who was it who wrote of the ants being fascist?
eugnostos: They are the root source of the communist insurgency in the USA.
scythefwd: its been getting dropped from the currucilum
eugnostos: I saw it on the internet.
scythefwd: its so poorly taught now that teachers have to write up on the boards for SAT takers so they can right the affirmation statemtent in their own hand on their tests
scythefwd: because the SAT says to write it, not print it lol
Shotz: and this is evidence of??
scythefwd: communism

Shotz: oh. .. .. ok?
scythefwd: or so we've been informed

Shotz: well, to talk guns again .. I may be coming in to one of these in a few weeks scy - [ Click Me ]
eugnostos: According to Lue and his list of Boykins elements of Marxist/Communist Insurgency, probably #6 on the list lmao
scythefwd: its all part of the master plan of the homosexuals (say that with a backwoods alabama draw please) to turn er'y one pinko?

Shotz: it's so ugly I'm in love with it lol
scythefwd: free floating, nice. Hows it lock the action
scythefwd: ? Use a v-block bedding block?

For more information on this subject, please see the links below:

Communist indoctrination in Common Core - Is Common Core Communism?

Education Dictates More Like Communist Core

Common Core Designed to End White Privilege

Video: Dr. Pook wrote Common Core to End White Privilege

Christians Warned to Pull Kids from Public School
Posted by: Paratus

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 08/04/15 04:05 PM

The DNC Chair was recently on MSNBC with Chris Matthews and was asked to describe the difference between a Democrat and a Socialist. Now I know that this thread is about Communism in the U.S. but I believe it was none other than Lenin who stated that Communism was socialism in a hurry. No quotes because I am not sure of the exact wording and am too lazy to look it up. In any event, Wasserman-Schultz (DNC Chair) did not answer the question. Matthews thought there was a great difference however I don't believe there is one iota difference between them.
Posted by: toughtom12

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 08/04/15 08:30 PM

Keep up the good work Lue! I am startled at how far these darn commies are wiling to go! First they went after the rebel flag, and now it's cursive handwriting. If we aren't careful they might go after our NO 2 Pencils!
Posted by: aka-cyberman

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 08/04/15 09:20 PM

No toughtom. You'll be able to keep the #2 Pencils. You'll just have to be careful what you write with it. #2 Pencils can be dangerous, you know.
Posted by: Mizzle

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 08/04/15 11:02 PM

The marxists can be quite subversive. I'm not sure they are eliminating cursive writing due to marxism, or just good old fashioned government ineptitude, but it's pretty sad today's kids can't read the written language.

I think reading about China's red cultural revolution would do a lot of people good. There are a lot of parallels to what is happening here.

The marxists have won the cultural war. They own the mass media and the educational institutions. People listen to the TV, radio, and government institutions like it's pure gospel.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 08/05/15 07:46 AM

Originally Posted By: toughtom12
Keep up the good work Lue! I am startled at how far these darn commies are wiling to go! First they went after the rebel flag, and now it's cursive handwriting. If we aren't careful they might go after our NO 2 Pencils!

I must admit, this is a convincing argument. Obviously trumping the parallels to common core, cultural Marxism and Communism previously discussed above. And here I was thinking intellectual dwarfism and anti-American sentiment must be contagious at this website. I stand corrected.

When you have an attempted federal take over of the education system with a Communist based idealogy such as common core, which among other things, does not include cursive handwriting as part of the curriculum, obviously a part of traditional American culture is being circumvented thus leading into the notion of cultural Marxism.

The public school system itself, being one of Marx's 10 planks of Communism. Which would go a long way in explaining why common core is designed the way that it is.

Revisionist history is also taught in our public school system circumventing documented facts about such iconic American cultural heritage pieces of history as the Civil War. Something toughtom above subscribes too, which can be seen here.

Our national identity itself has always been shaped by the education system and the fundamental American principles which were taught in it. Now, we see any number of changes being made in the way our children are educated and it doesn't seem to phase the majority in the least bit. People seem to struggle to understand how a national identity is formed, what actually makes ones culture what it is and how all of this ties into what it means to be an American.

In the future we will have a very different generation of "Americans" than we once had. In many ways, elements of this thread already attest to this fact alone. And the foundations of this change have been and will continue to be laid in our own generation with few understanding the implications of what is being done. These are our patriotic Americans, too pre-occupied with keeping up with the Kardashians, professional football and anything else but what really matters.

I can not understand it, but luckily we have members all to willing to display their lack of concern for our country by trolling threads just like this one with poorly thought out responses, fallacy based rebuttals and numerous strawman, ad hominem laced comments presented to show anyone in the future how we arrived at the destination before us.

Originally Posted By: aka-cyberman
No toughtom. You'll be able to keep the #2 Pencils. You'll just have to be careful what you write with it. #2 Pencils can be dangerous, you know.

Nice post, so many prefer to put their head in the sand and leave their rear end exposed while making rude and ignorant comments. If only more Americans were capable of understanding the direction we've been headed into for sometime now. And it goes well beyond censorship, if only that was the greatest threat Communism presented.

Originally Posted By: Mizzle
The marxists can be quite subversive. I'm not sure they are eliminating cursive writing due to marxism, or just good old fashioned government ineptitude, but it's pretty sad today's kids can't read the written language.

I think reading about China's red cultural revolution would do a lot of people good. There are a lot of parallels to what is happening here.

The marxists have won the cultural war. They own the mass media and the educational institutions. People listen to the TV, radio, and government institutions like it's pure gospel.

The mainstream media is indeed a propaganda tool for the Marxist which have infiltrated numerous elements of our society. We have many at this forum alone who struggle to see what is happening before our very eyes, but they are not alone. We have millions of Americans drinking the Marxist kool-aid unfortunately.

Originally Posted By: Paratus
The DNC Chair was recently on MSNBC with Chris Matthews and was asked to describe the difference between a Democrat and a Socialist. Now I know that this thread is about Communism in the U.S. but I believe it was none other than Lenin who stated that Communism was socialism in a hurry. No quotes because I am not sure of the exact wording and am too lazy to look it up. In any event, Wasserman-Schultz (DNC Chair) did not answer the question. Matthews thought there was a great difference however I don't believe there is one iota difference between them.

Excellent post paratus, I caught this a few days ago and I am glad you presented it in the thread. The relationship between Socialism, Marxism and Communism have previously been discussed in this thread and are forever terms which will be linked together. So you're in the right place.

Tongue Tied: DNC can not explain the difference between democrats and socialists

Socialism is defined by Merriam Websites as:

any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods


Interestingly, it is also referred to as a transitional development between Capitalism and Communism. As discussed previously above, recent headlines about the Democrat Chair being unable to differentiate between Democrats and Socialist made headlines throughout the country.

Unfortunately, most Americans are not familiar enough with terms such as Socialism, Communism, Marxism etc. to understand that the terms are not mutually exclusive and in fact are so closely assoicated with each other that to attempt to define them as anything but related seems suspiciously deceptive or deliberately obtuse .

Communism is defined by Merriam-Websters as:

a way of organizing a society in which the government owns the things that are used to make and transport products (such as land, oil, factories, ships, etc.) and there is no privately owned property

a : a doctrine based on revolutionary Marxian socialism and Marxism-Leninism that was the official ideology of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics


As we can see above, both Socialism and Communism are characterized by the state ownership of production. While thinking about the differences of the two earlier, I found it interesting that self described Socialist institutions like the University of Idaho were playing word games, academic semantics, between the differentiation of the two terms and spent sometime myself considering the differences between community ownership and state ownership.

The state is of course a representative of the community (collective), so conversely any community controlled entity must have a state to administer the communitys will. Which is what the government ultimately is, an administrator of the community, of the people.


Most generally, socialism refers to state ownership of common property, or state ownership of the means of production. A purely socialist state would be one in which the state owns and operates the means of production. However, nearly all modern capitalist countries combine socialism and capitalism.


Most generally, communism refers to community ownership of property, with the end goal being complete social equality via economic equality. Communism is generally seen by communist countries as an idealized utopian economic and social state that the country as a whole is working toward; that is to say that pure communism is the ideal that the People’s Republic of China is (was?) working toward. Such an ideal often justifies means (such as authoritarianism or totalitariansim) that are not themselves communist ideals.

University of
Posted by: boltactionfan

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 08/05/15 12:16 PM

I am seeing this group behind a lot of the protesting and pot stirring that has been going on as of late.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 08/05/15 04:00 PM

Hi Bolt,
You're absolutely right, when you visit the link above the first thing you're met with is the quote below.

There is the potential for something of unprecedented beauty to arise out of unspeakable ugliness: Black people playing a crucial role in putting an end, at long last, to this system which has, for so long, not just exploited but dehumanized, terrorized and tormented them in a thousand ways—putting an end to this in the only way it can be done—by fighting to emancipate humanity, to put an end to the long night in which human society has been divided into masters and slaves, and the masses of humanity have been lashed, beaten, raped, slaughtered, shackled and shrouded in ignorance and misery.

Bob Avakian, Chairman, Revolutionary Communist Party, USA

We're seeing race baiting throughout the country, with various groups supporting, encouraging and helping to ignite social unrest across the nation. We've had communist groups working the community centers, churches, neighborhoods and similar venues in places like Ferguson and Baltimore to instigate trouble and it will only continue to grow in severity.

Many Americans refuse to acknowledge what is occurring in this country, whether through cognitive dissonance or outright ignorance. Its all one big joke to the majority and those who shine a spot light on the issue are marginalized for pointing out the obvious. Most simply do not care that a growing movement is being organized to alter the foundation of our land.

Below are some related headlines to the division occurring in our country. We've repeatedly seen the actions of law enforcement come under nation wide scrutiny, we're also seeing a sustained marginalization of white society.

Federal Government Hires Comedian to Deliver Anti-White Tirade

Virginia DMV Recalls Confederate License Plates

Nation of Islam Leader: We Must Kill Those Who Kill Us. Stalk and Kill Them (Whitey)

Ambushed St. Louis Officer: God Told Me to Put on Vest

Memphis Cop Killer Turns Himself In

Officer beaten unconscious with own weapon

Federal Authorities to Help Baltimore Police as Homicides Spike

(May) Baltimore Murders Spike as Arrest Plunge

Baltimore Prosecutors Withheld Evidence in Freddie Gray Case
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 08/08/15 11:12 AM

“This is not Ferguson, this is not South Charleston,” Durham said.” And I refuse to allow the community to make and paint a picture of our officers that we have a bunch of rogue officers here who are out of control. That is not the case.”

Richmond, Virginia: This is not Ferguson

We live in dangerous times, cities throughout the country are essentially a powder keg ready to explode at any moment. All it will take is the proper spark for it to go off. This is a result of many factors, most notably a race baiting mainstream media and a Presidential administration that offers moral and ideological support that further encourages the instigation of social unrest.

The above story details a recent shootout in Richmond in which a suspect was killed and an officer wounded in an exchange of gun fire. With the numerous incidences of social unrest across the country in recent years, communities across the United States have watched the demonstrations, riots and utter chaos unravel and it is fresh on everyones minds when any similar situation takes place in their own area's of operation.

I would not be surprised to see a situation similar to Ferguson develop in Richmond, though I do not believe this particular situation will get to that point. But it does demonstrate the fear instilled in cities and police departments across the country to pre-emptively come out and attempt to calm the situation before it gets out of hand.

Heaven forbid similar situations continue to happen in the area, because all it will take is the right circumstances and some outside influence from agitator propagandists/"community organizers" to produce the spark that sets the powder keg off. People in the area are already asking questions, rumors are swirling and it has the city on edge. This is the story in cities across the United States as division continues to spread and people look for reasons to explode.

Its almost a guarantee that similar situations to Ferguson, Baltimore, New York and other area's prominent in the news will continue to unravel. The template is already easily deciphered by those paying attention to see how the Communist plan to exploit tragedy of any degree to produce their desired results.

It is my opinion this Presidential administration is playing a significant role in places like Ferguson and Baltimore where situations are allowed to get out of hand. We're seeing officials turn a blind eye as violence escalates, information supressed which could go a long way in calming the situation(s) all for the purpose of creating further division.

Change is in the air and a majority of Americans refuse to see the writing on the wall, including many of our own members at this forum who believe everything is as normal in this country. So many are afraid of being labeled fringe and any number of discrediting terms such as conspiracy theorist, racists etc. while they watch the house burn down. Trouble is here people and stories like the one above testify to the fact we live in very dangerous times.

Additional news throughout the country:

Ferguson Protests: Police vehicle has windows shot out

Ferguson Protests: Man critically injured after opening fire on officers.

Pravda: Remarkable amount of gunfire in Ferguson

Ferguson protesters loot stores, chant 'kill the police'

Ferguson protester safe house looted (lol)

Ferguson protester shoots fellow protester

Major Ferguson group openly touts socialist connections

State of Emergency Declared in Ferguson, AgitProp Deray McKesson present

Black Lives Matter Supporter shoots 8 Black People in Head

St. Louis cab driver arrested for threatening to kill man because he was white

Trump: Political Correctness is killing this country

Youth killed by police during robbery, leftist claim racism
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 08/10/15 06:09 PM

We are in the Twilight Zone, there is little other way to put it. We have the Attorney General essentially giving a nod and a wink to the protesters that the Obama administration approves of their actions while condemning the violence.

As we have seen over the recent months and years, not only does violence obscure any message of peaceful protest, it places the community, as well as the officers who seek to protect it, in harm’s way,’’ Lynch said. "Incidents of violence, such as we saw last night, are contrary to both that message, along with everything that all of us, including this group, have worked to achieve over the past year.”

We've had the Justice Department and the White House themselves supporting these protests while admonishing law enforcement for quite some time now. What exactly has the Justice Department worked so hard for? Encouraging these protesters while scalding law enforcement? What kind of message does it send to these protesters when their cause is being supported by the Attorney General? When Obama himself invites them to the White House and encourages these protesters to stay on course.

In the same article cited above, we once again see Agitator Propagandists Deray Mckesson present at the protests. The same Deray Mckesson present in the Baltimore riots, the trouble which occurred in South Carolina, Wisconsin and New York. All of this previously documented elsewhere in the thread, one would think law enforcement would be well aware of 'Johnny on the Spot' and start to put two and two together here. Apparently its not unusual at all for a man to have the kind of finances, time and where with all to travel from hot spot to hot spot encouraging social unrest.

It is either complete incompetence coming from the Attorney General or a purposeful attempt to talk out both sides of her mouth with this latest statement. Encouraging the protests, yet condemning the violence is counter productive and is essentially giving these protesters the green light to continue on with their activities.

While I was watching Pravda (CNN) today, I found it mildly amusing they were attempting to seperate the protesters from the criminals causing mayhem in Ferguson. As if the two can not be one in the same, and the violence being reported in Ferguson is not related to the protests themselves. While I am sure there are plenty of 'useful idiots' at these protests, the fact remains the violence and protests are directly correlated with each other.

This is some heavy propaganda going on here.
Posted by: aka-cyberman

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 08/10/15 09:06 PM

Posted by: SeaCoaster

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 08/11/15 11:39 AM

+ 1

Soros Sponsored --No Surprises

.....and then you have this >>>>>>

matches and dry tinder

Heavily armed ‘Oath Keepers’ group in Ferguson
Posted by: LaserJock

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 08/11/15 04:57 PM
Posted by: 6.5x55

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 08/12/15 08:13 AM

How much is true in the news reports and how much is propaganda is just a guess.
This much seems real

Oath Keeper with a gun= no problems

Underage punk with a stolen gun,felonious rap sheet= criminal activity

Go figure. Even when one of their own gets jumped, robbed and beaten by a gang the mainstream barely reports it. Just stick to the official talking points.
Posted by: yugritin

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 08/12/15 09:13 AM

patriots are now terrorists. anyone that stands up for their rights are antigovernment. the Constitution has been buried by our politicians
Posted by: yugritin

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 08/12/15 09:14 AM

look at some of the issues they consider anti gov or extremism, oath keepers is listed as anti gov
Posted by: Mark S

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 08/12/15 05:06 PM

Originally Posted By: yugritin

patriots are now terrorists. anyone that stands up for their rights are antigovernment. the Constitution has been buried by our politicians

It's the SPLC, even the Dems don't take them seriously. Sure they get money from Soros and the rest of the commie left when they need a 'hit' on someone or some group, but they've become a joke.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 08/17/15 12:45 AM

Discrediting the opposition. 'The Oathkeepers' are definitely coming under fire lately, and the divisiveness that clouds our nation only serves those who are behind the race baiting in the mainstream media and the "change" that is gaining momentum nationwide. There are enough members at our website alone who are indifferent to the anti-American direction the country is taking that it should come to none of us as a surprise that a significant portion of the firearm community actually believe 'the Oathkeepers' are a negative thing.

Consider the following article making the rounds online:

Recently several “Oath Keepers” decided to make sh*t worse in Ferguson, Missouri. Their arrival generated a flood of negative publicity, reinforced the widespread perception that we gun owners are unstable lunatics looking for a fight, and heightened already sky-high tensions between police and protestors. According to the Washington Post, the Oath Keepers said they were in Ferguson to “protect someone who worked for the Web site” Maybe I’m wrong, but it seems to me that adding heavily-armed conspiracy theorists into a volatile near-riot doesn’t exactly help.

Duty not to make s**t worse

I personally see 'the Oathkeepers' as a positive thing, though I am sure there are those who do not do their cause justice. The proverbial bad apple in the batch. But overall, 'the Oathkeepers' appear to be doing more good than harm from my perspective at least. Especially when you look at the other side of the coin. Which is rioting, looting, violence and even murder.

And when you start to see information which suggests the police and even National Guard are standing down or ordered away from area's they are obviously needed one has to presume some kind of presence is justified when local, state and federal authorities refuse to do anything. Otherwise, good and innocent people, businesses and people's livelyhoods are left to the mercy of chance and the unruley.

FERGUSON, Mo. — Police were present again on the streets of Ferguson, Mo., Saturday morning after the Missouri State Highway Patrol reportedly ordered officers from St. Louis County to ‘stand down’ as looters attacked businesses overnight.

Police Stand Down

Police told Fox 2 News that its officers were at the Ferguson Market earlier when looters showed up, but were ordered to “Stand down” by Missouri State Highway Patrol incident commanders at the scene and basically withdrew and allowed the looters to have their way with the store.

Police Ordered To Stand Down

Inquiring minds want to know why the Missouri National Guard wasn’t deployed in Ferguson Monday night. Governor Jay Nixon called a state of emergency in the St. Louis area last week and Guard members were in place last night at key locations in St. Louis when the grand jury decision not to indict police officer Darrell Wilson was announced. Yet no National Guard troops were deployed to Ferguson – obviously Ground Zero and needing the most protection.

MO National Guard Order to Stand Down

Together we stand, divided we fall. And unfortunately, the United States is a divided nation. Nearly as divided as it has ever been. We've seen similar orders in Baltimore to stand down as violence escalates far beyond being able to control it, and I would guess we will see similar orders in the future as the melting pot begins to boil over. This divisiveness that saturates the country can only benefit those who continue to usher in "change" while setting the American public up to take the bait hook, line and sinker.

We've already seen a widely accepted movement for police departments to adopt body camera's, officers pulling back from high crime area's as homicides spike and even police officers so fearful of doing the right thing that they themselves become victims. If these numerous incidents like Ferguson and Baltimore continue as they have thus far, at some point you can bet an incident or incidents will happen that give the communists exactly what they want. And that is an excuse to justify more "change."
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 08/19/15 10:53 PM

The shooting that left a black suspect dead drew protests, with many of the roughly 150 people who gathered at the scene hurling obscene gestures and expletives at investigators and questioning the police use of deadly force. Some chanted "Black Lives Matter," a mantra used a year ago after the police shooting death of 18-year-old Michael Brown in nearby Ferguson.

No officers were injured. Their races were not disclosed.

"Another youth down by the hands of police," Dex Dockett, 42, who lives nearby, told a reporter. "What could have been done different to de-escalate rather than escalate? They (police) come in with an us-against-them mentality. You've got to have the right kind of cops to engage in these types of neighborhoods."

St. Louis Police Kill Suspect

Protestors Fill Streets

Vet robbed twice, arson, protests, interstate blocked

Suspect shot in the back

A familiar story line seems to be playing out all too often, where the police are questioned in everything they do and the race card is pulled at every opportunity. And of course, we have the mainstream media focusing in on race and making sure the rest of the country focus's in on it too. As I have previously mentioned, cities across the United States are essentially powder kegs that can explode at any time now. The media and those behind it have divided the country to the point where nearly anything can be labeled an injustice and an excuse found to make a bad situation much worse.

A growing movement seems to be a foot where being caucasion is a problem. Its playing out all too often and I would be willing to bet its a sentiment that will only continue to grow in regularity as the mainstream media marginalizes caucasions at any chance given. And we have far too many Americans who harbor and encourage the "white guilt" syndrome and further encourage its proliferation.

Once again I am reminded of Rhodesia and South Africa, a subject most Americans are completely ignorant about and the Communist mainstream media and elements of our government have pre-emptively set the stage for anyone connecting the dots to be a potential domestic terrorist. Discrediting the enemy, a hall mark of Marxist insurgency as laid out by retired Lt. General Jerry Boykin and I am getting the sense that the enemy is all too often becoming white males. And at the moment, we're seeing law enforcement drawing the brunt of the storm.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 08/22/15 04:26 PM

I recently picked up a book entitled, "Balkan Ghosts" by Robert D. Kaplan which offers an outstanding insight into Communism. Among the numerous jewels of information contained within is an account on just how far the Communists were willing to go to collect information about the citizens of Romania.

In chapter 5, Athenee Palace, Bucharest, page 82, paragraph 3 we find:

Inside the hotel were more changes. Beyond the collonade of Corinthian pillars, the Communist 1950s began, with a floomy, serpentire stair case and purple wall-to-wall carpeting. The Romanian intelligence service, the Securitatae, assisted by the KGB, had turned the Athenee Palace into an intelligence-gathering factory. The Securitatae tapped the telephones, installed microphones under the restaurant and bar tables, and in all the rooms. The hotel manager was a Securitatae colonel, and all of the 300 employee's were Securitatae agents, down to the charwomen who photographed every piece of paper in the guests rooms.

When I read that piece of information, nearly instantaneously I thought about the numerous information gathering services, devices and methods common in todays American society and how this information is being shared with countless unknown entities to develop marketing strategies and files on nearly every American in the United States today. Not long ago, one of our most respected members at the forum started a thread on the new Windows 10 program recently released and some of the comments from our membership about the ability of numerous nefarious entities to intercept perceived private communications from our electronic devices were particulary interesting.

Normally, when we think about the Communists in the United States there is a natural reaction to appoint them to the left leaning political organizations but I have for sometime maintained the position that both the left and the right are cut from the same cloth. That is to say, they are two hands of the same body and are essentially one in the same. A good example of this would be recent comments Jeb Bush made about the necessity for the National Security Agency to have even broader power than they already have.

From numerous mainstream media sources we find the NSA's ability to gather intelligence on American citizens to be common knowledge and far reaching in scope. Information is power, as retired Lt. General Jerry Boykin has pointed out a hallmark of Marxist Insurgency is discrediting the opposition and a great way to discredit the opposition is by obtaining potentially embarassing information and releasing it to the public in order to undermine their credibility and to marginalize them and their positions whenever possible.

Say for example, you're implementing laws and social engineering change within a given country and you know there are those who oppose the direction you wish to stir the country in too. Lets use Christians as a wild example. One could use information to undermine Christians in order to pre-emptively discredit them and their positions (family values) to give you the advantage that you seek.

Or for another example, you've pre-emptively labeled those who oppose Communist rule as domestic terrorists. If you could target leaders in the anti-Communist movement as those who watch interracial, gay midget clown porn based on their internet search history you could go a long way in marginalizing their message as you march forward with your new green is the new red political agenda all that much easier.

NSA Surveillance Exposed

New Released NSA Surveillance Information Draws Support and Ire

Ashley Madison Hack Ruined my Life

Ashley Madison Hack: Whats Included in the Data Dump

Ashley Madison Files Published

Josh Duggar After Ashley Madison Hack: Hypocrit

Family Values Activist Josh Duggar had Ashley Madison Account

The Duggars Religious Lifestyle

Is Josh Duggar the Biggest Family Values Hypocrit Ever? Not Even Close

Pastor Outed From Ashley Madison Hack Kills Self

400 Church Leaders Resign after Ashley Madison Hack

Ashley Madison Reveals Hypocrisy

Too Many Christians Caught using Ashley Madison

Homegrown Extremists Deadlier than Jihadists

Securitatae Warns of Domestic Terrorist Threat

Smart Phones and Spyware

NSA Testing Smart Phone Swipe Technology

NSA Aims to Identify Citizens from their Key Strokes

NSA Can Hack Most Smart Phones

Our Lives are Full of Listening Devices

Windows 10 worst feature now installing on Win7 and Win8

Your Samsung TV is Eaves Dropping on your Private Conversations
Posted by: aka-cyberman

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 08/22/15 07:52 PM

You're ou there lue, but I love it. You keep nailing it IMHO. Keep up the good work. They have files on us now.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 08/27/15 02:56 AM

Killer Vester Flanagan sent out a manifesto on Wednesday morning.

The former reporter mentions the Charleston church shooting. He wanted to incite a race war.

Flanagan wanted to incite a race war

Racially Charged

Race War: Manifesto Released

On-Air Killer Wanted a Race War

Gun man cites grievances

The headline making national and international news today was the shooting that occurred in our own backyard here in Virginia. What should come to nobodies surprise is the fact the Communist controlled mainstream media (Pravda) is focusing on gun control instead of the obvious fact it was a racially motivated attack on whites.

Perhaps that is because the mainstream media itself is complicit in dividing the nation with their near constant misrepresented reporting of "white cop shoots unarmed black teen." A phrase which has become so common place in recent years that one could easily make the mistake of believing grave injustices are being carried out against African Americans. When nothing could be further from the truth.

We have a mainstream media accepted by the general public at large as infallable. If it is reported by CNN, MSNBC,Fox etc. as true, it must be true. With little question ever as to the validity of what we're being told. In fact, to suggest anything else but what is reported to the masses is regularly regarded as a conspiracy theory. We live in a world where thinking for yourself is scoffed at. We live in a world where we are all expected to believe what someone else has decided for us is true or you're some kind of fringe, tin foil hat wearing lunatic. Its utterly insane the paradigm that the majority subscribe too. Yet its a reality.

In a world where the mainstream media reports near constant misrepresentation of unequal and unfair treatment of African Americans at the hands of law enforcement; which culminates in mass rioting, looting, arson, vandalism, robbery, violence and murder we have a racially motivated attack against two white journalist and what is the mainstream media's call to arms?

Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe (C) stated, “there are too many guns in the hands of people who should not have guns. This is why I’ve long advocated for background checks” in an interview on the shooting of a reporter and a cameraman on Washington DC’s WTOP radio, portions of which were broadcast on Wednesday’s “CNN Newsroom.”

McAuliffe touts Background Checks

Disarming America even further.

The path that America is being lead down is insanity. And the sad, unfortunate truth is most Americans will eat this story line up hook, line and sinker. The media is itself the driving force behind the division in this country and their answer to the violence is to disarm Americans through the implementation of Universal Background Checks (UBC's).

A backdoor method of gun control to create a paper trail on nearly every firearm bought and sold in the United States today and to criminalize millions of Americans who will have their second amendment rights neutralized through the health care provisions inherent to UBC legislation. The end game is confiscation of firearms. And once our right to defend yourself, your family and way of life is gone the result will be the death of our nation. Cultural Genocide.

When the media whips up mass violence on a regular basis through misrepresenated propaganda which culminates in the widespread destruction of cities across the United States and when their answer to that violence is to take away the American citizens right to defend themselves one has to seriously stop and consider what the end game is here?

It is nothing short than the social engineering of our society to become something different. A place where life as we know it today no longer exists. A place where "Americans" are now much different than they once were before. And if you look at who is behind the violence and their track record throughout history you need to ask yourself if this is who you want running your country?

Other news from around the country:

Half U.S. Immigrants on Public Assistance at Tax Payer expense

Unions and LGBT organizations gave money to Communist Party USA

Black Activist Call for Lynching and Hanging of Whites, Cops.

Texas Sheriffs Deputy Assassinated

Deputy Executed after Local Rally Promised to Off Pigs

Open Season: Sheriff Clarke says Obama Started this War on Police

Cop Killer Was Black Lives Matter Supporter

Couple arrested for torture, murder of Police Officer

Wrong Hood: Couple Stomps on Girl for Being in the Wrong Neighborhood

Mob Loots St. Louis Beauty Supply Store

One of Obama's favorite sayings has roots in Marxism

Washington State University: White Students to Defer to Non-White Students

Open Season On Whites and Cops

Media covers for BLM by Ignoring their Violence

Democratic National Committee Passes Resolution Supporting Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter Reject Democratic National Committee Support

Pigs in a Planket Chant from B.L.M after DNC Passes Resolution of Support

Communists Arrested for Shoot the Pig in the Head Graffiti

The Media Owns this Tragedy

Virginia Shooting Victim and Father are Actors
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 09/03/15 11:20 PM

"History doesnt repeat itself, but it sure does rhyme." - Mark Twain

The persecution of Christians continues in the United States as the Communists are social engineering "change" through cultural Marxism in this country to redefine what it means to be an American. The house is burning down.


Kentucky clerk ordered to jail for refusing to issue gay marriage license

ASHLAND, Ky. — For a moment there, it looked as though Kim Davis might stay out of jail.

The 49-year-old Kentucky county clerk, who grabbed the national spotlight by refusing in the face of multiple court orders to begin issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples, had been given an out.

She could remain a free woman, the judge said, if she gave permission to her deputies to sign the certificates in her stead. The judge gave her time to consult with her attorneys.

But when the court reconvened after a short recess Thursday, ­Davis was not in her seat. An attorney explained that Davis, an Apostolic Christian, “does not grant her authority nor would allow any employee to issue those licenses.”

And so Davis consigned herself to jail, sparking a fresh round of legal wrangling and political calculation in the face of the most audacious display of defiance on the issue of same-sex marriage since the Supreme Court declared in June that gay couples had a constitutional right to wed.

“I stand with Kim Davis. Unequivocally,” Sen. Ted Cruz (Tex.) said in a statement. “I stand with every American that the Obama Administration is trying to force to choose between honoring his or her faith or complying with a lawless court decision.”

Clerk Ordered to Jail for Refusing Same Sex Marriage Licences

Justice Scalia: Sign Licenses or Find a New Job

Sign or Find a New Job

Gods Authority

Communist Discredit Kim Davis's Ideology

Supremacy Clause

The Question of States Rights

Supreme Court Upholds Obamacare

Ohio to Amend Constitution to Outlaw Obamacare Mandates

Ted Cruz on Obamacare and Gay Marriage

MSNBC: Iowa, W. Va and Nullification of Obamacare - Civil War

Supreme Court Makes Same Sex Marriage a Right

Supreme Court Rules States Must Abide by Same Sex Ruling

Kim Davis, Sanctuary Cities and the Supremacy Clause

Can A Texas County Clerk Refuse to Issue a Gay Marriage License? Its Complicated

Civil War: States Right

The Soviet Union was the first state to have as an ideological objective the elimination of religion. Toward that end, the Communist regime confiscated church property, ridiculed religion, harassed believers, and propagated atheism in the schools. Actions toward particular religions, however, were determined by State interests, and most organized religions were never outlawed.

Members of the church hierarchy were jailed or forced out, their places taken by docile clergy, many of whom had ties with the KGB.

Library of Congress - .gov

After the 1917 Communist revolution, “inakomysliashie” (people who did not accept the changes) were not exiled or put into prison any more, they simply vanished. In the best of cases they were placed in Gulags (isolated hard labour concentration camps): otherwise they were instantly executed. In the 20th century, Stalin eliminated the majority of non-Orthodox believers. Some Orthodox priests became communists, which allowed them to still keep some churches open. These priests worked closely with the KGB (State Security Service). They reported everyone who wanted to be baptized or to baptize a child: those involved could then easily lose their jobs or be taken to a labour camp without any further investigation.

The Soviets organized widespread anti-religious propaganda. They were especially against Evangelicals and Baptists (the word ‘Baptist’ still carries very strong negative connotations for many Russians).Communism severely persecuted any signs of Biblical faith. It was absolutely forbidden to speak about faith, God, or the Bible:

Christianity in Russia
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 09/05/15 06:38 PM

There is absolutely no question in my mind whether or not the United States is moving into a Communist direction. This entire thread serves to lay any doubts to rest. Whether you, the individual reader wants to accept this information or not is your decision to make.

The real questions involve how has this come about and why?

In an attempt to explain exactly what is going on, putting all of the pieces together leads me to one of the oldest conspiracy theories I can remember reading about on the internet and I am inclined to subscribe to this theory based on all of the information I have seen thus far and more.

This Agenda is a plan of action for people, planet and prosperity. It also seeks to strengthen universal peace in larger freedom. We recognise that eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, is the greatest global challenge and an indispensable requirement for sustainable development. All countries and all stakeholders, acting in collaborative partnership, will implement this plan.

They seek to realize the human rights of all and to achieve gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls. They are integrated and indivisible and balance the three dimensions of sustainable development: the economic, social and environmental.

Sustainable Development

The People’s Republic of China is the #1 greenhouse gas emitter (having only recently raced past the U.S. to the top of this list), and last week the country’s government ordered a huge increase in coal production. Nonetheless, the Middle Kingdom is “doing it right” when it comes to climate change, according to Christiana Figueres, the top climate diplomat at the United Nations.

UN: Communism is the key to fighting Global Warming

A report from PJ Media beautifully illustrates how the climate-change contingent is aligned with Communists who hope to change the American system.

Communist Agenda Behind Climate Change

Obama to Alaska to Shine Light on Climate Change

Obama Takes Climate Message to Alaska

If you've been watching the news lately its been hard to miss the coverage surrounding the migration of immigrants into Europe, many of whom are from war torn and poverty stricken regions of the world.

Why Europes migration crisis is surging

Turkish PM lashes out at "Christian Fortress" Europe

Muslim Nations Refuse Syrian Refugee's

Germany and Austria Open Borders for Migrants

Thousands March against Immigration in Germany

Dave Hodges on Sharia Law and Immigration

U.S to accept 10,000 Syrian Refugee's

John Kerry: Number of Refugee's Could Rise to 100,000 in Future

Obama Wont Let Syrian Christians into U.S.

Syrian Christians Denied Entry into U.S.

It is also common knowledge that immigration is a big issue in the United States as well, with an open borders policy in place and a president who has promised amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants within the country. Amnesty is also one of the Revolution Communist Party USA's main declared goals, and the basis for many illegal aliens reasonings for leaving their own poverty stricken home lands in order to seek out better living conditions here in the United States. What we are witnessing is wealth redistribution on a grand scale, a hallmark of Communist theory.

There appears to be a profound United Nations influence in the policies of not only the United States but many other countries around the world as well. And with headlines such as immigration, global warming/climate change, gender equality, race relations, police brutality etc. a common theme in todays society it has lead me to believe that the Communist direction being taken in the United States all points right back to the sustainable development plan detailed at the United Nations website.

It is my hope that this post is the funniest, craziest thing any of you have read and laugh about this message for days, weeks, months and years to come as you talk with other Americans. Because this theory would mean far more is to come in the United States as the house burns down, including subject matter which will ultimately have a profound affect on this website and our way of life as Americans today. So by all means people, clown myself, this thread and subject matter at every opportunity possible because the more people who are aware of this subject the better. I have a feeling you will not be laughing forever, at some point this is all going to become much more serious even if its implemented incrementally right under our collective noses.

As detailed in post 862086, the shooting of Michael Brown from Ferguson, Missouri has been brought up to the U.N and numerous other circumstances and events from around the country have also caught the U.N's attention as they inject themselves into American politics and social issues. Considering elements of the United States government are clearly in line with Communist ideology, one has to sit on this information and strongly examine other elements related to the United States and the United Nations.

The Arms Trade Treaty - UN Office for Disarmament Affairs

The Obama Administration Signs the UN Gun Control Treaty

Treaty Regulating Global Arms Trade Goes Into Effect Wednesday

Merry Christmas From the United Nations: The UN Arms Treaty Took Effect on December 24th

Gun control groups cheered as the UN Arms Trade Treaty went into effect on Christmas Eve.

How the UN is confiscating homes and controlling all food and energy

UN urges US to Designate Immigrants as Refugee's
Posted by: aka-cyberman

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 09/05/15 06:46 PM

Posted by: toughtom12

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 09/05/15 10:10 PM

Keep up the good work Lue! I enjoy reading the links to stories that you have posted. I am still not sold on the idea that Communism is a major threat to the U.S. at the moment, but I am certain that there is an element of communist sympathy in many of the instances of civil unrest that we have seen. I admire your passion to keep spreading the word on what you see as an immediate threat to our way of life. I apologize for leaving my earlier snarky comments, I figured that you were just another tin foil hat nutter. I can see that you are sincere, and I hope for everyone's sake that you are wrong.
Posted by: Paratus

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 09/07/15 09:15 AM

lue-jones is correct. Witness the rise in popularity of Bernie Sanders for the Dem ticket.
Posted by: aka-cyberman

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 09/07/15 03:05 PM

Love reading Lue's posts Can you imagine if a Pinko like Bernie gets elected?
Posted by: Paratus

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 09/09/15 10:35 AM

Originally Posted By: aka-cyberman
Love reading Lue's posts Can you imagine if a Pinko like Bernie gets elected?

What a disaster. We have Obama and now are persecuting Christians for their religious positions. I can't imagine it being better if we were to have an admitted socialist rather than a closet socialist in the White House.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 09/09/15 10:39 AM

The proposed settlement came just over a month before the first of the six Baltimore police officers charged in Mr. Gray's death is scheduled to stand trial.

Baltimore says Wrongful Death Civil Settlement Reached

The city of Baltimore has essentially acknowledged wrong doing in the case of Freddy Gray before a single officer has been convicted or even stood trial and has set the stage for more rioting should any or all of these officers be acquitted. As we've seen previously, just the suggestion of wrong doing by the Communist propaganda tool known as the mainstream media lead to widespread rioting, looting and violence in the city and now we have an acknowledgment of guilt before any of the officers trials have even begun.

This is poisoning the well and has put a major dent in any attempts to give these officers a fair trial because guilt has been acknowledged before a single trial has begun. This is not how you put a fair and impartial jury together and has jeopardized these officers right to a legitimate trial. It has also jeopardized the safety of the entire city should any of them be found not guilty.

Below you will see a great deal if not all of the trouble in Baltimore could have been avoided if facts surrounding Freddy Grays previous attempts to injure himself in police custody had come to light. Instead the narrative was broadcasted world wide that he was treated unfairly and poorly while in custody which lead to his wrongful death.

Defense Says Prosecutors Withheld Evidence

This reminds me of the 1992 Los Angeles riots where mayhem broke out after the acquittal of the police officers involved in the Rodney King incident.

(CNN)Here is some background information about the 1992 riots in Los Angeles. The riots stemmed from the acquittal of four white Los Angeles Police Department officers in the beating of black motorist Rodney King in 1991.

Los Angeles Riot Fast Facts

So we have a Mayor that ordered a police stand down during the riots, allowing them to grow in severity as the city burned and unrest grew in a case where information was purposely withheld that suggested Freddy Gray had a history of injuring himself in police custody which would throw into doubt any suggestion of wrong doing in his death and now we have an acknowledgement of guilt and civil settlement before a single officer has stood trial. The city of Baltimore has to know full well this all stinks to high heaven and has set the tone for even more violence should any of these officers be found not guilty.

There is no doubt in my mind that the very suspicious circumstances surrounding the escalation of tensions in Baltimore all leads right back to the Obama administration and the Department of Justice. The same DOJ who admonished the Ferguson Police in the aftermath of the Michael Brown shooting. Itself a case where violence against police was pre-emptively reported as an injustice against the African American community. Lets all hope justice is served and everything immediately following goes peacefully because this could lead to even more unrest very easily.

For additional information please see the links below:

Baltimore Police Union Calls Freddy Gray Settlement Obscene

Baltimore Announces 6.4 million dollar Settlement in Freddy Gray Case

Balitmore Mayor Ordered Police Stand Down

Baltimore Mayor Requests Justice Department Probe

Baltimore Mayor Announces DOJ Partnership

DOJ Report: Ferguson Police Created Toxic Environment

DOJ Report: Ferguson Police Escalated Tensions

Department of Justice Admonishes Ferguson Police
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 09/15/15 12:51 PM

I'm surprised more Americans do not think the circumstances and events unfolding in this country are at the very least, highly unusual.. I dont know if people by in large are truly this stupid, too busy with their own lives to pay attention enough to care or are afraid of speaking out for fear of being marginalized with any number of labels such as conspiracy theorist etc. but we're not in Kansas anymore folks.

Baltimore Prepares to Receive Syrian Refugee's

Elusive Numbers on Illegal Immigrants and Crime Statistics

This post is an extension of post 943984 in that Syrian refugee's are being imported in by the thousands across the United States with little to no background checks, screenings etc. and it is my belief this is all directly related to the Agenda 21 sustainable development plan from the United Nations. Not only are we receiving Syrian refugee's displaced by a conflict the United States has a great hand in supporting and instigating, but we've also opened our borders up to the south and have literally bused in tens of thousands of immigrants from Central and South America across the United States as well. And thats only a conservative estimate at best.

This is a hallmark of Communism, wealth redistribution, and its all ultimately going to fall back on the American tax payer. And while all of this is going on, we've got law enforcement coming under tremendous pressure and being targeted for violence and assassination while Communist agitator propagandists have stirred up unrest in the African American community in cities across the United States.

We've also got the federal government forcing policies such as Obamacare, same sex marriage etc. on the American people in what is essentially a states rights issue which was one of many reasons the Civil War was fought and the nation is being purposely divided. Itself, a hallmark of Communist insurgency in that the division of the bourgeoisie and proletariat represent a class struggle which Communism thrives upon.

We're headed for trouble people, one way or another the change President Obama campaigned on is here and we as Americans and our cultural identity are being purposely circumvented into something new. This is all very serious business, but so many Americans are operating as if this is business as usual. Negative, its time to forget about keeping up with the Kardashians and football season and start focusing on getting into education and politics at the local level. Its time to start focusing in on the preservation of American culture and way of life. I know I am spitting into the wind here, but the house is burning down.
Posted by: aka-cyberman

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 09/15/15 10:18 PM

This country has turned into a dumping ground. You know we aren't getting the Doctors, Scientists and Educated ones from Syria. We'll get the bottom of the barrel.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 09/17/15 09:21 AM

Recently thinking about what many of the most controversial issues in the United States today have in common, a kind of eureka moment was reached when I realized we're talking about circumstances and events that could easily lead to a second American civil war or a third American war for independence.

Confederate Flag

Jade Helm

The Trans-Pacific Partnership

Indiana Religious Freedom Restoration Act

South Carolina Appeals Federal Court Reversal on Same Sex Marriage

States Can Ignore Supreme Court Ruling on Gay Marriage

Should Same Sex Marriage Be Left To The States

West Virginia Moves to Nullify Obamacare

Indiana, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee Move to Nullify Obamacare

Texas Refuses to Implement Obamacare

As information I have detailed in the links above attest too, Jade Helm 15 was a domestic military exercise widely publicized throughout the United States and world which just happened to list states with a secessionist movement as hostile territory. One of the exceptions to Posse Comitatus, or the ability of American troops to operate on United States soil, is the threat of domestic insurrection. Which of course is exactly what a secessionist movement is.

What we've seen throughout the country in recent years is the question of states rights versus the federal implementation of the rule of law. We have the Supreme Court making controversial decisions that govern the entire country such as same sex marriage and Obamacare with a federal government opening up the borders to illegal immigration from Central and South America and even importing immigrants from war torn and poverty stricken countries from all over the world. Some of which are a direct result of American foreign policy over sea's.

The question of how power should be divided between the federal government and the states is really what American politics has been all about for well over two centuries. It is a question debated by delegates to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in 1787, debated by Federalists and Anti-Federalists during the ratification period, and debated between and within our political parties ever since. Elections have been won and lost on this question, and a Civil War fought over it.

President Obama campaigned on change, and that is exactly what we have seen since his 2008 election. But change for who or what? The answer is relatively obvious, change for America and the American people. When you change America, you turn it into something new. Something different. When you support this change, you're not supporting any kind of ideal that lends itself to the notion of what America was. You're supporting what America is going to be. And that doesn't make you anything but a pseudo-American, because a real American would support lady liberty and what America actually means. Not what someone else, or a group of people want America to be.

We have previously fought a war over the issue of states rights, and we're seeing a drastic federal over reach in this country where any number of hotly contested issues are being made the new normal. What Americans and states in particular are being forced to do is accept the new rule of law or be left with little other choice but to secede from the union, balkanize our formerly great nation and attempt to forge ahead with a similar path to what many Americans today still feel is the continuation of the original path and definition(s) of what it means to be an American.

When Jade Helm 15 widely publicized states with a secessionist movement as hostile, it does not strike me as too far-fetched of an idea to conclude this exercise was at the very least designed to send a message to the politicians and people in these states that the threat of military force exist in order to bring these area's into compliance with president Obama's change. Which as I have stated previously in this thread looks very much like the United Nations Agenda 21 sustainable development plan.

How much more change is America willing to endure before some states are left with little other option but secession? There are any number of constitutional issues which could be discussed as being infringed upon to include freedom of speech, freedom of religion, the right to bear arms, unreasonable searches and seizures, the right to be secure in your persons, papers and effects etc. and at some point it is not unreasonable to assume one or more parts of the country will throw their hands up and decide it is time to go it alone and on their own.

What exactly is patriotism to you? When we were attacked on 9/11 there was a mainstream media outcry for Americans to be patriotic and not to question the governments decision in invading Iraq and Afghanistan as a response. Now Americans are increasingly being forced to accept change in this country as also a patriotic duty. But is changing America and laying down to accept it patriotic? Or is embracing traditional American ideals, concepts and way of life patriotic? Something to think about as same sex marriage, illegal immigration, Obamacare, wealth redistribution, civil unrest, loss of privacy, unwavering political correctness etc. become the new normal in an America which was founded on the rebellion of tyranny.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 09/28/15 07:57 PM

Before you under take any task, whether its something small like fixing the kitchen sink or something a little bit more challenging like replacing an engine its always a good idea to have some kind of idea of what you're getting into and what you're up against. Blindly charging into any job with out some kind of idea of what you're about to do is always a fool hardy decision and is the reason many people choose to hire a professional instead of electing to take the chance of making a bad situation worse.

I've come to realize that both Communism and Capitalism are little more than systems of operation which serve to control society as whole. In the case of the United States, Capitalism is the system of control our country has ran under for longer than any of us here at the forum have been alive. Its what we know, it serves as a defining characteristic of our society and its how nearly all of us have come to understand our way of life today. But as this thread lays out, things are changing in the United States and we're seeing elements of another system of operation, Communism, creep into our collective well beings.

Most Americans are under the impression we have voted and elected our political figures in legitimate elections, but whatever the case may be, it is these political figure heads who have ultimately laid the ground work for change. We all answer to somebody, and in the United States our political leaders are alleged to answer to the American people?

What I have noticed in recent days and weeks on the various mainstream media broad casts is a focus on the Pope visiting the United States and interestingly enough, the United Nations seems to have received its fair share of exposure to the American people. This is not a surprise to me, as for sometime now I have expected the United Nations to take an ever increasing role in the lives of Americans.

Below are 17 goals of the United Nations in what appears to be a continuation of the Agenda 21 Sustainable Development Plan. Notice this is being billed as the 2030 developmental goals of the United Nations.

End poverty in all its forms everywhere

End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture

Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all

Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all

Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation

Reduce inequality within and among countries

Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development

Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification and halt and reverse land degradation, and halt biodiversity loss

Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels

Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development

Just recently I saw a commercial whose chief message was bringing an end to poverty. What that meant to me was wealth redistribution, as previously discussed elsewhere in this thread, wealth redistribution is one of Karl Marx's 10 planks of Communism. With both Capitalism and Communism being systems of control, systems of governance, its important to understand this basic premise when learning more about the subject.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 10/12/15 02:48 PM

“How do you persuade a nation of relatively freedom-loving individuals to march in lock step with a police state? You start by convincing them that they’re in danger, and only the government can protect them. Keep them keyed up with constant danger alerts, and the occasional terrorist incident, whether real or staged. Distract them with wall-to-wall news coverage about sinking ships, disappearing planes and pseudo-celebrities spouting racist diatribes. Use blockbuster movies, reality shows and violent video games to hype them up on military tactics, and then while they’re distracted and numb to all that is taking place around them, indoctrinate their young people to your way of thinking , relying primarily on the public schools and popular culture “.

Agenda 21

Above is a similar message to what retired Command Sgt. Major Dan Page has warned the United States and world about and echo's similar messages elsewhere in this thread as well. In this article here, Obama seeks tighter gun restrictions, GOP wants focus on mental health we see that what Obama and the GOP want are essentially one in the same. A major part of Universal Background Checks is the opening up medical records to be included in the proposed changes to the background check system already in place. But notice how these two idea's seem to be portrayed as oppossing. This should make a compromise on the situation fairly easy to obtain since both liberals and conservatives are shooting into the same barrel already.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 10/22/15 12:15 PM

It’s only rural and suburban whites who are in love with their guns, and they’re being replaced due to low birth rates and high rates of immigration.

Yet whites, who comprise 63 percent of the population today, won’t be the majority for long. Racial minorities are soon to be a majority, and they are the nation’s strongest supporters of strict gun laws.

“As the immigration-backed socialist takeover of America continues, they will speak more boldly,” Gheen told WND. “And those who support mass legal immigration and rampant illegal immigration are driven by animosity toward whites, gun owners, and Americans of all races loyal to the Constitution and Bill of Rights.”

“What remains to be seen is what plans these socialist aggressors have for the millions of Americans they know they’ll have to kill to achieve their goal of full gun confiscation,” he said.

There are an estimated 90 million Americans who own at least one firearm.

“Socialist and communist governments have killed more than 100 million of their own citizens over the decades, but that can’t happen here as long as enough Americans are armed and loyal to the Constitution.”

For those interested in reading more:

Revolutionary Communist Party, USA linked to Pro Amnesty

Communist Party USA calls for 'street heat' to push for Amnesty

Masked Muslims Burn Christian Church To The Ground

Muslim Gangs Plunder German Churches

Germany Cracks Down on Online Anti-Immigrant Speech

Angela Merkels Response to Mass Migration Concerns

Sunni Muslims March for Jihad in Copenhagen

Muslim Migrants March Through Slovenia like Invading Soldiers

Swedes Find Weapons Stash at Migrant Center

Migrant Crisis: Refugee's Trudge Through Hungary

Refugee Crisis: Europe Takes Many, Gulf States Take None

Gun men attack luxary hotel in Mali

Paris Attacks

Paris Attack Leaves More Than 100 Dead

Islamic Invasion Pulls Trigger: Europeans Scramble for Guns

EU Response to Paris Attacks

Muslims Say They Will Make it Legal to Rape White Women

What Muslim Immigrants Secretly Say: Raping, Robbing

Muslim Migrant Rapes 7 year old European Child

Sweden: Rape Capital of the West

Americans Need to See Why Sweden is Rape Capital of West

Sweden Shocked Again as Swedish Woman Raped to Death by Immigrant

Sweden Raises Terror Threat Level

Belgium Raises Terror Threat Level

EU Running Out of Money to Handle Immigration Crisis

Migration Crisis Causing Deep Division

As Migrants Flow In, More Europeans Question Open Borders

Obama Opens Borders

Obama Admin Issues Leaflet to ISIS Warning of Bombing Run

Muslim Truck Drivers Refuse to Deliver Beer, Win Lawsuit

Honduras Detains 5 Syrians With Stolen Passports

Exploding Muslim Immigration Overwhelms the FBI

FBI Admits It Cant Vet All Refugee's

Officials Fear Refugee's Pose a Threat

Senior Obama Officials Warn of Challenges in Vetting Refugee's

Refugee Program Called Backdoor for Jihadists

How Do Syrian Refugee's Get Into the U.S.

Study: Mideast Immigrants Pose Security Threat to the U.S.

Immigration to Swell U.S. Muslim Population to 6.2 Million

Obama Administration to Import Thousands of Syrian Refugee's

Muslim Immigration to U.S. is Staggering

U.S. To Take Atleast 10,000 More Syrian Refugee's

Refugee Crisis: Pressure Builds for U.S. To Take In More Refugee's

Missing Syrian Refugee Found in D.C.

Obama to States: You Dont Have the Power to Stop Refugee's

Big List of Muslim Terrorists Attacks in U.S.

Obama Rejects Intell on Known Islamic Terrorists

Communist Attorney General Vows to Prosecute Anti-Muslim Rhetoric

ISIS: We Will Use Refugee Crisis to Infiltrate West

ISIS Infiltrating Refugee's

Teenager Claims She Was Gang Raped by Syrian Refugee's

Michigan City Adopts Sharia Law

Poll: Most U.S. Muslims Would Trade Constitution for Sharia Law

Muslims Try to Pass Sharia Law in Alabama

Muslim Call to Prayer on UCLA Campus

UCLA: Allah is Great Call to Prayer

Cultural Genocide

CNN Guest: Its Cultural Genocide
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 11/06/15 12:44 PM

For those paying attention, there is essentially a proxy war brewing in Syria between Russia and the United States. Always on the look out for more information surrounding Communism, below is a piece written 35 years ago from Hal Lindsey which has proved to be a most interesting book that I recently picked up.

Another Fatal Miscalculation:

Alexander Solzhenitsyn, who understands communism as well as anyone alive, made this comment about our stance toward China: "In expectation of World War III, the West again seeks cover, and finds Communist China an ally! This is another betrayal, not only of Taiwan, but of the entire oppressed Chinese people. Moreover, it is a mad, suicidal policy: Having supplied billion-strong China with American arms, the west will defeat the U.S.S.R., but thereafter no force on earth will restrain communist China from world conquest."

Solzhenitsyn echoes Biblical prophets, who said that the Oriental people, led by China, will battle the western nations in the planets last great war. So it is plain to see that the arms we are now sending the Chinese will be turned against us after the Russians are destroyed in the Middle East.

Communism is Communism, No Matter Who it Enslaves

Our leader's idea that one form of communism (Chinese) is good and another (Russian) is bad is the height of folly and misunderstanding. Yet our foreign policy planners continue to act on that theory. Their racist notion claims that Soviet communism is brutal because of the nature of the Russian people. That type of thinking ignores history.

Solzhenitsyn correctly observed: "Communism can implement (its) 'ideals' only by destroying the core and foundation of a nations life. He who understands this will not for a minute believe Chinese communism is more peace-loving than the Soviet variety (it is simply that its teeth have not yet grown) or that Marshall Tito's brand is kindly by nature. The latter was also leavened with blood, and it too consolidated its power by mass killings." - Hal Lindsey "The 1980's: Countdown to Armageddon" pages 95-96.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 12/17/15 01:44 PM

Virginia High School Lesson: There is no god but Allah

Above is a link to an all too familiar story playing out across the country, where Islamic religion is being taught in the public school system while at the same time the Christian religion is shunned. Many of you will remember Giles County in the South-West region of Virginia making national headlines over the 10 Commandments being posted on school grounds. Yet we see another school in the Commonwealth openly teaching an Islamic principle. Apparently what is good for the goose is not good for the gander? What we're seeing is an example of Cultural Marxism unfolding in our very own state, but unfortunately its a trend that can be seen nation wide.

Where once the United States was a Christian nation, now we see a movement to erase that notion and instead introduce a new identity to the country where Christianity no longer reigns supreme and instead we have a very different kind of people than before. A place where there is no tradition, no sense of self but instead a people who are anything and everything but unique. While the right to freedom of religion is a first amendment right to the Constitution, what we're seeing instead of equality is the pushing of one religion over another which has a long history in the country. It is absolutely an attempt to erase our traditional identity and usher in a new ideology to our children who are of course our future.

For those interested in reading more, please see the links below.

Fear of Islamic Indoctrination in America's Public School System

School Accused of Islamic Indoctrination

Islamic Indoctrination is Nationwide Epidemic

Islamic Indoctrination

Syrian Immigration Quietly Tops 100,000 Since 2012

Czech President: Migrant Crisis is Organized Invasion

Berlin: Muslims Beat Christians for Xmas Fun

France Closes Three Mosques, Finds Hundreds of Weapons

Muslim Rapes Co-Worker to Force Her to Convert to Islam and Marry Him

Militant Muslim Youths Storm Christian Church

Christian Camps Told to Remove Crosses Before Arrival of Migrants

Muslim Screams Allah Akbar Runs over Soldier

1,000 Migrants Rape, Steal, Brawl at Trainstation

Christians Now a Minority in UK
Posted by: aka-cyberman

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 12/17/15 07:00 PM

Typical of Obama's Federal Government's Department of Education. Our Governor McAullife must be a co-signer of it in Virginia. This just isn't right. I could go on and on with this, but I don't want to bore anyone. I hope I would be preaching to the choir. Thanks again lue.
Posted by: toughtom12

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 12/17/15 10:47 PM

Public Schools should be secular! The only time they should be discussing religion is when they are discussing history. They can describe how Christianity and Islam were invented, and how they became 2 of the most popular religions. They should be treated no differently than when school kids learn about Thor and Odin, or Zues and Apollo. If people don't want their children to learn about the history of the worlds religions, I suppose they have the right opt out, just like Sex Ed.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 12/27/15 11:10 AM

NEWPORT NEWS, Va. (WAVY) — A large fight broke out at Patrick Henry Mall on Jefferson Avenue Saturday night, according to Newport News Police.

Witnesses on the scene told WAVY that a group of around 50 to 60 kids and small groups began fighting near the mall’s food court. They described the scene at the mall as complete chaos.

Police say the crowd involved in the fight was estimated to be around 200. Officers on the scene saw several fights involving what appeared to be teenagers.

?Police say they received no reports of an active shooter or shots fired on mall property?

Amish Mafia Riot in Newport News

Police believe the young people were middle schools and high schools ages. They said there were between 1,000 and 2,000 of the juveniles.

A police chopper was also monitoring the situation from above.

St. Matthews police spokesman Dennis McDonald said the Police Department's command staff called TARC to request extra buses in the area to transport the young people, many who were without their parents, away from the area.

McDonald said it was tough to make any arrests, because officers were too busy breaking up the large group of disorderly young people.

"I don't believe this was organized, I believe this was random.

Officers also received reports about shots fired inside the mall and in the parking lot, but those reports have not been confirmed.

Frat Boys and Amish Thugs Riot in Mall

A wise man once said political correctness is Communism writ small. Ask yourself where do our notions of political correctness come from? Is it the media? Our school system? What is the driving force behind the movement in the United States to deny the truth and attempt to excuse it with any number of explanations besides the obvious? Our entire social contract is dictated by those who seek to hide reality and replace it with fantasy notions.

For those who have followed this thread close enough, this subject should have a ring of familiarity too it. One only needs to see what is happening now in real time to imagine what things will be like in the future should the far left continue to poison the well of truth. Rhodesia, South Africa anyone?

For those interested in reading more please see the links below:

Merriam Webster: Flash Mob Definition

Flash Mobs Flood Philadelphia

Flash Mobs in Philadelphia

Macon: Flash Mobs Assault Man In Wheel Chair

Flash Mob: So many stories, not enough room

Increasingly Violent Flash Mobs Worry Authorities

Black Flash Mob Attacks Innocent White Victims

Why is the media white washing black flash Mob Violence?

Little Evidence Social Media Behind Flash Mob Violence

CBS: Media Covers Up Flash Mob Violence

CNN: Shame on White People

Father Flee's As Daughter Is Gang Raped in NY

Black Youths Jump Couple

4 Insane Reasons the Left Romaticizes Radical Islam

Germany: Islamic Assylum Seekers Among Those in Mass Sexual Assault Incident

Lawmakers to Obama: Stop Importing the Threat

Phili Cop Shooter Traveled to Middle East

Migrant Boys Sexually Assault Girls For Months

Woman Sexually Assaulted by Immigrants Called Racist For Speaking Out

Muslims Demand Swiss Flag Be Changed

13 Year Old German Girl Kidnapped and Gang Raped by Muslim Migrants

Imam: Cologne Women Had It Coming Because of Clothing and Perfume

Muslim Migrants Grope Swedish Woman, Demand She Make Sex

Migrants Masterbate in Pools, Defecate in Showers

Germans Battle Refugee Sex Assaults with Signs, Cartoons

Mother Regrets Welcoming attitude: Son Raped by Refugee

U.S. To Issue Visa's to 300,000 Migrants

Portland State Aims to Shame Whiteness

Muslim with Machete attacks Israeli-Christians in Ohio

Brooklyn Attacks take Anti-White Turn
Posted by: lue-jones

We're Not In Kansas Anymore - 01/17/16 06:37 AM

Washington Post: They Have Too Much Privilege

Washington Post: Disarm Them

CNN: Restrict Their Liberty and Freedom

Washington Post: Restrict Their Speech

CNN: Replace Them

Recently, I became curious on exactly how many Americans are actually capable of understanding what is going on in this country? According to this .gov website the average Americans reading comprehension level is at a 7th grade level or below. And 21% of us are screwed if it exceeds a 5th grade level. So it doesn't surprise me in the least bit that a Communist insurgency is taking place in this country, headed by the United Nations and most Americans are fascinated with last nights NFL game instead of the tyranny unfolding before our very eyes.

Most Americans are concerned with unicorns, rainbows and hop-scotch while avoiding reality. Much like a tragic comedy, an alarming number of people in this country want to write off reality as conspiracy theory instead of conspiracy fact. Not surprising when the only thing they're capable of understanding is pizza, beer and jolly ranchers.

We're not in Kansas anymore. The Commies are not coming, they've already arrived and have set up shop. In perhaps one of the most brilliant militarily orchestrated moves in history, the Communists have infiltrated and subverted the United States and in the process have tricked Capitalists into being blissfully unaware of their socialist indoctrination all the while espousing just that. Communist ideology.

We have members at this very forum who work for the Department of Homeland Security that think those of us capable of reading above a 7th grade level are in fact the enemy. Who is going to be left when they lock up, imprison or kill every American capable of understanding what is going on in this country? I will tell you. An easily controlled, dumbed down population of subservient "Americans" who will do as they are told, think and believe as they are instructed in order for those in power to remain in power. Ruling with an iron fist and incrementally ostracizing anyone who does not espouse politically correct thought.

60 Minutes Crew Assaulted by European Migrants
Posted by: aka-cyberman

Re: We're Not In Kansas Anymore - 01/18/16 06:33 AM

lue-jones hits another Home Run. We are turning into Sheeple. Maybe we'll wake up when the Government begins Gun Confiscation. It will be too late by then. There are Jack Booted Thugs out there that are wringing their hands to do this, all the while thinking they'll be immune to it.Ready to follow orders. IDK.....I'm glad I'm old and probably won't see this play out in my lifetime, but it's coming. God help us if someone like Bernie Sanders gets elected. Hillary will be bad, but nothing compared to Bernie.
Posted by: 9mmchallenger

Re: We're Not In Kansas Anymore - 01/19/16 10:57 AM

it has and is started in our schools. there is no learing anymore, they are not taught how to understand and comprehend. they are given set things to memorize and fill out on tests, the family has been destroid by 2 working parents and schools and daycares rasing our children. such a push of work hard and buy your kids crap or your not a good parent, spending time and properlky raising your children is not the priority. so kids have became disconnected, uneducated and expect everything given to them. so now when they get older they are ripe to be controlled by the goverment. the goverment will provide for them and give them drone type lives staring at there electronics with no real thought of there own. man that sounds like a bad movie plot.
Posted by: Shotz

Re: We're Not In Kansas Anymore - 01/19/16 02:18 PM

Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 01/20/16 11:22 AM

It has been hard to miss the propaganda on the mainstream news lately concerning the water crisis in Flint, Michigan. Not so coincidentally, the United Nations is also concerned about issues related to water in Michigan and elsewhere. It is not a coincidence I have been writing about the United Nations becoming an increasingly familiar entity in matters concerning the United States, as the writing is on the wall and is crystal clear.

UN Shocked By Detroits Mass Water Shut Off

Detroits Water Crisis: The Flood of Inequality

Why is the United Nations sticking their nose in our business? Why is the United Nations behind the influx of Middle Eastern migrants into the United States and elsewhere? Why is the United Nations concerned about the influx of illegal aliens from Central and South America on the Southern border? Why did Michael Browns parents address the UN? Why is Hillary Clinton only recently parroting concerns about police brutality in the United States that echo those of the United Nations?

Why is the United Nations concerned about firearms and related paraphanelia in the United States? Honestly this is all just the tip of the iceberg concerning the UN's meddling in American affairs. It all goes back to the Agenda 21 Sustainable Development Plan. It is the New World Order that so many American politicians and other world leaders have talked about for years.

Again, take a good look at what the UN did in Rhodesia and what happened to that country and its people as a result. And we're seeing the long arm of the United Nations reaching into America as we speak. Turn on the television and see for yourself. Think the constant bashing of white, Christian Americans in the mainstream media is merely a coincidence?
Posted by: Mark S

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 01/20/16 08:47 PM

This is just one more instance of the MSM showing its stripes.

The Flint City council voted 7-1 for the water project. The entire city council is Democrat, Black and currently has 2 felons serving on it.

The mayor, no longer in office pushed for it and got it through as did the current major, also Dems.

The entire elected body of Genesee County is Dem and all backed it.

The prior governor Grantham a Dem backed it.

But, now it is the Republican Governor's fault.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 01/25/16 09:44 PM

If by chance you have been watching the CNN Iowa Democratic Town Hall meeting tonight, which is on at this very moment you may recognize the ideological concepts coming from Sen. Bernie Sanders.

Two key Communist principles are resounding in his speeches, division between the classes (Bourgeois vs Proletariat) and wealth redistribution. You will also notice how these ideological concepts are fluffed up with any number of feel good topics in order to sell the American people on the idea. The audience "democrats" is eating it up hook, line and sinker too.

And, living up to his image as a self-declared Democratic socialist, he warned corporations and the richest Americans that they would pay more.

"Yes, you are going to start paying for your fair share of taxes," Sanders said. "I demand that Wall Street start paying its fair share of taxes."

Clinton, Sanders Highlight Differences
Posted by: wolfman

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 01/25/16 09:54 PM

Google Yuri Bezmenov.
Posted by: aka-cyberman

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 01/25/16 09:57 PM

I was watching UFC and switched over. The 1st thing out of his mouth was raising taxes. If you want your taxes raised, this is your guy.
Posted by: LBwill1960

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 01/26/16 09:52 AM

Saw a highlight from it on late news . This came out of Hitlerly's mouth. "I am the only one with experience to keep you safe HERE and ABROAD" :0

Bet them folks that lost a loved one in Bengazi might have different view of that.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 01/31/16 08:41 PM

The Soviet Union routinely locked up dissidents in asylums, a practice that attracted worldwide condemnation because of the protests of Andrei Sakharov and other human-rights activists. Today, 16 years after the Soviet collapse, authorities are increasingly returning to psychiatry to suppress political opponents or punish activists, according to human-rights organizations and other watchdog groups.

The trend reflects a government that has yet to fully divest itself from a Soviet way of thinking and governing, says Yuri Savenko, president of the Independent Psychiatric Association of Russia.

"We're returning to this Soviet scenario when psychiatric institutions are used as punitive instruments," said Savenko. "I call this not even punitive psychiatry but police psychiatry, when the main aim is to protect the state rather than to treat sick people."

Russian Dissidents Called Mentally Ill and Locked Up

For some time now I have suspected the medical records aspect of Universal Background Checks would ultimately be used as a backdoor to prevent an untold number of Americans from legally obtaining firearms. Above we see how mental health has been used as a political weapon before by the Communists.

Below we see an article laying out the fact a government panel is recommending all Americans under go a mental health screening.

The potential for abuse is quite evident especially considering psychology and psychiatry are considered fringe academic disciplines where diagnoses can be very subjective, open for interpretation by those who do not follow a rigorous scientific method. In California for example, someone with as little training as a nurse can recommend involuntary committment. Which is enough to revoke your 2nd amendment rights alone.

All adults in the U.S., including pregnant and postpartum women, should be screened for depression when they visit the doctor, according to new recommendations released by a government-appointed panel.

All Americans Should Be Screened For Depression
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 01/31/16 09:44 PM

The UN Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent criticized disparities in wealth, health care, and criminal justice for African Americans.

UN Group Recommends Reparatory Justice for African Americans

The increasingly familiar face of the United Nations in matters of American affairs is hard to ignore. Again, the history of the nation formerly known as Rhodesia comes to mind. A place where Communist Insurgency lead to wide spread anti-white sentiment on a scale few Americans understand. Knowledge is power.

College Tuition: Bill Would Pay Frat Boys Not to Committ Crimes
Posted by: lue-jones

Voter Fraud - 02/04/16 02:19 PM

C-Span: Clinton Voter Fraud

Trump Accuses Cruz of Voter Fraud

C-Span Video Proves Your Vote Means Nothing

Nothing to see here folks, move along.

Why Iowa Matters

Biggest Lesson: Iowa Matters

Virginia/Maryland Voting Fraud

Fairfax Dems Warn of Voting Machine Problems

Woman Convicted of Voter Fraud Honored By Ohio Democrats

Ohio Voting Fraud

Kansas Mathematician Finds Voting Irregularities

Machines Switch Republican Votes to Democrat

New Jersey: Voters Directed to Party Specific Machines

Fox: Florida Voting Fraud

Florida Voting Fraud
Posted by: aka-cyberman

Re: Voter Fraud - 02/04/16 06:49 PM

lue-jones........After reading some of these links, it makes me want to stay home. I've always thought elections are rigged. But, I still vote. The last time I voted, I approached the table and the lady asked for my ID, with an attitude. So, I showed her my Voter ID Card. She said she needed another form of ID. She kind of got pi$$ed so I showed her my Concealed Weapons Permit. Then, this old battle axe got real pi$$ed and said she wanted a photo ID. I showed her my Driver's License and she started asking me questions off of it. Full name, address, D.O.B. If there's a way to take me off of the rolls, she's the type that will do it. I'm sure I provoked her, but she had a bad attitude.
Posted by: lue-jones

Sustainable Development - 02/14/16 01:09 PM

President Barack Obama will leave office next January with the fate of one of his biggest environmental achievements hanging in the balance.

The Supreme Court on Tuesday took the unusual step of blocking the Environmental Protection Agency’s landmark carbon rule for power plants, throwing into doubt whether Obama's signature climate change initiative will survive a legal battle before the high court.

The White House vowed that the rule, known as the Clean Power Plan, will survive, saying it “is based on a strong legal and technical foundation."

“We remain confident that we will prevail on the merits,” press secretary Josh Earnest said in a statement late Tuesday night, adding that "the administration will continue to take aggressive steps to make forward progress to reduce carbon emissions.”

Supreme Court Threatens Obama's Climate

It raised serious questions about America’s ability to deliver on Mr. Obama’s pledge in Paris in December to sharply reduce carbon emissions, and, inevitably, about its willingness to take a leadership role on the issue.

Obama Praises Paris Climate Change Agreement

UN Climate Change Conference in Paris 2015

Justice Antonin Scalia, whose transformative legal theories, vivid writing and outsize personality made him a leader of a conservative intellectual renaissance in his three decades on the Supreme Court, was found dead on Saturday at a resort in West Texas. He was 79.

The cause of death was not immediately released. A spokeswoman for the U.S. Marshals Service, which sent personnel to the scene, said there was nothing to indicate the death was the result of anything other than natural causes.

Supreme Court Judge Scalia Dies

Yet as details of his sudden death trickled in Sunday, it appeared that the hours afterward were anything but orderly. The man known for his elegant legal opinions and profound intellect was found dead in his room at a hunting resort by a housekeeper.

It then took hours for authorities in remote West Texas to find a justice of the peace, officials said Sunday. When they did, she pronounced Scalia dead of natural causes without seeing the body and decided not to order an autopsy. A second justice of the peace, who was called but couldn’t get to Scalia’s body in time, said she would have ordered an autopsy.

Washington Post: Scalia Death Not Orderly

Presidio County Judge Cinderela Guevara, who pronounced Scalia dead, told ABC News the death certificate will say the cause of death was natural, and that he died of a heart attack. She said no autopsy was necessary.

Heart Attack

Pillow Over Head

Rush to Natural Causes Criticized

Detectives Question Lack of Autopsy

Savage: Was Scalia Murdered?

CNN: Skipping Autopsy Spawns Conspiracy Theories

RT: Conspiracy Theorist Suspect Poison

Justice Antonin Scalia has died at age 79. And that gives President Barack Obama the opportunity to appoint a liberal justice to the U.S. Supreme Court, ending the five-justice conservative majority that has delivered a string of decisions rolling back federal power over everything from land use to voting procedures

Scalia Dies, Obama Could Change The Supreme Court

Obama Remembers Scalia as "Consequential" Vows To Appoint Replacement

Battle Begins On Whether Obama or Next President Should Appoint Replacement

Yes, Obama Can Nominate a Justice

Obama Will Appoint Replacement But Who?

Republicans Already Oppossing Obama Nomination
Posted by: aka-cyberman

Re: Sustainable Development - 02/14/16 01:47 PM

Obama will nominate a new Justice. The Senate will conduct hearings and throw every obstacle at the Nominee to disrupt the process. In the meantime, the media will portray the Republicans as a bunch of idiots. Thereby handing the election to the Democrats on a silver platter. It is going to get real ugly folks.
Posted by: LBwill1960

Re: Sustainable Development - 02/14/16 05:08 PM

Originally Posted By: aka-cyberman
Obama will nominate a new Justice. The Senate will conduct hearings and throw every obstacle at the Nominee to disrupt the process. In the meantime, the media will portray the Republicans as a bunch of idiots. Thereby handing the election to the Democrats on a silver platter. It is going to get real ugly folks.

I am truly afraid you are right . REAL UGLY. frown
Posted by: Mark S

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 02/15/16 06:02 AM

I very much doubt that the Republicans will even hold hearings on a new SC Justice. and, the Dems only have themselves to blame as they have moved numerous times in the past to block appointments in election years, including recess appointments.

Not that Obama won't try, and they'll whine, and Obama will chose the most politically expedient nominee as a campaign tactic. McConnell has already said there will be no appointment and given the general public's view of SCOTUS he may have the better campaign weapon.

Thirty-eight percent (38%) believe the Supreme Court is too politically liberal. That’s up three points from May and is the highest level measured since June 2013. Just 23% think the high court is too conservative, the lowest finding in two years. But 30% now consider the Supreme Court’s ideology to be about right.

With 38% believing the court too liberal and 30% 'about right', a large majority would prefer a conservative just to maintain balance. I don't really like McConnell, but he is a political animal and unlikely to pass on those odds.
Posted by: aka-cyberman

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 02/15/16 10:49 AM

The nomination process is a made to order campaign fodder for the democrats. If 30% now consider the SC Ideology to be about right, where does that leave the other 70% ? A lot of mud slinging on the horizon by both sides. Like Trump said...."delay, delay, delay"
Posted by: Paratus

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 02/16/16 09:09 AM

If the situation were reversed: A Republican president and a Dem Senate, the statists would trample each other to stonewall this. When a statist jurist retired from SCOTUS the left insisted that the replacement were of a similar political bent as the replacement must mirror the retiree. Basically the shoe is on the other foot now however, given the very elastic nature of liberal thinking switching canoes in midstream is fine if the party benefits.
A Ginsberg like replacement would be the acceleration of the death of freedom and the Bill of Rights in this country. Already the Democrat party is the biggest danger in the world this country faces. Making SCOTUS a larger repository of progressive thought where the Constitution and our freedoms would be subject to even more, and more rapid, trampling is not a good idea, unless one subscribes to tyranny as a form of government. God knows we have enough of that now. There is ample precedent for holding off on a vote for Scalias' seat until after the election. Unfortunately the left will whine and wring their hands over the Republican 'obstructionism" and the Repubs will probably sit and say nothing thereby taking the blame without even countering with the truth. No the first time they have done that. What I thought was humorous in the entire thing was Obama stating that he will do his Constitutional duty and nominate someone. I don't know where he acquired the sudden urge to follow the Constitution but it illustrates the hypocrisy with which this person addresses his position. Given the behavior over his tenure this lawless president has exhibited I about fell out of the chair when I heard that one.
We will see what happens.
Posted by: Mark S

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 02/16/16 05:44 PM

Paratus, you mean like in 2007 with Chuck 'don't get between me and microphone' Shumer threatening President Bush over court appointments? Or, how about having the only President ever to filibuster as SCOTUS nomination?

Of course the press will fail to mention those...
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 02/17/16 03:18 PM

Justice Scalia was the victim of a political assassination. This is what happens when you get in the Commies way. You end up dead. I'm a little surprised of how little this topic has been discussed, what is available in the public realm alone is enough to draw anyone's attention for concern, yet it seems it is easy to ignore the 800 pound gorilla in the room.

Scalia Dead

At the very least, I think serious questions are warranted on a national level. Bare minimum, some hard questions need to be asked here. So if we're going to discuss hypotheticals, why not start at the beginning? The suspicious events surrounding one of America's most influential and important men?

This entire thread has been dedicated to drawing people's attention to the fact a Communist insurgency is taking place within the United States. This is exactly what a Communist insurgency looks like people. And it will only get worse.
Posted by: Paratus

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 02/17/16 03:40 PM

Originally Posted By: Mark S
Paratus, you mean like in 2007 with Chuck 'don't get between me and microphone' Shumer threatening President Bush over court appointments? Or, how about having the only President ever to filibuster as SCOTUS nomination?

Of course the press will fail to mention those...

Yeah......sorta came to mind.
Posted by: lue-jones

War For Your Mind - 03/08/16 12:51 PM

An increasing number of public canteens, child daycare centres and schools have stopped serving sausages, bacon and ham over religious considerations.

Now members of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s CDU party are fighting to keep pork on the menu, insisting the consumption of pork is part of German culture.

Fear of Offending Muslims: Germany Bans Pork

Supporting multi-culturalism by destroying your own. This is a fascinating example of Cultural Marxism. Cultural genocide.

Its interesting to consider the possibilities of why leaders from many civilized countries from around the world would be willing to subscribe to such doctrines as open borders, supporting mass immigration, taking on huge financial responsibilities that ultimately fall back on your own population etc.

I would be willing to bet it ultimately revolves around power and thus money however.

What are the odds similar headlines will become increasingly familiar as time moves forward? We've already seen similar movements here in the U.S. with the Confederate flag. This Communist, Socialist far-left agenda to erase the national identity of America is on going and those of you who support such principles need to take a long, hard look in the mirror to discover who you really are.

Commie Who Was Anally Raped Sorry Migrant Attacker Gets Deported

Maryland: Its a sign from Allah, we have been given this land.

Posted by: Mark S

Re: War For Your Mind - 03/08/16 05:00 PM

Originally Posted By: lue-jones

What are the odds similar headlines will become increasingly familiar as time moves forward? We've already seen similar movements here in the U.S. with the Confederate flag. This Communist, Socialist far-left agenda to erase the national identity of America is on going and those of you who support such principles need to take a long, hard look in the mirror to discover who you really are.

The odds of it happening here? Besides banning the Confederate Flag we can't have a Nativity scene on Govt Property, FL govt officials stopped 2 private Catholic high school teams from having a pregame prayer, there are 'hate' crimes law as if murder is somehow worse if it is against one group by another group, numerous groups are trying to get the Pledge stopped or altered to remove God if said in school, etc.

Not if, when.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 04/20/16 03:38 PM

Lew is expected to roll out a set of changes that also include putting leaders of the women’s suffrage movement on the back of the $10 bill, and incorporating civil rights era leaders and other important moments in American history into the $5 bill. Also, Jackson isn’t getting completely booted off the $20 bill. He’s likely to remain on the back.

Tubman replacing Jackson on the $20, Hamilton spared

Andrew Jackson is what we used to think of as a great American hero,” said Brenda Stevenson, UCLA professor of history and African American studies. “He stood for the white, male political and economic elite, with great military honor associated with him.

“We have this woman who in many ways is just the complete opposite of Andrew Jackson, and it speaks volumes that we can recognize [Tubman] as this great American hero and image of what it means to be American.”

LA Times: Harriet Tubman to Replace Jackson on $20

Related reading:

My wife and I are white evangelicals. Heres why we decided to have black triplets

Obama's Federalization of the Police Grows

City of Cleveland Settles with Rice Family for $6 Million

White Fragility
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 05/05/16 12:01 PM

As previously discussed in post #948141, the struggle between states rights and federal over reach has become prominent news in the mainsteam media. Below we see elements of the Obama administration weaponized in order to assert federal authority over the state.

U.S. Justice Department officials repudiated North Carolina’s House Bill 2 on Wednesday, telling Gov. Pat McCrory that the law violates the U.S. Civil Rights Act and Title IX – a finding that could jeopardize billions in federal education funding.

Justice Dept. Threatens N.C. over HB2

Originally Posted By: lue-jones
The Soviet Union routinely locked up dissidents in asylums, a practice that attracted worldwide condemnation because of the protests of Andrei Sakharov and other human-rights activists. Today, 16 years after the Soviet collapse, authorities are increasingly returning to psychiatry to suppress political opponents or punish activists, according to human-rights organizations and other watchdog groups.

The trend reflects a government that has yet to fully divest itself from a Soviet way of thinking and governing, says Yuri Savenko, president of the Independent Psychiatric Association of Russia.

"We're returning to this Soviet scenario when psychiatric institutions are used as punitive instruments," said Savenko. "I call this not even punitive psychiatry but police psychiatry, when the main aim is to protect the state rather than to treat sick people.[b]"[/b]

Russian Dissidents Called Mentally Ill and Locked Up

For some time now I have suspected the medical records aspect of Universal Background Checks would ultimately be used as a backdoor to prevent an untold number of Americans from legally obtaining firearms. Above we see how mental health has been used as a political weapon before by the Communists.

Below we see an article laying out the fact a government panel is recommending all Americans under go a mental health screening.

The potential for abuse is quite evident especially considering psychology and psychiatry are considered fringe academic disciplines where diagnoses can be very subjective, open for interpretation by those who do not follow a rigorous scientific method. In California for example, someone with as little training as a nurse can recommend involuntary committment. Which is enough to revoke your 2nd amendment rights alone.

All adults in the U.S., including pregnant and postpartum women, should be screened for depression when they visit the doctor, according to new recommendations released by a government-appointed panel.

All Americans Should Be Screened For Depression

Above is from post 1000413 discussing the Soviet Unions history of using mental health as a punitive tool, below is a link to a story that just ran on discussing the Social Security Administration being weaponized in order to limit second amendment rights with mental health measures.

The Social Security Administration (SSA) is proposing to report people who receive disability benefits and have a mental health condition to the FBI’s background check system.

The proposal, which stems from a memorandum that President Obama issued in 2013, would essentially block some people with severe mental health problems from buying guns.

Social Security Administration Moves To Block Mentally Ill From Purchasing Guns

For those interested in reading more:

John Kerry: You are about to graduate into a borderless world

Cashing In: Illegal Immigrants Get More Welfare Than Americans

Obama Calls For End of Catholic School System

National Issue: NC Sues Department of Justice Over Gender Laws

CBS: Obama to issue EO requiring gender neutral bathrooms

NYC Businesses to face fines if they do not use proper transgender pronouns

Girls Must Overcome Discomfort of Seeing Male Genitalia in Girls Locker Rooms

Government Surveillance Program Exposed

Terry McAuliffe Invested by FBI over Chinese Donations

Venezuela Financial Collapse

United Nations Troops Assault Tampa to Applause

Helicopters, Explosions Startle Small Indiana Town

Deleted Clinton Aide Emails To Take 75 Years To Release

Muslim Migrants Sexually Assault 5 year old Idaho Girl

Muslim Shoots Up Gay Nightclub: 50 Dead
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 06/06/16 06:11 PM

Originally Posted By: lue-jones
Justice Scalia was the victim of a political assassination.

She also said most in the United States respected that “right,” until Antonin Scalia, the recently deceased Supreme Court justice with an eye for constitutional limitations on the political branches, upset that interpretation.

First, the question from Stephanopoulos: “Do you believe an individual’s right to bear arms is a constitutional right? That it’s not linked to the service in the militia?”

And then, Clinton’s response: “I think that for most of our history, there was a nuanced reading of the Second Amendment, until the decision by the late Justice Scalia. And there was no argument until then that localities, and states, and the federal government had a right – as we do with every amendment – to impose reasonable regulations.”

Posted by: aka-cyberman

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 06/07/16 01:17 PM

Don't anyone think for one minute this can't happen here. I'll be dead and gone by then. Thanks for keeping us informed lue-jones.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 06/08/16 11:52 AM

Immigration jihad

He explained that mass immigration is a doctrine of Islam, known as hijra, to help bring the entire world under Islamic law.

“The type we’re most familiar with is jihad by the sword, but it is by no means the only form of jihad,” he explained. “People who are Muhajirun, people who immigrate to a foreign country for the sake of implementing Islam, receive the same reward in heaven as those who fight with the gun. It’s an implicit understanding. They know from the time they were children, if they immigrate, if they became Muhajirun, they are guaranteed the same reward as the Mujahedeen, the ones who fight with guns.”

Such a tactic can be seen in the dramatic demographic changes in Europe in the past decade, which has witnessed a steady stream of immigrants from Islamic nations who have largely refused to assimilate.

Haney also drew attention to the declared intentions of the Muslim Brotherhood, which has wielded influence within the White House itself.

“The point of the Muslim Brotherhood is to implement Shariah law, starting in their own homeland and then working out from there,” he explained.

Jihad Through Immigration

It is interesting to note the numerous social changes facing America today. Obamacare, Gay Marriage, Transgendered bathrooms, Immigration etc. all represent a few examples of the change President Obama campaigned on that have taken center stage on a national level.

Social change is also a hallmark of Communism. As this thread lays out, a Communist Insurgency is taking place within the United States. The Communists always facilitate change when they rise to power because it gives them a highway to ride in on with their own new ideological concepts. An example of Communism and change includes the Communist rise to power in China where Cultural Marxism facilitated a shift in Chinese national identity.

Above we see a quote from an article detailing immigration as an Islamic principle. The basic premise behind the idea being spreading Islam helps secure eventual Islamic rule worldwide. As most of us are aware, there are hundreds of thousands of refugee's from the Middle East pouring into Europe and the United States as we speak with what end in sight?

This is being facilitated by the United Nations, whom as previously laid out in this thread is a Communist organization which just so happens to be made up of various leaders from all over the world. And this organization is having a direct role in the lives of Americans as we speak through this topic alone. For sometime now I have thought it interesting to consider the relationship between Communism and Islam.

Simply put, it appears the Communists are using Islam because their religous doctrine of immigration in order to establish world wide Islamic rule is the tool the Communists need to undermine the host nations culture in order to drive their Communist idealogy through the door. The Muslims tendency not to assimilate is the exact kind of social change Communism thrives on to get its foot in the door.

For those interested in reading more:

How the Chinese Communists Destroyed Traditional Chinese Culture

Communist Takeover of America - 45 Declared Goals

Gulag Archipelago

Words of Warning To Western World

Christian Souls

Muslim Brotherhood


3 Star General Warns of Muslim Brotherhood
Posted by: Mark S

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 06/08/16 04:29 PM

If you want to read a great on the subject of Islamism try Sebastian Gorka's, "Defeating Jihad, The Winnable War".

Seb's a great and a VGT member. You can catch him quite often of FOX whenever there is a terrorist incident.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 06/12/16 05:11 PM

Addressing naive students that thought communism would redistribute wealth equally, President Franklin Roosevelt told the American Youth Congress, Feb. 10, 1940: “The Soviet Union … is run by a dictatorship as absolute as any other dictatorship in the world.”

Under the Soviet dictatorship:

privacy was nonexistent

press was censored

free speech disappeared

healthcare was rationed

economy was regulated

private industry was collectivized

political dissent was punished

media and entertainment was propagandized

children’s education became indoctrination

marriage and families were subject to social engineering

religion was suppressed

human life was valued only by its usefulness to the soviet society

Think Communism Is the Answer?
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 06/15/16 11:38 AM

DHS Secretary: Gun Control Now A Matter Of Homeland Security

Homeland Floats National Security as Excuse to Take Guns

Above we see the continuance of circumventing the system of checks and balances put in place in this country with President Obama's executive branch attempting to be the soul decider of what comes and go's in this country. Most Americans will look at these headlines and not think twice about what they actually mean, which is a small glimpse of how we got to this point in the first place.

For those interested in reading more:

Obama Calls For Assault Weapons Ban, Revocation of Rights Without Due Process

Communist Propaganda: Shooting AR15 Is Horrorfying

What History Teaches Us About Gun Confiscation

Tyrants That Ban Guns

Orlando Killer Worked for DHS, State Contractor

Wow. Orlando Shooter Worked for DHS

Border patrol sources told Judicial Watch investigators that the Department of Homeland Security had contracted with G4S to move illegal aliens apprehended at the border inland by vans. According to Judicial Watch, the “detainees,” were then released them into the United States without proper processing or issuing court appearance documents.

Orlando Shooter Worked For Firm Transporting Immigrants

Personally, I find the fact this individual allegedly responsible for the shooting in Florida worked for a company with DHS connections interesting. What a coincidence? And please take note, DHS is the same agency that claims white, Christian males are potential domestic terrorists while at the same time transporting illegal, unprocessed, undocumented immigrants into the United States. How's that for Homeland Security? Anyone who objects to what this government is doing is a potential domestic terrorist to these clowns.

DOJ Attempts to Scrub Islam References from 9/11 Transcripts

Orlando Shooter Expressed Support for Multiple Islamic Groups

Multiple Suspects On the Loose in Orlando

Facebook Post Claiming Orlando Shooter Didnt Act Alone

Judge Napalitano: Not One Person Died Before 5:13 In The Morning

Police Admit They May Have Shot Orlando Patrons In Exchanges with Gunmen

FBI Urges No Charges for Clinton
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 06/23/16 12:54 PM

Originally Posted By: lue-jones
The proposed settlement came just over a month before the first of the six Baltimore police officers charged in Mr. Gray's death is scheduled to stand trial.

Baltimore says Wrongful Death Civil Settlement Reached

The city of Baltimore has essentially acknowledged wrong doing in the case of Freddy Gray before a single officer has been convicted or even stood trial and has set the stage for more rioting should any or all of these officers be acquitted.

In a follow up to a previous post in this thread, news has broke today of the aquittal of Baltimore Police Officer Goodson in the Freddy Grey death trial. As reported below by the Baltimore Sun, threats of the same kind of violence that plagued Baltimore last year have been made. Whether or not that occurs remains to be seen.

Another group, which includes the family of Tyrone West, who died during an altercation with police in 2013, is also planning to gather outside the courthouse, to "take to the streets if police Officer Goodson is let off, or given a slap on the wrist in the death of Freddie Gray," according to a statement.

Political Consequences- Officer Goodson Aquitted
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 06/26/16 05:40 PM

At Least 5 Stabbed at California Rally

At Least 5 Stabbed at Neo Nazi Rally

Wild Video: Violence in Sacramento

Live on CNN right now is coverage of 5 people stabbed at what is described as a white nationalist march in California. Interestingly, the group who seemed to be under attack by Communist agitator propagandist groups is alleged by CNN to be unknown but reported to represent traditional values.

One of the leaders from the protesting movement was interviewed on CNN condoning the violence and hate aimed at the white nationalist movement. A bit of irony that even the hard core leftist would be hard pressed not to notice. Apparently using violence to make others see your way is a core left wing value, something that should escape nobody. Certainly if you had a radical right wing group that was using violence to influence a leftist group such as the Black Panthers they would be described as a terrorist organization.
Posted by: Mark S

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 06/27/16 07:10 AM

It's ok if you attack Trump supporters while waving a Mexican flag and calling yourself 'La Raza' too.
Posted by: etcetera

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 07/07/16 06:28 PM

Originally Posted By: lue-jones
Addressing naive students that thought communism would redistribute wealth equally, President Franklin Roosevelt told the American Youth Congress, Feb. 10, 1940: “The Soviet Union … is run by a dictatorship as absolute as any other dictatorship in the world.”

Under the Soviet dictatorship:

privacy was nonexistent

press was censored

free speech disappeared

healthcare was rationed

economy was regulated

private industry was collectivized

political dissent was punished

media and entertainment was propagandized

children’s education became indoctrination

marriage and families were subject to social engineering

religion was suppressed

human life was valued only by its usefulness to the soviet society

Think Communism Is the Answer?

Sounds like US today. 3/4 of the way there anyway.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 07/07/16 10:44 PM

Shots Fired during downtown rally, two officers reportedly wounded.

Hundreds Expected at Dallas BLM Rally Following Shooting Deaths

Multiple Officers Shot at Black Lives Matter Rally

5 Officers killed, 11 injured by Sniper Attack in Dallas

Shooter Aimed To Kill White People in Dallas Ambush

Police Officer Killed At Traffic Stop

Tennessee Highway Shooter Motivated By Police Shootings

Atlanta Protestors In Stand Off With Police Over Police Brutality

Chaos in St. Paul - Black Lives Matter Attacks Police

Officer Allegedly hospitalized after being served glass sandwich

Kansas City Officer Shot and Killed

Anonymous announces Day of Rage in support of BLM

Three Countries Issue Travel Warnings to the U.S.

Clinton Blames Whites, Police Over Shooting Deaths of Young Black Males

United Nations: High level of institutionalized racism in the U.S.

For those of you following the news, it has been hard to miss the near constant reporting on the shooting deaths of civilians at the hands of law enforcement. These situations are never the same, and some cases will invariably be more questionable than others. The fact remains the mainstream media is being used by the communists as a propaganda tool. And just as we have seen before in Baltimore with Freddy Gray and Ferguson with Michael Brown the mainstream media has played an instrumental part in setting the stage for violence with their racially charged and divisive reporting.

Above we see violence once again directed at law enforcement for perceived injustices broadcasted by the communist propaganda machine. As discussed previously in this thread, one of the communist agitator propagandists goals is the changing of police culture, administration and procedure within the United States. We've seen leadership change in Ferguson and even a nation wide focus on body camera's for our local law enforcement as a result. More change is on the way, aided by the mainstream media which is an instrument of psychological warfare which is used for various reasons including political and social change.
Posted by: Cash is King

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 07/08/16 06:41 AM

BLM (Bureau of Land Management)

Great folks... fought a lot of wildfires with their folks over the years.

The terrorist organization that stole their initials sucks eggs.
Posted by: Cash is King

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 07/08/16 06:44 AM

Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 07/08/16 01:01 PM

As should come to nobody as a surprise, Obama wants to revamp gun control measures after the Black Lives Matter rally in Dallas that has left numerous police officers dead.

Obama Renews Gun Control Push

This incident in Dallas reminds me very much of Ferguson, Missouri where police officers were also shot at. Both incidents sharing many similarities, including the media propaganda which sets the stage for racial division that ultimately results in violence perpetuated against law enforcement.

The media misses little opportunity to stoke the flames of racial divide and it ultimately results in blood on their hands. The media is not alone however, the rhetoric coming straight from the White House is equally to blame. No matter how they want to slice it, that is exactly what is occurring.

This is what a communist insurgency looks like, and when you have one of America's most powerful men (Scalia) dieing under mysterious circumstances with what investigation done who among you thinks we've seen the last of these out of the ordinary incidents? Hold on to your seat folks, more "change" is to come.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 07/10/16 01:01 PM

“Look, there’s only one solution. A bunch of us anti-gun types are going to have to arm ourselves, storm the NRA headquarters in Fairfax, VA, and make sure there are no survivors,” James Pearce wrote in a Facebook post on June 13. “This action might also require coordinated hits at remote sites, like Washington lobbyists. Then and only then will we see some legislative action on assault weapons. Have a nice day.”

Anti-gun Professor Calls for NRA Massacre

As we see above the communist left has absolutely no problem resorting to violence as a means to an end. Just in recent times, we've seen communist, agitator propagandist attacking conservative groups, alleged "lone-wolf" black lives matter supporters shooting police and now threats issued to massacre the entire National Rifle Association. And that is only the tip of the iceberg. That is not even getting into the op-ed pieces in the Washington Post, New York times calling for martial law in this country.

As previously discussed on 4/27/15, there are professional communist agitator propagandists who are present to insight unrest in numerous hot spots throughout the United States.

DeRay McKesson was a lead full-time paid protester in Ferguson, Missouri during the riots and looting. He later was became a lead activist in Baltimore during the Freddie Gray riots.

DeRay McKesson and the other Ferguson and Baltimore protest leaders were trained in Soros-funded agitation.

The Ferguson protests and riots were never a grassroots movement.

The mob action was a carefully coordinated Soros-funded astroturf movement bent on destruction.

Top Black Lives Matter Activist Arrested in Baton Rouge

For those interested in reading more:

Sheriff Clarke: Obama sets fires to watch them burn

Law Professor Seeks Disbarment of Baltimore DA
Posted by: aka-cyberman

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 07/10/16 05:32 PM

I wish Trump would pick Sheriff Clarke as his Vice President running mate. As always.......thanks lue-jones
Posted by: lue-jones

U.S. Government Infiltrated by Muslim Brotherhood - 07/12/16 01:04 PM


Guandolo, author of the book “Raising a Jihadi Generation,” said the Muslim Brotherhood is teaming up with the Black Lives Matter movement to create violent events that will surprise many police agencies in cities across the U.S.

Counter Terrorism Expert See's Historic Islam Pivot

It appears that the Obama Regime has been FULLY infiltrated by the Muslim Brotherhood terrorism front group on every level.

4 Star Admiral on Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of U.S. Government

Muslim Brotherhoods Infiltration of the U.S. Government


Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 07/13/16 01:54 PM

Northern Virginia Militia Recruiting

Its Time To Establish Militia's

Above we see what I believe to be reactions to the increasingly violatile political and social climates within the United States. If you were to watch the mainstream media, you would get the impression America's law enforcement and white America in general is out to get the African Americans. The communist propaganda is cleverly disguised to promote the false narrative law enforcement and white America is looking for any reason they can to violate the African American.

The truth is rather simple, in the United States you are held accountable for your actions. Black, white, orange, if you violate the law you're held accountable. The only exceptions to that narrative being the mainstream media itself and the extreme left, who will bend over backwards to defend the protected classes.

Whoever they may be, no matter what they may be guilty of. Because the narrative of the oracle drives society, in this case, psychologial warfare is easily accomplished by propaganda alone. Mainsteam media propaganda every American is indoctrinated to accept as gospel truth, without question. The ultimate point of the propaganda being power, control. Control of the people. Keep them pre-occupied with division and they won't begin to focus on those driving the bus.

Something to sit on, if the left is controlling the narrative then perhaps ones natural reaction to unsettling news is exactly what they want to begin with? An interesting dynamic to consider is what if the potential end result is the same regardless of direction?

Questions. The powers that be do not like questions, and would prefer you swallow their non-sense hook, line and sinker. Its sad this needs to be said in this day and age, but we're talking about an age where the truth is suppressed due to political correctness alone. Shameful. When will we stop embracing a lie and come around to the truth?

Whether or not those calling for militia's are undercover government agents or legitimate, patriotic Americans is not for me to say. Whether you want to join a militia or not is not for me to say, but one thing is for certain the fact these types of threads are beginning to show up tells me more and more Americans are beginning to see something is very wrong in this country. The question is, who exactly is the enemy when you're fighting an ideological concept such as communism?

Posted by: 6.5x55

Re: U.S. Government Infiltrated by Muslim Brotherhood - 07/14/16 01:20 PM

Dems aren't even trying to hide it now, they just put out a straight communist platform for their convention. Want communism here? Vote Hilderbeast this fall.

Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 07/14/16 09:55 PM

U.S Approves UN Use of Force To Protect Civilians

U.S Approves UN Use of Force

For those interested in reading more :

UN Ferguson Panel Sharply Criticizes U.S. for Police Brutality

UN: Michael Brown Case Raises Serious Concerns

US Accepts UN's Advice on Police Violence, Racism

UN Sounds Alarm Over Institutionalized Racism in the U.S.

Clinton Blames Whites, Cops for Shooting Deaths of Young Black Men

Obama Admin Signs UN Arms Treaty

UN Shocked By Mass Detroit Water Shut Off

The Truth About the UN

The UN is Communist
Posted by: aka-cyberman

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 07/15/16 07:24 AM

Thanks just ruined my day.....I read 2 of these links and had to step away....I'll read the rest later....We're getting too cozy with the UN as far as protecting our citizens go.....Unlike some of these other podunk countries around the world, we have a Constitution that has safeguards in it for citizens to protect ourselves.....But you already knew that.....In all seriousness, thanks for your information.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 07/17/16 11:47 AM

Multiple officers were shot in Baton Rouge on July 17, 2016. (Credit: CNN)

Three officers are feared dead after a shooting in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, officials said.

Kip Holden, the mayor-president of East Baton Rouge Parish, said authorities were still trying to get a handle on the situation, but added, “The count is three officers dead possibly.”

The victims may include police officers and sheriff’s deputies

“There is still an active scene. They are investigating,” he said. “Right now we are trying to get our arms around everything.”

The shooter is believed to be down as well, Holden said.

“Everything is moving fast and I have not been able to verify everything,” he said.

3 Baton Rouge Police Officers Feared Dead

Another deadly attack upon law enforcement, the result of a very dangerous political and social climate within the United States. While this is still breaking news and facts are notoriously hard to come by at the initial stages of these types of news events I can not help but wonder how many people still think its business as usual within the United States?

Posted by: aka-cyberman

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 07/17/16 12:10 PM

We're going to hell in a hand basket. I'm 64 years old and it's going to be a wild ride to the finish line. I can see it coming. God help us all. Pray for all Law Enforcement.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 07/17/16 02:24 PM

It has been a stated goal of the Communist agitator propagandists, no doubt radicalized and indoctrinated by the socialist left wing and their propaganda tool known as the mainstream media to change police culture within the United States. The basis behind their goals being lies, half truths and out of context excuses used to justify the means to their end.

“Everybody involved in the Black Lives Matter movement … I want all of them to maintain a respectful, thoughtful tone — because, as a practical matter, that’s what’s going to get change done,” Obama said.

Immediately after those shootings, Obama had sought to use the two shootings to push his campaign to get more federal regulatory control over state and local police forces.

The shooter is not reflective of the large movement to bring about change that was out in Dallas to peacefully demonstrate,” Jeh Johnson, Obama’s loyal head of the the Department of Homeland Security, told a CBS interviewer on Sunday.

Obama Take Over of Police

Former Prosecutor Sues Obama For Instigating Race War

Anti-Cop Rhetoric and Violence That Followed To Haunt Obama Legacy

Rapper: Violence Against Police Will Continue Until Justice Is Done

Black Lives Matters Financial Contributors

What exactly does one expect to happen as a result of repeated attacks upon law enforcement in the United States? Some possible outcomes include gun control measures (already being discussed), a loss of freedom from a fearful law enforcement community and general public willing to sacrifice freedom for alleged relative safety, a change in police culture itself (see body camera's, changes in rules of engagement, hiring practices, changes in adminstration etc.).

And that is just the tip of the iceberg of what can be achieved by a prolonged war against police. Which appears to be exactly what the communist are doing, while ultimately using law enforcement as both target practice, hand puppet and enforcement tool to aide in their insurgency.

This will ultimately result in more politically correct policing, where officers hands will be tied in many cases resulting in what could mildly be explained as insanity when it comes to justice. In many ways, we're already well passed that point already. Only its going to get worse. Again, the histories of Rhodesia and South Africa come to mind.

As I have stated before, the widely publicized 'Jade Helm' military operation on American soil not so coincidentally listed states that have a secessionist movement as hostile territory. As most of you know, the civil war was fought over just such an action. The federal government has been increasingly encroaching upon states rights within the United States, again, exactly the same kind of over reach that lead to the civil war to begin with. And its increasingly in regularity, which will of course ratchet up states re-actions.

We have a federal government out of control, with factions of that government at the highest levels aiding the communist insurgency taking place within the United States at any and all levels possible. There is ample evidence to suggest that the United Nations, a group made up of powerful world leaders, is playing a tremendous role in driving the ideological concepts behind the White Houses influence and support of this communist insurgency.

Below we see links to information surrounding the recent coup attempt in Turkey. Those loyal to the Turkish government, mainly the military and police have rounded up those suspected as being part of the "virus" that lead to the coup attempt. That virus obviously being those sympathetic to the ideological causation behind the coup attempt to begin with.

Notice how one source, attempting to explain the ideological reasoning behind the coup, attempts to connect the dots with laws that are meant to change the character of a nation. Does that sound familiar to anyone?

Put your critical thinking cap on and stop to think how the communist mainstream media would paint any growing movement within the United States that does not support the communist insurgency meant to destroy America, her values and way of life and replace it with a socialist indoctrinated nation of yes men?

One does not have to look far at how the confederacy is propagandized, painted with a scarlet letter and demonized in todays modern society to see exactly how steep the grade is. If you openly oppose the actions of the government in any way, you're a terrorist ladies and gentlement. The message is clear, lay over and play dead while the definition of America is re-written or become law enforcements sovereign citizen, domestic terrorist, right wing extremist that they have been warning everyone about for so long. Propaganda at its finest, anti-American at its core.

For those interested in reading more:

Coup Attempted Failed: Turkish PM says 265 Dead

Turkish Coup Attempt: Thousands Rounded Up

Turkish President Denounces Treason

However domestically it's been just as much of a problem, as laws have been passed attempting to change the character of the nation, enforcing Islamic values, instead of secular Turkish values. This naturally has included censorship and oppression.

Heres Why There Was a Coup Attempt

What Caused The Turkish Coup Attempt

Turkeys Coup: Gulen Movement Explained

Turkey Coup Attempt: More Questions Than Answers

Turkey Coup Attempt May Have Been Staged

Coup Attempt Leads To Conspiracy Theories

Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 07/20/16 02:06 PM

Massachusetts Bans Sale Of All New Assault Weapons

The Loophole in the Assault Weapons Ban

Mass. AG Calls for Reinstatement of Federal Assault Weapons Ban

Look for more headlines like the one above and worse in the future. I still see many Americans who seem to be depending on these 2016 elections as some kind of saving grace. That if Trump wins, we will turn this ship around. While I would like to believe in this fairy tale, the writing on the wall suggests a date with destiny. Prepare accordingly.

Posted by: aka-cyberman

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 07/20/16 04:36 PM

Can someone still buy, sell, or trade a Used One?
Posted by: LBwill1960

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 07/20/16 06:49 PM

You can bet this is just the beginning. frown frown frown
WHEN hitlary becomes president she'll make it nationwide .
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 07/21/16 03:00 AM

It's Official: The U.S. is Becoming a Minority-Majority Nation

Census data shows there are more minority children under age 5 than whites.

Its Official: The U.S. is now a minority-Majority

Cultural Marxism, cultural genocide.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 07/23/16 05:17 PM

Commies Push Veteran Over The Edge
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 07/24/16 12:04 PM

Kerry: Air Conditioners As Big Of Threat As ISIS

Not long ago I saw a bumper sticker detailing America's other deficit, critical thinking. A perfect example of this is the running jokes over the last few days concerning Secretary of State John Kerrys speech on refridgeration chemicals being as dangerous as the terrorist organization ISIS.

Only when you look closer at the root of the speech it becomes clear the United Nations is involved and the vision that is forming of what these people have planned for the future is concerning.

As I have detailed throughout this thread, the United Nations is playing an ever increasing role in the lives of Americans.

We made it! After three years of inter-governmental negotiations, consultations with millions of people worldwide and thousands of inputs from experts, United Nations' (UN) member states will adopt Transforming our Lives this week at the UN Summit to adopt the Post-2015 development agenda.

In doing so, states will agree to a new agenda for global sustainable development, replacing the eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) that expire at the end of this year. Over the next 15 years, the international community will be guided by 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) integrating the three broad pillars of sustainable development: economic, social and [b]environmental well-being.

They expand on the unfinished business of the MDGs -- which largely focus on social aspects of development such as health, gender equality and education -- to include much greater attention to issues related to the environment and climate change, employment, economic growth, inequality and peace and security, inter alia.

Huffington Post: Sustainable Development

For those interested in reading more:

UN: Sustainable Goals

UN Sustainable Development Agenda

Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 07/24/16 03:19 PM

DNC Emails will be the biggest scandal in a generation

The link above alleges emails recently released from the Democratic National Convention prove the mainstream media is actively working with political leaders to help shape the election. While this should come to nobody as a surprise, it is very interesting none the less to read more about those emails.

Below we see information which further suggest the voting process itself is rigged and not nearly as democratic, fair and balanced as some would have you believe.

Sanders supporters and grassroots activists delivered a petition with 600,000 signatures demanding the Democratic Party end the use of unelected officials to help determine presidential nominees.

Chaos! Sanders Supporters Demand Change

Super delegates are not representational votes but rather are votes from individuals that can be cast any way they want and no doubt these delegates can be swayed.

Note To Sanders Supporters
Posted by: aka-cyberman

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 07/24/16 06:11 PM

No scandal....They just got caught.....Lee Atwater is laughing his you know what off from above
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 07/24/16 07:18 PM

Wasserman Schultz Resigns As Party Leader

Wasserman Schultz Sued for Rigging Primary

Activist handling DNC Fraud Case Dead

Schultz driven out of Democratic Breakfast

DNC Fires 3 Top Officials For Rigging Primary

DNC member killing horses for insurance money.

DNC making fun of black womans name.

DNC telling each other, “I love you too. no homo.”

DNC requesting a pull an MSNBC commentary segment.

DNC controlling the narrative with time released stories.

DNC conspiring to create false Trump information and release with Reuters.

DNC Hillary supporters infiltrated Sanders campaign.

DNC members going to complain to Morning Joe producers about his mentioning of a “rigged system.”

DNC discussing their relationship with NBC/MSNBC/CNN and how to get better treatment.

Super PAC paying young voters to push back online Sanders supporters. Paid shills.

Democrats using interns to organize fake “protests.”

Here it is: Detailed List of Wikileaks email dump

DNC Recordings Released

Clinton Campaign Manager Blames Russians for Hack

Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 07/26/16 05:55 PM

Arriving to the party late, I turned on CNN to catch the tail end of communist Bernie Sanders' second nomination speech given at the DNC. Within 10 minutes I heard the word revolution twice.

Communism in the United States today is very much alive and real.
Posted by: aka-cyberman

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 07/26/16 08:18 PM

You're a better man than me.....I can't watch any of their convention.....It's too hard.....I read today, they had 61 speeches given on Day 1 of their Convention. Not any mention of ISIS at all......The Republican Convention has Marcus Latrell as a speaker while the Democrat Convention has Michael Brown's Mother as a Speaker.....Say no more
Posted by: lue-jones

Communism in the United States Today - 07/27/16 12:25 AM

Soviet flags at DNC, not one American flag

Protesters Burn American Flag Outside DNC

Commies Burn US Flag at DNC

Whites to the back of the line at BLM March

Elsewhere as the NWO marches forward:

BLM Releases Policy Agenda

ISIS Forces Priest To Kneel Before Beheading

Russia Bombs US Base in Syria

Germany Terror Attacks May Sink the EU

Pope Demands Poland Open Its Borders

Socialist Venezuela Passes Forced Labor Laws
Posted by: aka-cyberman

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 07/27/16 06:36 AM

As always lue-jones...your links are a pleasure to read....Well, maybe not a pleasure as much as informative....First time I've heard of the Russians bombing our base.....Obama might not like Putin on a personal level, but he's scared to death of him.

lue-jones is our own version of Matt Drudge on VAGT.....Always worth reading his posts
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 07/27/16 07:33 PM

Obama to Expand Refugee Program to Central Americans

Flash back:

UN: Central Americans Fleeing to the US Should Be Classified as Refugees

As I have written about previously, the U.N. is playing an increasing role in American affairs.

MS-13 Gang Killings Linked to Immigration Surge

MS-13 Launches Police Assassinations in El Salvador

UN Backed MS-13 To Carry Out Assassinations of American Police

Time for the U.S. to apologize to El Salvador

25 years later: Iran Contra

Iran Contra: To Finance Nicaraugan Rebels

MS-13: An American Export

MS-13: Product of War Torn El Salvador

Gang used deportation to its advantage

North: How do you spell genocide? O-B-A-M-A

Obama: Assad Must Go

U.S. Begins Weapons Delivery to Syrian Rebels

US Behind on goal to accept 100,000 Syrians

Open borders

Thousands Protest Germanys Suicidal Open Borders

From the information above, one can assertain that interventionalism from the United States in places like Syria and Central America has lead to mass immigration from these area's of the world to the United States. We're importing the victims and bad guys from our foreign policy affairs straight to our streets.
Posted by: 6.5x55

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 07/27/16 09:23 PM

Convention comparison

Trump stands with LEOs. Wants human rights for the innocent unborn.

Clinton stands with moms of dead thugs. Funny how most of the moms don't have the same last names as the kids. That is, moms never bothered to marry the sperm donor who gave her another additional snap card punch.
Wants killing the innocent unborn at any stage prior to birth to be a right, but wants to ban the death penalty for convicted rapists, arsonists, terrorists and murderers in general.

At some point the US has to admit that the Great Society and all Socialism is a massive failure. Scrap welfare as we know it, turn it to true workfare. Let Americans take decent jobs that illegals have now, increase deportation 5 fold and teach welfare folks that you have to work to eat.

I work to eat and clothe my family. Why should I pay taxes for someone to do less?

A vote for Clinton is a self inflicted wound
Posted by: aka-cyberman

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 07/28/16 06:50 AM

Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 07/28/16 07:51 PM

Washington, DC – -( On Friday, July 22 2016, just as members of his party were gathering in Philadelphia to coronate Hillary Clinton as their presidential nominee, the Obama Administration once again released a sweeping gun control measure by executive fiat.

This time the bad news came via the U.S. State Department’s Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC), which is primarily responsible for administering the Arms Export Control Act (AECA) and its implementing rules, the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR).

The upshot is that DDTC is labeling commercial gunsmiths as “manufacturers” for performing relatively simple work such as threading a barrel or fabricating a small custom part for an older firearm. Under the AECA, “manufactures” are required to register with DDTC at significant expense or risk onerous criminal penalties.

As with prior executive actions on guns, the administration released its dictate suddenly and without advance warning to or prior input from affected businesses, completely bypassing the normal formalities associated with a significant rulemaking.

The guidance is also likely to result in more confusion than clarity and may significantly chill heretofore legal conduct associated with gunsmithing.

Obama Releases More Executive Gun Control Action

For those interested in reading more:

Overview of US Export Control System-UN

Prohibited exports, imports and sales-UN


VGT Discussion On Topic
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 07/30/16 04:52 PM


Clinton and DNC are Communist Agents

The Democratic Party Is Self Destructing

The Communist Take Over

Above we see a recent article echoing the words of Lt. General Jerry Boykin some six years ago now. As seen below:

Jerry Boykin: Marxism in America

General Boykin is a devout Christian who was formerly one of the greatest warriors in the U.S. military. A founding member in 1978 of America’s most elite military counterinsurgency unit, Delta Force, he rose through the fighting ranks to become the commanding general of Delta Force. He later was the head of the Army’s Special Warfare Center, led the U.S. Army Special Operations Command, and served at the Pentagon as Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence, retiring as a three-star general and one of the world’s foremost experts on national security and fighting terrorism.

Jerry Boykin
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 08/01/16 04:10 PM

So, those Hillary Clinton emails, they connect together with the cables that we have published of Hillary Clinton, creating a rich picture of how Hillary Clinton performs in office, but, more broadly, how the U.S. Department of State operates. So, for example, the disastrous, absolutely disastrous intervention in Libya, the destruction of the Gaddafi government, which led to the occupation of ISIS of large segments of that country, weapons flows going over to Syria, being pushed by Hillary Clinton, into jihadists within Syria, including ISIS, that’s there in those emails. There’s more than 1,700 emails in Hillary Clinton’s collection, that we have released, just about Libya alone.

Hacked Emails Include Clintons Arming of ISIS

Trump Blasts Clinton As Founder of ISIS

Obama Founded ISIS

FOIA: Hillary and Obama Did Create ISIS

Assange Suggests Murder Victim, Seth Rich, Was WikiLeaks DNC Source

While this information should come to nobody as a surprise who keeps up with open source intelligence, stop to think about the fact there is ample evidence to suggest that not only is the U.S. government financing, equipping, arming and training terrorists in places like Central America and the Middle East but we're importing these people to our own country.

For those interested in learning more:

Oliver North Questioned

Congressman Jack Brooks and Rex 84

ISIS: A U.S. Government Backed Organization?

Syrian Refugee's Coming To Richmond

Obamas Private Army Realized With Militarization of Police

Obama Building Private Army in Department of Homeland Security

Obamas National Security Force Endorsed

Obama's Civilian Security
Posted by: LaserJock

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 08/06/16 12:01 PM
Posted by: Cash is King

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 08/12/16 10:28 PM

Dude... just eat the SOMA, drink a White Russian and submit like the rest of everybody...

It's just the entire USA going down... no biggie dude.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 08/14/16 10:15 AM

Protesters took up arms against police and set a gas station on fire in Milwaukee on Saturday night after a traffic stop lead to a fatal police shooting.

Violent Protests in Wisconsin

Obamas Race War Arrives: Whites Hunted Down in Wisconsin

National Guard Activated in Wisconsin

Rioter Brags About Looting White Owned Businesses

Rioters chant America was never great, burn businesses down

Multiple Shots Fired at Protest

No call for peace as Obama Plays Golf

Alderman Threatens More Violence

Rioters Chant Black Power

Rioter: Rich People Have All The Money, Give Us None.

Sheriff Clarke: Tribal Behavior Took Over in Wisconsin

Livestream Reporter Pulls Out: Too Dangerous For White People
Posted by: 6.5x55

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 08/21/16 10:02 AM

Clinton campaign optics manager seat the dad of the biggest mass shooter in US history right behind Hillary at a rally and nobody in the media calls her out. She announced this wee she will use illegals to help get out the Hispanic vote and the networks don't even TOUCH the prospect of wide voter fraud.

Clint Foundation filing shows 85% of the money coming in goes to salaries, travel, hotels and other overhead.
So when an Islamic country that won't let women drive, hangs gays and jails Muslims who would convert to Christianity drops a few million to Hillary, Hillary still claims to be the champion of women and gays. The Post, NY Times, all the networks give her a pass.

Welcome to Alice Through the Looking Glass

When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less.” “The question is,” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean so many different things.” “The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty, “which is to be master—that’s all.”
Posted by: aka-cyberman

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 08/21/16 12:32 PM

For those interested in Crooked Hillary information.......check out GEMS Education and the money they gave the Future First Dude.......This is tantamount to 3rd Person Bribery, IMHO......If elected, she will be the most Scandalous & Corrupt President in History.......It's sickening.....Just my 2¢ worth.

Sorry lue-jones....I din't mean to get Off Topic of Communism and Segway to Sharia Law
Posted by: lue-jones

Communism - 08/21/16 01:33 PM

Originally Posted By: aka-cyberman

Sorry lue-jones....I din't mean to get Off Topic of Communism and Segway to Sharia Law

What you did there, I see it. smile

You're a smart guy aka, so I probably do not need to tell you that all of the above and more are connected. Its the New World Order. Not long ago now, a member in the shoutbox told me to keep my religion out of his politics. He was quickly informed that seperating the two is impossible when the two overlap in a multitude of different ways.

It is this very kind of communist indoctrination that our public schools have instilled in our young people today, reaching back many years now, that has lead to the disastrous state of affairs we find our country in today. We have a significant part of todays youth essentially atheistic in their view of the world, where science has become their religion instead of the traditional set of beliefs found among many of the worlds religions. As a result, you have a shifting ideology in Americans who think and see the world in a very different way than previous generations of Americans. This is not by chance, the state has cornered what our children are taught for many years now and when you control the message, the control the people.

As you know, communism is an atheistic based ideology. Its religionless, and has a long history of suppressing Christianity and any other alternative set of beliefs in order to control the people and have them act as a good communist should. In reality, communism is the religion of commies because ultimately there is no room for any other set of beliefs. That is how loyal communists, like the hundreds of millions of other victims of communism, ultimately become victims themselves.

Because they will tap your phones, listen in to your conversations at the restaurant, monitor your online activities, pay informers to drop a dime on you etc. and even the most remote of differentiation from the party line puts you on the list for the Gulag, or worse, scheduled for execution. Take a look at history and tell me this is an exaggeration!

And its these very actions, supported by communist sympathizers, that ultimately leads to their own undoing. The result is a repressed people to fearful to speak out, willing to do as is expected of them or else, where the only room for individual thought is the dictators own will for the people. Which is always tyrannical in nature.

And we've got millions of Americans who are communist sympathizers and do not even know it due to the fact the Communists have infiltrated and merged into the democratic party. But it doesnt stop there, you can bet your bottom dollar the republican party is not free of these phantom menaces either. And that is some real talk every eye that reads this message needs to sit on and think about for themselves.

The communists elements of the United States government are busy importing in hundreds of thousands of middle eastern refugee's into the United States. As most of you know, Islam is a prominent religion in the middle east and Sharia law is widely understood in this part of the world. It should come to nobody as a surprise these middle eastern refugee's understand Islam as their primary set of beliefs in this world.

They bring with them a culture and a way of life very different to that of America. And when you look at the influx of central and south Americans across the southern border of the United States, what you're looking at is the watering down of American society.

Its cultural Marxism. This will have a devestating effect on the American people and their way of life. Where todays young people have been indoctrinated by the public school system to think very differently than previous generations of Americans and the influx of refugee's, immigrants, migrants etc. from other parts of the world who will not integrate into American society you're looking at a direct attack on the old America as the new America is ushered in.

Where the population will look very different, the ideology of the people is different and thus the society and culture itself changes and becomes something else. Something new, something different. Mr. Trump campaigns on making America great again, yet our entire population has been ideologically subverted to be something different entirely.

We're looking at a tender box in this country, a powder keg set to explode because there are still real Americans left in the United States. You need to ask yourself, what does history show happens to those with an alternative set of beliefs when the communist take control?

They get the short end of the stick.

America and Americans are under direct attack. Though be it incrimentally and subtle in design, it is none the less under direct attack by the New World Order. And the communist propaganda machine known as the mainstream media is directly complicit and leading the American people straight off the cliff to a place this country should never be. The New World Order is here, its happening all around us, many of the major stories we're seeing here and abroad are connected whether some of you want to come to terms with reality or not.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 08/23/16 05:27 PM

Roanoke Stabbing: FBI Investigating Possible ISIS Link

Man screams Allahu Akbar Before Attacks

A U.S. intelligence source tells CBS News Farooqui has been on the FBI’s radar for months and is believed to be self-radicalized.

That source says authorities aren’t sure whether Farooqui is an American citizen.

The source adds that Farooqui tried to go to Syria earlier this year but only got as far as Europe, then returned to the U.S., and the trip is what alerted law enforcement to him.

FBI Probing Possible Virginia Terror Attack

As I was watching the local news earlier (WSLS Channel 10) John Carlin brought up prelimary reports of an attempted beheading. The reporter paused for a second, then stated local officials claimed that was not an accurate statement. It seems this is being reported as simply a case of a deranged man, hearing voices, going crazy.

Whether or not the FBI concludes this was an ISIS related incident, which I personally doubt for some reason even though the facts are still coming in, we've had the Islamic extremism reaching right into our own backyards.

This is our new America? The change Obama campaigned on and has apparently delivered?

Posted by: aka-cyberman

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 08/23/16 07:35 PM

By now, I'm sure you heard the updates.......Although he was nuts, he was on their radar screen.....He traveled to Turkey and back.....We need to make these infrequent travelers just buy On Way Tickets......Don't mean to offend anyone, but you get my drift.
Posted by: LBwill1960

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 08/24/16 01:49 PM

Originally Posted By: aka-cyberman
By now, I'm sure you heard the updates.......Although he was nuts, he was on their radar screen.....He traveled to Turkey and back.....We need to make these infrequent travelers just buy On Way Tickets......Don't mean to offend anyone, but you get my drift.

Sounds like they nailed him in Europe and that's as far as he got . Still sounds like he was probably called by isis and hypnotized to react . Or he could just be a whack job that watches CNN to much. I still like how all the articles fail to mention RADICAL ISLAM . Amazing!!!!!
Sad state of affairs here man . Good old Rural Roanoke . Now lue really has to be on point .
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 08/28/16 09:11 PM

An Internet give away to the U.N.

I would recommend anyone who comes across this thread to start from the beginning and really spend some time on the information contained within.

Knowledge is power.

Assange Points to Tick Tock Email as Most Damaging Wiki Leaks Release Yet

Homeland Eyes Special Declaration to Take Charge Of Election

SPLC: White Lives Matter A Hate Group, Black Lives Matter Not

Joys of Socialism: Starving Venezuelans Chase Marxist President Down Street

Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 09/05/16 10:52 AM

The bitter truth is this: there will be no confiscation shock troops for you and your buddies to shoot back at, and we will discover too late that the rights-defenders’ fantasy–of one, crystal-clear moment when it’s time for everyone to rise up as one and take it all back–has been the establishment’s biggest ally and freedom’s deadliest enemy.

Why do you think they’ve let you have guns for this long? Because those guns have given you a false sense of security and kept you from doing something truly dangerous, like mass-organizing to pull all your money out of the big banks and to vote out the incumbents.

So if you’ve sat idly by, fondling your firearms and watching the surveillance state expand while your paycheck shrinks, relying on your gun stash to bail you out when things hit bottom, then the joke’s on you. You’ve already lost the war, and when you hand over your weapons it’ll be the last (and mostly symbolic) step in a process of total subjugation that slipped up and swallowed you while you were distracted with building your gun collection.

No Confiscation, Instead, You'll Hand Your Firearms Over Willingly

Related reading:

How Australia and Britain Tackled Gun Violence

Clinton: National Gun Buy Back Worth Considering

Australia Model: Obama's Proposal

Reality Check
Posted by: aka-cyberman

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 09/05/16 02:29 PM

You just ruined my day lue-jones.....Ben Swann gives me hope.
Posted by: lue-jones

Commie Propaganda - Communist Insurgency - 09/07/16 12:20 PM

Communist Propaganda Pushed on Teachers at Brooklyn Teachers Conference

Related reading:

Commies Hand Out Flyers To Elementary Students

Teacher Who Handed Out Pro-Communist Cartoon to Students

Commies Hand Out Flyer in Ferguson
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 09/13/16 04:07 PM

Activists with the Revolutionary Communist Party were handing out flyers at the Santa Clara Caltrain station encouraging those attending the game to keep their seats during the anthem.

The flyer, which was topped by the title “Top 10 Reasons to Sit Down for the Nasty-full Anthem –#sitdownfortherag,” offered a list of alleged wrongdoings committed by the United States dating back to the 1800s right up through modern times.

Commies Hand Out Anti-American Flyer for NFL Game

Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 09/18/16 05:27 PM

Climate change will be the defining challenge of the 21st century,” the new Blacksburg plan says. “Evidence continues to mount that continued inaction on greenhouse gas emissions could lead to catastrophic changes … Blacksburg is proud to join the majority of U.S. cities that have made a formal commitment to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.”

Blacksburg Tackles Climate Change

Climate Protection

Blacksburg Climate Action Plan

As a communist official and future Politburo member, Frolov was putting man-made global warming in its political context – years before it would become a major theme in the West. The fact that Al Gore has followed Frolov’s formula of using environmentalism as a political weapon, and that the Gore family was supported by Armand Hammer, should give the reader some indication of what global warming is about. As with the statement of President Morales of Bolivia, we find in global warming a justification for replacing capitalism with socialism. In 1996 Mikhail Gorbachev acknowledged that the “threat of environmental crisis will be the international disaster key to unlock the New World Order.”

...Khrushchev reportedly said, “You Americans are so gullible. No, you won’t accept communism outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of socialism until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.” This type of boasting, which is so full of confidence, could only have been made by someone who has already watched many successful operations.

Green is the new Red
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 09/21/16 04:43 AM

"Man was in his truck, reading a book waiting for his kid to come home," said a man on scene. "Cops shot him, for nothing."

Just know that all white people are (expletive) devils. All white cops are (expletive devils, and all white people."

"Shot my Daddy for being black! And look they're just standing there."

Demonstrators surrounded our officers who were attempting to leave scene—

Massive Protests Erupt in Charlotte

Charlotte: BLM Push Cops Back, Media Out

Clinton: White People this is not who we are

White Man Attacked in Charlotte Parking Garage- Stripped, begs for mercy

Clinton Trashes Tulsa, Charlotte Police. Sides with looters

White Officers in Fits and Struggles to understand discrimination

Protestor shot dead, CNN anchor tackled on air

Charlotte Cop Offers Proof Charlotte Rioters Werent Locals

Elsewhere around the country:

New Jersey: Marine Corps Race Explosion Investigated as Possible Terrorism

Another Bomb in New Jersey Unintentionally Detonated by Bomb Squad

New York Explosion Suspect Charged

Gas Pipeline Leak Leads to Shortage Fears, People Freaking Out

Minnesotta Mall Stabbing

Radioactive Water Leaks Into Florida Aquafer

5 dead in Burlington WA Mall Shooting

Disgruntled Lawyer goes on shooting spree

United Nations Concludes U.S. Should Pay Blacks

Again, I will leave you with the words of retired Command Sgt Major Dan Page who predicted many of the episodes we're seeing now play out in real time. And a more recent speech from Mr. Page in what is essentially a follow up.

Command Sgt Major Dan Page

Dan Page on Surviving Martial Law
Posted by: CheroHunt

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 09/21/16 03:21 PM

Videos are marked private, lue.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 09/21/16 10:00 PM

"We can only realize the promise of this institutions founding to replace the ravages of war with cooperation if powerful nations, like my own, accept constraints."

"After declaring that subordinating American sovereignty to a body of international bureaucrats would make the U.S. safer, Obama renewed his call for countries like the U.S. to absorb more Middle Eastern refugees".

Obama tells United Nations Giving Up Freedom Enhances American Security
Posted by: Mark S

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 09/22/16 07:02 AM

Originally Posted By: lue-jones
"We can only realize the promise of this institutions founding to replace the ravages of war with cooperation if powerful nations, like my own, accept constraints."

"After declaring that subordinating American sovereignty to a body of international bureaucrats would make the U.S. safer, Obama renewed his call for countries like the U.S. to absorb more Middle Eastern refugees".

Obama tells United Nations Giving Up Freedom Enhances American Security

Hopefully, none of this is news to anyone at this point. Reason enough to vote for Trump versus the loss of our sovereignty.
Posted by: aka-cyberman

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 09/22/16 08:22 AM

Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 10/02/16 10:16 PM

Originally Posted By: lue-jones
This is a subject which should be near and dear to every American because it has direct and far reaching meaning and consequences to our national identity. When the lines begin to be blurred between the capitalistic system the United States is based around and the hallmarks of communism we cease to be who we once were and begin to change into something we were never intended to be. Once that occurs, your national identity is skewed and the definition of what it means to be an American becomes perverted.

I first became aware of the issues facing our country after listening to retired Lt. General Jerry Boykin bravely discuss the issues he see's facing our nation. Not being satisfied with taking his word on the subject, I began to look into the subject closer and discovered he is absolutely correct.

Boykins elements of Marxist/Communist Insurgency

1. Nationalization

An example of nationalization in the United States is government bailouts of the automotive industry.

2. Wealth Redistribution

An example of wealth redistribution in the United States is Obamacare

3. Discrediting of the opposition

An example of discrediting the opposition in the United States is the labeling of returning veterans, patriots etc. as domestic terrorists.

4. Censorship

An example of censorship in the United States is hate crimes legislation which is designed to prevent pastors from talking to their parrish about homosexuality.

5. Control of Gun ownership

This is probably the last place I need to provide examples of gun control in the United States. Take a look at the recent rhetoric surrounding Universal Background Checks, bans on specific types of ammunition etc. There is a long list to go through.

6. Force to control the population

An example of a constable force in the United States is the creation of the Department of Homeland Security.

Below is a link to one of retired Lt. General Jerry Bokyins speech's on the Marxist/Communist problems plaguing our nation. Please take the time to listen to his words, though a great deal of what he is speaking about is highlighted above.

Clinton Constabulary Force

Clinton Wants Civilian Army
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 10/13/16 04:53 PM

Cornelia Ferreira: The Perestroika Deception Updated

Above is a very interesting presentation by Ms. Cornelia Ferreira who seems to have a pretty good grasp of the fundamentals.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 10/17/16 05:36 PM

Democrats have used trained provocateurs to instigate violence at Republican events nationwide throughout the 2016 election cycle, including at several Donald Trump rallies, using a tactic called “bird-dogging,” according to a new video investigation released Monday by James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas.

The goal of “bird-dogging”: to create a sense of “anarchy” around Donald Trump that would undermine his political support. Often, the tactic uses the most vulnerable people — including the elderly and disabled — to maximize shock value.

O’Keefe’s extensive video investigation reveals that the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) are involved in “bird-dogging” and other provocative tactics through a web of consultants led by Robert Creamer, a veteran Chicago activist and convicted felon who is thought to have planned Democrats’ political strategy during the push for Obamacare in 2009 and 2010.

Bird Dogging

Related links:

Clinton, Alinsky and Communist Doctrine

Clinton, Alinsky

Rules For Radicals: Songs in the Key of Alinsky
Posted by: aka-cyberman

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 10/17/16 07:14 PM

Thanks for sharing something that I already had a pretty good idea of what was going on.....These links confirm it...Thanks again lue-jones.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 10/22/16 04:54 PM

Smartmatic, a UK based company, is a George Soros linked company that has provided voting technology in 16 states including battleground zones like Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Virginia.

The company was formed in 2000 and a Chavez campaign adviser was placed on the board as well.

The chairman of Smartmatic is Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, who sits in the British House of Lords and on the board of George Soros’s Open Society Foundations. He was formerly the vice-chairman of Soros’s Investment Funds and even the deputy secretary-general of the United Nations when he worked as chief of staff to Kofi Annan.

According to Wikileaks documents Smartmatic machines were used to rig the 2004 Venezuela elections in favor of Marxist candidate Hugo Chavez.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 11/10/16 01:31 PM

Trump Takes Pennsylvania, Wins U.S. Election

Protests were reported in cities across the nation, from major metropolitan centers like New York, Chicago and Los Angeles, to smaller cities, such as Richmond and Portland, Ore. Dozens of demonstrators were arrested.

Even cities in red states, such as Atlanta, Dallas and Kansas City, Mo., saw demonstrations.

Tensions flared particularly high on college campuses. At American University in Washington, students burned American flags and some shouted “F--- white America!”

Protests Swell Across America

Bend the Arc Jewish Action, a social justice organization, released a statement Wednesday saying it would accept Trump's win as legal but "cannot call the idea of Donald Trump as president acceptable."

The group said it was prepared to protest against his decisions as president after a "campaign of hate."

"It is possible that actions of this administration will demand a response involving widespread use of peaceful direct action. The future is uncertain, the stakes are high, and we must be willing to be courageous because the consequences of our decisions will be great," Bend the Arc Jewish Action CEO Stosh Cotle said in a statement.

Leaders of the Black Lives Matter movement, which Trump has accused of calling for the death of police officers, and which he has said he would consider having investigated by the Department of Justice, said they were organizing on Wednesday for a long-term fight against Trump policies.

"Will not allow Trump and his dangerous political coalition to slow, much less stop, the fierce efforts of black communities to make our country more just and fair," spokesman Rashad Robinson said in a statement.

LA Times

A few hundred students at Lincoln High in San Jose participated in a walkout Wednesday during an advisory/study hall period, a demonstration that was peaceful and respectful, according to Principal Matt Hewitson.

Claudia Azalde, 16, a junior at Lincoln High, helped organize the walkout by first posting her thoughts Tuesday night on Instagram. She spoke with some teachers Wednesday morning and received a green light from Hewitson, who provided a microphone. Several hundred students participated, and a few dozen spoke out.

Thousands take to Streets

Propaganda designed to encourage and support unrest

NBC promotes race war

Professional protestors riot, attack bystanders

Pennsylvania police raid voter fraud scheme

Hacked emails suggest media and democrats worked together

NY Times admits to not publishing truth

DNC chair blasted for leaking questions

Cnn colluded with democrats

At least 65 mainstream media reporters working with left

Baltimore protesters: assassinate trump

Anti trump protestors bused into austin

Clinton supporter: there will be casualties

Black mob beats trump supporter

Philadelphia flash mob attacks off duty cop

Trump disrupter and clinton supporter has a dead grandmother that votes

Anti Trump Lesson Plan

Communist Internet propaganda squads organized

Communist Actor: Time for Trump supporters to die

Armed Communists in Austin Streets

Austin Commies: dead cops good

Four police officers shot on Sunday nationwide

Marxists demonstrate in Chicago

We dont need white people running democratic party

Posted by: aka-cyberman

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 11/10/16 04:08 PM

Thanks lue-jones......Fasten your seat belts Folks
Posted by: 6.5x55

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 11/13/16 09:14 AM

In typical communist fashion, the agents provocateur have been hitting the streets with preprinted signs and funding from the international communist party.

Some mush-brained college kids join with them, along with thugs looking for rob, loot and burn.

Simple steps to slow them down:

1) Allow local cops to use water cannons. Non-lethal and with cold weather the more delicate protesters won't like be soaked and cold

2) Mix plain clothes cops into the crowd and bust every window smasher and looter you can. Hold them under riot charges for the maximum time possible before even allowing a bail hearing.

3) Start blanket arrests at 8pm under local disturbing the peace laws. A local citizen has more of a right to peacefully enjoy their property, outside agitators have no right to disturb that use.

4) let ICE immediately start deporting criminal aliens. After the 1st 690,000 are gone some of the CA protesters will go into hiding.

5) Eliminate Govt sponsored student loans to anyone convicted of rioting. Loans are a privilege, not a right.
Posted by: 6.5x55

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 11/13/16 12:05 PM

Derp double post

Posted by: Cash is King

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 11/22/16 08:54 PM

Thought for the day:

Does Soros have a sore "O".

One might say... why yes it appears he does.
Posted by: SeaCoaster

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 12/01/16 11:14 AM

Interesting read >>>>

The Real Reasons Why Another American Civil War Is Possible
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 12/03/16 09:06 PM

Hi Sea,
Good to see you around, you're welcomed in this thread anytime my friend. That article from zero hedge is an interesting read and unfortunately spells out a very troubling possibility.

You have to hand it to the regressive left, when they conjure propaganda they really know how to run with it. When their indoctrination doesn’t take, and the public stops them cold with a wall of skepticism, they don’t give up! No — the little buggers double down and go for broke!

I would point out, however, that this seemingly boundless drive to forsake all logic and reason in the name of ideology is not due to these people being special in their ambition. Rather, they are following a somewhat successful historic model; the model of communism. And by successful, I mean successfully destructive.

With this avenue closing for the left, the next stage will be direct asymmetrics; they will use subversion at a more localized level; working to provoke “marginalized” groups into taking extreme action in order to illicit a negative and totalitarian response from conservatives.

I am rather well versed on the history of communist insurgencies, and one simple reality that consistently stands out to me is that wherever communist movements exist, war follows. They may claim to be peaceful in their aims and methods, they may claim to want what is best for society as a whole, but when these movements are denied access to social evolution, they almost always revert to violent means. The primary reason for this, I believe, is that they really do assume at their very core that their ideal is the ONLY ideal.

The communists have a long history of working with "marginalized groups" and in fact many of the topics covered above have previously been discussed in this thread. The above message echo's what retired Command Sgt. Major Dan Page has warned about which is also supported by countless insurgencies documented in the historical record. We're in very dangerous times in the United States. Hentz the very reason for this thread, because the more people who understand what is occurring in this country the better.

A guerilla war against Trump
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 12/07/16 05:23 PM

ARLINGTON — (WMAL) Sen. Barbara Favola says she doesn’t want to take away your guns. She just wants to know what you’re packing.

“My guess is that there will not be a single Republican who will vote for this bill,” says Sen Richard Black (R-Loudoun). “The whole purpose of [the study] is to pave the way for the confiscation of firearms from law abiding citizens,” he adds.

For those interested in reading more:

South Africa: 12 year old drowned in boiling water after seeing parents murdered

70,000 Murdered in Modern S. Africa

Future in S. Africa?

I knew she was going to be raped

Rape gangs in Zimbabwe
Posted by: Mark S

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 12/07/16 06:59 PM

Favola is my Sen, she absolutely sucks (I hope that isn't a banned word). I get her 'emails' and respond to everyone of them. She clearly has no interest in supporting ALL of her constituents, but only those on the far left flank.

And, the shrew runs unopposed which really bugs me.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 12/14/16 11:37 PM

Professor: Democrats and media attempting coup of electoral college

I did not expect the Communists to go out without a fight, in fact I fully expect more of the same even if/when Trump takes office. Expect more communist organized riots, more attacks on Americas law enforcement and more terrorists incidents. Expect pravda, aka the Communist propaganda machine known as the mainstram media to oppose Trump every step of the way with rhetoric designed to undermine his support and objectives.

I fully expect things to escalate, but naturally hope that I am as wrong as wrong can be. This is a communist insurgency, they are going to throw the kitchen sink at us.

Recount turns up more votes than voters

Obama: Domestic propaganda bigger threat than russia

Countering disinformation and propaganda act

Obama signs countering disinformation and propaganda into law
Posted by: Paratus

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 12/18/16 02:32 PM

Originally Posted By: lue-jones
Professor: Democrats and media attempting coup of electoral college

I did not expect the Communists to go out without a fight, in fact I fully expect more of the same even if/when Trump takes office. Expect more communist organized riots, more attacks on Americas law enforcement and more terrorists incidents. Expect pravda, aka the Communist propaganda machine known as the mainstram media to oppose Trump every step of the way with rhetoric designed to undermine his support and objectives.

I fully expect things to escalate, but naturally hope that I am as wrong as wrong can be. This is a communist insurgency, they are going to throw the kitchen sink at us.

Recount turns up more votes than voters

Obama: Domestic propaganda bigger threat than russia

Countering disinformation and propaganda act

I was going to post something very similar to this. In lieu of that, may I say + many!
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 12/18/16 05:37 PM

Author Ed Klein told Pete Hegseth on Fox and Friends Weekend this morning that Barack Obama is setting up a shadow government in Washington DC to undermine President Trump after Inauguration Day.

Obama setting up shadow government to undermine Trump

Well, that didn't take long.
Posted by: Paratus

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 12/19/16 03:32 PM

Originally Posted By: lue-jones
Author Ed Klein told Pete Hegseth on Fox and Friends Weekend this morning that Barack Obama is setting up a shadow government in Washington DC to undermine President Trump after Inauguration Day.

Obama setting up shadow government to undermine Trump

Well, that didn't take long.

Is this shadow government going to be a formal thing or somehow different than what has been attempted since November 8?
Posted by: aka-cyberman

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 12/19/16 05:26 PM

Lue....You're not wrong.....It's a Communist Insurgency that will continue.....They don't want to Make America Great, either now, or ever......They want to destroy us internally......The fight will continue.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 12/24/16 02:49 AM

"In this class, we will ask what an ethical white identity entails, what it means to be #woke, and consider the journal Race Traitor's motto, 'treason to whiteness is loyalty to humanity.'"

College Course: The Problem With Whiteness

The fight indeed will go on as long as the communists use our education and political systems to subvert and undermine this country. Again, I can not help but think of Rhodesia. The psychological conditioning that permeates our society and culture, echoed above, is exactly how Rhodesia ceased to be a nation any longer.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 12/25/16 12:57 AM

MTV is facing a social media backlash over a video entitled "2017 New Years Resolutions for White Guys," which called on white men to do "a little better" next year.

Here were some of the resolutions...

"Try to recognize that America was never 'great' for anyone who wasn't a white guy," a young woman said.

"Blue Lives Matter isn't a thing. Cops weren't born with blue skin, right?" was another resolution.

Wright agreed that white men have become a "punching bag" for the liberal left this year and it's getting worse following the election of Donald Trump as president.

MTVs New Years Resolution For White Guys

Take a second to think about what MTV means to young people, who the viewership of this channel tends to be and the affect it has on culture. And this is the message theyre sending to our children, both in media and school. What do you think the consequences of this propaganda are going to be?

To me, this is psychological programming. Perhaps psychological warfare? Its division, a key communist principle. The rich and the poor. The haves and the have nots. And this is what our children are eating for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 12/26/16 03:33 PM

Drexel University associate professor in politics and global studies tweeted out that for Christmas this year all he wanted was white genocide.

Professor: White Genocide For Xmas

It was a good thing whites were killed in the Haitian Revolution? What do you think these commies have in mind for us here in America? Who exactly is the enemy here?

Commie indoctrination centers to black out inauguration
Posted by: Bugzy

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 12/27/16 11:07 PM

Originally Posted By: lue-jones
Drexel University associate professor in politics and global studies tweeted out that for Christmas this year all he wanted was white genocide.

Professor: White Genocide For Xmas

It was a good thing whites were killed in the Haitian Revolution? What do you think these commies have in mind for us here in America? Who exactly is the enemy here?

Nobody but ourselves. The Communism train of thought is a foregone conclusion for those that continue to delve in that antiquated mindset. The "Threat" goes far deeper, and it didn't take place overnight.

The REAL threat, in a small portion, are people like yourself that act in the same fashion as the Mainstream Media. People believe and fear what they don't understand.

You don't know, nor can see the Big Picture.

When YOU have some "REAL SUBSTANCE" outside of being a "Professional Link Master", I'll take note. have wasted a lot of your typing time to benefit your OWN self-serving articulated agenda as a messenger or a redirect artist without factual substance.


Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 12/30/16 03:10 AM

Originally Posted By: lue-jones

As a communist official and future Politburo member, Frolov was putting man-made global warming in its political context – years before it would become a major theme in the West. The fact that Al Gore has followed Frolov’s formula of using environmentalism as a political weapon, and that the Gore family was supported by Armand Hammer, should give the reader some indication of what global warming is about. As with the statement of President Morales of Bolivia, we find in global warming a justification for replacing capitalism with socialism. In 1996 Mikhail Gorbachev acknowledged that the “threat of environmental crisis will be the international disaster key to unlock the New World Order.”

...Khrushchev reportedly said, “You Americans are so gullible. No, you won’t accept communism outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of socialism until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.” This type of boasting, which is so full of confidence, could only have been made by someone who has already watched many successful operations.

Green is the new Red

The Daily Signal found this and other revealing bits of information among material produced in response to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit filed against Virginia’s George Mason University, home to six academics who urged the Obama administration to prosecute individuals and organizations for not agreeing that man has caused climate change.

Liberal AGs hatch plan to prosecute climate change skeptic

If man made climate change is so absolute, why prosecute those asking questions? Either the evidence is overwhelming or its not. Thought crimes, whats next? The holocaust like in Europe? Where does it end?

We are already there with hate crimes legislation which is really designed to put the clamps down on christians. So why not Obama care, the official version of why the Civil War was fought and everything else the left would like to rewrite to fit their narrative.

Fortunately, there is good news out there to chew on as well.

Palin urges Trump to leave the UN

Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 12/30/16 03:26 AM

For those paying attention, things have been ratcheting up with Russia.

Obama warns Russia

Obama: We will take action at a place and time of our choosing

Russian ambassador assassinated

Russian plane crash kills 92

Obama expels Russian Diplomats
Posted by: 6.5x55

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 12/31/16 11:28 AM

Obama is the smartest guy in the room when he's in an empty room

AP, Coaches and BCS polls never agree; most elections are about 48 to 52. Even with paid commercias, only 3 out of 4 dentists agree on a brand of toothbrush.

Science is a continuing series of theory, experimentation and learning. There is nothing that 90%+ of scientists in a given field agree on at any time.

The climate change mantra is made up crap. Some proponents, some opponents. Nothing (except a communist election) is ever 90 to 10. Not saying there may not be change. Heck, there is coal under hundreds of feet of ice at the south pole. Climate does change but our reliable records using thermometers only go back around 200 years.

Before the last mini iceage, England had a warm and dry enough climate to grow wine grapes just a few hundred years ago.

The fact that the media all like on to a talking point just shows they are lazy. They do no research and are talking heads. Just like the term alt-right. Did you ever hear it until Hillary was on the ropes?

Obama never majored in geology, meteorology, climatology, archeology, paleontology or other natural sciences. His opinion was spoon-fed to him by his commie handlers
Posted by: SeaCoaster

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 12/31/16 03:07 PM

Originally Posted By: 6.5x55

Science is a continuing series of theory, experimentation and learning. There is nothing that 90%+ of scientists in a given field agree on at any time.

The climate change mantra is made up crap. Some proponents, some opponents. Nothing (except a communist election) is ever 90 to 10. Not saying there may not be change. Heck, there is coal under hundreds of feet of ice at the south pole. Climate does change but our reliable records using thermometers only go back around 200 years.

Before the last mini iceage, England had a warm and dry enough climate to grow wine grapes just a few hundred years ago.

Interesting --->

Hat Tip -- The American Patriot
Posted by: SeaCoaster

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 12/31/16 03:11 PM

Posted by: SeaCoaster

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 12/31/16 03:15 PM

Patience is the progressives most deadly weapon
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 01/05/17 06:41 AM

Man kidnapped and beaten by anti-Trump gang

A man was kidnapped, beaten, made to drink toilet water while being subjected to anti-Trump, anti-white people rhetoric.
Posted by: bh2win

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 01/05/17 10:51 AM

The communists didn't anticipate Trump. But that doesn't mean they won't try and undermine him.

He plays chess while they play checkers. Hopefully he rips out the cancerous and subversive people in powerful positions and stymies their growth.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 01/06/17 12:09 AM

Originally Posted By: lue-jones
Professor: Democrats and media attempting coup of electoral college

I did not expect the Communists to go out without a fight, in fact I fully expect more of the same even if/when Trump takes office. Expect more communist organized riots, more attacks on Americas law enforcement and more terrorists incidents. Expect pravda, aka the Communist propaganda machine known as the mainstram media to oppose Trump every step of the way with rhetoric designed to undermine his support and objectives.

I fully expect things to escalate, but naturally hope that I am as wrong as wrong can be. This is a communist insurgency, they are going to throw the kitchen sink at us.

Recount turns up more votes than voters

Obama: Domestic propaganda bigger threat than russia

Countering disinformation and propaganda act

Obama signs countering disinformation and propaganda into law

Stop Trump: Communists Start Petition to Declare Martial Law

As previously stated, this is a very dangerous time in the United States. I dont think we're out of the woods by any means, there is a deep division within this country. And there are those who are inciting that division to become wider and deeper. This is not the first time I have heard the left call for martial law and I think it speaks volumes about the political and social climates in the United States.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 01/10/17 05:54 AM

In a nod to this current mood, this year's World Economic Forum (WEF) is titled "Responsive and Responsible Leadership" and its official agenda describes a "weakening of multiple systems" that has eroded confidence and speaks of a possible "downward spiral" fuelled by protectionism, populism and nativism.

Donald Trump's inauguration as U.S. president on January 20 will overshadow the event but it's hard to see how every conference, bilateral meeting or roundtable in Davos won't include some reference to this political upheaval, which the conservative news aggregation site The Drudge Report calls the "new, new world order".

Indeed, some critics have attacked the event itself as being a reason why U.S. citizens started to question globalization and contemplate the negative impacts it's had on some parts of Western nations.

"(People) have witnessed the rise of the Davos class, a hyper-connected network of banking and tech billionaires, elected leaders who are awfully cosy with those interests (neoliberal policies), and Hollywood celebrities who make the whole thing seem unbearably glamorous," Naomi Klein, an author and social activist said in an opinion piece for The Guardian newspaper just a day after Trump's victory in November.


Democrats vow to rehang Communist Propaganda suggesting cops are pigs

FBI: Hostile Foreign Actors infiltrated Clintons Private Server

Mass Shootings Surge Under Obama Presidency

Federal Help or Power Grab?

Homeland Eyes Special Declaration to take charge of elections

Obama designates election process as Critical Infrastructure

DHS: Critical Infrastructure

Continuity of Government and Critical Infrastructure

Operation Garden Plot and Rex 84: Americas Plan for Martial Law

Sgt. Major Dan Page

Top Russian Diplomat Found Dead in Athens

Democrats Skipping Inauguration

Former Black Panther: John Lewis and Congressional Communist Black Caucus

Communist Call For Trump Impeachment before hes Inaugurated

Communist Offer To Pay Inauguration Protestors

Fake News! Mainstream Media Publishes False 4-Chan Hit Piece on Trump
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 01/10/17 10:11 PM

As detailed above, recently President Obama designated the nations election system as 'Critical Infrastructure.' That terms appears to be closely associated with "Continuity of Government." Some of you may recognize that term as being associated with Rex 84 and Operation Garden Plot. Which were terms introduced to the American public during the Iran-Contra scandel, detailing the suspension of the United States Constitution and the implementation of martial law.

A subject retired Command Sgt. Major Dan Page spoke with oath keepers about. Also detailed throughout this thread. If you've not taken the time to listen to that speech, do so.

Crowd Chants 'Four More Years' at Obama Fairwell Address
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 01/12/17 05:40 AM

GQ joke: Obama should kill Trump

Sounds like the typical rhetoric after an election in the United States. These people are dangerous, the golden showers story alone is proof of how desperate the communists have become. Expect more insanity yet to come.

Just what we have seen the left attempt to do in repealing term limits, the primaries with Sanders, attempts to circumvent the electoral process, designating the election system as critical infrastructure, crowds chanting four more years etc. is proof of what the communists intentions really are.

This is what a communist insurgency looks like.
Posted by: Mark S

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 01/12/17 06:57 AM

Originally Posted By: lue-jones
GQ joke: Obama should kill Trump

Sounds like the typical rhetoric after an election in the United States. These people are dangerous, the golden showers story alone is proof of how desperate the communists have become. Expect more insanity yet to come.

Just what we have seen the left attempt to do in repealing term limits, the primaries with Sanders, attempts to circumvent the electoral process, designating the election system as critical infrastructure, crowds chanting four more years etc. is proof of what the communists intentions really are.

This is what a communist insurgency looks like.

"The more insanity the more they expose themselves." The networks and 'newspapers' running with this stuff hurt their own credibility and become recognized for what they are, propagandists.

Between Flynn, Mattis, and Kelly you have three experienced 'users' of actual intel. With Pompeo you have a West Pointer/Harvard Law Grad that is also a Tea Party guy. I think that we could see major changes in the way that the CIA behaves going forward.

Brennan is a political hack that can't be gone soon enough.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 01/12/17 01:12 PM

“It is time. It is time that we stand our ground in defending Donald Trump’s legitimacy and the fact that he is the President-elect and to become the president.”

“Because I’m telling you right now and I’ve told you before, the media, the Praetorian Guard media, the Democrat Party, which puts party before country, academia and Hollywood, are seeking a coup of sorts. That’s exactly what they’re doing.”

Levin: Theyre seeking a coup of sorts
Posted by: aka-cyberman

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 01/12/17 02:11 PM

Trump is putting together an outstanding Cabinet.....I worry about Sessions getting through, but the rest are slam dunks.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 01/13/17 04:17 AM

ODonnell calls for martial law

CIA coup?
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 01/14/17 06:11 AM

The Army general who heads the D.C. National Guard and has an integral part in overseeing the inauguration said Friday that he will be removed from command effective at 12:01 p.m. Jan. 20, just as Donald Trump is sworn in as president.

Maj Gen of DC National Guard To Be Removed
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 01/16/17 01:26 PM

A new video released Monday by James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas shows left-wing activists allegedly planning to use butyric acid bombs — commonly known as “stink bombs” — to disrupt an event scheduled for the week of Donald Trump’s inauguration as the 45th President of the United States.

Communist Plot To Disrupt Inauguration Preceedings Uncovered

Communist Plan For Potential Terrorist DC Attack Exposed

Commie Groups Twitter Account Hacked, Documents Leaked

“I have an impression they practiced in Kiev and are ready to organize a Maidan in Washington, just to not let Trump take office,” Putin said, apparently referring to anti-government protests in the Ukrainian capital in 2014, which resulted in the leadership being ousted.

Putin: Kiev was practice for Maiden in Washington to not let Trump take office
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 01/17/17 04:31 PM

James O’Keefe and Project Veritas released a new undercover video on Tuesday showing left-wing activists with the “DisruptJ20” effort plotting to stop Donald Trump’s inauguration by chaining D.C. Metro trains and blocking roads.

Veritas Part 2: Communist Plan to Block Ingress Points to Inauguration
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 01/17/17 09:21 PM

WASHINGTON — The discovery of a violin case containing two guns led police to uncover a cache of even more guns and ammunition along the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal near the Boathouse at Fletcher’s Cove in Northwest D.C.

Washington - Firearms and Ammunition Cache Discovered

The Seeds of Potential Assassination
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 01/19/17 11:45 AM

CNN Runs A Disturbing Piece Before Inauguration

CNN: Assassinating Trump Could Keep Obama Administration In Power

Clinton Friend Arrested For Threatening To Assassinate Trump

Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 01/19/17 09:43 PM

Violence Erupts at Deploraball
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 01/20/17 03:53 PM

NY Times - Protests Turn Violent

Symbols of capitalist system destroyed during protests

CAIR indoctrination of elementary schools

Grammar a racist?

Commie Fight Club: How To Bash Conservatives

Communists Swamp D.C.

Project Veritas Investigation leads to Conspiracy Charges

Conservatives Attacked, man shot, in Washington Protests

Austin Protests

Commies: The revolution starts here

Sgt. Major Dan Page Speech to Oath Keepers

Operation Garden Plot

BLM is Obamas private civilian Army

Obama civilian Army

Texas Sniper Attack

Ferguson Sniper Attack

Obama to BLM Protestors: Stay the course

Obama trained thousands in Alinsky tactics

William Kristol: Replace Lazy Whites With Immigrants

FBI Suspected Irving Kristol to be Soviet Spy

Soviet Spy
Posted by: aka-cyberman

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 01/20/17 04:58 PM

Only people that hate America would do this.....Definitely Communist Party USA backed.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 02/07/17 05:53 AM

The communists are a much broader spectrum of society with a strong leaning towards immigration issues. The communists actively recruit from a wide pool of candidates, including liberal socialists, the LBGT community, the environmental activists and the anti-white racist groups (Black Lives Matter, La Raza, Islamic Fundamentalists, etc.). They have a significant number of minorities in their ranks and they are militant in their operations and planning. The communists encourage independent action of their members to assimilate members from groups like Black Lives Matter, La Raza and other less militant organizations like ANSWER Coalition. They have no ethical boundaries. To communists, the ends always justify the means.

The people joining are brain-washed by numerous sources before they even participate in their first protest or direct action. The MSM, our colleges and universities, social media and leftist alternative news organizations are the primary sources of the initial brain-washing that is taking place.

If you got caught trying to film a planning meeting of the Revolutionary Communist Party or one of the other militant communist groups, you would be roughed up on your way out the door and there is a good chance you would lose your recording equipment.

Navy Jack - Oathkeepers: Infiltration of Left

For those of you who have followed this thread, hopefully you have been witnessing the wide spread "protests" across the country and the information contained throughout this thread has helped shed some light on exactly what we are seeing.

There is a communist insurgency happening within the United States, it certainly appears as if they are attempting to force a martial law scenario and it is of my opinion we are seeing heavy psy-ops throughout the media. For those of you who have not seen retired Command Sgt. Major Dan Pages speech to oathkeepers I recommend you do so.

Dan Page - Oath Keepers
Posted by: toughtom12

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 02/09/17 01:52 AM

It seems that most of these protesters don't like Trump and some of his comments and executive orders. Where is the evidence of a communist insurgency?
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 02/09/17 03:21 AM

Originally Posted By: toughtom12
It seems that most of these protesters don't like Trump and some of his comments and executive orders. Where is the evidence of a communist insurgency?

I'm not sure if you're serious? This entire thread is dedicated to the fact there is a communist insurgency happening within the continental United States. Honestly, if you haven't got it by now you're never going to get it. Retired Lt. General Jerry Boykin hit on this very subject all on his own, which is found on page 1. Perhaps a good place to start, though I know you have already reviewed the information.

Originally Posted By: toughtom12
Keep up the good work Lue! I enjoy reading the links to stories that you have posted. I am still not sold on the idea that Communism is a major threat to the U.S. at the moment, but I am certain that there is an element of communist sympathy in many of the instances of civil unrest that we have seen. I admire your passion to keep spreading the word on what you see as an immediate threat to our way of life. I apologize for leaving my earlier snarky comments, I figured that you were just another tin foil hat nutter. I can see that you are sincere, and I hope for everyone's sake that you are wrong.

Page 3

The above link to Navy Jack's write up at oath keepers testifies to this fact as well. But really, if you are genuinely interested in finding out more about this communist insurgency I recommend you head to google, start reading about the politics, ideology and circumstances, events etc. of historical communist nations and start to draw your own parallels with what we see happening today in this country.

I've handed it to you here on a silver platter, literally. If that is not enough to convince you then I am more than fine in allowing you to believe its business as usual in the United States. By your own admission there is an element of communist sympathy in these protests, and that was before things really started to pick up here in 2017.

What is an insurgency? According to Merriam-Webster:

the quality or state of being insurgent; specifically : a condition of revolt against a government that is less than an organized revolution and that is not recognized as belligerency

By your own admission, these protestors are in defiance of the President of the United States. Coupled with the fact you admit there is an element of communist sympathy to these protests, I would have to think its pretty obvious to even you. But I can not hold your hand for you (though it certainly looks like I am), nor do I honestly care if you agree. Once one starts to understand what constitutes Marxist ideology, how the communist use marginalized groups as a means to meet their ends it becomes more evident on exactly what constitutes a Communist insurgency.

...later generations of Western Marxists appeared in Europe after the Russian revolution and developed Marxian theories of culture, the state, social institutions, psychology, and other thematics not systematically engaged by the firstgeneration of Marxism and attempted to update the Marxian theory to account fordevelopments in the contemporary era.

UCLA.EDU (cached)

A quick trip over to might help those genuinely interested in learning more about the Communist ideology prolific in not only these protests, but our "social institutions," society and culture. Considering your recent comments in another thread Tom, coupled with what I have seen from you here in this thread I would say you've bought into your Marxist indoctrination through the public school system, colleges and universities hook line and sinker. I believe you are a communist sympathizer, and I do not say that to be rude. But when it walks and talks like a duck, surely you're dealing with a duck? No?

Originally Posted By: toughtom12
Indeed JerryWalter! I was pointing out the fact that once again Saudi Arabia is off the hook. After 911 we invade Afghanistan and Iraq when Saudi's supplied the bulk of the ideology and funding to Al Qaeda. Afghanistan had some shooting ranges and monkey bars for people with Saudi backing to come train on. And Iraq had nothing to do with any of it, our invasion has caused Islam to flourish in the area after we destroyed the country. This stunt by Trump would accomplish nothing even if Saudi Arabia was on the list, but leaving them off of it is just proof that this is indeed a Stunt. Travel restrictions won't help to stop a religion or ideology from spreading and causing terror incidents. As long as people believe in nonsense written by charlatans in so called "Holy Books", we will always have these problems. Access to information in the Middle East is the only hope to combating this problem long term.

China Doubles Down on Atheism

Victims of Communism: The War on Religion

Reed.EDU - Strong Tilt To Left, Objection to traditional values

Communist Labor Party: Against Police Oppression

Merriam-Webster: Marginalized

Marginalization and Civil Society

NPR: Womens March and Marginalized Groups

Washington Post: Womens March, Marginalized Groups

Fake News: Commie Bernie Sanders and Pope-Capitalism's Losers (marginalization)
Posted by: toughtom12

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 02/09/17 10:10 PM

No offense Taken Lue, and I do probably sympathize with some of the ideas in Communism without having even been aware of it. I consider myself to be an Agnostic Atheist, and I am skeptical of all religions and supernatural claims. I believe that they are a means of controlling and placating the ignorant. I differ with Communists in that I don't think religions should be banned by the Government. I am a proud American who believes in the U.S. Constitution, and I would prefer to live in a Capitalist society over a Communist one. That does not mean I can't also believe in a progressive tax rate, or that I can't support some socialist programs. Such as Police, Firemen, Public Schools, Roads, or even Universal Healthcare. In my earlier post I was just pointing out that most of your links don't show any real communist conspiracy,(I actually read some of them) they mostly just hypothesize based on circumstantial evidence.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 02/12/17 05:42 AM

Originally Posted By: wolfman
Google Yuri Bezmenov.

Indeed, former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov is among my earliest exposures to the ideological subversion of the United States. It is a topic I originally discovered while at the university, but it took some years before I really took an interest and closer look at the situation.

Former KGB agent explains brain washing

Psychological warfare

Bezmenov accurately predicted how America would decline

The result? The result you can see — most of the people who graduated in the 60’s, dropouts or half-baked intellectuals, are now occupying the positions of power in the government, civil service, business, mass media, and education system. You are stuck with them. You can’t get through to them. They are contaminated. They are programmed to think and react to certain stimuli in a certain pattern [alluding to Pavlov]. You can not change their mind even if you expose them to authentic information. Even if you prove that white is white and black is black, you still can not change the basic perception and the logic of behavior.

Bezmenovs warning to America

Posted by: aka-cyberman

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 02/12/17 09:31 AM

Compelling Videos that everyone should let sink in.....Straight from the Horse's Mouth......Thanks lue
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 02/28/17 09:51 PM

Barack Obama is behind the leaks of classified information from the White House and violent protests against the new administration, President Donald Trump has said in an interview with Fox News.

Obama and his people behind leaks

Trump Blames Obama, former staff as source of leaks, protests

Hillary Clinton rallied the opposition Friday with a videotaped message urging "resistance plus persistence" that she delivered via President Donald Trump's favorite form of communication — Twitter.

"The challenges we face as a party and a country are real," a smiling Clinton said. "So now more than ever, we need to stay engaged in the field and online, reaching out to new voters, young people and everyone who wants a better, stronger, fairer America."

Clinton Message To Trump Foes

Its Coming. He's coming. Obama to play more active role.

Loretta Lynch: More Marching, Blood and Death needed on Streets

Pouty Democrats Disrespect Trump

Trump Supporters Rally

Presidents Supporters Stage Rallies

Obama DOJ slush fund financed radical left wing groups

Jarrett Moves Into Obama DC Home to Run Shadow Government

Trump accuses Obama of Wire Tapping

Berkeley Scuffle: Left vs Right Demonstrators

Stickman Wacks Communist Antifa

Violence Pro and Anti Trump Protestors Clash

Anti Trump Protestors Cover Face, Bring Assault Rifles To Trump Rally

Omaha police throw antifa thug to ground

Phili cop throws bike at antifa protestor

Democrat Communist alliance

Trump surveillance raises concerns

Wealth Redistribution

The momentum of the communist insurgency is growing, with division running deep within the country. A fact you can thank former President Obama's previous two terms for, along with Pravda (the mainstream media). Who has continuously fanned the flames of division in this country, all of which has helped to drive the insurgency.

We have President Trump pointing the finger directly at former President Obama as the source of the leaks and protests. The same former President Obama who urged the violent rioters to stay the course. And we have Hillary Clinton telling her supporters both in the field and on social media to resist and persist. While Eric Holder has declared its coming. Obama will become more active in his role to destabilize the nation.

With President Trump urging his supporters to rally, its interesting to look down the road at where this could all be heading. With multiple generations of Marxist indoctrinated youth in the United States, "useful idiots" as far as the eye can see, the situation is approaching normalized.

Retired CSM Dan Pages Speech To Oath Keepers
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 04/04/17 09:28 PM

Stay ahead of violence in the workplace with an active shooter workshop series. The intensive, two part course is designed to assist our business community in preventing, planning and responding to workplace violence and active shooter incidents.

Part two will be held April 4 from 8 a.m. to noon at the Berglund Center Exhibit hall. 4/4/17 Active Shooter Work Shop

Above, from the Roanoke Times's website, we see an active shooter work shop was scheduled for today, 04/04/2017. Below we see two active shooter incidents which occurred, coincidentally, today on 04/04/2017.

I believe the question needs to be asked, were these two events publicized to Americans as legitimate causes for concern actually part of the active shooter work shop? In other words, drills.

4/4/17: False active shooter report in Norfolk

4/4/17: Police search for armed man in Giles county va

As it turns out, there are active shooter "work shops" across the country today. Courtesy of the Department of Homeland Security?

Students Train in Active Shooter Drills

DHS Active Shooter Work Shop

Active Shooter Drill Prior To San Beradino Shooting
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 04/23/17 09:49 PM

Battle of Berkeley

Above, we see communists in the streets of Berkeley, California rioting and causing mass chaos. Note law enforcement issuing rules to Trump supporters, effectively disarming them and then tucking tail and hiding once the commies instigate violence.

Apparently, even with the aid of Law enforcement things did not go as planned for the agitator propagandists. Now they are calling for more Training in order to be greater threats to America.

Below, a modern day wake up call to the dangers of communism.

History repeats itself

History repeats itself again
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 05/04/17 08:28 AM

Originally Posted By: aka-cyberman
Compelling Videos that everyone should let sink in.....Straight from the Horse's Mouth......Thanks lue

Below, information from former KGB operative Yuri Bezmenov on what he feels needs to happen in America to turn this ship around.

Griffin: Okay, so what do we do? What is your recommendation to the American people?

Bezmenov: Well, the immediate thing that comes to my mind is of course, there must be a very strong national effort to educate people in the spirit of real patriotism, number one. Number two, to explain [to] them the real danger of socialist, communist, whatever, welfare state, Big Brother government. If people will fail to grasp the impending danger of that development, nothing ever can help [the] United States. You may kiss good bye to your freedom, including freedoms [for] homosexuals, [for] prison inmate[s]; all this freedom will vanish, evaporate in five seconds... including your precious lives.

The second thing: [at] the moment at least part of [the] United States population is convinced that the danger is real. They have to force their, and I'm not talking about sending letters, signing petitions, and all this beautiful, noble activity. I'm talking about forcing [the] United States government to stop aiding Communism. Because there is no other problem more burning and urgent than to stop the Soviet military-industrial complex from destroying whatever is left of the free world. And it is very easy to do: no credits, no technology, no money, no political or diplomatic recognition, and of course no such idiocy as grain deals to [the] USSR.

The Soviet people, 270 [million] Soviets, will be eternally thankful to you if you stop aiding [the] bunch of murderers who sit now in [the] Kremlin, and whom President Reagan respectfully calls ‘government.’ They do not govern anything, least of all such [a] complexity as the Soviet economy.

So basic[ally], two very simple... maybe two simplistic answers or solutions, but nevertheless they are the only solutions: educate yourself, [and] understand what’s going on around you. You are not living at [a] time of peace. You are in a state of war and you have precious little time to save yourself. You don’t have much time, especially if you are talking about [the] young generation. There’s not much time left for convulsions to the beautiful disco music. Very soon it will go [he snaps his fingers] just overnight.

If we are talking about capitalists or wealthy businessmen, I think they are selling the rope from which they will very soon. If they don’t stop, if they cannot curb their unsettled desire for profit, and if they keep on trading with the monster of the Soviet Communism , they are going to hang very soon. And they will pray to be killed, but unfortunately they will be sent to Alaska, probably, to manage [the] industry of slaves.

It’s simplistic. I know it sounds unpleasant; I know Americans don’t like to listen to things which are unpleasant, but I have defected not to tell you the stories about such idiocy as microfilm, James Bond-type espionage. This is garbage. You don’t need any espionage anymore. I have come to talk about survival. It’s a question of [the] survival of this system. You may ask me what is [in it] for me. Survival, obviously. Because I like... as I said, I am now in your boat. If we sink together, we will sink beautifully together. There is no other place on this planet to defect to.

Useless dissident

Socialism to Communism

Sleepers emerge, messiah appears

Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 05/23/17 01:06 AM

Stewart Rhodes - Oath Keepers - Communist infiltration of democratic party

This is what failed socialist/communist policies do to a society.

Congressman calls for holy war

Weapons confiscated from antifa

Comey lies under oath

Russian conspiracy witch hunt unravels

Sebastian Gorka: Complete Vindication For The President
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 06/12/17 07:22 PM

Dr. Bill Warner: Islam is Communism with a god

Above, Dr. Warner gets to the heart of the refugee crisis in America and elsewhere. Among the many immensely important topics he covers is the United Nations and who determines what a "refugee" is defined as. Which is the OIC, a Muslim organization which has declared Muslim refugees take precedence over Christians and other religions. Again, the United Nations sticking their nose in American domestic policy.

Below, an outstanding review of history from Dr. Warner.

Why we are afraid. A 1400 year secret.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 06/25/17 05:57 AM

Agenda: The grinding down of America

The video above is an excellent over view of Communism in the United States today. Highly recommended viewing for all people from every walk of life.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 07/12/17 10:38 PM

If the American people do not demand an end to the violence and lawbreaking, the Bolshevik perps will only become more emboldened. These Obama-led and Soros-backed agitators will eventually intensify their insurgency nationwide. They will surely increase the number of rioters and protesters — from the ranks of so many disillusioned illegal aliens — who are quite willing to disrupt civil society.

The Bolshevik Left now demonstrates an unparalleled willingness to harm people and destroy property never seen within the body politic. Their use of agents provocateur has become obvious to even the most naive and uninformed. Hence, President Trump is completely within his power to immediately prosecute all of those culpable agents of Deep State.

These subversive mercenaries are all cut from the same RED bolt of cloth as those who incited and carried out the Bolshevik Revolution. In fact, the Left is becoming more vicious and violent by the event. Just as their ilk terrorized the major cities throughout Russia in 1917, they use the same brutal tactics in 2017 across the USA.

Exactly 100 Years After the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917; Comes the Percolating Purple Revolution of 2017

One thing is for sure: the C.I.A. will not stop this uprising until Trump is frogmarched out of the White House. The question then remains: What will the patriots and nationalists do to prevent that from happening?

Mainstream Media Psy-Op

Above, a link to a pretty good write up on the communist insurgency happening within the US and a good explanation of who is behind it. Operation Mocking Bird still in full swing.

Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 08/16/17 11:50 AM

While you were sleeping, Baltimore removed 4 Confederate monuments from around the city:

Baltimore Removes Confederate Monuments in Dead of Night

I don’t care how you feel about what is going on,” bellowed the man, who would give his name only as Gary. “I refuse to allow socialists and rabble-rousers to come in here and vandalize this town.”

Durham Confederate Monument Brought Down

Revolutionary War Statue Beheaded

Virginia Governor Calls For Removal of all Confederate Monuments

What we are seeing are examples of cultural marxism:

The gradual process of destroying all traditions, languages, religions, individuality, government, family, law and order in order to re-assemble society in the future as a communist utopia. This utopia will have no notion of gender, traditions, morality, god or even family or the state.

Rather, Gramsci asserted that Marxism’s potential for transforming society was wholly dependent upon the willful initiative of activists committed to using a “reversal strategy” designed to establish a “counter hegemony”—i.e., an alternative dominant worldview—in opposition to the existing capitalist framework. Specifically, Gramsci called for Marxists to spread their ideology in a gradual, incremental, stealth manner, by infiltrating all existing societal institutions and embedding it, largely without being noticed, in the popular mind.

This, he emphasized, was to be an evolutionary, rather than a revolutionary, process that, over a period of decades, would cause an ever-increasing number of people to embrace Marxist thought, until at last it achieved hegemony. Gramsci described this approach as a “long march through the institutions”. Among the key institutions that would need to savage were the cinema and theater, the schools and universities, the seminaries and churches, the media, the courts, the labor unions, and at least one major political party. According to Gramsci, these institutions constituted society’s “superstructure,” which, if captured and reshaped by Marxists, could lead the masses to abandon capitalism of their own volition, entirely without resistance or objection.

What is Cultural Marxism?

I would highly recommend any eye on this information to youtube Yuri Bezmenov and listen to his many lectures on ideological subversion to get a better understanding on the origins of what is going on in America.

The event that precipitated the monuments removal:

Charlottesville Protests

Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 08/23/17 03:39 PM

A United Nations Committee tasked with combating racism on a global scale has issued an ultra rare "early warning" for the United States citing "alarming racism" trends

UN Warning: Potential Civil Conflict in America

The United Nations has been discussed previously in this thread, so its interesting such a warning has been issued. With the dozens of protests happening around the country, some conservative radio hosts such as Rush Limbaugh and Michael Savage have theorized a civil war is possible.

Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 08/25/17 09:22 PM

Here we go again, the overweight and disgruntled Socialism-loving mayor of Berkeley, Jesse Arreguin, has taken to his soap box to label an anti-Marxism event a “White Nationalist Rally”. You might remember, this is the same mayor who allowed Antifa protestors to attack (at times causing great bodily harm) peacefully assembled trump supporters in the liberal haven of Berkeley, CA. Previously he has ordered cops, civil servants whose role is to protect American citizens, to stand down and allow violent thugs from the far left to attack conservatives.

Berklee Mayor Labels Anti-Marxist Event White Nationalist Rally

If you are a Christian, if you believe in American heritage, the Constitution, anti-Marxist etc. you are defined as a White Nationalist. The same label put on the white supremicist, Neo-nazi's at the Charlottesville event. This is how the Communist operate and it means if you are any of these things there is a gun pointed at you.

This is a Communist insurgency, do not ignore it my fellow Americans.

Unprecedented calls for impeachment

Time-Impeach Trump

Msnbc-Impeach Trump

Calls for impeachment

Impeachment Calls

Roger Stone Predicts Armed Insurrection if Trump impeached

US Virgin Islands seize guns, ammo ahead of hurricane
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 09/05/17 09:55 PM

Mayor De Blasio: What’s been hardest is the way our legal system is structured to favor private property. I think people all over this city, of every background, would like to have the city government be able to determine which building goes where, how high it will be, who gets to live in it, what the rent will be. I think there’s a socialistic impulse, which I hear every day, in every kind of community, that they would like things to be planned in accordance to their needs. And I would, too. Unfortunately, what stands in the way of that is hundreds of years of history that have elevated property rights and wealth to the point that that’s the reality that calls the tune on a lot of development.

De Blasio Goes Full Commie

You are looking at the future in America unless something significant occurs to turn the communist red tide back. Open Communism from the democratic party.

Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 09/15/17 11:18 PM

The protesters then turned back into the Central West End off of Kingshighway and held a rally there for a couple hours.


St. Louis Mayors Home Attacked By Protestors

There have been so many protests in this year alone that it is difficult to track them all, this communist insurgency is only just getting warmed up. And its been coming for years now. Pay attention folks.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 09/19/17 05:32 PM

President Donald Trump: The problem in Venezuela is not that socialism has been poorly implemented but that socialism has been faithfully implemented. (long pause) From the Soviet Union to Cuba to Venuzela, wherever socialism or communism has been adopted it has delivered anguish and devastation and failure.

TGP: Trump Slams Socialism

This was very refreshing to hear from the President, I hope he turns his attention to more domestic matters here in the U.S. on slamming Communism/Socialism.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 09/24/17 12:03 PM

Former Clinton aide Dick Morris told the Gateway Pundit that the CIA is currently running a coup d’état against President Trump as if tanks were rolling up Pennsylvania Avenue.

Listen to the full interview below:

The left is sitting on the biggest crime committed by a sitting president. The only way to cover it up is to destroy his Republican successor. A turning point in history is here. If Obama goes down, the left will go down with him. If his coup succeeds, then America ends.


If you havent listened to Retired Command Sgt. Major Dan Pages speech to oath keepers, now is as good of time as any to do so.


Elsewhere, information is surfacing about the former ambassador to the UN's role in unmasking American citizens. Again, why does the UN keep popping up in matters related to American domestic policy?


Unmasking by UN ambassador


Susan Rice unmasking

The High Commissioner’s direct effort to influence the U.S. election was questioned at a State Department briefing shortly thereafter.

UN meddling in our election
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 09/26/17 09:57 AM

Originally Posted By: wolfman
Google Yuri Bezmenov.

Revisiting Yuri Bezmenov, below we see one of countless examples of the Marxist subversion of our public school system and university/college educational system. We even have a healthy supply of marxist indoctrinated youth here at this forum. I am not in the least bit surprised by any of this, Bezmenov warned us decades ago and it was well underway for decades even then.

A photo of U.S. Army infantry officer and West Point graduate Spenser Rapone was making its rounds online Monday due to the fact that – while in his uniform – Rapone had the words “Communism will win” scrawled inside of his cap.

West Point Grad: Communism Will Win

West Point Graduate Radicalized by Muslim Professor

The comments on this article are well worth investigating further.

Subversion-Yuri Bezmenov

Yuri Bezmenov

Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 09/26/17 09:04 PM

On Sunday over 200 NFL players knelt during the US national anthem on Gold Star Mothers Day.

On Tuesday Anheuser-Busch responded to complaints over its support of the National Football League.

Anheuser-Busch said they will reach out to the NFL over their anthem protests.

Some of the comments in this article on the beer company having a word with the NFL over their anti-American, cultural Marxist message are golden, below are two examples.

I keep thinking about the communist agenda behind all this.

The communists never were routed from this country. They're here throughout our institutions.

They've destroyed education.

They've effectively destroyed the family. They've destroyed concepts of men, women, and

They've gone a long way toward destroying God and Christianity.

What institutions are left? Ahh ... the main addiction and pastime of America, where they salute the flag and feel pride and patriotism: sports.

One more institution -- and we should think of sports as institutions, albeit thoroughly corrupted by untold billions of dollars -- that needs to be destroyed. one more place where people come together and feel pride in being American. It's a huge institution, in every town, city, county, state. Thousands and thousands of them where the anthem is sung, the flag honored. Every age, from little child to the oldest.

Now that's being destroyed, or the attempt is well underway.

Communists always said and knew that the way to destroy America was from within. All of those institutions are what make America strong. They are what has made America, America, and western civilization what it has been.

I'm no expert on any of this. I keep trying to put the pieces together to understand what is happening. I always appreciate other thoughts on all of these topics.

President Trump has been teaching America about what it means to be American since he began running. The fact that the Communists took over our schools and started indoctrinating the children with Anti-American propaganda while they took over the news and entertainment media to reinforce their agenda has caused many Americans to be totally ignorant of what it means to be American.
The Communists in charge have mistaken the fact that real Americans believe in the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, law and order, respect for others, generosity, love, opportunity and Freedom for guilt and self-hatred. We are patient and we have waited for our opportunity to take America back. The opportunity came, we voted for Trump and we are taking it back. Americans come in all colors and we have worked together to build a prosperous, safe and free country where all people can thrive to the best of their ability.
We leave the hatred to the Communists. They have murdered more people than any other political system in the world. They now call themselves liberals and Progressives but the fact remains that all they know how to do is cheat, lie, steal, destroy and murder.
When we tried to tell people who they are they were still being fairly quiet. They acted up in the 60's and 70's and the National Guard had to be brought out. They slunk back into the darkness and worked hard behind the scenes to destroy us.
Now they have come out into the light and no one can ignore how vicious they really are and how much they hate all human beings. Every city in America where they have control turns into a cess pool of corruption and lawlessness. Chicago is just one of them. No country has ever thrived under Communist control.
We the People are back in charge and we are going to MAGA.
Posted by: Cash is King

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 09/27/17 08:14 AM

3D chess Trump is playing. It's a mighty big swamp.

9 of the 11 wealthiest counties in the USA (per news blog yesterday) surround Washington DC.

Wikipedia (outdated?) paints a similar pic.


NFL (& pro sports), HoochieWood, Cali... TV/Media AND lots of other elite folks try to get rich off of my sweat. Don't be fooled.


Why are Pro Sports Tax Exempt?

Think about it.

Why does HoochieWood get Tax write offs on EVERYTHING (every car, car crash, prop. rented studio/city fee etc.)


It would be like me starting a "Gun Company" and writing off $2m a year in "Safari Load Development Analysis for myself and my staff".


I am switching to NASCAR, local sports and racing and honing my target shooting skills on Sundays and Monday Nights.

Hell... I would even prefer to watch some fat opera chick sing... than watch some stupid pro sport punk take a knee to MY AMERICAN FLAG.


I get my news from Yahoo Finance ($$$ drives everything), the Weather Channel and BBC... Gave up on the rest.


Strange Vs. Moore... 3D chess again maybe?

Trump backs Strange to appease/befriend Mitch? Moore wins anyway... Trumps gets clout with the **I miss Obama** RINOs... AND STILL GETS HIS KIND OF MAN ALSO. Just saying...

The new Republican nominee insists he is among the president's fans.

Moore Quote "Don't let anybody in the press think that because he (Trump) supported my opponent I do not support him and support his agenda," Mr Moore said after winning.".

Posted by: Cash is King

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 09/27/17 09:11 AM

Draining the Swamp Part 2.

Can someone please tell me why the Department of AGRICULTURE resides in a place with NO AGRICULTURE?

Sure, in Lincoln's day... Abe might have wanted a F2F confab with the AG Secretary (Newton) who would ride over on his horse and they would light a few lanterns, pull out a piece of parchment and a few quill feathers and get down with the AG conversation.

But it is 2017... so WHY???

Same with INTERIOR

Same with...

Well... you get the point.

List of Executive Departments

Think about it... WHY?


If AG moved to say... Omaha (where they actually grow stuff)... I-66, I-95 traffic would ease back DRAMATICALLY... pollution would go way down... and a ton of other reasons/benefits.

Cost of Living in Omaha is WAY LOWER... so we would not need to pay the crazy high salaries so people could buy crazy expensive house and pay crazy high taxes, daycare etc. etc. etc.

Give me one SOLID reason this does not happen?

Posted by: 6.5x55

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 09/27/17 09:43 AM

UUhhh... because the Secretary of each department is a Cabinet member and has to regularly report to the President?

Cabinet members are also in the line of succession should something happen to the President, Vice President and members of Congress who are in line.

There are departments that didn't exist prior to Nixon that could be deleted with no harm to the country. If you want money savings and state powers returned to the states, those might be a good place to start
Posted by: Cash is King

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 09/27/17 08:08 PM

Originally Posted By: 6.5x55
There are departments that didn't exist prior to Nixon that could be deleted with no harm to the country.


Originally Posted By: 6.5x55
If you want money savings and state powers returned to the states, those might be a good place to start.


Originally Posted By: 6.5x55
UUhhh... because the Secretary of each department is a Cabinet member and has to regularly report to the President?

I concur that the President might like face to face confabs with his Cabinet (and obviously his/her immediate staff).


AG employs 110,000 people... 7,000 in the Whitten Building in DC. This building is 2.5 million Square Feet. The Carver Center is another 350,000 SF.

My point is that MAYBE, JUST MAYBE... many of these people could better serve where CROPS ACTUALLY GROW.

Doing the math... that is 430 SF of office space per employee (my first house was 720 SF)... in one of the MOST EXPENSIVE Real Estate markets in the USA... Assuming the average AG employee is a GS-11/12 (+/-) that is around $1/4m (per employee) in total tax dollars to do AG work where there are NO CROPS!




The Udall Building (MIB) is 1.3m SF... South building... add another 300k... thousands of employees to take care of the various Bureaus:

Bureau of Indian Affairs
Bureau of Indian Education
Bureau of Land Management
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
Bureau of Reclamation
Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement
National Park Service
Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
U.S. Geological Survey

Take care of Fish and Wildlife from DC?
Take care of Surface Mining from DC?
Take care of Ocean Energy from DC?
Take care of Indians from DC? Elizabeth Warren???

My point is... Drain the Swamp... and put the people where the real needs are.

Originally Posted By: 6.5x55
Cabinet members are also in the line of succession should something happen to the President, Vice President and members of Congress who are in line.

Exactly... don't put all your succession eggs in 3 mile blast radius BASKET.


Above are only TWO of the FIFTEEN DEPARTMENTS in the swamp.

Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 10/02/17 04:56 PM

The communists in the Antifa crowd are planning to begin a revolution in America on Saturday, November 4 — almost exactly 100 years after the Bolshevik Revolution that took Russia out of the frying pan of Tsarist rule and into the fire of communist totalitarianism. While some see Antifa activists as the modern heroes of anti-Fascism — fighting against racism, sexism, and a litany of other “isms” — and others see them merely as the snowflake crowd of spoiled brats demanding free everything, the reality is that Antifa is one tool in the communists' toolbox to bring America to her knees.

Communist Plan Nov 4th Revolution

Pentagon plans black out drills in November

Student group wants to exterminate capitalists

The fact this headline even exists and the calls exist to support it certainly attests to the fact many Americans are simply blissfully unaware of whats been going on in this country. Credit to retired Lt. General Jerry Boykin and retired CSM Dan Page for warning everyone in the face of mockery, eyes rolling and petty slights from absolute fools too ignorant to 'unplug their bananas' as Yuri Bezmenov would say.

While nobody is a psychic, where its impossible to say with certainy what tomorrow brings, the writing has been on the wall for those willing to research and understand history and its parallels to modern times.

Crowder Undercover Antifa Video

Fox: Steven Crowder Video Evaluated

Vegas Antifa Shooting 'act of war'

NY Times Vegas Shooting Live Update

Very Strange Facts About Las Vegas Shooting

2nd shooter?

Dinner for 2

Shooter planned to escape

Multiple shooters, multiple hotels involved

Call for millions of NRA members to be executed

LV Investigation is suspicious

Shooters brother linked to crisis communication firm

Police lying about facts in case

Former Trump Official: LV Shooter an ISIS member

Contradictory reports on shooter

Bellagio was on lockdown in LV

LV Shooter possible covert terrorism financing

What Happened at the Bellagio Hotel

Eyewitness and victim claims 2nd gunman in crowd ground level

Hero security guard an accomplice?

Security Guard Not Registered

Security Guard Refuses To Do Interviews

Time line changes again with security guard shot

Health Tanger Identifies Distances of Shooters

LV Sheriff bars conservative media from press conferences

Cover up underway: security guard missing, family under gag order

Posted by: dustydog

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 10/02/17 05:47 PM

Originally Posted By: lue-jones
The communists in the Antifa crowd are planning to begin a revolution in America on Saturday, November 4 — almost exactly 100 years after the Bolshevik Revolution that took Russia out of the frying pan of Tsarist rule and into the fire of communist totalitarianism. While some see Antifa activists as the modern heroes of anti-Fascism — fighting against racism, sexism, and a litany of other “isms” — and others see them merely as the snowflake crowd of spoiled brats demanding free everything, the reality is that Antifa is one tool in the communists' toolbox to bring America to her knees.

Communist Plan Nov 4th Revolution

The fact this headline even exists and the calls exist to support it certainly attests to the fact many Americans are simply blissfully unaware of whats been going on in this country. Credit to retired Lt. General Jerry Boykin and retired CSM Dan Page for warning everyone in the face of mockery, eyes rolling and petty slights from absolute fools too ignorant to 'unplug their bananas' as Yuri Bezmenov would say.

While nobody is a psychic, where its impossible to say with certainy what tomorrow brings, the writing has been on the wall for those willing to research and understand history and its parallels to modern times.

Crowder Undercover Antifa Video

Fox: Steven Crowder Video Evaluated

Vegas Antifa Shooting 'act of war'

NY Times Vegas Shooting Live Update

Very Strange Facts About Las Vegas Shooting

Every time I think I've seen it all,along come someone like Lue.PLEASE,CONTINUE!
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 10/10/17 04:49 AM

The Washington Post editorial board released a video Monday urging Congress to consider an Australian-like ban on semiautomatic weapons in the wake of the Las Vegas attack.


As a buddy of mine here pointed out, a republican controlled judiciary, legislative and executive branch makes this a very difficult suggestion to come to fruition. Though these same branches of government cant repeal the communist wealth distribution scheme known as Obamacare?

At some point in Americas future they will come for firearms. Its going to happen unless a true miracle turns this ship around. The graffiti is on the wall people and it says socialism/communism.

Anyone know what CSM Page said about how psychological warfare works?
Posted by: 6.5x55

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 10/10/17 10:09 AM

If the Antifa and others go nuts on the 4th it will be a mess.

Never cooked a commie, but since they wear masks and throw firebombs and then run I bet they taste like chicken

cow Eat mo' chicken
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 10/13/17 03:45 AM

At a conference Thursday in Budapest, Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orbán, spoke of the help his country is offering persecuted Christians in the Middle East and Africa, contrasting this with EU policy which he stated was following the ‘‘Soros plan’’ and bringing extremists into Europe.

“A group of Europe’s intellectual and political leaders want to create a mixed society that would completely change the continent’s cultural and ethnic identity, and Christian nature, within just a few generations”, he told an international conference on the persecution of Christians.

Mass Migration Weaponized To Destroy Cultural Identity

What this Prime Minister is talking about is called cultural marxism. It is my firm belief this same issue is happening within the US and I feel it is very important to discuss this issue. There are naturally many socialist/communist indoctrinated Americans who will have very powerful, negative reactions to such topics but that does not change the truth. These concerns are real, it is happening and no amount of pavlovian brain washing and communist bullying is going to change reality. Unless conservative Americans stand up for America, nobody else will.

France: African births will outnumber french births in 5 years
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 10/30/17 08:40 PM

Democrats and the FBI paid for a salacious, dishonest, and discredited report on Donald Trump, then used the report to spy on Donald Trump and their political opposition.

Dan Bongino wants to know, “How is this NOT the scandal of the century?”

How is this not the greatest scandal of the century?

“Never seen such Republican ANGER & UNITY as I have concerning the lack of investigation on Clinton made Fake Dossier (now $12,000,000?),…….the Uranium to Russia deal, the 33,000 plus deleted Emails, the Comey fix and so much more. Instead they look at phony Trump/Russia,…….”collusion,” which doesn’t exist. The Dems are using this terrible (and bad for our country) Witch Hunt for evil politics, but the R’s……are now fighting back like never before. There is so much GUILT by Democrats/Clinton, and now the facts are pouring out. DO SOMETHING! All of this “Russia” talk right when the Republicans are making their big push for historic Tax Cuts & Reform. Is this coincidental? NOT!,”


Entire FBI could be lieing about source of dossier

Obama ensured Uranium Export

Trump blasts Clinton Money Laundering

Brazile, Warren: DNC Fixed Primary for Clinton

Pelosi runs from press

Clinton defends paying for dossier

And as if the above information about the left wasn't bad enough, the "supporters" of the left (at the very least) are threatening some type of November 4th, violent revolution in the United States.

ANTIFA Leader: “November 4th […] millions of antifa supersoldiers will behead all white parents”

Antifa Behead White Parents

White families promote racism

Man arrested: threatens to kill all white police officers at white house

Nearly half of White Southerners Say They Are Under Attack

Joy Ann Reid: Rural Americans Threat To Democracy

If the left would go this far, exactly when do you expect them to finally sit down to the reasoning table? They're all in, going for broke people. Its do or die to the leadership of the left and that means they're capable of anything. I think this is a dangerous time for America, if you're not concerned you should be.

Roanoke police "speak" to violent leftist thug about assaulting prolife youth

Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 11/05/17 04:27 PM

We have entered into the next phase of the Communist revolution, which in my opinion began several years ago now. Those behind antifa declared yesterday as the start of their Civil War.

Antifa Revolution Nov 4

As this thread attests, the actual start of their revolution was years ago. Just recently, we have seen:

Nashville Church Shooting

Las Vegas Massacre

Texas church shooting

Fresno church shooting

Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 11/09/17 07:51 AM

We are at risk of a coup d’état in this country if we allow an unaccountable person with no oversight to undermine the duly-elected President of the United States,” Gaetz said. “That is precisely what is happening right now with the indisputable conflicts of interest that are present with Mr. Mueller and others at the Department of Justice.”

“I join … in calling for Mr. Mueller’s resignation or his firing,” Gaetz continued.

In his Wednesday speech, Gaetz also called on the Justice Department to appoint a special counsel to “investigate the Clinton Foundation, the Uranium One deal and the Fusion GPS dossier.”

Wow! GOP Rep. Warns ‘We Are at Risk of a Coup D’Etat’ Unless Mueller Is Fired

Youtube video

It has come to light that the left (Clinton) funded the dossier that was the basis for the Russiagate conspiracy theory we've seen consistently broadcasted on virtually all major news networks for months on end since President Trumps election. Think about it, the left purposely engaged in funding apparently false allegations that were used to undermine their political opposition. The democrats (communists) are trying to remove a legitimately elected Republican president from office based off false information they (democrats/communists) funded and ultimately created.

Lt. General Jerry Boykin
discussed the elements of a Marxist insurgency, and discrediting the opposition was one of the topics covered. It would be fair to pay attention to this political environment.
Posted by: Paratus

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 11/12/17 04:48 AM

Just thought I would include this here. I don't know how many on this site are aware of this but it appears that the Marxists are making huge advances in membership. Ran across this today:

Note that the dummies in Manassas voted in a card carrying member of the Democratic Socialists of America in Lee Carter, a new member of the Virginia House of Delegates. The enemy is in our midst folks.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 11/22/17 09:24 PM

As Democrats continue to push for a Socialist State they tend to ignore little details like this…

A 24-year-old North Korean soldier was filmed fleeing the regime across the demilitarized zone.

As Democrats Continue Push For Socialist State

The vast majority of Americans simply have no idea what is going on in this country. Some have an idea but refuse to believe it. At any rate, Communism is here. Its right in our faces and its a plague on humanity. Those who knowingly embrace it are true useful idiots.

Communist Russia-Gate Conspiracy Unraveling
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 11/23/17 01:43 PM

Stephen K. Bannon believes that the Democratic Party’s obsession with identity politics will ultimately backfire against them. In fact, he believes this has broken the party to such a degree that it will never recover.

“Bannon’s belief that the Democratic Party’s addiction to divisive identity politics may succeed in stirring up much noise on the fringes, but that this very tactic will work against them among the very same minority groups they are using to cause an uprising,” writes Bannon: Always the Rebel author Keith Koffler.

TGP: Steve Bannon believes Democratic Party Will Never Recover

As has been discussed in this thread for some time now, a communist insurgency is occurring in the United States. It is of the utmost interest to me that someone so close to the President is openly discussing this uprising. Note, as previously discussed in this thread the "democrats" aka socialists aka communists use marginalized groups and their plights to get their foot into the door.

These "divisive poltics" Mr. Bannon discusses are nothing more than a re-branding of the classic communist model of Bourgeoisie and Proletariat, the class struggle, rich vs poor. These are all points previously touched upon in this thread and Mr. Bannon is keenly aware of this information.

This is a communist insurgency, and one should take note of the political doctrines the communist ride on and question whether support for any of these same causes helps or hurts the communists own causes. Major credit to Mr. Bannon for stating the obvious when its all too easy to take the politically correct lane to stupidity.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 12/06/17 06:36 AM

Former CIA paramilitary officer and member of the Trump transition team, John R. Maguire, reportedly revealed during a fund raising meeting for an intelligence gathering operation in Afghanistan, that National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster “authorized surveillance of Stephen Bannon and Trump family members, including Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump.”

Adding to these unsubstantiated claims, Maguire told the potential donors he also had evidence H.R. McMaster used a burner phone to send information gathered through the surveillance to a facility in Cyprus owned by George Soros.

As reported by The Gateway Pundit‘s Jon Hall, the Trump administration is considering proposals developed by Blackwater founder Erik Prince and John R. Maguire in an effort to provide CIA Director Mike Pompeo and the White House with a global, private spy network that would go around the U.S.’s official SWAMP-INFESTED intelligence agencies.

HR McMaster Authorized NSA Spying on Trump Team, Sent Info to Soros Company

Tucker Carlson: “The point is clear: the #FBI is out of control and not just in the @realDonaldTrump investigation. An agency charged with enforcing the law clearly considers itself above the law. That’s a threat to you, and every American, no matter who you voted for.” #Tucker @FoxNews

This is how secret police start

The Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation (VOC) has launched a petition urging the Department of Homeland Security to officially designate certain groups affiliated with Antifa as domestic terrorist organizations.

Victims of Communism File Petition to Name Antifa Domestic Terrorists

Interesting to see the founder of the infamous contractor/mercenary group Blackwater mentioned who just so happens to be the brother of Trumps education secretary Betsy Devos.

Blackwater founder

Commie Secret Police

FBI acting like KGB

Stasi secret police

What happens after the next 9/11?

FBI Paid for Fake Russian Dossier used it to obtain FISA Warrant

Putin: Russian conspiracy created by Democrats

Deputy AG refuses to answer whether FBI paid for Dossier

So we are starting to see small glimpses of what isnt immediately visible, history repeating itself as we see how the communist use intelligence and law enforcement agencies as tools against the people. Where the domestic communist string pullers create false psy op narratives of Russian collusion when in fact they are running the Stasi operation to undermine the political process in the United States. An open coup de'tat happening within the US based around a Russian narrative that has begun to crumble as time has moved forward and key political figures, intelligence/law enforcement agencies are directly involved.

For those who have not listened to retired CSM Dan Pages speech to oath keepers, now is as good of time as any. There are a number of points Page touches upon that have come to fruition to one degree or another since he gave this speech years ago now.

CSM Dan Page

Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 12/11/17 10:30 AM

Big city police prove, once again, that there are two sets of laws; One set of laws that allow the communists to get away with whatever they want to do, and another set of laws that non communists get arrested on, even though their actions are equal to, if not less criminal-ish, than what the communists are doing. At some point, the “right wing” folks in big cities will come to realize that the police are not there to protect the public or to protect anyone’s rights. They are there to collect a paycheck, the paycheck comes from the city, and the city, run by extreme leftists, tells them to protect the communists and arrest anyone who stands up against the leftist violence.

Antifa beat heads at kate steinle memorial

Its hard to believe this is where we are, yet, this is exactly where we find ourselves and for those who believe this is limited only to the west coast I would urge you to think again. The ground is saturated in socialism's political correctness.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 12/17/17 10:02 AM

Liberals and the Media are freaking out after the Fox News Channel ran a chyron posing the question “A Coup in America?” during an interview with Kellyanne Conway, Counselor to the President, during Saturday night’s Watters’ World. The segment with Conway was about revelations of anti-Trump bias in the investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller in to President Donald Trump and alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia to win the 2016 presidential election.

Fox: Coup in America

There is a communist insurgency happening within the US. The fact it has become so in your face now should concern you. I do not see it de-escalating, only increasing in severity. If you are not paying attention you should be. Take a good look at the comments for this article alone.

Frmr VP Biden: Unrelenting immigration a good thing, whites to become minority

1/5th of El Salvadors population now living in the US
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 12/18/17 10:18 AM

Former Obama-era Attorney General Eric Holder called for mass protests if President Trump fires special counsel Robert Mueller. This is the second warning Holder has issued this week in respect to rumors about President Trump relieving Mueller of his duties as special counsel.

Former AG: Absolute Red Line

So we have a former Attorney General issuing orders, warnings and calling for mass protests if the crooked investigation cooked up by Clinton, the DNC and FBI is straightened out.

Obama and Jarret set up anti-Trump nerve center

Holder: Obama ready to roll

Rand Paul: Investigate Obama Officials In Effort To Prevent Trump Election

Every document leaked by FBI director Comey-Classified.
Posted by: Mark S

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 12/18/17 05:30 PM

Water cannons!!!!
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 12/24/17 08:50 AM

An antifa agitator who had been spouting off about virtues of communism while counter-protesting a pro-Trump “March For Jesus” in Portland, Oregon, was run over by a small pickup truck

Earlier in the counter-protest, this person is heard saying “So them, going around, pushing their Christianity on people who aren’t even necessarily Christian, their obsession with their holiday, their obsession with freedom of speech, marks that they want to hurt people!” in reference to the pro-Trump Christians.

Meanwhile, his/her comrade, known only as “Nick”, takes to the megaphone shouting “Communism will win! That’s not a joke! That will happen! Because we must go down to single class society! After capitalism, in its late stages, as it is right now, we will move down to a one class system called communism! Democratic and anarchist communism will be the ideology of the future!

Antifa Communist Hit By Truck

Read their words, these people hold America and everything it stands for in contempt.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 12/27/17 08:19 AM

Bill Ayers: Exterminating Americans, Re-Education Centers

In No Place to Hide, Grathwohl explains that the Weathermen actually believed that they would be successful in overthrowing the U.S. government and that, with the help of the Cubans, Chinese, Russians, and North Vietnamese, they would occupy America. Americans would have to be "re-educated" in camps, similar to what the communists did in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and other countries they had taken over. Here is one of the chilling revelations Larry Grathwohl made in the film:

I asked, "Well what is going to happen to those people we can't reeducate, that are diehard capitalists?" And the reply was that they'd have to be eliminated.

And when I pursued this further, they estimated they would have to eliminate 25 million people in these reeducation centers.

And when I say "eliminate," I mean "kill."

Twenty-five million people.

I want you to imagine sitting in a room with 25 people, most of which have graduate degrees, from Columbia and other well-known educational centers, and hear them figuring out the logistics for the elimination of 25 million people and they were dead serious.

Obama's Friend Bill Ayers

There is an attempted Coup in the United States. Those behind the attempted coup include members of the previous Presidential administration.

President Barack Obama's former top White House adviser Valerie Jarrett is moving in with him and will help with an "insurgency" against President Donald Trump, according to a new report.

Obama's goal, according to a close family friend, is to oust Trump from the presidency either by forcing his resignation or through his impeachment.


Fox: Obama Administration Leading Insurgency

Let all of the information above sink in for a minute. The former President of the United States, Barack Obama, who lead the United States for eight years into a socialist nightmare is now helping to lead a Coup De tat against now President of the United States Donald Trump. They want to overthrow the sitting President of the United States.

More recently, conservative critics who accuse Mr. Obama of a stealth radical agenda have asserted that he has misleadingly minimized his relationship with Mr. Ayers, whom the candidate has dismissed as “a guy who lives in my neighborhood” and “somebody who worked on education issues in Chicago that I know.”

Ny Times

Obama has said repeatedly that his association with ’60s radical Bill Ayers, a “radical, leftist, small-'c' communist," as he recently described himself, and one of the founders of the Weather Underground, an anti-war group during the Vietnam period, was entirely in passing. Ayers was just "a guy who lives in my neighborhood," said Obama, and "not somebody who I exchange ideas with on a regular basis."

But recently, Stanley Kurtz, a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, spent a few days at the Richard J. Daley Library at the University of Illinois at Chicago, going through the papers of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, which Ayers and Obama were involved in. He says that the Ayers/Obama relation runs more deeply than previously reported. The documents in the CAC archives make clear that Ayers and Obama were partners at the CAC, he writes in The Wall Street Journal.

Barack Obama's first run for the Illinois state Senate was launched at a famous fundraiser and kickoff for the campaign at a 1995 gathering at the house of Bill Ayers and his wife, Bernadine Dohrn, says Kurtz

Obama and Ayers Together from the Beginning

Interestingly, President Trump recently had files on JFK released.

The CIA discusses Bill Ayers: A 1969 document discusses William "Bill" Ayers, then a member of the Students for a Democratic Society and soon after a leader of the Weather Underground, a leftist terror group that carried out bombings across the United States. The document discusses a speech Ayers gave at American University in which he calls for a war against American "imperialism."

Trump releases JFK Assassination Documents: Bill Ayers Information Included

We have a former President openly leading a coup against President Trump. What do you think will happen if Obama is successful in leading the coup? These people have already resorted to violence on a far, wide ranging scale. There have been more protests than any eye reading this can keep up with.

Refuse Fascism: Bill Ayers and Antifa

They are all apart of the ongoing insurgency being lead against the United States and its citizens. These people have bad intentions and if they succeed you can read about what their long term plans are for you and every other American above.

Democrats, Psychiatrist Attempt Medical Coup To Remove Trump

Dershowitz: Psychiatrists, Democrats like Soviet and Chinese Communists

Commie Shrink wants to remove Trump from office, worried it will look like a Coup

Unstable Commie Shrink Forced to Recant

DC Press Corp Knew Clinton Behind Phoney Russian Dossier for over a Year

Gowdy Rips Suspected Dem Leaker: Dems want to impeach over dossier with no evidence

Dem lies about call for impeachment

Trump Accuses FBI Agent of Treason

FBI "loses" Text Messages
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 01/05/18 11:14 AM

Seeing as DNC Deputy Chair Rep. Keith Ellison just endorsed the Antifa Handbook and wrote on Twitter that the violent communist literature will “strike fear into the heart” of President Trump, we need to make sure that he and his party are held accountable for any damage or chaos that occurs on January 20.

Antifa: January 20 Day of Action

This is a pretty in your face endorsement for the violent street thugs the democratic party deploys to cause mayhem in our streets. Is this how politics are handled in America now? With an endorsement of a violent opposition group?

Radical Leftist Militia Leader Arrested on Illegal Weapons Charges

Antifa to Atlanta: Class warfare, vandalism

Is America headed towards a new kind of civil war?

Google sued for discriminating against conservative white males

St. Louis Radical Left Militia Leader Ca...gislators house

Virginia governor threatens President Trump

Antifa Professor Admits to Chasing Charlottesville Driver with an AR15

High Level Spy Tells of Plan To Remove Trump

Suspected leaker Schiff views info, gets quiet, things starting to turn for Democrats

FISA Warrant Abuse Likened To KGB Activity

Truth about FISA Warrant and Obama about to be exposed

Obamagate just the beginning

FISA abuse: "I thought this would never happen in a Nation that loves freedom"

FISA Warrant: I cant believe they did that

Trump won rigged election, Fisa breakdown

Essence of FISA Court Warrant Justification was based on False Intel from FBI, DOJ

FBI agent text: No Russian Collusion

Johnson: Whistle Blower on Secret Society

Twitter destroys Rep. Adam Smith who claimed Russian bots behind #Releasethememo

Rep: Johnson: A number of high level FBI officials met off site for Secret Society against Trump

Lawmaker calls for Purge of FBI and DOJ traitors

Strzok called Bill and Relayed Info While Investigating Hillary

FISA Leak Names Top FBI Officials

Gowdy hints Clintons true role in dossier will be exposed

FBI Director Wray Reads FISA Memo on Sunday

FBI Assistant Director McCabe named in FISA Memo resigns

McCabe caught leaking after admitting Collusion story was false

Left Panics: Frmr Prosecutor Threatens to Press Charges if FISA memo is released

Damage Control: Clinton at Grammys

FBI Agents, hard drives and destroying evidence

Deep State Wants to Protect Dirty Cop Mueller

Secret Service Agent Warns of Democrat Scorched Earth Campaign Against Memo Release

House Intel Committee Votes to Release FISA Memo

McCabe Lashed Out after being asked to resign

Like Cornered Rats: Clinton Foundation Could Face Justice

Schiff Meltdown

Pelosi unglued

FISA Memo intell goes straight to Obamas desk

Theyre freaking out. Rep. Booker says releasing FISA memo may be treasonous

Schiff busted. FBI officials find zero inaccuracies in shocking FISA memo

Trump supporters do not support DACA amnesty poll finds

Dreamers Watch State of the Union Hang Violent Poster Attacking President Trump

Democrat/communists refuse to condemn Antifa

Mccabe ordered FBI agents to fabricate evidence, top Obama officials implicated

Communist black caucus refuses to applaud record employment

Deep State Panics: FBI now concerned over grave omissions on FISA memo

Nunes hits back at Spurious Objections from the FBI

Antifa BLM vow to target super bowl

Deep state rumblings: Train wreck involving GOP lawmakers

CNN celebrates train wreck

Rep. Nunes under fire, Deep State doesnt want FISA memo released

The FBI Is threatening the President of the United States-Grave threat to Constitution

Lou Dobbs - The FBI is threatening the President and Constitution

Deep State Panic: FBI and DOJ Plead with White House not to release Memo

DOJ, FBI attempt to force delay of memo release

White House likely to release FISA memo Thursday

Eric Holder Panics over FISA Abuse Memo

Sen. Johnson demands Mccade, Obama, Hillary, FBI emails

Memo to be sent back to House Intel Committee after WH redactions

Clapper admits Steele Dossier used to get FISA extension

Schiff admits secret meeting with FBI director Wray

The Resistance is out of cash

GOP Rep: Memo will reveal Obama administ...tical opponents

White House to Release Memo without Redactions

FBI Director Wray Demands all names be Redacted in FISA memo

Only one of many memo's to be released

Judge Napalitano: Deep state at its most frightening, NSA behind FISA memo delay

Crooked Cop Comey Panics: Tweets about McCarthy

Stocks, Bonds, Dollar, Bitcoin plunge

FISA Memo Will Shake FBI to core, FBI Director Wray to consider quitting

Unaccountable Intelligence Agencies to be exposed

Solomon: GOP officials making case Russian investigation linked to Hillary Clinton

Rep. King: FBI, DOJ officials back FISA memo intelligence

Trump Attorney Goes Off On Deep State and FISA Memo Abuses

Evidence suggest Obama admin spied on Candidate Trump long before FISA warrant obtained
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 01/26/18 06:09 PM

The great conservative talk host Michael Savage was the first to define liberalism as a “mental illness.” But it turns out liberals back then were relatively sane compared to today. Today’s liberals are frothing at the mouth, spitting, howling at the moon and threatening publicly to assassinate President Trump.

One protestor at the Los Angeles women’s march this past weekend carried a sign that said, “Kill Donald Trump, Kill Mike Pence. It’s guillotine time, **I miss Obama**.” When asked by a reporter what she wanted in their place, she replied she wanted a “communist utopia.”

Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 02/01/18 10:41 PM

Dennis had always assumed that the combined might of our armed federal agents and their SWAT Teams, reinforced with local police and, if necessary, the National Guard or even the Army, could crush any conceivable right-wing reaction to his plan. But social network analysis couldn’t find snipers who were not part of any network. That’s when we began to hear of “The Militia of One.” In the end there were too many rifles, and too many willing shooters. A number that was constantly heard was twenty million. That was the number of Americans who supposedly went deer hunting every year, against less than 200,000 armed federal agents.

Thereafter, FOX News led each fresh report with a graphic announcing the discovery of a “Communist putsch against the Constitution.” Oh, how I hate that ugly German word! Not revolution, not even coup d’etat, but putsch! What an unfair description of a sincere attempt to solidify the forward march of history, right in the heart of capitalist imperialism! In time, “the putsch” became the name that stuck to Dennis’s original plan. Even on MSNBC, where they at least called it “the so-called Communist putsch.”

What I saw at the coup

Above, an interesting story published at westernrifleshooters well worth the read to those willing to work their way through it. In it, a plan to round up conservative internet posters is discussed which sounds oddly similar to real continuity of government plans such as Operation Garden Plot and Rex 84.

Dan Bongino Lays out the entire Fusion GPS, Trump Russian Collusion, FISA Story for you
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 02/02/18 01:50 PM


“OBAMA SPIED ON TRUMP”: Ex-Secret Service Agent Predicts FISA Memo Will Be America’s ‘Most Consequential Political Scandal’ Ever


The House Intelligence Committee released the four page memo on Friday morning.
FOX News says there is testimony from a high-ranking official included in the classified memo.
FOX News: Memo says FBI, DOJ used the media to lend credibility to the dossier.


TRUMP REACTS TO FISA MEMO: “I Think It’s Terrible. I Think It’s a Disgrace What’s Happening in Our Country”

Trump Reacts to FISA Memo

The now-infamous memo was FINALLY released today! What we all have been too patiently waiting for. With the release of the memo, we finally have proof that, without a shadow of a doubt, the Clinton machine, powered by the Obama Administration, using the DNC as its main appendage, funded the creation of a false dossier, that they simultaneously leaked to the press and sold to the FBI, and then pressured top government employees to turn that into a FISA warrant, and more broadly into what the MSM refers to as the “Russia Investigation”. Do you remember following each step of the way? When the MSM was telling you that the Clinton investigation would be dismissed, that “Trump/Russia collusion” was what you *really needed to be worried about*? Well – again – with the release of this memo, it proves that the entire narrative was PAID FOR BY THE DNC, OKAYED BY OBAMA, and then FUNNELED TO THE LEFT-CONTROLLED MAINSTREAM MEDIA.


Above, information pertaining to the release of the FISA memo outlining the attempted coup by Hillary Clinton, the DNC, aided by the FBI, DOJ etc to undermine the Trump administration and attempt to force impeachment based on completely erroneous information that was used to spy on the Trump administration. Note, the mainstream media so many depend on as gospel truth has been exposed as the obvious propaganda wing of the communist left who masquerade as democrats.

We are talking about the subversion of the American political system and a conspiracy so grand in scope that its hard to believe. This is right out of a suspense spy novel or Hollywood movie.

GOP Rep to seek prosecution for treason

Seeking prosecution for betraying the American people

Commie Dirt Bags could get 10 years in Prison

Obama's role in FISA beyond corrupt, criminal!

Every 2016 FISA request signed by Obama AG Lynch

Obama initial request to spy on Trump refused, so they added dossier knowing it was lie

Rosenstein threatened House Intell if they didnt stop investigation

former CIA threatens Trump

Trump Blasts Deep State and Weaponized FBI

Leaker Schiff Has soul searching to do

Adam Schiff Fears Oklahoma City Style Bombing After Memo Release

House Intell Committee Could Drop 5 More Memos

Gowdy: House Intell Committee Investigating 5 FBI Officials

Obama Appointed FISA Judges involved in numerous controversial actions

Deep State Fearful of Next Memo Coming Out

Rep. Steve King: Look for Obamas Finger Prints in FISA memo controversy

Trump was right. FISA warrant for Carter Page enabled spying on entire campaign

Red Flag: Carter Page was an FBI informant

Savage: Deep State is trying to destroy Trump, Stock Market slides

Schumer: Trump is most dangerous and worse man ever

Senator: Clinton Contacts Fed Steele Dossier Info

Ron Paul explains what the memo really tells us about our government

Why did the market crash?

Super Bowl Draws Lowest Ratings in 9 years

FBI lovers text messages implicate Obama in Obamagate

Largest Scandel Ever: Charges to come to FBI, DOJ officials

Author of yahoo article used to get FISA warrant worked for DNC

Trump approval rating up 4 points over Obama in same time period

Mark Warner tried to set up private meeting with Dossier author

FBI love birds text messages implicate Hillary Clinton

Wild Day in Stock Market

Same Deep State Team that cleared Clinton, Spied on Trump now on Mueller team to destroy evidence

FBI would rather chase Russian phantoms ...sional election

Lock them up: Deep State Hacks Lied to obtain FISA warrant

Meteorological Mystery in Washington State

JFK speech on secret societies

FBI agents text suggest secret society

Claymores, AK47s, Rocket Launchers found on US-Mexico border

Nunes: AG Lynch and SOS John Kerry knew about crap dossier used to spy

Nunes: Why is Deep State Refusing to Prosecute Steele

Mueller, Rosenstein tried to get Manafor...l investigation

Democrats covering up largest political scandel in history

They are no longer journalists, they're activists. -Propaganda-

A closer look at Bolshevism

How to identify a freemason

Nunes to investigate if former CIA chief Brennan purjured himself

Obama portrait: Blacks beheading whites

Kill whitey major theme for fraud painter

Bizarre Susan Rice Email Uncovered

Judge Nap: Email likely sent to cover up Obamas role

Sarah sanders Torches Left Media

Obama given Russian Dossier why hasnt he been questioned on it?

Second judge blocks Trump admin from endind DACA program

Rice meeting with Comey, Obama took place one day before Comey briefed Trump

Kaine now denounces ANTIFA after son arrested

US Media Glamorizing Commie N. Korea

Google caught working against conservative website

FBI Director wont answer if dossier author worked for Warner linked Russian oligarch

Russia Shopping More Anti Trump Memo's

NSA shooting

High School shooting

Florida to pay for victims funeral

DNC fundraises off Florida shooting

Evil Liberals Hurl Insults at victims father for supporting Trump

Media reports fake white supremacy militia connection to shooter

Indoctrinated Youth Get Political After Florida School Shooting

Bruce Ohr caught hiding wifes Fusion GPS payments

Commies caught rigging election, framing President want Soros voting machines

Clinton Campaign Links to Fusion GPS

Media calls Mike Pences Christian faith a mental illness

Mueller Indicts Russians for supporting Trump, disparaging Clinton. Unbelievable.

Gen. Kelly Scuffle with Chinese officials, Nuclear Football

Psycho Commie Calls for Mass Shootings at NRA Meeting

Stein: Real Meddlers in 2016 election the Democrats and Media

Man admits role in unsolved murder, cocaine, Arkansas politician

Trump motorcade drivers replaced after gun found

Clinton Camp Promoted DNC dossier, scrubbed

School shooting survivor, activist, father in FBI, Coached

Massacre survivors and CBS reporter Party like rock stars

Mccabe Altered 302, Destroyed Evidence

Flu ravaging America

Romania Preps For War: 1 billion dollars in Missles

Why US struck Russian Contractors in Syria

Trump moves to ban bump stocks

Soros linked Womens March Organizers Selected Anti Trump kids from shooting

Teachers caught telling students to attend anti 2nd rally

The Domestic Terrorist Act of 2018

The Domestic Terrorist Act of 2018

CNN: Trump was right about Obama

Left Panics: 600k signatures to remove Nunes

Florida Shooting Personality Claims NRA are Child Murderers

Florida AR15 sales up 30%

Trump hammers CNN for attending Russian anti Trump Rally

Dave Hodges: Russian airliner that went down Uranium One connections

War on conservatives: Twitter purges thousands of conservatives, calling them russian bots

Youtube, Google sued for censoring conservatives

Youtube censoring videos on Florida Shooting Oddities

Britannica History Lesson: Kulaks

Who are the Kulaks in America today?

Russian Revolution

David Hogg, School Shooting Survivor turned activist, father in FBI, Coached on Lines

Bernie Sanders Blames Hillary Clinton Hiding Russian Meddling Info

CNN Promotes False AR15 Story

CNN Refuses to Let Florida Shooting Hero Ask Questions, Narrative Challenge

Obamas chilling message: Weve been waiting on you

Savage: Arrest Soros

7th grader threatened for being white

Officer waiting outside as children slaughtered?

Sheriff investigating Officer: Never went in

McCain associate pleads 5th in Russian Probe

Antifa Mob Crashes DC party

NRA issues statement on loss of sponsors

Twitter Threatens to Censor Anyone With Questions

Was there a stand down order?

Strange Eye Witness Testimony, Facts about Florida Shooting

Read the comments: Victims Party Like Rockstars

Conservative Purge Allegations with Twitter

Twitter, Google Suit over Anti Conservative Censorship

Conservative Purge Online

Youtube Banning Gun Channels - Military Arms Channel

Infowars receives warning from Youtube

Youtube Purge Begins on Conservatives

Florida Sheriff Immediately Investigating People Targeting Muslim Community

Australian Labor Party Sent Operatives to work in 2016 Election

Australian Labor Party Resigns over Chinese Influence

Antifa recruiting Mentally Ill

Flashback: Keith Ellison, Deputy DNC, Supports Antifa

Trump Calls for Mental Health Focus in Background Checks

Student Protests Turns Violent: Attacks Police

Podesta threatens Kushner

Russians bribed Clintons-The Real Russian Collusion

Missing CDC Worker-Told Neighbor to Delete His Number

Possible Chemical Attack on Marines

Students Thought Shooting Was a Drill

Vandals Smash Pro Cop Windows

X22 Report: The Purge Is Real

Lies: Youtube says accidentally removed conservative channels

Florida Sheriff Under Microscope

Antifa Openly Chant Kill Conservatives

Americans Blame Gov. Failure, Not Guns

Hillary Says Russians Are Coming

Putin Threats Unstoppable Nuke After Clinton, Obama sell

Obama DOJ switched out Atkinsons hard drive

Deputys ordered not to rush in school

Facebook algorythm targeted Trump traffic

Trump: Take Guns First, Court Second

South Africa Votes to take White Land and Farms

Gun Rights and Mental Health Slippery Slope

Nunes sends blistering letter to Sessions: FBI May Have Committed Crimes

Ben Rhoades Creating Shadow NSC

Tech Giants Launch Conservative Purge

Clinton Gave Russians Hypersonic Nuke Missle Technology

Man committs suicide outside white house

Facebook group shutting gateway pundit traffic down

Youtube to delete Infowars in conservative purge

Youtube deletes Health Ranger in Purge

Green Beret leading the charge in Virginia

FBI spying on Page should scare you

Fascism in action: List of Conservatives Censored

Violent Leftist Try to Shut Down Speech

Trainsit Crew Warns Passengers of ICE Agents

Something Big In The Works: Thousands of Sealed Indicments

Study Finds 91% Historic Bias Against Trump in News

Facebook attacking alternative media

South Africa: We are cutting the throats of whiteness

MIT Clinton, DNC, Podesta Tracking

Baltimore sends 60 busloads of kids to anti-gun rally

Kill all white people

Trump goes to war with California

Trump campaign manager warns Facebook to be fair

Paul Craig Roberts Fears Stalinist Purge

Susan Rice ordered NSC to stand down over Russian hacking fear

Soros and Silicon Valley funded Fusion GPS

Who Poisoned Russian Spy?

Indiana University Pushing Marxist Theory on Students

Package Bombs in Texas Kill at least 1

UN Plan to bring Migrants to West Challenged

Activist Denied Entry into UK, questioned on Christian faith

South Africa: Is this America's faite?

Case closed-House Intell Committee "No evidence of Russian Collusion"

Trump tweet after House Intell Report on no Russian Collusion

Nunes: No Trump/Russia Collusion. Clear links Clinton-Russians

Nationwide Student Walk Out on Gun Control

ABC Coverage on Student Walk Out

Bernie Sanders Addresses Students Marching, Armed Police Escorts

Socialist/Marxist/Communist Indoctrinated Students Flip Trump Tower Off

Pro 2nd Student Escorted Off School Grounds, Arrest Threatened

Biden Son Gets Billion Dollar Deal with Chinese After Joe Visit

Obama Had Bad Guys Removed From Background Check Process

Florida Surveillance Video

South Africa Braces for Civil War-Glimpse of Americas Future?

Minn. Grade School Uses Children for Anti Gun Message

FBI Agent Had Relationship with Judge in Flynn Case

Conservative Student Attacked at National Anti Gun Rally

Eric Holder Wants a Knife FIght, Meaning He Wants to Bring a Gun

Former FBI Director McCabe Fired (Swamp draining?)

Jesus Banned from Easter Ad?

Students Vandalise During Anti Gun Walk Out

Democrat threaten Trump with firing

Law Professor Believes Comey Perjured Himself

Eric Holder Lashes Out after McCabe Firing

Nervous Ex CIA Chief John Brennan Lashes Out

Former UN Ambassador Samantha Powers Issues Veiled Threat

Trump wants to execute drug dealers?

Raleigh Police Obtain Google User Records on Broad Sweep

Eric Holder Sends Ominous Warning: Its going to get worse

Parents Uncover FBI Plot to Groom Son as Right Wing Terrorist

Sued for investigating Seth Rich Murder by Rich Family

Mccabe under investigation before Trump elected

Comey failure to sue indicates several laws broken

Expect Mccabe to face criminal charges

Muslim ask why fear islam, attacks people after speech

Hillary Clinton slams white married women again

Serial Bomber in Austin - Trip Wires

Levin: Obama admin interferred with election more than Russians

Mueller FBI-Mob Cover up raises questions

Trump Witch Hunt ends with Seth Rich

Blood Feud?

Millenials Think Capitalism End Is Near, Not Saving for Retirement

Clinton: Trump supporters racist

Obama Campaign Director: Facebook on our side

CNN on phone with Maryland student during shooting

Irony of Chinese government support of US Gun Ban

Chinese Social Credit System Unveiled

Trump: Left has moved far to the left

Joe Biden Threatens to Beat President Trump Again

Massive Ransom Ware Attack in Atlanta

Sarah Carter: Nunes Russia Report-Leaks endangered Lives

Citigroup set to restriction firearm business partners

Investigator of Seth Rich Shot, Ran Over. Suspect in custody

Oregon signs confiscation ballot

Alleged Austin Bomber blows himself up

Facebook refuses to disclose newsites its censoring

ATT Sells Customer Data to Law Enforcement

Cell Spy Tools Flood Local Police Departments

Google: Military Intelligence Contractor

Commie Indoctrinated: Deranged David Hogg Filthy Tirade aimed at NRA

Incoming Nat Sec Advisor believes Trump Framed by Obama FBI

Brits Complicit in Dossier?

Flash Back: Judge Napalitano on Brits Used to Wire Tap Trump

Alleged DNC Hacker Guciffer is Russian Intelligence

Guccifer 2.0 actually NSA creation

Assange Warns of Cyber Security Annoucement

Iranian State Sponsored Hackers Indicted by Rosenstein

Tucker Carlson Reports on Facebook Censorship

Haley To Russia: Interference in Election is Warfare

UN Amb Haley: US Taking Names

John Bolton: There is no UN, only the US.

Omnibus Bill Crafted in Secret - Disgrace

Trump threatens to veto Omnibus Bill

Schumer, Pelosi Celebrate Omnibus Bill

Trump 1pm Press Conference on Omnibus Bill

Betrayal. Trump backs down on Veto, signs disasterous omnibus bill

After passing omnibus bill, trump bans bump stocks

Trump Bans Most Transgenders from serving in military

Obama salutes student anti gun marchers

Hogg Rallies Democrats in DC March

Psychologist: Facebook, Googles ability to rig elections Profound

South Africa: Whites need to hand over everything, dont upset us

Fast and Furious Eric Holder Tells Anti Gun Protestors to Demand Action

Hillary Clinton: Future in Right Hands with Anti Gunners

Obama Youth: After Bump Stock Ban, we will take that inch and then a mile

Hitler Used Youth To Confiscate Weapons Too

March for Life Protestors Want Revolution

March for life funded by DNC

Trump expels Russians, Russians working with the UN

Former Supreme Court Judge Calls for Repeal of 2nd

NC Sheriff Candidate wants to Kill over gun confiscation

American movement towards Socialism/Communism

The Brutal Truth about SHTF

Washington Officials Flocking to Doomsday Camps

US soars past 4th place in 6 step Communist Rule List

WW2 Survivor Warns America about Socialism

NRA CEO Warns of Socialist State

WW2 Survivor of Nazi Occupation Warns of Socialism
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 04/11/18 02:26 PM

The ACLJ received heavily redacted emails from former US Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power that show unprecedented u[quote]nmasking and political bias in the final days of the Obama administration.

According to the ACLJ, the new documents show Samantha Power, who made over 260 unmasking requests to spy on the incoming administration was also colluding with the mainstream media, blatantly insulting President-elect Trump and actively sought ways to undermine the incoming administration.

United Nations, Obama Administration Worked With Media To Undermine US Election

Why is the ambassador to the United Nations, who basically has two ends to her string, the Obama Administration and the United Nations, working to undermine the Trump administration with the mainstream media? How much influence do you believe the mainstream media has on the American public's opinion? Does the information presented by the media influence the public's perception? This doesn't require a rocket scientist or a brain surgeon to figure out.

The United Nations is working to undermine US elections, sticking their nose where it doesn't belong in American domestic affairs. We are looking at an international conspiracy to influence, rig the presidential election in the United States. The Obama administration and members of our government are complicit. This is a real life Red Dawn and if these people were this daring, willing to go this far, what else are they willing to do? This is a very concerning time in history.

Retired CSM Dan Page Speech to Oath Keepers

For those interested in reading more:

Trump thanks Gov. Brown for Sending National Guard to Border

Screaming Leftist at Mike Pompeo hearing

Facebook CEO Admits To Using Algorythms to Censor Conservatives

Illegal Immigrant Multi Million Dollar Shop Lifting Ring

Comey Illegally Leaked Memo to Prompt Trump Special Counsel

Obama Admin harvested 100 million more data from Facebook than Cambridge Analytica

Obama DOJ, FBI Found to be Corrupt by OIG

Attorney argues Trump supporters at fault for being beaten

Joe Rogan - The Left Advocating Violence

Child killed at school protest against guns by car

Chaos in Nicaruaga. 25 killed, Reported Shot Dead Live on TV

Violent Leftist Prepare to Attack Nazis

McCabe Upset Comey Throws Him Under Bus

Sessions Promises To Leave is Rosenstein Fired

Far Left Goons Arrested for Violating anti KKK laws

Government had no evidence of Russian collusion, spied over political reasons

67 year old Brit gets 8 months in jail for flipping off cops, laser jammer

far left ghoons terrorize NRA lobbiest

Far left journalist join mob and chase Milo out of bar, calling him Nazi

DHS vows to arrest caravan of illegals

Gorka: Trump Election Scandel should be renamed Obamagate

FBI agents text show wanted to embarass , set up Trump

High School Student Sings National Anthem, Suspended

Comey could get 10 years in prison, criminal espionage

Goodlatte meets with those who want alternative media eliminated

Cuomo sends cease, desist letter to ICE

Here Comes The Socialists - Communist Running for Office All Over the Country

Clinton and State Department Collusion

Trump Rips Comey for Liar, Leaker to "professor" friend who had FBI Clearance

Historic Korean Summitt

Black grad student brags about unfairly grading white students

Alfie Evans, Nationalized Health Care and Americas Future

Former FBI Asst Director: No Doubt Brennan, Clapper and Comey Conspired Against Trump

FBI Interviews Fedor Emelianenko About Trump

Parkland Communist Teacher Under Investigation For Calling Student Hitler

Brennan Issues Warning to President Trump

Wealthy Donors Donated To Fund Trump Witch Hunt

Caravan scales border fence

Man with Pipe and Note in Pocket looking for Kushner

Republicans retiring because of assassination fears

Communists attack Trump even at Correspondence Dinner

Former Trump Campaign aide explodes after house, childrens future destroyed by Communists

Child abuse covered up in New Jersey by Union

Anarchist Riot Across Globe

PHD candidate vandalises Statue

Spying on Flynn Enabled Counter Intel Operation by Obama Admin to continue

FBI Lawyer Lisa Page Resigns

Stormy Daniels Isnt Paying Legal Fees, Who Is?

CNN: Trump is racist adjacent

Rapper and Useful Idiot Alters Trump Supporter Wests Photo

Stalinist Witch Hunt to Take Trump Down

Federal Judge Loses Temper, Mueller Attempt to Oust Trump

Former Clintonista: How does Mueller Justify Storm Trooper Tactics?

Commie Resigns after Republicans Strike Back at Deep State Coup

Trump Warns Deep state Kerry to stay out of Iran Negotiations

Trump Nukes Iran Deal

Obama Responds To Iran Withdrawl in Shadow Government Display

Unmasking Mueller

Vatican Paper Praises Karl Marx

Iran chants death to America

Crooked Hillary Clinton Responds to Iran Deal Withdrawl

Russian who allegedly payed Cohen has ties to Clinton, Podesta

John Kerry Furious With Iran WIthdrawl, World Back to Brink

Iran Threatens Trump

Trump: US will not let country have nukes that chants death to America

Chinese Infiltration in the U.S.

Former CIA officer charged with conspiracy to committ espionage

UN Martial Law Principles

Pope calls for world wide disarment besides UN

Stazi dislocate former CIA agents arm protesting Trump CIA Director Bloody Gina

California Mandates Solar Panels-Agenda 21

FBI had Spy in White House

Tea Party Groups awarded 3.5 Million in Obama IRS Scandel

MSNBC host suggest choking Sanders

Antifa useful idiot sent to prison

Grassly seeks proof Deep State Lied

Law Professor: Spying worse than we even imagined

Retired FBI Blasts Agencies Shocking Disrespect to Congress

Internet sleuthes on the case of Obama Informant, International Conspiracy Unraveling

Mueller Witch Hunt Indicts Ham Sandwich

Mueller harasses Americans who donated to Trump

Top democrat tells commies to quit bashing Trump, join 12 step program if need be

The Communist Insurgency - Soros linked Prosecutor Drops Charges against Governor

FBI Pitched Russian-Trump Collusion Theory to Russian Oligarch

FBI Refuses to answer if Russian Oligarch was involved in Witch Hunt

CNN pushing Trump Assassination Pic

Nunes: Witch hunt in 2nd year with No Evidence

Unlawful ballot Destruction in Florida, Election Fraud

Clinton: Many Democrats are Socialists

Former CIA chief Brennan Running Operation Against Trump

Senator Paul Sends Letter To CIA Inquiring about Bloody Ginas involvement against Trump

Confirmed Deep State Secret Informant Used

Senators Took Brike on Iran Deal

IG finds FBI Violated Law in Cliinton Probe

Kelly Anne Demands Apology over MS13 Comments CNN Back Peddles

CNN: Trump is hitler for comparing MS13 to Animals?

Pelosi Defends MS13? Bizarre

Chuck Schumer Compares MS13 and Great Grand Parents

Brennan to be in front of grand jury soon?

Report of active shooter at mall before Sante High School Shooting

Shoot out at Trump Resort all within 24 hours of High School Shooting

Sante Fe High School Shooting

Gun Control Calls

Porn star lawyer partying it up with CNN anchors? Coup

FBI investigated Flynn for 45,000 Speech but not Clinton for much more?

Mueller Team Admits Can Not Indict Sitting President

Trump Orders DOJ To Investigate Spying on His Campaign

Nunes: If FBI Paid Informant to Spy on Trump it Crosses the Red Line

FBi Informant Steven Halpert Paid in 2016, 2017

Judge Jeanine: AG Lynch Signed Off on Trump Spying

Trump: Campaign Spying Very Big Deal

FBI Informant Used Thousands To Entice Mark to England - Its a Set Up

Brennan threatening President Trump?

Meadows: DOJ cant be trusted to investigate itself

Teen Thungs Terrorize NV Neighborhood

Sharpton: Royal Wedding Ending White Male Supremacy

How the FBI and CIA Restarted the Cold War

Red Ice Youtube Report on Obama Race Politics

FBI informant sought high level Trump admin position

Eric Holder Lashes out after Brennan. They're feeling the heat

DNC Issues Check to Crowd Strike after Seth Rich Homicide????

Rosenstein and Wray looking somber ahead of Trump meeting.

Foreign Meddling in US Election - The United Kingdom

Did Nellie Ohr Use Ham radio to evade NSA surveillance?

Grassley Demands Communications from Bruce Ohr and Dossier Author Brit Spy Steele

Former Trump aid approached by 2nd Informant - Its a set up

Rosenstein Gave Case to IG because IG can not supoena Obama Employee's. - Traitor

Weasel Rosenstein Slammed - Its a Ruse

Student Suspended For Pro Trump Shirt - Indoctrination Centers

Former CIA Agent: Brennans Judgement Day Is Coming

Trump: Where was President Obama??? Leading the Coup is where.

New York Schools Hold Moment of Silence for Hamas Terrorist

Rumor: FCC raids Mainstream Media to Include Fake News CNN

EPA bars CNN from contaminate conference

Sensitive Matter Team at FBI handled Fake Dossier

Sink hole opens at white house - Its a sign from God

Active Shooter in Florida - Convenient Timing

Lawmakers Call for Investigation into Investigators

Dershowitz Smacks Down CNN Legal Analysis

Ohio School Union Defends Child Abuse

Secret FBI team pressured by Valerie Jarret Daughter? All Roads Lead Back to Obama Admin

Gingrich: James Clapper, John Brennan in danger of going to jail

Obama Spy Halper only there to built fraudulent Russian case

President Trump: Spy only there to help Hillary win

Flynn Jr: You are all going down

CNN Water Boy Don Lemon called BS on Spying, Clapper Tells him its a good thing

Communists Steal Trump Campaign Slogan: Drain the swamp

Unreal. Judge rules President cant block Twitter users? Drain the swamp, totally.

Obama White House is Running This - Grassley Wants Unredacted Texts between FBI lovers

FBI Agent Ready to Testify against Comey

FBI Agents Request Supoena to Drop Dirt on Bureau

Trump: Its going to be obvious Obama likely knew about the spygate

Sedition: Eric Holder urges to disobey Trump

Obama ordered CIA to hack French election

Ari Fleisher: Obama knew about Spying, Authorized it.

Fox: Pull Comey, Clapper, Brennan Security Clearances

President Trump Takes it to Obama: We ar... up for America

Obama Admin Attorney To Sue Investigators of Seth Rich Case? Hiding Something

President Trump Hammers Obama over Spygate, Ommissions

Democrat Watergate happening before our eyes. Its a Communist Insurgency

Bill Preistrap: Part of the Deep State Coup. - Taking Names

This May Lead To Death - Social Media Warning To those searching for Don Trump Jr

Former Trump campaign aid collecting sig...nist Insurgency

Commie De Blasio To Withhold Funds if not Diverse Enough

Political Terrorist David Hogg

Evidence Suggest UK Meddled in 2016 US Election

Protestors Upset Tommy Robinson Jailed in UK

Commie Propaganda: Square Dancing and White Supremacy.

Poll: Americans think Mueller Probe Leftist Conspiracy Witch Hunt

Wayne Allen Root: Time to Impeach Obama

CNN April Ryan Suggest President Trump Runs Child Sex Traffic Ring

Rules for Radicals: Accuse Others That Which You Are Guilty Of

Clinton Thesis on Alinksi

Swedish Women Come Forward on Migrant Abuse - Unacceptable

Muslim Mob In Maine Attacks Two Men

Pc Police shut down Roseanne hit show - communism

Flash Back to Vaerie Jarrett and Anti Trump Nerve Center - Shes Being Protected

Top suspect in Russian Collusion Witch Hunt is Member of Clinton Foundation

Marxist Media Propaganda Under Estimates Trump Crowd Size - Dishonest clowns

Wsj: Was Trump campaign set up?

Obama Warns America

Obama lobbied Canadian Leader To work Against Trump

Why is DNC unwilling to hand over compromised servers?

Sedition Defined by Merriams

Judicial Watch Investigator: Coup Against Trump

Cia whistleblower: Trump trying what Kennedy did, coup underway

Sign warning Communists if they Impeach Trump appears in Maryland

Mainstream media reports on conspiracy to drive US towards Socialism
Posted by: JeepsRock

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 04/29/18 01:27 PM

Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 05/31/18 05:00 PM

Tucker Carlson on Tommy Robinson

Robinson, who appeared in the dock under real name Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, was arrested in Leeds on Friday.

The 35-year-old was broadcasting on social media outside the city's crown court where a trial was ongoing.

A ban on reporting his 13-month sentence at the same court was lifted after being challenged by the media.


But on Tuesday, that all came crashing down. ABC abruptly canceled “Roseanne” hours after Ms. Barr, the show’s star and co-creator, posted a racist tweet about Valerie Jarrett, an African-American woman who was a senior adviser to Barack Obama throughout his presidency and considered one of his most influential aides. Ms. Barr wrote if the “muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby=vj.”


Unless all Americans collectively pull their heads out of their **I miss Obama**, what we've seen happen in the UK to Tommy Robinson is going to come to America. Tommy reported on Pakistani Muslim rape gangs in the UK and was arrested on the street and imprisoned. Guilty of contempt of court officially, but in reality guilty of reporting the truth about protected classes. Protected classes who are part of a grand plan of social engineering which is why it is illegal to report on their criminality. To speak out against it.

At the same time Tommy is in prison for reporting on the truth, which is the antithesis of political correctness which is a lie, Rosanne has been demonized in the media and her show cancelled for doing the exact same thing. Speaking out against the protected classes. That is not to say I think Rosanne is correct in her characterization because I do not. She could have went about things in a much different and better fashion. But none the less, the crime is the same.

Guilty of being politically incorrect. Political correctness is closely associated with the idea of social justice. They enjoy a symbiotic relationship with each other. Those characterized as victims are the recipients of political correctness, where their criminality and culture problems are defined as untouchable to speak about due to perceived injustices from the past.

And social justice is the idea of making perceived past wrongs right, which includes making it taboo to say anything about those perceived as a victim. At the heart of the matter is free speech, where if Rosanne can be punished for running up against the communist doctrine of political correctness how close are we to flat out arresting people on the street for violating the same principle? Political correctness. Swiftly tried before a court and imprisoned for violating the communist doctrine of political correctness.

And at the very same time we are seeing Tommy Robinson imprisoned for violating societal contracts like political correctness and Rosannes widely popular show cancelled for politically incorrect speech we have South Africa.

The national spokesman of a key South African opposition party has said redistributing land from white farmers without compensation is justified because “it is not really their land”.

“In this process, white people ought to accept the crime of apartheid and colonisation and how these crimes impacted on black people,” Mr Ndlozi said. Whites could “show remorse by ceding land they inherited through anti-black racist dispossession”, he suggested, adding: “Justice leads to reconciliation.


We are pleased to publish this timely special issue of Social Justice on the historic transition taking place in South Africa today. This volume complements an earlier issue on South Africa that appeared a year before the State of Emergency and counterinsurgency war were unleashed against anti-apartheid forces in 1986.


OAN South African White Genocide

In the Tucker Carlson interview with Katie Hopkins, Ms. Hopkins notes it is dark times in the UK and she feels the country is on a knifes edge. That there is a divide between the people and the media/government. Interestingly, we see the communist doctrine of political correctness that is leading to a growing rift in the UK also playing a key role in the rift in South Africa where the white minority citizens are preparing for a civil war against their socialist/communist government.

As this thread is dedicated too, we also have a Marxist insurgency occurring within the United States. The common thread here in all of these problems is socialism. Communism. And there are lessons to be learned here for everybody involved. We are seeing exactly where socialism leads in all three countries, until this ideology is stamped out freedom for all the people on earth is in danger.

Below is the future of America, the UK and South Africa unless a miracle occurs. A country that was once great but whom no longer exists. Understand the history of Rhodesia, recognize the dangers of socialism and spread this message far and wide. Unless lessons are learned from Rhodesia every country infected with socialism will suffer a similar fate.

Insurgency: Obama White House Attempted to Take Over Trump Spygate

Communists Scramble: Waters urges to defy Trump

Obama lobbied Canada to work against Trump

Google slammed for labeling conservatives Nazis

Civil Emergency: Prepare For Action Alert Issued

Advancing social change award: Attack Trump Daughter

Huff Post Doxes Writer, husband fired, trying to have brother fired. Censorship

Commie Supports Ethnically Cleansing Jews in Israel

Insurgency: US Intell colluded with British Intel to Spy on Trump

California Farmer Registers Firearms Gets 12 Felonies

Clapper Admits No Smoking Gun

Google Labels Republican Candidate Biggot

Retired FBI Agents To Testify on Deep State Corruption

Americas Future - California Water Restrictions - Agenda 21/2030

Trump Rips Communist Resistance

Communist Fantasizes Punching First Lady

President Retweets Bongino Take Down of Brennan

Tucker Carlson on the Lefts Race Politics, Education Indoctrination

Dinesh DSouza on ordered to Psychological Counseling for being Conservative

Aussies complicit in Trump Spygate - International Conspiracy

1918 State Department Report on Jews Behind Bolshevik Revolution

Communists Trying to Prove Trump Presidency Illegitimate - Coup

McCabe Wil Flip, Tesify in exchange for Immunity

Priestap Grilled Over London Trip Prior to Spying - Internation Conspiracy

Deep State Halper Busted For Crack - Democrat Status Confirmed

Comey, McCabe Cleared Sally Yates to Use Strzok Flynn Doc. to Fire him

Unredacted FBI Lovers Text Reveal Investigation Began 2015

Obama admin gave financial records to Iran

Military Tribunals

Army Veteran Charged with Espionage for China

String of U.S. Citizens Caught up in Chinese Espionage

Senate Hearings on Restoring War Powers to Congress

Lynch Tried to Cover up Clinton Wrong Doings Prior to Election

Comey Insubordinate - Hardly the end of the story

Schiff Caught in Lie About Carter Page Investigation

Former FEC official admits conservative bias

McCabe Alters Flynn Report

McCabe Interviews Flynn while Flynn is witness against McCabe Sexual Discrimination Case

DOJ Seize NY Times Reporter Email, Phone

Justice Department Says Obamacare individual mandate unconstitutional

US Veterans Find Chld Skull Near Alleged Child Trafficking Site Arizona

Maryland Commie Airs First Ever Same Sex Kiss in Campaign Ad

Commies want to edit facebook feeds

Saudis gave Obama admin suitecase of jewels before Muslim apology tour

Iran admits facilitating 9/11, Giving Obama admin Money

Brennan Attacks Trump after G7

Aussie involved in Spygate also part of Aussie Uranian One Scandel

Massive UK Protests To Free Tommy Robinson

Navy seal claims fraudulent Child Trafficing Claims

Coup Against President, Mueller Covering Up Evidence of Involvement in Uranium One

Communist Social Justice Warriors Indoctrinated in Public Schools

FCC Chair Receiving Death Threats from Violent Leftists

Rod Rosenstein Threatens investigators

Flynns Testimony Altered By DOJ

Intuit Stops Processing Credit Card Payments for Firearms-Insurgency

UK New Muslim Home Secretary Behind Tommy Robinson transfer to dangerous prison

Tommy Robinson transfered to Max Security Prison with 71% Muslim Population

Soros buys NY Times Stock

Mueller Fraudulent Investigation Unraveling

Obama coordinating with 2020 candidates

Rep Meadows: FBI Agent Texts "We will stop Trump" Hidden from Congressional Investigators

Huge: FBI Agent: We will stop Trump from Becoming President

Who Deleted the FBI Text Message?

FBI Agents Received Gifts from Press for Leaks

IG Report: FBI Used Authority to Interfere with Election

FBI Agents Trash Trump Supporters

Foreign Actors Hacked Clinton Email Server

Watch Obama Lies on TV about Clinton server

Manfort Arrested, President Trump asks what about Comey, Hillary?

Horowitz says there are still missing Texts from FBI Love Birds

Top 10 Reasons IG Report is Flawed

Manfort could get life in prison for daring to lead Trump to victory

Prosecutor who lobbied for Manfort to be put in Jail attended Clinton Party

South Africa: Things will get ugly if white owned land not given to blacks

Man barricades himself in armored vehicle, demands release of full IG Report

WTH? IG Withhodling additional Text Messages

Comey Under Investigation for mishandling classified info

Rudy calls for With Hunt to be investigated

President Trump Slams Mueller and Comey Best Friends

McCabe refuses to testify, invokes 5th - Criminal Scum Bag

Ohio Wins Supreme Court Ruling Can Purge Absent Voters

Media manufacturing crisis to destract from IG Report

Rosenstein Hid We Will Stop Trump Texts

Horowitz: FBI hiding names of Biased Agents from public

More Anti Trump FBI Agents Unmasked by Congressman Meadows

IG Horowitz investigating FBI Agent Strzok Bias in Russian Probe

Trump Campaign Manager Calls for End Mueller Probe, Sessions Fired

Top Liberal Group Calls for Killing, Removing Heart of ICE Agents

Migrant Children in NY appear to be men

Trump Jrs Daughter Threatened

Commies Threaten Trump Son

Fonda Labeled Domestic Terrorist After Threatening President Son

Migrant Children Abused Under Obama

Dossier Author Steele Visited State Department
Posted by: Gnome

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 05/31/18 05:17 PM


Remember that The REPUBLIC of CHINA (ROC) Taiwan is a Free Sovereign Nation not a "breakaway satalite state of the Communist People's Republic of China (CHINA).

IF the Communist in the US continue to have their way, a blind eye will be turned upon the Taiwan nation and Communist China will take a free nation their hostage.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 06/02/18 02:24 PM

California has become the first state in the nation to pass a controversial new law that places tough limits on home water usage, KOVR-TV reported.

That means the state will have “more focus on flushes and scrutiny over showers,” according to the report.

California Becomes First State To Pass Law Limiting Water Use

Above is an example of how United Nations goals like Sustainable Development, Agenda 21, Agenda 2030 are enforced upon the American people. There is an intricately woven network of ordinances, rules, laws and regulations that are all derived from these some goals of the United Nations that already have and will continue to be instituted upon the American people. This is in fact nothing short of absolute treason and politicians from the local level up are absolutely guilty of helping to undermine the United States with outside, international influences.

By 2030, substantially increase water-use efficiency across all sectors and ensure sustainable withdrawals and supply of freshwater to address water scarcity and substantially reduce the number of people suffering from water scarcity

United Nations Sustainable Development

If you take a look at the goals outlined in the link above you should be concerned. But you will only be able to understand how concerned you should be once you begin to question how these things will be implemented. For example, how do you think the UN plans to reduce the number of automobile deaths? Its a stated point on their website, we are already seeing examples of their Sustainable Development Plan being instituted in our own country. How exactly do you think they plan to do that?

Like with most communist doctrines the promise, the perception of what that promise entails is always far different once put it into practice. Equality sounds good until you see equality in action. Does being equally powerless to change a nightmare sound good? Something to think about when you support socialist policies that also come with an entire package of extremely negative consequences to boot. Maxing out a credit card sounds good too until you see the interest that piles up. The socialist credit card has the worst rates of any ideological credit card, yet so many Americans including many here at this very forum support socialist doctrine to one degree or another.

RICHMOND, VA (WWBT) - Effective today, the city of Richmond, and counties of Henrico, Hanover and Goochland are lifting the Voluntary conservation measure that has been in effect for the region since mid-September.

Water Restrictions Lifted

And above is just an example of how these policies are already creeping into our life as Virginians. But these are hardly the only examples. We are literally shooting ourselves in the foot by allowing these communist doctrines to infiltrate American lives. There is nothing wrong with environmentalism in and of itself, but when socialist policies are the driving force behind these environmental policies what we are in fact getting is a trojan horse. A gift with unintended consequences.

These policies, regulations, laws, ordinances etc. all have consequences. And the natural consequence of these actions is change. This means a change for society, people, culture. This means redefining America, redefining what it means to be an American. These are all the same consequences of being invaded and conquered by a foreign enemy. Only its being done under the guise of any number of leftist, socialist, democratic, communist ideological/political platforms. Which includes but is not limited too environmentalism. Green is the new Red.

Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 06/03/18 04:32 PM

Britain’s spy agencies helped alert U.S. intelligence officials to possible links between President Trump's campaign and Russia after first noticing interactions in late 2015, The Guardian reported Thursday


The Free Beacon said its research ended before Fusion GPS hired a former British intelligence officer, Christopher Steele,

The dossier — a collection of reports compiled by Steele that began in mid-2016 and continued after the election — cited sources familiar with the inner workings of the Kremlin, who said Russia had obtained compromising information about Trump, including lurid alleged details of his 2013 visit to Moscow for the Miss Universe Pageant


the U.S. government is informed by Australia that Papadopoulos had bragged to an Australian in late May that he'd been told the Russians had dirt on Hillary Clinton.


Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier


The ACLJ received heavily redacted emails from former US Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power that show unprecedented unmasking and political bias in the final days of the Obama administration.

According to the ACLJ, the new documents show Samantha Power, who made over 260 unmasking requests to spy on the incoming administration was also colluding with the mainstream media, blatantly insulting President-elect Trump and actively sought ways to undermine the incoming administration.

United Nations, Obama Administration Worked With Media To Undermine US Election

Epoch: String of espionage charges working with communist Chinese

Above, we see cited sources that attest to a Multi-National Conspiracy to interfere in the 2016 American presidential election. Interestingly, the former ambassador to the United Nations under the Obama administration Samantha Power is right in the middle of this international "collaboration, campaign, conspiracy" to spy on President Trumps administration and as we have seen this spying scandal and the information collected were weaponized against President Trump. Which is what the Mueller investigation is all about. As we see above, the now discredited Steel dossier has origins with those familiar with the inner workings of the Kremlin. What do you think that means? Information in the dossier came straight out of Russia.

The United Nations is itself an international body composed of various world governments. Interestingly enough, we are seeing member states of the United Nations involved in this conspiracy to undermine the 2016 election, not so coincidentally the United Nations themselves can be tied to this spying scandal. What we are gradually seeing is a picture come together of an internationally lead effort to fix the 2016 election, lead by the communist United Nations. This is a global black op to lead the United States into a socialist state much like modern Russia, the UK and Australia that has been exposed/foiled. And the Obama administration looks to have a lot of questions to answer. This is treason.

Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 06/04/18 09:29 AM

This is part one of a highly recommended interview with retired Lt. General Jerry Boykin. Mr. Boykin offers a special kind of insight into how to move forward against the Marxist insurgency.

For those interested in additional viewing:

Lt. General Jerry Boykin Interview

Lt. General Jerry Boykin Interview

Posted by: Cash is King

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 02/10/19 11:10 AM

Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 12/03/19 10:15 AM

If people understood the depth of Communist infiltration of that state, and the fact that the Chinese just flipped their state, their conservatives there would rise up and they would actually get off their backsides and vote, and turn these people out over the next two election cycles. We got to reverse this very, very soon. You got one election to reverse it. Otherwise, you got California in the East and with everything that goes with that.

Chinese Communist Front Flips Virginia Blue

Above, author Trevor Loudon is interviewed by The New American YouTube host Christian Gomez about the "New Virginia Majority" whom, according to Mr. Loudon, is a front for the pro-Chinese Communist group "Liberation Road/Freedom Road Socialist Organization." This group has reportedly taken credit for the results of this past election cycle in Virginia. In the interview, Mr. Loudon explains how this organization has worked since 2007 to sign up minority voters in Virginia, to include felons who had their voting rights restored, in order to flip Virginia blue.

Below, is an article from Mr. Loudon in the Epoch Times on this same topic for those interested in finding out more.

It’s clear that Liberation Road is tied to China. It’s also clear that their front-group NVM is heavily involved in U.S. electoral politics and played a decisive role in turning Virginia blue. It’s also obvious that Liberation Road’s goal is to destroy President Trump and the Republican Party to pave the way for a socialist America.

Virginia Goes Blue: Pro-China Communists Claim Credit

Posted by: LaserJock

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 12/03/19 06:20 PM

welcome back lue
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 12/06/19 10:34 PM

Working off the information above from Trevor Loudon on the Chinese Communist subversion in not only Virginia, but nationwide in the ongoing Marxist Insurgency within the United States, lets revisit some information from page one.

Originally Posted By: lue-jones
Most Americans who have went through the public school system have a working knowledge of the civil rights and other related movements in the United States. From the civil war to Jim Crow laws, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King etc. The plight of African Americans in the United States is common knowledge.

Most recently, the United States has seen widespread protests across the country centered around the shooting of "unarmed black teenager" Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri and surrounding area's with other similar incidents serving as justification for civil disobedience in various forms which has also included violence, murder, looting, arson etc. We've seen these protests in hundreds of cities across the United States, coast to coast. Some of these incidents have included crimes which could be characterized as terrorism from various fringe elements such as the New Black Panther Party.

Below is information from the book, "As Peking See's Us" which lays out data that would suggests the Chinese have for many years sought to exploit minority groups in the United States to their own benefit in order to systematically undermine the United States from within.

Holder: Communist Plan

Below, a very interesting transcript from John Moore of on a speech from the Chinese Defense Minister.

The central issue of this survey appears to be whether one should shoot at
women, children and prisoners of war, but its real significance goes far
beyond that. Ostensibly, our intention is mainly to figure out what the
Chinese people’s attitude towards war is
: If these future soldiers do not
hesitate to kill even non-combatants, they’ll naturally be doubly ready and
ruthless in killing combatants.

Therefore, the responses to the survey
questions may reflect the general attitude people have towards war.
Actually, however, this is not our genuine intention. The purpose of the CCP
Central Committee in conducting this survey is to probe people’s minds. We
wanted to know: If China’s global development will necessitate massive
deaths in enemy countries
, will our people endorse that scenario? Will they
be for or against it?

Take response to war as an example. The reason that the United States
remains today is that it has never seen war on its mainland. Once its
enemies aim at the mainland, the enemies would have already reached
Washington before its congress finishes debating
and authorizes the
president to declare war. But for us, we don’t waste time on these trivial

The relationship between China and United States is
one of a life-and-death struggle.
” Of course, right now it is not the time to
openly break up with them yet.
Our reform and opening to the outside
world still rely on their capital and technology, we still need America.

Only by using special means to “clean up” America will we be able to lead
the Chinese people there.
This is the only choice left for us. This is not a
matter of whether we are willing to do it or not.
What kind of special means is
there available for us to
“clean up” America? Conventional weapons such as
fighters, canons, missiles and battleships won’t do; neither will highly
destructive weapons such as nuclear weapons. We are not as foolish as to want
to perish together with America by using nuclear weapons, despite the fact that
we have been exclaiming that we will have the Taiwan issue resolved at
whatever cost. Only by using non-destructive weapons that can kill many
people will we be able to reserve America for ourselves.

Now, when I am about to finish my speech, you probably understand why
we conducted this online survey. Simply put, through conducting this
online survey we wanted to know whether the people would rise against us
if one day we secretly adopt resolute means to “clean up” America. Would
more people support us or oppose us? This is our basic judgment: if our
people approve of shooting at prisoners of war, women and children, then
they would approve our “cleaning up” America

Virginias Assault Weapons Ban Goes Too Far

Lt. Col. NutnFancy - Virginia: A Sleeping Giant Has Awoken

More Tyranny in Virginia - IraqVeteran88888

Va Dems Threaten to use National Guard on 2a Sanctuary Counties

Former CIA Officer: Russian Hoax A covert attempt to overthrow democratic process

Virginia National Guard Responds to Governor Northam: Refuses to Speculate

HB67 - Limits to Law Enforcement Strikes

Virginia Governor Reported Plan to Cut Off Electricity, Phones, Internet for Gun Confiscations
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 12/07/19 11:12 PM

Today is National Pearl Harbor Rememberence Day, in honor of this fact, the information I am posting in this thread and others is dedicated to the fateful events of that December 7, 1941 morning. This thread is approximately 5 years in the running, its entire purpose to make as many Virginian's aware of the threat of Communism to the United States and our way of life as possible. There are three individuals I credit for my willingness to pursue this topic as far as I have, Lt. General Jerry Boykin, Command Sgt. Major Dan Page and Yuri Bezmenov. Special thanks to Mr. John Moore and an entire litany of other sources too numerous to mention in full, this is a topic I have researched extensively and for good reason.

With the results of the most recent election in Virginia, ie Virginia turns Anti-Gun Overnight with Bloomberg - Waste no time with gun confiscation SB16, 18, 64, there is a great fear among Virginian's on what the future may hold for their second amendment rights.

Many Virginian's and Americans for that matter believe they can reason their way out of this, however there are a number of past gun control measures that have been enacted over the last several decades that speak to the fact the only certainty in the future is more gun control, not less. One prominent YouTuber, Nutnfancy, recently did a video on Why we will lose our gun rights and that is a topic quite worthy of sitting on and thinking about.

One of the threads I recently started, titled Virginia Isn't As Virginia As It Thinks It Is touches on one of the major reasons why gun control is a certainty in the future, which is the fact too many Americans have adopted Socialist ideologies and practices. And worse yet, even when they see the negative consequences of their poor decision making, they still fail to recognize the root cause of their problem, which is their leftist, Socialist, Communist sympathies.

Let me ask you, who is the enemy? What does he look like? Unfortunately, the enemy looks like you and the enemy looks like me. And therein lies the problem. If you cannot identify the enemy, if you cannot ascertain the root cause of your problems, you are doomed to failure. If you can't find the leak and plug it, the ship is going to go down.

The left has adopted an extreme militant position against conservatives in Virginia, Yes Virginia, They Want to Seize Your Guns, so it is time for conservatives to start calling these people what they are, Communists, and to start recognizing what the problem is and what it is going to take to fix it.

Who knows where the Socialist/Communist Indoctrination of Americans originates? It is these topics and many more all Americans need to be educated about in order to properly fight what we are up against.

Put down your rifles and pick up a pen and a piece of paper to take notes. If you cannot properly identify the problem, you will never be able to effectively understand, address and fix it. It just isn't going to happen unless you understand the exact problem that you're up against. This is not a time for war, this is a time for education. It is a time to educate yourself about the threat of Socialism, to educate yourself on what Communism is and why it is an ideology that is akin to an invasive species that has to be stopped.

Below is the last link that I am going to leave you with tonight, this is highly recommended viewing and a good place to start in understanding exactly what the future holds for an America that fails to yield to the warning.

Command Sgt. Major Dan Page's Warning to America

Posted by: Cash is King

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 12/08/19 08:11 AM

IMHO census fraud in urban areas (adding false districts) is a huge unrecognized problem.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 12/10/19 01:59 PM

Below, another excellent educational video on Marxism in America with deep insight from an investigative journalist who uncovered Chinese Communist Subversive Activity here in the United States. As I have posted about above, unless you are able to find the leak and plug it, the ship is destined to go down. This is not a time for war, this is a time for education. Put your rifles down and start taking notes people.

How does Communist ideology manifest itself in the current political landscape? What are the origins of Antifa? Where does political correctness come from? How did Marx and his followers rewrite history? What are the common misconceptions on Communism and Socialism? All of this and more is covered below in an American Thought Leaders interview with Joshua Phillip of The Epoch Times.

On Marxism in America, The Communist Chinese Threat, Unconventional Warfare & Hong Kong
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 12/19/19 12:58 AM

The Hagmann Report - "We are at war."

Above, Mr. Doug Hagmann of the Hagmann Report reacts to the news of President Trumps impeachment. As Mr. Hagmann reports, this is a Coup D'etat, the left has openly looked to undermine the results of the 2016 election and the news of the impeachment from the house is little more than the realization of this coup. As post one of this thread points out, this is in fact an internationally backed Marxist insurgency and the Coup is little more than one piece of a much bigger picture.

Democrats Vote to Impeach President Trump for NOTHING

WaPo - President Trump Third President to be Impeached by House

President Trump Posts Chilling Meme

Speaker Pelosi Threatens to Hold Articles of Impeachment from Senate

Tucker Carlson Compares Democrat Impeachment to Jonestown

FISA Court Issues Highly Unusual Rebuke of FBI

FISA Court releases declassified order on investigation into ALL warrants from FBI Attorney

Presiding FISA Judge to Step Down

Rep Doug Collins Receives Standing Ovation for Eviscerating Communists Impeachment of Trump (WATCH)

Rush: Pelosi will never hand over articles of impeachment to Senate for Acquital

Schiff confronted, read Miranda rights, what will you do when charged with Treason?

Congressman Pence: Impeachment is hoax

Justice Ginsberg suggests Republican Senate could be disqualified if not impartial??

Fox - Impeachment is Coup D'etat

Fox - Ken Starr claims it is a Coup

Fox - The Coup has Started

Heritage Foundation, Family Research Council Took Hush Money as Conservatives Censored Online

100 Years Ago This Week - US Ships 249 Commies back to Mother Russia on Red Ark

Dems to Unleash Martial Law on Virginia - Natural News

Virginia Attorney General: Sanctuary Counties Have No Legal Effect

Coup: Crossfire Hurrican may have been joint CIA/FBI Investigation

Governor Increases Prison Funding in Anticipatino of Jailing Gun Owners

VCDL/GOA Response to AG Herring - NDAA Language

Where is the NRA? - JohnnyB YouTube

Virginia Democrats to Bring Public Housing to Neighborhoods Across State

Militia Leader Offers Advice

Why Did Democrats Just Extend Patriot Act?

President Trump Signs National Defense Authorization Act - LA Times

Guns and Gadgets - UN Hiring Disarmament Officer

Global Warming Hoax - Glacier National Park Forced to Remove 2020 Warning

Iran responds with Missle Attacks on US

Ukrainian airliner goes down in Iran
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 12/19/19 02:08 AM

By proceeding with your invalid impeachment, you are violating your oaths of office, you are breaking your allegiance to the Constitution, and you are declaring open war on American Democracy. You dare to invoke the Founding Fathers in pursuit of this election-nullification scheme — yet your spiteful actions display unfettered contempt for America's founding and your egregious conduct threatens to destroy that which our Founders pledged their very lives to build. Even worse than offending the Founding Fathers, you are offending Americans of faith by continually saying “I pray for the President,” when you know this statement is not true, unless it is meant in a negative sense. It is a terrible thing you are doing, but you will have to live with it, not I!

NY Times - President Trumps Letter to Nancy Pelosi Protesting Impeachment

Trump has engraved envelops of letter to Pelosi hand delivered to Communists

Below, an overview of the big picture from a post I recently made in another thread here at VAGT.

"As I am sure you are aware, Trevor Loudon is reporting that Chinese Communists fronts flipped Virginia blue this past election and they did it by steadfastly signing up minority voters since 2007. As Loudon points out in the links below, this same model used to flip Virginia is aiming its sites at other states now. In many ways what happened in California has happened here in Virginia, and the left plans to exploit this plan nationwide.

Virginia Goes Blue: Pro Chinese Communist Claim Credit

Chinese Communist Front Flips Virginia Blue (YouTube)

Take the time to think about the surge of illegal immigration at the border and how these "non-American illegal foreigners" are going to be used to sway elections nationwide. And its the "democrats," and "Democratic Socialists" who by in large are in support of open borders not conservatives, and the reasons for this are obvious. The more leftists/"democrat"/Socialists/Communist voters, the more likely they are to stay in power. Its really as simple as that, but its the less than obvious agendas and consequences behind these policies that are the real tale of the tape.

Pentagon Orders Review of Troops Sent to Borrder

US Border Patrol Migration Graph Spike .Gov

Virginia Alien Invasion Report

CNN - Whats behind Spike in Immigration at Border

WaPo - Surge in Migrants at Border

Put the pieces together, look at the bigger picture here. The left is stacking the deck, they're fixing the fight. This will be a complete Communist Take Over of the entire United States and we are already getting a taste of what that is going to look like here in Virginia.

So who is responsible for the border crisis? You are going to have to do some deep research to find the root causes, but chasing down the legal frameworks begins to bring the picture into focus. We know the United Nations is involved, but who is else is behind the drive of illegals North to illegally cross our border? Take a look at the country of origin the illegal immigrants are primarily hailing from and you will find your other co-conspirators, though there are others, less obvious, but equally culpable.

Consider the international involvement in the Coup D'etat to undermine the results of the 2016 election and attack President Trump relentlessly on obviously Trumped up charges for the last four years. The United Kingdom, Australia, Russia, Italy etc. Its a certainty other countries were involved in the attempted takdown of President Trump and the undermining of the 2016 election.

We are talking about an internationally backed Marxist Insurgency. The republic of the United States is under attack, an Open War on American Democracy is happening right before our very eyes. What appears to be the case is all of this information and more is tied together, these are not simply isolated events and circumstances, but rather pieces of a much larger puzzle. This looks like a strategic, militarized plan to me that is only growing in severity. For those of you who play Chess, the pieces are being arranged on the board for check mate.

For those interested in learning more, please see the links below:

Command Sgt. Major Dan Pages Warning to America

Communism in the United States Today

President Trumps Chilling Meme: They are After You"

Original link - 2020 Census: Surge in immigrants to take 24 seats from Trump States
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 12/23/19 12:19 PM

Originally Posted By: lue-jones
This looks like a strategic, militarized plan to me that is only growing in severity. For those of you who play Chess, the pieces are being arranged on the board for check mate.

The left DOES have an enforcement arm

The above message is coming to you from the 4th Dimension, there are a number of points of interest for Virginians to consider including the idea of a strategic militarized plan.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 12/28/19 07:55 AM

Yuri Bezmenov - Sleepers Emerge and Messiah Appears

I highly recommend viewing the above clip, in particular how Bezmenov's points leads to civil war and invasion. Its no secret I give Mr. Bezmenov a lot of credit for my pursuit of this topic and other related matters, the above excerpt is a particularly interesting and educational speech that leads to the same roads other sources such as Command Sgt. Major Dan Page and others have warned about. I have linked to a number of his speeches in full in the past, highly recommended

Former KGB Officer Yuri Bezmenov Interview YouTube

Yuri Bexmenov - Subversion is the Term 1983 Speech

Yuri Bezmenov 1983 LA Speech
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 12/30/19 07:38 PM

The Resistance Starts Now - Time Magazine

Well before President Trump ever took office, this thread was started to detail the Communist Insurgency happening within the continental United States. The writing was on he wall before Obama ever left office, the riots across the country, sniper attacks against law enforcement, race baiting division propagated by the mainstream media etc. For those who were paying attention, and there weren't many, it was obvious what was going on.

Obviously the propaganda against President Trump was in full effect before he ever took office, but upon his inauguration things really began to kick into overdrive with the inauguration protests, the obvious Operation Mockingbird mainstream media propaganda turn, the endless baseless scandals etc. We're not in Kansas anymore people, its not business as usual in the United States and it hasn't been for sometime now. The fact this charade has went on for nearly four years right before our very eyes attests to this fact but most Americans are clueless as to what is actually going on in this country, even when the Communists in Virginia are threatening military force to enforce their unconstitutional legislative action.

Trump Impeached For Abuse of Power

President Trump Letter to Nancy Pelosi - Open War on American Democracy

Original White House .gov Source

As was laid out on page one of this thread, there is a Communist insurgency happening within the United States and the onslaught against President Trump over the last three years, his impeachment and the entire charade inbetween has all been a part of the insurgency. President Trumps letter to Speaker Pelosi alone attests to what the Communists are doing to the United States and it should be a matter of great concern as this thread and others lay out.

For those interested in learning more:

Lt. General Jerry Boykin on how to move forward against the Communist Insurgency

John Moores Memorandum on Possible Coming Second American Civil War

The Hagmann Report

Pro-Chinese Communist Front Flips Virginia Blue - Epoch Times

Gun Advocate Wrote 1400 Word Recap about getting Duped by Sascha Baron Cohen

Phillip Van Cleave Clarifies he does not want to arm 4 year olds

Phillip Van Cleave: I played along with Sascha Baron Cohen

Militia Intelligence Report

Psychological Operations PDF file - Undermining opponents, Discrediting the Opposition

Command Sgt. Major Dan Pages Warning to America

Original YouTube Video of Dan Pages Warning to America - Highly Recommended

*Note: Photobucket has now completely blurred out the above previously supplied screen shots from the book "As Peking See's Us." Please take the time to read the supplied link to the free copy of the book available online, in particular, take note of the chapter titled " The Potential for Insurgency in the United States."

Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 01/04/20 06:27 PM

Guns and Gadgets - Communist China Says Americans owning guns is a serious problem

Above, the Guns and Gadgets YouTube channel, which is hosted by a current law enforcement officer and friend of Virginia, discusses the Commmunist Chinese and asks whether they are in fact behind the Bloomberg financing widely reported to have helped swing this recent election cycle in the Commmunists favor in Virginia.

For those who have followed my long standing work here at the forum, this is information that will sound familiar as I have discussed the Chinese Communists for a number of years now and their designs on the United States. A plan to replace the Constitution in the United States is discussed, echoing information CSM Dan Page has warned about in the past.

For those interested in reading more:

Communism in the United States Today

The Potential for Insurgency in the United States - As Peking See's Us

Chicago Communists and the New Black Panther Party - Ferguson Riots

Pro Chinese Communist Front Flips Virginia Blue

Marxism and the Chinese Communists Threat

Chinese Defense Minister Speech - Eye Opening Must Read Highly Recommended

Chinese Communists Front Flips VA Blue - New American Magazine YouTube

Chinese Espionage - 60 Minutes Australia

Command Sgt. Major Dan Pages Warning to America

Bloomberg Praises Communist Chinese

Bloomberg: China isnt a Dictatorship? - WaPo

Guns and Gadgets - VCDL President Interview with Technical Difficulties

Original YouTube Video of Dan Pages Warning to America - Highly Recommended
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 01/15/20 06:21 PM

Virginia Governor Declares State of Emergency ahead of gun rally

Virginia Governor declares a state of emergency, for those who have been following the information contained in this thread and elsewhere, this latest news will sound familiar.

For those interested in learning more:

Rumor: Virginia National Guard Activated

Balkanization of Virginia Begins

Hagmann Report - Mystery Video Tapping at Virginia Gun Shows

DHS Gives Kansas Legislators Secret Cyber Security Briefing (cached)

DHS Gives Kansas Lawmakers Secret Briefing (Edited Public Version)

The End Game - Eliminate 25 Million Americans

Project Veritas - Radical Communists "Cities Burn" if Trump Re-Elected

Bernie Sanders Field Organizer Wants Re-Education Gulags

Bernie Sanders Staffer Says Trump Supports Will Need to be Re-Educated

Operation Garden Plot - Martial Law
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 01/18/20 07:07 AM

RICHMOND — The Virginia Supreme Court has upheld Gov. Ralph Northam's weapons ban for Monday's pro-gun rights rally, rejecting appeal from gun-rights groups.

Virginia Supreme Court Upholds Northam Weapons Ban

But Browne cited a law passed by the General Assembly in 2012 that prohibits the governor from using an emergency declaration “to in any way limit or prohibit the rights of people to keep and bear arms.

Washington Post

Virginia Governor Declares State of Emergency - NY Times

This information above is what I would describe as significant, when you listen to the VCDL president talk about the history of this 2012 law preventing gun control during times of emergency and then reference the latest Virginia Supreme Court decision upholding the governors authority to institute gun control measures during the state of emergency a contradiction in legal edict becomes apparent.

For those interested in learning more about States of Emergency, I have posted quite a bit of supplementary information in the thread titled Operation Garden Plot-Martial Law for your educational viewing development.

Phillip Van Cleave Interview - VCDL Had Law Put in Place After Katrina to Prevent Gun Ban

Police Begin Seizing Firearms in New Orleans - NY Times

NRA - A Decade Later Remember New Orleans Gun Confiscation

Special Operations Surveillance Aircraft Circling Richmond

FAA Declares Airspace Over Richmond "National Defense Airspace" Until After Lobby Day screen shot

Virginia: FAA Declares National Defense Airspace Over Richmond

Understanding the Primer for the Lobby Day Trap

Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 01/18/20 12:10 PM

In order to marshal all public resources and appropriate preparedness, response, and recovery measures, I order the following actions:

A. Activation of the Virginia Emergency Operations Center and the Virginia
Emergency Support Team, as directed by the State Coordinator of Emergency
Management, to coordinate the provision of assistance to state and local
governments and to facilitate emergency services assignments to other agencies.

Virginia Governor Executive Order - .gov

The Department of Military Affairs plans, coordinates, maintains situational awareness, and employs forces for homeland security and homeland defense in order to respond to any incidents within the Commonwealth and, on order of the Governor, will assist civil authorities in protecting life and property, preserving peace, maintaining order and public safety, and relieving suffering.

The agency is comprised of the Virginia National Guard and the Virginia Defense Force.

Virginia Department of Military Affairs - .gov
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 01/18/20 12:25 PM

As we see above, when examining the Governors Executive Order we find that the Governor actived the "Virginia Emergency Operations Center." When we visit the Virginia Department of Emergency Management website we find that the "Virginia Emergency Operations Center" is compromised of numerous agencies, including military affairs being handled by the Virginia Department of Military Affairs.

According to the Department of Military Affairs website:

The Department of Military Affairs plans, coordinates, maintains situational awareness, and employs forces for homeland security and homeland defense in order to respond to any incidents within the Commonwealth and, on order of the Governor, will assist civil authorities in protecting life and property, preserving peace, maintaining order and public safety, and relieving suffering.The agency is comprised of the Virginia National Guard and the Virginia Defense Force.

So the Virginia National Guard has been activated via proxy through the Virginia Emergency Operations Center under the auspices of the Virginia Department of Military Affairs.

And similarly, when we examine section B. we find the following information:

B. Authorization for the heads of executive branch agencies, on behalf of their regulatory boards as appropriate, and with the concurrence of their Cabinet
Secretary, to waive any state requirement or regulation, and enter into contracts
without regard to normal procedures or formalities, and without regard to
application or permit fees or royalties. All waivers issued by agencies shall be
posted on their websites

Virginia Governor Executive Order -

When we examine section B of the Governors Executive Order, again, we find the "Authorization for the heads of the executive branch agencies," to "wave any state requirements or regulation." In this instance, "The Secretary of Veterans and Defense Affairs" is the head of the Executive Branch agency who oversea's both the Department of Veterans Affairs Services and the Department of Military Affairs.

As we have discovered above, the Department of Military Affairs consists of the Virginia National Guard and Virginia Defense Force. Who are under the auspices of control of "The Secretary of Veterans and Defense Affairs," who were authorized by the Governor as an executive branch agency to wave all normal procedures and formalities."
So the command and control of the Virginia National Guard has been activated and authorized according to the Virginia Governors own Executive Order, they are just waiting for the deployment order. The legal frameworks have already been outlined in the Executive Order.

For those interested in additional information:

GPS may be unavailable due to Military testing along East Coast - WECT6 News

Virginia 2A Rally Update Activation of VA Emergency Op Center - Bear Independent
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 01/18/20 06:41 PM

Dear Senator Chase,
If you haven't been reading my work here at VAGT, you have some pretty good sources filling you in on the overall picture facing America today. Elements of the information below sound quite familiar.

Sadly, I am posting this, knowing that the Governor of Virginia has declared a State of Emergency in our state.

I want you to be aware of how we are being set up.

Does the Patriot Act ring a bell?

Does the National Defense Authorization Act ring a bell?

If people show up wearing any kind of uniform, patch or other symbol on their clothing signifying they belong to a militia and something goes wrong, you could/will be held as a domestic terrorist.

If anyone steps out of line, all it takes is one person, it may even be a government plant....if that plant does anything to disrupt the rally, you could/will be arrested as a domestic terrorist.

The Governor, using the media has already set the stage for this to happen.
He has already laid the groundwork to make the entire movement look like insurrection.

It will be used to put the rest of the nation on notice of what will happen to you, if you resist.

They have used the Southern Poverty Law Center over the last 15 years to lay the groundwork.

They have labeled us as potential domestic terrorist for a long time now.

Anyone who has ever related to the 3%er's, a militia, or just belonged to any Patriot group...the groundwork has been laid to brand you as a domestic terrorist.

They have gone out of their way since the Obama years to insure they had us labeled, but it didn't start with Obama. It started with the Patriot Act under the Bush administration.

We are being played by a well oiled machine, these things have been in the works for many years.

They are kicking things into high gear. Military veterans were/are even listed as potential domestic terrorist.

We were told not once, but several times by the current President, “It's Not Me they are after, It's You, The American People.“

Their actions over the last three years have shown you he was right, they are coming after us full speed ahead and they aren't even trying to hide it anymore.

Sic semper tyrannis, keep your head on a swivel and know what's going on around you at all times, at Lobby Day 1/20/20.

Everyone be safe out there....Thus always to tyrants.

Facebook - Senator Amanda Chase

Guns and Gadets - Senator Amanda Chase of Virginia Warning Covered

Virginia legislature looks to restrict number of outdoor gun ranges

Military to jam GPS, FBI Asserts Imminent Domain to Seize Night Vision from Distributors

Richmond, Virginia Lobby Day 2020 Live Stream Thread -

Delaware Patriot - Richmond Lobby Day Recon 1 (YouTube)

Delaware Patriot - Lobby Day Recon 2

Delaware Patriot - Recon 3

Delaware Patriot - Final Recon
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 01/20/20 02:43 AM

Virginia Delegate Nick Freitas Interviewed about Lobby Day 2020 - YouTube

In my opinion...from my arm chair quarterback perspective...I was much too light on Freitas as he tried to convince us that "law enforcement is not to be blamed" for the policies of Northam. Actually...yes they are. Without the enforcement class doing the leg work and obeying unconstitutional orders, none of these unconstitutional "laws" would have any teeth. So I dropped the ball. Freitas is viewed as a "good guy" among gun rights people....but, the truth is, the only "good guys" are the ones taking a hard stand on "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED."

Above, YouTuber HighImpactVlogs, who has in fact traveled a great distance to attend Lobby Day 2020, interviewed Delegate Nick Freitas and managed to get some good answers. In many ways, I believe Delegate Freitas's message and HighImpactVlogs line of questioning was in response to the viral video below of the Navy veteran being confronted by Capital police after taking a tour of the Capital.

Virginia Capital Police Visit & Question Navy Veteran Who Took Tour of Capital - YouTube

Other Laws Commies in Virginia Want to Pass
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 01/21/20 12:38 AM

Kansas Secret Meeting - Beware (YouTube)

TOPEKA, Kan. — The U.S. Department of Homeland Security is giving Kansas legislators extraordinary private briefings about undisclosed security issues.

Kansas House members boarded National Guard buses Tuesday for a briefing at a former Air Force base south of Topeka involving DHS and arranged by Kansas Attorney General Derek Schmidt’s office. Democrats had a separate briefing first, followed by Republicans.


Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 01/21/20 12:39 AM

The John Moore Show - January 20, 2020 - Virginia Rally

Above, former Green Beret and Vietnam veteran John Moore discuss's the Virginia lobby day rally. At one point, John discusses a photograph from the Virginia Lobby Day rally that may depict active duty military or National Guard on the scene. A caller from Rhode Island mentions the free speech zones set up in Richmond, snipers on the roof tops and his questions to law enforcement.

Who are these men? Notice their footwear.

[url=https://www.thegatewaypundi...a Rally[/color]

Communist Maxine Waters on Impeachment Coup D'etat: We will not stop

Heres the Truth about the pro 2nd Amendment rally in Richmond

Law enforcement estimates 25,000 in attendence

Man interrupts Operation Mockingbird MSNBC broadcast

Alex Jones storms Richmond in battle tank

Thousands attend 2a lobby day rally

Antifa publishes pro 2a message on website

Bernie Sanders Field Manager Rans After Questioned on Anarcho Communist Staffer Arrest

Virginia Senator Issues Warning on lobby day rally: Set Up

Security Tight - Fox

Despite threats of insurrection, protest carried out peacefully - wapo

Photos of pro gun rally - Atlantic

Militarized police arrive in Richmond - National File - Govenor declares state of emergency

Civil Rights March of My Life: Protestor Arrested for Covering Face - USA Today

Armed Militias, Alex Jones Arrive in Richmond

VCDL: Dont Bring Long Guns to Lobby Day

Virginia Officials Wary as Lobby Day Approaches

A look at expected participants at rally

Peaceful Rally Concludes Despite Fears - KTVZ

Confrontation at Rally - YouTube

Floyd Militia Organizes Ahead of Rally

Civil Asset Forteiture Story from VA Rally - HighImpactVlogs

Federal Police, Drones at Lobby Day - Guns and Gadets

Dow Drops - Worst Decline in history

Bernie Sanders Supporters Cheers after being called Revolutionaries

Sanders Praises Cuba, Communist China

Judge Napalitano: This is Stalinistic

Judge Judy Warns Sanders Supporters

Obana Admin sending FISA info to non government entities

Info Wars attacked by crazed Sanders Leftist

MSNBC says FBI should entrap white males and arrest them

Medical Martial Law

Mandatory Quarantine Coronavirus - NYTimes

Strict Regulation and Control in China leads to mental health concerns - Al Jazeera

500 Million in China Under Government Quarantine Measures - Reuters

Global Coronavirus Death Toll Surpasses 3000 - Washington Post, Markets Stage Cautious Recovery

Coronavirus spreading faster outside Chi...uth Korea - WSJ

California tells 7,600 to "Self Quarantine" - CBS

California town prohibting people from Diamond Princess Cruise Ship Quarantine from Entering

South Korea Raises Threat Level - NY Times

Corona Virus Wipes 5 Trillion off global stocks

Italys Quarantine leaves locked down towns feeling Sacrificed - NY Times

Italy imposes lockdown

Britons returning from Northern Italy told to Self Isolate - BBC

Australians clear super market shelves in fear of Coronavirus - BBC

Some San Diego California Shelves Empty over Coronavirus fears

Quarantine measures in America Could be Giant Legal Mess - The Atlantic

Communist: If I get Corona Virus, Im going to every MAGA rally that I can.

FEMA has not proposed Medical Martial Law - AP News

California declares state of emergency over Coronavirus - LA Times

Utah State of Emergency Declared

Maryland Declares State of Emergency

New York State of Emergency

Florida moves to Level 2 Emergency

Kentucky State of Emergency Declared

New Jersey State of Emergency

Ohio declares State of Emergency

Florida State of Emergency

Oregon Declares State of Emergency

North Carolina State of Emergency

Colorado Declares State of Emergency

Massachusetts Declares State of Emergency

Connecticut State of Emergency Declared

Michigan Declaration of State of Emergency

Bay Harbor Islands, Florida State of Emergency

Police Enforced Quarantine in California - Corona Virus

Chinese Officials Removing People From Their Homes - Corona Virus

Plan Will Be In Place By Grand Princess Docking- Ben Carson

Ben Carson Refuses to Preview Administrations Plan to Handle Cruise Ships Corona Virus Cases

Ben Carson Says The Plans For Corona Virus Stricken Cruise Ship Arent Fully Formulated

Carson declines to preview plan

Joe Biden Believes 150-million Americans are dead? Where did he get that from?

Whats wrong with old Joe? Biden Jumbles His Own Name, "Im an Obiden-Bama Democrat"

Spanish Town Faces Police Lock Down To Contain Corona Virus

Police Enforced Quarantine Hits California Neighborhood - Corona Virus

Italys Corona Virus Lock Down Faces Questions about Enforcement - WSJ

Entire Country of Italy Under Quarantine

A Message from the 4th Dimension

Panic in Memphis - Parents Spray Children with Chemicals

DC Mayor Declares State of Emergency

Houston, Texas State of Emergency Declared

Arizona State of Emergency

McHenry County Illinoise State of Emergency

New Mexico State of Emergency

Navajo Nation Declares State of Emergency

Portland Declares State of Emergency

Delaware declares state of emergency

Virginia Declares State of Emergency

Tennessee State of Emergency

Charlottesville declares state of emergency

Montana State of Emergency

New York City Declares State of Emergency - 6 month crisis

Nevada State of Emegency Declared

South Carolina to Declare State of Emergency

St. Louis County Issues State of Emergency

Missouri Governor to Declare State of Emergency

Connecticut Declares State of Emergency

Minnesota Declares State of Emergency

New Hampshire State of Emergency

Pittsburgh State of Emergency

Louisiana Emergency Proclamation

39 States of Emergency Declared
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 01/21/20 11:28 AM

Project Veritas Part III: Guillotine the Rich, Gulags, Re-Education Camps, Forced Hard Labor

Part II: Cities Burn, Gulags

Part 1

Above, Project Veritas exposes the radical left Democratic Socialist / communists and their designs on the future of America. As this thread attests, there is an internationally backed insurgency / coup d'etat going on in the United States and these communists are their intellectual foot soldiers. This clip also exposes radical leftists working for NPR.

Two Iowa field directors for Bernie Sanders's 2020 presidential campaign locked their Twitter accounts after a Project Veritas video showed a "top-tier organizer" saying "Milwaukee will burn" if the senator doesn't win the Democratic nomination.

Sanders organizer Kyle Jurek told undercover journalists that "there is a reason why Stalin had gulags," that Sanders wanted "free education" so that Trump supporters could be taught how to "not be a f---ing Nazi," and that he wants to "walk into that MSNBC studios, drag those motherf---ers out by their hair, and light them on fire in the streets."

Iowa state director Misty Rebik and Iowa co-field director Brooke Adams both locked their Twitter accounts after Project Veritas founder James O'Keefe claimed they hired or worked with Jurek, who deleted his Twitter account this afternoon.

Washinton Examiner

Below, a message from the 4th Dimension, who like Senator Chase, obviously has some pretty good sources. coffee

A message from the 4th Dimension

Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 02/07/20 12:57 PM

“The Senate acquitted President Trump of both charges fabricated by Congressional Democrats, led by Speaker Pelosi and Adam Schiff, to carry out the most egregious and partisan attack against any president in our history - a man they knew to be innocent.”

The President of the United States - Donald J. Trump (Twitter)

President Trump Acquitted - Time

Rudi Giulani on Trumps Acquittal, State of the Union Speech

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi Rips the State of the Union Speech

Nancy Pelosi rips Trumps State of the Union Speech Sparking Huge Reaction

DNC cant steal election from Sanders despite Iowa chaos

Iowa will be the first test case for election security in 2020 - NYTimes

The Marxist Insurgency Lt. General Jerry Boykin warned about is becoming more and more apparent to those who are able to put the known pieces of the puzzle together. The communists are even attempting to rig their own elections, the "democrats" have went so far off the rails that there is no going back. Americans should absolutely be concerned what the lefts ultimate master plan is, because history tells us the communists do not come in peace.

Bernie Sanders staffers endorse violent overthrow of capitalism, Gulags, Re-education camps

Murder by Communism - .edu

President Trump - Bernie Sanders is a Communist

I have no doubt things are only going to continue cirle the drain in this country at lady liberty's expense with the lefts foot firmly on the handle. From the Russian golden shower hoax to this sham impeachment trial, the communist left has shown their true colors and its an ugly shade of red.

Medical Martial Law - Chinese Quarantine 35 Million People (Washington Post)

Medical Martial Law - The Common Sense Show

Rep. Nunes: Millions of Americans Poisoned by Left/Media

Chris Matthews Suggests Bernie Sanders Would Assassinate Political Opposition

"Im seeing what Socialism is like, not free it doesnt work! - Chris Matthews

4th Dimension: If you vote Democrat, Shame on You.

Justice Roberts Responds to Chuck Schumer Threats -NBC

Below, highly recommended information for those interested in learning how this thread has turned into a five year outline of the communist lefts insurgency in the United States.

Marxism in America - Ret. Lt. General Jerry Boykin (2010)

Command Sgt Major Dan Pages warning to America

Former KGB Agent Yuri Bezmenov - Communist Subversion 1983

Yuri Bezmenov interview 1984

WWII Survivor Warns of Socialism and Gun Control
Posted by: P3Bill

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 02/08/20 09:37 AM

Also, a good preview of America under Bernie and AOC can be found in the 1957 novel "ATLAS SHRUGGED by Ayn Rand.

A synopsis on wikipedia:

OR, Cliffs notes:

Or the Movie (in three parts) ia available on Amazon Prime video.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 03/08/20 06:55 PM

The federal government derives its authority for isolation and quarantine from the Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution.

Under section 361 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S. Code § 264), the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services is authorized to take measures to prevent the entry and spread of communicable diseases from foreign countries into the United States and between states.

The authority for carrying out these functions on a daily basis has been delegated to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)


As the number of U.S. cases has crept upward (to 11, as of this writing), the federal government has declared a public health emergency,

Washington Post

Among the false information that has circulated around the virus: reports that the Federal Emergency Management Agency was proposing martial law to contain the spread; claims that drinking chlorine dioxide, a bleaching agent, would get rid of it; and graphic video footage that claimed to show an infected man vomiting blood on a train.

The World Health Organization on Thursday declared the virus outbreak a global emergency. Public health officials say that there continue to be many questions about the virus that need to be answered, including around how easily it spreads and its severity. This uncertainty leaves experts like Johns Hopkins Associate Professor Mark Dredze, who has published research on vaccine misinformation, worried that the misleading claims will continue to spread.


In the age of constant threats from new emerging infectious diseases and possible outbreaks all over, martial law is getting that new rising status –a medical one. That means that the uncertain epidemiological future of our world will challenge us with the options of imposing Medical Martial Law to save lives or simply refusing to enact martial law during the outbreak periods and protect freedom and rights, but lose human life.

Medical Martial Law is defined as a special kind of martial law which could be executed in an emergency situation of high alert from infectious disease where epidemic level grows into pandemic on specific geographic areas. In these circumstances, Medical Martial Law becomes the only way to form the quarantine, build a protocol for screening the viral disease and detect the potential infected. It would use a synthetically based bio-surveillance guide based on the outcome of carefully designed epidemiological integration processes.

It seems so simple to declare Medical Martial Law under the explanation that there is no other policy for protecting citizens other than to protect them from themselves. This is the key in opening the door of understanding interests of government in announcing the Medical Martial Law.

Outbreak News

U.S. Northern Command is executing plans to prepare for a potential pandemic of the novel coronavirus, now called COVID19, according to Navy and Marine Corps service-wide messages issued this week.

An executive order issued by the Joint Staff and approved by Defense Secretary Mark Esper this month directed Northern Command and geographic combatant commanders to initiate pandemic plans, which include ordering commanders to prepare for widespread outbreaks and confining service members with a history of travel to China.

The Navy and Marine Corps messages, issued Tuesday and Wednesday, respectively, reference an executive order directing U.S. Northern Command to implement the Department of Defense Global Campaign plan for Pandemic Influenza and Infectious Diseases 3551-13

Military Times



The Department of Defense (DOD) has developed guidance and plans to direct
its efforts to provide assistance in support of civil authorities—in particular the
Departments of Health and Human Services (HHS) and Homeland Security
(DHS)—in the event of a domestic outbreak of a pandemic disease. For
example, the Department of Defense Global Campaign Plan for Pandemic
Influenza and Infectious Diseases 3551-13
provides guidance to DOD and the
military services on planning and preparing for a pandemic outbreak. DOD’s
Strategy for Homeland Defense and Support to Civil Authorities states that DOD
often is expected to play a prominent supporting role to primary federal agencies
DOD also assists those agencies in the preparedness, detection, and response
to other non-pandemic viruses,


The containment of an influenza virus with pandemic potential at its origin, whether the outbreak
occurs abroad or within the United States, is a critical element of pandemic response efforts.
Containment is most effective when approached globally, with all countries striving to achieve common
goals. While complete containment might not be successful, a series of containment efforts could slow
the spread of a virus to and within the United States, thereby providing valuable time to activate the
domestic response.

Local law enforcement agencies may be
called upon to enforce movement restrictions or quarantines, thereby diverting resources from
traditional law enforcement duties

State and local law enforcement will normally provide the first response pursuant to State and local law.
Consistent with State law, the Governor may deploy National Guard as needed to prevent or respond to
civil disturbances. When State and local resources prove incapable of an effective response,
the Federal
Government can assist by providing Federal law enforcement personnel, and by directing the Armed
Forces to assist in law enforcement and maintain order
when legal prerequisites are met. Logistical and
other support assistance can also be provided.

Isolation of pandemic influenza patients prevents transmission of pandemic
influenza by separating ill persons from those who have not yet been exposed. Quarantine is a contact
management strategy that separates individuals who have been exposed to infection but are not yet ill
from others who have not been exposed to the transmissible infection; quarantine may be voluntary or

We will
ensure that Federal law enforcement agencies and the military have the necessary plans to assist States
with law enforcement and related activities in the event that the need arises

Under the Insurrection Act, the President may use the National Guard (when called into Federal service),
reserves (when called to active duty), and members of the Armed Forces to enforce Federal laws or to
suppress the insurrection. DOD has an established protocol, the Commander, U.S. Joint Forces
Command Civil Disturbance Plan (“Garden Plot”).
(Page 230)

National Strategy for Influenza Pandemic -

For those interested in reading more:

Operation Garden Plot - Martial Law
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 03/09/20 09:08 PM

Global markets are plunging after the implosion of an alliance between OPEC and Russia caused the worst one-day crash in crude prices in nearly 30 years, fueling panic triggered by the escalation of the coronavirus epidemic.

US Stocks Halted - CNN

Stock Market Crash 2020

Stocks Plunge 3/11/20 - NY Times

Tucker Carlson - Pandemic Came out of China

For those interested in learning more:

Should Americans prepare for a lockdown like China and Italy?

Democrats Prepare to Ask Trump for National Emergency Declaration

As United States Nears Lockdown, Patriots Scramble for Toilet Paper

John Moore on Doug Hagmann Report - Careful who you trust

As US nears lockdown, Patriots clear shelves of toilet paper^^^

China blames US Military for Corona Virus

Trump Backers See Conspiracy - Rod Rosenstein Sister CDC Official

Rush Limbaugh Suggests CDC Official Is out to Get Trump

NY National Guard Deployed to Community With Largest Cluster of Corona Virus

Cuomo orders containment zone as NY National Guard Deploys

One mile corona virus containment zone ordered in NY

NY Governor Orders National Guard Containment Around Synagogue

Emergency Declarations Open Way for Military Response on CoronaVirus

19 States Declare State of Emergency So Far

The Alarming Scope of Presidential Emergency Powers

Ohio Department of Health Believes 100,000 Have Corona Virus - Fox

With the National Guard deployed in NY under the color of medical necessity, the very real possibility exists other states will soon follow suit. The infrastructure for firearm confiscation could easily be put into place right under our noses with few if any raising their concerns until its too late.

Confirmed: 222,000 Flu Cases, 22,000 Flu Deaths in US. 1864 COVID-19 Cases, 41 Deaths in US

Florida 54th National Guard Security Force Activated

Gov. DeSantis Escalates Florida Emergency Order

Tennnessee National Guard Activated - Tornado Relief

Seattle - Involuntary Quarantines Next Phase in Emergency Response

Maryland activates National Guard - National Guard Activated

Florida, Iowa, Delaware, NY activate National Guard

Mayor Granted Power to Ban Guns and Ammo

Illinois Mayor Signs Executive Order Banning Firearms

ABC - Maryland Police Kill Militia Man in Sleep

Coronavirus patients to be housed in FEMA quarantine camps

1000 National Guard Deployed in Six States

France Lockdown

Spain Lockdown

China Lockdown Praised

Italy Lockdown Deepens

North Korean Military Lockdown

New Zealand, Australia Lockdown

Massachusetts Towns Suspending Gun Permit Applications because of Covid 19

Georgia National Guard Activated

Colorado National Guard Activated

Arkansas National Guard Activated

California National Guard Activated

National Guard Activated - Louisiana, Florida, Iowa, Washington, New York, Rhode Island

Michigan National Guard Explains Role Ft. Custer Has as Quarantine Center

West Virginia and Colorado National Guard Activated - All 50 States Declare State of Emergency

Pennsylvania National Guard Activated

Virginia National Guard ordered to active duty

Texas National Guard Activated

Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Illinois, Kansas, Louisiana, Maryland, Montana, New Jersey, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Virginia, Washington and Wisconsin have all activated Guard components.

Puerto Rico is the first and only U.S. territory to also activate Guardsmen thus far.

Military Times

US Lawmaker to Trump - Get military ready

Virginia National Guard Deployment on the Table - Governor Northam
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 03/12/20 06:07 PM

Therefore, on this date, March 12, 2020, I declare that a state of emergency exists in the
Commonwealth of Virginia to continue to prepare and coordinate our response to the potential
spread of COVID-19, a communicable disease of public health threat. The anticipated effects of
COVID-19 constitute a disaster as described in § 44-146.16 of the Code of Virginia (Code). By
virtue of the authority vested in me by Article V, Section 7 of the Constitution of Virginia, by §§
44-146.17 and 44-75.1 of the Code, as Governor and Director of Emergency Management and
Commander-in-Chief of the Commonwealth’s armed forces
, I proclaim a state of emergency

State of Emergency Declared in Virginia

§ 44-146.17. Powers and duties of Governor.

The Governor shall be Director of Emergency Management. He shall take such action from time to time as is necessary for the adequate promotion and coordination of state and local emergency services activities relating to the safety and welfare of the Commonwealth in time of disasters

(1) To proclaim and publish such rules and regulations and to issue such orders as may, in his judgment, be necessary to accomplish the purposes of this chapter including, but not limited to such measures as are in his judgment required to control, restrict, allocate or regulate the use, sale, production and distribution of food, fuel, clothing and other commodities, materials, goods, services and resources under any state or federal emergency services programs.

He may adopt and implement the Commonwealth of Virginia Emergency Operations Plan, which provides for state-level emergency operations in response to any type of disaster or large-scale emergency affecting Virginia and that provides the needed framework within which more detailed emergency plans and procedures can be developed and maintained by state agencies, local governments and other organizations.

He may direct and compel evacuation of all or part of the populace from any stricken or threatened area if this action is deemed necessary for the preservation of life, implement emergency mitigation, preparedness, response or recovery actions; prescribe routes, modes of transportation and destination in connection with evacuation; and control ingress and egress at an emergency area, including the movement of persons within the area and the occupancy of premises therein.

§ 44-75.1. Militia state active duty.

A. The Governor or his designee may call forth the militia or any part thereof to state active duty for service in any of the following circumstances:

1. In the event of invasion or insurrection or imminent threat of either

Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 03/13/20 01:51 PM

The moment the president declares a “national emergency”—a decision that is entirely within his discretion—more than 100 special provisions become available to him. While many of these tee up reasonable responses to genuine emergencies, some appear dangerously suited to a leader bent on amassing or retaining power. For instance, the president can, with the flick of his pen, activate laws allowing him to shut down many kinds of electronic communications inside the United States or freeze Americans’ bank accounts. Other powers are available even without a declaration of emergency, including laws that allow the president to deploy troops inside the country to subdue domestic unrest.

Under this interpretation, Section 706 could effectively function as a “kill switch” in the U.S.—one that would be available to the president the moment he proclaimed a mere threat of war. It could also give the president power to assume control over U.S. internet traffic.

The idea of tanks rolling through the streets of U.S. cities seems fundamentally inconsistent with the country’s notions of democracy and freedom. Americans might be surprised, therefore, to learn just how readily the president can deploy troops inside the country.

Take Ex parte Milligan, a famous ruling from 1866 invalidating the use of a military commission to try a civilian during the Civil War. The case is widely considered a high-water mark for judicial constraint on executive action. Yet even as the Court held that the president could not use war or emergency as a reason to bypass civilian courts, it noted that martial law—the displacement of civilian authority by the military—would be appropriate in some cases. If civilian courts were closed as a result of a foreign invasion or a civil war, for example, martial law could exist “until the laws can have their free course.” The message is decidedly mixed: Claims of emergency or necessity cannot legitimize martial law … until they can.

Alarming Scope of Presidential Emergency Powers

For more information:

Chuck Schumer, other Senators ask Trump to declare National Emergency 2020

Senate again rebukes Trump on National Emergency - 2019

Democrats urge Trump to declare National Emergency over Coronavirus

Warner says Trump should declare National Emergency
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 03/13/20 03:58 PM

President Donald Trump announced Friday that he is declaring the coronavirus pandemic a national emergency, as Washington struggles with providing Americans with relief and officials race to slow the spread of the outbreak.

President Trump Declares National Emergency
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 03/15/20 09:25 AM

U.S. Northern Command is executing plans to prepare for a potential pandemic of the novel coronavirus, now called COVID19, according to Navy and Marine Corps service-wide messages issued this week.

The Navy and Marine Corps messages, issued Tuesday and Wednesday, respectively, reference an executive order directing U.S. Northern Command to implement the Department of Defense Global Campaign plan for Pandemic Influenza and Infectious Diseases 3551-13.

Military Times

The Marine Corps’ response to a pandemic outbreak focuses on five major areas: 1) Force Health Protection (FHP); 2) Disease Containment Planning (DCP) and Readiness; 3) Continuity of Operations (COOP); 4) Defense Support of Civilian Authorities (DSCA); and 5) Support to U.S. Government response efforts.

Emergency Action Plans are building-specific, short-term plans that details how occupants should evacuate or shelter-in-place, what type of fire alarm systems are present, and where to assemble if the building is evacuated. COOPs detail how an entire department or division would provide essential services and continue to function in an extended emergency event or disruption.

Continuity of Operations (COOP), as defined
in the National Continuity Policy
Implementation Plan (NCPIP) and the
National Security Presidential Directive51/Homeland Security Presidential Directive20 (NSPD-51/HSPD-20), is an effort within
individual executive departments and agencies
to ensure that Primary Mission Essential
Functions (PMEFs) continue to be performed
during a wide range of emergencies
, including
localized acts of nature, accidents and
technological or attack-related emergenci

To Learn More about
Continuity of Operations:

WV): 215.931.5641

DSCA [Defense Support of Civil Authorities]. Support provided by US
federal military forces, DOD [Department of Defense] civilians, DOD contract
personnel, DOD component assets, and National Guard forces (when the
Secretary of Defense, in coordination with the Governors of the affected
States, elects and requests to use those forces in Title 32, US Code, status)
in response to requests for assistance from civil authorities for domestic
emergencies, law enforcement support, and other domestic activities, or
from qualifying entities for special events.

Emergency authority. A federal military commander’s authority, in
extraordinary emergency circumstances where prior authorization by the
President is impossible
and duly constituted local authorities are unable to
control the situation, to engage temporarily in activities that are necessary
to quell large-scale, unexpected civil disturbances because (1) such
activities are necessary to prevent significant loss of life or wanton
destruction of property and are necessary to restore governmental function
and public order or (2) duly constituted federal, state, or local authorities are
unable or decline to provide adequate protection for federal property or
Federal governmental functions.

2. The Posse Comitatus Act (III-I)

a. The primary restriction on DOD participation in civilian law enforcement activities
is the PCA. The United States Navy (USN) and United States Marine Corps (USMC) are
included in this prohibition
as a result of DOD policy articulated in DODI 3025.21, Defense
Support of Civilian Law Enforcement Agencies.

b. IAW DOD policy, unless specifically authorized by law, no DOD personnel in a
Title 10, USC, status will become involved in direct civilian law enforcement activities,
including, but not limited to, search, seizure, arrest, apprehension, stop and frisk,
surveillance, pursuit, interrogation, investigation, evidence collection, security functions,
traffic or crowd control, or similar activities, except in cases and under circumstances
expressly authorized by the President, Constitution, or act of Congress

c. These restrictions also apply to reserve members of the United States Army (USA),
USN, United States Air Force (USAF), and USMC who are on active duty, active duty for
training, or inactive duty training in a Title 10, USC, duty status.

d. The PCA does not apply to NG forces operating in state active duty or Title 32,
USC, status. [color:#FF0000]However, when the NG is operating under a Title 10, USC, status (federal
status), they are subject to the PCA
.[/color] The PCA does not restrict the USCG, even when
operating under the USN, due to the USCG having inherent law enforcement authority
under Title 14, USC.

(2) Emergency Authority. Emergency authority should not be confused with
immediate response authority.
Federal forces acting under immediate response authority
are still bound by the PCA and may not participate directly in law enforcement. Emergency
Supporting Civilian Law Enforcement Agencies
authority and actions taken under the Insurrection Act are expressed exceptions to the PCA.

Defense Support Civil Authorities

The Army Reserve includes substantial capabilities vital in disaster response and stands ready to support lead agencies for domestic emergencies and disaster relief efforts.

10 U.S. Code Section 12304a, amended by the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act provides new authority for the Active and Reserve Components (Title 10) to assist our citizens and communities in the United States during domestic emergencies to save lives, prevent human suffering and mitigate great property damage.

Defense Support of Civil Authorities -

By definition, DSCA is support provided in response to requests for assistance from civil authorities for special events, domestic emergencies, designated law enforcement support, and other domestic activities. These categories, in many cases, can overlap or be in effect simultaneously, depending on the particular circumstances of the incident. DSCA may be provided by U.S. Federal military forces, National Guard forces performing duty under Title 32, DoD civilians, DoD contract personnel, and/or DoD units.

This final rule establishes policy and assigns responsibilities for DSCA, supplements regulations regarding military support for civilian law enforcement, and sets forth policy guidance for the execution and oversight of DSCA when requested by civil authorities and approved by the appropriate Department of Defense (DoD) authority, or as directed by the President, within the United States

In the event of multiple, near simultaneous, geographically dispersed terrorist attacks in the United States, or the rapid spread of a pandemic, it is unknown if Governors would release their National Guard capabilities to support another state or a Federal Agency if there is a chance that resources would be needed in their home states. Many emergencies, disasters, or events affect more than one state. It is not realistic to expect Federal Departments or Agencies to coordinate requests for assistance or support with multiple States, Commonwealths, and Territories. Finally, there are some capabilities that are available only in the Active Duty military force or in DoD.

Federal Military Forces. Army, Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force personnel (including Reserve Component personnel) on Federal active duty and National Guard personnel when under Federal command and control.

Immediate Response Authority. A Federal military commander's, DoD Component Head's, and/or responsible DoD civilian official's authority temporarily to employ resources under their control, subject to any supplemental direction provided by higher headquarters, and provide those resources to save lives, prevent human suffering, or mitigate great property damage in response to a request for assistance from a civil authority, under imminently serious conditions when time does not permit approval from a higher authority within the United States. Immediate response authority does not permit actions that would subject civilians to the use of military power that is regulatory, prescriptive, proscriptive, or compulsory. State immediate response is addressed in § 185.4(h) of this part.


G. The Department of Defense Civil Disturbance Plans (Pg. 102)

DoD’s Civil Disturbance Operations (CDO) plan was formerly known as “GARDEN PLOT.”51
Since the creation of the Department of Homeland Security and USNORTHCOM, DoD has
delegated to geographic combatant commanders responsibility for developing CDO Contingency
Plans (CONPLANs). “GARDEN PLOT” has since been replaced by the respective COCOM Plans.
These geographic commander CONPLANs provide guidance and direction for planning,
coordinating, and executing military operations during domestic civil disturbances.

The last formal Garden Plot plan was Headquarters Deparment of the Army, Department of Domestic Civil Disturbance Plan February 15 1991. There was also a 2001 plan prepared by the US Joint Forces Command, the force provider prior to the existence of NORTHCOM, USINCJFCOM FUNCPLAN 2502-98 Civl Disturbance Plan (FOUO), June 25, 2001, obtained by the author. The 1991 plan replaced Department of the Army plan. The 1984 plan was preceded by OPLAN 55-2, "Garden Plot," 1968 which was employed during the riots of 1967-1971,

USNORTHCOM Concept Plan (CONPLAN) 3502 Civil Disturbance Operations, replaced Garden Plot and CONPLAN 2502

American Coup

Part II of this chapter overviews the historic laws and policies
that are the foundations for defense support to civilian authorities,
particularly in the context of support to law enforcement agencies
and the prevention of or response to civil disorders. This sets the
stage for a non-exhaustive historical assessment in Part III of 20th
and 21st century examples of defense support to civil authorities,
broken down into the eras of: the early to mid-20th Century; mid
to late-20th Century; the late 1970s through early 1990s: and the
so-called “Garden Plot” civil disturbance plan being revisited in
real-world application;

That plan, redesignated GARDEN
in 1967 (and still extant today) proved to be inadequate
respect to aiding Army commanders in civil disturbance
situations;76 thus, subsequent collection plans (e.g., PUNCH
BLOCK, LANTERN SPIKE), with respect to military
counterintelligence collection and analysis, were separate from
any federal or local law enforcement capabilities.77
The years of 1967 and 1968 were especially significant—and
tragic—with respect to military support to civilian authorities. The
Newark, New Jersey riot response involved elements of the Army’s
108th Military Intelligence Group at Ft. Devens, Massachusetts,
and with the Army largely “limited to observing events

The Late 1970s through Early 1990s: Garden Plot Revisited
President Jimmy Carter established the Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA)
under the 1978 Reorganization Plan
No. 3, and activated April 1, 1979, by Executive Order 12127.90
Executive Order 12148 shifted disaster relief efforts to the new
federal-level agency, and FEMA gained responsibility from DOD
for the nation’s Civil Defense.

Under the 1967 Garden Plot contingency plan, Joint Task
Force (JTF) 140 brought together Army, Navy and Coast Guard
elements, with a contingent from the US Marshals Service and the
FBI, for Operation Hawkeye, FEMA’s first major test of disaster
relief capabilities.94 Military Police, augmented by medical,
engineer, legal and other support personnel enforced a dusk-todawn curfew—but not martial law: they patrolled the island for
two months, securing key installations; worked with the FBI and
the US Marshals to apprehend several hundred escaped prisoners;
intercepted air-dropped bundles of cocaine valued at over $50
million; and carried out extensive training for the Virgin Island
National Guard and conducted joint patrols with the St. Croix
Police Department.95
[b]Six days in early May 1992 were filled with rioting, arson,
murder and mayhem on the streets of Los Angeles following the
controversial acquitting of officers involved in the Rodney King
beating.96 Garden Plot yet again became the contingency plan
under which some 10,000 activated California National Guard
troops served alongside 2,500 Active Component troops, and 1,700
federal law-enforcement officers from different agencies from
across the state to put down disturbances

Washington &

The SRUF cancel the Rules for the Use of Force (RUF)in Garden Plot. Garden Plot (the DoD Civil Disturbance Plan) has also been superceded in the United States Northern Command (USNORTHCOM) Area of Responsibility (AOR) by USNORTHCOM Concept Plan (CONPLAN) 3502.

DSCA Handbook

Under the Insurrection Act, the President may use the National Guard (when called into Federal service),
reserves (when called to active duty), and members of the Armed Forces to enforce Federal laws or to
suppress the insurrection. DOD has an established protocol, the Commander, U.S. Joint Forces
Command Civil Disturbance Plan (“Garden Plot”).
(Page 230)

National Strategy for Influenza Pandemic - CDC.GOV

World Health Organization Declares Pandemic


Posted by: Bimbleshag

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 03/15/20 12:01 PM

Before I turned around and went out of the grocery store after seeing the long lines, I remembered this post. It hit me that this is normal shopping in Russia! I felt the bern...):
Posted by: Verylargeboots

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 03/16/20 03:36 AM

Originally Posted By: Bimbleshag
Before I turned around and went out of the grocery store after seeing the long lines, I remembered this post. It hit me that this is normal shopping in Russia! I felt the bern...):

You'll feel it more when he grabs you by the hair and drags you into the street and lights you on fire in front of your family while calling you a **VOTE IN NOVEMBER** Nazi and shipping your kids off to a "free education" camp......

"Sanders organizer Kyle Jurek told undercover journalists that "there is a reason why Stalin had gulags," that Sanders wanted "free education" so that Trump supporters could be taught how to "not be a f---ing Nazi," and that he wants to "walk into that MSNBC studios, drag those motherf---ers out by their hair, and light them on fire in the streets."
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 03/17/20 08:46 AM

The President outlined new guidelines for Americans, “including the young and healthy,” including engaging in home education, avoiding gatherings of more than 10, avoiding discretionary travel, and avoiding bars, restaurants and food courts.

Trump Issues New Guidelines

Did a Military Experimental Vaccine in 1918 Kill 50-100 Million People

Experimental coronavirus vaccine trials begin - NYTimes

Experimental coronavirus vaccine trials begin

Mortality Rate of coronavirus reported by media inaccurate, less than flu

Regal Cinema Closes All 500 Theatres Nationwide - coronavirus

Nationalization - Boeing seeks government bailout

Study Reveals Taking Chloroquine Fight COVID-19

Oregon Police Beg People To Quit Calling 911 If They Run Out of Toilet Paper

AK47 Manufacturer Releases Statement on Delays

Stock Market Crash - Dow Plunges

Romney Calls For Universal Basic Income - Socialism

Trump admin supports immediate cash payments to Americans - Wealth Redistribution

Free Money to Offset Coronavirus -WSJ

Paniced Leftist Shocked They Cant Just Buy a Gun Online

New Orleans Police Tell Public To Clear Streets In Name of Public Safety

Leftist Activist Encourage Looting

Big Mistake: World relying on data from China to make Coronavirus decisions

Unhinged leftists try to gin up sympathy and support for China

US to turn back asylum seekers, UN stops resettlement program

Orange county threatens to arrest people who walk outside

Tragic: 30 coronavirus deaths associated with nursing home

Scottish Official - Virus useful for killing old people

Mortality Rate at 1.4% - WHO director faulty numbers cause global hysteria

Chloroquine 100% cure rate

Trump to make chloroquinie available immediately

FLU does more damage than coronavirus

LA airport ghost town

Trump invokes Defense Production Act - Nationalization

Philadelphia to stop arresting criminals

WHO director made basic math error in sparking coronavirus hysteria

Doomsday numbers dont add up

NY Gov. Rejected buying ventilators, set up death panels, lottery

Total Coronavirus deaths in US passes number of Flu victims from last week alone

Italian Reporter Suggests Death Rate Exaggerated

city proposes banning alcohol, gun sales

5,500 Guard Troops deployed in 35 states

Military Outlining Plans to Take over Hotels, Dorms, Arenas for Coronavirus treatment

Nevada Shuts Down States, Threatens Arrest

Data shows Coronavirus fatality rate slowing

Communist China thanks Clinton for Her Support

New Jersey Arrests Homeowner for Wedding over 50 people

Mortality Rate in US Slips to 1.25%

Media coronavirus sensationalism

99% killed in Italy by coronavirus had preexisting condition

Total BS: Liberal Media claim 11 Million Will Die from coronavirus

Leftist Plan: Use coronavirus hysteria to use shady mail in ballots to steal election

Newsom Considers Martial Law

Average Age of Italians Dieing from Coronavirus is 81 - Stunning

Social Darwinism -Italians over 80 left to die?

Nashville Business Refuses to Comply - Unconstitutional

Colorado Republican Calls Forced Restaurant Closures - Socialists

White House and NSC Knockdown Rumors of Nationwide Lockdown

Pentagon says any military support involves trade offs

What the US military could and couldnt do to fight coronavirus - CNN

NY Governor calls on US Army to help fight Coronavirus

New Jersey Mayor Asks Residents to Self Quarantine

San Francisco Prepares to Shelter in Place

Shelter in Place Starts in S.F. Could End Nationwide - MSNBC

Nearly seven million people living in a wide swath of Northern California, including Silicon Valley, are being ordered to shelter in place starting at midnight Monday night as authorities try to stop the novel coronavirus from spreading.

Almost 7 Million Americans Ordered To Shelter in Place - CNN

NY'ers should be prepared for Shelter in Place Order

NY Governor says no to shelter in place order proposal

Shelter in place orders - What are they and will Ohio have one?

Hoboken, New Jersey Mayor Orders Shelter in Place

Shelter in place order possibility in North Carolina County

Kentucky Police Guard Patient Who Would Not Self Quarantine

LA Releasing Inmates Early

Chinese threaten to stop pharmaceutical shipments to US

Twitter crackdowns on coronavirus information

2nd Congressman positive for coronavirus

FBI threatens to shut down background check system as gun purchases soar

Israeli Scientist - Coronavirus fears exaggerated

California National Guard - Garden Plot - LA Riots Civil Disturbance Plan

Garden Plot - .mil

Garden Plot - When Army Planned to Fight in US Cities

What I learned in LA Riots - 1st Hand Operation Garden Plot Testimony

Garden Plot - US Army Plan for London like riots

Dare county NC closes to outsiders, police man check points

NRA sounds alarm over coronavirus used to implement gun control shemes

Columbia South Carolina Curfew 11pm-6am

South Fulton, Florida Curfew 9pm-7am, Bans Gatherings of more than 10

Miami businesses must close at 10pm, can open at 5am

Travel strongly discouraged in New Jersey 8pm -5am

Hawaii Curfew Kuai - 9pm - 5am

Fresno declaration allows halt to gun sales

Orange county disaster declaration - 24 hour curfew for teens

ICE agents make arrest amid coronavirus lockdown

CDC recommends limiting number at gatherings to 50

Police to enforce curfew ban

Police use drones to enforce social distancing - Popular Mechanics

What does shelter in place mean - time

Colorado county issues shelter in place order

Illinois Governor issues Shelter in Place Order, National Guard on Streets

Cuomo issues tighter restrictions

Trump says no to national lockdown - Washington Examiner

Trump eyes 2 week quarantine lockdown - Washington Examiner

New York Locks Down

Northam issues restrictions on businesses

California Lockdown News

Shelter in place orders differ in California bay area from Governors order

Philly officials clarify shelter in place order

States ask Trump to deploy military

Newsom deploys armed National Guard

National Guard Deploys to Baltimore

Ivey activates Alabama National Guard on as needed basis

Millions adjust to shelter in place - Cartoons

Northam issues restrictions on businesses

Orange county threatens to arrest people who walk outside

Virginia Governor gives police authority to enforce 10 person gatherings ban

Virginia has declared a state of emergency at this time
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 03/17/20 04:19 PM

The nature of Psychological Operations ( Psy-Ops ) revolves around using deception to influence the battlefield in a favorable manner to achieve strategic military objectives. It doesn't take long to see the consequences of the coronavirus hysteria to understand what some of those strategic military objectives may be.

Some of president Trumps new guidelines include avoiding gatherings of more than 10 people, avoiding discretionary travel which is really another way of saying not to go anywhere that you do not have a very good reason for going to, avoiding restaurants, bars food courts etc. Basically anywhere where Americans may be able to discourse among themselves without the need for electronic aid. These are clear violations of the constitution, rights which weren't simply written down without significant hardship aiding in their creation.

I am extremely suspicious of the alterior motives behind this COVID-19 outbreak hysteria, with 7-million Americans under shelter in place orders and information suggesting the martial law shelter in place order in San Francisco could end nationwide there are significant plans to undermine freedom and liberty in the United States.

With all 50 states declaring a state of emergency, the legal frameworks have been put into place to deploy the National Guard nationwide and with president Trumps national emergency declaration the ability of the president to take a number of steps, including deploying the military further increases the possibility of such an event occurring. The infrastructure for martial law and unspeakable tyranny is being sowed right underneath lady liberty's nose here and the potential consequences could be dire.

We have the NY governor requesting the US Army to aid in the coronavirus hysteria and the Pentagon warning military intervention includes "trade offs."

What are those trade-offs? We are talking about a loss of constitutionally protected rights. We are talking about a loss of liberty and freedom. I cant think of how a military operation could be more successful than the target population actually welcoming troops into their towns and cities and supporting the efforts to curtail their individual liberty and freedoms. And that is the exact prospect the United States is facing as the increasingly likely possibility of just such an event occurring continues to become a reality.

Who remembers when the police confiscated firearms from civilians in New Orleans after Katrina? And if you turn on the television, the mainstream media is bringing out "experts" who are propagandizing Americans to trade freedom for security without a second thought on the possible consequences and ramifications of such medical martial law declarations.

And with experimental coronavirus vaccines being trialed in Washington state, it helps to remember the 1917 Spanish Flu influenza and reports that suggest an experimental vaccine was responsible for killing 50-100 million people across the world.

I don't know who needs to hear this information, but I would recommend dispersing assets to diversified locations and viewing every piece of information surrounding the coronavirus outbreak hysteria with a healthy dose of skepticism in evaluating what their actual motives may be. With news that the White House is floating a proposal to make immediate cash payments to Americans (wealth redistribution) and Boeing asking for a government Bailout, the nationalization of yet another industry; the United States is paving the way for the Communist takeover of America.

For those interested in more information:

Marxism in America - Lt. General Jerry Boykin

CSM Dan Pages Warning to America

Posted by: Verylargeboots

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 03/18/20 04:36 AM

Originally Posted By: lue-jones
The nature of Psychological Operations ( Psy-Ops ) revolves around using deception to influence the battlefield in a favorable manner to achieve strategic military objectives. It doesn't take long to see the consequences of the coronavirus hysteria to understand what some of those strategic military objectives may be.

Some of president Trumps new guidelines include avoiding gatherings of more than 10 people, avoiding discretionary travel which is really another way of saying not to go anywhere that you do not have a very good reason for going to, avoiding restaurants, bars food courts etc. Basically anywhere where Americans may be able to discourse among themselves without the need for electronic aid. These are clear violations of the constitution, rights which weren't simply written down without significant hardship aiding in their creation.

I am extremely suspicious of the alterior motives behind this COVID-19 outbreak hysteria, with 7-million Americans under shelter in place orders and information suggesting the martial law shelter in place order in San Francisco could end nationwide there are significant plans to undermine freedom and liberty in the United States.

With all 50 states declaring a state of emergency, the legal frameworks have been put into place to deploy the National Guard nationwide and with president Trumps national emergency declaration the ability of the president to take a number of steps, including deploying the military further increases the possibility of such an event occurring. The infrastructure for martial law and unspeakable tyranny is being sowed right underneath lady liberty's nose here and the potential consequences could be dire.

We have the NY governor requesting the US Army to aid in the coronavirus hysteria and the Pentagon warning military intervention includes "trade offs."

What are those trade-offs? We are talking about a loss of constitutionally protected rights. We are talking about a loss of liberty and freedom. I cant think of how a military operation could be more successful than the target population actually welcoming troops into their towns and cities and supporting the efforts to curtail their individual liberty and freedoms. And that is the exact prospect the United States is facing as the increasingly likely possibility of just such an event occurring continues to become a reality.

Who remembers when the police confiscated firearms from civilians in New Orleans after Katrina? And if you turn on the television, the mainstream media is bringing out "experts" who are propagandizing Americans to trade freedom for security without a second thought on the possible consequences and ramifications of such medical martial law declarations.

And with experimental coronavirus vaccines being trialed in Washington state, it helps to remember the 1917 Spanish Flu influenza and reports that suggest an experimental vaccine was responsible for killing 50-100 million people across the world.

I don't know who needs to hear this information, but I would recommend dispersing assets to diversified locations and viewing every piece of information surrounding the coronavirus outbreak hysteria with a healthy dose of skepticism in evaluating what their actual motives may be. With news that the White House is floating a proposal to make immediate cash payments to Americans (wealth redistribution) and Boeing asking for a government Bailout, the nationalization of yet another industry; the United States is paving the way for the Communist takeover of America.

For those interested in more information:

Marxism in America - Lt. General Jerry Boykin

CSM Dan Pages Warning to America

This is an excellent write-up Lue, and it's something we all need to hear and wise up to.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 03/18/20 05:16 PM

In readying the National Guard for action, Newsom’s office emphasized that it’s for duties routinely performed during natural disasters and other emergencies. But Newsom grimly added that “we have the ability to do martial law ... if we feel the necessity.”

Imposing martial law would take the extraordinary step of replacing the usual laws with military authority, with the possible suspension of civil liberties like freedom of association and movement.

California Preparing for Worst Case Scenario - Fox 5 NY

Newsom Considers Martial Law - TGP

Phoenix councilman calls emergency declaration nothing short of Martial Law

Martial Law once enforced Quarantines

All respect due Marshall Dillon (and Marco Rubio) its Martial Law

20,000 Armed Troops Ready in UK over coronavirus support force

30,000 Armed Troops in UK for Coronavirus support force

US Army rethinking Defender Europe Plan - Large number of US soldiers in Europe, Tanks

Warren to ask Trump to send in US Army Corps of Engineers

Ohio Governor and National Guard - Military on streets, not enforcing martial law

Large amounts of military vehicles moving by train

What is martial law and why does Cuomo keep getting asked about it?

Kansas - National Guard, Mayor Dispel Martial Law Rumors

Illinois Governor denies martial law rumors, completely inaccurate

Shelter in place, not martial law in Louisiana

Washington National Guard denies Martial Law Rumors

The 4th Dimension - We are just getting started

HighImpactVlogs - Pain is Coming

5,500 National Guard deployed in 32 states

Military Outlining Plans to Take Over Hotels, Dorms, Arenas

In their current state-level Title 32 status, the country's 450,000 Guardsmen can be deployed by their governor to transport medical supplies, help with drive-through testing, and assist local law enforcement with enforcing curfews and other tasks, Lengyel said. He advised against federalizing the National Guard under Title 10 — one of the options the administration had been considering — because doing so means the states would lose some of those authorities.

Politico - National Guard and Coronavirus

Acknowledging that the most difficult question ahead is what role the military will play in keeping order in America, on Thursday Air Force Gen. Joseph Lengyel, head of the National Guard Bureau, cautioned against federalizing the state-based National Guard, which would rob them of their unique legal authorities to conduct law enforcement missions.


WASHINGTON -- The latest: President Donald Trump said the United States has enacted the Stafford Act to declare a major disaster response to the coronavirus outbreak.

President Trump Enacts Stafford Act

March 14 - Trump invoked Stafford Act

Under the Stafford Act,75 the President may commit federal troops to assist state
governments in their disaster relief operations
.76 Under this Act, the President may use
77 military troops to perform work "essential for the preservation oflife and property." It
should be noted, however, that the Stafford Act is not an exception to the Posse Comitatus
Act, primarily because activities under the Act should not involve law enforcement activities

It is interesting to note that the Code of Federal Regulations also define martial law. See 32 C.F.R. § 501.4.

It states, in relevant part:

Martial law depends for its justification upon public necessity. Necessity gives rise to its
creation; necessity justifies its exercise; and necessity limits its duration...In most instances
the decision to impose martial law is made by the President, who normally announces his
decision by a proclamation, which usually contains his instructions concerning its exercise
and any limitations thereon...When Federal Armed Forces have been committed in an
objective area in a martial law situation, the population of the affected area will be informed
of the rules of conduct and other restrictive measures the military is authorized to
enforce...Federal Armed Forces ordinarily will exercise police powers previously inoperative
in the affected area, restore and maintain order, insure the essential mechanics of distribution,
transportation, and communication, and initiate necessary relief measures

Imposition of Martial Law -

Martial law is a term that describes the government order of replacing civil rule with the military in a time of war or emergency.

Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 03/29/20 03:35 AM

President Trump on Friday issued an executive order authorizing the Pentagon to call up as many as 1 million armed forces reservists to active duty to help deal with the coronavirus outbreak.

The president’s order said the Pentagon and the Department of Homeland security are authorized to order to active duty, “not to exceed 24 consecutive months,” units and individual members of the Ready Reserve up to 1 million at one time as necessary.

Washington Times - EO to activate ready reserve

Rhode Island police began stopping cars with New York plates Friday. On Saturday, the National Guard will help them conduct house-to-house searches to find people who traveled from New York and demand 14 days of self-quarantine.


For those interested in additional information:

Navy Moving Tanks Routine - CBS

Trump considered quarantining NY

CDC issues travel advisory NY, NJ, CT

Americans hunting Americans

Police/Military Door to Door

A message from the 4th Dimension
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 04/11/20 08:43 PM

COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused OR IS ASSUMED TO HAVE CAUSED OR CONTRIBUTED to death.

In Chincoteague Island, VA, the pastor and 16 congregants caught worshipping in a sanctuary that normally houses 296, face $2,500 in fines plus one year in jail because they were six people over the 10-person limit.

Churches Under Attack

Mississippi - Church goer gets $500 ticket for attending drive in service

Kentucky governor to record church goers license plates, force self quarantine

Man arrested for playing baseball with daughter

Man forcibly removed from Bus for not wearing Mask - Philidelphia

Woman cited for going for a drive

Paddleboarder Arrested in Malibu

Girl plays basketball alone, city confiscates Hoop

Military Police Shutdown DC Park

Ohio Man Arrested For Violating Stay at Home Order

Ankle Monitors Ordered in Kentucky for Those Believed Exposed To COVID19

Boston Suburb Threatens Fine For Anyone Caught Walking In Wrong Direction During Pandemic

Illinois police warn church goers with possible criminal charges

Brown Shirts Papers Please - Fauci says there is "merit" to immunity certificates

Michigan Gov. Bans US Flag Sales

Michigan Governor Says NO to green house plant sales

Tyranny in Michigan - Seed Sales Banned

Stores barred from selling non-essential items

Washington State Field Hospital Dismantled After Not Treating Single Coronavirus Patient

States Going Back to Inflate CoronaVirus Deaths to Get More Money?

What if Coronavirus models are wrong?

Dr. Carson - 98% of Infected Will Recover

Trump: Death Toll Will Be Substantially Lower than 100,000

Unacceptable! So called experts off by 25 million in Coronavirus warnings

HUGE - Senator says hospitals paid for to list patients as COVID 19

Researcher behind IMHE coronavirus study forced to retract work by CDC

Chinese Researcher Ran Wuhan Lab Had Prior Lab Shut Down in US for Danger - Killed Researcher

Birx Lied to Public about IMHE models

Should Dr. Birx and Fauci be charged? Knew Elderly and Diabetics at Highest Risk

Only 150 Americans With No Underlying Health Conditions Have Died from COVID 19

NC sued for failing to clean up voter rolls

Left seeks to overturn voter ID laws in 35 states

Here why Obama wants mail in voting 16-million mail end ballots went missing

Chinese Communist Exploit Virus for International Socialist Cause

UN warns Global Food Supply Shotage

COVID 19 Will Ripple through food system

Top Researcher Rips CDC Director

The California Heard - Coronavirus

Troubling Statistic: 2246 Americans have died from coronavirus in Nursing Homes

German Study - COVID 19 Mortality Rate .4 %

Trump Health officials predict diminished Coronavirus death toll

California Got Played - 40 Million Statewide Shut Down Over Less than 600 Deaths

15 Million Jobless claims in US

Numbers to Date - 446 People Under Age 20 Contract Coronavirus

During Pandemic, health care workeres are out of work

Democrats Seek to Give Stimulus Money to Press - Pravda

Media Runs False Misleading Coronavirus Video from Italian Hospital AGAIN

Chinese Want Mexican Radio for Propaganda

More media fraud - Report on Doctor Stress Features Mannaquin

CBS posts fraudulent video of nurse complaining about COVID19 working conditions

Shocking Media Lies about Mass Graves in NY

Dr. Ron Paul - Trump or The People Should Fire Fauci

Russia Probe Without Merit Against Trump - AG Barr

WHCA allows outlet with Communist Chinese ties into Coronavirus task force meeting

OANN booted by WHCA

Sweden and Brazil kept economies open, numbers falling faster than US

Covert Influence - Communists Set sites on Arizona and Texas

Tanks on Trains Arrive in Texas

Tanks on Trains in California

Military Vehicles on Train - Illinois video

Military Tanks on Trains Across America

Chasing CSX Train W/National Guard - Military Equipment (Virginia)

California Governor Describes California as Nation State - Put the Pieces Together

US Marine Pushed Under Train by Scumbags

COVID 19 Tests Found to be Contaminated with Coronavirus

Bill Gates to Fund Coronavirus Vaccine Development

IBM and the Holoaust: The Strategic Alliance

Virginia Governor Rolls Back Abortion Restrictions

Virginia Governor Signs Gun Control Bills Into Law

Behold: Your digital handcuffs

Posted by: panic788

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 04/12/20 09:14 AM

What do you suggest anyone do Lue?
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 04/12/20 10:06 AM

Originally Posted By: panic788
What do you suggest anyone do Lue?

Hi Panic,
I suggest that you first educate yourself, because as you well know I have warned the Socialist John Brown Gun Club members of this forum of the infringement of constitutional rights and civil liberties affecting not only Virginians, but Americans nationwide and was met with threats of physical violence, character assassination, trolling, denial of information contained in mainstream media sources etc. Members arguing with me over the most basic tenants of the first amendment who had clearly never even taken the time to read it. Shameful.

In fact, you were attempting to make this same poorly thought out, uneducated point above without realizing this thread and many others are well ahead of your inability to recognize even the most basic, obvious and common sense points of view.

What do I suggest you do Panic? First, understand the United States Constitution, so that you have the ability to lay the ground work of your understanding of what is actually taking place.

The Bill of Rights: What does it say?

Next, you need to begin to speak out on your newly understood infringement of rights. This thread is multiple years in the making, flying in the face of endless ridicule from naysayers at this forum and others. Become a leader, not a follower.

For those interested in more information:

Lt. General Jerry Boykin - How to move forward against Communist Insurgency

Command Sgt Major Dan Pages Warning to America

Operation Garden Plot - Martial Law

What I Saw at the Coup

John Moores Memorandum on Possible Coming 2nd American Civil War

Guerilla USA - US Army Prepares for Communist TakeOver

The End Game - Eliminate 25 Million Americans

Virginia Goes Blue - Pro Chinese Communist Take Credit For Swinging Election

WWII Survivor Warns of Socialism

Knowledge is power, and I see very few Virginians speaking up against the tyranny. So, first educate yourself. Then become a leader instead of a follower.

Posted by: panic788

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 04/12/20 12:22 PM

So you are just advocating reading things and understanding your presumed boogiemen, which if people don't agree with you fully you lump them in with, no actual action beyond that?
Posted by: cam8

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 04/14/20 06:37 AM

What does everyone think of the president trying to claim total authority yesterday?
And then Pence uses the work "absolute" to back him up?
This is unsettling to say the least.
Doesn't sound like the constitution I learned about...?

Posted by: bustedknee

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 04/14/20 10:25 AM

Last time I checked, he IS the president of the United States!
Posted by: bustedknee

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 04/14/20 10:26 AM

And the governors all want the federal government to take care of their states for them. Most of which don't have enough sense to pour P out of their own boots.
Posted by: lue-jones

Communism in the United States Today - 05/31/20 02:31 AM

Richmond Protests Turn Violent

German official leaks report denouncing coronavirus as Global False Alarm

Texas is open - Fewest coronavirus fatalities since March

Church burned to ground by suspected Pro-Lockdown Arsonist

This was awful - Video Shows MN Police O...ers Later Fired

Protesters destroy MN Police 3rd Precinct

Black lives matter protesters black LA freeway

Rioters beat and destroy car of Trump supporter

Rioters set autozone on fire

Mayor requests National Guard

Looter Shot Dead

Police retreat and abandon precinct as Rioters Storm

Denver out of control

MN National Guard Activated

Its Spreading - Rioting and Chaos Spread to St. Paul

Wendys Torched by George Floyd Rioters

Minneapolis the Morning after Riots

US Terminates Relationship with WHO

Obama condemns America as Racist - Rhodesia/South Africa

Hollywood elite bail rioters out of jail

CNN crew arrested during Riots

Trump Threatens to send in National Guard

women kidnapped during Riots

Revolutionary Communists and Democrats Behind Riots

Protester killed in St. Louis

Leftist Rioters Ransack Police Station in Oregon

San Jose Riots

Violent Mob Chases Reporter at White House

Reporter shot with pepper ball during protest in Louisville

Police National Guard Disappear in MN

Protesters torch van, Police Send SOS

Leftist Mob beats Police Officer in LA

Brooklyn Police Attacked by Leftist Protester

Police Trapped at CNN Headquarter in Atlanta during Riots

White House on Lockdown - Rioters outside gates

CNN whips left into frency, headquarters destroyed

Woman found dead in car in MN after riots

Trump addresses Riots

Dozens of stores looted in Seattle

Riots in Beverly Hills

Horror - Dallas business owner attacked by Rioters

National Guard deployed to White House

Nashville Mayor encourages people to join Black Lives Matter Protest

Chicago Mob drags police officer through Streets

Seattle Riots - Terrorist Steals Police AR15

MN Mayor blames White Supremacists - lol

Starbucks in Philly Set on Fire

Clown Left Blames White Nationalists for Riots

Attorney General Barr Calls Out Antifa and Other Far Left Groups for Riots

Radical Leftists Compare Rioters to Boston Tea Party

Trump - Miliary Ready, Willing and Able

Pentagon Ready to Send Troops to MN

Pentagon Readys Military Police to Deploy to MN

Full Mobilization of MN National Guard Ordered

National Guard Deploys to LA

LA Protests Grow Violent

4100 National Guard Deploy to MN

National Guard Deploy in Georgia

Protests Spread Nationwide

Far left extremists groups riot nationwide

Barr threatens to bust far left extremists

No Games! Trump Says National Guard Has Been Released in MN

National Guard Called in 12 States to Handle Protests

US Military Monitoring Protests in 7 States

Trump suggests Guard May Shoot Looters

Trump offers military forces and intelligence for riots in MN

For those interested in more information:

Marxism in America - Lt General Jerry Boykin

Command Sgt Major Dan Pages Warning to America

Dan Page on Surviving Martial Law

Ideological Subversion - Yuri Bezmenov

Yuri Bezmenov Interview

WW2 Survivor Warns of Socialism and Gun Control

LA Riots - Operation Garden Plot

Operation Garden Plot / Martial Law
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 05/31/20 04:09 AM

WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump called on supporters Friday to "liberate" states that have experienced protests over coronavirus lockdowns, a day after he unveiled guidelines aimed at reopening the nation's economy.

Less than 24 hours after declining to name states he felt are prepared to begin easing social distancing guidelines to halt the spread of the virus, Trump named Virginia, Michigan and Minnesota as states that could benefit from what he described as liberation.

USA Today: Trump Calls for States To Liberate

Virginia Governor Responds To Trump Call to Liberate Virginia

Dr. Birx - There is nothing from the CDC that I can trust

New Data show the cornavirus much less lethal than originally thought

Dr. Fauci : Face masks are symbolic

Virginia Governor Mandates Face masks in public
Posted by: dustydog

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 05/31/20 05:35 AM

Welcome back lue,your own rather unique world view will no doubt brighten the waning days of VAGT!

Couple of tiny comments regarding the whole covid/mask thingy:

1- Lethal or not,it's an act of courtesy to wear one,especially around those that may die from it.Also,the idea of spending two weeks coughing up lung-butter is not appealing to me.

2- How marvelous that we can get away with the one thing that can defeat facial recognition software ! As an added bonus,every now and again I put on a pirate hat,tuck a flint pistol and cutlass in a sash 'round my waist,and go grocery shopping!

Hope this finds you well,
dustydog, useful idiot at large
Posted by: a_s

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 05/31/20 01:01 PM

Not my circus, not my monkeys
Posted by: dustydog

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 05/31/20 02:16 PM

Originally Posted By: a_s
Not my circus, not my monkeys

Sorry,a-s;but you are a member of this zoo too! Big question is which side of the bars.........
Posted by: Tyronyglock40man

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 06/10/20 11:47 PM

Marxism/communism is very much alive and well in the United States today , it is the Democratic Party and the liberals and the other idiots that blindly follow .......... to a T

Antifa , black lives matter , naacp , the public school system , the media and social networking and all those other nutball special interest groups are its NKVD/SA’s terror squads and puppets .
Posted by: Cash is King

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 06/11/20 07:26 AM
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 06/16/20 01:47 AM

These are not acts of peaceful protest. These are acts of domestic terror. The destruction of innocent life and the spilling of innocent blood is an offense to humanity and a crime against God. - President Trump

Statement from the White House

Georgia Rep to Introduce Hate Crime Bill Over Trump Supporters Being Attacked

LA Times Article Praises Protestors Taking to White, Affluent Neighborhoods

Virginia Officials - 132 Cities Experiencing Unrest

2nd Night Virginia Riots

Virginia Police Car Destroyed

Richmond Commie Mayor Gives Up Date

Tear Gas Deployed Against Richmond Protesters

Virginia Communists Block Response to Burning Home with Child Inside

Virginia Communists Attack American Flag Truck

Richmond 5000 Man Protest

Scenes from Virginia Riots

Virginia Communists Shatter Windows, Start Fires

Man Injured As Confederate Statue Toppled by Commies

Commie Governor Plans to Remove Lee Statue

Richmond Police Fire Chemical Agent at Protesters Outside Precinct

Protest Organizer Arrested, Richmond Police Warn Against Violence

Richmond Gun Rally in January Now Laughable with Insurgency at Virginias Door Step

Atlanta Riots

Trump Promises Action on Seattle Autonomous Zone

Beijing Revenge? 2 Pro-Chinese Groups Coordinate Violent US Protests

For those interested in learning more:

Lt. General Jerry Boykin: Marxist Insurgency in America

WW2 survivor warns of Socialism and Gun Control

Former KGB Agent Yuri Bezmenov - Ideological Subversion of America

Command Sgt. Major Dan Pages Warning to America

Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 09/05/20 06:47 PM

Alabama FEMA facility will be used as coronavirus quarantine center

Arkansas National Guard Transporting COVID-19 Patients to Isolation Facility

Ohio Governor Passes Order for FEMA Camps for COVID 19 Patients

Tennessee Woman Died in February Gets COVID 19 Positive Letter for Test Taken in June

All 77 False Positive NFL COVID 19 Tests Came Back Negative

Shock Report: CDC quietly updates COVID Death Numbers. Only 10,000 Dead from Coronavirus alone

Judge Jeanine and Dr. confirm only 9, 210 Americans died from COVID, comorbidity with others

False Positives Account for Almost Half COVID 19 cases in Low density areas


Antibodies from common cold elicite positive covid 19 test results

Nasal Swab COVID 19 PCR Tests At Risk for False Positives and Negatives

Arizona COVID 19 Fraud

CDC acknowledges mixing viral and antibodies tests together - Misleading Numbers

NPR - False Positives Common in COVID tests

Black Lives Matter Storm Troopers: "Death to America"

"They're going to hunt and eradicate their opponents" if Democrats Win

Black Lives Mattter Militants Target White Folks in Rochester

BLM Storm Restaurants, Frighten Patrons

WAPO Fake News - 90% peaceful protests, other 10% burned country down

Trump Supporter Jay Bishop Identified as Portland Shooting Victim

Right Wing Activist Killed in Portland

Alleged Antifa shooter killed by Fed Law Enforcement

Insane Video: 17-year Suspect Jumped by Rioters, Kills 2 Domestic Terrorists in Self Defense

Kyle Rittenhouse working as Lifeguard in Kenosha day of shooting

27 arrested in 100 straights days rioting in Portland

Armed NFAC Black Militants March on Stone Mountain, bait white militias into armed conflict

Violence erupts at Stone Mountain Between Americans and Marxists

Armed NFAC Black Militants March in Louisville

Democrats and Never Trumpers Plan November Coup

19 Foreign Nationals Charged with Voter Fraud in NC

Denver Black Lives Matter Mob Storms Restaurants, Harass Patrons

Militant Leftists Attempts to Kill Conservative Activist After Memorial

White Lives Dont Matter: Baltimore Police Investigate Racist Brick Attack

Some White People Might Have to Die: UGA Teaching Assistant Under Fire

There is no neutral: Nice white people still complicit in racism

Washington Post Editor: White Women Lucky Others Arent Calling for Revenge

Cambridge Academic: White Lives Dont Matter

South African Social Justice Genocide

South African Social Justice: Take Land from white people

Social Justice: White Minority took our land, enough is enough.

Tucker Carlson: Left thinks racism against white people impossible

HUGE: President Trump to End Critical Race Theory Training in Federal Government

Dr. Carrie Madej on COVID-19 Vaccine

Heads Up! BLM Calling for Fighting, Burning, War in Virginia

Posted by: Verylargeboots

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 09/05/20 09:53 PM

Is Lue back?
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 09/15/20 03:56 AM

Princeton University group studies 3 months of Black Lives Matter protests. Intent is to show they are 'overwhelmingly peaceful.' But report reveals nearly 570 violent demonstrations--riots--in nearly 220 locations spread all across country

Princeton Study on Violent Democrat Civil Unrest

BLM Marches in Charlotte: 'F-Jesus'

US recordss 2nd lowest COVID-19 tests since July

Big Tech Workings with United Nations WHO to Censor Americans

President Tweets Evidence COVID-19 Dying Out

Leftist CDC Ignores Presidential Directive on Critical Race Theory

Biden Flees Questions After Accusing Trump on Climate Change

Fire Marshall Forced To Resign Over Oregon Wildfires

Oregon Woman Holds Democrat at Gun Point for Starting Fire

Not Climate Change: Man Admits Starting Fires with Molotov Cocktails

Democrat Election Result Delays Could Result in President Pelosi - lowlife Democrats

Democrats Try to Push Kamala Harris as President Clandestinely

"Democrats" Push Gun Control After Police Shooting

As BLM, Antifa Attack Americans Democrats Call for Assault Weapons Ban

Judge Rules Pennsylvania COVID-19 Lockdown Procedures Unconstitutional

Atlantic Op-Ed: Vote For Biden So Left Doesn't Riot

Trump Official Warns Armed Leftist Revolt Coming, Democrats won't concede

For those interested in learning more:

Former JAG Officer Warns of Potential Military Coup

Hagman - Mike Adams, Steve Quayle on Seriousness of Events Today

Dan Page on Surviving Martial Law

Command Sgt. Major Dan Page Speech to Oathkeepers - End of America
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 09/17/20 08:14 PM

This most recent election was no different for Soros. In Virginia, he backed four candidates for county prosecutor positions, and all four won.

According to the Washington Free Beacon, “In addition to the $1.2 million in funds Soros spent on House of Delegates and Senate races in the commonwealth [of Virginia], he funneled an additional $2 million to four Democratic prosecutor candidates”

The curious activity of George Soros in Virginia

A “trained Marxist” founder of Black Lives Matter has teamed up on a new venture with a pro-Chinese Communist Party organization.

Alicia Garza is now behind the advocacy group Black Futures Lab, which is backed by the Chinese Progressive Association, according to the website

NY Post

Barack Obama is turning his new home in the posh Kalorama section of the nation's capital - just two miles away from the White House - into the nerve center of the mounting insurgency against his successor, President Donald J. Trump.

Obama's goal, according to a close family friend, is to oust Trump from the presidency either by forcing his resignation or through his impeachment

Obama/Jarrett Insurgency against the United States

Attorney General William Barr told the nation’s federal prosecutors to be aggressive when charging violent demonstrators with crimes, including potentially prosecuting them for plotting to overthrow the U.S. government, people familiar with the conversation said

Barr Considering Charging Protesters with Sedition - WSJ

President Trump on Thursday said he will be signing an executive order to create a “national commission to promote patriotic education.”

The project will be called “The 1776 Commission.


WASHINGTON (NEXSTAR) — Attorney General William Barr suggested the idea of lockdowns to combat coronavirus were the “greatest intrusion on civil liberties” in history “other than slavery.”

Barr made the controversial statement Wednesday night minutes after taking aim at his own Justice Department, criticizing prosecutors for behaving as “headhunters” in their pursuit of prominent targets during political probes. The comments came during a speech at Hillsdale College in Michigan.

“You know, putting a national lockdown, stay at home orders, is like house arrest,” Barr said. “Other than slavery, which was a different kind of restraint, this is the greatest intrusion on civil liberties in American history.”


For those interested in learning more:

Former JAG Officer Warns of Potential Military Coup

Hagman - Mike Adams, Steve Quayle on Seriousness of Events Today

WWII Survivor Warns of Socialism and Gun Control

Former KGB Officer Yuri Bezmenov - Ideological Subversion

Yuri Bezmenov Interview with G. Edward Griffin

Teen shot in Minneapolis Worked for Republican Congressional Candidate

DOJ Explored Charging Democrats for Allowing Antifa, BLM

The Hill - DOJ Explored Charging Democrats

The Democrats are Trying to use COVID to Steal the Election

The Democrats are Trying to Steal the Election - President Trump

Presidential Elections in Virginia Held Unusually Early

Virginia Biden Car Parade Fails Miserably

Early Presidential Elections in Virginia

Nashville COVID Cover Up Leads to Explosive News Conference

Fox: Nashville COVID-19 Lockdown Cover Up Unforgiveable

Tucker Carlson: Nashville COVID Cover Up Unforgiveable

Senator Blackburn on Nashville COVID-19 Coverup: "People are Incensed"

Supreme Court Justice RBG dies.

Supreme Court Justice Replacement -Hundreds of Angry Democrats Gather




Washington man arrested for arson was caught living streaming

Suspect starts 6 more fires, faces additional charges

Six accused starting deadly wildfires


Louisville University Shuts Down - Tells White Students Educate Themselves on Racism

Louisville Sanctuary Church Hosts Rioters Who Attack White People

Louisville BLM Smash Library Windows

Louisville Suspect Who Shot Cops Identified

Vietnam Veteran Attacked, Bloodied

Public Support Communist Dropping

Black Lives Matter Attack Driver, Police Arrest Driver

Election Fraud - Mass. 1-million votes discarded

Texas Democrat Commissioner Election Fraud

FBI Downplays Election Fraud as Pennsylvania Ballot Fraud Discovered

DOJ Investing Pennsylvania Voting Fraud

California man finds thousands of discarded ballots in dumpster

Christians Arrested For Not Wearing Face Masks

Mayors and Governors Playing Politics COVID-19 Response - .edu

Trump response to COVID-19 Politics - .gov

Gun Sales Soar

Portland leaders blame white supremacists for rioting, refuse to condem left

Declassified Info: Clinton Behind Russian Hoax

Clinton hatched plan after Seth Rich murder

Larry Johnson: Clinton team fabricated Russian collusion hoax

33 times Biden lies at presidential debate

Racist Black Lives Matter Verbally Assault Cops

Newsweek: Trump was Right, FBI Scrambled to put Russia Evidence Together

FBI and CIA Analyst Bought Professional Liability Insurance

HUGE: CDC and NIAID Add Non-Pneumonia Deaths to COVID-19 Death Tolls

Coup D'etat: They Wanted a Clinton Presidency

Clinton Foundation Under Investigation

Archbishop: Trump Preparing to Fight Against Demonic Forces, New World Order

Bernie Sanders: There will be a number of plans to Evict Trump

Fox: Herschel Walker on China funding BLM, Democrats

Is China funding Democrats and Biden campaign?

This is Scary: President Trump Framed by FBI

WHO Border Directive Complicit in Spreading Disease Worldwide

President Trump Taken to Walter Reed - COVID-19

The Federalist - Critical Race Theory Communist Divide and Conquer

Surge of Illegal Aliens Being Smuggled In

Court Rules Against Michigan Governor Covid 19 Orders

Is President Safe from Military Deep State at Walter Reed?

Breonna Taylor Opened Fire on Cops?

Not enough evidence to prove Wisconsin Attack

Is Big Tech Working with Coup Plotters? - Treason

Communist Pope Issues Edict Condemning Capitalism

Fox: Ventura County Backtracks on Forced Isolation Camps

Bloomberg: Forced Isolation May Be Only Way to Stop the Spread

Stats: Lockdown Had Little Effect on COVID Spread

Michigan AG to No Longer Enforce Governors Orders

WHO Numbers Irresponsibly Wrong - Big Deal

400 Armed NFAC Black Militia Members in Louisiana - Black Power

Police Make Negligent Discharge Arrest in Louisiana

Pennsylvania Freak Judge Facing Ballot Tampering Charges

Virginia Ballot MailBox Theft

WHO downgrades Data - IFR 0.13%

Judicial Watch: Trump Was Right

CDC Communists Wanted Border Open during Pandemic

Clinton Started Russian Hoax to Distract from Email Scandal

President Trump: Dont Let COVID Run Your Life

1700 Epidemiologists Sign Petition to End Lockdowns

BLM connected to Democrats, Communists and China

Pro-Antifa Communist Leading Mayor Race in Portland

Facebook Censors Trump Comments on COVID-19 and Flu similarities

Biden Oddly Blames White Supremacists for BLM-Antifa Carnage

Empiracle Evidence Shows Masks Dont Work

Brennan Briefed Obama on Spygate Hoax

Ballot Harvesting Fraud in Minnesota

Denver Trump Supporter Shot Dead

Antifa Bodyguard and Media in collusion as Trump Supporter Shot Dead

ANTIFA News bodyguard long history of leftist activism

Patriot Shot Defending Himself with Bear Spray against Two Men

ANTIFA Cheers as Patriot Shot Dead

CDC Reverses Course COVID-19 Airborne

AP Advises Not to Print Truth About Commie Riots

Huge: Trump Declassifies Russian Spygate Obamagate Documents

Depopulation and Sustainable Development - Pay Attention

United Nations Sustainable Development

Communist Subverter Lecturse Children on Trump Being Racist

Project Veritas Uncovers More Voter Fraud

Texas AG investigating voter fraud

BLM Protest Police Shooting of Violent Criminal

Pennsylvania National Guard Deploys

BLM Protesters Loot Stores in Philadelphia

BLM Rioters Chase Police Down Street, Run Over Police With Truck

Ballot Counter Says 130,000 Biden Ballots Arrived Out of Nowhere

Arizona Ballot Sharpie Voter Fraud

Twitter To Censor President Trump

Man Kicked Out of Philly Voter Center for Reporting Fraud

Statistician to launch investigation into Voter Fraud

Philly Voter Fraud: I cant believe what im seeing

Project Veritas USPS Voter Fraud

DOJ Warns Armed Federal Agents A Possibility in Voter Fraud Investigation

No Names on Michigan Ballots - Democrat Voter Fraud

No records found of mysterious water main break on Election Day Atlanta

Biden Taunts Trump for not Conceding

Texas Social Worker Charged with 134 Counts Voter Fraud

NV Signature Verification Reduced to 40%

Vegas Oddsmakers: Fix Was In - Trump Robbed

Pennsylvania: Tens of Thousands of Ballots Returned

Brennan Concerned What Trump Might Do Next - Removed from Power

Man Attacks Trump Supporters

Wisconsin - 7 wards had more votes than residents

Dominion Voting Program Whistle Blowers Coming Forward

Georgia Announces Recount by Hand

Detroit Tabulation Machines Illegally Connected to Internet

Pennsylvania received 10,000 Contested Votees after Election

Governor Drafts Legislation to Allow Shooting of Looters

Powell: Evidence Tens of Thousands of Votes will have to be Discarded

Media FINALLY calls Alaska for Trump 8 days after election

White women Must Answer for Supporting Trump

Oregon Elections Directed Fired After Penning Complaint

RNC Chair: 500 Sword Affadavids of 11,000 Incidents Voter Fraud

Statistics Against Joe Biden Win

Look what these men found in the trash

MIT PHD Reveals Voter Fraud

Tim Pool - Pompeo on Trump Second Term (YouTube)

White House Press Secretary Full Speech On Election Fraud -

Tim Pool - Explains 2020 Presidential Election Landscape 11-11-2020

Communists Compiling Lists of Trump Supporters

HUGE: Sidney Powell Reveals "Hammer" and "Scorecard" Fraud

WWII Survivor Warns on Socialism and Gun Control

Obama connected Weathermen Want Millions Dead

Lt. General Jerry Boykin - Marxist Insurgency

NYTimes - Democrats Requesting United Nations Intervention in the US

NOW - Operation Garden Plot Unfolding

Operation Garden Plot - YouTube

Federalist - As Cities Burn Trump Will Enact Insurrection Act - Garden Plot

Dan Page on Surviving Martial Law

Command Sgt. Major Dan Page Speech to Oathkeepers - End of America
Posted by: SeaCoaster

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 10/11/20 05:53 PM

Interesting article —->

“ You may have heard the terms “Cultural Marxism,” “Critical Theory” or “Frankfurt School” bandied about. And while you might have an intuitive approximation of what these terms mean for America in the 21st century, there’s a good chance that you don’t know much about the deep theory, where the ideology comes from and what it has planned for America – and the world. ....”
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 10/24/20 11:30 PM

Kathy Weisner will never forget the day: March 17, 2018.

Weisner was weeding raspberries in her front yard when she heard yelling on the road.

“I literally dropped my trowel and my pot,” Weisner remembers.

At the foot of her driveway, she says, were roughly 50 young men and women in military fatigues. They were wearing matching caps and combat boots, lined up two abreast, and appeared to be training.

They weren’t carrying sidearms, but their “commander” was yelling instructions in a language that wasn’t English, Weisner says.

“My heart stopped,” Weisner remembers. “I just basically ran for the house and called my husband.”

A week later, Joe Clemente had a similar experience while driving home from work along typically tranquil North End Road.

And he recorded the line of what he believes were Chinese cadets marching on the shoulder in a short video he provided to CTV News

CTV News

Dangerous Secret China Military Canada

Is an invasion by China through Canada planned? YouTube

In 2009, a truck driver contacted me. He was coming through Guatemala into Chiapas at Tapachula and he stopped to take a leak on the border. And this is the real deal, I’m not kidding you.I talked to John Moore about this, I was even on his show talking about this. And Jerry Corsi knows too, from WorldNetDaily, so I spoke to him about it too. He saw, as he was taking a leak on the side of the road, he went into the jungle, you know? And he saw thousands and thousands and thousands of tanks, okay? They had a red star on them, I don’t know North Korean, Chinese or Russian but they are here and they are planning an invasion

Mexican Journalist - 8:20

There is a massive amount of Russians piling up at the border between the United States and Mexico in the state of Senora which is across from Arizona & in the state of Chihuahua right under New Mexico. Russians. Oh, and they're not civilian

Mexican Journalist - 1:16

Caravan spokesman (16:46) - The Russians are coming

He said ranchers with land 25 miles north of the border have reported groups of men - believed to be illegal immigrants - walking single file, through farm land in military fatigues. Some were armed with rifles.

Daily Mail

For those interested in additional information:

Tanks on Trains - LA

KTLA - military equipment on trains

Tanks on trains all over US

CSX Train National Guard

Military Equipment on Trains

Military Train Nebraska 12-5-2020

Military Train Missouri 12-5-2020

Military Train Lynchburg, Va 12-7-2020

Military Train

Loaded Military Train

Miitary Times - One million servicemen activated

LA Times - 5, 200 Troops on border

Epoch Times - 2,000 Migrants attempt to storm border

Why Barr is probling Italy, Australia and the UK

UN Sanctions and Rhodesia - Time

Unhinged Leftist with Swastica and Confederate Flag Arrested

Judge Rules CA Governor Overstepped Authority Restraining Order Issued

Radical Leftist - Whoever has the guns wins. Plan DC White House Takeover

BLM Goons Point Guns, Steal Trump Flags in Virginia

China releases Hunter Biden Sex and Drug tapes

Leaked Texts - Biden wanted to avoid registering as foreign agent

Biden lashes out after confronted with Chinese Energy Deal

Bidens caught in repeated lies

Hunter Biden sought dads advice on China deals

Did Joe Biden Profit from Hunter China Deals?

Bidens offered up CIA agents to China

Disturbing New Ties Between Joe Biden and China

Biden Emails - Wiring Instructions to China Spy Chief

Biden confesses partnership with Chinese Spy Chief

Shocking Parallels to 1917 Communist Revolution

We caught them PT. 4 - Election Fraud Exposed

Georgia Presidential Voter Fraud Exposed

TGP Requests Voter Fraud Investigation in Michigan

Election audit results in request for official to step down

Dominion Software Connected to Michigan

California to institute new tyrannical COVID measures

White House Legal Counsel Emergency Meeting

Philly Mob Boss Requests Expongement for Details on Voter Fraud

Arizona Congressman requests recount

Radical Islamist Communist Calls Trump rally Klan Meeting

Cyber Expert Reveals Voting Machine Fraud

CDC Manipulating COVID Data

Tech CEO's Collude to take Trump Down

Oregon Forces Unemployment Checks Repaid

Virginia Election Fraud Exposed

Michigan Files to Impeach Governor

Massive Voter Fraud Exposed - Sidney Powell

Smartmatic Board Member on Biden Transition Team

CNN - Probably Wont be a Christmas

Strange Happenings in Virginia Presidential Election

Election Day: National Guard Activated in 16 States, 3,000 + Troops

National Guard Activated in 16 States - Timcast YouTube Discussion

Tim Cast - OathKeepers Wont Recognize Biden Presidency

Must See: Sidney Powell Reveals American Voter Fraud

HUGE: Powell Reveals Existance of Democrat Voter Fraud

Spectator - Reasons why 2020 Election is Deeply Puzzling

President Vows to Reveal Massive Voter Fraud - Overturn Results of 2020 Election

Democratic Operatives Paid Native Americans with Gift Cards to Vote

Biden to wear "The Boot."

Georgia Orders Dominion Voting Machines Wiped?

Quack Faucia says its okay to open schools...

Georgia Judge Orers Dominion Voting Mahines Froze, Order Reversed

Sidney Powell Looking at Election Fraud in Virginia

Georgia officials something to hide

Media refuses to report meaningful data on COVID

FBI requests vote fraud research

Michigan Witness Speaks Who saw 4 am ballot drop off

Dominion Report worked for Kamala Harris where Trump votes uncounted

Gingrich - 2020 Election May Be Biggest Heist Since 1824

Powell Demands Emergency Seizure of all voting machines in State of Georgia

Chinese call recorded requesting ballots

Flynn - We have a clear path to Victory in 2020 Presidential Election

26 Republicans request recalling certification of electors

John Hopkins Takes Down Article Showing 2020 Deaths No Different

Democrats Didnt Try to Hide Fraud

Breaking Huge - Pennsylvania Judge Files Memorandum Stating Issues Found

Dominion Exec shows how votes can be switched

Smartmatic and Creepy Bill Gates

Trump votes switched to Biden

Trump goes after Big Tech

Vermont governor orders schools to interrogate children on family activities

President Tells Press To Shape Up

Georgia Fraud - We caught them

Cuomo - Police who dont enforce COVID orders are dictatos

Oregon governor: Uninivite family for thanksgiving

Dominion Software accessed by Chinese and Iranian Agents

Trump Dream Team Fighting For Survival of Nation

1.8 Millions Ballots Mailed Pennsylvania, 2.5 Counted - Problem

Flynn Issues Statement Following Pardon

AG Barr Makes Surprise Visit to Chicago, Mayor Curious Why?

General Flynn Given Full Pardon

Gettysburg - Crowning Achievement in 2020 Election

Crowds Gasp With Laughter in Pennsylvania Hearings

Judge Blocks Pennsylvania from certifying results

Voter Integrity Report Releases Report on Thousands of Fraud Cases

Foreign and Domestic Election Interference

Arizona: 35,000 Votes Given to Democrats to Start With

Power Cut Off to Thousands of Homes in California on Thanksgiving

6,000 False Biden Votes Found

Trump Economy Breaks Records

Mask Nazi Caught Without Mask

COVID Checkpoints Set Up in NY

Analysis Indicates Fraud Occcured Across Entire Country

Carson Backtracks after Slamming Powell

Never Forget COVID Experts Were Wrong

Newsome Controversy

Armed BLM Militants Shut Down Traffic

Virginia Election Fraud whistleblower

Antifa attacks police

Unhinged leftist Teacher Placed on leave

Hidden Suitcase of ballots counted in Georgia

Chinese spy compromises Democrat Swallwell

Doc license pulled over refusal to wear mask

Commie No Gun Santa Makes Child Upset

Chinese Connection to Dominion Voting System

National Security Issue - Chinese Connection to Dominion Voting Machines

Sidney Powell - FBI and DOJ need to be hosed out

Colonel Says US has copy of Frankfurt Election Data - US Military Raid

Dominion took over Voting Machines Remotely

Gov. Kemp in Front of Communist Flag Begging for Chinese Business

Virginia Xmas Tyranny - Modified Stay Home Order, 12am-5am Curfew

Executive Tyranny - Virginia COVID Restrictions a Farce

Democrats push Demand to Arrest Trump, Risk Civil War, Martial Law - Tim Pool

China has people at the top in US Government

Democrats infiltrated by Chinese Spies - Tim Cast

Trump Attorney Calling for Martial Law

Tim Cast - Trump Lawyers Call for Martial Law

NBC - Ohio Groups Seeks Trump to Declare Martial Law

The Plot to Steal America - YouTube

Criminals next to Nursing Home Patients to Receive Vaccine

Nunes compares Biden campaign to Soviet Agitprop

Lawyers Argue Employers Can Require Vaccine

New World Order - Biden Calls for Climate Change National Response

BLM terrorize Child Cancer Fundraiser

Command Sgt. Major Dan Pages Warning to America - VAGT

Operation Garden Plot and Martial Law - You were Given Advanced Notice - VAGT

Trump Tweets Martial Law = Fake News

Trump Ready to Take Action

Linn Wood Calls on President to Impose Martial Law

Virginia State Senator Calls for Trump Martial Law

Trump raised idea of Martial Law

Trump reportedly asked Michael Flynn about Martial Law

US Army - No Role for Martial Law to Determine Elections

Trump Met with Sidney Powell and Flynn on Deploying Military

Trump Admin Stops Biden Campaign Security Briefings - Tim Cast

Normalization - Pg. 52 Permanently Remove Undesirables from Politics

Biden to consider Clinton as UN Ambassador

NYTimes - Democrats Requesting United Nations Intervention in the US

Trump calls on Supporters to Descend on D.C. January 6 - Tim Cast

Trump Calls for January 6, 2021 D.C. Rally - It will be Wild

Command Sgt Major Dan Pages Warning to America

Posted by: imaduckin

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 10/25/20 09:36 AM

and the US military has no idea?, i seriously doubt it!!!!!
Posted by: SeaCoaster

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 10/30/20 03:15 PM


This was a must-see segment.

Be warned. Be prepared.

The violent left with support from big tech, the Democrat elites, Black Lives Matter, Antifa, etc. are plotting chaos in our streets.


ANTIFA ——>>. Rise of The Black Flags. <<— —

Antifa_ Rise of the Black Flags
Watch the new documentary Antifa: Rise of the Black Flags. The true history of the anti-government extremist group's century of violence.


Kamala Harris Promotes Socialism
Two Days Ahead of Election: ‘

“. Equitable Treatment Means We All End Up at the Same Place. “

Hat Tip - Breitbart

Posted by: SeaCoaster

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 11/06/20 02:09 PM

History Repeats Itself ?


Not in This Case

The success of Lenin’s transformation of Russia can be laid at the feet of the Russian population. The nation assented to and conformed complacently with the dictates of a vocal and violent minority. The nation resigned its “free election” and surrendered to the prevailing propaganda! The actual facts did not influence the population. They accepted what they were told and complied without any question. An unanswered question haunts the history of this event: “What would have happened IF the general population had not surrendered to the violence and vocal minority?”

However, history shows that often the vocal minority becomes the governing especially if violence is threatened. It does not matter how many guns there are and how many millions of rounds of ammunition are bought, the population generally complies with and coalesces around the presented politicians who promise “peace, land and bread.”
Posted by: SeaCoaster

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 11/28/20 04:21 PM

Hat Tip —To Lue-Jones for starting this Important Subject

Are you starting to see the Big Picture?

Please take the time to listen and read with an open mind... it is difficult to wrap your brain around total Control- But that is what is happening- look around you?


Former KGB Agent, Yuri Bezmenov, Warns America About Socialist Subversion


Russian leader Nikita Khrushchev said at a United Nations meeting 60 years ago (Sept.29, 1959) ....

"Your children's children will live under communism. You Americans are so gullible. No, you won't accept communism outright; but, we will keep feeding you small doses of socialism until you will finally wake up and find you already have Communism. We will not have to fight you. We will so weaken your economy, until you will fall like overripe fruit into our hands. The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not"

Socialism leads to Communism. How do you create a Socialist State? There are eight levels of control:

1) Healthcare - Control healthcare and you control the people

2) Poverty - Increase the poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them.

3) Debt - Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.

4) Gun Control - Remove the ability to defend themselves from the government . That way you are able to create a police state.

5) Welfare - Take control of every aspect (food, housing, income) of their lives because that will make them fully dependent on the government.

6) Education - Take control of what people read, listen to and take control of what children learn in school.

7) Religion - Remove the belief in God from the government and schools because the people need to believe in ONLY the government knowing what is best for the people.

8) Class Warfare - Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. Eliminate the middle class. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to tax the rich with the support of the poor.

WE ARE THERE! Why can people not see what's going on in this country? Want something more recent. Look up the recent history of Venezuela.

I copied and pasted this. Hope You Will too!
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 12/31/20 03:10 AM

Pentagon and Washington-area military leaders are on red alert, wary of what President Donald Trump might do in his remaining days in office. Though far-fetched, ranking officers have discussed what they would do if the president declared martial law. And military commands responsible for Washington DC are engaged in secret contingency planning in case the armed forces are called upon to maintain or restore civil order during the inauguration and transition period. According to one officer who spoke to Newsweek on condition of anonymity, the planning is being kept out of sight of the White House and Trump loyalists in the Pentagon for fear that it would be shut down.

"I've been associated with the military for over 40 years and I've never seen the discussions that are being had right now, the need for such discussions," says a retired flag officer

Newsweek - Military on Red Alert

Former JAG Officer Warns of Military Coup

Indefinite California Lockdown Announced

Giuliani on Voting Fraud - This Stops Right Now

Arizona Patriots Discover 160,000 Phantom Ballots

China paying non state actors to attack US troops in Afghanistan

Real time hacking revealed Dominion Voting Machines

Trump Calls on Georgia Governor to Resign

Armed Agents Sent After Dominion Voting Machine Complainers

Chinas involvement in US Elections

Obama admin aided Al Qaeda linked Group

Trump V Gore Precedent in 2020 Election

Flu dissapears as COVID emerges

Sydney Powell - Rampant Voter Fraud

Freedom - Anti Maskers Take Over CVS

Lincoln Statue Removed Because he was White

Pennsylvania - 200,000 more votes than voters

Penn Certification Found in Error

Fauci forgets which arm vaccinated

Lawmakers override Trump Vetoe on Defense Bill

Coke test positive for COVID

Nevada Voting Data Sent to Pakistan

Georgia Sending Voting Results to China

6% COVID Death Rate, not 330,000 Dead Americans

Nashville Christmas Bombing Shut Down Networks

Sydney Powells Releases 27 Pages on Foreign Interference in 2020 Election

Rand Paul on how to stop authoritarian Dictator Governors

Dancing Nurses in "Overrun" Hospitals

Nashville Mayor laughs and smiles after explosion

If you can hear this message, evacuate now - Nashville Bombing

RKJ warns of surveillance state and Coup to overcome Global Democracies

Socialist Calls Hannity - We Want to Destroy All of You

Right Wing Protestors Storm Building - Tim Cast YouTube

Trump Vetoes NDAA - Tim Cast YouTube

Nurses and Doctors Dancing on Graves of COVID Victims - Tim Cast YouTube

Cops enforcing unconstitutional orders - Tim Cast YouTube

Senator Hawley Electoral College Objection - TimCast YouTube

Mayor Resigns in Fear as Town Revolts over Lockdown

Georgia Voting Fraud - Evidence to Decertify Results

Indefinite California Lockdown - KTVU Fox

California Announces Indefinite Lockdown - TimCast YouTube

WHO Warning Means Lockdowns Will Never End - TimCast YouTube

Biden Warns of Dark Winter

Dark Winter - Pandemic War Games Dont End Well

Secretary of Defense Thanks Pence for Complex Millitary Operation

Fauci - Vaccines prevent symptom, not infection

Trump Covid Deaths Greatly Exaggerated

Snitch Neighbors Call Police on Canadian Family Gathering - Arrested

Command Sgt. Major Dan Page Warning to America - VAGT

PSYOPS - Assigned to 1st Special Forces Command

Raffensperger to be referred to Secret Service for Espionage

Universal Background Checks - VAGT - You were warned in advance

Fox - Coup Exposed

What I saw at the Coup - Navy SEAL Matt Bracken

WW2 Survivor Warns of Socialism

KGB Defector Yuri Bezmenov on Ideological Subversion

Yuri Bezmenov Lecture on Ideological Subversion

Yuri Bezmenov - Call of Duty Black Ops

Lt. General Jerry Boykin - Call to the Watchmen

Lt. General Jerry Boykin on Marxist Insurgency in America

Dan Page Preparing for Financial Collapse and Martial Law

CSM Dan Pages Warning to America
Posted by: Jimmm

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 01/01/21 08:43 PM

it is possibly we have ~70 millions Americans with a special bottle of snake oil in their britches from one of the greatest conman of modern time. We are very gullible due to our love of nation and the basic human honesty steamed from the Christian value.

Big man is counting money from merc sales when he ain’t playing golf during national crisis. No kraken to be released and all the lawyers want for Christmas is more donations.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 01/02/21 04:35 PM

Police Losing Support, Right Stomp Thin Blue Line Flag - Tim Cast

Nazis - NY Proposes Detaining "Disease Carriers" Threats to Public Health

COVID Camps? Disease Carriers in Detention Centers

DC Mayor Calls Out National Guard for Trump Jan. 6 Rally

Living Secretary of States Warn Trump Not to Involve Military

Former Defense Officials - Trump Military Coup Tim Cast YouTube

Pro Trump Marine to Police: We Had Your Back, Not Anymore
Posted by: Jimmm

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 01/02/21 04:49 PM

China is conducting their winter warfare training in Canada while orange carpet bagger plays golf.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 01/06/21 02:40 PM

Trump Supporters Take Over Capital - Shots Fired Tim Cast YouTube

AdamCast IRL YouTube - Capital Events Recounted

Pentagon Denies Request To Deploy National Guard as Police Overwhelmed

Shots Fired Inside Capital

Now Theres Video - Moment Shots Were Fired Inside Capital

Parler Video of Moment Woman Was Shot

Man Admits He Was Paid to Pretend To Protest Parler Video

Unarmed Woman Shot Identified: 14-Year USAF Veteran

Ashli Babbitt - US Patriot Who Loved America With All Her Heart

DC Protests - Shots Fired as Trump Supporters Storm Capitol

Law Enforcement Losing Control - Patriots Storm Capitol

Pence Rushed Out - Protestors Storm Capital

Protestors Storm Capital - Surround Building

US Capital of Lockdown - Protestors Clash with Police

Pro-Trump Supporters Storm Capital

Protestors Clash With Police - Capital on Lockdown

Authorities on High Alert in Capital

Half a Million Trump Supporters in DC to Support Trump

Hundreds of Thousands at Capital to Support Trump

Mass Civil Disobedience at Capital: Man Who Appeared to be Dead Rushed Out

Buildings Near Capital Evacuated Bomb Threat

Crowd Chants BS after Trump says BS

How Trump Can Win Today

Pence Releases Statement: Will Not Block Biden Electors

Pence - Hero or Traitor? January 6th We Find Out

Applause Breaks Out as Congressmen Object to Arizona Electoral College Sub

You Have to Show Strength - Trump to Lead Supporters on March

The Fight Has Just Begun

Revolt Against Socialism Flag

BLM Antifa Hide Behind Police

Tens of Thousands of Trump Supporters at Monument

DC National Guard - Black Vests To Send Message to Trump Supporters

What the US Constitution Says about January 6 - EpocTimes

DC Ralley Update - Backcountry YouTube

Today is the Day - 4th Dimension YouTube

DC Orders Curfews

Trump Tears into Mike Pence - Didnt Have Courage

If Patriots Breach US Senate Floor, Lawmakers Told to Hide

Lawmakers Sheltering in Place

Patriots Enter Capital - Democrats Sheltering in Place

Congress Told to Put on Gas Masks By Police

Congress told to put Gas Masks on

Protestors Breach Building - ABC

Far Right Demonstrators Enter Capital Building

Fighting Inside Capital Video

This is an Attempted Coup - Protestors Storm Capital

Trump Calls for Peace - We are the party of law and order

Protestors with Horns Take Over US Senate Seat

Patriots Take Over Nancy Pelosi Office

Capital Police Draw Guns on Trump Supporters

Democrat Virginia - Chaos in DC

Pro Trump Mob Storms Capital, Certification Vote Count Halted

Fox5DC - Photos of Pro-Trump Supporters

Pence Stabs Trump and America in Back

Police Deploy Tear Gas on Trump Supporters

Possibly Fatally Injured Man Transported on Police Barricade

Unarmed Trump Supporting Woman Shot Dead by Police at Capital

We Had No Weapons - Police Attack Trump Supporters

Pence Unfollows Trump

CNN - TREASON! Van Jones

CNN - Trump Caused this Insurrection

CNN - This an Insurrection

Trump Tells Pence Chief of Staff Not Welcome at White House

Sec of Defense Discussed Deploying Guard With Pence, Pelosi, NOT Trump

Man stabbed outside Trump Hotel DC

CPAC on Unarmed Victim: Maybe She Deserved to be Shot?

Evidence of People at Capital Not Trump Supporters

ANTIFA storms US Capitol - Rumble Video

Former FBI: ANTIFA Infiltrated Trump Demonstrators

Facial Recognition Firm Confirms Antifa infiltrated DC Rally

Man with Foot on Desk - Richard Barnett of Arkansas

Twitter Locks President Trump Out - Deletes Peace Video

Liz Cheney: President Responsible for Mob

Calls for Trump to be Removed From Office 25th Amendment

4 Dead as Trump Supporters Storm Capitol

Capitol Police Rejected Federal Help

Trump Activates National Guard

Pence, Not Trump Activated National Guard - Upended Chain of Command

Army Activated National Guard - Secretary McCarthy and Miller '

JAG Officer Warns of Military Coup

Congress Affirms Biden Win, Trump Vows Orderly Transition

Governor Issues More Tyranny - State of Emergency

Criminal BLM Activist Infiltrated DC Rally - Rair Foundation

Utah Social Justice Activist - Founder Insurgence USA - DC Capitol

Bizarre Video of Police Directing Protestors at Capitol

FBI Arrests West Virginia Lawmakers for Entering Capitol

Pilot threatens to land plane on Patriots Chanting USA

FBI raids Tennessee lawmakers

Man with feet on Pelosi Desk Arrested

YOU TRAITOR POS - Mob swarms Lindsey Graham at Airport

Loaded Military Train - YouTube January 3, 2021

45% GOP support storming capitol

Storming Capitol Fashionable in 2018 when Communists Did It

4 Veterans Give First Hand Account of Seige

Political Director ABC News Cleansing Trump Supporters From America

FBI Puts MAGA Most Wanted List Together

FBI Ignored Antifa vows to Charge those at DC Seige

No Arson, No Looting - Chicago Police Union Defends Capitol Protestors

Pelosi - Trump Deadly to Democracy Needs To Go

Pelosi Calls for Trump to Be Impeached Ban Second Term

4 Americans Killed at DC Capitol Identified

Slimeball Zuckerberg Bans Trump Indefinitely - Commie Censorship

Twitter Bans President

Patriots Stop Antifa from breaking windows at Capitol - rairfoundation

Video - Who was behind insurrection at Capitol?

Indie Journaist Describes antifa at Capitol

Whats going on here? Police leading protestors at Capitol

Company denies facial recognition software identified antifa

Confirmed Commie activist at DC rally threatened to rip Trump from WH

Trump Banned EMAILING Supporters -

YouTube terminates Steve Bannon War Room -

Twitter employees sign letter to ban Trump

Trump Twitter Account Removed

Sidney Powell Suspended, Trump Supporter Purge

Tech CEOS Censoring Conservatives Should be Charged - Rep Nunes

Amazon Kicks Parler Off Server - Nazi Censorship

Brennan Calls for Mao Public Shaming of Trump Supporters

Fire Extinguisher Attack on Officer Not Confirmed - Medical Condition

Video - Antifa hands out weapons at Capitol Storming

FBI Takes Over Jurisdiction of Shredded Documents - Sends to Shredder

CounterPunch w/ Trevor Loudon: New Virginia Majority Chinese Backed

Tim Cast - Jan 8 Pelosi Laptop stolen YouTube

Tim Cast - BLM Confirmed at Protest - Jan 8

Tim Cast IRL - BLM Protestor at DC Seige Jan 8

Tim Cast IRL - Trump Permanently Banned YouTube 1-8-2020

You were warned in advance - Universal Background Checks - VAGT

You were warned in advance - CSM Dan Page - VAGT

You were warned in advance - Operation Garden Plot/Martial Law - VAGT

Black bloc antifa terrorist attack Trump supporters San Diego

Leftist Democrat BLM Antifa attack female journalist NY

Our Streets - BLM Antifa Democrats March in NYC

Trump approval rating goes up after DC Protests

Transgender Democrat BLM Antifa Arrested With Illegal Gun in DC

No examples of Left Coming To Power with Free Speech

Dershowtiz - Cant impeach private citizen Trump

Capitol Protestor Removed From Plane - Put on No Fly List

Georgia man charged at Capitol Riot Commits Suicide

Identity of Capitol Law Enforcement Officer Not Released Yet - Why

Rep Jordan Speaks Out - I dont know where this is all going but its Frightening

Militant BLM Guerrillas Surround Capitol Shout at Police Media Silent

MEDIA FLIPS - Gohmert reads back Pelosi Transcript Verbatim

Censored by Big Tech President Issues Press Release for Peace

Texas Voter Fraud Harvester Arrested

Dem accused GOP of giving Capitol Reconn Tour

House Impeaches Trump

Senate Acquits Trump - Here are the RINOS who voted to convict

Virginia Election Fraud - 3 300,000 Biden Dumps Unexplainable

Here they are - 10 Republicans Who Voted to Impeach Trump

Trump Releases Statement Following Impeachment Acquital

What I saw leading up to the Capitol Attack - Center4Security

23 Die in Norway From COVID 19 Vaccine

Add Virginia to List of States in Need of Forensic Voting Fraud Audit

Dem calls on Pentagon to screen recruits for white supremacy and violent extremism

As predicted, Non Voters / Registered Democrats At DC Riot

Coming to America - COVID Anal Swabs

Feb. 1, 2021 - Armed Antifa Take Over Hotel

Burmese Military Arrest President Over Voter Fraud

Fox - Coup Exposed - Donald Trump Presidency Ended 1-11-2021

Trump Presidency Ended? Edited by Disgruntled Employee? - TGP

What I saw at the Coup - Navy SEAL Matt Bracken

Big Tech Aligns with Foreign Entities Against Trump and America

Amazon - Sued by Parlor


BLM Antifa Leader John Sullivan Arrested Capitol Storm

Confederate Flag Protestor Arrested in Delaware with Son

Here we go - Legislation to Make DC 51st State, Stack Commie Reps in Government

Biden - America is nation without morals, systemically racist - Commie Social Justice

Flash Back - Government dropped all charges against left wing Capitol Stormers

Trump attorney erupts Democrats attempt to flip script impeachment trial

Democrat House Managers Fold as Trump attorneys threaten to call Pelosi witness

Trump Team Asks to Call Pelosi, Mayor on Inside Info they had on Capitol Riot

2-12-21 Biden To allow 25,000 Migrants into US amid Pandemic

MIT professor arrested fraud Chinese Connections

Virginia - Judge Rules Counting of Ballots Without Post Marks is Illegal

DC Rally Was About Stopping the Steal

2-17-21 Not even ice storm stops Democrat BLM Antifa from rioting

Pure Racism: NYC attempts to convert students to white traitors stage of whiteness

Watch Dem Health Inspector do Happy Dance after Closing Business

Illinois County Signed Anti-Transparency Deal with Dominion Voting Systems

Banks threaten to close accounts on non mask compliance customers - TimCast

1/16/21 Military Train Illinois

1/17/21 Military Train Georgia

1/21/21 - Military Train Oklahoma

1/22/21 - Military Train Texas

1/27/21 Missouri Military Train

2-17-21 Texas governor calls investigation into group manages power grid

10 deaths linked to Texas Winter Storm - Power grid shut down

Trust the Plan They Said - 4th Dimension YouTube

The Contempt From Capitol Hill - Reid Henrichs Valor Ridge

Jan 7 2020 John Moore Show - Insurrection Act

Jan 8 2020 John Moore Show - Emergency Communications

WW2 Survivor Warns of Socialism

KGB Defector Yuri Bezmenov on Ideological Subversion

Yuri Bezmenov Lecture on Ideological Subversion

Yuri Bezmenov - Call of Duty Black Ops

Operation Garden Plot Activated

Now Operation Garden Plot Unfolding

Lt. General Jerry Boykin - Call to the Watchmen

Lt. General Jerry Boykin on Marxist Insurgency in America

Dan Page Preparing for Financial Collapse and Martial Law

CSM Dan Pages Warning to America
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 01/07/21 03:21 PM

A message from the President of the United States of America which was censored and deleted by Twitter social media.

Is this a signal for the Insurrection Act? Rumble Video

Insurrection Act - Proclamation to Disburse -

This insurrection is what Trump wanted - New Yorker

What Insurrection, Coup, Sedition Mean - CNN

Insurrection Marks Moment for Republicans - ABC

Virginia, DC, Maryland Guard to Remain Activated

Wall Street Journal Calls for Forceful Response Crackdown on Americans

WSJ - Those who stormed Capitol Domestic Terrorists

Quebec - Under Equivelant of Medical Martial Law

National Guard Troops Will be Armed w/ Lethal Force - Pennsylvania General

Inslee -National Guard - COVID Restrictions - Cops Enemies of People

Capitol Hill Police Officer Commit's Suicide

Oregon National Guard Activated - COVID Vaccinations

National Guard - Both State and Federal Duties - Governors and Presidents

Maryland Governor Complains Pentagon Wouldnt Approve National Guard

Pentagon Puts Restrictions on DC Guard

Pure Evil - Communists Introduce Articles of Impeachment against Trump

TGP - - Trump Presidency Ends 1-11-2021?

Iran Hack Government Website - Jan 6 NYT

Dem Article of Impeachment Insurrection - Pence Ultimatum to Remove Trump - TimCast

FBI Warns Armed Protests Capitol All 50 States

January 13 - National Guard Sleeping on Capitol Floor

January 13 - House Impeaches President Trump for 2nd Time

Trump Impeached National Guard on High Alert - Tim Cast YouTube

Tim Cast - Trump Calls for No Violence (YouTube)

20,000 National Guard in DC

Joint Chiefs of Military Send Memo Condemning Capitol Rally (Afraid) - TimCast

CNN - Joint Chiefs Send Memo Condemning Capitol Rally as Insurrection

Antifa BLM Leader Brags Posing as Trump Supporter, Storming Capitol

Huge - CNN NPR Reporter Embedded With BLM Antifa Leader John Sullivan

DC Guard Authorized To Use Deadly Force Biden Inauguration

Tim Cast - Far Left Charged on Capitol Storming YouTube

Crossroads with Joshua Phillip - BLM Activist Charged with Storming Capitol

Democrats fearful of being killed by Republicans in Congress - TimCast

Newsweek - COVID lockdowns no benefit over voluntary measures

Trump Approves National Emergency Declaration - Stafford Act

Stafford Act - National Emergencys Act - Martial Law

States Begin Activating National Guard - Military Times

Massachusetts and New Hampshire National Guard to Deploy to DC

The Hill - US Army Says Up to 25,000 US Troops in DC

Biden to Activate FEMA and National Guard for COVID Vaccines

National Guard Activated in a Dozen States - Today

National Guard Activated in 30 States

Chicago Tribune - 12 Times President Called Military in Domestically

Tim Cast IRL - My Pillow Guy Urges Trump Martial Law?

DC Worker Shows Military Check Points in City

Military Check Points to Enter and Leave City

Fox - 1/18/21 Largest Military Occupation in US History in DC

Mississippi National Guard Activated

Minesotta National Guard Activated

Oregon National Guard Activated

Alabama Guard Activated

Washington State National Guard Activated

Ohio Guard Activated

North Carolina National Guard Activated

California Guard Activated

Michigan National Guard Activated

Illinois National Guard Activated

Oklahoma National Guard Activated

Kentucky National Guard Activated

Pennsylvania National Guard Activated

DC National Guard Activated

Florida National Guard Activated

Delaware National Guard Activated

Colorado National Guard Activated

Idaho activates additional National Guard for COVID

General Mccaffrey Worried About Republican Lawmakers with Guns Assassinating Biden

Biden Takes Office, Quickly Moves to Implement Agenda

Progressive Groups Riot Continue Despite Biden Inauguration

National Guard Banished to Parking Garage DC Occupation Continues

Capitol Police Reverse National Guard Garage Decision - Military Occupation

Thousands of National Guard Forced to Leave Capitol, Parking Garage - 1/22/2021 Vid

National Guard Suspect for Being White, DC Under Military Occupation - TimPool YouTube

National Guard Corporal, Police Officer Arrested for Capitol Seige

National Guard Thrown Out Like Trash - YouTube

Pelosi asked for manned machine guns in DC - Insurrectionists - TimCast

Proud Boys Leader a Prolific Law Enforcement Informant - Reuters

30,000 National Guard in DC - Military Occupation

Pentagon Restricted National Guard Ahead of Riot

DC National Guard Cmdr Says Pentagon Took Immedate Response Authority Away

Thousands of National Guard to Remain in Capital

DC General Hands Tied Before Capitol Seige

Cotton Calls for Removal of Troops in DC

National Guard Deployment Extended Through March

Fox - Rep Massie - Troops in DC Might be Next Forever War

US Terrorism alert warns of politically motivated violence - AP

Day after inaugeration troops continue to pour into DC

Biden Regime Fears People - Troops Continue to Arrive in DC - 2/1/21

Rumble - Trump Impeachment - Communists Avoiding Facts - OAN 2/9/21

Former CIA Counter Insurgency Expert Recommends War Tactics on Domestic Extremists

Biden Ruling By Executive Order - Newsweek

TimCast - AOC Roasted for Hoax Capitol Story - Treat Americans like Terrorists

WW2 Survivor Warns of Socialism

KGB Defector Yuri Bezmenov on Ideological Subversion

Yuri Bezmenov Lecture on Ideological Subversion

Yuri Bezmenov - Call of Duty Black Ops

Operation Garden Plot Activated

Now Operation Garden Plot Unfolding

General Recommends Martial Law and Military Tribunals

REX 84 Trust Us - YouTube Video Corbett Report

Lt. General Jerry Boykin - Call to the Watchmen

Lt. General Jerry Boykin on Marxist Insurgency in America

Tucker Carlson 1/27/21 - We are under some form of martial law (3:14)

Ignored by Media: List of 20 individuals at Capitol Connected to ANTIFA

Data Expert - Enough Voter Fraud Evidence to Overturn Election

2-5-21 Tim Cast YouTube Time Magazine says Cabal Rigged 2020 Election

2/9/21 Tim Cast - Biden Suspends Trump Rules on Banning Chinese Communist Propaganda

2/11/21 Tim Cast YouTube Trump Impeachment Soviet Style Show Trial

2/15/21 - Timcast IRL - NYTimes Retracts Capitol Police Killed w Fire Extinguisher Story

2-16-21 Tim Cast NYT Lies, retracts Capitol Officer Killed by Trump Supporters Story

2-17-21 Tim Cast Biden Defends Chinese Concentration Camps

Woman FORCED into Re-Education training - Tim Cast 2/18/21

2-19-21 TimCast Democrats Media Advocate Executing Republicans Treating GOP Enemy Combatants

2-19-21 TimCast AOC New Green Deal is about Socialism, Not Climate Change

2-22-21 Tim Cast Democrats Try to Ban Conservative News

2-23-21 Tim Cast FBI Confirms Congress Under Investigation Capitol Riot - Commie Takeover

Biden Drops Trump Proposal to Track Chinese Communist Influence in Schools

Cancel Culture Dress Rehearsal for Mass Murder - YouTube

Time Magazine Admits 2020 Election Fixed - TGP - Stafford Act - COVID-19-National Guard-Governors - Biden

CBS Video - COVID Vaccination Mega Sites Open, Pentagon Activates 1,000 Troops to Assist

Democrats Using Military to Send Power Message to Americans - Fox (Video)

Democrats Mobilize US Military To Suppress Domestic Opinion - Fox Tucker Carlson

Reid Henrichs - Sheeple, Censorship and Impeachment - 2/11/21 YouTube

Blaze - Missouri County Authorizes Arrest of Feds Who Violate 2nd Amendment

National Guard in DC Hospitalized Food Poisoning

FBI - No evidence Antifa at Capitol Riot

FBI - No evidence of fake Trump supporters at Capitol?

Sidney Powell responds to SCOTUS ruling

Mitt Romney Black Eye and Stitches?

Brennan - Embarassed to be white male

Communist takeover of the United States

Trump lays out election integrity plan going forward

Michigan Senate Majority Leader: Capitol Riot Staged, Fake. Secret Recording

Serious Red Flags: BLM Leader John Sullivan Paid $35k by CNN for Footage

35 Capitol Police Under Investigation, 6 Suspended For Allowing Protestors in Capitol

Biden Plan to Keep Troops in DC through End of Year

Democrats Work on Plan with White House to crackdown on Dissent, First Amendment Rights

Supreme Court Refuses to Hear Pennsylvania Election Fraud Case

Supreme Court Failed Us. Justice Thomas's Blazing Dissent 2020 Stolen Election

Attorney Sidney Powell Responds to Supreme Court Refusal to Hear Case

Sounds Racist: McDonalds Punished for hiring too many white men

Biden and Democrats Running Scared after Stealing Election

Biden: Veterans and Former Law Enforcement Fueling White Supremacy in America

How to fight back against racist attacks on white Americans

Biden Gives China Access to Power Grid, Suddenly a Energy Crisis in Texas

Clinton Advisor Warns of Totalitarian State Under Biden

US Scientific Establishment Held Meetings with Chinese Military on Coronavirus

You were warned in advance VAGT - Dont ya just love it?

Military background checks screen groups with strong conservative ties

Trump - This Election Was Rigged, Supreme Court Did Nothing

Dan Page Preparing for Financial Collapse and Martial Law

CSM Dan Pages Warning to America
Posted by: Jimmm

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 01/07/21 03:52 PM

get that carpet bagger out of here.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 03/30/21 10:58 AM

Can a state punish its school teachers for not having a progressive ideology? That’s what Virginia’s Board of Education appears to be doing. Its newly adopted “performance standard” for teacher evaluations is whether a “teacher demonstrates a commitment to equity and provides instruction and classroom strategies that result in culturally inclusive and responsive learning environments and academic achievement for all students.”

This standard is full of vague buzzwords and ideologically-charged phrases that can be used to punish conservative teachers

So this new performance standard could easily be interpreted as requiring an ideological “commitment” separate and part from effective teaching.

But it would be very wrong for schools to require such an ideological commitment
as part of a performance standard

Virginia Ideological Litmus Test for Teachers - Communist Brainwashing

Cops Investigate Virginia Teachers for Urging Doxxing Conservative Parents Online

Video - Parents in Loudon Country Targeted By School Board Members

Caring Corrupted - The Killing Nurses of the Third Reich

FSU Cancels Class Trashing White Women

Mans skin burns, swells and peels after COVID Vaccine

CDC - More COVID vaccine deaths in 2021 than in Past Decade

Florida to take action against COVID passports

Utah woman dies after COVID 19 Vaccine

Norway: 29 die from COVID vaccine

European Nations Halt Covid Vaccine

Hagmann Report -Communist Insurgents - Military Occupation in DC

Canada sending COVID positive travelers to internment camps - fox

Facebook fact checks COVID Vaccine Side Effects Post Before Kills

"Just like the communists." Canadian Pastor Who Kicked Police Out

4-5-2021 TimCast Conservatives Win Major Legal Battle

74 million Americans, 22% of population vaccinated COVID-19 by January 2021

CDC - 20% of Americans Fully Vaccinated against COVID-19

FDA halts Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine - Rare Blood Clot Disorder

6.8 million Johnson & Johnson COVID19 Vaccines Administered

At least 5,800 Fully vaccinated Americans get COVID-19, 74 dead

Russian bounties propaganda admitted to be fake news

Chaos in Antifa ranks - Snitches to police on Arsonist

Communists attempting to pack Supreme Court

CNN admits helping BLM, implicating white people

UK: police arrest man violating quarantine rules

Bidens UN ambassador trashes America

China simulates attack on US aircraft carrier

Rioters in Minnesota using whites as human shields

Fauci warns women about blood clots with J and J vaccine

Democrat Terrorists Torch Portland Police Union

BLM Break into Ohio Police Station

BLM mob surrounds Brooklyn Center Police Department

CNN admits propaganda to remove Trump from presidency

Fox - Tim Pool on big tech leftist Democrat Power Grab

4-14-21 Tim Cast - BLM Million Dollar Home Stories White supremacy

4-1-4-21 Timcast Abolish Police Insanity from Democrats

4-14-21 Timcast - Project Veritas Exposes CNN Leftist Propaganda

4-15 -21 Tim Cast - CNN Admits Using Covid Deaths to Prop up Ratings

BLM ANTIFA Assault Man, Communist Goon Squad Arrest Man

Cuomo: White Peoples Children Need to Be Killed Gun Reform

US funded Chinese BioLabs

Michigan Governor Vacationed Florida During Lockdown

CDC passing out VaX cards in Aug 2020

Capitol Officer Suffered Strokes, Died of Natural Causes. Not Trump Supporters

BLM Tell Whites to Get Out

Commie Democrats Circle Wagons to Protect Maxine Waters

National Guard Moves in to Prepare for Democrat Mayhem

Commie Leftist Democrat Social Justice: Whites Need to Feel Hurt/Pain

USPS Spying on Conservative Americans Trolling Social Media

More on USPS Spying on Americans - List of Wall Donors

Timcast - 4-21-21 Teacher Forced Refer to Student Fersona Name

4-21 Tim Cast Democrats Refuse Censor Maxine Waters - Encouraging Riots

Timcast 4-21 Democrats Defend Child Knife Fights

TRex - Task Force Phoenix

Security Body Slams Man Not Wearing Mask

Stanford: Masks ineffective Covid 19, cause illness premature death

2nd study from CDC website confirms Standford - Masks Harmful

CDC Probes New Death After J & J Vaccine Shot

Military families STILL on lockdown after 5 months

77 inmates given overdoses of COVID19 vaccine

Mentally handicapped forced to take covid vaccine

Former VT Soccer Player Sues, Kicked Off Refusing Kneel

CA National Guard Jet Domestic Mission Anti-Lockdown Protestors

TimCast - 4/25 - Canadian Dad Arrested Not Using Own Childs Pronouns

COVID vaccines could trigger neurological diseases

Man develops blood clot after taking J & J COVID Vaccine

4-29-21 Tim Cast - Communists Plan to Dissolve Police Departments

Communist Extremists at VCU

Thousands: Women, menstruation problems, Covid 19 vaccine complications

Leftist indoctrination in schools exposed

Tennesse woman paralyzed after 2nd COVID shot

Communists March Through Austin

Teacher fired refusing indoctrinate students, principle admits anti white curriculum

Nurse fired for refusing COVID 19 vaccine

Doctor Warns COVID Vaccine Killing Huge Numbers

Spy plane circling Arizona building Election Audit

THE BIG LIE - President Trump Labels Fraudulent 2020 Election

Republican Virgina Gov Candidate Teams up With Anti-Police BLM Dem

BLM militants draw AK47s, AR15s on motorists

Arizona Audit Direction - Dominion Refuses to Turn Over Passwords after Subpoena

Smoking Gun Email - Proof of Ballot Harvesting

Where did these votes come from? - Trump

57 Doctors and Professionals Call for Halt of COVID Vaccine Program

Stop programming kids to be socialists, NC LT. Gov hammers public schools

Timcast - 5/8/21 - Cops arrest people for nothing, Conservatives Are the Enemy

Communists: Want to take off mask? Get vaccine.

Heres how you know the communists stole the 2020 election

Bannon: We are not going to stop, the election fraud will come out

Trump - Intentionally switched votes, the number is massive.

flashback:CDC faulty data push mail in voting to get rid of Trump

Stunning Testimony Arizona Election Worker Private Company Scanning oFf Site

Texas Cops Allow BLM Brandish, Illegal Block Traffic

Evidence Dr. Fauci funding Chinas PLA Biological Warfare Research

French Soldiers - We are talking about survival of our country

Rep. Gosar - Who executed Ashli Babbit?

Emergency Motion - Cancer Patient Contracts Covid in Jail Capitol Protest

Florida Declares State of Emergency Gasoline Shortage

Gas stations in South East Run Out of Gas

Colonial Gas Pipe Shortage Widens State by State

Doctor Warns of COVID Vaccine - More Deaths last 20 years Vaccines

May 11 - TimCast - Citizens Attack Police - Revolution

Black Parents Blast Virginia School Board - Critical Race Theory

Direct link Pentagon Chinese Military Virus Research Funding

MTG calls investigation Pelosi denying National Guard at Capitol

Biden - Get Vaccine or Wear Mask forever

Dominion refuses to turn over passwords - Hiding?

Arizona voting files deleted

Brooklyn Hate Crime Against Conservative Christian Americans

Leftists Mask Cultist Lose it After CDC Lifts Mask Mandate

NY School requiring vaccination to attend prom, graduation

Michigan School to Charge Unvaccinated Students Prom

Fauci Funded Research Led to Chinese Military Patents

Space Force Commander Decries Marxism in Military

Trump hater Handler suffers effects from 2nd Covid vaccine

Communists Delete Doc Saying COVID Vaccine Has Killed More

Did Dominion delete Arizona voting files?

China declares it is now ready to defeat the US

Trump: 2020 election will go down as crime of the century

Eric Clapton bad reaction to COVID vaccine

CDC Director admits COVID cases hugely over counted

NYT admits Steele Dossier was lie

Czar Biden - Unvaccinated will pay the price

Bloomberg -Long list of calamities commodities recent months

Eric Clapton Blames Propaganda for Overstating Safety of Covid Vaccine

Pennsylvania county unable to scan republican votes

CCP: China won biological war against US in 2020

Neo Marxism Taking Over the Military?

Unhappy White Liberals Ruin Loudoun County, Virginia

CDC - Only 6% of all COVID Deaths caused only by COVID - Comorbidities

Biden cites Mao at Coast Guard Graduation

Feds using far left groups in Pentagon working group

Papers please - proof vaccination required enter businesses Oregon unmasked

Nobel Prize Winner - Vaccine is creating Variants

Georgia judge calls for forensic audit of votes

Communist meltsdown over Arizona vote audit

Georgia judge disagrees with Commie Georgia ballot stuffing

Georgia Judge Orders 145,000 Ballots Scanned

This is the nature of communism - Historian Democrats Jan. 6 lies

Hagmann - 5-17-2021 Cage Fight Marxist Ahead

Sunday School Teacher Arrested School Board Meeting Now Wearing Mask

CDC manipulating data among new cases of covid in vaccinated

Indiana man on bond rip toddler heart in half

Rat in trap - Fauci admits covid might lab, funding Chinese labs

Senator Cotton - Experts covering tracks (Fauci)

CDC investigating Teen heart problems COVID Vaccine

Bill Gates Briefing to CIA - Use Vaccines to Change Peoples Brain Function

BLM Activist Shot in Head UK

First man in UK to get COVID Vaccine Dies of Stroke

For those interested in learning more:

Marxism in America - Lt. General Jerry Boykin

WW2 Survivor Warns of Socialism and Gun Control

Yuri Bezmenov - Ideological Subversion

Former KGB Subversion Expert Yuri Bezmenov Interview

More Deadly Than War - G. Edward Griffin

CSM Dan Pages Warning to America
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 05/01/21 08:49 PM

Tuesday, May 11, 2021 Online Event

Trevor Loudon is an author, filmmaker and public speaker from Christchurch, New Zealand. For more than 30 years, he has researched radical left, Marxist and terrorist movements and their covert influence on mainstream politics.

In this talk, Trevor will discuss how a pro-Communist China, radical leftist group called New Virginia Majority (NVM) moved Virginia from a red to a blue state in 10 years.

Learn NVM's aggressive voter registration tactics, including their successful push for the granting of voter rights to felons. Additionally, hear about NVM's ties to the Northam and McAuliffe administrations, their relationship to Virginia's Antifa presence, and their plans to similarly take over "purple" states like North Carolina and Georgia.

New Virginia Majority: How China Backed American Communists Turned Virginia Blue

For those interested in learning more:

YouTube - Chinese Communist Front Flips Virginia Blue

New American: Pro Chinese Communists Helped Illegally Flip Virginia Blue

Virginia Goes Blue: Pro China Communists Claim Credit
Posted by: YoursPal

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 05/03/21 05:46 PM

So, patriots have their work cut out for them. Organized, well-thought-out action — such as that provided by this magazine’s parent organization, The John Birch Society, is what is needed if the Republic is to survive. Loudon also believes that legal action is needed and is warranted. “I think there’s a case that we’ve got to stop them doing what they’re doing by investigating for foreign connections,” he said, adding, “Because I believe they are working in the interest of foreign powers. I believe firmly that what they are doing is illegal.”

The whole thing was an ad for Birchers. Come on!
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 05/11/21 05:58 PM

A radical, pro-China group is trying to turn Virginia permanently blue.

About this event

Trevor Loudon is an author, filmmaker and public speaker from Christchurch, New Zealand. For more than 30 years, he has researched radical left, Marxist and terrorist movements and their covert influence on mainstream politics.

In this talk, Trevor will discuss how a pro-Communist China, radical leftist group called New Virginia Majority (NVM) moved Virginia from a red to a blue state in 10 years.

Date and time: Tonight.

Tue, May 11, 2021, 7:00 PM EDT

The Virginia Project

For those interested in learning more:

The New American’s Christian Gomez interviews anticommunist author and researcher Trevor Loudon about his recent article published by The Epoch Times entitled, “Virginia Goes Blue: Pro-China Communists Claim Credit.”

Chinese Communist Front Flips Virginia Blue - YouTube
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 05/12/21 10:05 PM

If you missed our shocking presentation with Trevor Loudon last night, check it out.

This is MUST UNDERSTAND material for GOP side strategy in Virginia.

In this talk, Trevor will discuss how a pro-Communist China, radical leftist group called New Virginia Majority (NVM) moved Virginia from a red to a blue state in 10 years.

Learn NVM's aggressive voter registration tactics, including their successful push for the granting of voter rights to felons. Additionally, hear about NVM's ties to the Northam and McAuliffe administrations, their relationship to Virginia's Antifa presence, and their plans to similarly take over "purple" states like North Carolina and Georgia.

May 11th, 2021 The Virginia Project - Trevor Loudon

For those interested in more information:

Bongino - Creeping Totalitarianism is Here

The Epoch Times - How to Save America from Socialism

Professor - Critical Race Theory - Build Church of Marxism

COVID Vaccine May Lead to NeuroDegenerative Disease

Punk Rock Concert - $18 for Vaccinated Fans, $1000 Unvaccinated

Sidney Powell on Trump Re-Instatement as President

Dr. 2 minute breakdown on Chinese COVID Origins

Georigia Alarm Went off Voting Building

Black Power Armed Militia Communist Wealth Redistribution

Polish Immigrant Escaped Communism Followed Undecover Police, Arrested

Black Supremacists - Come a time we kill everything white in sight

Tim Cast 5 -31-21 Ret. General Calls for Military Coup in US

Targeted: Biden absurdly claims White Supremacy bigger threat than ISIS

6-1-21 TimCast US Food Infrastructure Hacked

6-1-21 TimCast - US Infrastructure Under Attack

Doctor Sounds Alarm on COVID Vaccine - Protein Spike

Fauci Email - I do not recommend you wear a mask.

Emails Show Fauci Ignored Warnings Over Chinas Fake COVID Data

How Barr and Wray Blocked Trump Efforts To Go After Antifa

Antifa Beats Journalists Like True Fascists That They Are

Great Reset Happening, People Own Nothing, Liberals Happy About It

TimCast - 6/3/21 Biden Seeks to Fire Fauci amid email scandal?

White House Defends Fauci

Trump - China should be $10 Trillion Dollars to US For COVID

Pulitzer - Voting Code Rigged in US Unethical Rule

NC County Fights Back - Bans Coke Machines

Gov Slow Rolled FOIA Request - Fauci Reviewed Email Release

Chinese Proxy Army BLM Loots American Businesses

Lindell lawshit Dominion Weaponizing Court System Election Fraud

3 Republican Senate Seats Coming Back After Election Audit

6-4-21 Tim Cast China Threatens US W/ Nuclear War Covid

Communists Offer Guns, Beer and Doughnuts to Get COVID Vaccine

United Nations and US Facebook Execs Conspired 2020 US Election

NC House Members Request Access to Voting Machines

Every State Should be Audited - CA 3,000 Votes Empty Door Room

Trump - Taking back White House Sooner than you Think

Trump Demands Reparations from China over Covid

Chinese Bioweapon Hatchery and US Collaborators

Obama Officials + Gain of Function Research + COVID Lab Denial

Higher Than Expected Heart Problems in Young Vaccinated for COVID

6-9-21 Tim Cast - Democrats Mandating Vaccines Dividing Country

Canada - Firearm and ammo shipments abruptly cut off

Prelude to Genocide - Medical Journal Labels Whiteness a Parasitic Medical Condition

China paying US Media to Propagandize Americans

Passengers on first all vaccinated cruise ship test positive for COVID

fully vaccinated man dies of COVID

Stop Acting So White - TiborasaurusRex

Commies Threaten To Charge Audit Crew to Cover Up Election Theft

Fox - Tucker - Commie Dems Trying to Control Reality Itself

Shocking Jump in Vaccine Related Deaths - CDC linked Tracking

Bannon to AG Garland - You're the ones going to face criminal charges

FDA - Johnson & Johnson Dump 60 million Tainted Vaccine Doses

Remember your Jihad - Virginia High School Graduation Islamic Activists

Oracle Engineer Developed Corona Tracking Dies 2 Months after Vaccine

CDC plans emergency meeting over COVID Vaccine Side Effects

Trump Statement DOJ Threats Arizona Audit: They know what was done.

Did the United Nations interfere with US Election?

Florida judges rule mask mandate unconstitutional

Woman shot dead for telling man to wear mask

CDC - vaccine link heart inflammation more serious prev. thought

HUGE! - Revolver News Breaks Story Deep State Plants Jan. 6 - Planned?

Rep. Brooks Devastates Chinese Communist in Media

Putin - Did You Order Assassination of Ashley Babbit?

WAPO - Tucker Carlson Theory on FBI Organizing Jan. 6

6-16-21 Tim Cast - Critical Race Theory, Media, Real World Violence

Timcast - 6/16/21 - Lockdowns Prove How Fast Cops Turn on Public

Multiple Individuals Multiple Ballots Through GA Machine - Cops Do Nothing

OathKeepers - "Dems" Using Jan. 6 Like Nazis Used Reichstag Fire

4 British Airways Pilots Die - No Vaccine Link?

Experimented On - Vaccine Spikes Damage Placenta

McCloskeys Plead Guilty, Forfeit Firearms

6-18-21 TimCast - Conservatives Refuse to Fight Back

It was a Voter Fraud factory - Georgia

Democrat Narrative - Jan. 6 organized by everyone but FBI

IRS - Christian Teachings Synonymous with GOP Republicans

Green Beret - Scores of people contacted by FBI to infiltrate patriot groups

Senator - They are Suppressing Truth on Vaccine Related Deaths

CDC trashed data on autism vaccine link in AA boys

Danger - US Military Has Gone Woke

N. Korean Defector Compares Ivy League Schools to Communist Regimes

Bannon - Fauci a running dog for the Chinese Communist Party

TimCast - Mass Shooter Targets Whites, Police Refuse BLM Riot Calls

VP Harris Tells Left Wing Activists to Harass Unvaccinated at Home

4000 test positive for Coronavirus after Vaccine in MA

Australia bans Marxist critical race theory

There is only 1 party - Bannon goes off on RNC

Americas Greatest Problem? - Pageant Contestant Torches Left

Tim Cast 6/22/21 Google Exposed Funding Virus Research Wuhan

Loudon, Virginia School Board - Parents Arrested Protesting Critical Race Theory

FBI is Greatest Domestic Terrorist Threat in the US Today

Iowa school system - MAGA is form of White Supremacy and Racism

S1 Elections Bill - Democrats Try to Legalize Cheating - Destroy USA

Who were the FBI infiltrators on Jan. 6?

Fox - Brace Yourselves WHO/UN Sponsored Climate Change Lockdowns

mRNA inventor - Those who got COVID Vaccine will cause more serious pandemic

University of Minnesota - Ferret Liver Damage from Vaccine and SARS-COV

Unhinged committed communists in US Military - Jan. 6

mRNA inventor - Government not being honest about vaccine safety

6/24/2021 Tim Cast - US General Blames White Rage for Jan. 6

Socialism Takes Over Buffalo New York - Angry Cops

Biden - You will need Nukes to take on Government - Threat

6-25-21 Biden Gives Putin List of Critical Infrasture in US

McaFee wife says he wasn't suicidal

Explosive - Pennsylvania and Georgia colluded to steal 2020 election

University of Oklahoma Professors trained to indoctrinate students

US Military - Socialism Represents Terrorist Ideology 'Neo-Nazis'

Virginia Library Invites Children to Drag Queen Hour

Tucker: CRT will destroy military - Fox

Censored by Media: More Patients in Hospitals for Vaccine than COVID

Whats really going on: BLM Nominee Population Reduction Supporter

Patriot Nurse - The Real Communist Revolution is Health Care

Marxism at University of Texas Nursing School

FDA adds Heart Inflamation Warning to Covid Vaccine

Shocking! Anti-White, Anti-American, Marxist Curriculum in Public Schools

There is Only One Party - Secret Gun Control Negotiations in Senate

Senator Johnson Hearing: COVID Vaccine Shatters Teens Life

Commie POS - NJ Gov. Heckled in NY

6/29/21 - TimCast - Trump Supporter Warns CNN Civil War

6-30-21 Tim Cast - Judge Sentences Men to Vaccination

7-2-21 Tim Cast - China Caught Building Over 100 Nuke Silos

7-2-21 TimCast - Facebook asks users to snitch on "extremists"

Black Militia Group Shuts Down MA Highway

General Walker Resigned Over Conservative Material, Milley Should Do the Same Over CRT

DC Police Attacked Trump Supporters Jan. 6 - Coverup

Trump - Who is controlling Biden? - China

Brainwashing Your Kids - Teachers Union Critical Race Theory All 50 States

Mandatory Vaccines Army

Both Accredited Audit Labs "Forgot" To Audit Something - Election

Treason: Bidens Lies - Puppet or Propagandist? Reid Henrichs

Live Not By Lies - A warning to America

7-5-21 TimCast - Democrats Come Out Against July 4, American Flag

Rep. Massie - All-Volunteer Army Will Quit - Forced Vaccination

13-year old Michigan Boy Dies After COVID Vaccine

Democrat President Biden - Vaccination is Patriotic

Texas Wamart Shoppers Sing National Anthem

Science expert exposed as communist live on air - Masks-Lockdowns

7-6-21 TimCast Teachers Union Admits Teaching Critical Race Theory

COVID Vaccine Victims Demand Answers

7-6-21 TimCast Democrats Push for Nationalized Police

The Green Beret Who Hated Communists

NSA Spying on Tucker Carlson - Fox

Haiti President Assassinated

All Vaccinated People Will Be Dead Within 2 Years - RairFoundation

Why you should stay out of the hospital system - Patriot Nurse

COVID Vaccine now Top 50 Cause of Death in US

Communist Chinese Infiltrate All Levels of American Education

Communist Insurgency Based on Victimhood Narrative

VAGT - Bring Back SB - Mods Doxed - Marxism Explained

VAGT - Vaccinated Israeli Student Catches COVID from Vaccinated Family Member - Infects 83

VAGT - Scientific Socialism - Science "Expert" Exposed as Communist Live on Air
Posted by: SeaCoaster

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 05/20/21 02:09 PM

Information Warfare”

Today’s Show with Lt Col Matthew Lohmeier = Awesome

Critical Race Theory is 'Fundamentally Transforming' Military, Teaching Hatred of Constitution



Video :

Another sample :
The American Generals Speak (w/ Gaffney, LG Boykin, MG Harrell, BG Bolduc)
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 05/22/21 12:29 PM

Hi Sea,
Those are all excellent contributions to the thread and you are of course welcome to post here anytime. We need more SeaCoaster's at this website imho. In particular, the link to Steve Bannon's show with Lt. General Jerry Boykin is quite relevant to this thread and is in fact making the rounds all over conservative social media.

"Because I ran the special operation school...and we sent our men out of that school understanding Marxism and understanding what a Marxist revolution looks like." - Lt. General Jerry Boykin

"This Marxist movement in America is real and you cannot deny it anymore." - Lt. General Jerry Boykin

Bannon's War Room - Great American Generals Speak (11:18)

At approximately the 1 hour and 3 minute (1:03) mark of the Hagmann Report, Lt. General Jerry Boykins warning about the Marxist revolution unfolding in America with Bannon is discussed.

Rumble - A Cage Fight Against the Marxists is Just Ahead

The discussion with John Moore begins at approximately the 21:15 mark, well worth your time to sit down and listen to these two great Americans talk about the state of our great nation.

An Open Letter from Retired Generals and Admirals

Our Nation is in deep peril. We are in a fight for our survival as a Constitutional Republic like no other
time since our founding in 1776. The conflict is between supporters of Socialism and Marxism vs.
supporters of Constitutional freedom and liberty

During the 2020 election an “Open Letter from Senior Military Leaders” was signed by 317 retired
Generals and Admirals and, it said the 2020 election could be the most important election since our
country was founded. “With the Democrat Party welcoming Socialists and Marxists, our historic way of
life is at stake. Unfortunately, that statement’s truth was quickly revealed, beginning with the election
process itself.

Without fair and honest elections that accurately reflect the “will of the people” our Constitutional
Republic is lost...

Open Letter From Retired Generals and Admirals

For those interested in learning more: - John Moore Website

Lt. General Jerry Boykin - Marxist Insurgency in America

WWII Survivor Warns Against Socialism and Gun Control

Former KGB Officer Yuri Bezmenov - Ideological Subversion

Yuri Bezmenov Interview - G. Edward Griffin

More Deadly Than War - G. Edward Griffin

The Call to the Watchmen - Lt. Gen Jerry Boykin

Preparing for Financial Collapse and Martial Law

CSM Dan Pages Warning to America
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 07/01/21 07:29 PM

Japanese Official Warns - Potential Surprise Attack on Hawaii by China & Russia

For those interested in more information:

Boeing 737 Goes Down - Hawaii

Russian Spy Ship - Hawaii

Japan warns of Pearl Harbor type Attack by Russia and China

Biden Regime to Monitor Private Communications, SMS Carriers to Dispel COVID Vaccine Misinfo

FDA adding new warning to J&J Vaccine - Autoimmune

Order of Armed Conflict Against Cuban Citizens Ordered - Valor Ridge

4 African Leaders Dead - Reuters - Opposing COVID Vaccine

US Doctor Held In Haiti President Assassination

CNN Blames Trump for Cuba Protests Against Marxist Regime

Mayhem in South Africa - Militia Deployed Former Pres. Jailed

Capitol Police to use Military Surveillance on Citizens

7-13-21 TimCast - South Africa Collapsing

Shock Report - More COVID Vaccine Deaths than COVID Deaths Last Week

China forces US warships out of disputed seas

It was a set up: FBI used atleast 12 informants in Governor Kidnap Plot

60% reported error in Georgia - Thousands of Illegitimate Biden Votes

Texas House Votes to Send LE to Arrest Communist Lawmakers Who Fled State

US Military moving Illegal Aliens Around Country

"Democrats" Invite United Nations to US

State Department Invites UN to US

Denver Black Lives Matter 63 Counts Abuse Children Resumes School Board

Michigan Voting Machines Subverted

72 Dead South Africa

Jones Calls For Georgia Governor Resignation Fraudulent Elections

White House Refuses to Condemn Communism

Chicago Public Schools Condoms 5th Graders

Cyber Pandemic 2021 Worldwide Drill Underway

Lightning Hits George Floyd Mural

Biden Door to Door Vaccine Push - Lie About Vaccine Side Effects

North Carolina Door to Door Vaccine Program Begins

Arizona Voter Fraud Woman Arrested

California Doc Arrested "Misinformation" about Vaccines

TimCast 7-15-21 Communists Open Fire on Peaceful Protesters in Cuba

Virginia: PTA/NAACP Official on Anti-CRT Parents - Let them Die

UK: Vaccinated make up 47% of new COVID cases

121 dead in South Africa - Gun Owners, Militias save communities

Stunning - Watch how media portrayed 1976 swine flu vaccine adverse events

2nd week in row - COVID Vaccine Deaths Out Pace COVID Deaths

Papers Please - Medical Record History Stored Under Skin with Vaccine Delivery

7-18-21 TimCast - Importance of Local Politics

Society Breaking Down - TimCast - 7-18-21 Leftist Support Child Strippers

Phillip Anderson - Capitol Police Killed Rosanne Boyland

MTG blasts Communist Democrat Party

49 fully vaccinated people die from covid in New Jersey

Travel restrictions for Americans entering Canada S. Border Open

Israel - 84% of new covid cases vaccinated people

Michigan counties likely to erase voting data

St. Louis reimposes mask mandate regardless of vax status

Alabama Gov dehumanizes unvaxxed

Trump - At some point people wont take it anymore

More evidence Chinese military leaked COVID

Liberal Media wants to "deprogram" Trump supporters

Thousands protest Italy HealthPass Mandate

CDC quiety deletes 6,000 COVID vaccine deaths - Caught

Elections committee sued for allowing Internet Access to Machines

7 Fully Vaxxed Students Test Positive for COVID - Symtomatic

Gates Foundation Vaccine Deaths - .edu

Afghan "Refugee's" Arrive in Virginia - Vaxxinated by FEMA

Posted by: SeaCoaster

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 07/07/21 12:10 PM

Video Uncovered of China Professor Claiming US Elites Teamed Up with China to Take Control of America

If you step back and think about it, this is exactly what has happened. China dropped a COVID bomb a year before the 2020 Election. The medical elites in the government teamed up with radical governors to shut down commerce in the US. Before this, the US was enjoying its best economy ever but China was the opposite, watching businesses leave their country and their economy failing.

China needed a change. President Trump’s policies put the US first in nearly every way. China needed to continue to steal fast-changing technologies in the West and the US was forcing companies to move out of China and to other places, including the US.

Di is vice dean at Renmin University’s School of International Relations. He is also vice director and secretary of the Center for Foreign Strategic Studies in China, a think tank at Renmin. His ties with the Chinese establishment run deep. One well-placed Chinese source told Revolver that Di serves as an informal advisor at the highest levels of Chinese government, with a direct line to President Xi.

Found on these Patriotic sites:
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 07/07/21 02:11 PM

Only by using non-destructive weapons that can kill many people will we be able to reserve America for ourselves. There has been rapid development of modern biological technology, and new bio weapons have been invented one after another. Of course we have not been idle; in the past years we have seized the opportunity to master weapons of this kind. We are capable of achieving our purpose of “cleaning up” America all of a sudden. When Comrade Xiaoping was still with us, the Party Central Committee had the perspicacity to make the right decision not to develop aircraft carrier groups and focus instead on developing lethal weapons that can eliminate mass populations of the enemy country.

From a humanitarian perspective, we should issue a warning to the American people and persuade them to leave America and leave the land they have lived in to the Chinese people. Or at least they should leave half of the United States to be China’s colony, because America was first discovered by the Chinese. But would this work? If this strategy does not work, then there is only one choice left to us. That is, use decisive means to “clean up” America, and reserve America for our use in a moment. Our historical experience has proven that as long as we make it happen, nobody in the world can do anything about us. Furthermore, if the United States as the leader is gone, then other enemies have to surrender to us.

Bioweapons are unprecedented in their ruthlessness, but if the Americans do not die then the Chinese have to die. If the Chinese people are strapped to the present land, a total societal collapse is bound to take place.

Chinese Defense Minister Speech -

For those interested in more information:

Hagmann Report 3/30/20 - Are we being set up for Invasion? (14:10) (27:15)

Russia, China, Iran Warn US Not to Intervene in Cuba

Japanese Official Warns US of Potential Surprise Hawaii Attack - Russia China
Posted by: imaduckin

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 07/07/21 03:32 PM

i heard from my 2nd cousins 3rd brother on my mommas side who heard it from their neighbors sister that russia was gonna blow up the shout box, jus sayin newpm
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 08/30/21 07:33 PM

For those interested in more information:

Command Sgt Major Dan Pages Warning to America

Jan 2021 - 25,000 Troops in DC - ABC

100,000 Afghans Seek US Resettlement

Operation Garden Plot Unfolding Now

FEMA vaccinating Afghans

Operation Garden Plot

More Afghans Coming to Virginia

Marxist Insurgency - Jerry Boykin

The Call to the Watchmen - Lt. General Jerry Boykin
Posted by: warwiz SCAMMER BANNED

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 10/08/21 12:05 AM

Thanks .....I read 2 of these links and had to step away....I'll read the rest later....We're getting too cozy with the UN as far as protecting our citizens go.....Unlike some of these other podunk countries around the world, we have a Constitution that has safeguards in it for citizens to protect ourselves But you already knew that. In all seriousness, thanks for your information.
Posted by: 46drew

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 10/19/21 10:17 PM

Thanks for sharing something that I already had a pretty good idea of what was going on.
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 11/03/21 02:32 AM

NBC and NY Times Call Virginia for Republican Youngkin

Republicans Win big in Virginia, gain seats in House - Red Wave

Are they waiting for 3 am suitcases? - Dems Wont Concede

Bannon - Radicals are wounded, cornered animals

CNN claims Reps win in Virginia because of Racist Dog Whistles

It's a bloodbath - Dems Melt Down after Republican Sweep in Virginia

Lawmakers denied entry DC Gitmo - Political Prisoners

Fox - WAPO Victim Shaming Virginia High School Rape Case

Gender Fluid Virginia High School Rape - SuperIntendent Lied Knowledge

Fox - Critical Race Theory Taught in Va Schools

Will Critical Race Theory Hurt Terry McAuliffe

China urging citizens to stock up on supplies - War on the horizon?

Marxists in shock in Long Island - Republicans win big

1 year ago - Virginia Election Stolen - 300,000 Ballots Overnight

61.6% Unemployment in US

Ireland Vaccinating into pandemic - High Infection Rate despite high vax rate

Let's Go Brandon - TimPool

TimCast IRL - Red Wave - YouTube

You don't beat China by Whining - Rex (YouTube)

TimPool - Communists Insane Vaccine Mandate is Here - YouTube

Patriot Nurse - Land of the Free? Only if We're Brave. (video)

Triple Vaxxed Doctor Gets Omicron Variant of COVID, Passes On To Another

No jab, no food. - Canada

School admits calling FBI on parents

3 kids die, 120 hospitalized - Pfizer vaccine - Vietnam

NY Gov. mask mandate - Criminal Penalties, $1,000 Fine for Violators

Still births rampant among fully vaccinated mothers

80% Omicron COVID-19 Variant Fully Vaccinated, 30% with Booster Shot

NY Times Editor Dies 24 Hours After Moderna Booster Shot

Marines reject 3,000 Religious Exemptions for COVID shots

Depopulation by Vaccination - TGP
Posted by: SeaCoaster

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 11/12/21 01:35 PM

<<— This will Help —>>
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 01/06/22 10:15 AM

VAERS Website: Over 1 Million Adverse Reactions to Vaccines, 21,000 Dead for year 2021

President Trump - Its the beginning of Communism - Censorship

California extends statewide mandate

Texas sues over military vaccine mandate

Patriots speak out from inside DC Gitmo - Jan. 6

Jan. 6th Remembered - BLM Antifa Damages

Democrats and Media Obsessed with Jan. 6th

CDC Director Admits Vast Majority of Covid Deaths Had 4 Comorbidities - Sick Anyway

Premeditated manslaughter of millions of people - Project Veritas Bombshell

Pentagon Papers - COVID is bioweapon developed in China, paid for by US Scientists

Reuters: 108 Soccer Player Deaths Not Related to Covid Vaccine?

Baseball player dies unexpectedly

Fully vaxxed W. Va Gov Extremely Unwell

UK: More Vax Deaths than Unvaxxed Deaths in last 3 months

CDC withdrawls use & admits PCR tests cant differentiate between Flu and Covid

National Guard Activated Substitute Teach New Mexico

Martial Law - Canada - Trucker Protest

Martial Law - Canada - Tucker Carlson - Fox

Biden Extends National Emergency Declaration - No End Date

CDC & Pfizer Issue Warning Over Blood Clots - Vaccine

Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 03/07/22 03:50 PM

Ukraine Parliament Member to Fox News: Fighting for New World Order

COVID and the New World Order -

The New World Order Biden Will Inherit

Florida Dept. of Health Recommends Against COVID Vax for Healthy Kids

Thank a Democrat - Gas Soars to Near Record HIgh $4.06

Hundreds of Media Companies Paid to Support Vaccines

Fighting is in Ukraine, Risk of WW3 is Real

Ukraine Working on Biological Weapons Near Russian Border?

US Brought Pure Nazis to Power in Ukraine: Russia at UN

US votes against anti-Nazi resolution at UN

Pfizer Vaccine has 1291 Side Effects - Official Documents

84% Increase in Death Among Millenials - Worst in History

Confirmed: Excess deaths among millennial's since Vaccine mandate enacted

High Number Rapid Tests Recalled - False Positives

Judge Blocks Air Force Punishing Vaccine Refusal

Army Captain Placed in Mental Hospital - Accused General Pushing Illegal Vaccine

Vaccines Causing Large Number of Deaths - Doctor

US Restricts Johnson & Johnson COVID Vaccine - Blood Clot Risk
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 03/22/22 12:45 AM

Not long ago, the Virginia communists in the shoutbox were once again being rude to me for not going along with the propaganda being espoused by the mainstream media. I was mocked for telling these people that the cause they all stand behind, Ukraine, was being orchestrated by those with anti-American interests. Much like with this thread, where I warned the forum (and world) about the threat of communism years before it actually surfaced, I was treated poorly. Threats were even made (again).

Well, it didn't take long for those Virginia communists to once again find themselves sitting behind their monitors with egg on their face.

And now is a time when things are shifting. We’re going to — there’s going to be a new world order out there, and we’ve got to lead it. And we’ve got to unite the rest of the free world in doing it.

President Joe Biden - White

Biden New World Order Remark Goes Viral

Study: Unvaxxed lowest positivity rate for COVID
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 07/10/22 06:29 PM


Baby formula shortage

Abortion protest continue after Supreme Court Ends Roe

Mysterious Explosion Georgia Guidestones

Natural Gas Explosion Oklahoma

Food facility fires: Whats really going on?

Fires, plane crashes and explosions shut down TWO DOZEN US Food Processing Centers

Reuters: Processing Plant Fires Are Not Part of a Conspiracy

Fires at food processing plants raise concern - EpochTimes

Freeport Terminal Explosion - 450 foot fireball

Command Sgt. Major Dan Pages Warning to America
Posted by: lue-jones

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 09/02/22 08:12 PM

Tucker Carlson - Biden Crosses into Dangerous Place

Rancid Biden Speech Attacking Americans While Flanked by US Marines

Hellish Red Background - Biden Speech

Blood Red Lighting Backdrop - Biden Speech

CNN Anchor Hits Biden for having Marines Behind Him - Anti-MAGA Speech

Biden Slams Republicans in Soul of a Nation Speech

MAGA Republicans-Existential Threat - Biden Speech

Kill Confront MAGA - Vance Responds to Tim Ryan

White House Defends Presence of Marines

FBI Raid President Trump Home

Steve Bannon - 35 MAGA Allies Raided on day of Indictment

How much Democrat corruption and destructioin will America take? - Trump

50 Marthas Vineyard migrants moved to military base

Rex 84 - Operation Cable Splicer

Allies Evacuate Resettle Afghans Who Worked with NATO

DHS Didnt Properly Vet Afghan Refugees

FEMA vaccinated Afghans Arrive in Virginia

100,000 Afghans Seeking Evacuation to United States

More Afghans Coming to Virginia

Ukraine War Domestic Political Issue for Biden

100,000 Ukrainian Refugees Resettled in US

Ukrainian Super Soldiers

Democrats $40 Billion Aide to Ukraine

$1 Billion in Arms to Ukraine

$400 Million in Arms to Ukraine

Savage Arms Rifles in Ukraine

Fox - Against Russia, Ukraine Loses War of Attrition

Ukraine Ordered Them to Evacuate

Zelenski Orders Evacuation

Ukraine Conflict - What is NATO

14 Mexican Soldiers Detained El Paso

Standoff Involved Men in Mexican Military Uniforms

High Caliber Gun Fire Sends Border Patrol Scrambling

Americans See Invasion at Border

Ideological Subversion - Civil War or Invasion

MSNBC Historian Compares Biden Speech to Lincoln Civil War Speech

2A Community Infiltrated by Communists - TiborasaurusRex

Marxist Insurgency - Lt. General Jerry Boykin - Constabulary Force

Black Lives Matter Teams Up With Chinese Ad. Group

Hundreds of Thousands Died from Covid Misinformation

The Federalist - Operation Garden Plot

Operation Garden Plot - VAGT Thread 2019

Bus Chinese Covid Prisoners to Quarantine Camps Crashes - Frightening

Operation Garden Plot Activated

Operation Garden Plot - Unfolding Now

Martial Law Rex 84 - YouTube

Command Sgt. Major Dan Pages Warning to America

Posted by: Tyronyglock40man

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 10/12/22 07:53 AM

Democrat : communist
Posted by: Agent19

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 10/14/22 02:55 PM

Originally Posted By: Tonyglock40man
Democrat : communist
Posted by: Agent19

Re: Communism in the United States Today - 10/14/22 02:58 PM