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7 registered (guns85, Paddy, pathbug, Racin Junkie, Colombo45, TJ7, 1 invisible), 7 Guests and 1 Spider online.
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Profile for jjx
Member #:   72544   Online
Title:   Pea shooter  
Total Posts:   0  
Registered on:   12/01/23 02:50 PM  
Visitor Comments
04/03/24 02:52 PM
Worked out an online deal with Jim. Fast payment and good comms allowed me to expedite the shipping process. Welcome to VAGT and may others deal with confidence with this gentleman.
About Me
Location:  Va
What is your City or County location?:  Monroe
Show Shoutbox? ( yes, no ):  no
How did you learn of VaGunTrader?(friend, gun show,internet search, facebook, etc):  friend
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