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#1313164 - 02/01/18 10:41 PM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
Posts: 611
Loc: Virginia, USA.
City or County: Vinton
Dennis had always assumed that the combined might of our armed federal agents and their SWAT Teams, reinforced with local police and, if necessary, the National Guard or even the Army, could crush any conceivable right-wing reaction to his plan. But social network analysis couldn’t find snipers who were not part of any network. That’s when we began to hear of “The Militia of One.” In the end there were too many rifles, and too many willing shooters. A number that was constantly heard was twenty million. That was the number of Americans who supposedly went deer hunting every year, against less than 200,000 armed federal agents.

Thereafter, FOX News led each fresh report with a graphic announcing the discovery of a “Communist putsch against the Constitution.” Oh, how I hate that ugly German word! Not revolution, not even coup d’etat, but putsch! What an unfair description of a sincere attempt to solidify the forward march of history, right in the heart of capitalist imperialism! In time, “the putsch” became the name that stuck to Dennis’s original plan. Even on MSNBC, where they at least called it “the so-called Communist putsch.”

What I saw at the coup

Above, an interesting story published at westernrifleshooters well worth the read to those willing to work their way through it. In it, a plan to round up conservative internet posters is discussed which sounds oddly similar to real continuity of government plans such as Operation Garden Plot and Rex 84.

Dan Bongino Lays out the entire Fusion GPS, Trump Russian Collusion, FISA Story for you

#1313394 - 02/02/18 01:50 PM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
Posts: 611
Loc: Virginia, USA.
City or County: Vinton

“OBAMA SPIED ON TRUMP”: Ex-Secret Service Agent Predicts FISA Memo Will Be America’s ‘Most Consequential Political Scandal’ Ever


The House Intelligence Committee released the four page memo on Friday morning.
FOX News says there is testimony from a high-ranking official included in the classified memo.
FOX News: Memo says FBI, DOJ used the media to lend credibility to the dossier.


TRUMP REACTS TO FISA MEMO: “I Think It’s Terrible. I Think It’s a Disgrace What’s Happening in Our Country”

Trump Reacts to FISA Memo

The now-infamous memo was FINALLY released today! What we all have been too patiently waiting for. With the release of the memo, we finally have proof that, without a shadow of a doubt, the Clinton machine, powered by the Obama Administration, using the DNC as its main appendage, funded the creation of a false dossier, that they simultaneously leaked to the press and sold to the FBI, and then pressured top government employees to turn that into a FISA warrant, and more broadly into what the MSM refers to as the “Russia Investigation”. Do you remember following each step of the way? When the MSM was telling you that the Clinton investigation would be dismissed, that “Trump/Russia collusion” was what you *really needed to be worried about*? Well – again – with the release of this memo, it proves that the entire narrative was PAID FOR BY THE DNC, OKAYED BY OBAMA, and then FUNNELED TO THE LEFT-CONTROLLED MAINSTREAM MEDIA.


Above, information pertaining to the release of the FISA memo outlining the attempted coup by Hillary Clinton, the DNC, aided by the FBI, DOJ etc to undermine the Trump administration and attempt to force impeachment based on completely erroneous information that was used to spy on the Trump administration. Note, the mainstream media so many depend on as gospel truth has been exposed as the obvious propaganda wing of the communist left who masquerade as democrats.

We are talking about the subversion of the American political system and a conspiracy so grand in scope that its hard to believe. This is right out of a suspense spy novel or Hollywood movie.

GOP Rep to seek prosecution for treason

Seeking prosecution for betraying the American people

Commie Dirt Bags could get 10 years in Prison

Obama's role in FISA beyond corrupt, criminal!

Every 2016 FISA request signed by Obama AG Lynch

Obama initial request to spy on Trump refused, so they added dossier knowing it was lie

Rosenstein threatened House Intell if they didnt stop investigation

former CIA threatens Trump

Trump Blasts Deep State and Weaponized FBI

Leaker Schiff Has soul searching to do

Adam Schiff Fears Oklahoma City Style Bombing After Memo Release

House Intell Committee Could Drop 5 More Memos

Gowdy: House Intell Committee Investigating 5 FBI Officials

Obama Appointed FISA Judges involved in numerous controversial actions

Deep State Fearful of Next Memo Coming Out

Rep. Steve King: Look for Obamas Finger Prints in FISA memo controversy

Trump was right. FISA warrant for Carter Page enabled spying on entire campaign

Red Flag: Carter Page was an FBI informant

Savage: Deep State is trying to destroy Trump, Stock Market slides

Schumer: Trump is most dangerous and worse man ever

Senator: Clinton Contacts Fed Steele Dossier Info

Ron Paul explains what the memo really tells us about our government

Why did the market crash?

Super Bowl Draws Lowest Ratings in 9 years

FBI lovers text messages implicate Obama in Obamagate

Largest Scandel Ever: Charges to come to FBI, DOJ officials

Author of yahoo article used to get FISA warrant worked for DNC

Trump approval rating up 4 points over Obama in same time period

Mark Warner tried to set up private meeting with Dossier author

FBI love birds text messages implicate Hillary Clinton

Wild Day in Stock Market

Same Deep State Team that cleared Clinton, Spied on Trump now on Mueller team to destroy evidence

FBI would rather chase Russian phantoms ...sional election

Lock them up: Deep State Hacks Lied to obtain FISA warrant

Meteorological Mystery in Washington State

JFK speech on secret societies

FBI agents text suggest secret society

Claymores, AK47s, Rocket Launchers found on US-Mexico border

Nunes: AG Lynch and SOS John Kerry knew about crap dossier used to spy

Nunes: Why is Deep State Refusing to Prosecute Steele

Mueller, Rosenstein tried to get Manafor...l investigation

Democrats covering up largest political scandel in history

They are no longer journalists, they're activists. -Propaganda-

A closer look at Bolshevism

How to identify a freemason

Nunes to investigate if former CIA chief Brennan purjured himself

Obama portrait: Blacks beheading whites

Kill whitey major theme for fraud painter

Bizarre Susan Rice Email Uncovered

Judge Nap: Email likely sent to cover up Obamas role

Sarah sanders Torches Left Media

Obama given Russian Dossier why hasnt he been questioned on it?

Second judge blocks Trump admin from endind DACA program

Rice meeting with Comey, Obama took place one day before Comey briefed Trump

Kaine now denounces ANTIFA after son arrested

US Media Glamorizing Commie N. Korea

Google caught working against conservative website

FBI Director wont answer if dossier author worked for Warner linked Russian oligarch

Russia Shopping More Anti Trump Memo's

NSA shooting

High School shooting

Florida to pay for victims funeral

DNC fundraises off Florida shooting

Evil Liberals Hurl Insults at victims father for supporting Trump

Media reports fake white supremacy militia connection to shooter

Indoctrinated Youth Get Political After Florida School Shooting

Bruce Ohr caught hiding wifes Fusion GPS payments

Commies caught rigging election, framing President want Soros voting machines

Clinton Campaign Links to Fusion GPS

Media calls Mike Pences Christian faith a mental illness

Mueller Indicts Russians for supporting Trump, disparaging Clinton. Unbelievable.

Gen. Kelly Scuffle with Chinese officials, Nuclear Football

Psycho Commie Calls for Mass Shootings at NRA Meeting

Stein: Real Meddlers in 2016 election the Democrats and Media

Man admits role in unsolved murder, cocaine, Arkansas politician

Trump motorcade drivers replaced after gun found

Clinton Camp Promoted DNC dossier, scrubbed

School shooting survivor, activist, father in FBI, Coached

Massacre survivors and CBS reporter Party like rock stars

Mccabe Altered 302, Destroyed Evidence

Flu ravaging America

Romania Preps For War: 1 billion dollars in Missles

Why US struck Russian Contractors in Syria

Trump moves to ban bump stocks

Soros linked Womens March Organizers Selected Anti Trump kids from shooting

Teachers caught telling students to attend anti 2nd rally

The Domestic Terrorist Act of 2018

The Domestic Terrorist Act of 2018

CNN: Trump was right about Obama

Left Panics: 600k signatures to remove Nunes

Florida Shooting Personality Claims NRA are Child Murderers

Florida AR15 sales up 30%

Trump hammers CNN for attending Russian anti Trump Rally

Dave Hodges: Russian airliner that went down Uranium One connections

War on conservatives: Twitter purges thousands of conservatives, calling them russian bots

Youtube, Google sued for censoring conservatives

Youtube censoring videos on Florida Shooting Oddities

Britannica History Lesson: Kulaks

Who are the Kulaks in America today?

Russian Revolution

David Hogg, School Shooting Survivor turned activist, father in FBI, Coached on Lines

Bernie Sanders Blames Hillary Clinton Hiding Russian Meddling Info

CNN Promotes False AR15 Story

CNN Refuses to Let Florida Shooting Hero Ask Questions, Narrative Challenge

Obamas chilling message: Weve been waiting on you

Savage: Arrest Soros

7th grader threatened for being white

Officer waiting outside as children slaughtered?

Sheriff investigating Officer: Never went in

McCain associate pleads 5th in Russian Probe

Antifa Mob Crashes DC party

NRA issues statement on loss of sponsors

Twitter Threatens to Censor Anyone With Questions

Was there a stand down order?

Strange Eye Witness Testimony, Facts about Florida Shooting

Read the comments: Victims Party Like Rockstars

Conservative Purge Allegations with Twitter

Twitter, Google Suit over Anti Conservative Censorship

Conservative Purge Online

Youtube Banning Gun Channels - Military Arms Channel

Infowars receives warning from Youtube

Youtube Purge Begins on Conservatives

Florida Sheriff Immediately Investigating People Targeting Muslim Community

Australian Labor Party Sent Operatives to work in 2016 Election

Australian Labor Party Resigns over Chinese Influence

Antifa recruiting Mentally Ill

Flashback: Keith Ellison, Deputy DNC, Supports Antifa

Trump Calls for Mental Health Focus in Background Checks

Student Protests Turns Violent: Attacks Police

Podesta threatens Kushner

Russians bribed Clintons-The Real Russian Collusion

Missing CDC Worker-Told Neighbor to Delete His Number

Possible Chemical Attack on Marines

Students Thought Shooting Was a Drill

Vandals Smash Pro Cop Windows

X22 Report: The Purge Is Real

Lies: Youtube says accidentally removed conservative channels

Florida Sheriff Under Microscope

Antifa Openly Chant Kill Conservatives

Americans Blame Gov. Failure, Not Guns

Hillary Says Russians Are Coming

Putin Threats Unstoppable Nuke After Clinton, Obama sell

Obama DOJ switched out Atkinsons hard drive

Deputys ordered not to rush in school

Facebook algorythm targeted Trump traffic

Trump: Take Guns First, Court Second

South Africa Votes to take White Land and Farms

Gun Rights and Mental Health Slippery Slope

Nunes sends blistering letter to Sessions: FBI May Have Committed Crimes

Ben Rhoades Creating Shadow NSC

Tech Giants Launch Conservative Purge

Clinton Gave Russians Hypersonic Nuke Missle Technology

Man committs suicide outside white house

Facebook group shutting gateway pundit traffic down

Youtube to delete Infowars in conservative purge

Youtube deletes Health Ranger in Purge

Green Beret leading the charge in Virginia

FBI spying on Page should scare you

Fascism in action: List of Conservatives Censored

Violent Leftist Try to Shut Down Speech

Trainsit Crew Warns Passengers of ICE Agents

Something Big In The Works: Thousands of Sealed Indicments

Study Finds 91% Historic Bias Against Trump in News

Facebook attacking alternative media

South Africa: We are cutting the throats of whiteness

MIT Clinton, DNC, Podesta Tracking

Baltimore sends 60 busloads of kids to anti-gun rally

Kill all white people

Trump goes to war with California

Trump campaign manager warns Facebook to be fair

Paul Craig Roberts Fears Stalinist Purge

Susan Rice ordered NSC to stand down over Russian hacking fear

Soros and Silicon Valley funded Fusion GPS

Who Poisoned Russian Spy?

Indiana University Pushing Marxist Theory on Students

Package Bombs in Texas Kill at least 1

UN Plan to bring Migrants to West Challenged

Activist Denied Entry into UK, questioned on Christian faith

South Africa: Is this America's faite?

Case closed-House Intell Committee "No evidence of Russian Collusion"

Trump tweet after House Intell Report on no Russian Collusion

Nunes: No Trump/Russia Collusion. Clear links Clinton-Russians

Nationwide Student Walk Out on Gun Control

ABC Coverage on Student Walk Out

Bernie Sanders Addresses Students Marching, Armed Police Escorts

Socialist/Marxist/Communist Indoctrinated Students Flip Trump Tower Off

Pro 2nd Student Escorted Off School Grounds, Arrest Threatened

Biden Son Gets Billion Dollar Deal with Chinese After Joe Visit

Obama Had Bad Guys Removed From Background Check Process

Florida Surveillance Video

South Africa Braces for Civil War-Glimpse of Americas Future?

Minn. Grade School Uses Children for Anti Gun Message

FBI Agent Had Relationship with Judge in Flynn Case

Conservative Student Attacked at National Anti Gun Rally

Eric Holder Wants a Knife FIght, Meaning He Wants to Bring a Gun

Former FBI Director McCabe Fired (Swamp draining?)

Jesus Banned from Easter Ad?

Students Vandalise During Anti Gun Walk Out

Democrat threaten Trump with firing

Law Professor Believes Comey Perjured Himself

Eric Holder Lashes Out after McCabe Firing

Nervous Ex CIA Chief John Brennan Lashes Out

Former UN Ambassador Samantha Powers Issues Veiled Threat

Trump wants to execute drug dealers?

Raleigh Police Obtain Google User Records on Broad Sweep

Eric Holder Sends Ominous Warning: Its going to get worse

Parents Uncover FBI Plot to Groom Son as Right Wing Terrorist

Sued for investigating Seth Rich Murder by Rich Family

Mccabe under investigation before Trump elected

Comey failure to sue indicates several laws broken

Expect Mccabe to face criminal charges

Muslim ask why fear islam, attacks people after speech

Hillary Clinton slams white married women again

Serial Bomber in Austin - Trip Wires

Levin: Obama admin interferred with election more than Russians

Mueller FBI-Mob Cover up raises questions

Trump Witch Hunt ends with Seth Rich

Blood Feud?

Millenials Think Capitalism End Is Near, Not Saving for Retirement

Clinton: Trump supporters racist

Obama Campaign Director: Facebook on our side

CNN on phone with Maryland student during shooting

Irony of Chinese government support of US Gun Ban

Chinese Social Credit System Unveiled

Trump: Left has moved far to the left

Joe Biden Threatens to Beat President Trump Again

Massive Ransom Ware Attack in Atlanta

Sarah Carter: Nunes Russia Report-Leaks endangered Lives

Citigroup set to restriction firearm business partners

Investigator of Seth Rich Shot, Ran Over. Suspect in custody

Oregon signs confiscation ballot

Alleged Austin Bomber blows himself up

Facebook refuses to disclose newsites its censoring

ATT Sells Customer Data to Law Enforcement

Cell Spy Tools Flood Local Police Departments

Google: Military Intelligence Contractor

Commie Indoctrinated: Deranged David Hogg Filthy Tirade aimed at NRA

Incoming Nat Sec Advisor believes Trump Framed by Obama FBI

Brits Complicit in Dossier?

Flash Back: Judge Napalitano on Brits Used to Wire Tap Trump

Alleged DNC Hacker Guciffer is Russian Intelligence

Guccifer 2.0 actually NSA creation

Assange Warns of Cyber Security Annoucement

Iranian State Sponsored Hackers Indicted by Rosenstein

Tucker Carlson Reports on Facebook Censorship

Haley To Russia: Interference in Election is Warfare

UN Amb Haley: US Taking Names

John Bolton: There is no UN, only the US.

Omnibus Bill Crafted in Secret - Disgrace

Trump threatens to veto Omnibus Bill

Schumer, Pelosi Celebrate Omnibus Bill

Trump 1pm Press Conference on Omnibus Bill

Betrayal. Trump backs down on Veto, signs disasterous omnibus bill

After passing omnibus bill, trump bans bump stocks

Trump Bans Most Transgenders from serving in military

Obama salutes student anti gun marchers

Hogg Rallies Democrats in DC March

Psychologist: Facebook, Googles ability to rig elections Profound

South Africa: Whites need to hand over everything, dont upset us

Fast and Furious Eric Holder Tells Anti Gun Protestors to Demand Action

Hillary Clinton: Future in Right Hands with Anti Gunners

Obama Youth: After Bump Stock Ban, we will take that inch and then a mile

Hitler Used Youth To Confiscate Weapons Too

March for Life Protestors Want Revolution

March for life funded by DNC

Trump expels Russians, Russians working with the UN

Former Supreme Court Judge Calls for Repeal of 2nd

NC Sheriff Candidate wants to Kill over gun confiscation

American movement towards Socialism/Communism

The Brutal Truth about SHTF

Washington Officials Flocking to Doomsday Camps

US soars past 4th place in 6 step Communist Rule List

WW2 Survivor Warns America about Socialism

NRA CEO Warns of Socialist State

WW2 Survivor of Nazi Occupation Warns of Socialism

#1341097 - 04/11/18 02:26 PM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
Posts: 611
Loc: Virginia, USA.
City or County: Vinton
The ACLJ received heavily redacted emails from former US Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power that show unprecedented u[quote]nmasking and political bias in the final days of the Obama administration.

According to the ACLJ, the new documents show Samantha Power, who made over 260 unmasking requests to spy on the incoming administration was also colluding with the mainstream media, blatantly insulting President-elect Trump and actively sought ways to undermine the incoming administration.

United Nations, Obama Administration Worked With Media To Undermine US Election

Why is the ambassador to the United Nations, who basically has two ends to her string, the Obama Administration and the United Nations, working to undermine the Trump administration with the mainstream media? How much influence do you believe the mainstream media has on the American public's opinion? Does the information presented by the media influence the public's perception? This doesn't require a rocket scientist or a brain surgeon to figure out.

The United Nations is working to undermine US elections, sticking their nose where it doesn't belong in American domestic affairs. We are looking at an international conspiracy to influence, rig the presidential election in the United States. The Obama administration and members of our government are complicit. This is a real life Red Dawn and if these people were this daring, willing to go this far, what else are they willing to do? This is a very concerning time in history.

Retired CSM Dan Page Speech to Oath Keepers

For those interested in reading more:

Trump thanks Gov. Brown for Sending National Guard to Border

Screaming Leftist at Mike Pompeo hearing

Facebook CEO Admits To Using Algorythms to Censor Conservatives

Illegal Immigrant Multi Million Dollar Shop Lifting Ring

Comey Illegally Leaked Memo to Prompt Trump Special Counsel

Obama Admin harvested 100 million more data from Facebook than Cambridge Analytica

Obama DOJ, FBI Found to be Corrupt by OIG

Attorney argues Trump supporters at fault for being beaten

Joe Rogan - The Left Advocating Violence

Child killed at school protest against guns by car

Chaos in Nicaruaga. 25 killed, Reported Shot Dead Live on TV

Violent Leftist Prepare to Attack Nazis

McCabe Upset Comey Throws Him Under Bus

Sessions Promises To Leave is Rosenstein Fired

Far Left Goons Arrested for Violating anti KKK laws

Government had no evidence of Russian collusion, spied over political reasons

67 year old Brit gets 8 months in jail for flipping off cops, laser jammer

far left ghoons terrorize NRA lobbiest

Far left journalist join mob and chase Milo out of bar, calling him Nazi

DHS vows to arrest caravan of illegals

Gorka: Trump Election Scandel should be renamed Obamagate

FBI agents text show wanted to embarass , set up Trump

High School Student Sings National Anthem, Suspended

Comey could get 10 years in prison, criminal espionage

Goodlatte meets with those who want alternative media eliminated

Cuomo sends cease, desist letter to ICE

Here Comes The Socialists - Communist Running for Office All Over the Country

Clinton and State Department Collusion

Trump Rips Comey for Liar, Leaker to "professor" friend who had FBI Clearance

Historic Korean Summitt

Black grad student brags about unfairly grading white students

Alfie Evans, Nationalized Health Care and Americas Future

Former FBI Asst Director: No Doubt Brennan, Clapper and Comey Conspired Against Trump

FBI Interviews Fedor Emelianenko About Trump

Parkland Communist Teacher Under Investigation For Calling Student Hitler

Brennan Issues Warning to President Trump

Wealthy Donors Donated To Fund Trump Witch Hunt

Caravan scales border fence

Man with Pipe and Note in Pocket looking for Kushner

Republicans retiring because of assassination fears

Communists attack Trump even at Correspondence Dinner

Former Trump Campaign aide explodes after house, childrens future destroyed by Communists

Child abuse covered up in New Jersey by Union

Anarchist Riot Across Globe

PHD candidate vandalises Statue

Spying on Flynn Enabled Counter Intel Operation by Obama Admin to continue

FBI Lawyer Lisa Page Resigns

Stormy Daniels Isnt Paying Legal Fees, Who Is?

CNN: Trump is racist adjacent

Rapper and Useful Idiot Alters Trump Supporter Wests Photo

Stalinist Witch Hunt to Take Trump Down

Federal Judge Loses Temper, Mueller Attempt to Oust Trump

Former Clintonista: How does Mueller Justify Storm Trooper Tactics?

Commie Resigns after Republicans Strike Back at Deep State Coup

Trump Warns Deep state Kerry to stay out of Iran Negotiations

Trump Nukes Iran Deal

Obama Responds To Iran Withdrawl in Shadow Government Display

Unmasking Mueller

Vatican Paper Praises Karl Marx

Iran chants death to America

Crooked Hillary Clinton Responds to Iran Deal Withdrawl

Russian who allegedly payed Cohen has ties to Clinton, Podesta

John Kerry Furious With Iran WIthdrawl, World Back to Brink

Iran Threatens Trump

Trump: US will not let country have nukes that chants death to America

Chinese Infiltration in the U.S.

Former CIA officer charged with conspiracy to committ espionage

UN Martial Law Principles

Pope calls for world wide disarment besides UN

Stazi dislocate former CIA agents arm protesting Trump CIA Director Bloody Gina

California Mandates Solar Panels-Agenda 21

FBI had Spy in White House

Tea Party Groups awarded 3.5 Million in Obama IRS Scandel

MSNBC host suggest choking Sanders

Antifa useful idiot sent to prison

Grassly seeks proof Deep State Lied

Law Professor: Spying worse than we even imagined

Retired FBI Blasts Agencies Shocking Disrespect to Congress

Internet sleuthes on the case of Obama Informant, International Conspiracy Unraveling

Mueller Witch Hunt Indicts Ham Sandwich

Mueller harasses Americans who donated to Trump

Top democrat tells commies to quit bashing Trump, join 12 step program if need be

The Communist Insurgency - Soros linked Prosecutor Drops Charges against Governor

FBI Pitched Russian-Trump Collusion Theory to Russian Oligarch

FBI Refuses to answer if Russian Oligarch was involved in Witch Hunt

CNN pushing Trump Assassination Pic

Nunes: Witch hunt in 2nd year with No Evidence

Unlawful ballot Destruction in Florida, Election Fraud

Clinton: Many Democrats are Socialists

Former CIA chief Brennan Running Operation Against Trump

Senator Paul Sends Letter To CIA Inquiring about Bloody Ginas involvement against Trump

Confirmed Deep State Secret Informant Used

Senators Took Brike on Iran Deal

IG finds FBI Violated Law in Cliinton Probe

Kelly Anne Demands Apology over MS13 Comments CNN Back Peddles

CNN: Trump is hitler for comparing MS13 to Animals?

Pelosi Defends MS13? Bizarre

Chuck Schumer Compares MS13 and Great Grand Parents

Brennan to be in front of grand jury soon?

Report of active shooter at mall before Sante High School Shooting

Shoot out at Trump Resort all within 24 hours of High School Shooting

Sante Fe High School Shooting

Gun Control Calls

Porn star lawyer partying it up with CNN anchors? Coup

FBI investigated Flynn for 45,000 Speech but not Clinton for much more?

Mueller Team Admits Can Not Indict Sitting President

Trump Orders DOJ To Investigate Spying on His Campaign

Nunes: If FBI Paid Informant to Spy on Trump it Crosses the Red Line

FBi Informant Steven Halpert Paid in 2016, 2017

Judge Jeanine: AG Lynch Signed Off on Trump Spying

Trump: Campaign Spying Very Big Deal

FBI Informant Used Thousands To Entice Mark to England - Its a Set Up

Brennan threatening President Trump?

Meadows: DOJ cant be trusted to investigate itself

Teen Thungs Terrorize NV Neighborhood

Sharpton: Royal Wedding Ending White Male Supremacy

How the FBI and CIA Restarted the Cold War

Red Ice Youtube Report on Obama Race Politics

FBI informant sought high level Trump admin position

Eric Holder Lashes out after Brennan. They're feeling the heat

DNC Issues Check to Crowd Strike after Seth Rich Homicide????

Rosenstein and Wray looking somber ahead of Trump meeting.

Foreign Meddling in US Election - The United Kingdom

Did Nellie Ohr Use Ham radio to evade NSA surveillance?

Grassley Demands Communications from Bruce Ohr and Dossier Author Brit Spy Steele

Former Trump aid approached by 2nd Informant - Its a set up

Rosenstein Gave Case to IG because IG can not supoena Obama Employee's. - Traitor

Weasel Rosenstein Slammed - Its a Ruse

Student Suspended For Pro Trump Shirt - Indoctrination Centers

Former CIA Agent: Brennans Judgement Day Is Coming

Trump: Where was President Obama??? Leading the Coup is where.

New York Schools Hold Moment of Silence for Hamas Terrorist

Rumor: FCC raids Mainstream Media to Include Fake News CNN

EPA bars CNN from contaminate conference

Sensitive Matter Team at FBI handled Fake Dossier

Sink hole opens at white house - Its a sign from God

Active Shooter in Florida - Convenient Timing

Lawmakers Call for Investigation into Investigators

Dershowitz Smacks Down CNN Legal Analysis

Ohio School Union Defends Child Abuse

Secret FBI team pressured by Valerie Jarret Daughter? All Roads Lead Back to Obama Admin

Gingrich: James Clapper, John Brennan in danger of going to jail

Obama Spy Halper only there to built fraudulent Russian case

President Trump: Spy only there to help Hillary win

Flynn Jr: You are all going down

CNN Water Boy Don Lemon called BS on Spying, Clapper Tells him its a good thing

Communists Steal Trump Campaign Slogan: Drain the swamp

Unreal. Judge rules President cant block Twitter users? Drain the swamp, totally.

Obama White House is Running This - Grassley Wants Unredacted Texts between FBI lovers

FBI Agent Ready to Testify against Comey

FBI Agents Request Supoena to Drop Dirt on Bureau

Trump: Its going to be obvious Obama likely knew about the spygate

Sedition: Eric Holder urges to disobey Trump

Obama ordered CIA to hack French election

Ari Fleisher: Obama knew about Spying, Authorized it.

Fox: Pull Comey, Clapper, Brennan Security Clearances

President Trump Takes it to Obama: We ar... up for America

Obama Admin Attorney To Sue Investigators of Seth Rich Case? Hiding Something

President Trump Hammers Obama over Spygate, Ommissions

Democrat Watergate happening before our eyes. Its a Communist Insurgency

Bill Preistrap: Part of the Deep State Coup. - Taking Names

This May Lead To Death - Social Media Warning To those searching for Don Trump Jr

Former Trump campaign aid collecting sig...nist Insurgency

Commie De Blasio To Withhold Funds if not Diverse Enough

Political Terrorist David Hogg

Evidence Suggest UK Meddled in 2016 US Election

Protestors Upset Tommy Robinson Jailed in UK

Commie Propaganda: Square Dancing and White Supremacy.

Poll: Americans think Mueller Probe Leftist Conspiracy Witch Hunt

Wayne Allen Root: Time to Impeach Obama

CNN April Ryan Suggest President Trump Runs Child Sex Traffic Ring

Rules for Radicals: Accuse Others That Which You Are Guilty Of

Clinton Thesis on Alinksi

Swedish Women Come Forward on Migrant Abuse - Unacceptable

Muslim Mob In Maine Attacks Two Men

Pc Police shut down Roseanne hit show - communism

Flash Back to Vaerie Jarrett and Anti Trump Nerve Center - Shes Being Protected

Top suspect in Russian Collusion Witch Hunt is Member of Clinton Foundation

Marxist Media Propaganda Under Estimates Trump Crowd Size - Dishonest clowns

Wsj: Was Trump campaign set up?

Obama Warns America

Obama lobbied Canadian Leader To work Against Trump

Why is DNC unwilling to hand over compromised servers?

Sedition Defined by Merriams

Judicial Watch Investigator: Coup Against Trump

Cia whistleblower: Trump trying what Kennedy did, coup underway

Sign warning Communists if they Impeach Trump appears in Maryland

Mainstream media reports on conspiracy to drive US towards Socialism

#1347503 - 04/29/18 01:27 PM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
JeepsRock Offline
If God is all good, why did he make malaria?

Registered: 07/03/17
Posts: 35
Loc: Virginia
City or County: Chesterfield County

#1359269 - 05/31/18 05:00 PM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: JeepsRock]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
Posts: 611
Loc: Virginia, USA.
City or County: Vinton

Tucker Carlson on Tommy Robinson

Robinson, who appeared in the dock under real name Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, was arrested in Leeds on Friday.

The 35-year-old was broadcasting on social media outside the city's crown court where a trial was ongoing.

A ban on reporting his 13-month sentence at the same court was lifted after being challenged by the media.


But on Tuesday, that all came crashing down. ABC abruptly canceled “Roseanne” hours after Ms. Barr, the show’s star and co-creator, posted a racist tweet about Valerie Jarrett, an African-American woman who was a senior adviser to Barack Obama throughout his presidency and considered one of his most influential aides. Ms. Barr wrote if the “muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby=vj.”


Unless all Americans collectively pull their heads out of their **I miss Obama**, what we've seen happen in the UK to Tommy Robinson is going to come to America. Tommy reported on Pakistani Muslim rape gangs in the UK and was arrested on the street and imprisoned. Guilty of contempt of court officially, but in reality guilty of reporting the truth about protected classes. Protected classes who are part of a grand plan of social engineering which is why it is illegal to report on their criminality. To speak out against it.

At the same time Tommy is in prison for reporting on the truth, which is the antithesis of political correctness which is a lie, Rosanne has been demonized in the media and her show cancelled for doing the exact same thing. Speaking out against the protected classes. That is not to say I think Rosanne is correct in her characterization because I do not. She could have went about things in a much different and better fashion. But none the less, the crime is the same.

Guilty of being politically incorrect. Political correctness is closely associated with the idea of social justice. They enjoy a symbiotic relationship with each other. Those characterized as victims are the recipients of political correctness, where their criminality and culture problems are defined as untouchable to speak about due to perceived injustices from the past.

And social justice is the idea of making perceived past wrongs right, which includes making it taboo to say anything about those perceived as a victim. At the heart of the matter is free speech, where if Rosanne can be punished for running up against the communist doctrine of political correctness how close are we to flat out arresting people on the street for violating the same principle? Political correctness. Swiftly tried before a court and imprisoned for violating the communist doctrine of political correctness.

And at the very same time we are seeing Tommy Robinson imprisoned for violating societal contracts like political correctness and Rosannes widely popular show cancelled for politically incorrect speech we have South Africa.

The national spokesman of a key South African opposition party has said redistributing land from white farmers without compensation is justified because “it is not really their land”.

“In this process, white people ought to accept the crime of apartheid and colonisation and how these crimes impacted on black people,” Mr Ndlozi said. Whites could “show remorse by ceding land they inherited through anti-black racist dispossession”, he suggested, adding: “Justice leads to reconciliation.


We are pleased to publish this timely special issue of Social Justice on the historic transition taking place in South Africa today. This volume complements an earlier issue on South Africa that appeared a year before the State of Emergency and counterinsurgency war were unleashed against anti-apartheid forces in 1986.


OAN South African White Genocide

In the Tucker Carlson interview with Katie Hopkins, Ms. Hopkins notes it is dark times in the UK and she feels the country is on a knifes edge. That there is a divide between the people and the media/government. Interestingly, we see the communist doctrine of political correctness that is leading to a growing rift in the UK also playing a key role in the rift in South Africa where the white minority citizens are preparing for a civil war against their socialist/communist government.

As this thread is dedicated too, we also have a Marxist insurgency occurring within the United States. The common thread here in all of these problems is socialism. Communism. And there are lessons to be learned here for everybody involved. We are seeing exactly where socialism leads in all three countries, until this ideology is stamped out freedom for all the people on earth is in danger.

Below is the future of America, the UK and South Africa unless a miracle occurs. A country that was once great but whom no longer exists. Understand the history of Rhodesia, recognize the dangers of socialism and spread this message far and wide. Unless lessons are learned from Rhodesia every country infected with socialism will suffer a similar fate.

Insurgency: Obama White House Attempted to Take Over Trump Spygate

Communists Scramble: Waters urges to defy Trump

Obama lobbied Canada to work against Trump

Google slammed for labeling conservatives Nazis

Civil Emergency: Prepare For Action Alert Issued

Advancing social change award: Attack Trump Daughter

Huff Post Doxes Writer, husband fired, trying to have brother fired. Censorship

Commie Supports Ethnically Cleansing Jews in Israel

Insurgency: US Intell colluded with British Intel to Spy on Trump

California Farmer Registers Firearms Gets 12 Felonies

Clapper Admits No Smoking Gun

Google Labels Republican Candidate Biggot

Retired FBI Agents To Testify on Deep State Corruption

Americas Future - California Water Restrictions - Agenda 21/2030

Trump Rips Communist Resistance

Communist Fantasizes Punching First Lady

President Retweets Bongino Take Down of Brennan

Tucker Carlson on the Lefts Race Politics, Education Indoctrination

Dinesh DSouza on ordered to Psychological Counseling for being Conservative

Aussies complicit in Trump Spygate - International Conspiracy

1918 State Department Report on Jews Behind Bolshevik Revolution

Communists Trying to Prove Trump Presidency Illegitimate - Coup

McCabe Wil Flip, Tesify in exchange for Immunity

Priestap Grilled Over London Trip Prior to Spying - Internation Conspiracy

Deep State Halper Busted For Crack - Democrat Status Confirmed

Comey, McCabe Cleared Sally Yates to Use Strzok Flynn Doc. to Fire him

Unredacted FBI Lovers Text Reveal Investigation Began 2015

Obama admin gave financial records to Iran

Military Tribunals

Army Veteran Charged with Espionage for China

String of U.S. Citizens Caught up in Chinese Espionage

Senate Hearings on Restoring War Powers to Congress

Lynch Tried to Cover up Clinton Wrong Doings Prior to Election

Comey Insubordinate - Hardly the end of the story

Schiff Caught in Lie About Carter Page Investigation

Former FEC official admits conservative bias

McCabe Alters Flynn Report

McCabe Interviews Flynn while Flynn is witness against McCabe Sexual Discrimination Case

DOJ Seize NY Times Reporter Email, Phone

Justice Department Says Obamacare individual mandate unconstitutional

US Veterans Find Chld Skull Near Alleged Child Trafficking Site Arizona

Maryland Commie Airs First Ever Same Sex Kiss in Campaign Ad

Commies want to edit facebook feeds

Saudis gave Obama admin suitecase of jewels before Muslim apology tour

Iran admits facilitating 9/11, Giving Obama admin Money

Brennan Attacks Trump after G7

Aussie involved in Spygate also part of Aussie Uranian One Scandel

Massive UK Protests To Free Tommy Robinson

Navy seal claims fraudulent Child Trafficing Claims

Coup Against President, Mueller Covering Up Evidence of Involvement in Uranium One

Communist Social Justice Warriors Indoctrinated in Public Schools

FCC Chair Receiving Death Threats from Violent Leftists

Rod Rosenstein Threatens investigators

Flynns Testimony Altered By DOJ

Intuit Stops Processing Credit Card Payments for Firearms-Insurgency

UK New Muslim Home Secretary Behind Tommy Robinson transfer to dangerous prison

Tommy Robinson transfered to Max Security Prison with 71% Muslim Population

Soros buys NY Times Stock

Mueller Fraudulent Investigation Unraveling

Obama coordinating with 2020 candidates

Rep Meadows: FBI Agent Texts "We will stop Trump" Hidden from Congressional Investigators

Huge: FBI Agent: We will stop Trump from Becoming President

Who Deleted the FBI Text Message?

FBI Agents Received Gifts from Press for Leaks

IG Report: FBI Used Authority to Interfere with Election

FBI Agents Trash Trump Supporters

Foreign Actors Hacked Clinton Email Server

Watch Obama Lies on TV about Clinton server

Manfort Arrested, President Trump asks what about Comey, Hillary?

Horowitz says there are still missing Texts from FBI Love Birds

Top 10 Reasons IG Report is Flawed

Manfort could get life in prison for daring to lead Trump to victory

Prosecutor who lobbied for Manfort to be put in Jail attended Clinton Party

South Africa: Things will get ugly if white owned land not given to blacks

Man barricades himself in armored vehicle, demands release of full IG Report

WTH? IG Withhodling additional Text Messages

Comey Under Investigation for mishandling classified info

Rudy calls for With Hunt to be investigated

President Trump Slams Mueller and Comey Best Friends

McCabe refuses to testify, invokes 5th - Criminal Scum Bag

Ohio Wins Supreme Court Ruling Can Purge Absent Voters

Media manufacturing crisis to destract from IG Report

Rosenstein Hid We Will Stop Trump Texts

Horowitz: FBI hiding names of Biased Agents from public

More Anti Trump FBI Agents Unmasked by Congressman Meadows

IG Horowitz investigating FBI Agent Strzok Bias in Russian Probe

Trump Campaign Manager Calls for End Mueller Probe, Sessions Fired

Top Liberal Group Calls for Killing, Removing Heart of ICE Agents

Migrant Children in NY appear to be men

Trump Jrs Daughter Threatened

Commies Threaten Trump Son

Fonda Labeled Domestic Terrorist After Threatening President Son

Migrant Children Abused Under Obama

Dossier Author Steele Visited State Department

#1359279 - 05/31/18 05:17 PM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
Gnome Offline
For alt vi har. Og alt vi er.

Registered: 01/01/14
Posts: 975
Loc: Fort Walker, Va.
City or County: Hanover County

Remember that The REPUBLIC of CHINA (ROC) Taiwan is a Free Sovereign Nation not a "breakaway satalite state of the Communist People's Republic of China (CHINA).

IF the Communist in the US continue to have their way, a blind eye will be turned upon the Taiwan nation and Communist China will take a free nation their hostage.
For fred og frihet Gj�r rett, frykt ingen.

#1359979 - 06/02/18 02:24 PM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
Posts: 611
Loc: Virginia, USA.
City or County: Vinton
California has become the first state in the nation to pass a controversial new law that places tough limits on home water usage, KOVR-TV reported.

That means the state will have “more focus on flushes and scrutiny over showers,” according to the report.

California Becomes First State To Pass Law Limiting Water Use

Above is an example of how United Nations goals like Sustainable Development, Agenda 21, Agenda 2030 are enforced upon the American people. There is an intricately woven network of ordinances, rules, laws and regulations that are all derived from these some goals of the United Nations that already have and will continue to be instituted upon the American people. This is in fact nothing short of absolute treason and politicians from the local level up are absolutely guilty of helping to undermine the United States with outside, international influences.

By 2030, substantially increase water-use efficiency across all sectors and ensure sustainable withdrawals and supply of freshwater to address water scarcity and substantially reduce the number of people suffering from water scarcity

United Nations Sustainable Development

If you take a look at the goals outlined in the link above you should be concerned. But you will only be able to understand how concerned you should be once you begin to question how these things will be implemented. For example, how do you think the UN plans to reduce the number of automobile deaths? Its a stated point on their website, we are already seeing examples of their Sustainable Development Plan being instituted in our own country. How exactly do you think they plan to do that?

Like with most communist doctrines the promise, the perception of what that promise entails is always far different once put it into practice. Equality sounds good until you see equality in action. Does being equally powerless to change a nightmare sound good? Something to think about when you support socialist policies that also come with an entire package of extremely negative consequences to boot. Maxing out a credit card sounds good too until you see the interest that piles up. The socialist credit card has the worst rates of any ideological credit card, yet so many Americans including many here at this very forum support socialist doctrine to one degree or another.

RICHMOND, VA (WWBT) - Effective today, the city of Richmond, and counties of Henrico, Hanover and Goochland are lifting the Voluntary conservation measure that has been in effect for the region since mid-September.

Water Restrictions Lifted

And above is just an example of how these policies are already creeping into our life as Virginians. But these are hardly the only examples. We are literally shooting ourselves in the foot by allowing these communist doctrines to infiltrate American lives. There is nothing wrong with environmentalism in and of itself, but when socialist policies are the driving force behind these environmental policies what we are in fact getting is a trojan horse. A gift with unintended consequences.

These policies, regulations, laws, ordinances etc. all have consequences. And the natural consequence of these actions is change. This means a change for society, people, culture. This means redefining America, redefining what it means to be an American. These are all the same consequences of being invaded and conquered by a foreign enemy. Only its being done under the guise of any number of leftist, socialist, democratic, communist ideological/political platforms. Which includes but is not limited too environmentalism. Green is the new Red.

#1360430 - 06/03/18 04:32 PM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
Posts: 611
Loc: Virginia, USA.
City or County: Vinton
Britain’s spy agencies helped alert U.S. intelligence officials to possible links between President Trump's campaign and Russia after first noticing interactions in late 2015, The Guardian reported Thursday


The Free Beacon said its research ended before Fusion GPS hired a former British intelligence officer, Christopher Steele,

The dossier — a collection of reports compiled by Steele that began in mid-2016 and continued after the election — cited sources familiar with the inner workings of the Kremlin, who said Russia had obtained compromising information about Trump, including lurid alleged details of his 2013 visit to Moscow for the Miss Universe Pageant


the U.S. government is informed by Australia that Papadopoulos had bragged to an Australian in late May that he'd been told the Russians had dirt on Hillary Clinton.


Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier


The ACLJ received heavily redacted emails from former US Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power that show unprecedented unmasking and political bias in the final days of the Obama administration.

According to the ACLJ, the new documents show Samantha Power, who made over 260 unmasking requests to spy on the incoming administration was also colluding with the mainstream media, blatantly insulting President-elect Trump and actively sought ways to undermine the incoming administration.

United Nations, Obama Administration Worked With Media To Undermine US Election

Epoch: String of espionage charges working with communist Chinese

Above, we see cited sources that attest to a Multi-National Conspiracy to interfere in the 2016 American presidential election. Interestingly, the former ambassador to the United Nations under the Obama administration Samantha Power is right in the middle of this international "collaboration, campaign, conspiracy" to spy on President Trumps administration and as we have seen this spying scandal and the information collected were weaponized against President Trump. Which is what the Mueller investigation is all about. As we see above, the now discredited Steel dossier has origins with those familiar with the inner workings of the Kremlin. What do you think that means? Information in the dossier came straight out of Russia.

The United Nations is itself an international body composed of various world governments. Interestingly enough, we are seeing member states of the United Nations involved in this conspiracy to undermine the 2016 election, not so coincidentally the United Nations themselves can be tied to this spying scandal. What we are gradually seeing is a picture come together of an internationally lead effort to fix the 2016 election, lead by the communist United Nations. This is a global black op to lead the United States into a socialist state much like modern Russia, the UK and Australia that has been exposed/foiled. And the Obama administration looks to have a lot of questions to answer. This is treason.

#1360599 - 06/04/18 09:29 AM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
Posts: 611
Loc: Virginia, USA.
City or County: Vinton

This is part one of a highly recommended interview with retired Lt. General Jerry Boykin. Mr. Boykin offers a special kind of insight into how to move forward against the Marxist insurgency.

For those interested in additional viewing:

Lt. General Jerry Boykin Interview

Lt. General Jerry Boykin Interview

#1456187 - 02/10/19 11:10 AM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
Cash is King Offline
Nice guy... NO MORE

Registered: 09/15/11
Posts: 6205
Loc: Various
City or County: Various
IF you spend your lifetime acting the victim, your Participation Trophy will ALWAYS be a Busted Nose.

I-95 "Fast Lanes" solved NOTHING!!!

#1566844 - 12/03/19 10:15 AM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
Posts: 611
Loc: Virginia, USA.
City or County: Vinton
If people understood the depth of Communist infiltration of that state, and the fact that the Chinese just flipped their state, their conservatives there would rise up and they would actually get off their backsides and vote, and turn these people out over the next two election cycles. We got to reverse this very, very soon. You got one election to reverse it. Otherwise, you got California in the East and with everything that goes with that.

Chinese Communist Front Flips Virginia Blue

Above, author Trevor Loudon is interviewed by The New American YouTube host Christian Gomez about the "New Virginia Majority" whom, according to Mr. Loudon, is a front for the pro-Chinese Communist group "Liberation Road/Freedom Road Socialist Organization." This group has reportedly taken credit for the results of this past election cycle in Virginia. In the interview, Mr. Loudon explains how this organization has worked since 2007 to sign up minority voters in Virginia, to include felons who had their voting rights restored, in order to flip Virginia blue.

Below, is an article from Mr. Loudon in the Epoch Times on this same topic for those interested in finding out more.

It’s clear that Liberation Road is tied to China. It’s also clear that their front-group NVM is heavily involved in U.S. electoral politics and played a decisive role in turning Virginia blue. It’s also obvious that Liberation Road’s goal is to destroy President Trump and the Republican Party to pave the way for a socialist America.

Virginia Goes Blue: Pro-China Communists Claim Credit

#1566991 - 12/03/19 06:20 PM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
LaserJock Offline
B * L * U * E

Registered: 11/21/08
Posts: 6285
Loc: NoVA 22192
City or County: NoVA 22192

welcome back lue

#1568173 - 12/06/19 10:34 PM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
Posts: 611
Loc: Virginia, USA.
City or County: Vinton
Working off the information above from Trevor Loudon on the Chinese Communist subversion in not only Virginia, but nationwide in the ongoing Marxist Insurgency within the United States, lets revisit some information from page one.

Originally Posted By: lue-jones
Most Americans who have went through the public school system have a working knowledge of the civil rights and other related movements in the United States. From the civil war to Jim Crow laws, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King etc. The plight of African Americans in the United States is common knowledge.

Most recently, the United States has seen widespread protests across the country centered around the shooting of "unarmed black teenager" Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri and surrounding area's with other similar incidents serving as justification for civil disobedience in various forms which has also included violence, murder, looting, arson etc. We've seen these protests in hundreds of cities across the United States, coast to coast. Some of these incidents have included crimes which could be characterized as terrorism from various fringe elements such as the New Black Panther Party.


Below is information from the book, "As Peking See's Us" which lays out data that would suggests the Chinese have for many years sought to exploit minority groups in the United States to their own benefit in order to systematically undermine the United States from within.


Holder: Communist Plan

Below, a very interesting transcript from John Moore of TheLibertyMan.com on a speech from the Chinese Defense Minister.

The central issue of this survey appears to be whether one should shoot at
women, children and prisoners of war, but its real significance goes far
beyond that. Ostensibly, our intention is mainly to figure out what the
Chinese people’s attitude towards war is
: If these future soldiers do not
hesitate to kill even non-combatants, they’ll naturally be doubly ready and
ruthless in killing combatants.

Therefore, the responses to the survey
questions may reflect the general attitude people have towards war.
Actually, however, this is not our genuine intention. The purpose of the CCP
Central Committee in conducting this survey is to probe people’s minds. We
wanted to know: If China’s global development will necessitate massive
deaths in enemy countries
, will our people endorse that scenario? Will they
be for or against it?

Take response to war as an example. The reason that the United States
remains today is that it has never seen war on its mainland. Once its
enemies aim at the mainland, the enemies would have already reached
Washington before its congress finishes debating
and authorizes the
president to declare war. But for us, we don’t waste time on these trivial

The relationship between China and United States is
one of a life-and-death struggle.
” Of course, right now it is not the time to
openly break up with them yet.
Our reform and opening to the outside
world still rely on their capital and technology, we still need America.

Only by using special means to “clean up” America will we be able to lead
the Chinese people there.
This is the only choice left for us. This is not a
matter of whether we are willing to do it or not.
What kind of special means is
there available for us to
“clean up” America? Conventional weapons such as
fighters, canons, missiles and battleships won’t do; neither will highly
destructive weapons such as nuclear weapons. We are not as foolish as to want
to perish together with America by using nuclear weapons, despite the fact that
we have been exclaiming that we will have the Taiwan issue resolved at
whatever cost. Only by using non-destructive weapons that can kill many
people will we be able to reserve America for ourselves.

Now, when I am about to finish my speech, you probably understand why
we conducted this online survey. Simply put, through conducting this
online survey we wanted to know whether the people would rise against us
if one day we secretly adopt resolute means to “clean up” America. Would
more people support us or oppose us? This is our basic judgment: if our
people approve of shooting at prisoners of war, women and children, then
they would approve our “cleaning up” America


Virginias Assault Weapons Ban Goes Too Far

Lt. Col. NutnFancy - Virginia: A Sleeping Giant Has Awoken

More Tyranny in Virginia - IraqVeteran88888

Va Dems Threaten to use National Guard on 2a Sanctuary Counties

Former CIA Officer: Russian Hoax A covert attempt to overthrow democratic process

Virginia National Guard Responds to Governor Northam: Refuses to Speculate

HB67 - Limits to Law Enforcement Strikes

Virginia Governor Reported Plan to Cut Off Electricity, Phones, Internet for Gun Confiscations

#1568630 - 12/07/19 11:12 PM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
Posts: 611
Loc: Virginia, USA.
City or County: Vinton
Today is National Pearl Harbor Rememberence Day, in honor of this fact, the information I am posting in this thread and others is dedicated to the fateful events of that December 7, 1941 morning. This thread is approximately 5 years in the running, its entire purpose to make as many Virginian's aware of the threat of Communism to the United States and our way of life as possible. There are three individuals I credit for my willingness to pursue this topic as far as I have, Lt. General Jerry Boykin, Command Sgt. Major Dan Page and Yuri Bezmenov. Special thanks to Mr. John Moore and an entire litany of other sources too numerous to mention in full, this is a topic I have researched extensively and for good reason.

With the results of the most recent election in Virginia, ie Virginia turns Anti-Gun Overnight with Bloomberg - Waste no time with gun confiscation SB16, 18, 64, there is a great fear among Virginian's on what the future may hold for their second amendment rights.

Many Virginian's and Americans for that matter believe they can reason their way out of this, however there are a number of past gun control measures that have been enacted over the last several decades that speak to the fact the only certainty in the future is more gun control, not less. One prominent YouTuber, Nutnfancy, recently did a video on Why we will lose our gun rights and that is a topic quite worthy of sitting on and thinking about.

One of the threads I recently started, titled Virginia Isn't As Virginia As It Thinks It Is touches on one of the major reasons why gun control is a certainty in the future, which is the fact too many Americans have adopted Socialist ideologies and practices. And worse yet, even when they see the negative consequences of their poor decision making, they still fail to recognize the root cause of their problem, which is their leftist, Socialist, Communist sympathies.

Let me ask you, who is the enemy? What does he look like? Unfortunately, the enemy looks like you and the enemy looks like me. And therein lies the problem. If you cannot identify the enemy, if you cannot ascertain the root cause of your problems, you are doomed to failure. If you can't find the leak and plug it, the ship is going to go down.

The left has adopted an extreme militant position against conservatives in Virginia, Yes Virginia, They Want to Seize Your Guns, so it is time for conservatives to start calling these people what they are, Communists, and to start recognizing what the problem is and what it is going to take to fix it.

Who knows where the Socialist/Communist Indoctrination of Americans originates? It is these topics and many more all Americans need to be educated about in order to properly fight what we are up against.

Put down your rifles and pick up a pen and a piece of paper to take notes. If you cannot properly identify the problem, you will never be able to effectively understand, address and fix it. It just isn't going to happen unless you understand the exact problem that you're up against. This is not a time for war, this is a time for education. It is a time to educate yourself about the threat of Socialism, to educate yourself on what Communism is and why it is an ideology that is akin to an invasive species that has to be stopped.

Below is the last link that I am going to leave you with tonight, this is highly recommended viewing and a good place to start in understanding exactly what the future holds for an America that fails to yield to the warning.

Command Sgt. Major Dan Page's Warning to America

#1568683 - 12/08/19 08:11 AM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
Cash is King Offline
Nice guy... NO MORE

Registered: 09/15/11
Posts: 6205
Loc: Various
City or County: Various
IMHO census fraud in urban areas (adding false districts) is a huge unrecognized problem.
IF you spend your lifetime acting the victim, your Participation Trophy will ALWAYS be a Busted Nose.

I-95 "Fast Lanes" solved NOTHING!!!

#1569492 - 12/10/19 01:59 PM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
Posts: 611
Loc: Virginia, USA.
City or County: Vinton
Below, another excellent educational video on Marxism in America with deep insight from an investigative journalist who uncovered Chinese Communist Subversive Activity here in the United States. As I have posted about above, unless you are able to find the leak and plug it, the ship is destined to go down. This is not a time for war, this is a time for education. Put your rifles down and start taking notes people.

How does Communist ideology manifest itself in the current political landscape? What are the origins of Antifa? Where does political correctness come from? How did Marx and his followers rewrite history? What are the common misconceptions on Communism and Socialism? All of this and more is covered below in an American Thought Leaders interview with Joshua Phillip of The Epoch Times.

On Marxism in America, The Communist Chinese Threat, Unconventional Warfare & Hong Kong

#1572807 - 12/19/19 12:58 AM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
Posts: 611
Loc: Virginia, USA.
City or County: Vinton
The Hagmann Report - "We are at war."

Above, Mr. Doug Hagmann of the Hagmann Report reacts to the news of President Trumps impeachment. As Mr. Hagmann reports, this is a Coup D'etat, the left has openly looked to undermine the results of the 2016 election and the news of the impeachment from the house is little more than the realization of this coup. As post one of this thread points out, this is in fact an internationally backed Marxist insurgency and the Coup is little more than one piece of a much bigger picture.

Democrats Vote to Impeach President Trump for NOTHING

WaPo - President Trump Third President to be Impeached by House

President Trump Posts Chilling Meme

Speaker Pelosi Threatens to Hold Articles of Impeachment from Senate

Tucker Carlson Compares Democrat Impeachment to Jonestown

FISA Court Issues Highly Unusual Rebuke of FBI

FISA Court releases declassified order on investigation into ALL warrants from FBI Attorney

Presiding FISA Judge to Step Down

Rep Doug Collins Receives Standing Ovation for Eviscerating Communists Impeachment of Trump (WATCH)

Rush: Pelosi will never hand over articles of impeachment to Senate for Acquital

Schiff confronted, read Miranda rights, what will you do when charged with Treason?

Congressman Pence: Impeachment is hoax

Justice Ginsberg suggests Republican Senate could be disqualified if not impartial??

Fox - Impeachment is Coup D'etat

Fox - Ken Starr claims it is a Coup

Fox - The Coup has Started

Heritage Foundation, Family Research Council Took Hush Money as Conservatives Censored Online

100 Years Ago This Week - US Ships 249 Commies back to Mother Russia on Red Ark

Dems to Unleash Martial Law on Virginia - Natural News

Virginia Attorney General: Sanctuary Counties Have No Legal Effect

Coup: Crossfire Hurrican may have been joint CIA/FBI Investigation

Governor Increases Prison Funding in Anticipatino of Jailing Gun Owners

VCDL/GOA Response to AG Herring - NDAA Language

Where is the NRA? - JohnnyB YouTube

Virginia Democrats to Bring Public Housing to Neighborhoods Across State

Militia Leader Offers Advice

Why Did Democrats Just Extend Patriot Act?

President Trump Signs National Defense Authorization Act - LA Times

Guns and Gadgets - UN Hiring Disarmament Officer

Global Warming Hoax - Glacier National Park Forced to Remove 2020 Warning

Iran responds with Missle Attacks on US

Ukrainian airliner goes down in Iran

#1572810 - 12/19/19 02:08 AM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
Posts: 611
Loc: Virginia, USA.
City or County: Vinton
By proceeding with your invalid impeachment, you are violating your oaths of office, you are breaking your allegiance to the Constitution, and you are declaring open war on American Democracy. You dare to invoke the Founding Fathers in pursuit of this election-nullification scheme — yet your spiteful actions display unfettered contempt for America's founding and your egregious conduct threatens to destroy that which our Founders pledged their very lives to build. Even worse than offending the Founding Fathers, you are offending Americans of faith by continually saying “I pray for the President,” when you know this statement is not true, unless it is meant in a negative sense. It is a terrible thing you are doing, but you will have to live with it, not I!

NY Times - President Trumps Letter to Nancy Pelosi Protesting Impeachment

Trump has engraved envelops of letter to Pelosi hand delivered to Communists

Below, an overview of the big picture from a post I recently made in another thread here at VAGT.

"As I am sure you are aware, Trevor Loudon is reporting that Chinese Communists fronts flipped Virginia blue this past election and they did it by steadfastly signing up minority voters since 2007. As Loudon points out in the links below, this same model used to flip Virginia is aiming its sites at other states now. In many ways what happened in California has happened here in Virginia, and the left plans to exploit this plan nationwide.

Virginia Goes Blue: Pro Chinese Communist Claim Credit

Chinese Communist Front Flips Virginia Blue (YouTube)

Take the time to think about the surge of illegal immigration at the border and how these "non-American illegal foreigners" are going to be used to sway elections nationwide. And its the "democrats," and "Democratic Socialists" who by in large are in support of open borders not conservatives, and the reasons for this are obvious. The more leftists/"democrat"/Socialists/Communist voters, the more likely they are to stay in power. Its really as simple as that, but its the less than obvious agendas and consequences behind these policies that are the real tale of the tape.

Pentagon Orders Review of Troops Sent to Borrder

US Border Patrol Migration Graph Spike .Gov

Virginia Alien Invasion Report

CNN - Whats behind Spike in Immigration at Border

WaPo - Surge in Migrants at Border

Put the pieces together, look at the bigger picture here. The left is stacking the deck, they're fixing the fight. This will be a complete Communist Take Over of the entire United States and we are already getting a taste of what that is going to look like here in Virginia.

So who is responsible for the border crisis? You are going to have to do some deep research to find the root causes, but chasing down the legal frameworks begins to bring the picture into focus. We know the United Nations is involved, but who is else is behind the drive of illegals North to illegally cross our border? Take a look at the country of origin the illegal immigrants are primarily hailing from and you will find your other co-conspirators, though there are others, less obvious, but equally culpable.

Consider the international involvement in the Coup D'etat to undermine the results of the 2016 election and attack President Trump relentlessly on obviously Trumped up charges for the last four years. The United Kingdom, Australia, Russia, Italy etc. Its a certainty other countries were involved in the attempted takdown of President Trump and the undermining of the 2016 election.

We are talking about an internationally backed Marxist Insurgency. The republic of the United States is under attack, an Open War on American Democracy is happening right before our very eyes. What appears to be the case is all of this information and more is tied together, these are not simply isolated events and circumstances, but rather pieces of a much larger puzzle. This looks like a strategic, militarized plan to me that is only growing in severity. For those of you who play Chess, the pieces are being arranged on the board for check mate.

For those interested in learning more, please see the links below:

Command Sgt. Major Dan Pages Warning to America

Communism in the United States Today

President Trumps Chilling Meme: They are After You"

Original link - 2020 Census: Surge in immigrants to take 24 seats from Trump States

#1574382 - 12/23/19 12:19 PM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
Posts: 611
Loc: Virginia, USA.
City or County: Vinton
Originally Posted By: lue-jones
This looks like a strategic, militarized plan to me that is only growing in severity. For those of you who play Chess, the pieces are being arranged on the board for check mate.

The left DOES have an enforcement arm

The above message is coming to you from the 4th Dimension, there are a number of points of interest for Virginians to consider including the idea of a strategic militarized plan.

#1575781 - 12/28/19 07:55 AM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
Posts: 611
Loc: Virginia, USA.
City or County: Vinton
Yuri Bezmenov - Sleepers Emerge and Messiah Appears

I highly recommend viewing the above clip, in particular how Bezmenov's points leads to civil war and invasion. Its no secret I give Mr. Bezmenov a lot of credit for my pursuit of this topic and other related matters, the above excerpt is a particularly interesting and educational speech that leads to the same roads other sources such as Command Sgt. Major Dan Page and others have warned about. I have linked to a number of his speeches in full in the past, highly recommended

Former KGB Officer Yuri Bezmenov Interview YouTube

Yuri Bexmenov - Subversion is the Term 1983 Speech

Yuri Bezmenov 1983 LA Speech

#1576771 - 12/30/19 07:38 PM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
Posts: 611
Loc: Virginia, USA.
City or County: Vinton
The Resistance Starts Now - Time Magazine

Well before President Trump ever took office, this thread was started to detail the Communist Insurgency happening within the continental United States. The writing was on he wall before Obama ever left office, the riots across the country, sniper attacks against law enforcement, race baiting division propagated by the mainstream media etc. For those who were paying attention, and there weren't many, it was obvious what was going on.

Obviously the propaganda against President Trump was in full effect before he ever took office, but upon his inauguration things really began to kick into overdrive with the inauguration protests, the obvious Operation Mockingbird mainstream media propaganda turn, the endless baseless scandals etc. We're not in Kansas anymore people, its not business as usual in the United States and it hasn't been for sometime now. The fact this charade has went on for nearly four years right before our very eyes attests to this fact but most Americans are clueless as to what is actually going on in this country, even when the Communists in Virginia are threatening military force to enforce their unconstitutional legislative action.

Trump Impeached For Abuse of Power

President Trump Letter to Nancy Pelosi - Open War on American Democracy

Original White House .gov Source

As was laid out on page one of this thread, there is a Communist insurgency happening within the United States and the onslaught against President Trump over the last three years, his impeachment and the entire charade inbetween has all been a part of the insurgency. President Trumps letter to Speaker Pelosi alone attests to what the Communists are doing to the United States and it should be a matter of great concern as this thread and others lay out.

For those interested in learning more:

Lt. General Jerry Boykin on how to move forward against the Communist Insurgency

John Moores Memorandum on Possible Coming Second American Civil War

The Hagmann Report

Pro-Chinese Communist Front Flips Virginia Blue - Epoch Times

Gun Advocate Wrote 1400 Word Recap about getting Duped by Sascha Baron Cohen

Phillip Van Cleave Clarifies he does not want to arm 4 year olds

Phillip Van Cleave: I played along with Sascha Baron Cohen

Militia Intelligence Report

Psychological Operations PDF file - Undermining opponents, Discrediting the Opposition

Command Sgt. Major Dan Pages Warning to America

Original YouTube Video of Dan Pages Warning to America - Highly Recommended

*Note: Photobucket has now completely blurred out the above previously supplied screen shots from the book "As Peking See's Us." Please take the time to read the supplied link to the free copy of the book available online, in particular, take note of the chapter titled " The Potential for Insurgency in the United States."

#1578460 - 01/04/20 06:27 PM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
Posts: 611
Loc: Virginia, USA.
City or County: Vinton
Guns and Gadgets - Communist China Says Americans owning guns is a serious problem

Above, the Guns and Gadgets YouTube channel, which is hosted by a current law enforcement officer and friend of Virginia, discusses the Commmunist Chinese and asks whether they are in fact behind the Bloomberg financing widely reported to have helped swing this recent election cycle in the Commmunists favor in Virginia.

For those who have followed my long standing work here at the forum, this is information that will sound familiar as I have discussed the Chinese Communists for a number of years now and their designs on the United States. A plan to replace the Constitution in the United States is discussed, echoing information CSM Dan Page has warned about in the past.

For those interested in reading more:

Communism in the United States Today

The Potential for Insurgency in the United States - As Peking See's Us

Chicago Communists and the New Black Panther Party - Ferguson Riots

Pro Chinese Communist Front Flips Virginia Blue

Marxism and the Chinese Communists Threat

Chinese Defense Minister Speech - Eye Opening Must Read Highly Recommended

Chinese Communists Front Flips VA Blue - New American Magazine YouTube

Chinese Espionage - 60 Minutes Australia

Command Sgt. Major Dan Pages Warning to America

Bloomberg Praises Communist Chinese

Bloomberg: China isnt a Dictatorship? - WaPo

Guns and Gadgets - VCDL President Interview with Technical Difficulties

Original YouTube Video of Dan Pages Warning to America - Highly Recommended

#1582552 - 01/15/20 06:21 PM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
Posts: 611
Loc: Virginia, USA.
City or County: Vinton

#1583558 - 01/18/20 07:07 AM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
Posts: 611
Loc: Virginia, USA.
City or County: Vinton
RICHMOND — The Virginia Supreme Court has upheld Gov. Ralph Northam's weapons ban for Monday's pro-gun rights rally, rejecting appeal from gun-rights groups.

Virginia Supreme Court Upholds Northam Weapons Ban

But Browne cited a law passed by the General Assembly in 2012 that prohibits the governor from using an emergency declaration “to in any way limit or prohibit the rights of people to keep and bear arms.

Washington Post

Virginia Governor Declares State of Emergency - NY Times

This information above is what I would describe as significant, when you listen to the VCDL president talk about the history of this 2012 law preventing gun control during times of emergency and then reference the latest Virginia Supreme Court decision upholding the governors authority to institute gun control measures during the state of emergency a contradiction in legal edict becomes apparent.

For those interested in learning more about States of Emergency, I have posted quite a bit of supplementary information in the thread titled Operation Garden Plot-Martial Law for your educational viewing development.

Phillip Van Cleave Interview - VCDL Had Law Put in Place After Katrina to Prevent Gun Ban

Police Begin Seizing Firearms in New Orleans - NY Times

NRA - A Decade Later Remember New Orleans Gun Confiscation

Special Operations Surveillance Aircraft Circling Richmond

FAA Declares Airspace Over Richmond "National Defense Airspace" Until After Lobby Day

FAA.gov screen shot

Virginia: FAA Declares National Defense Airspace Over Richmond

Understanding the Primer for the Lobby Day Trap

#1583710 - 01/18/20 12:10 PM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
Posts: 611
Loc: Virginia, USA.
City or County: Vinton
In order to marshal all public resources and appropriate preparedness, response, and recovery measures, I order the following actions:

A. Activation of the Virginia Emergency Operations Center and the Virginia
Emergency Support Team, as directed by the State Coordinator of Emergency
Management, to coordinate the provision of assistance to state and local
governments and to facilitate emergency services assignments to other agencies.

Virginia Governor Executive Order - .gov

The Department of Military Affairs plans, coordinates, maintains situational awareness, and employs forces for homeland security and homeland defense in order to respond to any incidents within the Commonwealth and, on order of the Governor, will assist civil authorities in protecting life and property, preserving peace, maintaining order and public safety, and relieving suffering.

The agency is comprised of the Virginia National Guard and the Virginia Defense Force.

Virginia Department of Military Affairs - .gov

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