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#944063 - 09/05/15 10:10 PM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
toughtom12 Offline
Gun fool

Registered: 11/15/11
Posts: 942
Loc: Centreville/Manassas
City or County: Manassas
Keep up the good work Lue! I enjoy reading the links to stories that you have posted. I am still not sold on the idea that Communism is a major threat to the U.S. at the moment, but I am certain that there is an element of communist sympathy in many of the instances of civil unrest that we have seen. I admire your passion to keep spreading the word on what you see as an immediate threat to our way of life. I apologize for leaving my earlier snarky comments, I figured that you were just another tin foil hat nutter. I can see that you are sincere, and I hope for everyone's sake that you are wrong.

#944498 - 09/07/15 09:15 AM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
Paratus Offline

Registered: 05/17/09
Posts: 573
Loc: Virginia
City or County: Appomattox
lue-jones is correct. Witness the rise in popularity of Bernie Sanders for the Dem ticket.

#944635 - 09/07/15 03:05 PM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: toughtom12]
aka-cyberman Offline
Double Tap

Registered: 01/12/10
Posts: 1745
Loc: Virginia, USA
City or County: Isle Of Wight County
Love reading Lue's posts Can you imagine if a Pinko like Bernie gets elected?
Keep Calm

#945301 - 09/09/15 10:35 AM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: aka-cyberman]
Paratus Offline

Registered: 05/17/09
Posts: 573
Loc: Virginia
City or County: Appomattox
Originally Posted By: aka-cyberman
Love reading Lue's posts Can you imagine if a Pinko like Bernie gets elected?

What a disaster. We have Obama and now are persecuting Christians for their religious positions. I can't imagine it being better if we were to have an admitted socialist rather than a closet socialist in the White House.

#945302 - 09/09/15 10:39 AM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
Posts: 611
Loc: Virginia, USA.
City or County: Vinton
The proposed settlement came just over a month before the first of the six Baltimore police officers charged in Mr. Gray's death is scheduled to stand trial.

Baltimore says Wrongful Death Civil Settlement Reached

The city of Baltimore has essentially acknowledged wrong doing in the case of Freddy Gray before a single officer has been convicted or even stood trial and has set the stage for more rioting should any or all of these officers be acquitted. As we've seen previously, just the suggestion of wrong doing by the Communist propaganda tool known as the mainstream media lead to widespread rioting, looting and violence in the city and now we have an acknowledgment of guilt before any of the officers trials have even begun.

This is poisoning the well and has put a major dent in any attempts to give these officers a fair trial because guilt has been acknowledged before a single trial has begun. This is not how you put a fair and impartial jury together and has jeopardized these officers right to a legitimate trial. It has also jeopardized the safety of the entire city should any of them be found not guilty.

Below you will see a great deal if not all of the trouble in Baltimore could have been avoided if facts surrounding Freddy Grays previous attempts to injure himself in police custody had come to light. Instead the narrative was broadcasted world wide that he was treated unfairly and poorly while in custody which lead to his wrongful death.

Defense Says Prosecutors Withheld Evidence

This reminds me of the 1992 Los Angeles riots where mayhem broke out after the acquittal of the police officers involved in the Rodney King incident.

(CNN)Here is some background information about the 1992 riots in Los Angeles. The riots stemmed from the acquittal of four white Los Angeles Police Department officers in the beating of black motorist Rodney King in 1991.

Los Angeles Riot Fast Facts

So we have a Mayor that ordered a police stand down during the riots, allowing them to grow in severity as the city burned and unrest grew in a case where information was purposely withheld that suggested Freddy Gray had a history of injuring himself in police custody which would throw into doubt any suggestion of wrong doing in his death and now we have an acknowledgement of guilt and civil settlement before a single officer has stood trial. The city of Baltimore has to know full well this all stinks to high heaven and has set the tone for even more violence should any of these officers be found not guilty.

There is no doubt in my mind that the very suspicious circumstances surrounding the escalation of tensions in Baltimore all leads right back to the Obama administration and the Department of Justice. The same DOJ who admonished the Ferguson Police in the aftermath of the Michael Brown shooting. Itself a case where violence against police was pre-emptively reported as an injustice against the African American community. Lets all hope justice is served and everything immediately following goes peacefully because this could lead to even more unrest very easily.

For additional information please see the links below:

Baltimore Police Union Calls Freddy Gray Settlement Obscene

Baltimore Announces 6.4 million dollar Settlement in Freddy Gray Case

Balitmore Mayor Ordered Police Stand Down

Baltimore Mayor Requests Justice Department Probe

Baltimore Mayor Announces DOJ Partnership

DOJ Report: Ferguson Police Created Toxic Environment

DOJ Report: Ferguson Police Escalated Tensions

Department of Justice Admonishes Ferguson Police

#947536 - 09/15/15 12:51 PM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
Posts: 611
Loc: Virginia, USA.
City or County: Vinton
I'm surprised more Americans do not think the circumstances and events unfolding in this country are at the very least, highly unusual.. I dont know if people by in large are truly this stupid, too busy with their own lives to pay attention enough to care or are afraid of speaking out for fear of being marginalized with any number of labels such as conspiracy theorist etc. but we're not in Kansas anymore folks.

Baltimore Prepares to Receive Syrian Refugee's

Elusive Numbers on Illegal Immigrants and Crime Statistics

This post is an extension of post 943984 in that Syrian refugee's are being imported in by the thousands across the United States with little to no background checks, screenings etc. and it is my belief this is all directly related to the Agenda 21 sustainable development plan from the United Nations. Not only are we receiving Syrian refugee's displaced by a conflict the United States has a great hand in supporting and instigating, but we've also opened our borders up to the south and have literally bused in tens of thousands of immigrants from Central and South America across the United States as well. And thats only a conservative estimate at best.

This is a hallmark of Communism, wealth redistribution, and its all ultimately going to fall back on the American tax payer. And while all of this is going on, we've got law enforcement coming under tremendous pressure and being targeted for violence and assassination while Communist agitator propagandists have stirred up unrest in the African American community in cities across the United States.

We've also got the federal government forcing policies such as Obamacare, same sex marriage etc. on the American people in what is essentially a states rights issue which was one of many reasons the Civil War was fought and the nation is being purposely divided. Itself, a hallmark of Communist insurgency in that the division of the bourgeoisie and proletariat represent a class struggle which Communism thrives upon.

We're headed for trouble people, one way or another the change President Obama campaigned on is here and we as Americans and our cultural identity are being purposely circumvented into something new. This is all very serious business, but so many Americans are operating as if this is business as usual. Negative, its time to forget about keeping up with the Kardashians and football season and start focusing on getting into education and politics at the local level. Its time to start focusing in on the preservation of American culture and way of life. I know I am spitting into the wind here, but the house is burning down.

#947770 - 09/15/15 10:18 PM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
aka-cyberman Offline
Double Tap

Registered: 01/12/10
Posts: 1745
Loc: Virginia, USA
City or County: Isle Of Wight County
This country has turned into a dumping ground. You know we aren't getting the Doctors, Scientists and Educated ones from Syria. We'll get the bottom of the barrel.
Keep Calm

#948141 - 09/17/15 09:21 AM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
Posts: 611
Loc: Virginia, USA.
City or County: Vinton
Recently thinking about what many of the most controversial issues in the United States today have in common, a kind of eureka moment was reached when I realized we're talking about circumstances and events that could easily lead to a second American civil war or a third American war for independence.

Confederate Flag

Jade Helm

The Trans-Pacific Partnership

Indiana Religious Freedom Restoration Act

South Carolina Appeals Federal Court Reversal on Same Sex Marriage

States Can Ignore Supreme Court Ruling on Gay Marriage

Should Same Sex Marriage Be Left To The States

West Virginia Moves to Nullify Obamacare

Indiana, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee Move to Nullify Obamacare

Texas Refuses to Implement Obamacare

As information I have detailed in the links above attest too, Jade Helm 15 was a domestic military exercise widely publicized throughout the United States and world which just happened to list states with a secessionist movement as hostile territory. One of the exceptions to Posse Comitatus, or the ability of American troops to operate on United States soil, is the threat of domestic insurrection. Which of course is exactly what a secessionist movement is.

What we've seen throughout the country in recent years is the question of states rights versus the federal implementation of the rule of law. We have the Supreme Court making controversial decisions that govern the entire country such as same sex marriage and Obamacare with a federal government opening up the borders to illegal immigration from Central and South America and even importing immigrants from war torn and poverty stricken countries from all over the world. Some of which are a direct result of American foreign policy over sea's.

The question of how power should be divided between the federal government and the states is really what American politics has been all about for well over two centuries. It is a question debated by delegates to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in 1787, debated by Federalists and Anti-Federalists during the ratification period, and debated between and within our political parties ever since. Elections have been won and lost on this question, and a Civil War fought over it.


President Obama campaigned on change, and that is exactly what we have seen since his 2008 election. But change for who or what? The answer is relatively obvious, change for America and the American people. When you change America, you turn it into something new. Something different. When you support this change, you're not supporting any kind of ideal that lends itself to the notion of what America was. You're supporting what America is going to be. And that doesn't make you anything but a pseudo-American, because a real American would support lady liberty and what America actually means. Not what someone else, or a group of people want America to be.

We have previously fought a war over the issue of states rights, and we're seeing a drastic federal over reach in this country where any number of hotly contested issues are being made the new normal. What Americans and states in particular are being forced to do is accept the new rule of law or be left with little other choice but to secede from the union, balkanize our formerly great nation and attempt to forge ahead with a similar path to what many Americans today still feel is the continuation of the original path and definition(s) of what it means to be an American.

When Jade Helm 15 widely publicized states with a secessionist movement as hostile, it does not strike me as too far-fetched of an idea to conclude this exercise was at the very least designed to send a message to the politicians and people in these states that the threat of military force exist in order to bring these area's into compliance with president Obama's change. Which as I have stated previously in this thread looks very much like the United Nations Agenda 21 sustainable development plan.

How much more change is America willing to endure before some states are left with little other option but secession? There are any number of constitutional issues which could be discussed as being infringed upon to include freedom of speech, freedom of religion, the right to bear arms, unreasonable searches and seizures, the right to be secure in your persons, papers and effects etc. and at some point it is not unreasonable to assume one or more parts of the country will throw their hands up and decide it is time to go it alone and on their own.

What exactly is patriotism to you? When we were attacked on 9/11 there was a mainstream media outcry for Americans to be patriotic and not to question the governments decision in invading Iraq and Afghanistan as a response. Now Americans are increasingly being forced to accept change in this country as also a patriotic duty. But is changing America and laying down to accept it patriotic? Or is embracing traditional American ideals, concepts and way of life patriotic? Something to think about as same sex marriage, illegal immigration, Obamacare, wealth redistribution, civil unrest, loss of privacy, unwavering political correctness etc. become the new normal in an America which was founded on the rebellion of tyranny.

#952318 - 09/28/15 07:57 PM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
Posts: 611
Loc: Virginia, USA.
City or County: Vinton
Before you under take any task, whether its something small like fixing the kitchen sink or something a little bit more challenging like replacing an engine its always a good idea to have some kind of idea of what you're getting into and what you're up against. Blindly charging into any job with out some kind of idea of what you're about to do is always a fool hardy decision and is the reason many people choose to hire a professional instead of electing to take the chance of making a bad situation worse.

I've come to realize that both Communism and Capitalism are little more than systems of operation which serve to control society as whole. In the case of the United States, Capitalism is the system of control our country has ran under for longer than any of us here at the forum have been alive. Its what we know, it serves as a defining characteristic of our society and its how nearly all of us have come to understand our way of life today. But as this thread lays out, things are changing in the United States and we're seeing elements of another system of operation, Communism, creep into our collective well beings.

Most Americans are under the impression we have voted and elected our political figures in legitimate elections, but whatever the case may be, it is these political figure heads who have ultimately laid the ground work for change. We all answer to somebody, and in the United States our political leaders are alleged to answer to the American people?

What I have noticed in recent days and weeks on the various mainstream media broad casts is a focus on the Pope visiting the United States and interestingly enough, the United Nations seems to have received its fair share of exposure to the American people. This is not a surprise to me, as for sometime now I have expected the United Nations to take an ever increasing role in the lives of Americans.

Below are 17 goals of the United Nations in what appears to be a continuation of the Agenda 21 Sustainable Development Plan. Notice this is being billed as the 2030 developmental goals of the United Nations.

End poverty in all its forms everywhere

End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture

Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all

Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all

Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation

Reduce inequality within and among countries

Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development

Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification and halt and reverse land degradation, and halt biodiversity loss

Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels

Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development

Just recently I saw a commercial whose chief message was bringing an end to poverty. What that meant to me was wealth redistribution, as previously discussed elsewhere in this thread, wealth redistribution is one of Karl Marx's 10 planks of Communism. With both Capitalism and Communism being systems of control, systems of governance, its important to understand this basic premise when learning more about the subject.

#957572 - 10/12/15 02:48 PM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
Posts: 611
Loc: Virginia, USA.
City or County: Vinton
“How do you persuade a nation of relatively freedom-loving individuals to march in lock step with a police state? You start by convincing them that they’re in danger, and only the government can protect them. Keep them keyed up with constant danger alerts, and the occasional terrorist incident, whether real or staged. Distract them with wall-to-wall news coverage about sinking ships, disappearing planes and pseudo-celebrities spouting racist diatribes. Use blockbuster movies, reality shows and violent video games to hype them up on military tactics, and then while they’re distracted and numb to all that is taking place around them, indoctrinate their young people to your way of thinking , relying primarily on the public schools and popular culture “.

Agenda 21

Above is a similar message to what retired Command Sgt. Major Dan Page has warned the United States and world about and echo's similar messages elsewhere in this thread as well. In this article here, Obama seeks tighter gun restrictions, GOP wants focus on mental health we see that what Obama and the GOP want are essentially one in the same. A major part of Universal Background Checks is the opening up medical records to be included in the proposed changes to the background check system already in place. But notice how these two idea's seem to be portrayed as oppossing. This should make a compromise on the situation fairly easy to obtain since both liberals and conservatives are shooting into the same barrel already.

#961382 - 10/22/15 12:15 PM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
Posts: 611
Loc: Virginia, USA.
City or County: Vinton
It’s only rural and suburban whites who are in love with their guns, and they’re being replaced due to low birth rates and high rates of immigration.

Yet whites, who comprise 63 percent of the population today, won’t be the majority for long. Racial minorities are soon to be a majority, and they are the nation’s strongest supporters of strict gun laws.

“As the immigration-backed socialist takeover of America continues, they will speak more boldly,” Gheen told WND. “And those who support mass legal immigration and rampant illegal immigration are driven by animosity toward whites, gun owners, and Americans of all races loyal to the Constitution and Bill of Rights.”

“What remains to be seen is what plans these socialist aggressors have for the millions of Americans they know they’ll have to kill to achieve their goal of full gun confiscation,” he said.

There are an estimated 90 million Americans who own at least one firearm.

“Socialist and communist governments have killed more than 100 million of their own citizens over the decades, but that can’t happen here as long as enough Americans are armed and loyal to the Constitution.”


For those interested in reading more:

Revolutionary Communist Party, USA linked to Pro Amnesty

Communist Party USA calls for 'street heat' to push for Amnesty

Masked Muslims Burn Christian Church To The Ground

Muslim Gangs Plunder German Churches

Germany Cracks Down on Online Anti-Immigrant Speech

Angela Merkels Response to Mass Migration Concerns

Sunni Muslims March for Jihad in Copenhagen

Muslim Migrants March Through Slovenia like Invading Soldiers

Swedes Find Weapons Stash at Migrant Center

Migrant Crisis: Refugee's Trudge Through Hungary

Refugee Crisis: Europe Takes Many, Gulf States Take None

Gun men attack luxary hotel in Mali

Paris Attacks

Paris Attack Leaves More Than 100 Dead

Islamic Invasion Pulls Trigger: Europeans Scramble for Guns

EU Response to Paris Attacks

Muslims Say They Will Make it Legal to Rape White Women

What Muslim Immigrants Secretly Say: Raping, Robbing

Muslim Migrant Rapes 7 year old European Child

Sweden: Rape Capital of the West

Americans Need to See Why Sweden is Rape Capital of West

Sweden Shocked Again as Swedish Woman Raped to Death by Immigrant

Sweden Raises Terror Threat Level

Belgium Raises Terror Threat Level

EU Running Out of Money to Handle Immigration Crisis

Migration Crisis Causing Deep Division

As Migrants Flow In, More Europeans Question Open Borders

Obama Opens Borders

Obama Admin Issues Leaflet to ISIS Warning of Bombing Run

Muslim Truck Drivers Refuse to Deliver Beer, Win Lawsuit

Honduras Detains 5 Syrians With Stolen Passports

Exploding Muslim Immigration Overwhelms the FBI

FBI Admits It Cant Vet All Refugee's

Officials Fear Refugee's Pose a Threat

Senior Obama Officials Warn of Challenges in Vetting Refugee's

Refugee Program Called Backdoor for Jihadists

How Do Syrian Refugee's Get Into the U.S.

Study: Mideast Immigrants Pose Security Threat to the U.S.

Immigration to Swell U.S. Muslim Population to 6.2 Million

Obama Administration to Import Thousands of Syrian Refugee's

Muslim Immigration to U.S. is Staggering

U.S. To Take Atleast 10,000 More Syrian Refugee's

Refugee Crisis: Pressure Builds for U.S. To Take In More Refugee's

Missing Syrian Refugee Found in D.C.

Obama to States: You Dont Have the Power to Stop Refugee's

Big List of Muslim Terrorists Attacks in U.S.

Obama Rejects Intell on Known Islamic Terrorists

Communist Attorney General Vows to Prosecute Anti-Muslim Rhetoric

ISIS: We Will Use Refugee Crisis to Infiltrate West

ISIS Infiltrating Refugee's

Teenager Claims She Was Gang Raped by Syrian Refugee's

Michigan City Adopts Sharia Law

Poll: Most U.S. Muslims Would Trade Constitution for Sharia Law

Muslims Try to Pass Sharia Law in Alabama

Muslim Call to Prayer on UCLA Campus

UCLA: Allah is Great Call to Prayer

Cultural Genocide

CNN Guest: Its Cultural Genocide

#966958 - 11/06/15 12:44 PM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
Posts: 611
Loc: Virginia, USA.
City or County: Vinton
For those paying attention, there is essentially a proxy war brewing in Syria between Russia and the United States. Always on the look out for more information surrounding Communism, below is a piece written 35 years ago from Hal Lindsey which has proved to be a most interesting book that I recently picked up.

Another Fatal Miscalculation:

Alexander Solzhenitsyn, who understands communism as well as anyone alive, made this comment about our stance toward China: "In expectation of World War III, the West again seeks cover, and finds Communist China an ally! This is another betrayal, not only of Taiwan, but of the entire oppressed Chinese people. Moreover, it is a mad, suicidal policy: Having supplied billion-strong China with American arms, the west will defeat the U.S.S.R., but thereafter no force on earth will restrain communist China from world conquest."

Solzhenitsyn echoes Biblical prophets, who said that the Oriental people, led by China, will battle the western nations in the planets last great war. So it is plain to see that the arms we are now sending the Chinese will be turned against us after the Russians are destroyed in the Middle East.

Communism is Communism, No Matter Who it Enslaves

Our leader's idea that one form of communism (Chinese) is good and another (Russian) is bad is the height of folly and misunderstanding. Yet our foreign policy planners continue to act on that theory. Their racist notion claims that Soviet communism is brutal because of the nature of the Russian people. That type of thinking ignores history.

Solzhenitsyn correctly observed: "Communism can implement (its) 'ideals' only by destroying the core and foundation of a nations life. He who understands this will not for a minute believe Chinese communism is more peace-loving than the Soviet variety (it is simply that its teeth have not yet grown) or that Marshall Tito's brand is kindly by nature. The latter was also leavened with blood, and it too consolidated its power by mass killings." - Hal Lindsey "The 1980's: Countdown to Armageddon" pages 95-96.

#983150 - 12/17/15 01:44 PM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
Posts: 611
Loc: Virginia, USA.
City or County: Vinton
Virginia High School Lesson: There is no god but Allah

Above is a link to an all too familiar story playing out across the country, where Islamic religion is being taught in the public school system while at the same time the Christian religion is shunned. Many of you will remember Giles County in the South-West region of Virginia making national headlines over the 10 Commandments being posted on school grounds. Yet we see another school in the Commonwealth openly teaching an Islamic principle. Apparently what is good for the goose is not good for the gander? What we're seeing is an example of Cultural Marxism unfolding in our very own state, but unfortunately its a trend that can be seen nation wide.

Where once the United States was a Christian nation, now we see a movement to erase that notion and instead introduce a new identity to the country where Christianity no longer reigns supreme and instead we have a very different kind of people than before. A place where there is no tradition, no sense of self but instead a people who are anything and everything but unique. While the right to freedom of religion is a first amendment right to the Constitution, what we're seeing instead of equality is the pushing of one religion over another which has a long history in the country. It is absolutely an attempt to erase our traditional identity and usher in a new ideology to our children who are of course our future.

For those interested in reading more, please see the links below.

Fear of Islamic Indoctrination in America's Public School System

School Accused of Islamic Indoctrination

Islamic Indoctrination is Nationwide Epidemic

Islamic Indoctrination

Syrian Immigration Quietly Tops 100,000 Since 2012

Czech President: Migrant Crisis is Organized Invasion

Berlin: Muslims Beat Christians for Xmas Fun

France Closes Three Mosques, Finds Hundreds of Weapons

Muslim Rapes Co-Worker to Force Her to Convert to Islam and Marry Him

Militant Muslim Youths Storm Christian Church

Christian Camps Told to Remove Crosses Before Arrival of Migrants

Muslim Screams Allah Akbar Runs over Soldier

1,000 Migrants Rape, Steal, Brawl at Trainstation

Christians Now a Minority in UK

#983264 - 12/17/15 07:00 PM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
aka-cyberman Offline
Double Tap

Registered: 01/12/10
Posts: 1745
Loc: Virginia, USA
City or County: Isle Of Wight County
Typical of Obama's Federal Government's Department of Education. Our Governor McAullife must be a co-signer of it in Virginia. This just isn't right. I could go on and on with this, but I don't want to bore anyone. I hope I would be preaching to the choir. Thanks again lue.
Keep Calm

#983348 - 12/17/15 10:47 PM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
toughtom12 Offline
Gun fool

Registered: 11/15/11
Posts: 942
Loc: Centreville/Manassas
City or County: Manassas
Public Schools should be secular! The only time they should be discussing religion is when they are discussing history. They can describe how Christianity and Islam were invented, and how they became 2 of the most popular religions. They should be treated no differently than when school kids learn about Thor and Odin, or Zues and Apollo. If people don't want their children to learn about the history of the worlds religions, I suppose they have the right opt out, just like Sex Ed.

#986865 - 12/27/15 11:10 AM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
Posts: 611
Loc: Virginia, USA.
City or County: Vinton
NEWPORT NEWS, Va. (WAVY) — A large fight broke out at Patrick Henry Mall on Jefferson Avenue Saturday night, according to Newport News Police.

Witnesses on the scene told WAVY that a group of around 50 to 60 kids and small groups began fighting near the mall’s food court. They described the scene at the mall as complete chaos.

Police say the crowd involved in the fight was estimated to be around 200. Officers on the scene saw several fights involving what appeared to be teenagers.

?Police say they received no reports of an active shooter or shots fired on mall property?

Amish Mafia Riot in Newport News

Police believe the young people were middle schools and high schools ages. They said there were between 1,000 and 2,000 of the juveniles.

A police chopper was also monitoring the situation from above.

St. Matthews police spokesman Dennis McDonald said the Police Department's command staff called TARC to request extra buses in the area to transport the young people, many who were without their parents, away from the area.

McDonald said it was tough to make any arrests, because officers were too busy breaking up the large group of disorderly young people.

"I don't believe this was organized, I believe this was random.

Officers also received reports about shots fired inside the mall and in the parking lot, but those reports have not been confirmed.

Frat Boys and Amish Thugs Riot in Mall

A wise man once said political correctness is Communism writ small. Ask yourself where do our notions of political correctness come from? Is it the media? Our school system? What is the driving force behind the movement in the United States to deny the truth and attempt to excuse it with any number of explanations besides the obvious? Our entire social contract is dictated by those who seek to hide reality and replace it with fantasy notions.

For those who have followed this thread close enough, this subject should have a ring of familiarity too it. One only needs to see what is happening now in real time to imagine what things will be like in the future should the far left continue to poison the well of truth. Rhodesia, South Africa anyone?

For those interested in reading more please see the links below:

Merriam Webster: Flash Mob Definition

Flash Mobs Flood Philadelphia

Flash Mobs in Philadelphia

Macon: Flash Mobs Assault Man In Wheel Chair

Flash Mob: So many stories, not enough room

Increasingly Violent Flash Mobs Worry Authorities

Black Flash Mob Attacks Innocent White Victims

Why is the media white washing black flash Mob Violence?

Little Evidence Social Media Behind Flash Mob Violence

CBS: Media Covers Up Flash Mob Violence

CNN: Shame on White People

Father Flee's As Daughter Is Gang Raped in NY

Black Youths Jump Couple

4 Insane Reasons the Left Romaticizes Radical Islam

Germany: Islamic Assylum Seekers Among Those in Mass Sexual Assault Incident

Lawmakers to Obama: Stop Importing the Threat

Phili Cop Shooter Traveled to Middle East

Migrant Boys Sexually Assault Girls For Months

Woman Sexually Assaulted by Immigrants Called Racist For Speaking Out

Muslims Demand Swiss Flag Be Changed

13 Year Old German Girl Kidnapped and Gang Raped by Muslim Migrants

Imam: Cologne Women Had It Coming Because of Clothing and Perfume

Muslim Migrants Grope Swedish Woman, Demand She Make Sex

Migrants Masterbate in Pools, Defecate in Showers

Germans Battle Refugee Sex Assaults with Signs, Cartoons

Mother Regrets Welcoming attitude: Son Raped by Refugee

U.S. To Issue Visa's to 300,000 Migrants

Portland State Aims to Shame Whiteness

Muslim with Machete attacks Israeli-Christians in Ohio

Brooklyn Attacks take Anti-White Turn

#994898 - 01/17/16 06:37 AM We're Not In Kansas Anymore [Re: lue-jones]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
Posts: 611
Loc: Virginia, USA.
City or County: Vinton
Washington Post: They Have Too Much Privilege

Washington Post: Disarm Them

CNN: Restrict Their Liberty and Freedom

Washington Post: Restrict Their Speech

CNN: Replace Them

Recently, I became curious on exactly how many Americans are actually capable of understanding what is going on in this country? According to this .gov website the average Americans reading comprehension level is at a 7th grade level or below. And 21% of us are screwed if it exceeds a 5th grade level. So it doesn't surprise me in the least bit that a Communist insurgency is taking place in this country, headed by the United Nations and most Americans are fascinated with last nights NFL game instead of the tyranny unfolding before our very eyes.

Most Americans are concerned with unicorns, rainbows and hop-scotch while avoiding reality. Much like a tragic comedy, an alarming number of people in this country want to write off reality as conspiracy theory instead of conspiracy fact. Not surprising when the only thing they're capable of understanding is pizza, beer and jolly ranchers.

We're not in Kansas anymore. The Commies are not coming, they've already arrived and have set up shop. In perhaps one of the most brilliant militarily orchestrated moves in history, the Communists have infiltrated and subverted the United States and in the process have tricked Capitalists into being blissfully unaware of their socialist indoctrination all the while espousing just that. Communist ideology.

We have members at this very forum who work for the Department of Homeland Security that think those of us capable of reading above a 7th grade level are in fact the enemy. Who is going to be left when they lock up, imprison or kill every American capable of understanding what is going on in this country? I will tell you. An easily controlled, dumbed down population of subservient "Americans" who will do as they are told, think and believe as they are instructed in order for those in power to remain in power. Ruling with an iron fist and incrementally ostracizing anyone who does not espouse politically correct thought.

60 Minutes Crew Assaulted by European Migrants

#995280 - 01/18/16 06:33 AM Re: We're Not In Kansas Anymore [Re: lue-jones]
aka-cyberman Offline
Double Tap

Registered: 01/12/10
Posts: 1745
Loc: Virginia, USA
City or County: Isle Of Wight County
lue-jones hits another Home Run. We are turning into Sheeple. Maybe we'll wake up when the Government begins Gun Confiscation. It will be too late by then. There are Jack Booted Thugs out there that are wringing their hands to do this, all the while thinking they'll be immune to it.Ready to follow orders. IDK.....I'm glad I'm old and probably won't see this play out in my lifetime, but it's coming. God help us if someone like Bernie Sanders gets elected. Hillary will be bad, but nothing compared to Bernie.
Keep Calm

#995737 - 01/19/16 10:57 AM Re: We're Not In Kansas Anymore [Re: lue-jones]
9mmchallenger Offline

Registered: 02/05/13
Posts: 1947
Loc: Hopewell
City or County: hopewell
it has and is started in our schools. there is no learing anymore, they are not taught how to understand and comprehend. they are given set things to memorize and fill out on tests, the family has been destroid by 2 working parents and schools and daycares rasing our children. such a push of work hard and buy your kids crap or your not a good parent, spending time and properlky raising your children is not the priority. so kids have became disconnected, uneducated and expect everything given to them. so now when they get older they are ripe to be controlled by the goverment. the goverment will provide for them and give them drone type lives staring at there electronics with no real thought of there own. man that sounds like a bad movie plot.
Drive fast, shoot straight and live free.

#995800 - 01/19/16 02:18 PM Re: We're Not In Kansas Anymore [Re: 9mmchallenger]
Shotz Offline

Registered: 10/04/10
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Edited by Shotz (01/19/16 02:37 PM)
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NRA Certified Instructor

Looking for: Ruger Charger, H&K P7 variants, Winchester 101 or similar, Sig P210. Mags for Savage MkII. AICS pattern mags for Rem700SA.

#996161 - 01/20/16 11:22 AM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
Posts: 611
Loc: Virginia, USA.
City or County: Vinton
It has been hard to miss the propaganda on the mainstream news lately concerning the water crisis in Flint, Michigan. Not so coincidentally, the United Nations is also concerned about issues related to water in Michigan and elsewhere. It is not a coincidence I have been writing about the United Nations becoming an increasingly familiar entity in matters concerning the United States, as the writing is on the wall and is crystal clear.

UN Shocked By Detroits Mass Water Shut Off

Detroits Water Crisis: The Flood of Inequality

Why is the United Nations sticking their nose in our business? Why is the United Nations behind the influx of Middle Eastern migrants into the United States and elsewhere? Why is the United Nations concerned about the influx of illegal aliens from Central and South America on the Southern border? Why did Michael Browns parents address the UN? Why is Hillary Clinton only recently parroting concerns about police brutality in the United States that echo those of the United Nations?

Why is the United Nations concerned about firearms and related paraphanelia in the United States? Honestly this is all just the tip of the iceberg concerning the UN's meddling in American affairs. It all goes back to the Agenda 21 Sustainable Development Plan. It is the New World Order that so many American politicians and other world leaders have talked about for years.

Again, take a good look at what the UN did in Rhodesia and what happened to that country and its people as a result. And we're seeing the long arm of the United Nations reaching into America as we speak. Turn on the television and see for yourself. Think the constant bashing of white, Christian Americans in the mainstream media is merely a coincidence?

#996348 - 01/20/16 08:47 PM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
Mark S Offline
Mark S

Registered: 04/29/10
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Loc: Rappahannock County, VA
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This is just one more instance of the MSM showing its stripes.

The Flint City council voted 7-1 for the water project. The entire city council is Democrat, Black and currently has 2 felons serving on it.

The mayor, no longer in office pushed for it and got it through as did the current major, also Dems.

The entire elected body of Genesee County is Dem and all backed it.

The prior governor Grantham a Dem backed it.

But, now it is the Republican Governor's fault.

#998144 - 01/25/16 09:44 PM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
Posts: 611
Loc: Virginia, USA.
City or County: Vinton
If by chance you have been watching the CNN Iowa Democratic Town Hall meeting tonight, which is on at this very moment you may recognize the ideological concepts coming from Sen. Bernie Sanders.

Two key Communist principles are resounding in his speeches, division between the classes (Bourgeois vs Proletariat) and wealth redistribution. You will also notice how these ideological concepts are fluffed up with any number of feel good topics in order to sell the American people on the idea. The audience "democrats" is eating it up hook, line and sinker too.

And, living up to his image as a self-declared Democratic socialist, he warned corporations and the richest Americans that they would pay more.

"Yes, you are going to start paying for your fair share of taxes," Sanders said. "I demand that Wall Street start paying its fair share of taxes."

Clinton, Sanders Highlight Differences

#998153 - 01/25/16 09:54 PM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
wolfman Offline
SB lurker

Registered: 09/04/10
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Google Yuri Bezmenov.
It's good to be back in Virginia

#998155 - 01/25/16 09:57 PM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
aka-cyberman Offline
Double Tap

Registered: 01/12/10
Posts: 1745
Loc: Virginia, USA
City or County: Isle Of Wight County
I was watching UFC and switched over. The 1st thing out of his mouth was raising taxes. If you want your taxes raised, this is your guy.
Keep Calm

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