Looking to sell or trade this Model 721 in 270. Older rifle but been kept in the safe and maintained well, is still in great shape. Asking $550 OBO to sell, or open to trades as well.
Trades I’d consider are for a suppressor I can use on a 300BLK pistol, a decent AR or AR pistol or certain handguns, plus or minus cash on your end or my end depending on the trade. Looking for AR upper annd lowers, specifically decent brand (Aero, BCM, LMT, SOLGW, Noveske etc). Also looking for a decent/quality pistol or rifle mounted weapon light, and ammo in .380, 9mm, .223/5.56, and 300BLK. Make me an offer! I also have quite a few other firearms etc up for sale/trade if you wanted to work out a deal.
https://imgur.com/a/sCa6WNQHappy to give more pics or info as needed. Feel free to reach out any time, 8 o 4 5 4 3 o 1 4 2. Thanks for looking!