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#1866535 - 03/14/22 08:42 PM
the cwa
Registered: 02/27/10
Posts: 5680
Loc: Virginia
City or County: Prince George,23842
Got word in the shoutbox that Randy had a heart attack today and passed. If anyone can add any info about services or anything like that, please do so. RIP Randy, you will be missed. https://vaguntrader.com/forums/ubbthreads.php/users/12335/trader-randy
Edited by the cwa (03/14/22 08:46 PM)
VAGUNTRADER SECRET SERVICE(shhhhhh, don't tell anybody, i'm undercover)
If you were a hotdog, and you were starving, would you eat yourself?
HEY, we all know that the moon is not made of green cheese. but what if it was made of barbecue spare ribs, would you eat it then?
#1866539 - 03/14/22 08:49 PM
Re: trader-randy
[Re: the cwa]
Bolt action
Registered: 09/28/15
Posts: 161
Loc: Clarke
City or County: Clarke
Rest easy good Sir. Will miss seeing you around!
#1866542 - 03/14/22 08:52 PM
Re: trader-randy
[Re: the cwa]
Professional FUDD Hater
Registered: 10/10/16
Posts: 728
Loc: VA
City or County: Lynchburg
Randy was a real American, loved by all. Always willing to help someone in need. He loved his family, and stayed by their side when they needed him the most. He spent countless nights praying and asking our Lord God to take his sister in law off the ventilator. Randy prayed day in and day out for her, and asked others to do the same as she struggled and eventually came off it. Randy put his family before all else. I will always remember Randy. He was a good man, and I cannot say I would be standing here today if it wasn't for him and his benevolent ability to welcome and calm the souls of many. Be well Randy, we all love you, and will carry you with us in our daily walks with God
Much like anonymous sex, internet based gun transactions are mildly risky, but almost always worth it.
I'm not a surgeon, why? What's a little sepsis between friends?
Everyone takes a beating sometimes
#1866568 - 03/14/22 09:21 PM
Re: trader-randy
[Re: the cwa]
Registered: 04/27/09
Posts: 532
Loc: Spotsylvania, Virginia
City or County: Downtown Thornburg
Met Randy for a gun deal at Christmas, we talked for a couple hours standing in the bass pro parking lot. It is just unbelievable that he’s left us at such a young age. RIP Randy
"It will be fine after the swelling go's down"
#1866574 - 03/14/22 09:40 PM
Re: trader-randy
[Re: the cwa]
Sharp Shooter
Registered: 06/13/13
Posts: 2451
Loc: Virginia Beach
City or County: Virginia Beach
Fair winds and following seas, TR.
#1866575 - 03/14/22 09:41 PM
Re: trader-randy
[Re: the cwa]
Spontaneously Combustible
Registered: 10/12/19
Posts: 495
Loc: Virginia
City or County: Prince George
What a loss. Randy was a class act. Always a pleasure to talk with him. He will be missed.
Bureaucracy is the art of making the possible, impossible.
#1866576 - 03/14/22 09:42 PM
Re: trader-randy
[Re: the cwa]
Pea shooter
Registered: 06/26/15
Posts: 7
Loc: Virginia
City or County: Hampton
Good evening everyone. I am glad that someone has broke the news, I was not sure how to do it.
However for all those who are interested. The services will be held at 1457 Todds Lane Hampton, VA 23666.
It will be on Friday March 25 from 6pm to 8pm and Saturday March 26 from 1pm to 3pm.
All who wish to pay their respects feel free. Thank you all once again for your kind words.
#1866581 - 03/14/22 09:54 PM
Re: trader-randy
[Re: 203guy]
Gun Nerd
Registered: 05/24/17
Posts: 99
Loc: Farmville
City or County: Prince Edward
I was going through some very dark times last summer after me and my girl split and took my step son back to Texas. I fractured my ankle pretty horribly, in four places. I had no one to help me out, but he did. I couldn't drive. He didn't want me to Uber or anything like that. He took me to appointments, took me to the Rx. We had some very good conversations and I'm still around due to some of them. Rest in peace Randy.
I'm just a guy.
#1866584 - 03/14/22 10:00 PM
Re: trader-randy
[Re: the cwa]
Pea shooter
Registered: 06/26/15
Posts: 7
Loc: Virginia
City or County: Hampton
That's just thet type of guy Randy was. Give you the shirt off his back if he though it would do you any good.
#1866585 - 03/14/22 10:01 PM
Re: trader-randy
[Re: the cwa]
Lawnmower guy loves Mini 14's and lookin
Registered: 02/13/11
Posts: 806
Loc: Southampton Co Va
City or County: Courtland Va
Iam sure going too miss you. You always had encouraging words for me thru the 6 days I spent in ICU with covid in July and now with bladder cancer. We talked and prayed for your sister. There is NO doubt in my mind where you are. You got too meet your Savior Face too Face
RIP My Brother
Lord keep your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my mouth. " Dear Lord Jesus, Let Your search light shine upon me. Bring to light what is dark, Strengthen what is weak, Mend what is broken,...
#1866591 - 03/14/22 10:41 PM
Re: trader-randy
[Re: the cwa]
Single barrel
Registered: 08/25/12
Posts: 28
Loc: VA
City or County: K-town
Requiescat in pace my friend.
We are all diminished...
"Owning a handgun doesn't make you armed any more than owning a guitar makes you a musician."
#1866592 - 03/14/22 10:43 PM
Re: trader-randy
[Re: the cwa]
Registered: 08/24/10
Posts: 433
Loc: Springfield VA
City or County: Fairfax county
Truly sorry to hear this. Always liked randy. He was a valued member of VGT and the Shoutbox. Damn shame when the good folk go early.
- All free men should own firearms
#1866596 - 03/14/22 10:52 PM
Re: trader-randy
[Re: the cwa]
Registered: 10/21/18
Posts: 807
Loc: Richmond, VA
City or County: Chesterfield
randy was in the shoutbox ever since I joined the website a few years back, it wont be the same without him. Rest easy sir.
"When it’s time to die, let us not discover that we have never lived." - Thoreau
Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men.
#1866627 - 03/15/22 07:10 AM
Re: trader-randy
[Re: the cwa]
2A 4 All
Registered: 01/12/09
Posts: 3800
Loc: VA
City or County: 22973
This truly saddens me, Randy was like a brother. I'm at a lost for words.
You thought the "Deep State" could frame and imprison Donald Trump. Now he's OUR President, again!
Hahaha, suck it you libtards!
I hear North Korea is accepting stoopids. Oh, I mean unhappy American Liberals
#1866634 - 03/15/22 07:46 AM
Re: trader-randy
[Re: the cwa]
Gun Loon-atic
Registered: 02/14/10
Posts: 1930
Loc: South Carolina
City or County: Piedmont
Very sad news. A person who cared more for others
NEVER do business with: SenseiKintama
#1866752 - 03/15/22 11:50 AM
Re: trader-randy
[Re: the cwa]
Bolt action
Registered: 04/05/11
Posts: 196
Loc: Appomatttox
City or County: Appomatttox
I'm gonna miss Mazda for sure
#1867444 - 03/17/22 08:53 AM
Re: trader-randy
[Re: the cwa]
The Truth
The iguana is on the rock
Registered: 08/06/14
Posts: 296
Loc: Henrico
City or County: Henrico
RIP Randy. Shoutbox won't be the same without ya, bud.
S&W Model 1076 TEU- prefix FBI issue
CZ Model 457 Varmint 22WMR Ruger Hawkeye Compact 308
#1867530 - 03/17/22 12:06 PM
Re: trader-randy
[Re: the cwa]
Registered: 03/19/10
Posts: 232
Loc: Va
City or County: Floyd
Always enjoyed reading his comments in the SB, was kind to those struggling and needing a helping hand. He will be missed by all. John
Yes---that IS a wheelchair attached to my **I have a crush on Kamala**! Does it make it look big???