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#874395 - 03/20/15 11:24 AM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: 6.5x55]
aka-cyberman Offline
Double Tap

Registered: 01/12/10
Posts: 1745
Loc: Virginia, USA
City or County: Isle Of Wight County
6.5 is 100% correct. none of them can afford to fly in from berkley on a short notice and conduct training classes for protesters without financial support. they've infiltrated the labor movement in the u.s.a. and canada too.
Keep Calm

#883646 - 04/10/15 11:23 AM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
Posts: 611
Loc: Virginia, USA.
City or County: Vinton
The Cold War is over and Communism is a non-issue for most Americans. Communism is such a non-issue that Communist plans to undermine American society have proceeded for years virtually undetected and unhindered. Recent events have aided this process, with President Obama's aggressive drive toward Socialism fitting neatly into decades of Communist strategy.[2]

Democrats may take offense at this assertion, but to do so they will have to counter the remarks of James Steele, Communist Party USA Legislative Director in the eighties. He said, "In the absence of a mass-based third party, it is possible and necessary for the people's movement to make use of the Democratic Party in the struggle for reforms...."[11] He then went on to suggest that the progressive wing of the Democratic Party was growing in importance and would eventually drive the party, signaling hope for his plan. Even a cursory glance at the recent policies of the present Democratic leadership make Steele's declaration prophetic. Forget the term "progressive"; the Democratic Party has become the party of Lenin.

The Perastroika Deception

#889603 - 04/24/15 10:49 AM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
Posts: 611
Loc: Virginia, USA.
City or County: Vinton
America, the land of the free, has become a marxist cesspool where communist ideology hides behind freedom of speech in a thin, veiled attempt to circumvent America from within. Freedom of speech is not freedom of stupidity however, communist ideology is not free from criticism because one has the right to say virtually whatever they want with some exceptions. America, land of the free is not America, land of tyranny. Where fear and mass murder are condoned because one has the right to believe in whatever political, economic or social system that they choose.

The United States is moving into a direction where tyranny is the final destination. Obamacare represents massive wealth redistribution, in fact as this thread lays out a number of communist variables are in play within the United States with the majority blind to its significance and even to its very existence.

Including the recently head lined 'Net Neutrality' which represents an anti-free market doctrine, itself hiding behind veiled socialist ideals which represent the antithesis of a capitalist based society. For a very long time, people came to America to escape oppression and to live on streets paved with gold. A place where one can work hard and get ahead in life. Not to be subject to anti-free market doctrines and wealth redistribution to those who choose not to work hard for what they have or have not while leaching off society with a free ride.

People came to America to have freedom of religion, which itself is under attack in this country with politically correct laws passed which undermine christian ideology and faith. In a society where freedom of speech and freedom of religion are constitutionally protected rights, what business do we have passing hate crimes legislation protecting homosexuals from criticism? Especially criticism which is levied behind thousands of years of biblical teachings?

The communist utopia is not and has not ever been a reality. In fact this thread relates a mountain of research that says anything but. Communism has represented oppression, fear and mass murder in societys throughout history who have attempted to adopt socialist, marxist, communist ideology. Three terms which will forever be linked to one another despite the best efforts of communist sympathizers who attempt to draw distinctions which represent little more than academic semantics to terms which are easily assigned to one another.

There are "Americans", who on a regular basis preach communist ideology and attempt to excuse it with any number of variables. Including being politically correct, all to willing to go along with the social trends in turning a blind eye to right in order to avoid being labeled wrong. Some of them will hide behind wikipedia links in an attempt to justify their positions with ad hominem positions or who will adhere to other fallacies like red herrings in order to avoid the cold hard truth. Preaching communist propaganda no matter the subject is anti-American at its core and is condoning tyranny, oppression, fear and mass murder throughout history while contributing to the subversion of our country from within.

#889751 - 04/24/15 05:43 PM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
aka-cyberman Offline
Double Tap

Registered: 01/12/10
Posts: 1745
Loc: Virginia, USA
City or County: Isle Of Wight County
The Pinkos have been parachuted in to Baltimore to throw gas on the fire.
Keep Calm

#891144 - 04/27/15 10:30 PM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: aka-cyberman]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
Posts: 611
Loc: Virginia, USA.
City or County: Vinton
Originally Posted By: aka-cyberman
The Pinkos have been parachuted in to Baltimore to throw gas on the fire.

The communist insurgency inside the United States grows. As I type this, Baltimore is burning much the same as Ferguson and St. Louis did. Not surprisingly, the Baltimore Police Department is blaming much of the chaos on outside agitators. These are the agitator propagandists whom are using Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" tactics to pour gasoline on the fire and make a bad situation worse.

It is easy to see a pattern emerging from numerous incidents of a similar nature, most notably Ferguson, where those same "community organizers" were invited to the White House and encouraged by President Obama to "stay on course." President Obama ran on "Change" and that exactly what we've had during this Presidents terms in office.

There are many Americans still completely ignorant of what is going on in this country, some of whom at this very forum think its funny or some kind of joke. These "Americans" turning a blind eye to the organized violence against innocents are complicit in what is going on simply by making a joke out of things instead of helping to open others eyes. I find it shameful, but no surprising considering the general atmosphere that permeates todays modern politically correct society. There is a long history of the communists using the plight of African Americans in order to undermine the capitalistic United States to help usher in communist idealogy.

Thousands of protesters took to the streets Saturday in the largest Freddie Gray rally yet, and after hours of peaceful demonstrations, pockets of protesters smashed out police car windows and storefronts.

"Groups of outside agitators led to small pockets of protesters engaged in criminal activity," police said in a statement released Sunday. "The Baltimore Police Department believes that outside agitators continue to be the instigators behind acts of violence and destruction."

Dozens of protesters arrested

The police did not become involved. “They just stood there,” said Alan Hastings, who was having a pregame beer with his wife.

People want justice. They want the officers to go to jail. But most of all, they want reform — sweeping reform,”Jordan said.

Larry Holmes, 63, who came from New York, objected to warnings about outsiders agitating violence.“Jesus was an outside agitator,” he told the crowd. “If I’m an outside agitator, guilty as charged. We need more outside agitators to reclaim our communities.

After peaceful start

"While the vast majority of arrests reflect local residency, the total number of arrests does not account for every incident of criminal activity," police said. "The Baltimore Police Department believes that outside agitators continue to be the instigators behind acts of violence and destruction."

Rawings-Blake said "outside forces" took advantage of the community's pain to incite violence. The out-of-towners' presence was "reflected more than just in the arrest numbers but what we saw on the streets," the mayor said.

"Many people who weren't from our community were, in essence, trying to hijack the very raw emotions of some of those who live in Baltimore and were expressing anger over the death of Mr. Gray," she said. "People from the outside were inciting some of the 'shut this city down' sort of messaging, and then just left."

Baltimore Police Arrest 35

Protest leader DeRay McKesson, from Ferguson, was in attendance and promoted local looters.

Ferguson protest leaders Deray and ShordeeDooWhop were flown in to help stir up the hatred and violence.

Deray McKesson and Johnetta Elzie (ShordeeDooWhop) who helped whip up the Ferguson mobs last year were recently named by Fortune Magazine as two of the world’s greatest leaders.

Mass Rioting in Baltimore

Ferguson exports radical activists to South Carolina to stir up the hate.

Deray McKesson, one of the lead agitators in Ferguson who is from Minnesota, is now training activists on street tactics in South Carolina

Radical activist from Ferguson flown in to South Carolina

On Sunday Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake told reporters that city officials gave the violent Freddie Gray protesters “space” to destroy property.

Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake told reporters:

“While we tried to make sure that they were protected from the cars and the other things that were going on. We also gave those who wished to destroy space to do that as well. And we work very hard to keep that balance and to put ourselves in the best position to deescalate, and that’s what you saw.”

Baltimore Mayor (C): Space to destroy


The White House says the head of President Obama's initiative for minority males will attend the funeral of a Baltimore man who died after sustaining serious injuries while in police custody.

Broderick Johnson, the chairman of the My Brother's Keeper Task Force, will represent the administration at Monday's funeral for Freddie Gray. Johnson is also the Cabinet secretary.

White House sends aid to Freddie Gray Funeral

BALTIMORE — Maryland’s governor activated the National Guard on Monday and the city of Baltimore announced a curfew for all residents as a turbulent day that began with the funeral of 25-year-old Freddie Gray, the nation’s latest symbol of police brutality, ended with rioting by rock-throwing youths, arson, looting and at least 15 police officers injured.

Baltimore Enlists National Guard

Nation of Islam activists said on Saturday they had brokered a “truce” between the long-time rivals Bloods and Crips, and posted a photo on social media showing the members of two gangs wearing their colors and posing together.

Gangs join forces to take out cops

A police source told Fox News several gangs, including Black Gorilla Family, Bloods and Crips all had “entered into a partnership to take out law enforcement officers.”

Activists from the Nation of Islam claimed responsibility for bringing the gangs together, telling reporters that they brokered a deal between the hated foes.

Gangs vow to target police

Baltimore Police fired what appeared to be smoke canisters at a crowd that ignored orders to be off city streets by 10:00 PM Tuesday night.

Baltimore Police Enforce Curfew

CNN reporter Brooke Baldwin blamed the Baltimore rioting on US veterans coming home from war.

Baldwin was talking with far left scandal-plagued Rep. Elijah Cummings when she made the outrageous remarks.

“A lot of these young people, and I love our nation’s veterans, but some of them are coming back from war, they don’t know the communities, and they’re ready to do battle.”

CNN Blames U.S. Veterans for Riots

The Ferguson demonstrations, to show solidarity with Baltimore protests against Freddie Gray's fatal injury in police custody there, began Tuesday, with hundreds gathered on West Florissant, the center of Ferguson protests last fall against the police killing of unarmed teenager Michael Brown. Once rocks began flying, a line of officers herded protesters away and warned on a loudspeaker that they may be subject to arrest and "chemical munitions.” Three people were hospitalized with gunshot wounds and a 20-year-old was arrested, police said.

Wednesday's protest was largely peaceful.

This week's demonstrations began as they did last fall, with chants, songs and blocked streets. But as Tuesday's protest wore into the evening, peacefulness gave way to turbulence, as have many Ferguson nights since Brown's killing in August.

The Ferguson outburst followed visits to the city by Obama administration officials and famed rapper Will.i.am.

Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julián Castro on Wednesday stopped at the Ferguson community center to announce the government had designated North St. Louis and St. Louis County as a promise zone, which can prioritize federal grants.

Baltimore protests reignite Ferguson

A large group of black teens rampaged through Charleston neighborhoods, targeting innocent people early Sunday.
The Post and Courier reported:

As many as 60 teens were roaming Charleston streets attacking pedestrians and drivers early Sunday, witnesses told police dispatchers in 911 calls released Tuesday.

All the teens were black, according to witnesses, and all but one of the people attacked were white. Still, it’s unclear if the attacks were racially motivated or sparked by the unrest in Baltimore, which followed the recent shooting death of Walter Scott, a black man, by a white North Charleston police officer. [...]

Charleston, SC mob rampage

BALTIMORE — A prisoner sharing a police transport van with Freddie Gray told investigators that he could hear Gray “banging against the walls” of the vehicle and believed that he “was intentionally trying to injure himself,” according to a police document obtained by The Washington Post.

Prisoner: Freddie Gray injured himself

At one point in the march, Revolution Club members hand out whistles—and the streets resonate with the combined noise of marchers "blowing the whistle" on police brutality and murder. - Revolution: The Voice of the Communist Party USA

Update from Baltimore Protests - Revcom.us

"There were agitator groups from all over the country that came in and some of them are really radical anarchist groups and communist organizations," the governor said. He said many local residents tried to stop them but that "some young folks" were incited to violence.

Communist Agitators in Baltimore Protests-Baltimore Sun

#892816 - 05/02/15 12:55 AM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
Posts: 611
Loc: Virginia, USA.
City or County: Vinton
Change is what President Obama campaigned on and he has certainly delivered it. Change is in the air, for those of you who think the various riots and protests happening across the country is normal, sorry, but you're absolutely dead wrong. Members of this forum have made jokes in the shout box and other threads concerning the topic of this thread, its been described as a "diatribe" by those who have fooled themselves into thinking they're informed. This thread has been going well before the Baltimore Sun published reports of communist groups inciting violence in Baltimore, yet somehow there are those who believe this is funny or some kind of nut job conspiracy theory. Well it looks to me like the joke is on these "Americans" who are sitting back and down playing wide spread violence against innocents as people are being attacked, hurt , and legitimate businesses are being looted and burned to the ground.

We have the Mayor of Baltimore ordering the police to stand down as mobs riot and destroy property across the city, the Mayor who has proved to us all that her word is worthless. We're seeing protests and violence spread across the country and the sad part is we've seen it all before. And in recent memory too. Yet, its still some kind of joke that people ignore as the issue grows in severity.

BALTIMORE (CBS BALTIMORE) — A Maryland sheriff who traveled to Baltimore to help law enforcement stop Monday’s riots told 105.7 The Fan that he was stunned when officers alerted him of the orders to stand down.

Michael Lewis is the Sheriff in Wicomico County, and was also a Sergeant with the Maryland State Police. He joined Ed Norris and Steve Davis on Thursday to talk about the alleged controversial orders the police were given during the riots.

Lewis said it wasn’t his intention to come to Baltimore, a drive of about two hours, but he felt it was his duty to help.

“I hadn’t planned to go to Baltimore at all. I watched the events unfold Saturday night like we all did, and was very concerned about what I saw, and the the lack of response Saturday night,” he said. “I immediately rallied up the troops. We made sure our MRAP was prepared and ready. …

Sheriff: Sick to my stomach

Mayor Ordered Police Stand Down

As retired Command Sgt. Major Dan Page has said, the time to worry about people saying mean things about you is over. You either drop the silly fears of being labeled as non-politically correct or worse and become active or you sit and do nothing but make jokes about Bon-Chon and bacon as the house burns down. We've had the riots in Baltimore blamed on veterans, the same veterans the Department of Homeland Security has pre-emptively labeled as potential domestic terrorists. When I warn other Americans about this absurd position, these same "Americans" I refer too at this forum call me a broken record. This propaganda coming from the mainstream media and our own government is marginalizing Americans as American culture and society is under attack. Some of you want to down play the events happening in this country and turn a blind eye to what is occurring but you're only serving to show those Americans who do care about our great land exactly who you are and all about.

I know we have several politically active members at this forum, Brian (the owner of this website) routinely posts information emphasizing the numerous threats to the second amendment and the need to be active. This is part of the radical lefts agenda, along with a whole host of other party platforms which some of you seem all to willing to support.

You're shooting yourself and the rest of us in the foot when you attempt to play the politically correct part and march around the forum pretending you're a patriotic American while lending your support to the very party and people who wish to undermine what this forum is all about. Heaven forbid the Marxists commies manage to pass Universal Background Checks in Virginia, because it would put a huge dent in the private transactions that are a regular part of this forums identity and culture. By supporting these and other radical left policies and platforms you will be helping to ensure something just like Expanded Background Checks becomes a reality in Virginia. They didnt think it could happen in Washington state, and yet it did.

Below is part of an article that should serve as a warning about the dangers the communists pose to average American citizens who are caught up in the agitator propagandist rhetoric which incites others to violence. If you're not familiar with the firearm laws in Maryland, now is as good of a time as any to find out just how draconian they are and how it can, will and has lead to situations just like below where defense of your family and yourself is a major obstacle and hurdle to over come. Support these left wingers in any shape, form or fashion and you may find yourself or your fellow Americans in a similar situation. Because this is spreading across the country and this is hardly the end of the violence.

The crowd of protesters then stopped a blue station wagon carrying a white family as they tried to drive past Pickles, Bullpen and Sliders along a narrow one-way stretch between the bars and the main road. As a horde of them smashed their open and closed fists on the hood of the car—while impeding them by standing in front of them—the driver backed up on the one way pass in a desperate attempt to get out of dodge. Then, stopped on the other side with nowhere to go, protesters ripped open the passenger door of the car and began reaching around inside the vehicle. As hundreds of people looked on, including several police officers who didn’t engage the violent protesters, the white woman in the front seat—middle-aged and a little heavyset with dark hair—was visibly terrified. The group of black men who ripped open the car door suddenly realized they were separated from the larger group of protesters and abandoned their quest to seemingly either carjack the station wagon or rob the people inside in front of hundreds, driving out of the one-way street back onto the main road and presumably out of dodge.

As projectiles continued flying everywhere from each part of the crowd—like a war-zone—another black man then charged into the crowd of Red Sox and Orioles fans standing outside Pickles Pub and tore the metal barricades apart throwing them into the now-crowded one-way pass where the assaulted station wagon was a moment ago.

My brother, at this point, was screaming at the group of five or so police officers. “Why aren’t you doing anything? They’re hurting people! They’re hurting people! They’re violent!” he yelled at them as they continued ignoring him and not engaging or attempting to stop the violence.

Baltimore Erupts into Violence

#892841 - 05/02/15 06:52 AM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
6.5x55 Offline
Nature points out the folly of men

Registered: 12/09/08
Posts: 3977
Loc: Ashland
City or County: Hanover
Its happening in Oregon, too.
World is upside down. 2nd amendment thrown in the trash and yet dohbama says to smoke pot even though we have signed international treaties to control pot. DEA doesn't know what to do with such a dithering idiot for a boss.

The white house is persecuting the straight Christian majority and promoting everything illegal, vile and perverse under the guise of inclusion. Our VA attorney general red Herring is 100% along for the ride. So a MD resident pays out of state tuition to attend VaTech, but an illegal alien from Mexico pays in state fees. And Herring prosecutes child porn (for now) but allows grown adults to have sex with 13 year olds.

RICHMOND (January 15, 2015)--Attorney General Mark R. Herring issued the following statement following a vote in the Senate Education and Health Committee to advance legislation to take away in-state tuition from Virginia students who have been declared "lawfully present" through acceptance into the federal "Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)" program.

Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring has issued a shocking ruling saying that abortion clinics do not have to report (statutory) rapes of teenage girls even though Planned Parenthood and other abortion clinics have a long history of doing abortions on rape victims without reporting the rapes to authorities. In an official opinion quietly issued two days before the last Board of Health meeting, the Attorney General determined that the Virginia Health Department, and abortion center staffs, can turn a blind eye to the rape of underage children.

Edited by 6.5x55 (05/02/15 12:49 PM)
Biden freak show open 24/7.

#898593 - 05/16/15 06:56 AM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
Posts: 611
Loc: Virginia, USA.
City or County: Vinton
What we're seeing from the communists are attempts to promote and encourage social change. This is why they are going into communities and stirring up racial divide and encouraging violence. This is also why agitator propagandists use Saul Alinskys "Rules for Radicals" in focusing on police administration and procedure. We've already seen a push from Washington for police to wear body camera's and we're hearing more and more about a federalization of law enforcement. Which as we've discussed previously in this thread is a common hallmark of previous communists societies and experiments.

It is not lost upon me that we're being divided as a society, but we're also being forced to choose between bad and/or worse. By that I mean we're seeing violence used as a means to necessitate change, but on the other side of the coin our other option is supporting an ever increasing militarized police who commonly use excessive force as a means to an end.

When we visit Cleon Skousens book "The Naked Communist" we find as a matter of U.S. Congressional record "The Communist Take Over of America-45 Declared Goals" cited by the Honorable A.S. Herlong Jr. (1963) in which an alarming number of those 45 Declared Goals have come to fruition since the book was published including the promotion of homosexuality as normal. Which in todays modern politically correct society is already a matter of fact. On a regular basis, we have members at this forum who attempt to justify homosexuality as normal and something we should all come to accept without questioning it.

Its alarming how many "Americans" play right into the hands of the communists goals to undermine traditional American values by implementing social change which in the process undermines the ideals this country was founded on. When we look at other politically correct issues in this country and the socially forbidden positions one is not suppose to espouse for fear of being labeled a racist, a biggot etc. we can find a number of variables which ultimately leads to the undermining of the country as social change seeps into the collective national identity and consciousness.

When you alter the way a society thinks and behaves, particularly one which in the past was considered very strong like the United States and promote idealogy, legislation, laws etc. which erode previously held social norms which made the country strong to begin with you're using psychological warfare on the population to erode that strong foundation through incrementalism in order to weaken the societies structure itself.

On a regular basis I find "Americans" all too willing to accomodate others at their own expense. We're creating a very different world for our children to live in than what many of us previously grew up in and I do not find the change to be for the better. Quite the contrary in fact. We're headed into unknown waters instead of relying upon what we already know to be safe and the back bone of our country itself. When we support communist ideology which has time and time again proven to be detrimental to the lives of those who lived under it one can only assume we're destined to repeat unfortunate realities of the past because we're either too stupid or simply do not care to learn from previous mistakes.


#915068 - 06/25/15 12:43 PM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
Posts: 611
Loc: Virginia, USA.
City or County: Vinton
The communists rest on division. With the latest rhetoric of doing away with the Confederate flag , we're seeing yet another move by the communist/marxist/socialist in this country to divide the nation while attacking American culture and replacing it instead with a more communist friendly foundation. African Americans have long been used by the communist in order to push their ideaological goals, and its no coincidence we're seeing plights of African Americans in various forms used in order to further push communist ideology in the United States.

From Ferguson to Baltimore, South Carolina to New York, Wisconsin, Texas etc. we're seeing communist propaganda in the form of exploiting tragedy in order to further push marxist ideology.

One of the hallmarks of communism is division, without division to bring about change communist ideology struggles to take hold. This is why the traditional communist template involves the proleteriate and the bourgeoisie. In order to bring about social change, it is necessary to differentiate and exploit between the two classes in order to create a crack wide enough for communism to get its foot in the door.


Bourgeoisie and proletariat

Manifesto Of The Communists
Bourgeoisie And Proletariat

The History of Society in the past is the history of class struggles. Freemen and slaves, patricians and plebians, nobles and serfs, guild members and journeymen - in short, oppressors and oppressed, have always stood in direct opposition to each other. The struggle between them has sometimes been open, sometimes concealed, but always continuous. A never ceasing struggle, which has invariably ended, either in a revolutionary alteration of the social system, or in the common destruction of the contending classes.

Bourgeoisie and Proletariat

I have never seen a class so deeply demoralised, so incurably debased by selfishness, so corroded within, so incapable of progress, as the English bourgeoisie; and I mean by this, especially the bourgeoisie proper, particularly the Liberal, Corn Law repealing bourgeoisie. For it nothing exists in this world, except for the sake of money, itself not excluded. It knows no bliss save that of rapid gain, no pain save that of losing gold. In the presence of this avarice and lust of gain, it is not possible for a single human sentiment or opinion to remain untainted. True, these English bourgeois are good husbands and family men, and have all sorts of other private virtues, and appear, in ordinary intercourse, as decent and respectable as all other bourgeois; even in business they are better to deal with than the Germans; they do not higgle and haggle so much as our own pettifogging merchants; but how does this help matters? Ultimately it is self-interest, and especially money gain, which alone determines them.

I once went into Manchester with such a bourgeois, and spoke to him of the bad, unwholesome method of building, the frightful condition of the working-peoples quarters, and asserted that I had never seen so ill-built a city. The man listened quietly to the end, and said at the corner where we parted: "And yet there is a great deal of money made here, good morning, sir." It is utterly indifferent to the English bourgeois whether his working-men starve or not, if only he makes money.

The Attitude of the Bourgeoisie

With the latest round of propaganda centered around doing away with the Confederate flag, we're already seeing the division among the citizens of this country as those who see the flag as a sign of oppression dive under a rock in order to avoid being hit with the racism cody gun and divide/seperate themselves from those who see the flag as a symbol of any number of variables to include freedom, independence, heritage, states rights etc. We've all heard the term together we stand, divided we fall. Well, we're well on our way to becoming as divided of a nation as we have been since the civil war.

And in the process we're seeing traditional American culture and heritage under attack in order to further drive a wedge between our citizens and usher in a perverted, sociological idealogy with no room for debate other than their own position. Any differentiation quickly labeled as ignorant, backwards, wrong, racist, hate fueled etc. Insert any negative connotations in order to cement one ideology as correct and all others wrong.

Division must exist in order to further bring about ideological change in this country, and with the exploitation of numerous incidents around the nation on a consistent basis the seeds are being sewn in order to usher in the change that Obama campaigned on in order to fundamentally transform this country from what it once was to a new, communist vision of the future. It is promising to see more Americans recognizing exactly what is occurring in this country, yet there are still plenty of people whose eyes are not open to the communist direction we're headed into. One only needs to spend sometime in this thread alone to see exactly how dangerous communism truely is.

#915510 - 06/26/15 01:47 PM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
toughtom12 Offline
Gun fool

Registered: 11/15/11
Posts: 942
Loc: Centreville/Manassas
City or County: Manassas
So now the Commies are coming after the rebel flag? Lol Lue! Is there no decency?

#915591 - 06/26/15 05:25 PM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
Posts: 611
Loc: Virginia, USA.
City or County: Vinton
Hilarious, get your stuff pushed in over your naive, simplistic and ignorant view of the Civil War and come to this thread to troll some more lol.

Funny how you elected not to respond to that thread, but instead elected to come to another thread completely with your fallacies . A smart man would have went and found an academic source backing up your simplistic view of the Civil War, but an ignorant man would do exactly as you did. Troll a different thread completely in response. And sadly, I even have to tell you how to make a legitimate response. Some people truly are lost in this world.

#915645 - 06/26/15 07:11 PM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: toughtom12]
6.5x55 Offline
Nature points out the folly of men

Registered: 12/09/08
Posts: 3977
Loc: Ashland
City or County: Hanover
Tough that your entire schooling came at the hands of left leaning Yankees.
You know less about the rise of the left in Europe and the states than you do about the CSA.

Pretend you are a U.S. citizen in East Germany under Stazi surveillance. Do you think you could go to any print shop and have pro-western posters made?

Now pretend you are a left wingnut funded by Putin living in Chicago. Do you think any print shop will turn you down when you pay a bonus for same day screenprint T-shirts and posters? Where the hell do you think all this professionally produced media point of sale type crap comes from?

The Chinese and the Russians know that they can create a lot more BS by sending money to U.S. homegrown leftists than by paying for Russian agitators to live and assimilate here.

Most liberals are so full of self loathing that they jump at the chance to spread the gospel of Marx if it doesn't affect their checkbook.

Next protest, check the shirts, posters, talking/screaming points and all the other instant rhetoric. It is simple canned schtick from outside this country.

Watch 'The year of living dangerously'. That's where and when nobama grew up and the reds getting hosed by the side of the road are his heroes. Somehow we got that commie punk foisted on us and the downhill slide of our great country just goes on and on.

Tough needs to learn history outside of the books aimed at generating a GED.
Biden freak show open 24/7.

#915773 - 06/27/15 02:32 AM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
toughtom12 Offline
Gun fool

Registered: 11/15/11
Posts: 942
Loc: Centreville/Manassas
City or County: Manassas
"Some people truly are lost in this world". Don't give up on me Lue! With your help I may yet find enlightenment!

#915776 - 06/27/15 04:48 AM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
Posts: 611
Loc: Virginia, USA.
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We're in the midst of a Communist Revolution in the United States. With the recent CNN headline of the Supreme Court upholding the communist plank of wealth redistribution (ObamaCare) also in the news is the Supreme Courts decision to legalize same sex marriage in all 50 states in America. As a matter of U.S. Congressional record, we have seen the promotion of homosexuality as normal being a declared goal of Marxist/communist followers.

We uphold the Leninist conception of a party of the proletariat as the ‘‘tribune of the people,’’ which seeks to lead the working class in the fight against all forms of oppression under capitalism, and to link the struggles of the oppressed to the struggle for working-class rule. Marxists oppose all capitalist oppression, and in that spirit clearly oppose the persecution of both male and female homosexuals and others who are oppressed on the basis of sexually related behaviour, such as transves-tites and transsexuals, sado-masochists, etc. As long as there is informed consent between participants, we ada-mantly oppose state intervention.

Marxism and the Struggle for Gay and Lesbian Rights


Following similar logic, taking support from different western scholarly works, Sharmilia Rege justified that gay and lesbian movements have the potentiality to "reorganize heterosexuality" and they could even pose a challenge to conventional capitalist system. Even though I am not in agreement with many of these and other conclusions which my critics have come to, I recognize that the issues they raised regarding sexuality, social control, sexual choice, womens emancipation and gender equality are relevant to the theory of practice of Marxism.

Marxism, Radical Feminism and Homosexuality

John D’Emilio writes: “As wage labour spread and production became socialised, then it became possible to release sexuality from the ‘imperative’ to procreate...[thus] capitalism has created conditions that allow some men and women to organise a personal life around their erotic/emotional attraction to their own sex.”

But capitalism is contradictory. While it makes it possible for a lesbian and gay identity to develop, on the other hand it still needs to push working class people into the family to continue reproducing the future labour force. “The elevation of the family to ideological pre-eminence guarantees that a capitalist society will reproduce not just children, but heterosexism and homophobia.

He concludes: “In the most profound sense, capitalism is the problem.[8]

As an individual, aspects of people’s lives were used to ‘identify’ them – gender, race, religion, sexuality. This entailed detailed studies of people to determine who fitted the norm and who didn’t. The term ‘homosexual’ – and hence the notion of the ‘heterosexual’ – was used for the first time in 1869, gaining currency in the English language around the 1890s. It was then that the great debate over whether homosexuals were sinful, criminal or sick developed with the clerics, lawyers, doctors and scientists vying with each other to claim the authority to determine an appropriate, frequently brutal, penalty or treatment[9]

And consequently it was only then that groups promoting homosexual rights and opposing repressive laws could exist.

Among those founding these groups, opposing the laws were the early Socialists, arguing not just for rights within capitalism, but a wholly different society. Utopian Socialists such as Charles Fourier, Henri Saint-Simon and Robert Owen, writing in the early 1800s, drew up visionary plans showing how their new societies would transform people’s lives.

By the late 1890s, as the homosexual rights movement was growing in strength, both Marx and Engels were dead. But the parties which had formed, based on Marxism, were taking up the cause of homosexual rights.

Sherry Wolf in her book Sexuality and Socialism writes: &#147;The more revealing of the attitude and practice of Marxists toward gays is the position that organized socialists took once industrialized states accelerated their attacks on the earliest visible LGBT populations in urban centres. The first politician anywhere in the world to speak on record on the floor of a national legislature for the rights of gays was August Bebel, leader of the SPD, who addressed the German Reichstag on January 13, 1898.” [13]

Many leading members of the German Socialist Party (SPD) supported homosexual rights, signing the petition that Bebel was supporting, a petition against Paragraph 175, the anti-homosexual law.

Of course it is the Bolsheviks and the Russian Revolution that most people look to for inspiration about a new liberated society.

One of the first steps of the new regime was to decriminalise homosexuality. But it was more than just sweeping away the old, the new society was busy developing a new ‘morality’ or social practice. They turned to the latest science to frame their understanding to replace both the Church and capitalist social norms. The government also sent delegations to the international homosexuality congresses.

In the wake of the revolution, a leading Bolshevik, Dr A.L Berkovich sketched out the tasks ahead: “Our communist youth organisations should be the foundries in which are forged new relationships between the sexes; a new ideal of sexual love leading to free unions based on feelings of passion, friendship, respect; and the conscious acknowledgment of responsibility toward one another, one’s children, one’s comrades, one’s class and the cause of socialism.

Marxism and Homosexuality

State Forbids Pastors Calling Homosexuality Sinful

#920865 - 07/10/15 12:58 AM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
Posts: 611
Loc: Virginia, USA.
City or County: Vinton
Cultural Genocide is a term every red blooded American should become familiar with because it is the sociological concept being used to destroy the foundations of this country. In particular, it is the ideological concept being used to shame Americans into going along with their own destruction by justifying its action with any number of different propaganda techniques designed to undermine important key stones of American society which this country was built on.

Labels such as racist, conspiracy theorist etc. have become common place propaganda techniques designed to squash any type of dissent and individual thought in order to make Americans conform to one particular set of beliefs and all others labeled as fringe or worse.

Christianity is one such foundational cornerstone under attack, which emcompasses a number of facets in traditional American life to include religious beliefs that strike at the heart of how Americans think, act and behave. Its a set of morals and ethics which has driven this country ideologically for centuries. We have hate crimes legislation designed to prevent leaders in the christian communities from preaching their religious doctrines with tactics such as striking fear and intimidation into these communities should they preach the word of god as written in the bible.

The fear of legal retribution, public shaming, character defamation etc. are all being used to suppress traditional American ideology and usher in a perverted new definition of what it means to be American. The communist insurgency taking place in this country is very real and their goal is nothing short of destruction of the old America and ushering in something very different in its place. If you support such action it is my opinion you're nothing short of a pseudo-American. The antithesis of a true American who supports and defends what it has meant to be an American from the beginning.

Below is part of a post made by an excellent poster at this forum (Seacoaster) which I found particularly interesting and relevant to this thread and the topic at hand.

Political Correctness is cultural Marxism, Marxism translated from economic into cultural terms. Its history goes back not to the 1960s but to World War I. Before 1914, Marxist theory said that if a major war broke out in Europe, the workers of every country would join together in a revolution to overthrow capitalism and replace it with international socialism. But when war came, that did not happen. What had gone wrong?

Two Marxist theorists, Antonio Gramsci in Italy and Georg Lukacs in Hungary, independently came up with the same answer. They said that Western culture and the Christian religion had so “blinded” the working class to its true (Marxist) class interests that Communism was impossible in the West until traditional culture and Christianity were destroyed.

Political Correctness and Cultural Marxism

#920989 - 07/10/15 11:24 AM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
SeaCoaster Offline

Registered: 01/14/13
Posts: 199
Loc: Va.
City or County: Oakton
"Americans" are doing it to each other? What?

Confederate Flag?
Bruce Gender?
Supreme Court - Gay Marriage?
Redskins? What the...
New MTV documentary shames white privilege?

A conspiracy theory?

Leftist sources often dismiss cultural Marxism not by using factual arguments but instead by labeling it a "conspiracy theory". This can be seen as a form of guilt by association instead of a factual argument.

"A person who is demoralized is unable to access true information..the facts mean nothing..."

"Change the Perception of Reality of every American"
1. Demoralize
2. Destabilization
3. Crisis
4. Normalization

"....And now ,castrated by PC ,lobotomized...."

His accent reminds me of Boris (Bullwinkle)...and this would be funny but it's more like a Fricking Greek Tragedy

Origins of Left wing political correctness explained by ex KGB officer Yuri Bezmenov



Interesting ...very interesting

Yuri Bezmenov: Psychological Warfare Subversion & Control of Western Society (Complete)



Edited by SeaCoaster (07/10/15 11:32 AM)

#921699 - 07/12/15 08:18 AM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: SeaCoaster]
Cash is King Offline
Nice guy... NO MORE

Registered: 09/15/11
Posts: 6205
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Originally Posted By: SeaCoaster

New MTV documentary shames white privilege?

White Privilege?

I thought it was Height Privilege...

Dog gone it... now... I have to apologize for being white, tall and successful.

It just isn't fair.
IF you spend your lifetime acting the victim, your Participation Trophy will ALWAYS be a Busted Nose.

I-95 "Fast Lanes" solved NOTHING!!!

#921744 - 07/12/15 10:08 AM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
aka-cyberman Offline
Double Tap

Registered: 01/12/10
Posts: 1745
Loc: Virginia, USA
City or County: Isle Of Wight County
I'm white, short and successful. I've been discriminated my whole life for being short. I want reparations for it now because it wasn't my fault.
Keep Calm

#923112 - 07/15/15 03:46 PM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
SeaCoaster Offline

Registered: 01/14/13
Posts: 199
Loc: Va.
City or County: Oakton
To all Vietnam Vets -- I'm sorry to find and share this

Sobering to say the least

How do a Few People Create SO Much Change in America?
Answer is in video below. >>>

U.S. Congress'

View below:
45.41 minutes AND worth your time!

This author has done amazing research and is speaking in Ashburn in October
If anybody would like to hear him it will be sponsored by

Wed., Oct. 7th, 2015
Event: Ronald Reagan Lecture Series — Speaking Engagement/Confirmed
Time: 7:30 pm EST
Place: Ashburn, VA


Edited by SeaCoaster (07/15/15 04:34 PM)

#924460 - 07/19/15 06:51 AM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
Posts: 611
Loc: Virginia, USA.
City or County: Vinton
As I was reading the article outlined below I could not help but think of the country formerly known as Rhodesia when reading about the social engineering plans outlined in this New York Post write up concerning the unprecedented data mining from the Obama administration.

Previously outlined in this thread is the plight of Rhodesia which is a subject I encourage others to look into for themselves. Because what happened in places like Rhodesia and South Africa is repeating itself in this country. Rhodesia no longer exists, and many Americans are starting to see the change President Obama campaigned on coming to fruition today in the United States. The more Americans who become aware of the exact situation and circumstances we find ourselves in the better. Whether some of you want to acknowledge it, believe it or not.

It is no coincidence the Communist Party USA lists amnesty for illegal aliens/immigrants as a declared goal because it ties into other subjects previously addressed in this thread such as social justice, cultural Marxism and the Obama administrations open borders policy. A blind man could see what is going on in this country, yet where is our mainstream media at in reporting the ideological basis for these policies? Simply put, they are clearly complicit in this strategy to destroy America and usher in something different in its wake.

A key part of President Obama’s legacy will be the fed’s unprecedented collection of sensitive data on Americans by race. The government is prying into our most personal information at the most local levels, all for the purpose of “racial and economic justice.”

...all to document “inequalities” between minorities and whites.

Federally funded cities deemed overly segregated will be pressured to change their zoning laws to allow construction of more subsidized housing in affluent areas in the suburbs, and relocate inner-city minorities to those predominantly white areas.

Such databases have never before existed. Obama is presiding over the largest consolidation of personal data in US history. He is creating a diversity police state where government race cops and civil-rights lawyers will micromanage demographic outcomes in virtually every aspect of society.

Obama collecting personal data

Additional reading for those interested in finding out more about this subject:

South Africa Holds The Key

S. Africa Evacuation Plan

The New African Genocide

Thousands of Illegals Bused Across the U.S.

DHS Caught Busing in Illegal Somali's from Mexican Border

Sanctuary Cities for Illegal Immigrants

#926118 - 07/23/15 06:03 AM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
Posts: 611
Loc: Virginia, USA.
City or County: Vinton
By now it should be relatively easy for most Americans to see a pattern forming. The mainstream media misses little opportunity to exploit any incident easily construed as bias against minorities in order to push their communist propaganda to divide the nation. Some of the most recent headlines this week are highlighted below.

Black Lives Matter Activists Outraged

Sovereign Citizen pulled over, reaches for firearm twice. Not dead.

So we once again see an incident involving law enforcement and minorities reported to the public as suspicious and we see headlines pointing out what we are suppose to believe is preferential, unfair treatment given to those evil "sovereign citizens" because they are still alive. Division. A lynch pin of communist ideaology which thrives on the division between the proletariat and bourgeoisie.

The term "sovereign citizen" is an interesting one. What one would normally describe as intelligence, the ability to defend ones beliefs with supporting information now has a much more nefarious sounding definition. Instead of calling them Americans, or intelligent, we now have a much more troubling sounding name for these individuals because they have the ability to think and defend their positions with corroberating facts and information.

If you’re a member of the sovereign citizen movement, your approach is a bit different. You start by looking for a combination of quotes, definitions, court cases, the Bible, Internet websites, and so on that justify how you can ignore the disliked law without any legal consequences.

Be imaginative. Pull a line from the 1215 version of the Magna Carta, a definition from a 1913 legal dictionary, a quote from a founding father or two, and put it in the blender with some official-sounding Supreme Court case excerpts you found on like-minded websites. Better yet, find someone else online who disliked that same law and pay them $150 for a three-ring binder filled with their word salad research.

What is a Sovereign Citizen

Apparently referencing Supreme Court cases, the highest court in the land who lay out what is and is not Constitutionally legal is a bad thing now? Interesting how this term was pre-emptively devised to describe those who may disagree with the very concerning direction our country is being taken into from Obama-care to the South Carolina decision to remove the Confederate flag from state/federal grounds. Intelligent Americans are now being described as "sovereign citizens" where as before we would have just described them with more mundane and less threatening words such as alive, intelligent, patriotic etc.

But then again, patriotic Americans are also one of the governments boogey-men. Along with christians, veterans and anyone else who prescribes to traditional American values instead of the new age progressive direction this country is headed into.

General Wesley Clarke on Radicalized Americans and Internment Camps

5. Those that are interested in “defeating the Communists”

Wait, if there isn't a communist threat in this country why would someone be considered a potential domestic terrorist for opposing them? I guess you would have to be a "sovereign citizen" to support reasons why communism is a bad thing, huh? Pre-emptively labeling people as boogey-men in order to discredit the opposition is something retired Lt. General Jerry Boykin has discussed at length. A hallmark of Marxist insurgency.

72 Types of Americans Considered Potential Terrorists

#926977 - 07/25/15 10:51 AM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
Posts: 611
Loc: Virginia, USA.
City or County: Vinton
Originally Posted By: lue-jones

There are "Americans", who on a regular basis preach communist ideology and attempt to excuse it with any number of variables. Including being politically correct, all to willing to go along with the social trends in turning a blind eye to right in order to avoid being labeled wrong.

Originally Posted By: lue-jones

You're shooting yourself and the rest of us in the foot when you attempt to play the politically correct part and march around the forum pretending you're a patriotic American while lending your support to the very party and people who wish to undermine what this forum is all about.

Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, nor to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity . To assent to obvious lies is to co-operate with evil, and in some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.


#930015 - 08/01/15 01:51 PM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
Posts: 611
Loc: Virginia, USA.
City or County: Vinton
The attack on traditional American culture continues as cultural Marxism is sweeping across the nation. Whether its the marginalization of Christians, the Confederate flag, trophy hunting, law enforcement etc. the pillars of American culture are coming under attack as the communist insurgency grows right under our noses. Yet there are literally millions of Americans so ignorant and open to the power of suggestion that few can see what is going on right in front of our eyes. Below are just a few headlines in the news lately.

Hundreds Protest Cecil the Lions Killing

Zimbawbe seeks lion killers extradition

Miss Cecil the Lion? End trophy hunting

Major U.S. Airlines End Trophy Hunting Shipments

So in a country where white people have been hunted as trophys, forced off their land, raped, killed etc. in the name of social justice in Zimbabwe, we're protesting the killing of a lion?

I myself feel for this lion, but it is hard not to realize what the ultimate goal is in making this a topic of national discussion. Its the demonization of white America and culture and so few are willing to call it as it is. Instead, fearful of being labeled any number alienating terms for standing up for your culture, your country and way of life.

Below we see another example which should sound very familiar by now. A white police officer kills an unarmed black man. Why are these topics reported as such instead of other, more common sense approaches to describing the situation? Such as law enforcement officer defends himself from attempted murder? Ask yourself, why is the mainstream media constantly hammering the race issue in this country and making the criminal element out to be victims of unfair treatment?

Local activists are complaining the killing is similar to police slayings of black men or youth in other cities, like Tamir Rice in Cleveland and Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. Dubose was black and Tensing is white.

"These routine traffic stops turn fatal and are becoming a norm around the country," said Brian Taylor, an activist with Black Lives Matter: Cincinnati, who attended a community meeting on the killing. "We're at the end of our ropes."

Investigation finished in shooting of Samuel Debose

All white people must see themselves as the face of the oppressor? Its hard to believe this kind of non-sense is allowed in America's universitys where our children attend school. Yet, here it is right before our very eyes.

Rutgers Professor: All White People Need To See Themselves as the Face of the Oppressor

Rutgers Prefessor: All White People Must See Themselves as the Face of the Oppressor

Rutgers Professor Blames UCSB killing on White Privilege

And yet another example of cultural Marxism, we see a 10 Commandments statue ordered to be removed yet a Satanic monument is being erected? This is utterly bizarre, if it wasn't such a serious topic it would be outright comical. But there is absolutely nothing funny about any of this.

State Supreme Court says 10 Commandments Statue Must be Removed

State Supreme Court Reaffirms Order to Remove 10 Commandments Monument

Satanic Temple Statue Looking for a Home

Satanic Group Says Oklahoma Must Give Devil His Due

And of course, we have the President still harping on the need for more gun control in this country. When freedom and the ability to defend ones family and life are being targeted in a very bizarre pseudo-America, its time to wake up and start paying attention people.

Obama: Guns a Greater Threat Than Terrorism

#930051 - 08/01/15 03:47 PM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
aka-cyberman Offline
Double Tap

Registered: 01/12/10
Posts: 1745
Loc: Virginia, USA
City or County: Isle Of Wight County
Keep 'em coming lue-jones

Keep Calm

#931230 - 08/04/15 12:49 PM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
JiveBunny Offline

Registered: 12/04/12
Posts: 509
Loc: North Carolina
City or County: Caldwell
Feed the Troll.

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