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#1060840 - 06/26/16 05:40 PM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
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City or County: Vinton
At Least 5 Stabbed at California Rally

At Least 5 Stabbed at Neo Nazi Rally

Wild Video: Violence in Sacramento

Live on CNN right now is coverage of 5 people stabbed at what is described as a white nationalist march in California. Interestingly, the group who seemed to be under attack by Communist agitator propagandist groups is alleged by CNN to be unknown but reported to represent traditional values.

One of the leaders from the protesting movement was interviewed on CNN condoning the violence and hate aimed at the white nationalist movement. A bit of irony that even the hard core leftist would be hard pressed not to notice. Apparently using violence to make others see your way is a core left wing value, something that should escape nobody. Certainly if you had a radical right wing group that was using violence to influence a leftist group such as the Black Panthers they would be described as a terrorist organization.

#1060995 - 06/27/16 07:10 AM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
Mark S Offline
Mark S

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It's ok if you attack Trump supporters while waving a Mexican flag and calling yourself 'La Raza' too.

#1065216 - 07/07/16 06:28 PM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
etcetera Offline
Gun fool

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Originally Posted By: lue-jones
Addressing naive students that thought communism would redistribute wealth equally, President Franklin Roosevelt told the American Youth Congress, Feb. 10, 1940: “The Soviet Union … is run by a dictatorship as absolute as any other dictatorship in the world.”

Under the Soviet dictatorship:

privacy was nonexistent

press was censored

free speech disappeared

healthcare was rationed

economy was regulated

private industry was collectivized

political dissent was punished

media and entertainment was propagandized

children’s education became indoctrination

marriage and families were subject to social engineering

religion was suppressed

human life was valued only by its usefulness to the soviet society

Think Communism Is the Answer?

Sounds like US today. 3/4 of the way there anyway.
It is 2024. Use Signal encrypted messenger with the self-delete option enabled.

#1065340 - 07/07/16 10:44 PM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
Posts: 611
Loc: Virginia, USA.
City or County: Vinton
Shots Fired during downtown rally, two officers reportedly wounded.

Hundreds Expected at Dallas BLM Rally Following Shooting Deaths

Multiple Officers Shot at Black Lives Matter Rally

5 Officers killed, 11 injured by Sniper Attack in Dallas

Shooter Aimed To Kill White People in Dallas Ambush

Police Officer Killed At Traffic Stop

Tennessee Highway Shooter Motivated By Police Shootings

Atlanta Protestors In Stand Off With Police Over Police Brutality

Chaos in St. Paul - Black Lives Matter Attacks Police

Officer Allegedly hospitalized after being served glass sandwich

Kansas City Officer Shot and Killed

Anonymous announces Day of Rage in support of BLM

Three Countries Issue Travel Warnings to the U.S.

Clinton Blames Whites, Police Over Shooting Deaths of Young Black Males

United Nations: High level of institutionalized racism in the U.S.

For those of you following the news, it has been hard to miss the near constant reporting on the shooting deaths of civilians at the hands of law enforcement. These situations are never the same, and some cases will invariably be more questionable than others. The fact remains the mainstream media is being used by the communists as a propaganda tool. And just as we have seen before in Baltimore with Freddy Gray and Ferguson with Michael Brown the mainstream media has played an instrumental part in setting the stage for violence with their racially charged and divisive reporting.

Above we see violence once again directed at law enforcement for perceived injustices broadcasted by the communist propaganda machine. As discussed previously in this thread, one of the communist agitator propagandists goals is the changing of police culture, administration and procedure within the United States. We've seen leadership change in Ferguson and even a nation wide focus on body camera's for our local law enforcement as a result. More change is on the way, aided by the mainstream media which is an instrument of psychological warfare which is used for various reasons including political and social change.

#1065373 - 07/08/16 06:41 AM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
Cash is King Offline
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BLM (Bureau of Land Management)


Great folks... fought a lot of wildfires with their folks over the years.

The terrorist organization that stole their initials sucks eggs.
IF you spend your lifetime acting the victim, your Participation Trophy will ALWAYS be a Busted Nose.

I-95 "Fast Lanes" solved NOTHING!!!

#1065376 - 07/08/16 06:44 AM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
Cash is King Offline
Nice guy... NO MORE

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Edited by Cash is King (07/08/16 07:41 AM)
IF you spend your lifetime acting the victim, your Participation Trophy will ALWAYS be a Busted Nose.

I-95 "Fast Lanes" solved NOTHING!!!

#1065523 - 07/08/16 01:01 PM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
Posts: 611
Loc: Virginia, USA.
City or County: Vinton
As should come to nobody as a surprise, Obama wants to revamp gun control measures after the Black Lives Matter rally in Dallas that has left numerous police officers dead.

Obama Renews Gun Control Push

This incident in Dallas reminds me very much of Ferguson, Missouri where police officers were also shot at. Both incidents sharing many similarities, including the media propaganda which sets the stage for racial division that ultimately results in violence perpetuated against law enforcement.

The media misses little opportunity to stoke the flames of racial divide and it ultimately results in blood on their hands. The media is not alone however, the rhetoric coming straight from the White House is equally to blame. No matter how they want to slice it, that is exactly what is occurring.

This is what a communist insurgency looks like, and when you have one of America's most powerful men (Scalia) dieing under mysterious circumstances with what investigation done who among you thinks we've seen the last of these out of the ordinary incidents? Hold on to your seat folks, more "change" is to come.

#1066275 - 07/10/16 01:01 PM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
Posts: 611
Loc: Virginia, USA.
City or County: Vinton
“Look, there’s only one solution. A bunch of us anti-gun types are going to have to arm ourselves, storm the NRA headquarters in Fairfax, VA, and make sure there are no survivors,” James Pearce wrote in a Facebook post on June 13. “This action might also require coordinated hits at remote sites, like Washington lobbyists. Then and only then will we see some legislative action on assault weapons. Have a nice day.”

Anti-gun Professor Calls for NRA Massacre

As we see above the communist left has absolutely no problem resorting to violence as a means to an end. Just in recent times, we've seen communist, agitator propagandist attacking conservative groups, alleged "lone-wolf" black lives matter supporters shooting police and now threats issued to massacre the entire National Rifle Association. And that is only the tip of the iceberg. That is not even getting into the op-ed pieces in the Washington Post, New York times calling for martial law in this country.

As previously discussed on 4/27/15, there are professional communist agitator propagandists who are present to insight unrest in numerous hot spots throughout the United States.

DeRay McKesson was a lead full-time paid protester in Ferguson, Missouri during the riots and looting. He later was became a lead activist in Baltimore during the Freddie Gray riots.

DeRay McKesson and the other Ferguson and Baltimore protest leaders were trained in Soros-funded agitation.

The Ferguson protests and riots were never a grassroots movement.

The mob action was a carefully coordinated Soros-funded astroturf movement bent on destruction.

Top Black Lives Matter Activist Arrested in Baton Rouge

For those interested in reading more:

Sheriff Clarke: Obama sets fires to watch them burn

Law Professor Seeks Disbarment of Baltimore DA

#1066380 - 07/10/16 05:32 PM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
aka-cyberman Offline
Double Tap

Registered: 01/12/10
Posts: 1745
Loc: Virginia, USA
City or County: Isle Of Wight County
I wish Trump would pick Sheriff Clarke as his Vice President running mate. As always.......thanks lue-jones
Keep Calm

#1067003 - 07/12/16 01:04 PM U.S. Government Infiltrated by Muslim Brotherhood [Re: lue-jones]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
Posts: 611
Loc: Virginia, USA.
City or County: Vinton

Guandolo, author of the book “Raising a Jihadi Generation,” said the Muslim Brotherhood is teaming up with the Black Lives Matter movement to create violent events that will surprise many police agencies in cities across the U.S.

Counter Terrorism Expert See's Historic Islam Pivot

It appears that the Obama Regime has been FULLY infiltrated by the Muslim Brotherhood terrorism front group on every level.

4 Star Admiral on Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of U.S. Government

Muslim Brotherhoods Infiltration of the U.S. Government


#1067391 - 07/13/16 01:54 PM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
Posts: 611
Loc: Virginia, USA.
City or County: Vinton
Northern Virginia Militia Recruiting

Its Time To Establish Militia's

Above we see what I believe to be reactions to the increasingly violatile political and social climates within the United States. If you were to watch the mainstream media, you would get the impression America's law enforcement and white America in general is out to get the African Americans. The communist propaganda is cleverly disguised to promote the false narrative law enforcement and white America is looking for any reason they can to violate the African American.

The truth is rather simple, in the United States you are held accountable for your actions. Black, white, orange, if you violate the law you're held accountable. The only exceptions to that narrative being the mainstream media itself and the extreme left, who will bend over backwards to defend the protected classes.

Whoever they may be, no matter what they may be guilty of. Because the narrative of the oracle drives society, in this case, psychologial warfare is easily accomplished by propaganda alone. Mainsteam media propaganda every American is indoctrinated to accept as gospel truth, without question. The ultimate point of the propaganda being power, control. Control of the people. Keep them pre-occupied with division and they won't begin to focus on those driving the bus.

Something to sit on, if the left is controlling the narrative then perhaps ones natural reaction to unsettling news is exactly what they want to begin with? An interesting dynamic to consider is what if the potential end result is the same regardless of direction?

Questions. The powers that be do not like questions, and would prefer you swallow their non-sense hook, line and sinker. Its sad this needs to be said in this day and age, but we're talking about an age where the truth is suppressed due to political correctness alone. Shameful. When will we stop embracing a lie and come around to the truth?

Whether or not those calling for militia's are undercover government agents or legitimate, patriotic Americans is not for me to say. Whether you want to join a militia or not is not for me to say, but one thing is for certain the fact these types of threads are beginning to show up tells me more and more Americans are beginning to see something is very wrong in this country. The question is, who exactly is the enemy when you're fighting an ideological concept such as communism?

#1067745 - 07/14/16 01:20 PM Re: U.S. Government Infiltrated by Muslim Brotherhood [Re: lue-jones]
6.5x55 Offline
Nature points out the folly of men

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Dems aren't even trying to hide it now, they just put out a straight communist platform for their convention. Want communism here? Vote Hilderbeast this fall.

Biden freak show open 24/7.

#1067957 - 07/14/16 09:55 PM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
Posts: 611
Loc: Virginia, USA.
City or County: Vinton

#1068023 - 07/15/16 07:24 AM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
aka-cyberman Offline
Double Tap

Registered: 01/12/10
Posts: 1745
Loc: Virginia, USA
City or County: Isle Of Wight County
Thanks lue-jones....you just ruined my day.....I read 2 of these links and had to step away....I'll read the rest later....We're getting too cozy with the UN as far as protecting our citizens go.....Unlike some of these other podunk countries around the world, we have a Constitution that has safeguards in it for citizens to protect ourselves.....But you already knew that.....In all seriousness, thanks for your information.
Keep Calm

#1068809 - 07/17/16 11:47 AM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
Posts: 611
Loc: Virginia, USA.
City or County: Vinton
Multiple officers were shot in Baton Rouge on July 17, 2016. (Credit: CNN)

Three officers are feared dead after a shooting in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, officials said.

Kip Holden, the mayor-president of East Baton Rouge Parish, said authorities were still trying to get a handle on the situation, but added, “The count is three officers dead possibly.”

The victims may include police officers and sheriff’s deputies

“There is still an active scene. They are investigating,” he said. “Right now we are trying to get our arms around everything.”

The shooter is believed to be down as well, Holden said.

“Everything is moving fast and I have not been able to verify everything,” he said.

3 Baton Rouge Police Officers Feared Dead

Another deadly attack upon law enforcement, the result of a very dangerous political and social climate within the United States. While this is still breaking news and facts are notoriously hard to come by at the initial stages of these types of news events I can not help but wonder how many people still think its business as usual within the United States?

#1068820 - 07/17/16 12:10 PM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
aka-cyberman Offline
Double Tap

Registered: 01/12/10
Posts: 1745
Loc: Virginia, USA
City or County: Isle Of Wight County
We're going to hell in a hand basket. I'm 64 years old and it's going to be a wild ride to the finish line. I can see it coming. God help us all. Pray for all Law Enforcement.
Keep Calm

#1068853 - 07/17/16 02:24 PM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
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Loc: Virginia, USA.
City or County: Vinton
It has been a stated goal of the Communist agitator propagandists, no doubt radicalized and indoctrinated by the socialist left wing and their propaganda tool known as the mainstream media to change police culture within the United States. The basis behind their goals being lies, half truths and out of context excuses used to justify the means to their end.

“Everybody involved in the Black Lives Matter movement … I want all of them to maintain a respectful, thoughtful tone — because, as a practical matter, that’s what’s going to get change done,” Obama said.

Immediately after those shootings, Obama had sought to use the two shootings to push his campaign to get more federal regulatory control over state and local police forces.

The shooter is not reflective of the large movement to bring about change that was out in Dallas to peacefully demonstrate,” Jeh Johnson, Obama’s loyal head of the the Department of Homeland Security, told a CBS interviewer on Sunday.

Obama Take Over of Police

Former Prosecutor Sues Obama For Instigating Race War

Anti-Cop Rhetoric and Violence That Followed To Haunt Obama Legacy

Rapper: Violence Against Police Will Continue Until Justice Is Done

Black Lives Matters Financial Contributors

What exactly does one expect to happen as a result of repeated attacks upon law enforcement in the United States? Some possible outcomes include gun control measures (already being discussed), a loss of freedom from a fearful law enforcement community and general public willing to sacrifice freedom for alleged relative safety, a change in police culture itself (see body camera's, changes in rules of engagement, hiring practices, changes in adminstration etc.).

And that is just the tip of the iceberg of what can be achieved by a prolonged war against police. Which appears to be exactly what the communist are doing, while ultimately using law enforcement as both target practice, hand puppet and enforcement tool to aide in their insurgency.

This will ultimately result in more politically correct policing, where officers hands will be tied in many cases resulting in what could mildly be explained as insanity when it comes to justice. In many ways, we're already well passed that point already. Only its going to get worse. Again, the histories of Rhodesia and South Africa come to mind.

As I have stated before, the widely publicized 'Jade Helm' military operation on American soil not so coincidentally listed states that have a secessionist movement as hostile territory. As most of you know, the civil war was fought over just such an action. The federal government has been increasingly encroaching upon states rights within the United States, again, exactly the same kind of over reach that lead to the civil war to begin with. And its increasingly in regularity, which will of course ratchet up states re-actions.

We have a federal government out of control, with factions of that government at the highest levels aiding the communist insurgency taking place within the United States at any and all levels possible. There is ample evidence to suggest that the United Nations, a group made up of powerful world leaders, is playing a tremendous role in driving the ideological concepts behind the White Houses influence and support of this communist insurgency.

Below we see links to information surrounding the recent coup attempt in Turkey. Those loyal to the Turkish government, mainly the military and police have rounded up those suspected as being part of the "virus" that lead to the coup attempt. That virus obviously being those sympathetic to the ideological causation behind the coup attempt to begin with.

Notice how one source, attempting to explain the ideological reasoning behind the coup, attempts to connect the dots with laws that are meant to change the character of a nation. Does that sound familiar to anyone?

Put your critical thinking cap on and stop to think how the communist mainstream media would paint any growing movement within the United States that does not support the communist insurgency meant to destroy America, her values and way of life and replace it with a socialist indoctrinated nation of yes men?

One does not have to look far at how the confederacy is propagandized, painted with a scarlet letter and demonized in todays modern society to see exactly how steep the grade is. If you openly oppose the actions of the government in any way, you're a terrorist ladies and gentlement. The message is clear, lay over and play dead while the definition of America is re-written or become law enforcements sovereign citizen, domestic terrorist, right wing extremist that they have been warning everyone about for so long. Propaganda at its finest, anti-American at its core.

For those interested in reading more:

Coup Attempted Failed: Turkish PM says 265 Dead

Turkish Coup Attempt: Thousands Rounded Up

Turkish President Denounces Treason

However domestically it's been just as much of a problem, as laws have been passed attempting to change the character of the nation, enforcing Islamic values, instead of secular Turkish values. This naturally has included censorship and oppression.

Heres Why There Was a Coup Attempt

What Caused The Turkish Coup Attempt

Turkeys Coup: Gulen Movement Explained

Turkey Coup Attempt: More Questions Than Answers

Turkey Coup Attempt May Have Been Staged

Coup Attempt Leads To Conspiracy Theories

#1069934 - 07/20/16 02:06 PM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
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City or County: Vinton
Massachusetts Bans Sale Of All New Assault Weapons

The Loophole in the Assault Weapons Ban

Mass. AG Calls for Reinstatement of Federal Assault Weapons Ban

Look for more headlines like the one above and worse in the future. I still see many Americans who seem to be depending on these 2016 elections as some kind of saving grace. That if Trump wins, we will turn this ship around. While I would like to believe in this fairy tale, the writing on the wall suggests a date with destiny. Prepare accordingly.

#1069989 - 07/20/16 04:36 PM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
aka-cyberman Offline
Double Tap

Registered: 01/12/10
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Loc: Virginia, USA
City or County: Isle Of Wight County
Can someone still buy, sell, or trade a Used One?
Keep Calm

#1070045 - 07/20/16 06:49 PM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
LBwill1960 Offline
Responsible for all the world's problems

Registered: 01/21/12
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You can bet this is just the beginning. frown frown frown
WHEN hitlary becomes president she'll make it nationwide .
What goes up ,must come down .Or something like that smirk

#1070169 - 07/21/16 03:00 AM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
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City or County: Vinton
It's Official: The U.S. is Becoming a Minority-Majority Nation

Census data shows there are more minority children under age 5 than whites.

Its Official: The U.S. is now a minority-Majority

Cultural Marxism, cultural genocide.

#1071152 - 07/23/16 05:17 PM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
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City or County: Vinton

#1071392 - 07/24/16 12:04 PM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
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City or County: Vinton
Kerry: Air Conditioners As Big Of Threat As ISIS

Not long ago I saw a bumper sticker detailing America's other deficit, critical thinking. A perfect example of this is the running jokes over the last few days concerning Secretary of State John Kerrys speech on refridgeration chemicals being as dangerous as the terrorist organization ISIS.

Only when you look closer at the root of the speech it becomes clear the United Nations is involved and the vision that is forming of what these people have planned for the future is concerning.

As I have detailed throughout this thread, the United Nations is playing an ever increasing role in the lives of Americans.

We made it! After three years of inter-governmental negotiations, consultations with millions of people worldwide and thousands of inputs from experts, United Nations' (UN) member states will adopt Transforming our Lives this week at the UN Summit to adopt the Post-2015 development agenda.

In doing so, states will agree to a new agenda for global sustainable development, replacing the eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) that expire at the end of this year. Over the next 15 years, the international community will be guided by 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) integrating the three broad pillars of sustainable development: economic, social and [b]environmental well-being.

They expand on the unfinished business of the MDGs -- which largely focus on social aspects of development such as health, gender equality and education -- to include much greater attention to issues related to the environment and climate change, employment, economic growth, inequality and peace and security, inter alia.

Huffington Post: Sustainable Development

For those interested in reading more:

UN: Sustainable Goals

UN Sustainable Development Agenda

#1071454 - 07/24/16 03:19 PM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
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Loc: Virginia, USA.
City or County: Vinton
DNC Emails will be the biggest scandal in a generation

The link above alleges emails recently released from the Democratic National Convention prove the mainstream media is actively working with political leaders to help shape the election. While this should come to nobody as a surprise, it is very interesting none the less to read more about those emails.

Below we see information which further suggest the voting process itself is rigged and not nearly as democratic, fair and balanced as some would have you believe.

Sanders supporters and grassroots activists delivered a petition with 600,000 signatures demanding the Democratic Party end the use of unelected officials to help determine presidential nominees.

Chaos! Sanders Supporters Demand Change

Super delegates are not representational votes but rather are votes from individuals that can be cast any way they want and no doubt these delegates can be swayed.

Note To Sanders Supporters

#1071540 - 07/24/16 06:11 PM Re: Communism in the United States Today [Re: lue-jones]
aka-cyberman Offline
Double Tap

Registered: 01/12/10
Posts: 1745
Loc: Virginia, USA
City or County: Isle Of Wight County
No scandal....They just got caught.....Lee Atwater is laughing his you know what off from above
Keep Calm

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