#1618 - 07/26/09 01:19 AM
Hey Im new to the site and I wanted some help with some of the terms such as bump. Thanks much appreciated.
A. Moore
#1619 - 07/26/09 01:29 AM
Bolt action
Registered: 06/29/09
Posts: 160
Loc: Loudoun
City or County: Ashburn
Hi, I'm relatively new myself. Here's what I have figured out:
TTT - To The Top
BTT - Back To Top
FTF - Face to Face
SPF - Sold Pending Funds
Bump - It's an acronym that I forgot, but means the same as TTT or BTT. Puts your post at the top of the list.
#1621 - 07/27/09 01:59 PM
WTT - Want To Trade
WTB - Want To Buy
WTS - Want To Sell
NIB - New In Box
DAO - Double Action Only
SAO - Single Action Only
SA/DA - Single Action/Dual Action
FFL - Federal Firearms Liscense
FA - Full Auto
#1622 - 07/27/09 07:37 PM
2A 4 All
Registered: 01/12/09
Posts: 3788
Loc: VA
City or County: 22973
LN=Like new
LNIB= Like New In Box
IANAL= I am not a lawyer
IANALNDIPOOTV= I am not a lawyer nor do I play one on Television
You thought the "Deep State" could frame and imprison Donald Trump. Now he's OUR President, again!
Hahaha, suck it you libtards!
I hear North Korea is accepting stoopids. Oh, I mean unhappy American Liberals
#1623 - 07/28/09 01:23 AM
former Moderator (site babysitter)
Registered: 05/03/09
Posts: 3636
Loc: Hanover/Mechanicsville
City or County: Hanover/Hampton/VAB/and in between
IMHO=in my honest opinion
CCL=conceal carry license
PM=private message
G(insert number here)=glockwhatevermodelnumber-you see this a lot lately
IWB=inside waist band holster
SXS=side by side
Only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you. 1. Jesus Christ 2. The American G.I. "One died for your soul, the other for your freedom!"
#1625 - 01/25/10 11:02 PM
Single barrel
Registered: 01/21/10
Posts: 45
Loc: Richmond
City or County: Richmond
#1626 - 01/25/10 11:03 PM
Plastic Pistol Scout Sniper
Registered: 03/30/09
Posts: 3835
Loc: Augusta GA
City or County: Augusta
[user=7924]thomashp[/user] wrote: Concealed Hand Gun Permit. Also some people use CCW Concealed Carry Weapon.
#1627 - 01/26/10 02:27 AM
Registered: 05/08/09
Posts: 279
Loc: Arkansas (was No.Va)
City or County: Hot Springs
IITYWTMWYBMAD = If I Tell You What This Means Will You Buy Me A Drink?
#1628 - 01/26/10 12:57 PM
Seraph ShadowCell
Registered: 11/27/08
Posts: 331
[user=1832]sundydrver[/user] wrote: IITYWTMWYBMAD = If I Tell You What This Means Will You Buy Me A Drink? Like it, Like it!
#1629 - 02/01/10 01:15 AM
Registered: 12/11/08
Posts: 380
Loc: League City, Texas formerly Wo...
City or County: League City, TX
TEOTWAWKI – the end of the world as we know it WTSHTF (TSHTF or SHTF) – when the stuff hits the fan BOB – bug out bag BOV – bug out vehicle LGS - Local Gun Shop MBR - Main Battle Rifle CQC - Close Quarters Combat CQB - Close Quarters Battle CCP - Concealed Carry Permit CCW - Concealed Carry Weapon CWP - Concealed Weapons Permit PSA - Personal Sidearm LRG - Long Range Gun LRW - Long Range Weapon GOOD – get out of Dodge (i.e. good kit = BOB) JIC – just in case MRE – meals ready to eat CONUS – continental United States The Crunch – WTSHTF WMD – weapons of mass destruction Decon – decontamination EMP – electromagnetic pulse FAK – first aid kit FIFO – first in first out (food rotation) FWIW – for what it’s worth GTG – good to go LIA – little ice age NBC – nuclear chemical biological warfare POV – personally owned vehicle POW – personally owned weapons Prepper – one who practices preparedness, a survivalist Sheep/Sheeple - Those who allow themselves to be herded for the good of the collective. Those who chant useless slogans instead of thinking. Those who depend on their masters for all their needs. OTF - Out There Flapping (what a nonprepper would be doing when SHTF) BOHICA - Bend Over Here It Comes Again KISS - Keep it simple stupid HDR - Homeland Defense Rifle [img]http://hunkerdownusa.files.wordpress.com/2009/12/power_to_the_sheeple_obama_sticker-p217556007480502422qjcl_400.jpg?w=400&h=400[/img]
#1630 - 02/01/10 09:05 PM
Double barrel
Registered: 01/01/10
Posts: 92
Loc: Woodbridge VA
City or County: Woodbridge
What is the meaning of Mana under users account info?
#1631 - 02/07/10 02:00 PM
Gun fool
Registered: 09/08/09
Posts: 896
Loc: Martinsville,VA area
City or County: Henry County
FORD, found on roadside dead, fix or repair daily, first on race day, just a few I'm sure there are more....LOL (laugh out loud).......................
"just resting my soul"
#1632 - 02/24/10 12:35 AM
Registered: 06/14/09
Posts: 3574
Loc: Midlothian Va 23112
City or County: Chesterfield County
WDYGATSF?LMSMSWCABC= where do you get all this shit from let's make some more so we can all be confused :P
#1633 - 03/01/10 10:07 AM
Gun fool
Registered: 01/08/10
Posts: 946
Loc: Goochland, VA
City or County: Goochland
[user=7120]9MMDerringer[/user] wrote: What is the meaning of Mana under users account info? Mana is a peer rating system and per Crowdlg post in another thread on how mana is used- "if you think someone is good or did a good dealings with you can add [color:"#000000"][font:"Verdana"]mana[/font][/color] by clicking the mana under their name on the left side of the post. any post they make. you can only add to the mana of a person once and can take it back if need be. I have added mana to others before. Looks like I have some as well."
#1636 - 08/07/10 01:35 AM
hi, thanks for your posting , i am just want to know the imformation you have post. ------------ Tiffany[/b]
#98613 - 02/10/11 04:16 PM
[Re: ]
Lever Lvr
Registered: 12/27/10
Posts: 496
Loc: Richmond, VA
City or County: Chesterfield
What a wealth of info for the uninformed Thanks
#139410 - 05/15/11 11:57 AM
[Re: ElderOne]
Registered: 01/15/11
Posts: 117
Loc: Louisa County, VA
City or County: Louisa, VA
SS&KG = Superior Skill and Knowledge of the Game
#188250 - 08/21/11 06:21 PM
XD Owner
Pea shooter
Registered: 08/14/11
Posts: 4
Loc: Alexandria, VA
City or County: Alexandria
SA XD - Springfield Armory eXtreme Duty - a Croatian polymer pistol sold in several different calibers, colors, barrel lengths, etc.
XDm - Match grade XD. Follow on to the XD.
SC - subcompact, also South Carolina.
#188484 - 08/22/11 01:50 AM
[Re: XD Owner]
Just Joe
1Delta 10Tango A.D.L.
Registered: 10/05/10
Posts: 3047
Loc: Mechanicsville
City or County: Hanover
BTT - Buy This Today
#239083 - 12/12/11 03:20 PM
[Re: Just Joe]
Double barrel
Registered: 09/05/10
Posts: 82
Loc: VA
City or County: Alexandria
Low Ballers = someone with the cojones to shave $100 of your asking price.
"Fill your hand you son-of-a gun!" ..Rooster Cogburn
#253436 - 01/10/12 03:23 PM
[Re: Nero]
Gun fool
Registered: 02/19/10
Posts: 860
Loc: VA
City or County: Prince William County
Low Ballers = someone with the cojones to shave $100 of your asking price. No, in some case of lowballing flippers as much as 50%! Which is an automatic no sale. Flippers = a guy who lowballs or buys low to sell higher on vagt or other gun auction websites.
"Send lawyers, guns and money." - Warren Zevon