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#974385 - 11/26/15 07:06 AM Re: Syrian Refugees Coming to Richmond? [Re: 218albemarle]
LaserJock Offline
B * L * U * E

Registered: 11/21/08
Posts: 6285
Loc: NoVA 22192
City or County: NoVA 22192
The "MOST" secure way. Using what information from a war torn country. How is this information securely and accurately verified cross checked?

If I told you there is 1 poisoned grape in this bunch would you risk eating a few?

Let's use the most recent attack that occured in the US as it is still fresh in our minds. The Boston marathon bombers were Chenyan born refugees with ties to Muslim and radical Islam.


A repeat of attacks similar to Paris is not an if but when in American soil yet we allow them to enter our country.

The action of some governors to block refugees may be seen as a reaction to being forced into a corner and political maneuvering. Along the lines of they already know the act won't accomplish the intended but a CYA and an ace in the hole that may be used at a later time in their political career. Hey I was one of the one who opposed that remember and vote for me.

Housing Syrian refugees in your own home is your choice. The decision to bring them into this country is against my choice. I would not want to place that risk on my fellow Americans.

#974395 - 11/26/15 07:57 AM Re: Syrian Refugees Coming to Richmond? [Re: Shotz]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
Posts: 611
Loc: Virginia, USA.
City or County: Vinton
Originally Posted By: Shotz
... Just so we're clear ... you know that the refugee process is like, the MOST secure way to enter the country, yes?

Takes on average 18 - 24 months...

Potential refugees are vetting by the UNHCR, then that list is sent to our State / Homeland groups for further vetting and paring down..

Seriously, if I were a terrorist or wished to find a way into the US to execute a plan of ill intent; filing for refugee status would be the absolute LAST way I'd try to come into the country..

And to be fair ... let's look at terrorists in the United States over the last 20 years .. the demographic tends to be .. wait for it ... white males who identify as Christian.

And since it's the crux of the issue - yes, my family absolutely would host refugees in our home.

The fact you look to the United Nations in matters of United States national security is troubling, but the truth of the matter is your entire post above is disturbing on a number of levels. Unfortunately, you're not alone in opinions such as these. So I am sure you rest easy at night knowing your short sightedness is in fact shared by the majority of Americans who are politically correct and naive in nature.

Washington (CNN)The Paris terrorist attacks have intensified a debate in Washington over whether the United States should allow Syrian refugees to enter the country.

Following reports that one of the terrorists involved in the strike entered Europe as part of a wave of Syrians fleeing the country's civil war, Republicans on and off the campaign trail are pressing President Barack Obama not to accept the displaced people. Many Republican governors, meanwhile, have said they won't allow Syrian refugees into their states.

Here's how the refugee process works.

How do refugees come to the United States?

Potential refugees first apply for refugee status through the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), the international body in charge of protecting and assisting refugees.

The UNHCR essentially decides who merits refugee status based on the parameters laid out in the 1951 Refugee Convention, which states that a refugee is someone who "owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality, and is unable to, or owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country."

If it's demonstrated that the refugee in question meets the above conditions, the applicant may be referred by the UNHRC for resettlement in a third country, such as the United States, where he or she will be given legal resident status and eventually be able to apply for citizenship.

How do Syrian Refugee's Get Into The U.S.

The registration process includes in-depth refugee interviews, home country reference checks and biological screening such as iris scans. Military combatants are weeded out.

Among those who pass background checks, a small percentage are referred for overseas resettlement based on criteria designed to determine the most vulnerable cases. This group may include survivors of torture, victims of sexual violence, targets of political persecution, the medically needy, families with multiple children and a female head of household.

Heres how the Process Works

So when we examine the UNHCR vetting process we find it starts off with little more than deciding if an individual meets a particular set of criteria based on meeting the definition of refugee. Further more, as we see below, there is not a sufficient enough process in place to vet these "refugee's" for posing a potential threat to national security because we have hardly any information on the majority to begin with.

So what good is an "intensive screening" when you don't have any information on these people from the start? You can go through 10 different agencies, none of whom are armed with any information about an individual and all reach the same conclusion. Zero information about an individual, is zero information. And that is how a potential terrorist can go through "intensive screening" and slip right through the cracks.

When we start to examine how the process works closely it becomes readily apparent the entire thing is little more than a joke. In Paris one of those killed in a police raid was a female, lending credibility to the fact those aligned with the enemy can in fact be anyone. Not just military aged males, with "military combatants" being weeded out a quite subjective term that is very broad in scope. Even journalists can be labeled combatants now. So they can hide behind the weeding out process with any number of excuses due to conventional definition alone. The entire process is filled with holes big enough to drive a truck through.

And with the kind of numbers we're talking about with these refugee's, where the magnitude ranges from conservative estimates of 10,000 to approaching 100,000 + they would have had to of started vetting refugee's years ago with the time frame quoted in the media (18-24 months) or they're basically packing them in like sardines. The kind of man power required to do that kind of vetting process in the time length we've been given would be enormous.

The cost alone of such a thing would prohibitive and thats not getting into how much its going to cost American tax payers to shoulder the burden of giving them allowances, a place to stay, food to eat and everything else being afforded to them now. And all of this is alleged to be the result of a Syrian Civil War that the United States has played a huge role in to begin with that the American people wanted no part of.

ISIS: We Will Use Refugee Crisis to Infiltrate West

ISIS Infiltrating Refugee's

At the hearing Wednesday, an FBI official also questioned whether the U.S. intelligence community – with few assets on the ground in Syria and little insight into the country from elsewhere – can provide authorities with the information they need to properly determine whether any refugee could pose a threat.

"You have to have information to vet,” said FBI Assistant Director Michael Steinbach, who heads the bureau’s counterterrorism division. “Databases don't [have] the information on those individuals, and that's the concern.”

Officials Fear Syrian Refugee's Pose a Threat

I don’t, obviously, put it past the likes of ISIL to infilitrate operatives among these refugees, so that’s a huge concern of ours,” Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said at a security industry conference in September, using another name for the Islamic State. He added that the government has “a pretty aggressive program” for screening refugees but that he is less confident about European nations.

FBI Director James Comey added in congressional testimony last month that “a number of people who were of serious concern” slipped through the screening of Iraq War refugees, including two arrested on terrorism-related charges. “There’s no doubt that was the product of a less than excellent vetting,” he said.

Although Comey said the process has since “improved dramatically,” Syrian refugees will be even harder to check because, unlike in Iraq, U.S. soldiers have not been on the ground collecting information on the local population. “If we don’t know much about somebody, there won’t be anything in our data,” he said. “I can’t sit here and offer anybody an absolute assurance that there’s no risk associated with this.”

Senior Obama Officials Warns of Challenges in Screening Refugee's

'Barbarians are at the gate,' says congressman

Rep. John Katko, R-N.Y., asked Steinbach if he could suggest ways to go about getting this vital background information that would separate legitimate refugees from those who may be seeking to enter the U.S. to harm Americans.

“I just don’t think you can go and get it,” Steinbach said.
“You’re talking about a country that’s a failed state, does not have any infrastructure so to speak. So all the data sets, the police, the intel services, that you would normally go to and seek that information, don’t exist.”

“And that obviously raises a grave concern of being able to do proper background checks on individuals coming into the country?” Katko asked.

“Yes,” Steinbach responded.

Syrian Refugee Program Called Back Door for Jihadists

FBI director James Comey said the federal government does not have the ability to conduct thorough background checks on Syrian refugees

FBI Admits It Cant Vet All Refugee's

So the very same refugee's you would allow to stay at your home with your family are the very same refugee's officials in our very own government are concerned about. When being politically correct sacrifices the truth and puts everyone in danger its time to re-evaluate your position.

The fact you would sacrifice your own family in order to be politically correct is incredibly irresponsible, yet it reflects the majority of the countries opinions on matters such as these. So afraid of being labeled racist, a biggot, irrational etc. that you would sacrifice the truth and even your own families safety in order to be politically correct.

Also disturbing is the fact you're parroting Department of Homeland Security propaganda that the real terrorists are in fact White Christian Americans, not the radical Islamic fundamentalists being brought into this country who are poorly vetted with little to no true data about who they are, where they've been or what they're capable of doing.

In closing, I will leave you and everyone else a nice little list of sources which is growing by leaps and bounds on a regular basis. Information is power. The most dangerous of all men are not those with firearms, but in fact men armed with facts.

For those interested in reading more:

Revolutionary Communist Party, USA linked to Pro Amnesty

Communist Party USA calls for 'street heat' to push for Amnesty

Muslim Gangs Plunder German Churches

Germany Cracks Down on Online Anti-Immigrant Speech

Angela Merkels Response to Mass Migration Concerns

Sunni Muslims March for Jihad in Copenhagen

Muslim Migrants March Through Slovenia like Invading Soldiers

Swedes Find Weapons Stash at Migrant Center

Migrant Crisis: Refugee's Trudge Through Hungary

Refugee Crisis: Europe Takes Many, Gulf States Take None

Gun men attack luxary hotel in Mali

Paris Attacks

Paris Attack Leaves More Than 100 Dead

Islamic Invasion Pulls Trigger: Europeans Scramble for Guns

EU Response to Paris Attacks

Muslims Say They Will Make it Legal to Rape White Women

What Muslim Immigrants Secretly Say: Raping, Robbing

Muslim Migrant Rapes 7 year old European Child

Sweden: Rape Capital of the West

Americans Need to See Why Sweden is Rape Capital of West

Sweden Shocked Again as Swedish Woman Raped to Death by Immigrant

Sweden Raises Terror Threat Level

Belgium Raises Terror Threat Level

EU Running Out of Money to Handle Immigration Crisis

Migration Crisis Causing Deep Division

As Migrants Flow In, More Europeans Question Open Borders

Obama Opens Borders

Obama Admin Issues Leaflet to ISIS Warning of Bombing Run

Muslim Truck Drivers Refuse to Deliver Beer, Win Lawsuit

Honduras Detains 5 Syrians With Stolen Passports

Exploding Muslim Immigration Overwhelms the FBI

Study: Mideast Immigrants Pose Security Threat to the U.S.

Immigration to Swell U.S. Muslim Population to 6.2 Million

Obama Administration to Import Thousands of Syrian Refugee's

Muslim Immigration to U.S. is Staggering

U.S. To Take Atleast 10,000 More Syrian Refugee's

Refugee Crisis: Pressure Builds for U.S. To Take In More Refugee's

Missing Syrian Refugee Found in D.C.

Big List of Muslim Terrorists Attacks in U.S.

Obama Rejects Intell on Known Islamic Terrorists

Communist Attorney General Vows to Prosecute Anti-Muslim Rhetoric

Teenager Claims She Was Gang Raped by Syrian Refugee's

Michigan City Adopts Sharia Law

Poll: Most U.S. Muslims Would Trade Constitution for Sharia Law

Muslims Try to Pass Sharia Law in Alabama

Muslim Call to Prayer on UCLA Campus

UCLA: Allah is Great Call to Prayer

Cultural Genocide

CNN Guest: Its Cultural Genocide

Originally Compiled below:

Communism in the United States Today

#974454 - 11/26/15 10:50 AM Re: Syrian Refugees Coming to Richmond? [Re: 218albemarle]
Mark S Offline
Mark S

Registered: 04/29/10
Posts: 4044
Loc: Rappahannock County, VA
City or County: Front Royal
Go lue!

I'll go with the head of the FBI who says he doesn't have an effective way to screen them vs the head of DHS who had 72 guys on the terror watch list working in TSA...

The process is only as good as the access you have to data about the refugees previous life. For many countries and Syria specifically we have NO data.

As far as freedom of movement, the 'benefits' that go to refugees are generally delivered through the states and there is definitely a cost to taking them.

#974715 - 11/27/15 09:49 AM Re: Syrian Refugees Coming to Richmond? [Re: 218albemarle]
izymic Offline
Bolt action

Registered: 04/04/13
Posts: 152
City or County: Fairfax
we are F'ed

#974728 - 11/27/15 10:17 AM Re: Syrian Refugees Coming to Richmond? [Re: 218albemarle]
6.5x55 Offline
Nature points out the folly of men

Registered: 12/09/08
Posts: 3977
Loc: Ashland
City or County: Hanover
"If the US Founding Fathers were subjected to similar conditions growing up, there would not have been a revolution simply because there would not have been free thought that led the way to it.

So what will they be fighting for? Syria? A nation state that was created by the colonial powers after WW1?

Goofball comment from a noobie. Syria or Assyria predates Christianity. They have had a couple of thousand years to get their act together but can't. 'Free thought' is just that. Your mind (or at least mine) can think what it likes. The Greeks and Romans were in Syria more than a millenia ago. The seeds of democratic elections, representative government were planted long ago. For some reason the soils of most of the Persian and Arab world don't seem to allow those seeds to germinate and grow.

Why should we take in folks who have a proven track record of multigenerational acceptance of failure, corruption and despotism? It just doesn't fit with American ideals.

Resettle them is anotherm middle eastern country but keep them out of here.

Edited by 6.5x55 (11/27/15 12:48 PM)
Biden freak show open 24/7.

#975518 - 11/29/15 10:08 AM Re: Syrian Refugees Coming to Richmond? [Re: 218albemarle]
Paratus Offline

Registered: 05/17/09
Posts: 573
Loc: Virginia
City or County: Appomattox
Originally Posted By: 218albemarle
Has Clinton's Governor lost his freaking mind?

This would suggest that he had one to begin with. I believe that Fast Terry's purpose in being here is to facilitate Hillary's election and the progressive movement in Virginia with the ultimate intent to turn the state into a "blue" state. With this will be the associated reductions in individual rights and freedoms that we see with progressive (statist, liberal, communists, socialist are all synonyms) rule. IF I remember correctly, a while ago Terry ran for the gov mansion in Florida with the same intent.

Terry is all in on moving the Syrian Tsunami to Richmond under the guise of a humanitarian effort. In reality, like politicians generally, the concept has its backing in political aims. Terry was elected by an uninformed electorate who are willing to trade freedom for more government.

People need to wake up and realize that the Democrat party is the most dangerous group we face as a nation, far more dangerous than ISIS or Syrians. The war for our nation is in full swing. Make no mistake, Terry and the Dems are NOT looking out for anyone except themselves and their party.

#976033 - 11/30/15 12:58 PM Re: Syrian Refugees Coming to Richmond? [Re: 218albemarle]
Shotz Offline

Registered: 10/04/10
Posts: 670
Loc: Strasburg, Virginia
City or County: Manassas
Not looking to the UN to do any security work for us .. simply stating that BEFORE starting the US' vetting system, a refugee applicant must first apply to and be approved for that status through the UNHCR.

Laser, Lue - the video below will start to give you a little bit of information about what I mean by "most secure," and how the data is verified and cross-checked ..

Ten minutes ...

That's a convenient summary - but there's a whole host of more detailed documentation out there on the process - USCIS released an overview just last week..

Citing the Boston marathon bombing as an example of refugees committing heinous acts / we shouldn't let them in because terrorists! is silly .. The Tsarnaev's emigrated in 2002, Dzhokhar is a United States' Citizen, and Tamerlan had Permanent Resident Status ..

Using the "one bad grape in the bunch" argument is silly too - how many travelers come here as tourists each year? OMG, what if one is a bad grape - we should shut the border entirely!

Stating that the majority of refugee applicants / admittants are "military age men" is also silly. First; what's military age? Between 14 and 55? Ok, so like .. every male applicant.

Here's the UNHCR report on the demographics of Syrian refugees..

Again with the argument about "help our homeless / homeless vets first!" Ok, fine .. get out there and do it .. you know .. like these people .. who happen to be ... you guessed it.. Syrian refugees ...

"It costs too much." OK, so what's a life worth? How much should we be able to allocate to human issues per person? What parts cost too much? Are you going off of actual numbers, or is this again one of those "I heard it on facebook that every refugee gets free housing and a WIC card!"

We can go back and forth all day on examples to support each side - most anecdotal.

Finally, shame to you for turning away an entire group of people fleeing murder and persecution because of "potential" threats to our security. This is the United States of America .. I'm descended from immigrants and refugees - betcha you are too.

Your logic is flawed, but that's because your arguments are largely based in fear and misunderstanding.. If you don't like the national stance on accepting Syrian refugees - vote. If you don't like the state stance on accepting Syrian refugees - vote. Write a letter .. heck, volunteer even. Basically, you can do pretty much anything beyond complaining on the internet and be much more effective in your goals..

I still maintain that it's our duty as Americans to everything prudent to help these people (who make up what, 3% of the refugees we'll take in over the next year?) and any like them who look to us as the promise of hope and defense from evil..


Edited by Shotz (11/30/15 12:59 PM)
- - -
NRA Certified Instructor

Looking for: Ruger Charger, H&K P7 variants, Winchester 101 or similar, Sig P210. Mags for Savage MkII. AICS pattern mags for Rem700SA.

#976054 - 11/30/15 01:52 PM Re: Syrian Refugees Coming to Richmond? [Re: 218albemarle]
LaserJock Offline
B * L * U * E

Registered: 11/21/08
Posts: 6285
Loc: NoVA 22192
City or County: NoVA 22192
Lol if you keep calling my stance silly does that give me permission to call yours naive or brainwashed?

#976063 - 11/30/15 02:00 PM Re: Syrian Refugees Coming to Richmond? [Re: LaserJock]
Shotz Offline

Registered: 10/04/10
Posts: 670
Loc: Strasburg, Virginia
City or County: Manassas
Completely does! That's the beauty of it! We can push back and forth here all ninny-like, and then at the end of the day share a magazine on full auto and toast beer glasses.

I always come back to this saying that I have no idea who to credit to but cracks me up entirely..

"You're rightfully entitled to your own opinion - even if it's wrong." muttley

But seriously .. how is any issue going to be advanced without open discourse and the ABILITY to disagree on the most fundamental things?

Edited by Shotz (11/30/15 02:01 PM)
- - -
NRA Certified Instructor

Looking for: Ruger Charger, H&K P7 variants, Winchester 101 or similar, Sig P210. Mags for Savage MkII. AICS pattern mags for Rem700SA.

#976132 - 11/30/15 05:47 PM Re: Syrian Refugees Coming to Richmond? [Re: Shotz]
Mark S Offline
Mark S

Registered: 04/29/10
Posts: 4044
Loc: Rappahannock County, VA
City or County: Front Royal

You lost me at UN report. For those of us who have worked with their data, it's...poop.

Actually, you lost me at DHS report, sorry, I'll take FBI chief saying we can't screen over the BS coming from Jeh Johnson any day.

Edited by Mark S (11/30/15 05:48 PM)

#976226 - 11/30/15 08:18 PM Re: Syrian Refugees Coming to Richmond? [Re: 218albemarle]
Shotz Offline

Registered: 10/04/10
Posts: 670
Loc: Strasburg, Virginia
City or County: Manassas
Gosh golly, it's a good thing we didn't let in any Iraqi or Afghani refugees (300,000+) then - shucks, the streets would be flooded with insurgent Taliban and AQ fighters!

- - -
NRA Certified Instructor

Looking for: Ruger Charger, H&K P7 variants, Winchester 101 or similar, Sig P210. Mags for Savage MkII. AICS pattern mags for Rem700SA.

#976256 - 11/30/15 09:59 PM Re: Syrian Refugees Coming to Richmond? [Re: 218albemarle]
Mark S Offline
Mark S

Registered: 04/29/10
Posts: 4044
Loc: Rappahannock County, VA
City or County: Front Royal
Gosh golly, had nothing to do with the point.

But, since you brought it up. The head of the FBI never came out and said we did not have a vetting process for the Iraqis or the Afghanis they vetted. Nor, were they known to be infiltrated by ISIS (or I guess we'd say Fedayeen Saddam, AQ or Taliban). We also had pretty good records from the ministries in both of those countries.

Here's some data for you:
2014, from Eurostat - male asylum applicants 70% of total with the vast majority being of military age.
EU Male Asylum Applicants 2014

The rest of the stats:

Edited by Mark S (11/30/15 09:59 PM)

#976759 - 12/02/15 07:24 AM Re: Syrian Refugees Coming to Richmond? [Re: 218albemarle]
LaserJock Offline
B * L * U * E

Registered: 11/21/08
Posts: 6285
Loc: NoVA 22192
City or County: NoVA 22192
I was going to reply with something thought provoking, insightful ( maybe even inciteful ) but never you mind. . .

I now know another who I won't sell / trade firearms with. Some men you just can't reach.

#976811 - 12/02/15 09:41 AM Re: Syrian Refugees Coming to Richmond? [Re: Shotz]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
Posts: 611
Loc: Virginia, USA.
City or County: Vinton
Originally Posted By: Shotz
Not looking to the UN to do any security work for us .. simply stating that BEFORE starting the US' vetting system, a refugee applicant must first apply to and be approved for that status through the UNHCR.

Laser, Lue - the video below will start to give you a little bit of information about what I mean by "most secure," and how the data is verified and cross-checked ..

Ten minutes ...

It looks like you're back peddling while still maintaining your original intent to me. Below is just a reminder of what you actually said, which certainly looks like you're supporting sacrificing United States national security by putting it into the hands of the United Nations to me.

Originally Posted By: Shotz
... Just so we're clear ... you know that the refugee process is like, the MOST secure way to enter the country, yes?

Takes on average 18 - 24 months...

Potential refugees are vetting by the UNHCR, then that list is sent to our State / Homeland groups for further vetting and paring down..

You sound like everything that is wrong with the United States today. This country has become a shell of its former self and you're taking up hollow space. Unfortunately, you're not alone in that shell. The majority of the shell is occupied by air-heads just like you. There is always safety and comfort in numbers and behind you stands a majority of the country. So I have no doubt you're very comfortable in what amounts to selling this country out to be politically correct.

Originally Posted By: Shotz

Citing the Boston marathon bombing as an example of refugees committing heinous acts / we shouldn't let them in because terrorists! is silly .. The Tsarnaev's emigrated in 2002, Dzhokhar is a United States' Citizen, and Tamerlan had Permanent Resident Status ..

Here's the thing about working off your back foot, your momentum is in reverse and you're handicapped in putting up both a good offense and defensive. As exemplified by your rebuttals in this thread which are long on wind and short on common sense. You do realize the Tsarnaev brothers share the same religion as a majority of these refugee's right?

And that the Boston Marathon bombing, attributed to these two young men, represent one of many terrorists attacks carried out by Islamic extremists in the United States. Which is the crux of this entire issue, allowing extremists into the United States who pose potential threats to national security. Try to keep up Beaver.

Originally Posted By: Shotz

Using the "one bad grape in the bunch" argument is silly too - how many travelers come here as tourists each year? OMG, what if one is a bad grape - we should shut the border entirely!

OK, so what's a life worth?

Apparently one or several American lives is not worth very much to you. Because you're willing to sacrifice national security and along with it the safety of the entire country in order to maintain a politically correct ideological stance. All it takes is one bad apple to ruin an entire batch, but some people just don't understand the difference between apple cider and vinegar.

Originally Posted By: Shotz

What parts cost too much? Are you going off of actual numbers, or is this again one of those "I heard it on facebook that every refugee gets free housing and a WIC card!"

It doesn't sound like you've thought this out very thorougly to me. Although I am well aware it took days for you to respond, likely building up the courage to defend your Commie ideology its clear you're unable to see the forest for the tree's. If one was to put faith in your own thought process about the vetting these refugee's go through, by man hours alone you're talking a huge amount of money paying people to handle the interviewing, background checks and what is likely a mountain of paper work. And that is not getting into the stipends, plane tickets and welfare these refugee's apply for once they reach the shore.

Originally Posted By: Shotz

Finally, shame to you for turning away an entire group of people fleeing murder and persecution because of "potential" threats to our security. This is the United States of America ..

Fancy that, you're using the "this is the United States of America" stance while fully supporting the undermining of the entire country. How ironic you would support putting national security at risk along with American lives and justify it by attempting to remind us of who we are. Its ideology just like yours that will be the downfall of this country and I do not believe you have one patriotic bone in your body. In fact, one could easily make the case you support treasonous acts. Which would make you a traitor.

Originally Posted By: Shotz
And since immigration is a federal issue, can this "coalition of governors" really restrict the interstate movement of refugees that have been lawfully admitted this country?

Unfortunately, we are dealing with a very serious subject. One only needs to examine the history of the American Civil War to see where the debate of states rights can lead. And just in recent times we've had many national and social debates concerning numerous subjects which fall under the states rights vs. federal government oversight debate. And I would be willing to bet a number of related issues will continue to pop up until some states throw their hands up and seriously consider secession. Many have secessionists movements in place already.

Obama to States: You Don't Have the Power to Stop Refugee's

Obamacare, the Confederate flag controversy, same sex marriage and even Operation Jade Helm "coincidentally" listed as occurring in states that just happen to have secessionists movements a foot just off the top of my head. This is all being purposefully forced upon the American people for a reason. Division. A pillar of Communist based ideology. The class struggle, pitting the proletariat vs bourgeois. The have's vs. the have nots.

Precedent was set long ago over federal over reach versus states rights. For those of you like Shotz who will side with the government no matter what, understand what you're supporting is trashing the old America in favor of the new. And new means different, different means not the same. And if you're supporting turning this country into something else, you're no patriot to put it very shortly. Believe me, I could expand.

When you have a nation divided, particularly when the majority are influenced by the mainstream media and popular culture to take anti-American stances in favor of politically correct thought you have a powder keg kind of situation. It has been my position for sometime now this is all originating by purposeful design, not the result of random events which it appears to be at first glance. There are very intelligent people who have a plan in mind and we're seeing it executed in real time. Look no further than the United Nations and world leaders across the globe to see where it all leads back too.

Take a good look at DHS puppet Shotz and his echoing of who the real terrorists are in the United States and ask yourself why would white, Christian Americans be considered potential domestic terrorists? I think the answer is obvious. If the plan is to fundamentally change the United States and other countries, you start by demonizing those who would oppose that change pre-emptively in order to stiffle support. To understand where the anti-white, anti-christian, anti-American rhetoric is coming from look no further as to why those individuals would be inclined to stand up and say no more.

For these reasons and more I believe this is a very serious topic, and unfortunately I think real Americans are the minority. If you possess an anti-politically correct stance, you've already been pre-emptively labeled a domestic terrorist. Imagine how the mainstream media would portray genuine Americans who have the countries true best interest in mind by oppossing this new world order we're seeing unfold in front of us? By those who are taking stances which go against the popular social direction supported by the majority of Americans who are influenced by the media?

You have to look no further than the propaganda about the Confederate States of America to see what it looks like to be on the losing end of states rights disputes. And by the might of the United States military alone, lead by the same government in question you're talking about nearly insurmountable odds. Ive said it before, but if you're with the minority you're the enemy. The majority have been drinking the Kool-Aid for so long that those who can see past their noses are already on the losing end of the debate before it even starts.

Your options are pretty limited. Either drink the Kool-Aid and sell out your country and fellow country men or be marginalized. Its easy to go along with the majority, the safe direction. But its harder to swim upstream against the current. And this time I think its going to be much harder than most realize. Serious business people, are you an American or are you sheep?

#977277 - 12/03/15 11:39 AM Re: Syrian Refugees Coming to Richmond? [Re: Shotz]
lue-jones Offline

Registered: 02/17/12
Posts: 611
Loc: Virginia, USA.
City or County: Vinton
The latest mass shooting event just happened to be by a Muslim man named Syed Farook. Which should come to absolutely nobody as a surprise. Information is still coming out since the shooting only recently unfolded, so I expect it to change much the same as in the recent terrorist event in Paris, France. But here is what we know so far.

6:40 a.m.: The Telegraph (UK), citing the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), reports that female suspect Tashfeen Malik is originally from Pakistan–not Russia, as some early reports erroneously claimed.

The couple had a child believed to have been born in May this year, according to Hussam Ayloush, Council of American Islamic Relation executive director.

Farook’s family was originally from South Asia, while Malik was believed to be from Pakistan and had lived in Saudi Arabia before coming to the United States, Mr Ayloush said.

5:30 a.m.: Political correctness may have played a role, as suspicious neighbors declined to report the suspects for fear of “racial profiling.” CBS Los Angeles reports:

Neighbors in Redlands were shocked that the suspects had ties to their area.

“I was in awe that it was happening four houses down form my property,” one neighbor said.

A man who has been working in the area said he noticed a half-dozen Middle Eastern men in the area in recent weeks, but decided not to report anything since he did not wish to racially profile those people.

8:37 p.m.: From the Wall Street Journal: “Government records show Mr. Farook, a U.S. citizen, traveled to Saudi Arabia last year.”

8:16 p.m.: From Jordan Schachtel:

CAIR is preparing a press conference for 8:30 PM in Anaheim, California. Just an hour before Wednesday’s shooting in San Bernardino, CAIR was demanding the FBI get involved in an alleged desecration of a Quran:

He was very religious. He would go to work, come back, go to pray, come back. He’s Muslim.

The Los Angeles Times reports that its sources indicate the lead gunman was a U.S. citizen. 6:00 p.m.: Adelle Nazarian of Breitbart News notes that CNN analysts say the attack looks like terrorism:

Speaking on CNN’s Out Front with Erin Burnett Wednesday, former CIA case officer Robert Baer said the most “disturbing” aspect of the deadly San Bernardino shooting is that it was carried out using tactics that are employed in the Middle East. “What I don’t like about this shooting is multiple shooters… IEDs… I say this very reluctantly, but this has the hallmarks of the sort of attacks you see in the Middle East,” Baer said. Former FBI special agent Robert Chacon agreed with Baer’

One report indicates that ISIS supporters are celebrating the attack on Twitter.

The Huffington Post’s Sam Stein and Arthur Delaney are mocking people tweeting prayers for the victims and those in the line of fire:

Public officials are the people society trusts to solve society’s ills. Like, say, gun violence. But every time multiple people have been gunned down in a mass shooting, all these officials can seemingly do is rush to offer their useless thoughts and prayers. And so they did after news broke about multiple casualties in San Bernardino, California, on Wednesday.

Hillary Clinton
I refuse to accept this as normal. We must take action to stop gun violence now. -H

twitter.com - 2 Dec 2015

Martin O'Malley

Horrifying news out of #SanBernardino. Enough is enough: it's time to stand up to the @NRA and enact meaningful gun safety laws

San Bernadino Shooting: Day Two

#977354 - 12/03/15 03:58 PM Re: Syrian Refugees Coming to Richmond? [Re: joea22]
DieselRock Offline
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Originally Posted By: joea22
All the refugees I have seen, are extremely gracious and respectful. There are bad apples ( in this case extremely bad apples) amongst all groups. Did we forget about the Islamic extremists already on US soil!? In camps and compounds we know about?

The refugees are just that, they have been displaced by horrendous acts of hatred and injustice. Is it Americas responsibility to care for them? No. But does that mean we shouldn't? I hope not. Don't be so quick to judge them based on their religious beliefs. sometimes, being American can mean putting down your gun and giving someone a hug, and warm meal. i haven't seen a single post for advocacy of our vets( both in good standing and those who are less fortunate) until now, don't use their service as a crutch to spread your distaste for the decisions being made. Bottom line, Syrian people, whether they are Muslim or scientologist or what ever, are still humans like you and I. and if it was your children in place of theirs, you would be kicking down barriers and boarders to protect them just the same.

Joe, I am assuming that this means you will take a few in at your house?

#977434 - 12/03/15 07:43 PM Re: Syrian Refugees Coming to Richmond? [Re: 218albemarle]
6.5x55 Offline
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Gracious and a warm hug. So "We AreThe World", so touchy.

Here's the vetting: Raise your hand, have a fellow terrorist who speaks English lie for you, lay low for a few months, then disappear into the states like all the illegals crossing the border.

Muslim middle easterners need to be resettled in Muslim countries. California proved this week that assimilation is not working. The chief dipstick in D.C. thinks it ' might be a terrorist act'. These guys mix with American values like oil mixes with water.

Does anybody else find it odd that 'students' and 'low level workers' always seem to have a spare $1000 for a one way ticket back to Dirtbagistan for some jihad training? This is a cultural attack on the United States.

Like a previous poster noted, if you want to adopt a potential terrorist and house them go ahead. Otherwise keep them out, we've got enough already.
Biden freak show open 24/7.

#977448 - 12/03/15 08:12 PM Re: Syrian Refugees Coming to Richmond? [Re: joea22]
Sfach Offline
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This is a big mistake.

Edited by Sfach (12/03/15 08:14 PM)
Edit Reason: Oops

#977562 - 12/04/15 07:24 AM Re: Syrian Refugees Coming to Richmond? [Re: 218albemarle]
mwhod Offline

Registered: 11/04/09
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City or County: Rocky Mount Va.
Doesn't look like that voting is working out too well is it?

#977691 - 12/04/15 11:56 AM Re: Syrian Refugees Coming to Richmond? [Re: 218albemarle]
LaserJock Offline
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I am not the original creator of the following but thought it was dang funny. . ..

"Wait, they get in the country and get a free 'vette too?!

#978034 - 12/05/15 08:35 AM Re: Syrian Refugees Coming to Richmond? [Re: 218albemarle]
Mark S Offline
Mark S

Registered: 04/29/10
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Hey, where'd all you Syrian Refugee Program supporters go?

#978173 - 12/05/15 01:32 PM Re: Syrian Refugees Coming to Richmond? [Re: 218albemarle]
rugerguy45 Offline
Tree hugger

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I'm just worried if one of us had to self defend ourselfs against a radical we would be labeled as a racist and we would charged with a hate crime
Revelation 3:20- Behold I (Jesus) stand at the door (your heart) and knock if ANY man hears my voice and opens the door, I shall come in and sup with him and he with me.

Old body Ford parts
Fresh eggs
Lawn mowers

Your friendly local redneck.

#978310 - 12/05/15 08:39 PM Re: Syrian Refugees Coming to Richmond? [Re: 218albemarle]
Shotz Offline

Registered: 10/04/10
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Mark S, still right here. Still firmly believe that those fleeing tyranny, murder, and hell on earth deserve the consideration of humanity instead of the cold shoulder.
- - -
NRA Certified Instructor

Looking for: Ruger Charger, H&K P7 variants, Winchester 101 or similar, Sig P210. Mags for Savage MkII. AICS pattern mags for Rem700SA.

#978402 - 12/06/15 07:28 AM Re: Syrian Refugees Coming to Richmond? [Re: 218albemarle]
Mark S Offline
Mark S

Registered: 04/29/10
Posts: 4044
Loc: Rappahannock County, VA
City or County: Front Royal
I firmly believe that putting the safety and security of US citizens at risk when we're at war against global jihad is stupid.

#978444 - 12/06/15 09:29 AM Re: Syrian Refugees Coming to Richmond? [Re: 218albemarle]
tejtd35 Offline

Registered: 09/02/12
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Im with shotz

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