Spotting fake or counterfeit optics:How to spot fakes:Just be aware! Some sellers will catch your attention. Read the item descriptions carefully, to search for tell-tale phrases like "Inspired By" or "Replica". These alert you to the fact that the merchandise isn't AUTHENTIC. But still may gives seller protection from trademark infringement. Of course this only works if the seller is somewhat honest. Individuals who may have bought a fake may now be trying to recover their losses by trying to decisive others. If the price seems too good to be true it probably is!
Chances are, if the price of that optic seems just too good to be true, it probably is. If you're looking at brand name optic, at a ridiculously cheap price. Then they are more than likely fakes or replicas. A genuine product cost money for a Manufacture to make, and more money for a retailer to buy and resell. A legitimate retailer can NOT stay in business, if they are selling the real thing at 85% off the retail price. Always buy from a Trusted Seller! Check there (FEEDBACK)! And know you are getting a decent price, on a brand name product. Feedback is key. VaGuntrader has a feeback system while is it not perfect it is a great way to avoid potential issues. Members should be "of their word" being upfront and honest about a item. If the item is not genuine then the poster should list it as such.
What To Look For:Workmanship: Look at the quality of the glass. Most fakes are made of cheaper materials. That will feel lighter than premium originals. Compare photos to Manufactures photos. If they are not similar, this could indicate a fake. It could be something as simple as the logo upside down like the Magpul logo upside down.
Logo / Markings: Look carefully at the logos, logo quality. Fakes will usually have different fonts or sizes in writing. Look at the difference in the logo or lettering form one side to the other. Check papers and fabric tags. If they are made of cheaper lightweight materials, that a sing they may not be Authentic. Packaging: Optics sold unpackaged, or in unmarked plastic / felt sleeves. Are a sure sign of knock-off’s. Many people save the original packaging to prove later that the item is original. Optic Markings: Many manufactures use specific markings that knock-offs do not bother with. For example Trijicon places bible verses on their products. This info should be correct. Model #: Make sure the manufacture make that model number. Knock-off’s tend to have numbers that are NOT listed by the manufacture.
Here are some links to manufacture pages that gives specifics on their brands.
This is a work in progress if you have other manufactures pages please let me know and I will make changes. PM me to avoid clutter on the post.